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Polski panslawizm jako idea geopolityczna
Polish Pan-Slavism as a Geopolitical Idea
Ebrhardt, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geopolityczne
Slavic World
W artykule przedstawiono dokonania polskiego słowianofilstwa i panslawizmu. Była to idea polityczna, która ma w Polsce blisko dwieście lat tradycji. Jego orędownikami byli początkowo wielcy koryfeusze polskiej nauki, tacy jak Stanisław Staszic lub literatury pięknej jak Adam Mickiewicz. W późniejszym czasie koncepcje panslawistyczne były przyjmowane w Polsce z coraz większą nieufnością a nawet wrogością, gdyż widziano w nich ideologie renegacką i moskalofilską. Niemniej panslawiści odegrali istotną rolę w polskiej myśli geopolitycznej. Kwestie te zostały opisane i skomentowane.
The paper presents the history of the Polish Pan-Slavic movement, along with the views of its most important representatives, concerning the position and the geopolitical future of the Polish territories. The supporters of Pan-Slavism aimed at the establishment of the political community of the Slavonic nations. Such a community could have been established only after the normalisation of the Polish- Russian relations, which had a character of a confrontation. That is why the primary task of the Polish Pan-Slavic movement was the assessment of the Polish-Russian relations and the tendency towards its improvement, since this was the condition of the Slavic unity. The beginnings of the Polish Pan-Slavic movement are linked with the first decades of the 19th century, and especially with the political decisions that were taken during the Vienna Congress. It was then that the autonomous Polish Kingdom was established within the confines of the Russian Empire. This had an important influence on the attitudes of the Polish intellectual elite with respect to Russia. They hoped for the more partnership-like Polish-Russian relations and for the extension of the territory of the Polish Kingdom. In the years 1815-1830 numerous projects and programs appeared, in which it was demonstrated that the community of Slavs would bring positive political repercussions and shall contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of the western and southern Slavs. As an example, the views of Stanisław Staszic are presented, whose opinions were shared by many Polish political activists. In the subsequent part of the article the influence is considered of the Polish- Russian war of 1830-1831 and the anti-Russian uprising of 1863 on the ideological evolution of the Polish Pan-Slavic movement. The Polish-Russian antagonism exerted an influence on the attitudes of Poles towards their eastern neighbour. The views of the activists of the Pan-Slavic movement underwent differentiation. Some of them took with respect to Russia an attitude of giving in (like, for instance, Adam Gurowski). At the same time, numerous Polish political activists tried to use the Pan-Slavic argumentation in the development of various political and geopolitical programs. It is in this context that the work of such authors as Henryk Kamieński, Kazimierz Krzywicki, Karol Mikoszewski, as well as that of some others, is presented in the article. The second part of the article refers already to the Pan-Slavic concepts, which developed in the 20th century. At the beginning of the 20th century the Neo-Slavic movement appeared on the Polish territories, attempting to get in close touch with all of the Slavonic nations. To a certain extent this movement had an anti-Russian character. And it did not really play any important political role. It was only during the World War II that an activation of the circles, representing the Pan-Slavic orientation, took place. Aggression of the Germanic Nazi troops called for the unity and solidarity of the Slavs. In this period, both among the Polish emigration in the United Kingdom and on the occupied Polish territories a group of numerous supporters of the Pan-Slavic idea started to actively work, preparing diverse programs calling for the establishment of a Slavonic community, with differentiated proposals for its geographical reach. Of these, the designs of Edmund Romer and Mieczysław Gliszczyński are commented upon in the paper. It should be noted that at the same time, the Soviet Union was heralding the unity of the Slavonic nations, this, however, being an ad hoc, politically motivated manoeuvre. In the final part of the paper the situation is presented in the contemporary Pan- Slavic movement in Poland. This movement reappeared after a long absence after 1989. The opinions and the stances are presented of the so-called Polish Slavic Committee. This body cooperates with similar organisations in other Slavonic countries. Its significance, though, is marginal and political, as well as social influence is very feeble. The summary of the article presents an assessment of the achievements of the Polish Pan-Slavic movements and their significance for the development of the Polish geopolitical thought.
