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Кілька штрихів до сучасної української лірики під обстрілами
Several Remarks on Contemporary Ukrainian Lyrical Poetry under Fire Attacks
Kilka słów o współczesnej ukraińskiej poezji lirycznej w huku wojennym
Ковалів, Юрій
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
specyfika podmiotu
subject specificity
Nawiązując do aktualnej sytuacji w poezji współczesnej podczas kolejnych działań wojennych pomiędzy Rosją a Ukrainą, autor obala słynne powiedzenie Cycerona „Inter arma, silent Musae” (łac.: Pośród szczęku broni, milczą muzy). W dobie po 24 lutego na sile przybrał gatunek mobilny ze względu na pojawienie się psychotypu zapaleńca, w którym pamięć historyczna i etniczna dają asumpt do historycznie uzasadnionego oporu wobec moskiewskiego agresora, obrony domu, rodziny, ziemi, godności ludzkiej i narodowej. Taki żarliwiec stał się głównym bohaterem lirycznym we współczesnej poezji ukraińskiej, której wielu twórców rekrutuje się spośród żołnierzy Sił Zbrojnych Ukrainy, oddziałów Obrony Terytorialnej, sanitariuszy, ochotników, a także uchodźców i naocznych świadków bohaterskich czynów i cierpień na granicy życia i śmierci, dokonywanych i doznawanych w imieniu narodu. Pierwszorzędne znaczenie przypisuje się sile oporu Słowa, które może być atrakcyjne zarówno pod względem publicystycznym, jak i retorycznym. Ten środek wyrazu zyskuje jednak na głębi i znaczeniu, jeśli zostaje zaprzęgnięty na potrzeby zrozumienia konkretnych realiów wojskowych, osobiście doświadczanych przez poszczególnych autorów. Często przybiera formę przekonujących uogólnień, filozoficznych medytacji w szacie poezji, tworzących podwaliny namiętnej ontologii niezłomnego narodu ukraińskiego, usilnie dążącego do unicestwienia niszczycielskich sił Moskwy. Autor stwierdza, że bez znaczenia jest wybór rodzaju wiersza – czy to akcentowanego czterowiersza, czy giętkiego wiersza wolnego. W artykule autor przedstawia panoramę współczesnej poezji ukraińskiej, analizując jej specyficzne cechy gatunkowe i stylistyczne, poszukując korzeni twórczego potencjału słowa poetyckiego w trudzie wojennym. Jest to nowa, choć po brzegi zapisana, strona literatury ukraińskiej. W ogniu wojny rosyjsko-ukraińskiej poezja ukraińska uosabia nowy paradygmat sensów i oczekiwań, obalając aforyzm Cycerona. Osadzona w obiektywnych realiach frontowej codzienności, cierpienia, zmagań na granicy życia i śmierci twórczość zaświadcza o istnieniu nowego psychotypu bohatera lirycznego, odpowiadającego swemu fizycznemu pierwowzorowi, który staje do walki w obronie domu, rodziny, ziemi, godności ludzkiej i narodowej przeciwko moskiewskiemu agresorowi. Ukazana w artykule panorama współczesnej liryki ukraińskiej w jej różnorodności gatunkowej i stylistycznej daje podstawy, by wnioskować nie tylko o nieprzebranym potencjale twórczym najbardziej mobilnego gatunku – czy wręcz odmiany gatunkowej, lecz również o tym, że nowo wykształcony nurt literatury ukraińskiej zdążył przybrać dojrzałą formę. Omawiana w artykule wojenna poezja liryczna wpisuje się w nową narrację kulturową Ukrainy, ukierunkowaną na przewartościowanie i ugruntowanie koncepcji wojny i związanych z nią pojęć, takich jak ból, tragedia ludzka, możliwości człowieka, godność, ludzkie wartości, demokracja itp. W artykule poddano analizie i usystematyzowano nowe modele narracyjne i specyfikę stylistyczną współczesnych ukraińskich tekstów lirycznych.
In the paper, the author, referring to the real situation in the contemporary poetry during the new round of the Russian-Ukrainian war refutes the famous Cicero’s saying “Inter arma, silent Musae” (En. “When arms speak, Muses are silent”). After February 24th, a powerful rise of the mobile genre happened due to the emergence of the psychotype of the passionary, who, nourished by historical and ethnomental memory, motivates historically-justified resistance to the Moscow aggressor, defending his home, family, land, and human and national dignity. He became the main lyrical hero of the contemporary Ukrainian poetry, among the authors of which there are many soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukrainian, Territorial Defence troops, hospitallers, volunteers, as well as exiles and eyewitnesses of the national verge of life and death due to heroic actions and suffering. The primary importance is given to the resistive energy of the Word, which can be journalistically appealing and formulaically rhetorical. However, it is deeper and more important when it focuses on understanding the specific features of military reality, personally experienced by each author, which often acquire convincing generalisations, philosophical meditations, which in poetic form comprehend the passionate ontology of the inalienable Ukrainian people with the intention to eliminate the destructive forces of Moscow. The author states that it does not matter which verse forms are chosen – faceted quatrains or flexible verlibriums. In the paper, the author has highlighted the panorama of the contemporary Ukrainian poetry, analysing its specific genre and style features, clarifying the creative potential of the poetic word in the harsh circumstances of the war, a new thoroughly filled page of Ukrainian literature. The poetry in Ukraine in the situation of the Russian-Ukrainian war, refuting Cicero’s aphorism, acquired a new paradigm of senses and expectations. Immersed in the objective specifics of everyday life at the front, suffering, trials on the border of life and death, it testified to a new psychotype of the lyrical hero, analogous to his real prototype, who, defending his home, his family, his land, and human and national dignity, is motivated to resist the Moscow aggressor. The panorama of contemporary Ukrainian lyrics in its genre and stylistic diversity highlighted in the article gives reason to assert not only the inexhaustible creative potential of the most mobile genre-genre variety, but also a thoroughly filling new page of Ukrainian literature. The lyrical poetry on war discussed in this article is a part of the new cultural narrative of Ukraine that is oriented to re-think and reinforce the concepts of war and connected with this concept notions, e.g. pain, human catastrophe, human powers, dignity, human values, democracy, etc. The new narrative models and stylistic peculiarities of the contemporary Ukrainian lyrical texts have been analysed and systematised in this paper.
