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Jeszcze o Niepokalanym Poczęciu Najświętszej Marii Panny w twórczości Norwida
Further comments regarding the presence of Immaculate Conception in works by Norwid
Sawicki, Stefan
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Niepokalane Poczęcie
Maria Panna
Tomasz Garbol
Cyprian Norwid
immaculate conception
Saint Mary
Głos w dyskusji: czy Norwid właściwie rozumiał dogmat o Niepokalanym Poczęciu Najświętszej Marii Panny.
The article joins the discussion on the question whether Cyprian Norwid properly understood the dogma of immaculate conception.
Studia Norwidiana; 2022, 40; 205-208
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Studia Norwidiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ku tomistycznej teorii literatury
Toward a Thomist Literary Theory
Sobiech, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
teoria literatury
intuicja poetycka
jakości metafizyczne
Jacques Maritain
Stefan Sawicki
literary theory
poetic intuition
metaphysical qualities
The aim of the paper is to formulate a more or less coherent proposition of a literary theory philosophically based on Thomism. The first part of the essay contains a short characteristic of the general relations between literary theory and philosophy along with a justification of the sensibility of the goal chosen. The second part is a short presentation of the manner the question of literature and its interpretation has been hitherto treated among the Thomists. For the purpose of brevity, it is done in an “exemplary” fashion, by reference to the thought of the two outstanding French Thomists: Etienne Gilson and Jacques Maritain. The third part is devoted to what is most essential for the work, namely: to an at-tempt at presenting a relatively coherent Thomist literary theory, in which attempt the concept of poetic intuition, coined by Maritain, plays a significant role. The text finds its conclusion in several remarks about the general benefits that could be drawn from applying the philosophical thought inspired by the heritage of Thomas Aquinas in literary studies.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2022, 11; 245-260
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Panorama badań aksjologicznych we współczesnym literaturoznawstwie polskim
The Panorama of Axiological Research in Contemporary Polish Literary Studies
Garlej, Beata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
literary studies
Ingarden’s theory of literary work
axiological style
Lublin school
Stefan Sawicki
Andrzej Tyszczyk
Toruń school
Andrzej Stoff
Warsaw school
Bernadetta Kuczera-Chachulska
Ingardenowska teoria dzieła literackiego
aksjologiczny styl
szkoła lubelska
szkoła toruńska
szkoła warszawska
Artykuł jest próbą prezentacji osiągnięć wypracowanych w polskim literaturoznawstwie przez nurt badań aksjologicznych. Przywołano kilka kluczowych kwestii właściwych dla badań aksjologicznych pojętych ogólnie, filozoficznie – aby ustalić, czy literaturoznawstwo może istnieć bez aksjologii albo czy aksjologia potrzebuje bezwzględnie literaturoznawstwa – oraz na zagadnieniu chronologicznego początku badań aksjologicznych w obrębie polskiego literaturoznawstwa. Podjęte rozważania prowadzą do bliższego scharakteryzowania trzech szkół, które wysunęły najbardziej ważkie propozycje rodzimej literaturoznawczej refleksji aksjologicznej: szkoły lubelskiej, szkoły toruńskiej i szkoły warszawskiej. I to właśnie w odniesieniu do nich szkicowo nakreślono najważniejsze dotychczasowe osiągnięcia badań aksjologicznych w polskim literaturoznawstwie.
The article is an attempt to present the achievements of the axiological research current in Polish literary studies. Several key issues relevant to axiological research understood in general, philosophical terms were mentioned to determine whether literary studies can exist without axiology or whether axiology absolutely needs literary studies, as well as the issue of the chronological beginning of axiological research within Polish literary studies. The deliberations undertaken lead to a closer characterisation of the three schools that put forward the most important proposals of Polish literary axiological reflection: the Lublin school, the Toruń school and the Warsaw school. And it is in relation to them that the most relevant hitherto achievements of axiological research in Polish literary studies have been outlined.