Przegląd Geopolityczny; 2014, 7; 61-84
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geopolityczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rosyjski panslawizm jako idea geopolityczna
The Russian Pan-slavim as a geopolitical idea
Eberhardt, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geopolityczne
Artykuł poświecony jest rosyjskiemu panslawizmowi. Ta idea filozoficznopolityczna miała również swoje oblicze geopolityczne. Powstała w rezultacie ewolucji poglądów formułowanych przez rosyjskich słowianofilów. Podstawowym jej celem było utworzenie pod zwierzchnictwem Rosji wielkiego Imperium Słowiańskiego. Koncepcja ta była popierana przez władze carskie, Cerkiew prawosławną oraz ówczesną elitę rosyjską. Wiele miejsca w artykule zajęło omówienie konfliktowych stosunków polsko-rosyjskich.
It the article was presented a genesis, and then the development of Russian Pan-Slavism. This ideology had own geopolitical repercussions. Its basic aim was the creation federation of Slavic nations under Russian supremacy. Causes of its rising had political character and resulted from loss by Russia Crimean War, Polish Insurrection from 1863. and first of all the Turkish-Russian War (1875/1878). The need of coming with help oppressed by south Slavs' Turks stood an popular idea, which approached to it the Czarist Power, Orthodox church and then the political elites of Russia. The banner of Slavs' liberation became comfortable reason of construction an idea to necessity building a Grat Imperium and territorial throphies. Beyond of capture Balkans, the basic goal was conquesting Constantinople and contaimenting the Bosphorus and Dardanelless. The idea of Pan -Slavism shaped in result of evolution opinions delivered by the Russian Slavophiles. It was then Russian intellectuals who referenced to the Old Russian traditions and had hostile to cultural influences of West- European area. It was presented activity and outlook the main Russian Slavophiles: Iwan Kieriejewski, Alieksiej Chomiakow, Iwan Aksakow and Jurij Samarin and where was describted their philosophical and political opinions. In the article was presented their relation to the Poland matter of independence. They had negative opinions because, according to their, Poland was a state belong to Latin civilization, which will not subordinate despotic Russia. Slavophilism changed, in result of nationalist growth and xenophobic tendencies. Organizing II Slavic Downhill Congress in Moscow was inspiring this transformation event (1867), in which took apart all Slavic nations, except the Poles. The Pan-Slavistic ideas were universally accepted in Russian society. In the final effect, approved as the political and geopolical doctrine. In the example of achievements creatores, Pan-Slavism was a reported idea principles and geopolitical intentions, this conception. In presenting work M. Danilewski, was reported, praparation by him, territorial abattis future Slavic Federation. The Russian loss in the I World War and the Bolshevik revolt made up the end of Pan-Slavistic tenet. In later time linking to idea of Slavs unification had the episodic character and had not the large political meaning. It afterworld of article was including the opinion about Pan-Slavism from geopolitical side. Turn the attention, that this doctrine was the imperial conception and it aim, was not be include with creation of free Slavic states conception, but the Russian centralized empire. This idea was the one of great utopias, which came into being in XIX and under the end of XX this conception lost own timeliness.
Przegląd Geopolityczny; 2010, 2; 43-64
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geopolityczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mitteleuropa vs panslawizm. Polityczne wizje organizacji przestrzeni środkowo-europejskiej
Mitteleuropa vs panslavism. Political visions of the organization of Central European space
Potulski, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Creating of social order based od myth shared by all the members of community. Those collective myths and imaginations are used for to build the social order and to mobilize people for cooperation in society. Political elites uses collective myth and emotions with them relate in order to mobilize people for achievement of political purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyse how political elites create and use collective myth to legitimize their political activity. In the example of Russian panslavism and German Mitteleuropa the author examines the role of “geopolitical imagination” in political competition and legitimizing claims in a particular territory.