International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal; 2022, 29, 1; 125-145
Pojawia się w:
International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Głos w muzyce klasycznej i rozrywkowej. Zastosowania modelu „Estill Voice Training” w praktyce trenera głosu – studium przypadku
Voice in Classical and Contemporary Commercial Music. Applications of the Estill Voice Training Model in the Practice of a Voice Trainer: A Case Study
Zwierzychowska-Wydra, Michalina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Estill Voice Training
trening wokalny
śpiew klasyczny
muzyka rozrywkowa
pedagogika wokalna
vocal training
classical singing
contemporary commercial music
vocal pedagogy
Wokaliści wykonujący muzykę klasyczną i rozrywkową prezentują odmienny model brzmienia głosu. W ostatnich dekadach nauka o głosie poczyniła ogromne postępy. Bazowanie na anatomii, fizjologii, akustyce i świadomości pracy mięśni pomaga w zaplanowaniu treningu oraz ułatwia zmianę strategii brzmieniowej i stylu wokalnego. W artykule scharakteryzowano model Estill Voice Training oraz przedstawiono autorską propozycję wykorzystania go w pracy z osobą kształconą w śpiewie klasycznym, która dąży do uzyskania brzmienia charakterystycznego dla muzyki rozrywkowej.
Classical and contemporary commercial music singers have a different model of the sound of their voices. Significant progress has been made in the field of voice science in recent decades. Anatomy, physiology, acoustics and awareness of muscle work helps in planning training and influences sound strategy and vocal style. The article characterises the Estill Voice Training model and uses the original method of using Estill Voice Training in working with a classical singer who is intended to produce a sound characteristic of contemporary commercial music.
Logopaedica Lodziensia; 2023, 8; 213-221
Pojawia się w:
Logopaedica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ostatnie polskie miasto. Rzeczpospolita Krakowska w „dyplomacji” Hotelu Lambert wobec Wielkiej Brytanii (1831–1845)
Żurawski vel Grajewski, Radosław Paweł
Brzeziński, Andrzej Maciej
Marchlewicz, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Książka o toczonej przez mocarstwa europejskie grze dyplomatycznej wokół kwestii Rzeczypospolitej Krakowskiej, ukazująca uwikłanie losów tego niewielkiego, powstałego na mocy ustaleń kongresu wiedeńskiego państewka w wielkie interesy i strategiczne cele Wielkiej Brytanii, Francji, Rosji, Austrii i Prus. To zarazem opowieść o podejmowanych w tej skomplikowanej sytuacji działaniach księcia Adama Jerzego Czartoryskiego i Hotelu Lambert – niezwykłym przejawie aktywnego zaangażowania w politykę międzynarodową ośrodka politycznego, który nie mógł opierać się o siłę własnego państwa. Poznanie tej frapującej rozgrywki pozwala lepiej zrozumieć fenomen czołowego ugrupowania Wielkiej Emigracji i poznać czynniki decydujące o położeniu sprawy polskiej w polityce europejskiej, gdy o jej kształcie bezwzględnie decydował koncert mocarstw.
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Niezauważona rewolucja. Konstruktywistyczny idealizm Richarda Burthogge’a
Żukowski, Bartosz
Wawrzonkowski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Książka poświęcona jest teorii poznania Richarda Burthogge’a (1638-1705), siedemnastowiecznego filozofa angielskiego, autora dzieł: Organum Vetus & Novum (1678) oraz An Essay upon Reason, and the Nature of Spirits (1694). Choć epistemologiczne idee Burthogge’a nie wywarły znaczącego wpływu na współczesną mu filozofię, a w konsekwencji nie stały się dotychczas przedmiotem głębszych analiz, w jego pismach odnaleźć można nader oryginalną koncepcję konstruktywistycznego idealizmu, która – oceniana z szerszej perspektywy historycznej – w kluczowych punktach okazuje się antycypować niemal o wiek późniejszą filozofię Kanta. Najistotniejszym elementem tego stanowiska jest odrzucenie możliwości bezpośredniego (intelektualnego bądź zmysłowego) poznania przedmiotów zewnętrznych na rzecz teorii modi concipiendi, zgodnie z którą konceptualizacja rzeczywistości pozaumysłowej dokonuje się zawsze w formie i z użyciem środków określonych przez strukturalne oraz funkcjonalne własności ludzkich zdolności poznawczych. W ten sposób, dowodząc, iż świat zewnętrzny dostępny jest umysłowi ludzkiemu jedynie poprzez „fenomeny”, które sam współtworzy, Burthogge wyraźnie antycypuje Kantowskie twierdzenie o niepoznawalności rzeczywistości samej w sobie. Co najmniej od lat dwudziestych XX w. wyraża się potrzebę głębszej analizy pism wiecznie „zapomnianych” myślicieli XVII i XVIII wieku. Niniejsza monografia wychodzi naprzeciw tym oczekiwaniom. Choć jej bezpośrednim celem jest poszerzenie wiedzy o wczesnonowożytnej filozofii brytyjskiej, przywrócenie pamięci o doktrynie idealistycznej, o niemal stulecie wyprzedzającej koncepcję Kanta, w przyszłości powinno umożliwić także sformułowanie nowych konkluzji na temat wewnętrznej logiki i immanentnej dynamiki ewolucji całej myśli postkartezjańskiej.
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pharmaceutical Terminology in Ancient and Medieval Time – "Andrachne", "Chrysocolla" and Others
Zipser, Barbara
Scott, Andrew C.
Allkin, Robert
Gan, Peretz
Lardos, Andreas
Lazarou, Rebecca
Lev, Efraim
Nesbitt, Mark
Patmore, Kristina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Byzantine medicine
medicinal plants
medicinal minerals
medical history
Greek medicine
'materia medica'
Ancient and medieval pharmacological and medical texts contain a substantial amount of plant and mineral names. In some cases, the identification is straightforward. But for the majority of the data, we are unable to identify these ingredients with high certainty. In this paper, we discuss a selection of plant and mineral names both from a humanities and sciences point of view. In one case, the scientists were even able to examine a plant in situ. The conclusion of our paper is that a close collaboration between sciences and humanities is essential to avoid mistakes in the identification of materia medica.