Tematy i Konteksty; 2021, 16, 11; 504-515
Pojawia się w:
Tematy i Konteksty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Kształtem jest miłości” – Norwid o kulturze
“The Shape of Love”: Norwid on Culture
Sawicki, Stefan
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The article's main thread begins with Norwid's celebrated definition of beauty as “the shape of love”. The definition points to love as the efficient cause of beauty. Basing on his interpretations of Norwid's texts, the author argues that in the poet's view love is also the efficient cause of art in the broad sense and even, albeit in a somewhat different way, of culture at large. If human culture is to be truly human, it must also draw its origins from love; it must be “the shape of love”.
Studia Norwidiana; 2001, 19; 5-15
Pojawia się w:
Studia Norwidiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Uniwersytet jest najważniejszy”. Stefana Sawickiego idea katolickiej universitas studiorum
“The university is absolutely important.” On Stefan Sawicki’s Idea of the Catholic universitas studiorum
DUDA, Henryk
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
szkolnictwo wyższe, uniwersytet, uniwersytet katolicki, problematyka badawcza podejmowana w ramach uniwersytetu, Stefan Sawicki, szkolnictwo wyższe we współczesnej Polsce
tertiary education, university, Catholic university, research fields within a Catholic university, Stefan Sawicki, tertiary education in modern-day Poland
W artykule przedstawiono publikacje profesora Stefana Sawickiego (ur. 1927 r.) poświęcone idei uniwersytetu katolickiego. Zdaniem autora artykułu najważniejszą kwestią dla Stefana Sawickiego jest relacja między nauką a wiarą, ratio et fides, a więc pytanie o to, czym jest uniwersytet oraz czym uniwersytet katolicki różni się od innych uniwersytetów. Pozostałe kwestie, na przykład sposób nazywania uniwersytetów katolickich, problematyka badawcza, wielkość uniwersytetu czy otwartość na innych a własna tożsamość, wyrastają bezpośrednio z odpowiedzi na te pytania. Teksty Stefana Sawickiego nie dają gotowej odpowiedzi, jak w danym momencie historycznym uniwersytet katolicki powinien być zorganizowany ani jak powinien działać. Ich autor pragnie jednak, aby pobudzały one „do refleksji i dyskusji nad tym, czym powinien i może być obecnie tego typu uniwersytet, zwłaszcza we współczesnej Polsce” (S. Sawicki, O uniwersytecie katolickim, Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, Lublin 2012, s. 8). Sawicki dodaje: „Dobrze by też było, aby nie ograniczać się przy tym do ogólnych formuł dotyczących katolickości uczelni, ale podjąć próbę wskazania, jak należy tę katolickość urzeczywistniać w uniwersyteckiej praktyce” (tamże). Można tekstów Sawickiego nie czytać, ale nie można – myśląc o uniwersytecie katolickim – podniesionych przez ich autora kwestii nie dostrzegać.