Porządek społeczny tworzony przez duże grupy ludzkie opiera się na mitach i wyobrażeniach podzielanych przez członków danej zbiorowości. Te różnorodne mity i wyobrażenia wykorzystywane są aby mobilizować ludzi do współpracy w wielką liczbą ludzi. Elity polityczne bardzo często wykorzystują różnorodne idee aby mobilizować ludzi na rzecz podjęcia działań zmierzających do realizacji określonych celów. Realizacja celów politycznych wymaga zorganizowania odpowiednich środków i legitymizowania podjętych działań. Celem artykułu jest analiza w jaki sposób wykorzystuje się koncepcje polityczno-ideologiczne aby uzasadnić swoje roszczenia do panowania na określonym terytorium. Na podstawie dwóch idei: rosyjskiego panslawizmu i niemieckiej koncepcji Mitteleuropy autor analizuje rolę tzw. wyobrażeń geopolitycznych w rywalizacji politycznej między państwami.
Cywilizacja i Polityka; 2019, 17, 17; 20-42
Pojawia się w:
Cywilizacja i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcja Rzeszy Słowiańskiej według Karela Kramara
The concept of the Slavonic Realm according to Karel Kramář
Eberhardt, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geopolityczne
Slavonic realm
Przedstawiono w artykule propozycję geopolityczną opracowaną w 1914 r. przez wybitnego polityka czeskiego Karela Kramářa mającą na celu zjednoczenie wszystkich narodów słowiańskich w jednym wspólnym państwie, tzw. Rzeszy Słowiańskiej. Miało to się odbyć pod egidą imperatora rosyjskiego. Przed skomentowaniem tej koncepcji przedstawiono biografię, działalność polityczną i dokonania twórcze tego wybitnego męża stanu i pierwszego premiera Czechosłowacji. Reprezentował on poglądy panslawistyczne i filorosyjskie. Starano się również zrozumieć i wyjaśnić jego postawę wobec Polski i Polaków.
The paper presents the geopolitical proposal, elaborated by the outstanding Czech politician, Karel Kramář (1860-1937), and made public in 1914. The doctrinal intention of this proposal was the unification of all the Slavonic nations in one common statehood, the so-called “Slavonic Realm”. This would take place under the auspices of the Russian emperor, after he tsarist Russia would have defeated the German Empire and the Austrian-Hungarian Empire in the approaching war. In the introductory part of the article the political biography of the statesman and the advocate of the alliance of the Slavic countries is outlined. Kramář represented the pan-Slavic and the philo-Russian views. He visited many times Russia, where he got acquainted with the intellectual elite, including the personal encounter with Lev Tolstoy (1890). Before the outbreak of the World War I he demanded federalisation of Austria-Hungary, and granting of the civil, as well as national freedoms to the Czechs. During the period of war he was condemned to death for his patriotic activity, but after a year in prison he was acquitted. After Czechoslovakia gained sovereignty, to which he also contributed in a certain degree, he took the position of the Prime Minister. Then, he participated in the Paris Conference, in Versailles, as the leader of the Czech delegation. He was the author of numerous books and articles, in which he would touch upon the historical, political, geopolitical, social and legal issues. In the further course of the paper the design for the creation of the Slavonic Realm, mentioned before, and the principles of its functioning, are presented. This would consist in the incorporation into the Russian Empire of five autonomous provinces, namely: Poland, Czechia, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Montenegro. Each of the five countries would enjoy the autonomy in the domain of national language and culture. Each of these provinces would be headed by the viceroy, nominated by the Emperor of Russia. The geographical boundaries of these five provinces were delineated, and the design for the constitution was presented and commented upon, developed by Kramář, meant to become the foundation for the future basic law for the territory of the Slavonic community and its constituent parts. The subsequent portion of the article is devoted to the position of Kramář’s regarding Poles and to his attempts, aiming at normalising the Polish-Russian relations. The Czech politician was aware of the fact that without the participation of Poles the entire geopolitical design may end up as failure. Despite numerous efforts, the attempts of Kramář’s were not bringing the expected results in this domain. This was, additionally, due to the fact that the political events, associated with the defeat of tsarist Russia in World War I, made the federalist design obsolete. In the concluding section the author evaluates the concept, forwarded by Kramář, from the point of view of its pragmatism and the capacity of implementation. It is also noted that the communist block, which took shape after World War II, even though pronouncing different principles and ideological doctrine, reminded in territorial terms the area delineated by Kramář and communicated by him in May 1914 to the Russian authorities.