Studia Ceranea; 2023, 13; 715-736
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ceranea
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Efektywność inwestycji w akcje ukraińskich spółek notowanych na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie
Efficiency of investments in shares of Ukrainian companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
Zimny, Artur
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
efektywność inwestycji w akcje
notowane spółki ukraińskie
efficiency of investment in shares
listed Ukrainian companies
Celem artykułu jest zbadanie efektywności inwestycji w akcje ukraińskich spółek notowanych na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie. Dla realizacji tego celu dokonano analizy historii obecności ukraińskich spółek na GPW w kontekście ekonomicznym i geopolitycznym oraz przeglądu literatury pod kątem badań efektywności inwestycji w ich akcje. Uwzględniając przesłanki wynikające z przeglądu literatury, przyjęto do zbadania następującą hipotezę: „efektywność inwestycji w akcje ukraińskich spółek notowanych na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie jest niska”. Badaniem empirycznym objęto notowania 15 indeksów warszawskiej giełdy, w szczególności WIG-Ukraine, a także 8 spółek ukraińskich stanowiących skład tego indeksu, oraz 12 spółek polskich i 1 australijskiej, działających w tych samych branżach, co spółki ukraińskie (spożywcza i górnicza). Dla wszystkich tych instrumentów wyznaczono miesięczne stopy zwrotu zrealizowane w latach 2012–2021, średnie tych stóp zwrotu, odchylenia standardowe, współczynniki β oraz wskaźniki Sharpe’a i Treynora. Część wyników była zgodna z treścią badanej hipotezy (zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do samego indeksu WIG-Ukraine), a pozostała część nie, wobec czego zdecydowano o jej odrzuceniu. Nie można zatem twierdzić, że efektywność inwestycji w akcje ukraińskich spółek notowanych na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie jest niska. Dodatkowym rezultatem badań było stwierdzenie znacznej rozbieżności między wynikami dla indeksu WIG-Ukraine a wynikami dla spółek wchodzących w jego skład.
The purpose of the article is to examine the efficiency of investments in the shares of Ukrainian companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. To achieve this aim, the history of the presence of Ukrainian companies on WSE in the economic and geopolitical context was analyzed, along with the literature review conducted in terms of research on the efficiency of investments in these shares. Taking into account the premises derived from the literature review, the hypothesis adopted for the examination was as follows: “The efficiency of investments in the shares of Ukrainian companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange is low”. The empirical study covered the quotations of 15 indices of the WSE, in particular WIG-Ukraine index, as well as 8 Ukrainian companies constituting this index, and 12 Polish and 1 Australian company operating in the same industries as the Ukrainian ones (food and mining). For all these instruments, the monthly rates of return realized in the years 2012–2021 were calculated, as well as the means of these rates of return, standard deviations, β coefficients and Sharpe and Treynor indices. Some of the results were consistent with the hypothesis (especially with regard to the WIG-Ukraine index), and the others were not, so it was decided to reject them. Therefore, it cannot be claimed that the efficiency of investments in the shares of Ukrainian companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange is low. An additional result of the research was the finding of a significant discrepancy between the results for the WIG-Ukraine index and the results for the companies constituting it.
Ekonomia Międzynarodowa; 2022, 37; 22-53
Pojawia się w:
Ekonomia Międzynarodowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Impact of Asset Structure on a Company’s Financial Results Stability
Zimny, Artur
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
asset structure
asset tangibility
financial results stability
volatility of profitability
operating leverage
The purpose of the article is to examine the impact of asset structure on the stability of financial results of companies. The article verifies two hypotheses: 1. high share of non-current assets in total assets results in high volatility of profitability over time. 2. high share of PPE (Property, Plant & Equipment) in total assets results in high volatility of profitability over time. The methodology of the study includes a literature review and empirical research based on correlation analysis. The research covered the aggregated data of Polish non-financial enterprises employing 10 persons or more keeping accounting ledgers, data for years 2009–2020 (first dataset) and annual financial data of 115 companies from 13 WSE industry sub-sectors for years 2009–2021 (second dataset). The results of the research. The analysis of the asset structure and the volatility of profitability in the research sample indicated industries with large and small values of these parameters. Then, the hypotheses were tested; the results for the second dataset showed that there is a positive and weak, but statistically significant (p value ≤ 0.005) correlation between non-current asset structure ratio and both, ROS and ROS adjusted ratios, and there is a weak, but negative correlation between PPE structure ratio and ROS and ROS adjusted ratios (with p value of 0.021 and 0.076, respectively). On this basis, hypothesis 1 was considered as verified positively, and hypothesis 2 was rejected. The discussion contains suppositions concerning the probable reasons of the discrepancy between the result for the hypotheses 1 and 2.
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe; 2022, 4, 36; 107-128
Pojawia się w:
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polski homo religiosus. Doświadczenie religijne w relacjach potocznych
Polish homo religiosus. Religious experience in colloquial reports
Zimnica-Kuzioła, Emilia
Baniak, Józef
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Przedmiotem rozważań w pracy jest doświadczenie religijne współczesnego homo religiosus, żyjącego tu i teraz, w Polsce na początku XXI w. F. Mirek pisze: „Badanie zjawisk społecznych musi uwzględnić stanowisko nie tylko zewnętrznego obserwatora, ale także samych podmiotów działających – jednostek ludzkich i grup społecznych”. Praca ta stanowi próbę ukazania człowieka religijnego żyjącego w środowisku wielkomiejskim, w małym miasteczku, na wsi; młodego, który jest na etapie psychospołecznego moratorium, krystalizacji własnego światopoglądu, dojrzałego, o ugruntowanym już poglądzie na rzeczywistość i starszego, z dużym doświadczeniem życiowym. Socjolog zwraca uwagę na wiele czynników decydujących o różnorodności postaw religijnych, może badać i opisywać praktyczny wymiar religii, aspekt ideologiczny, rytualny, intelektualny, konsekwencyjny. Natomiast dla mnie najważniejszym przedmiotem namysłu jest problem religijnego doświadczenia, dymensji, w której, jak wynika z badań, dominują emocje. Mówiąc inaczej, celem podjęcia przeze mnie badań empirycznych jest próba dotarcia do subiektywnej rzeczywistości człowieka religijnego i pokazanie psychospołecznych uwarunkowań jego religijności. Moim zamiarem jest wnikliwy i w miarę pełny opis religijnych doświadczeń chrześcijan reprezentujących różne środowiska i różne kategorie wiekowe.
