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Wyszukujesz frazę "Stankiewicz, Jerzy" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

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Stankiewicz, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
dobro kultury
kompleksowość ochrony zabytków
kryteria weryfikacji dóbr kultury
miejski zespół zabytkowy
A good deal of essential problems with which are faced the Polish scientific and cultural circles dealing with protection of historical monuments have been listed within the present article. The main emphasis, however, was laid upon und in detail discussed were the following questions: the advancing endangerments to settling environments as a consequence of new conditions of the „standardized production” of new housing estates; the definition of the term „historical monument” or „cultural heritage” ; the unfavourable results of'verifying the cultural property through its classification; the approach of representatives of various scientific disciplines to cultural property; the problems of a corporate considering of groupings of historic buildings and, finally - the problems of staffing as well as those of organization. A particular emphasis was laid by the author upon importance of problems related to protection of settling environment by stressing the fact that the Polish experts have at their disposal a number of well developod methods basing on the corporate investigations carried out by specialists from many scientific areas. The introduction of such investigations into a wide practice should prove highly helpful while establishing the outlines that in their turn would constitute an essential element in preparing of the general and detailed plans and at working out of housing programmes. The author hopes that it will namely be the historians and conservators who will choose the spatial settings deserving to be safeguarded and at the same time demanding the determining of nature and extent of the necessary or permissible rehabilitation and modernization. While advancing the above requirements he puts the question about our readiness to carry out the aforo- -mentioned tasks and expresses his doubts and objections. Among these objections quite essential, in the author’s view, role is being played by terminology. The term „zabytek” (a historical monument in Polish) while in use in other languages suggests a sizeable object of monumental character whereas in Polish it is composed of two parts, namely a prefix „za”, pointing to something coming from the past and „byt” , eonstituing an arch definition. In the above connection the term „zabytek” (a monument, historical monument) is strongly emphasising the ancientness of an object which in the author’s view confines its comprehension range. The author refers to the Polish Law on the Protection of Cultural Property of 1962 wdiere the term „historical monument” is being used as one alternating with „cultural property” . From the above fact two features are resulting, unfavorable for the protection of cultural property, namoly interpretation stating that as the „monuments” are to be considered only the cultural property subjected to legal protection and, furthermore, the identify of terms „monument” and an object whose main quality is its age. According to the author a lot of confusion and harms have been caused by classifying verification of cultural property or cultural heritage consisting of architectural objects or historic buildings which has led to demolition of objects classified to lower categories or even those in higher categories. The register of historic buildings is covering only sporadic buildings dating from the 19th and 20th centuries that under the eyes of community only quite recently are acquiring the qualities of cultural property under protection. A strong criticism was expressed by the author with respect to touring maps containing classifications of the separate historical monuments an a general statement made by him that in the community’s consciousness more and more firm becomes the view about the apparent worthlessness of what is forming the basic tissue of historical settings. The Law mentioned above lists eleven groups of objects or their groupings that may form the subject of protection. It must be added, however, that each of these groups forms a basic for the separate area of knowledge. The above division results into different methods of investigation and, furthermore, is connected with various institutions, professional associations, displays, etc. It has been stated by the author that the prevailing majority of groups to wrhom is classified the cultural property in this country is to be found within the groupings and enclosed systems and so, for instance, a single grouping may be composed of cultural property representing the above 11 classes; thus the separate elements of that grouping will be diasipated in registrations which the situation does not favour a corporate protection. In the course of his further considerations the author characterizes the approach the experts from the various fields of science may have to a given object and he states that the most „corporate” in its nature approach is shown by graduates from the Institute of Connoisseur - ship and Conservation, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń. It is required by the author that the aesthetical values of cultural property be not indentified with assessments made on conventional basis of investigations carried out by art historians and architects and that the classifying verifications be made on the basis of a full and objective overall distinction. As an essential problem is considered by the author that of settlement groupings of high rank arising from richness of historical and social traditions and both spatial systems and forms. As particularly unsatisfactory are to be considered conditions of the traditional rustic buildings. It is suggested by the author that in each ethnographic region at least one grouping of rustici buildings should be selected with a reservation accompanying it. With regard to the historic urban centres in the years 1969—1970 the criteria for estimating of historic buildings have changed; thus, for instance, to such buildings are now being counted those with architectural forms that developed during the 19th and early 20th century but as deserving consideration should also be handled the town plans, the outskirts or the workers’ housing quarters and the like, dating back to those times. It is proposed by the author to stop the publication of registers or catalogues of historic buildings and to focus on systematic investigations supplying the background for the renewed, but this time carefully planned and wide registering action. The problems of staffing have also been dealt with by the author who pointed to quantitative insufficiencies of the appropriately trained personnel able to undertake the tasks associated with protection and preservation of cultural property. While speaking about such personnel he has in mind a number of suitably specialized experts e.g. twon planners, architects or civil engineers who with the problems from the ange of cultu al property protection would be made acquainted in the course of their academic training. However, that their activities could prove affective it is indispensable to establish a suitable organizational system of their work with no place for an excessively extended administration, but quite opposite — with the conservation services supported by a suitable scientific and research as well as technical background. In this connection it is suggested by the author to establish the Voivodship Centres of Cultural Property Protection subordinated to Voivodship Conservators and responsible for carrying out the tasks associated with preparing of documentation and other research activities. While summarizing his considerations the author presented the directions of the necessary research activities, organizational and legal measures, these form the field of training and finally those in publishing range that all taken together could lead to changes in protection of cultural property in Poland.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1975, 2; 93-110