The article discusses the publications by Stefan Sawicki (a scholar born in 1927) on the idea of the Catholic university. According to Sawicki, the most important issue in this field is the relation between science and faith (ratio et fides), and the resulting question about the university’s identity, in particular about the marks of a Catholic university. The other issues, such as procedures of giving names to Catholic universities, their research fields, the proper size of a Catholic university, and the balance between the university’s openness to ‘others’ and its guarding its identity, stem directly from this crucial issue. While Stefan Sawicki’s writings will not provide a ready-made answer to the question of how a Catholic university should be structured or how it should function at a given time in history, they may inspire a “reflection and debate on what the university of this type should (and can) be like today, in particular in modern-day Poland” (Stefan Sawicki, On the Catholic University, Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012, 8). Sawicki adds: “It might be commendable not to limit the debate in question to the general formulas of the Catholicity of a university, but rather to point how the Catholicity in question should be implemented in the academic practice” (ibidem). The questions raised by Sawicki pertain to an issue which cannot be disregarded also outside the scope of his work. Translated by Dorota Chabrajska
Ethos; 2017, 30, 1 (117); 305-322
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Quidam. Wokół semantyki tytułu
Quidam. Around the Semantics of the Title
Sawicki, Stefan
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Quidam: pewien – przypowieść
jakiś – mało znany – „białe kwiaty”
jakiś tam – chrześcijanin
jakiś – nie wiadomo jaki – obraz Rzymu
jakiś – każdy z ludzi – wizja człowieka
Quidam: a certain – parable
some – scarcely known – „white flowers”
whoever – a Christian
some – it is unknown which – picture of Rome
some – everyone – a vision of man
Starting from the ambiguousness of the title word Quidam, the author of the article points to various possible interpretations of the poem by Norwid. It can be read as a parable whose semantic background is constituted by biblical events. It can also be understood in the context of the Norwidian poetics of „white flowers”, as a juxtaposition of common, „quiet” people and a common scenery on the one hand and romantic heroes and events on the other. Still another way of reading the poem could be revealed by the process of the „anonymous” birth of Christianity in the multicultural and stable ancient Rome that is shown in the work. An interpretation focused on „humanitas” of the Roman Empire and of the ancient culture would notice the picture of the unavoidable loss of their identity shown in Quidam. An interpretation paying attention to the signs having a symbolic character would show the anthropological dimension of the poem, reaching the two-plane Christian vision of man contained in it. Each of the indicated directions in which interpretation could go, would refer to a different meaning of the pronoun Quidam – the one-word title of the poem.
Studia Norwidiana; 2008, 26; 3-15
Pojawia się w:
Studia Norwidiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nad książką Norwid poeta pisma
On the book Norwid poeta pisma
Sawicki, Stefan
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Studia Norwidiana; 1996, 14; 167-174
Pojawia się w:
Studia Norwidiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Norwida walka z formą
Struggle Against Form
Sawicki, Stefan
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The paper is the first insight into the problem of form, so essential for Norwid. Its subject is, first of all, the poet’s struggle against form which exerts pressure, deprives things of their meanings and constitutes the source of deviation. There still remains to be written a paper presenting Norwid’s struggle for form which is mature and liberating and which deepens the spiritual freedom of man. We also need a thorough study on the poet’s comprehension of form, made against the background of the contemporary philosophical and aesthetic thought. The paper consists of three parts. The beginning of the first part recalls the article “Żydy” i mechesy (Jews and Converted Jews). Norwid resents in it the acceptance of the semantic deviation of the word “przechrzta” (“converted Jew”) and the strict caste system of the nobility. In both these phenomena the blind tradition prevails over their fundamental meanings, appearance over reality, form over “spirit”. The phenomena also mark the range of the problem: from the meaning of a single word to the attitude of the whole socio-historical group. Norwid’s output is full of “antiformal” indignation. It can be found in different shapes and varies in intensity in the majority of his writings. Norwid is irritated by expressions deprived of their original meanings (“Ruszaj z Bogiem”, “Farewell, God be with you”), surprised by the conventionality of the language which ignores the symbolism of silence. He does not accept the formalized traditional versification and the trite use of metaphors. He is stimulated by certain themes (the theme of ruins) and myths (Wanda, Krakus, Tyrtej) which require a new expression. He sees the necessity to complete the gallery of literary characters (the mute heroine of Assunta). The conventionalized, irresistible genre constraints require intrepid modification: the idea of “white tragedy”, the new lyric poetry of Vade-mecum, the criticism of the contemporary moral novel, the parable variant of the epic poem in Quidam. Norwid protests against the spiritless customs, formal treatment of marriage, schematic evaluation of people and occurrences, stereotype of a Pole-patriot, external manifestation of feelings (Czułość, Tenderness), narrow-minded religious attitudes ([Dewocja krzyczy: “Michelet wychodzi z Kościoła!”