Przegląd Geopolityczny; 2016, 18; 19-37
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geopolityczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Absolutyzm” versus „polonizm” Bismarck, panslawizm a powstanie styczniowe
„Absolutism” versus „Polonism” Bismarck, Pan-slavism and January Uprising
Kopczyński, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
political thought
January Uprising
The aim of this article is to analyze attitude of the Prussian Prime-Minister – considered as the Architect of German Unification – Otto von Bismarck – towards the phenomenon of social rebellion, which in Polish history became known as the January Uprising. The intention of the Author is not to focus on issues related with wide-ranging diplomatic action of the prospective “Iron Chancellor”, which was crowned with Alsvenlabena Convention. Bismarck was in the limelight not like as well-known „real politician”, but as a political thinker whom he also was. Author analyzes a highly specific conceptual nomenclature of Bismarck, and his attitude towards the Poles, Russians, Pan-Slavism and autocracy. Introduction to the subject is an overview of the evaluations of the insurrection, which was permanently established in Polish intellectual environments, including its traditional divisions between the right wing and the left wing.
Historia i Polityka; 2013, 10(17); 45-74
Pojawia się w:
Historia i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inventing Slavic Unity or the Political Use of a Romantic Concept. The Case of Mikhail P. Pogodin and Joachim Lelewel
Mühle, Eduard
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
: idea słowiańska
Slavic idea
Against the background of modern nation-building the article looks at the work of two eminent 19th century historians, the Pole Joachim Lelewel and the Russian Mikhail Pogodin. The text investigates how they tried to shape a modern Slavic Idea by means of historical and political writing.
Historia Slavorum Occidentis; 2018, 4 (19); 94-118
Pojawia się w:
Historia Slavorum Occidentis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rywalizacja Unii Europejskiej i Rosji na obszarze Bałkanów Zachodnich
The rivalry between the European Union and Russia in the Western Balkans
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
European Union
Russian Federation
Western Balkans
Unia Europejska
Federacja Rosyjska
Bałkany Zachodnie
In this article, the author’s present relations between the Russian Federation and the European Union in the context of competition for influence in the Western Balkans. Particular attention is paid to the intersecting lines of interest and, nevertheless, important aspects of historical participation in intra-regional relations between the two actors. The article addresses both political, social and economic issues, which are the merits of mutual relations both within the Russian Federation – the European Union as well as between the two actors and the countries of the region.
W niniejszym artykule autorzy prezentują relacje pomiędzy Federacją Rosyjską a Unią Europejską w kontekście rywalizacji o wpływy na obszarze Bałkanów Zachodnich. Szczególną uwagę autorzy zwracają na przecinające się linie interesów i niemniej ważne aspekty historycznej partycypacji w stosunkach wewnątrz regionu obu aktorów. W artykule zarówno poruszono kwestie polityczne, społeczne jak i gospodarcze, które stanowią meritum wzajemnych relacji zarówno na przestrzeni Federacja Rosyjska – Unia Europejska, jak i pomiędzy oboma aktorami a państwami regionu.
Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej; 2017, 11; 135-146
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Russia: Asia or Europe? Reflections on the awareness of the Polish intelligentsia in the 19th century as the ideological context of Norwid’s work
Dworak, Anna M.