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zagroda w Samlinie
Stankiewicz, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zagroda w Samlinie
układ zagrody w Samlinie
zagrody na Pomorzu Zachodnim
zagrody typu samlińskiego
zamknięte zagrody bliźniacze
zagrody pomorskie
budownictwo drewniane
Ochrona Zabytków; 1959, 3-4; 232-248
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Twierdza w Wisłoujściu i niektóre problemy związane z jej odbudową
Stankiewicz, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Twierdza w Wisłoujściu
plan Twierdzy w Wisłoujściu
Bastion Artyleryjski
Bastion Ostroróg
Bastion Furta Wodna
Szaniec Wschodni
Szaniec Zachodni
rekonstrukcja wałów obronnych
zniszczenia wojenne Twierdzy Wisłoujście
Fort Carré
Ochrona Zabytków; 1956, 3; 177-187
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sprawa Oliwy. Uwagi na marginesie konkursu architektoniczno-urbanistycznego
Stankiewicz, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
konkurs na zagospodarowanie centrum Oliwy
zagospodarowanie przestrzenne zespołu portowo-miejskiego Gdańsk-Gdynia
plan „GD”
zagospodarowanie Oliwy
The problems of shaping and protection of the complexes of spatial, cultural and historical value as exemplified by the case of Oliwa, near Gdańsk, are discussed by the author. Referring to the architectonic and town planning competition for the development o f Stara Oliwa (Old Oliwa) he also draws certain general conclusions pertaining to competitions of this kind. At Oliwa, a settlement connected with the Cistercian Abbey founded there in the 12th century, certain industrial activities developed in the course of time when mills, forges and other manufacturing plants started being set up on the stream flowing that locality. Nearby, on the sea- coast, the fisherman’s village o f Jelitkowo existed since early me diaeval times. Beginning with the 16th century, the patricians of Gdańsk used to built their country residences near Oliwa (on the grounds of the village of Polanka). On the turn of the 19th, a few residential villa settlements, interesting from architectonic point of view, were added to the complex of Oliwa. Almost untouched by the hostilities of the Second World War, it has retained its most important and varied historical and spatial values, harmonized with one another and with the landscape: the seaside te r race in the east and the wodded slopes of the moraine upland and picturesque valleys in the west. The postwar period saw a dynamic development of the agglomeration o f Gdańsk. Work was taken up on modernization and integration of the band-shaped transport system of the „Tricity” (Gdańsk-Sopot-Gdynia). A few large residential estates have been s ited on the non-developed areas of the seaside terrace o f Oliwa. New building has penetrated even to the areas of Stara Oliwa not only clashing with its old buildings but even ousting the latter. The sum to tal o f the problems and difficulties involved in spatial development of Stara Oliwa turned out so large eventually that the municipal authorities have decided to examine the possibilities of their being resolved by way o f a competition. In v iew of the numerous, still preserved values of Oliwa and, also, of the necessity of reconciling those values with the complex problems of public transport system, the work on preparation of the detailed conditions of the competition was extremely difficult and lasted for a year and a half. Moreover, as has turned out in this connection, the earlier decisions of the conservator bodies and urban plans took into consideration but the most important hi:torical monuments and complexes without sufficient understanding of the significance o f the broadly conceived historical, cultural, spatial and landscape values of Stara Oliwa and its environs. Oliwa’s cultural and spatial values a s a w h o l e were neither duly appreciated and respected. Preparations for the competition brought into relief the necessity of reconsideration of a number of the decisions already made and, even, withdrawal of those on allocation of the respective building sites. They have necessitated as well a thorough review of not only the detailed plan of the whole of Oliwa but also verification of some e le ments and assumptions of the general plan. The experience acquired during the preparations for the competition discussed have revealed as well the imperative need for embracing with conservator’s protection not only the respective monuments but also larger and smaller spatial complexes and units of cultural and landscape values, inclusive of their immediate environment. Another imperative displayed by the competition was that o f a closer than so far cooperation between the conservation bodies and the authorities responsible for the preparation and approval of regional development plans, especially at the stage of drawing up those plans. The so-called Oliwa competition made a telling illustration of the significant part played in laying down the conditions of a competition which involves the problems of historical heritage, spatial, cultural and landscape aspects, by specialists emotionally engaged in protection of cultural heritage of the nation. For it was precisely during the preparations for the competition and its proceedings as such that it has turned out that, with duly thought out concepts and adequately colected and elaborated documentation, it is possible to win over proper understanding of the weight o f the problem o f rational shaping and protection o f the cultural and spatial environment not only on the part of conservators, architects and town planners but also of the authorities and the general public. The final outcome of the case of Oliwa is not merelly the positive resolution of many urgent spatial problems of that beautiful historical district and ta king up the work on a new elaboration of the detailed plan o f Oliwa as a whole, the plan based on new assumptions and directives. Its no less essential result is the fact that the case discussed has also made the local conservation bodies, the circles of town planners and architects, the authorities concerned, and the community at large, more sensitive to the question of comprehensive and hormonious shaping and protection o f the cultural and spatial values o f not solely the agglomeration of Gdańsk but the whole of the region concerned.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1976, 4; 253-272
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwagi o odbudowie zespołu zabytkowego Gdańska
Stankiewicz, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
odbudowa zabytkowego Gdańska
sieć uliczna zabytkowego Gdańska
zagospodarowanie bloków przy odbudowie Gdańska
zasady odbudowy Gdańska
rekonstrukcja zespołów miejskich
adaptacja zachowanych elementów
Ochrona Zabytków; 1959, 3-4; 153-172
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Piotr Loewen - budowniczy żuławski
Stankiewicz, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Piotr Loewen
podcień typu żuławskiego
żuławski dom podcieniowy
działalność Loewena
domy Loewena
dom 31 w Orłowie
dom PGR Orłowo
dom 55 Marynowy
dom 68 Żuławki
podcienia orłowskie
belkowanie podcienia
Ochrona Zabytków; 1956, 1-2; 73-87
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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