I. The aim of my thesis is an attempt to present the Polish homo religiosus, a man who experiences “religious acts and states,” whose main characteristic is a conviction that the transcendent is real. My research sample comprises Christians of varied social and demographic features. They represent different environments, age categories and occupations. My analyses are of a “spotlight” nature, I am throwing light in a specific direction. I was looking for religious people in various milieus, people who were willing to divulge fragments of their “subjective reality,” share the intimate sphere of their own inner world. I wanted to see the characteristics of the groups I singled out all the more clearly, therefore in every one of them I was focusing on slightly different problems. Still, all the addressed issues fall within the wide sphere of religious experience. My studies of the religious experience of a contemporary human being find their frame in three scientific fields – that of philosophy, psychology and sociology. Since it was mainly Roman Christians who took part in the empirical study, I was indirectly referring to the nomos of Catholic theology. Theology is a study, which concentrates mainly on the object of faith (God, the Absolute, transcendent reality, etc). The object of religious experience does not belong to the realm of the tangible, it is transcendent in the face of human cognitive capabilities. Philosophy, the study of wisdom, seeks sense of the reality, poses fundamental ontological (study of the nature of being) and epistemological (study of cognition, truth) questions, asks what is good and what is evil (ethics). It gives rational, logical arguments, presents “proofs” for the existence of the Absolute, or, conversely, against this hypothesis; similar to theology, its field of interest is the nature of God (gods) and His (their) relation to the world. Philosophers – theists – legitimize religious faith, rationalize it, present rational implications of faith. Psychology of religion deals with the objective aspect of religiousness, examines its personal conditionings, sources of faith (genetic aspect) and its consequences (functional aspect). Psychological approach focuses on the believer and his or her subjective experiences, which get included in the intersubjective sphere. Another discipline applicable to the discourse on religion and religiousness is sociology. It perceives religion as a social, universal fact (E. Durkheim’s approach). Representatives of this study scrutinize a specific system of objectified religious forms (institutions, rituals, cult groups), register its impact on the life of a society and the effect cultural patterns have on dominant models of religiosity. They talk about psychosocial mechanisms of religious life, micro- and macro factors that determine the condition of a contemporary homo religiosus. The aforementioned disciplines, each in its own way, address the problem of religious experience, which is of particular interest to me. It is important to emphasize at this point that in religious experience a specific belief system, a religious frame of reference, is of utmost importance. An internalized doctrine determines the shape of religious experience, provides it with a content frame. In my thesis the religious experience category refers in fact to the Christian experience. This experience is certainly different in different religions (in its object, intensity, forms of expression, frequency, meaning), but the problem of intercultural differentiation of religious states was not the aim of my scrutiny. G. W. Allport reminds us that even within one religious tradition there are differences, caused, among others, by personal factors. Philosophers of the phenomenologist variety (among others, R. Otto, M. Scheler, W. Gruehn), while looking for the eidos of religious acts, draw attention to the existential, interpersonal, dynamic character of a religious relation, they point to the “sense of holiness”, an inherent disposition, an a priori capability to perceive the numinosum. The models of religious experience proposed by them are of an ideal, empirically unverifiable character. Each attempt at expressing their nature is doomed to failure, since the language of scientific, as well as philosophic discourse is incapable of expressing personal experiences, individualized reactions of the subject (emotional, intellectual, physiological), occurring in the religious relation. Phenomenologists are striving to find universal categories, which would make it possible to describe the nature of these spectacular feelings, thus isolating man, the subject of these acts, from real life. Philosophical hermeneutics of W. Dilthey, H.-G. Gadamer and P. Ricoeur recognizes the “truth claims” of humanist sciences, philosophy and religion included, it constitutes an incentive for the studies of individual experience, of an individual’s inner world of feelings. In this vein one could speak of a validation of the vernacular common sense cognition. The scientist can reconstruct the world of his/her respondents without an authoritarian approach, prejudices, unjustified “feeling of superiority” and conviction that there is only one (scientific) truth. In the scientific exploration of the religious experience issue, an intentionally “naïve” approach, in the words of P. L. Berger, seems the most adequate one. Hermeneutics, emphasizing a linguistic and “historic” character of every cognition, inspires one to gather records of religious experience from people rooted in a given environment, tangled in the problems specific to their time, shaped by a given cultural and religious tradition. Upon entering the realms of spirituality, which are so difficult to describe in an empirical way, a sociologist has to focus his/her study on a religious person, who, the language barriers notwithstanding, is trying to show an intimate fragment of subjective reality to the others. He/she is aware that “the deep meaning structure” of a religious doctrine forms the cognitive scheme, which shapes the way reality is being understood. The scheme becomes an interpretation filter, a perspective from which the homo religiosus perceives the world. To operationalize the rather vague concept of religious experience for the purposes of an empirical study, one assumes a simple definition: these are experiences, reflections, feelings, sensations, states, which the subject him/herself associates with “extra-empirical,” “sacral,” “ultimate” reality. In a sociologist perspective – like in hermeneutics – what matters is the social aspect of the experience, which happens in a social space, in a specific time and place, and is related to the social, historical and cultural background of the individual. II. Representatives of various fields of science explain the phenomenon of human religiosity in numerous ways. In my thesis I confront their concepts with those of vernacular Christians. Believers (the ones more prone to reflection) are also trying to rationalize their faith, find logical arguments to motivate it, often quote cosmological (or, less frequently, ontological) proofs for the existence of God, known to philosophy. Sometimes they get convinced by empirically inexplicable phenomena, viewed as divine interventions of the Sacred (miracles). Some recount “personal meetings with the Transcendent,” write about conversions, intense mystical experiences, or refer to the authority of “significant others,” pointing to authentic faith of people they respect (usually parents, priests). Not having experienced a “religious epiphany” themselves, they are however convinced that a union with God can indeed be forged. Firm believers see signs of the Transcendent in their daily life, and many such phenomena strengthen their conviction that a religious attitude is the right one. Then, they are guided by a “total intuition,” a holistic worldview approach, which combines intellectual, emotional and volitive elements. Homo religiosus is trying to make life choices in relation to the numinosum, which is of a personal significance to him/her, a reality that is mysterious, but profoundly sensed. III. For the majority of contemporary people (not only the believers), the most important “significant other” of the 20 th century was Pope John Paul II. The Pope was a formal and emancipatory authority, one representing the highest authority of the Church, but most importantly, a charismatic personality whose attitude – a testimony of his very life – attested to the word he preached. His strength did not rely on physical force, skilful persuasion techniques or rhetorical agility, but full credibility, stemming from a compliance of logos with ethos. Polish luminaries of culture and art, who met him, recall an experience of complete authenticity and significance, which had a profound impact on their religious life. This experience is an emotionally engaging one, which changes the “subjective reality” of the person involved and shapes his/her thoughts and actions. Their written memories to a large extent show a strong conviction about duality of existence; in