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
świadomość europejska
granice Europy
European awareness
boundaries of Europe
The article discusses the views of the Polish intelligentsia in Cyprian Norwid’s lifetime on the issue of Russia’s membership in Europe. Among the discussed examples there are particularly frequent attempts to push Russia out of Europe by emphasising its Asian character. The examples of pan-Slavic ideas are less frequent. Against this background, Norwid’s views on the question of Russia’s Asianness seem to be exceptionally balanced. The poet noticed that Russia was different, but he believed that isolating it from Europe could be more detrimental than beneficial.
Studia Norwidiana; 2019, 37 English Version; 123-134
Pojawia się w:
Studia Norwidiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cultural and Religious Significance of the Cyrillo- -Methodian Tradition in Central and Eastern Europe
Kulturowe i religijne znaczenie tradycji cyrylo- -metodiańskiej w Europie środkowo-wschodniej
Smołucha, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Cyril and Methodius
tradition of St. Cyril and St. Methodius
Eastern Church
Cyryl i Metody
tradcyja cyrylometodiańska Słowianie
Kościół wschodni
The author of the article discusses the role of the tradition of St. Cyril and Methodius and the reception of this idea in East-Central European culture. Special emphasis was put on presenting the story of the Slavic Rite and its significance, particularly to Eastern Slavs. Later on in the article the author turns his attention to the heritage of St. Cyril and Methodius’s ideas in the works of thinkers from the Hussite circles as well as those from the Roman milieu of Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini. Next, the focus is shifted to the involvement of Jesuits in reviving the Cyril-Methodius tradition, of which so far little is known in historiography. Despite the fact that the origin of this revival was Olomouc, the ideas were also alive in the formed Republic of Poland. In the second half of the 19th century Velehrad became the symbolic place of worship of St. Cyril and St. Methodius. The place became an important centre of Slavic ecumenical movement. Regular conventions and celebrations in Velehrad attracted active figures involved in the national movement both from Moravia, Bohemia and Slovakia as well as other Slavic countries, including Poland. The ministerial work of Jesuits in the town concentrated on the application of the heritage of St. Cyril and Methodius to carry out evangelization and defend Christian values in the world.
Autor artykułu omawia znaczenie cyrylo-metodiańskiej tradycji i recepcji tej idei w kulturze Europy Środkowo-wschodniej. Szczególny nacisk został położony na ukazanie historii rytu słowiańskiego i jego znaczeniu szczególnie dla wschodnich Słowian. W dalszej części autor zwrócił uwagę na dziedzictwo myśli Cyryla i Metodego w pismach myślicieli z kręgu husyckiego a także związanego ze środowiskiem rzymskim Eneasza Sylwiusza Piccolominiego. Następnie skupił swą uwagę na, mało znane do tej pory w historiografii, zaangażowanie w odrodzenie tradycji cyrylo-metodiańskiej członków zakonu Jezuitów. Pomimo tego, że ośrodkiem tego odrodzenia był Ołomuniec idee te były żywe również na ziemiach dawnej Rzeczypospolitej. W 2. połowie XIX w. na symboliczne miejsce kultu Cyryla i Metodego wyrósł Velehrad. Miejsce to stało się ważnym ośrodkiem słowiańskiego ruchu ekumenicznego. Cyklicznie zjazdy i uroczystości religijne w Velehradzie przyciągały aktywne postaci zaangażowane w ruch narodowy zarówno z Moraw, Czech i Słowacji, ale również z pozostałych krajów słowiańskich, w tym również z Polski. Działalność duszpasterska jezuitów w tym miejscu koncentrowała się na wykorzystywaniu dziedzictwacyrylo-metodiańskiego do prowadzenia nowej ewangelizacji i obrony wartości chrześcijańskich w świecie.
Folia Historica Cracoviensia; 2017, 23/1; 193-213
Pojawia się w:
Folia Historica Cracoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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