...], [Bigotry Shouts: “Michelet is Leaving the Church!”...]), superficial understanding of history overlooking its “other writing”, its real spirit. In the whole of Norwid’s writings we sense the spirit of protest and struggle against mechanical tradition, empty convention, fascination with the external world, resistless submission to the custom, narrow-mindedness of social and national structures. Norwid’s work is a great "non-possumus” against the limitations of the development and the slavery of man. The second part of the paper deals with the reasons for such an attitude of the poet. They can be found, above all, in the rhapsody Niewola (Slavery, 1849) which concerns mainly the problems of the nation but assumes universal dimensions and becomes an attempt at poetic anthropology. Man’s life is seen by Norwid as life “towards death”. Death is the moment of the greatest value in man’s existence, the moment of the fullest spiritual maturity. Man’s life is a gradual process of freeing himself from formal restrictions: society, custom, body - from various kinds of slavery. Life “towards death” is for Norwid, at the same time, life towards transcendency, “towards freedom”, towards God. Every instance of exceeding the limits of degraded, false structures, each attitude morally independent of them is a step towards spiritual freedom, towards the fullest human maturity. The above refers also to a man-artist. His creations must be free from the patterns which cramp his artistic expression, his work must be a process of getting rid of necrotized “objectifying” forms being merely a sign of tradition, a process of looking for such forms which at this time and in this situation are a better expression of spiritual content and therefore serve in the name of the freedom of redeemed man. This is the motivation of Norwid’s “struggle against form” on different levels of his literary work. It was not so much “struggle against” as “struggle for”: in service with man, his ultimate predestination, with all that is indestructible in him. This motivation is even more convincing in view of the historical and theological perspectives found in Rzecz o wolności slowa (The Matter of the Freedom of the Word). The third part of the paper confronts Norwid with Gombrowicz - these two Polish writers who took particular interest in the problem of form. For both writers, form is not merely an aesthetic question (as for Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz) but the center of their poetic anthropology. In both the philosophy of “struggle against form” changes.into the poetics of “struggle against form” and becomes the fundamental quality of their writings. But they differ from each other radically. Norwid searches for all the misuses of form mainly of the social and more universal level. Gombrowicz goes deeper into the psychology of man and his individual deviations. The attitude of playing and distance towards each of the forms constitutes his writings. It reveals the “human condition” which is determined by the constant tension between maturity and immaturity, superiority and inferiority, officialness and suboffi- ciallness, form and formlessness. Form consciousness determines the consciousness and freedom of man “limited to himself”. Norwid fights with inadequate form in order to eliminate all that cramps man, to reveal spiritual values, to bring man closer to the attitude of love - “this eternal anti-formalism”, the attitude of mature freedom which is brought by the time of death. He remembers the evangelical letter that kills and the spirit that enlivens. What really matters to him is not the unmasking of form but the salvation of man whose nature is seen as the capability of great transcendence. Gombrowicz’s protest against form (and at the same time his fascination with it!) originates in the contemporary existentialism and the psychosociology of the 20th century. Norwid’s sensibility to form limitations is bound up with the romantic philosophy and - above all - with the Christian thought of man interpreted in a surprisingly new and perspective way. The paper ends with a personal confession. In the bringing together of thoughts and attitudes of both writers, so different as Norwid and Gombrowicz are, the author sees a chance and a hope for all we call modern Polish culture. Gombrowicz forces us, as no other writer does, to know the truth, even painful and cruel, of ourselves: what we are. Norwid helps us to know our place in the world, the sense of our presence here: wh o we are; as Poles and as people.
Studia Norwidiana; 1984, 2; 15-28
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Studia Norwidiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Norwida wywyższenie tradycji
Norwid’s Elevation of Tradition
Sawicki, Stefan
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
In his prose poem Garstka piasku Norwid credits tradition with the role of the differentia specifica of the concept “man”. This article sets out to show that his aim was not to address the problem of the differentia specifica, but to emphasize the importance of tradition for man. Its importance is twofold: (1) by preserving knowledge of what was “in the beginning”, tradition is the most fundamental source of knowledge about reality, including man himself; (2) tradition makes possible man’s “historical resurrection”, which in Norwid’s view is linked with the eschatological resurrection. Norwid’s “elevation of tradition” grew out of the religious currents of Romantic thought, especially the so-called 19th century traditionalism (De Bonald), and of the poet’s own reflections: he sought inspiration in Christianity to interpret all things from the perspective of the whole.
