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Wyszukujesz frazę "The German Democratic Republic" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
academic field
sociological knowledge
field of cultural production
political culture
This article analyzes the dissemination of sociological knowledge in the social sciences and humanities (SSH) and other fields of cultural production in the German Democratic Republic (GDR), from the early postwar period to German reunification. In this regard, I investigate the relationships between sociology and politics, taking into account the specific contexts of the GDR-State and the institutionalization processes of these disciplines. To prevent a deterministic understanding of political power on academic and scientific systems, I adopt the Bourdieusian concept of field (cf. Bourdieu 1966; 1984; 1985; Bourdieu and Wacquant 1992; Bourdieu and Boltanski 2008). This concept allows me to highlight how the relationship between the academic and political fields changed over time by simultaneously looking at the influences of political, cultural, social and economic transformations of GDR society on the political goals of the GDR-State and the strategies of sociologists within the broader field of production of sociological knowledge.
Society Register; 2019, 3, 1; 39-72
Pojawia się w:
Society Register
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
M, Hrynicki, Wojciech
Tomasz, Greif,
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego i Indywidualnego Apeiron w Krakowie
security public security
social security
social surveillance
need to take action for social security
The German Democratic Republic
1. Objective The objective of this article is to present the need to control society in order to ensure security both to the society itself and to the state, and to draw an extremely fluid boundary line between what is necessary and what is unnecessary, which may turn into unnecessary surveillance which sometimes becomes caricatural. The duty to ensure security to the society, particularly in the era of increasing religious terrorism in Europe (resulting from simple relationships in the society), is an obligation aimed at permanence of existence of a given social group (national, supranational) functioning within the state and as such should be connected with aptly chosen methods of supervision. 2. Introduction Security is the overriding need of humans and it determines their other needs and the motives for the actions they take. It manifests itself not only in the lack of hazards (which constitutes its basic principle related to the assurance of existence) but also in the need to take action to ensure appropriate conditions for development of individuals as well as smaller and larger social groups. Hence, today’s understanding of security is not exclusively linked with the existence of humans or social groups (lack of hazards); it must be analysed from the point of view of its development, which in turn determines the evolution of such categories of security as economic, scientific cultural security, or job security. However, such secondary categories of security, which ensure the development of individuals and various social groups, cannot be pursued without eliminating potential threats to the existence of humans, particularly those related to their life and health, and ensuring continuity of generations. In order to meet this objective, especially in the era of increasing terrorism, it is necessary to supervise the society, which is more and more culturally and religiously diverse, in the right way, and the supervision may not become caricatural as was the case with the German Democratic Republic. 3. Methodology The authors identify the need to exercise permanent supervision in the society, particularly in areas threatened with terrorism, and, at the same time, point out that it is possible to overstep the necessary surveillance in a manner leading to its caricatural forms, which occurred in the German Democratic Republic, non-existent today. The adopted comparative historical method allows for direct analysis of needs regarding security in comparison with the potential threat of adopting wrong methods to meet them. A glance at current threats to social security, including terrorism, confronted with the surveillance that was common in the German Democratic Republic, which ceased to exist over twenty-five years ago, throws doubt on the boundaries of the needed and acceptable social surveillance. 4. Conclusions The authors prove that it is difficult to draw a clear line between what is permissible and what is impermissible in social surveillance, especially in view of terrorism threats. Therefore, the actions of national authorities should be marked by far-reaching carefulness in the selection of surveillance methods so that a democratic state does not turn into a police state. They agree, however, that supervision in the form of well administered surveillance is one of the methods of ensuring security to individuals and society.