their opinion the Pope, as the highest Church authority, stands for Jesus, is his most important representative on Earth, and is somehow closest to the intangible sacred reality. Thus, it seems natural to seek a direct meeting with the Pope, who, in addition, is a fellow Pole, and one respected worldwide at that. Believers granted a look, a handshake, a smile, were leaving reinforced: ‘I was holding a blessing in my hand,’ said one of the female participants of such a meeting. Not only a direct, but also indirect meetings with the Pope (by means of reading his philosophical, theological or literary works) were significant experiences for the believers. IV. People who took part in the empirical study were members of a Łódź ethos group, called Renewal in the Holy Spirit, a community with a distinct value and moral system. Their religious experience is one of a profound emotional intensity. They all write and speak of a biographical breakthrough that took place in their lives. Coming in contact with a Catholic charismatic movement has changed their outlook on life and judgments. Activating the attachment system (in their words: forging a personal attachment to God), strong emotional experience of the proximity of the numinosum, brought out their best features – love for the other, willingness to give help, sense of joy and meaning of life. Therefore, they serve in penal institutions, hospitals, prisons, day-centres. In their opinion, “conversion,” as they call their metanoi, brought a new sense to their daily lives. One could think that their deep faith can move mountains; they are convinced of an incessant presence of God in their lives. In the chapter devoted to the Renewal in the Holy Spirit members, I focus on showing consequential aspects of religious experience. The respondents redefine their past, but what is most important is their reality, redirected by a new credibility structure, focussed on the sacred and fellow human being, especially one in need. V. Free-form interviews about religious experience with inhabitants of a rural parish provide a wide material depicting very personal fragments of the respondents’ subjective reality, making it possible to show several threads exemplifying a religious model of the contemporary homo religious. In my survey sample, I identified a group of religious virtuosi, people with an absolute religious pitch. These people are very adamant and explicit about a dichotomy between the tangible and supernatural world. Interestingly, they are able to approach the second one in their dreams as well (onirical sensitivity). The virtuosi possess a miracular mentality, they ennoble the extra-rational sphere (like H. Bergson, they are of the opinion that not only the intellect, but also the intuition is a valuable source of cognition), they perceive miraculous events and resort to religious attributes also in their daily lives, they see the hand of God and signs of his activity everywhere. Their religious experience is dominated by emotions, through prayer they bond with the Perfect Objects of Attachment (a particular adoration is given to their patron saints), they conduct an inner dialogue with them, they confide their troubles and joys to them, they count on them for a special intercession with God. Some of them recall specific moments of “falling for” God, meetings that changed their lives. For them, faith is a perceived value, admitted and realized (practiced) not only during solemn occasions; they consistently accept the Christian doctrine and have no argument whatsoever with the word of the Church in all matters moral; they take part in the life of their parish communities, try to update their daily life according to the deeply internalized Catholic rules. I have identified three groups within the believing, practicing country inhabitants: supernaturalists, verticalists and horizontalists. Supernaturalists straddle the two worlds, so to speak; they give more thought to the eternal than daily life and deprecate the autonomous value of life on Earth. Faith of the verticalists, very personal and deeply internalized, is reflected in their very lives; they appreciate daily values, but emphasize that they are “beings towards life”. Horizontalists succumb to the “overpowering force of the society,” take part in Sunday mess, obligatory for the Catholics, but do not perceive faith as a relation with a religious object. My respondents from the “country group” are active, most religiously involved people. One could say (getting back to P. L. Berger and Th. Tuckman) that their subjective reality is constructed and legitimized within the frames of a religious universe, a religious system of meanings. However, these people constitute a small percentage of the inhabitants of the village, which, like all rural areas of Poland, is subject to cultural processes, changes of a social and religious nature. Lay ways of life and axiological pluralism proliferate here as well. Representative surveys show that rural inhabitants step away from Church orthodoxy in its doctrinal and moral aspect (though faith declaration and high mess-attendance rate remain stable). Model features of folk religiosity, presented by S. Czarnowski, undergo modifications, which is partly connected to the influence of the mass media, weakening of social control and appropriating a city lifestyle. VI. The next group comprised inhabitants of two cities in central Poland. Based on their accounts of religious experience, I identified – referring to Allport in a somewhat unorthodox way – three types of religiosity (inner, outer, religiosity without faith) and areligiosity, considering different attitudes the believers present towards the Catholic Church. Respondents from this group turned out to be heteroorthodox in their religious beliefs, selective in accepting religious dogmas, sometimes rejecting the word of the Magisterium in moral matters, as well as religiously syncretic (Luckman’s bricolage). These attitudes are implicitly pluralist, devoid of one universal structure of credibility. Modernity is governed by individualism (lack of group pressure, shaping one’s life freely at one’s will), it is also important to accept the proliferation of attitudes and different opinions (the rule of differentiation). One could speak of parting with traditional authorities – in this group strong anticlerical opinions were also visible. Subjects question transcendental character of the Church, they want to make their own decisions as to the scope of their religious involvement and solve their moral dilemmas individually, not according to the teachings of an “institution standing guard to faith and mores”. Undoubtedly relativism and uncertainty of all judgement, typical to the postmodern culture, are reflected in the condition of contemporary Christians as well. Observers of contemporary religious life in Poland notice a dynamic struggle of values and attitudes of the postfigurative culture (according to M. Mead’s approach) with new cultural patterns and customs. They anticipate westernization of Polish Catholicism, a selectivity of faith, larger privatisation of religion, growing sacralisation of the profane sphere (cult of consumption, body, etc) VII. The biggest survey group comprised junior sociology students, who filled out question forms and gave extensive answers to many questions, mostly about religious experience. Students who declare their faith in God gave many arguments, which had convinced them their beliefs are right. Apart from most commonly quoted examples (complexity of the world, existence of inexplicable phenomena, authority of significant others) they were also pointing to spiritual elements in culture and universal moral order (universality of conscience). Interestingly, almost all students professing themselves as believers were writing that they had felt the presence of God, recounting common, but emotionally engaging religious experiences. Empirical study has also shown the existence of negative reactions, caused by the “contact with the supernatural sphere”. Several people pointed to the states of tremendu, described in philosophic literature (R. Otto), feelings of fear, total dependence and one’s inferiority in the face of the numinosum. Young people are fond of experimenting, also in religious matters. Before they reach an integrated worldview identity, they question authority, lack consistency, present a “shaky value system,” an ambivalent orientation. Psychologists deem it a natural stage on the way to maturity, a “storm, to reconstruct at a later point,” however the influence of the postmodern philosophy is not to be disregarded. It is apparent that they are critical of the institution of the Church. This criticism stems from many factors, but the interviews suggest that the main problem is disagreement with the Catholic sexual ethics. One has to note a low rate of religious practices among the students (30% participate in Sunday mess, but only 9% each Sunday). More than every fourth student declared religious indifference or atheism (27% in total). Still, it is highly legitimate to conclude that the