Studia Norwidiana; 1990, 8; 3-14
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Studia Norwidiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
On the scientific gift for Professor Stefan Sawicki, with general remarks on modern Norwid Studies
O naukowym darze dla profesora Stefana Sawickiego, z przyłączeniem uwag ogólnych nad współczesną szkołą norwidologiczną
Stanisz, Marek
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Cyprian Norwid
Stefan Sawicki
Norwid Studies
: Cyprian Norwid
The article presents a review of the collective monograph Strona Norwida. Studia I szkice ofiarowane Profesorowi Stefanowi Sawickiemu (edited by P. Chlebowski, W. Toruń, E. Żwirkowska and E. Chlebowska, Lublin 2008). The discussion of the contents of all 28 scientific articles published in the volume is the starting point for sketching a panorama of contemporary Norwid Studies and determining the contribution of Professor Stefan Sawicki to the development of this discipline.
Artykuł jest recenzją monografii zbiorowej pt. Strona Norwida. Studia i szkice ofiarowane Profesorowi Stefanowi Sawickiemu (pod red. P. Chlebowskiego, W. Torunia, E. Żwirkowskiej, E. Chlebowskiej, Lublin 2008). Omówienie zawartości 28 zamieszczonych tu artykułów naukowych stanowi punkt wyjścia do naszkicowania panoramy współczesnej norwidologii oraz określenia wkładu prof. Stefana Sawickiego w rozwój tej dyscypliny
Studia Norwidiana; 2018, 36 English Version; 277-300
Pojawia się w:
Studia Norwidiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O naukowym darze dla Profesora Stefana Sawickiego, z przyłączeniem uwag ogólnych nad współczesną szkołą norwidologiczną
On the scientific gift for Professor Stefan Sawicki, with general remarks on modern Norwid Studies
Stanisz, Marek
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Cyprian Norwid
Stefan Sawicki
Norwid Studies
Artykuł jest recenzją monografii zbiorowej pt. Strona Norwida. Studia i szkice ofiarowane Profesorowi Stefanowi Sawickiemu (pod red. P. Chlebowskiego, W. Torunia, E. Żwirkowskiej, E. Chlebowskiej, Lublin 2008). Omówienie zawartości 28 zamieszczonych tu artykułów naukowych stanowi punkt wyjścia do naszkicowania panoramy współczesnej norwidologii oraz określenia wkładu prof. Stefana Sawickiego w rozwój tej dyscypliny.
The article presents a review of the collective monograph Strona Norwida. Studia I szkice ofiarowane Profesorowi Stefanowi Sawickiemu (edited by P. Chlebowski, W. Toruń, E. Żwirkowska and E. Chlebowska, Lublin 2008). The discussion of the contents of all 28 scientific articles published in the volume is the starting point for sketching a panorama of contemporary Norwid Studies and determining the contribution of Professor Stefan Sawicki to the development of this discipline.
Studia Norwidiana; 2018, 36; 261-282
Pojawia się w:
Studia Norwidiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poematy Cypriana Norwida. Uwagi edytorskie
Cyprian Norwid's Poems. Editor's Remarks (transl. by Tadeusz Karłowicz)
Sawicki, Stefan
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
wydanie krytyczne
critical edition
The paper is the Editor's Introduction to Cyprian Norwid's Poems included in Volumes III and IV of the critical edition of the poet's Collected Writings prepared by Norwidologists from different academic centers and edited by the Learned Society of the Catholic University of Lublin: Volume III has been edited by S. Sawicki and A. Cedro, and Volume IV by S. Sawicki and P. Chlebowski. Both volumes will be published in 2008.
Studia Norwidiana; 2007, 24-25; 43-53
Pojawia się w:
Studia Norwidiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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