Kultura Bezpieczeństwa. Nauka – Praktyka – Refleksje; 2016, 23; 67-89
Pojawia się w:
Kultura Bezpieczeństwa. Nauka – Praktyka – Refleksje
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konserwacja zabytkowych organów w NRD
Rudkowski, Tadeusz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zabytkowe organy w NRD
organmistrzowie niemieccy
bracia Jehmlich
Aleksander Schuke
Herman Eule
In his re p o r t th e a u th o r commented his impressions h e h a s collected in th re e la rg e s t o rg an -b u ild in g wo rk sh o p s in th e GDR which a re also c a rry in g on th e c o n se rv a tio n of a n c ie n t o rg an s as those h av in g long tr a d itio n s in th is field. The old est of th e se firm s — “Jehm lich Bros.”, Dresden, possessed all th e time by th e same family, is doing th e b usiness w ith o u t any in te rru p tio n since 1808. The yo u n g e st of th e th r e e — “H e rm a n n E u le ”, B au tz en will commemorate th e 100- y e a r ju b ile e th is year. A lo t of co n se rv a tio n c a rrie d out a t a high level should be considered as m e rit of th e two ab o v e -m en tio n ed firm s an d also of th e th ird one, “A le x a n d e r S c h u k e ”, Po tsd am. In co n se rv a tio n of a n c ie n t organs as g e n e ra l p rin c ip le h a s been adopted th e re ta in in g to a h ig h e st possible d eg ree of th e h is to ric a l “su b s ta n c e ” of an in s trum e n t in all th ese cases w h e re it p ro v e s to be possible. In cases in which th e ir re v e rtib le decays or damage s occured an e x a c t in v e n to ry ing of a given p a r t is m ad e and, a fte r co n serv atio n , it is h a n d e d back to th e u s e r to g e th e r w ith th e in s trum e n t itse lf. P a rtic u la rly in th e firm “A lex a n d e r S ch u k e ” w h e re co n se rv a tio n is considered as th e fie ld of a c tiv itie s k e p t a t th e sam e lev e l w ith th e b u ild in g of n ew in s trum e n ts th e me th o d s ap p lied d e se rv e fo r fu ll a dm ira tio n . E n tire ly in d iv id u a l a p p ro a ch to e ach in s tru m en t is c au sin g th a t a ll th e wo rk done in th is firm is being m e t w ith high ap p re c ia tio n . As a n evidenc e fo r th e p ro p e rly u n d e rsto o d im p o rtan c e of c o n s e rv a tion of a n c ie n t o rg an s may be considered a small m u seum possessed by th e F irm whose mo st v a lu a b le p a r t is ä fin e collection of o rg an pipes d a tin g from th e 16th c e n tu ry . A h ig h ly in te re s tin g a ch ie v em en t from th e b o rd e rlin e of co n se rv a tio n of an c ie n t o rgans an d th e b u ild in g of n ew in s trum e n ts re p r e s e n ts th e b u ild in g in 1958, on in itia tiv e o f H an s Jo a ch im Schuke, of a n ew in s tru m en t fo r th e Divi Blasi C h u rch , M ü h lh au sen a c co rding to th e p re s e rv e d to o u r days design p re p a re d in 1708 by Jo h a n n S e b a stian Bach. As a n o th e r in te re s tin g a ch ie v em en t of sim ila r n a tu re , th is time of th e firm “J e hm lic h ”, Dresden, may be q u o ted th e comp le tio n in th e la s t y e a r of works c a rrie d o u t a t th e g re a t organ in H ofkirche, D resden being th e la s t in s trum e n t b u ilt by th e fam o u s G e rman o rg a n -b u ild e r Georg S ilb e rm an n an d fin a lly completed by Z. H ild e b ra n d t. This org an was sa feg u a rd ed by its s trip p in g in th e beginnings of 1944, however, its h is to ric a l p ro sp e c t h a s been b u rn t in fire th a t swallowed th e church. A fte r reb u ild in g of th e ch u rch w orks w e re u n d e r ta k e n to p la c e th e in s trum e n t in a n ew casing. This o p e ra tio n offered an o p p o rtu n ity to c a rry out special in v e stig a tio n s u n d e r th e sup erv isio n of a n um e ro u s g ro u p of e x p e rts w ith th e aim to remo v e sev e ra l modifications mad e a t la te r d a te s an d to re s to re orig in al sound to th e in s trum en t. The a u th o r sum ma riz e s his rem a rk s g a th e re d d u rin g th e d e ta ile d viewing of some an c ie n t in s trum en ts . He came to a re g re ta b le conclusion th a t sev e ra l r e s to r a tions c a rried out d u rin g th e 19th c en tu ry th ro u g h th e change of pipes an d mo d ific a tio n s of o th e r e lements h av e d ep riv ed most G e rm an o rg an s of th e ir fu ll h is to ric a l values.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1972, 3; 224-228
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zjazd Parazytologów NRD
Meeting of Parasotologists in the German Democratic Republic
Sezd Parazitologov Nemeckojj Demokraticheskojj Respubliki
Kozar, Z.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Parazytologiczne
Annals of Parasitology; 1964, 10, 1
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Parasitology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Współzawodnictwo i ruch racjonalizatorski w Niemieckiej Republice Demokratycznej
Work Competition and Rationalization Movement in the German Democratic Republic
Voigt, Otto
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