respondents feel a strong need of the Transcendent. Believers pointed mostly to the therapeutic, progressive and sense-providing function of religion in their lives. Using the empirical material I gathered, I created a religious typology of sociology students, based on two parameters: religious experience and realizatory aspect of faith (cult practices). Among the believers, as well as the undecided (searching) were people practicing and non-practicing, those who admitted they feel the presence of an Ideal Object of Attachment, but have no personal relation to the Sacred. VIII. Further to my empirical studies, one could formulate some general conclusions. Deepened religiosity (intense, central in W. Prężyna, inner in G. Allport, humanist in E. Fromm, mature in M. Jarosz, etc) can become a catalyst for altruistic actions; compels to self-work, improving oneself; enhances one’s family, work and neighbour relations. Intense emotional engagement gives one positive reinforcement, provides a sense of strength, enthusiasm and joy of life, allows one to bear problems in a stoic manner, gives sense to one’s existence. People taking part in my survey, especially those whom I called religious virtuosi, were speaking of their involvement in broadening the religious relation by means of prayer and other cult practices. Many factors can lead to faith deepening – one’s own activity: reading Bible, books and religious newspapers, participation in religion lectures, pilgrimages, movements and rallies, example of other true believers, etc). Faith of the virtuosi persists and deepens due to a large role of social credibility structures, which enforce and confirm religious convictions and practices. Religious virtuosi – supernaturalists and verticalists – and members of the ethos group conduct a continuous inner dialogue with the Ideal Object of Attachment, address numerous pleas to him, but also speak of an autotelic need to worship him, to selflessly adore (contemplate) him. Spontaneous prayers include, therefore, pleas for a blessing, but also thanksgiving and worshipping. Relations with the object of “extradirectional” religious practices are usually egocentric, instrumental. “Traditional,” non-internalized (outer, peripheral, immature, atrophic) faith has no significant influence on the individual’s life. However, it gives one a sense of community, belonging to a group of a similar worldview, which is cultivating religious mores. In such situations it is an admitted, though not necessarily religiously perceived value. Fulfilling religious practices adds to a sense of inner peace, mental balance of the believers (which is of particular importance in the face of an ever more stressful way of life). The most important function of religion is the therapeutic one. In the case of horizontalists, extradirectional people, an important factor that disheartens them from developing their faith and realizing religion practices – based on the interviews – is a negative example of unethical behaviour of the Church members, mostly priests and common Catholics. Analysing social life in its entirety, one could assume that these are not the only, and maybe not even the most important reasons of religious passivity. One should also note the difficulties posed by ethical requirements of the faith, allure of the lay way of life, crisis of environmental and institutional religious socialization, and the influence of the mass media, promoting liberal, relativist or individualist attitudes. A sociologist is also aware of social and cultural changes contemporary societies are undergoing on the way towards a pluralist model. Traditional forms of religiosity are being questioned also in Poland, freedom of choice conduces subjectivist attitudes of religiosity and areligiosity. Another vital ascertainment is related to the specificity of the religious experience of a Polish homo religiosus. In a real world it is seldom that we experience extraordinary, mystical states (although it seems they concern common believers as well, to some extent), more often a religious experience is expressed in the subject’s directing him/herself at God, to paraphrase Heidegger one could say “being towards the eternal life”. A deeply religious person has a sense of connection with the numinosum and performs religious attributions on a daily basis, using a religious frame of reference, drawing from a religious system of meanings, senses and values. Religious experience is of a processual nature, it is a permanent (incessant, constant) state of progression and regression, it is conditioned by factors related to the subject’s nature (personality, emotions, worldview), and socio-cultural ones. Existential situation of the subject is not to be disregarded either, i.e. life events, cultural patterns, place of the individual in a social structure, belonging to a specific religious group – all these can change the way the Sacred is being contacted. Broadening the semantic field of the “religious experience” expression, one could say that it refers not only to the exceptional mystical religious acts, but also common experiences, which the subject relates to the Transcendent. In Christianity it is of a personal character, understood as a relation to a humanlike (though incidentally personified) Absolute. Object of a religious relation is a non-ostensive one, however, it becomes an “object that is being experienced”. Experience in a broad sense of the word is formed by emotional, as well as intellectual, volition and motivation elements, but in perceiving the numinosum’s proximity it is the affective sphere that is of fundamental importance. Emotions are prerogatives of an authentic religious involvement, they govern the dynamic process of approaching and getting away from the object of religious relation, to a large extent they control practical consequences of faith. Religiosity devoid of the emotional component becomes an empty, existentially irrelevant form, having no significant impact upon daily life. In my studies I focus on one variable of religiosity – religious experience (a Christian one), other dimensions thereof were put to the background of the experience, which is, in Janusz Mariański’s words, “a fundament of all other religious acts and actions;” they make it possible to characterize religious involvement of the believers. I did not expound upon the meaning of religious knowledge, which is an important variable of religiosity. A test of theoretical competence, conducted among students and “religious virtuosi” allowed me, however, to reach some conclusions: acquaintance with Christian doctrine, Bible and religious terminology is directly linked with the “virtuosi’s” profound religiosity. On the other hand, I noted a low rate of religious knowledge among the young, those professing themselves as religious and those indifferent, ambivalent or non-believing alike. Religiosity has a dynamic character, its nature and meaning change in an ontogenetic development of an individual and in the course of his or her daily life. It is different during the period of adolescence (unsteady and uncertain) maturity (less susceptible to change), and old age (when a natural turn towards existential question occurs). A contemporary homo religiosus is subject to historic, cultural and social influences, but in certain ways remains the same as before: looking for God, finding, leaving and getting back again, as – in the words of M. Eliade – there is an “unchangeable nucleus of religion,” a universal structure of the human mind, which makes everyone, at least potentially, a religious creature. Let us proceed to a metacritical reflection. According to the directives of interpretative and reconstructive studies, I focused on a world constituted by social actors, religious people, and attempted to understand their cognitive and axiological perspective. I wanted to describe their world of meaning, their spontaneous and pragmatic orientation in everyday life. My approach is an exploratory one, because it concerns aspects of life that are less known. The subject of religious experience is very rarely broached in scientific discourse, and in social life it is a taboo one. In my study one could speak of a triangulation of data (it is derived from a variety of sources; elicited and chanced upon, consolidated and nonconsolidated), methodological triangulation (I made use of various data gathering strategies, like participant observation, free-form interviews, given-out and auditorium surveys), theoretical triangulation (while interpreting the data, I have taken into account many theoretical perspectives: philosophical, psychological, sociological). H.-G. Gadamer, the most eminent representative of philosophical hermeneutics, reminds us that each perspective is to a certain degree imperfect, it does not reveal the entire truth. The Polish homo religiosus book is but an attempt at approaching the phenomenon of religious (Christian) experience – a phenomenon which is intrinsically difficult to explore. I hope it will inspire further studies and I leave it to my readers to evaluate its heuristic merit.
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sustainable Finance – Where we are and how we can go further
Ziemba, Marika
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
sustainable development policy
EBA Action Plan
Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulations
The purpose of the article/hypothesis: The purpose of the paper is to present the historical background of sustainable development and importance of sustainable finance, and to discuss the most important challenges currently facing sustainable finance. The article verifies the research hypothesis: recent changes (implementing of the EBA Action Plan, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulations and facing the COVID-19) in the finance sector can help institutions pursue an effective, sustainable development policy. Methodology: The article contains an extensive literature review of the sustainable development policy (including legal acts). Results of the research: Sustainable development in the finance sector plays an important role and is currently facing three main challenges: the implementation of the EBA Action Plan, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation and COVID-19. The EBA Action Plan and SFDRs may initially require financial institutions to change their policy and thus complicate their operations, but later bring only benefits (e.g. transparency). On the other hand, the COVID-19 pandemic is a significant obstacle to the implementation of the sustainable development policy due to countries and entities focused on fighting this threat (including using financial resources). However, it should be mentioned that sustainable development brings long-term effects (including more effective development), thanks to which companies can achieve the desired benefits and overcome the obstacles and crises caused by the pandemic and future crisis.
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe; 2023, 1, 37; 123-137
Pojawia się w:
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Długie trwanie wielmożności. Od carycy Maryny przez marszałka Michała Mniszcha po Balzaka i pisarzy XX-wiecznych
The long duration of greatness from Tsarina Marina through Marshal Michał Mniszech to Balzac and twentieth-century writers
Zieliński, Jan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Mniszchowie – ród
caryca Maryna
Rilke Rainer Maria
Proust Marcel
Balzac Honoré de
architektura rezydencjonalna
XVIII wiek
Mniszech – family
Tsarina Marina
residential architecture
18th century
Artykuł w pierwszej części pokazuje wielkie ambicje rodu Mniszchów (umocnione wyniesieniem Maryny Mniszech do godności carycy), widoczne w programach architektonicznych i wyposażeniu wnętrz kolejnych rezydencji rodu. Druga część poświęcona jest wątkowi wielmożności w biografii i publikacjach marszałka wielkiego koronnego Michała Mniszcha (XVIII wiek). W części trzeciej omówiono niektóre echa świetności tego polskiego rodu magnackiego w twórczości i korespondencji pisarzy francuskich, Balzaka i Prousta. Zakończenie dotyczy podobnych motywów w twórczości i korespondencji Rainera Marii Rilkego oraz Maryny Cwietajewej, która otrzymała takie imię na cześć owej pochodzącej z polskiego rodu carycy.
The first part of the article shows the great ambitions of the Mniszech family (strengthened by the elevation of Maryna Mniszech to the dignity of the Tsarina), visible in the architectural programs and interior furnishings of the subsequent family residences. The second part is devoted to the thread of greatness in the biography and publications of the Grand Marshal of the Crown, Michał Mniszech (18th century). The third part discusses some echoes of the greatness of this Polish magnate family in the work and correspondence of the French writers Balzac and Proust. The ending concerns similar themes in the works and correspondence of Rainer Maria Rilke and Marina Tsvetaeva, who received her first name in honor of the said tsarina from the Polish family.
TECHNE. Seria Nowa; 2022, 10; 185-199
Pojawia się w:
TECHNE. Seria Nowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Banking Union’s impact on financial stability – holistic approach
Zielińska-Lont, Klaudia
Borowski, Krzysztof
Lament, Marzanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Prudential supervision of credit institutions in the European Union has for a long time been the responsibility of national bodies, even though this did not match the international character of the activities of many supervised banks. After the establishment of the banking union’s Single Supervisory Mechanism this has changed particularly for systemically important credit institutions, that now fall under the direct, coordinated supervision under the auspice of the European Central Bank. There was a great deal of speculation around what changes the banking union would bring to the financial sector in Europe, yet the net impact of the Single Supervisory Mechanism on financial stability and competitive position of the supervised credit institutions remains largely unknown. This monograph presents a holistic analysis of the impact that the reform of the EU’s financial safety net had on the banking sector. To make such evaluation possible, a dedicated synthetic indicator was designed to quantify the net impact of harmonized prudential supervision on the stability of credit institutions. The results signal that the establishment of the Single Supervisory Mechanism was a success and that the proposed synthetic indicator can serve as an early warning tool for authorities tasked with safeguarding financial stability.
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Unia bankowa i jej znaczenie dla funkcjonowania sektora bankowego Unii Europejskiej
Zielińska-Lont, Klaudia
Bukowski, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Kryzys finansowy z 2008 roku uwidocznił braki w strukturze zintegrowanego rynku Unii Europejskiej. Niedostateczny stopień integracji rynków finansowych stanowił słabość pozbawiającą strefę euro mechanizmów reakcji na szoki zewnętrzne. Niezbędne usprawnienia w tym zakresie miały się dokonać poprzez utworzenie unii bankowej. W książce przedstawiono szczegółowe badania tego rozwiązania – od pierwotnego projektu do pierwszych lat jego funkcjonowania. W monografii przeprowadzono pierwszą kompleksową analizę ex-post wpływu wprowadzenia skoordynowanego nadzoru na instytucje kredytowe strefy euro. W tym celu powstało autorskie narzędzie w postaci miernika syntetycznego, który umożliwia ocenę wypadkowego wpływu reform nadzoru na kondycję banków. Wyniki wskazują na korzystny wpływ reform na stabilność sektora bankowego. Publikacja może stanowić ciekawą lekturę dla naukowców zainteresowanych stabilnością finansową oraz dla pracowników instytucji nadzoru.