In the introductory part of the article the author deals with theoretical and ideological premises of work competition and rationalization movement in socialist enterprises. The discussed forms of workers’ active involvement represent: 1) a reflection of socialist attitude to work, 2) indicator of maturity of socialist work relations, 3) the most essential form of socialist democracy in the work establishment, 4) factor of shaping socialist personality. The discussion proceeds next to the most important stages in development of work competition and rationalization movement in the GDR. They are discussed against the background of traditions of socialist work competition and inventiveness in the first socialist country — the Soviet Union in the context of Lenin’s concepts relating to the subject in question. In its final part, the article contains detailed statistical data depicting development of these forms of workers’ activity in the GDR over the period of 1968—1976.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica; 1982, 4; 45-60
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stosunek kobiet pracujących do pracy w Niemieckiej Republice Demokratycznej
Attitude of Working Women to Work in the German Democratic Republic
Hölzler, Ingrid
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
The author, presenting the attitude of women to work in the GDR, proves a hypothesis that work for women is more of a life need than a condition of existence. Comparing the attitude to work and to problems connected with it of women and men she finds confirmation for deep transformations which have been effected and are taking place in the GDR’s society. The second part of the article deals with the problem of the place held by the family life and duties ensuing from it in the life of women against the background of attitude to work. The author points out that majority of women in the German Democratic Republic place on the same level professional tasks and family duties. Since — as it was confirmed by studies — women perform less complex functions, their integration with the enterprise is slower, which exerts some impact on the analyzed participation of women in the rationalization movement, involvement with production problems, and interest in improvement of professional qualifications.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica; 1982, 4; 107-118
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy wykorzystania kwalifikacji i efektywność kształcenia w Niemieckiej Republice Demokratycznej
Problems of utilization of qualifications and effectiveness of education in the German Democratic Republic
Hellriegel, Günter
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica; 1987, 66
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poszukiwanie biograficznego sensu po upadku niemieckiej republiki demokratycznej. Przypadek Helgi Kuske
Searching for a biographical meaning after the fall of the german democratic republic. The case of Helga Kuske
Wygnańska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
analiza biograficzna
konstruowanie tożsamości
uniwersum symboliczne
doświadczenie biograficzne NRD
biographical analysis
construction of identity
symbolic universe
biographical experience of the GDR
The article focuses on the analysis of the autobiographical narrative interview with Helga Kuske. Narrator, born in the post-war decade, in East Germany, experiences biographically the symbolic universe of the German Democratic Republic as well as the trajectory associated with the biographical difficulties of coping during the systemic transformation. Case study of Ms Kuske life story oscillates between an attempt to capture her biography in the context of the post-war history of East Germany and a study of her life history with reference to the concept of the symbolic universe of Berger and Luckmann. The text also aims to show the relationship between individual biographical experience and collective processes on the example of the impact of GDR mechanisms on the process of the controlling the life course of the GDR population. 
Artykuł skupia się na analizie autobiograficznego wywiadu narracyjnego z Helgą Kuske. Narratorka, urodzona w powojennej dekadzie, w Niemczech Wschodnich, doświadcza biograficznie uniwersum symbolicznego Niemieckiej Republiki Demokratycznej, a także trajektorii związanej z trudnościami biograficznymi radzenia sobie w okresie transformacji systemowej. Analiza przypadku Pani Kuske oscyluje między próbą uchwycenia jej biografii w kontekście powojennej historii Niemiec Wschodnich a studium historii jej życia w odniesieniu do koncepcji uniwersum symbolicznego Bergera i Luckmanna. Tekst ma także na celu wskazanie zależności między jednostkowym doświadczeniem biograficznym a procesami kolektywnymi na przykładzie działania wschodnioniemieckich mechanizmów kontrolowania przebiegu życia mieszkańców NRD.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica; 2018, 67; 121-140
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Racjonalizacja inwentaryzacji drzewostanów w NRD przy użyciu różnych stałych relaskopu
Rationalization of the inventory of stands in the German Democratic Republic at using various constans of the relascope
Ulibricht, R.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Sylwan; 1984, 128, 06
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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