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Unity, Power and Energy of the Holy Trinity in the Theology of Gregory of Nyssa
Zhukovskyy, Viktor
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Gregory of Nyssa
divine work
The article discusses the problem of the ontological distinction between God’s transcendence and immanence in the theological thought of Gregory of Nyssa, a Church Father of the 4th century. The author presents the main conceptual and terminological apparatuses that Gregory used in his antinomic approach to the complex interpretation of apophatic and kataphatic images of God. He analyzes the main characteristics of these two dimensions of the nature of God. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the Trinitarian approach in answering the question: how can God, who is completely ontologicaly removed from creation, be at the same time actively present in the world and filling it. In this context the author analyzes the key notions, which express the ontological remoteness of the divine essence of the Holy Trinity and God’s active nearness in relation to created being.
Studia Ceranea; 2023, 13; 695-713
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ceranea
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Impact of COVID-19 on the Daily Returns of Istanbul Stock Exchange
Zengin, Burcu
Kocoglu, Sahnaz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Istanbul Stock Exchange
global crises
The purpose of the article/hypothesis: The measures taken by the governments to fight Covid-19 such as social distancing and lockdowns not only crippled the social life, but also the economies of their countries. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Turkish economy. The authors used the Istanbul Stock Exchange Index which is a sort of barometer to measure the health of the economic and financial system in Turkey. The aim of the paper is to show the impact of Covid-19 together with the risk in the global market, exchange rates and government responses to the pandemic on the Istanbul Stock Exchange. Methodology: The authors analyzed the impact of the pandemic studying the relations between the Istanbul Exchange and a number of deaths due to Covid-19 together with VIX index, the Government Response Index and exchange rate of USA dollar/Turkish Lira with Toda-Yamamoto Causality test. Results of the research: The results suggest that the number of deaths due to Covid-19 and exchange rates cause the loss in value in the Istanbul Stock Exchange while VIX index and the Government Response Index are found to be ineffective in explaining the volatility in the ISE.
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe; 2023, 2, 38; 111-128
Pojawia się w:
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Borys Zinserling (1890–1961) i jego wizja wnętrz ministerstwa sprawiedliwości. Uwagi na marginesie mecenatu ministra Aleksandra Meysztowicza oraz ministra i senatora Czesława Michałowskiego
Borys Zinserling (1890–1961) and his vision of the interior of the Ministry of Justice. Comments on the patronage of Minister Aleksander Meysztowicz and Minister and Senator Czesław Michałowski
Zawadzki, Jarosław Maciej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
pałac Raczyńskich Warszawa
Borys Zinserling
Zbigniew Rewski
Marian Lalewicz
the Raczyński Palace Warsaw
W latach 1787–1789 przebudowano w duchu klasycyzmu pałac rodziny Raczyńskich w Warszawie (projekt Jan Christian Kamsetzer). W 1919 roku pałac stał się siedzibą polskiego Ministerstwa Sprawiedliwości. W trakcie urzędowania dwóch ministrów, Aleksandra Meysztowicza (1926–1928) oraz Czesława Michałowskiego (1930–1936), przeprowadzono w budynku prace pod kierunkiem Mariana Lalewicza. Meysztowicz rozpoczął remont, ale końcowy efekt prac był zasługą Michałowskiego. Choć na to nie ma dowodów, ale było i jest zgodne z praktyką, że zapewne akceptował przedstawiane mu koncepcje prac konserwatorskich i projekty dekoratorskie. Starannie wykreowano przestrzeń, w której pracował i odpoczywał minister. Pierwsza składała się z poczekalni i sekretariatu. Druga to wnętrza robocze ministra: duży gabinet i biblioteka. Do większych spotkań wykorzystywano salę balową. Ostatnią strefą było mieszkanie ministra. Sukcesywnie nabywano dzieła sztuki oraz obiekty rzemiosła nawiązujące stylistycznie do wnętrz. W trakcie prac utrzymano historyzującą stylistkę wnętrz zaproponowaną przez Lalewicza i realizowaną przez jego zespół. Nie wiadomo, od kiedy dokładnie z pracami w opisywanym obiekcie był związany Borys Zinserling, rosyjski emigrant, architekt, scenograf i malarz, absolwent Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Petersburgu. W 1935 roku wykonał cykl akwarel i rysunków węglem ukazujących wnętrza. W 1936 roku wydano album Pałac Ministerstwa Sprawiedliwości w Warszawie, którego ozdobą stały się barwne reprodukcje prac Zinserlinga. Urzekająca do dziś dokumentacja malarska przybliża finalny efekt prac, który w wyniku działań wojennych nie zachował się do naszych czasów.
 In the years 1787–1789, the palace of the Raczyński family in Warsaw was rebuilt in the spirit of classicism (designed by Jan Christian Kamsetzer). In 1919, the palace became the seat of the Polish Ministry of Justice. During the term of office of two ministers, Aleksander Meysztowicz (1926–1928) and Czesław Michałowski (1930–1936), works were carried out in the building under the supervision of Marian Lalewicz. Meysztowicz started the renovation, but the final effect of the work was due to Michałowski. Although there is no evidence for it, it was and is in line with common practice that he probably accepted the concepts of conservation works and decorating designs presented to him. The space where the minister worked and rested was carefully created. The first consisted of a waiting room and a secretariat. The second is the minister’s working space: a large office and a library. A ballroom was used for larger meetings. The last zone was the minister’s apartment. Works of art and craft objects stylistically referring to the interior were purchased successively. During the works, the historicising style proposed by Lalewicz and implemented by his team was maintained. It is not known from when exactly Boris Zinserling, a Russian emigrant, architect, stage designer and painter, graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg, was associated with the works in the described facility. In 1935 he made a series of watercolors and charcoal drawings showing the interior. In 1936, the album Palace of the Ministry of Justice in Warsaw was released, decorated with colorful reproductions of Zinserling’s works. The still-captivating painting documentation brings closer the final effect of the work, which as a result of the war hostilities has not survived to our times.
TECHNE. Seria Nowa; 2021, 8; 121-143
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TECHNE. Seria Nowa
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Biblioteka Nauki

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