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Skarb monet Zygmunta III Wazy z miejscowości Cyców, woj. lubelskie
The hoard of coins of Sigismund III Vasa from Cyców, Lublin Voivodeship
Wojtulewicz, Henryk
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
On April 12 1972, Mr Edward Żuraw discovered a hoard of coins while ploughing his land. The money was hidden in a wooden box which has not been preserved. The find was taken care of by Andrzej Kutyłowski, the provincial Conservator of Monuments and acquired by the Numismatic Cabinet of the Regional Museum in Lublin. The hoard comprises 1007 coins, including 991 (98.41 %) Polish ones, and 16 (1.59%) foreign ones. The Polish coins date from the time of Sigismund I the Old, Stephen Batory and Sigismund III Vasa (cf. table cataloguing the find). The chronological extremes of the hoard comprises the following coins: a crown half-groschen by Sigismund I from 1508 (the oldest coin of sure dating), and Lithuanian shillings by Sigismund III Vasa from 1623. Thus the hoard was hidden in 1623 or in the 1620s. The hoard's total value amounted to more than 350.26 Groschen.
Wiadomości Numizmatyczne; 2006, 50, 1 (181); 87-96
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Numizmatyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kierunki zmian w gospodarowaniu na trwałych użytkach zielonych Lubelszczyzny w aspekcie zmian pogłowia zwierząt w latach 1980-2006
Changes in permanent grassland management in the Lublin Voivodship in view of animal stock changes between 1980 and 2006
Harkot, W.
Lipińska, H.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
kierunki zmian
pogłowie zwierząt
trwałe użytki zielone
uwarunkowania przyrodnicze
województwo lubelskie
direction of changes
Lublin Voivodeship
natural conditions
stock animals
W opracowaniu przeprowadzono analizę aktualnych uwarunkowań gospodarowania na trwałych użytkach zielonych w województwie lubelskim w związku z wdrażaniem "Krajowego programu rolnośrodowiskowego", wspierającego rozwój obszarów wiejskich. Podjęto próbę oceny wykorzystania trwałych użytków zielonych (TUZ) w produkcji paszy i ochronie środowiska. Przedstawiono zmiany ogólnej powierzchni TUZ oraz ich udziału w powierzchni użytków rolnych (UR) w województwie lubelskim w okresie 1980-2006. Przeprowadzono analizę wpływu zmian w pogłowiu zwierząt (bydło, owce, konie), a także różnych systemów dopłat bezpośrednich dla rolników do użytkowania łąk i pastwisk, co zostało wprowadzone po przystąpieniu Polski do UE. Zwrócono uwagę na zainteresowanie rolników dopłatami do TUZ w ramach pakietów rolnośrodowiskowych P01 i P02. Wykazano, że procentowy udział TUZ w strukturze UR w północnej części województwa lubelskiego jest większy niż w południowej. Są one użytkowane głównie kośnie. Najwięcej pastwisk występuje w powiatach kraśnickim i lubelskim (odpowiednio 34,4 i 30,6% ogólnej powierzchni TUZ). W wyniku restrukturyzacji polskiego rolnictwa sukcesywnie zmniejszało się pogłowie zwierząt. W 2006 r. było ono mniejsze niż w 1980 r. - bydła ponad dwukrotnie, owiec prawie piętnastokrotnie, a koni sześćdziesięciokrotnie. Od 2003 r. zwiększa się powierzchnia łąk i pastwisk niewykorzystanych gospodarczo. Dotyczy to zwłaszcza trzeciego odrostu, który nie jest zbierany na ok. 50% powierzchni użytków zielonych. W latach 2004-2006 województwo lubelskie wyróżniało się korzystnie na tle Polski zarówno liczbą składanych wniosków, jak i udziałem użytków zielonych, objętych dotacjami rolnośrodowiskowymi.
This study was aimed at evaluating current conditions of grassland management in the Lublin Voivodship due to implementation of the "National Agro-environmental Programme" that supports the development of rural areas. The attempts were also undertaken to estimate the utilization of grasslands for fodder production and environmental protection. Changes of the total area of grasslands and their share in agricultural lands in the Lublin region between 1980 and 2006 are presented. The effect of changes in animal (cattle, sheep, and horses) stock and of various types of subsidies for farmers after Polish accession to EU was also analysed. The farmers' interest in subsiding grasslands within agro-environmental packages P01 (Maintenance of extensive meadows) and P02 (Maintenance of extensive pastures) was noted. The percentage of grasslands in agricultural lands in northern part of the Lublin Voivodship was greater than in the southern. They are mainly mown grasslands. Most pastures occur in Kraśnik and Lublin communes (34.4% and 30.6% of the total grasslands area, respectively). As a result of restructuring Polish agriculture, the animal stock continuously decreased being 2 times lower (cattle), 15 times lower (sheep), and 60 times lower (horses) in 2006 than in 1980. Since 2003, the area of unused meadows and pastures has increased. This is particularly true for the third cut that has not been harvested on about 50% of grassland area. In 2004-2006, Lublin Voivodship stood out from remaining parts of Poland in both the number of applications and the percentage of grasslands subsided by agro-environmental programmes.
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie; 2008, T. 8, z. 2a; 33-43
Pojawia się w:
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Parki kulturowe w województwie lubelskim
Cultural parks in Lublin Voivodeship
Kałamucka, W.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
parki kulturowe
plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego
województwo lubelskie
culture trails
spatial development plan
Lublin Voivodeship
Prace Komisji Krajobrazu Kulturowego; 2008, 10; 310-318
Pojawia się w:
Prace Komisji Krajobrazu Kulturowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aspekty energetycznego wykorzystania biogazu z odpadów na przykładzie województwa lubelskiego
The aspects of energetic use of biogas made from waste in Lublin voievodship
Marczak, H.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
województwo lubelskie
lublin voivodeship
W prognozach rozwoju sektora energetycznego naszego kraju biogaz uwzględniany jest jako nośnik energii, który będzie miał znaczący udział w zakresie produkcji energii pochodzącej z zasobów odnawialnych. Wytwarzanie biogazu i jego energetyczne wykorzystywanie powinno być więc wydatnie wspomagane przez odpowiednią politykę państwa. Przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń potencjału produkcji biogazu rolniczego i metanu dla województwa lubelskiego oraz ilości energii możliwej do wykorzystania z biogazu. Określono jednostkowy koszt produkcji biogazu z hodowli zwierząt dla przyjętych danych wejściowych. Wskazano na zalety zagospodarowania biomasy z odpadów hodowlanych w systemach biogazowych. Wykorzystywanie biogazu do zasilania silników gazowych wymaga j ego wcześniejszego oczyszczania zwłaszcza ze związków siarki i wilgoci.
Biogas, as energy carrier, would have significant share in energy manufactured from renewable stock, on the forecast of development of Polish energy sector. Biogas manufacturing and energy utilizing should be aided by suitable public policy. Results of calculations of potential biogas and methane manufacturing in Lublin Voievodship presented in the paper, as well as sum of energy obtained from biogas. Operating costs of biogas production from animals breeding for acceptable data input were obtained. Advantages of biomass utilized from breed wastes in biogas systems were shown. Biogas need cleaning to use it as gas-engine supply, especially sulphur compounds and moisture reducing.
Inżynieria Ekologiczna; 2009, 21; 97-108
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria Ekologiczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stan najbliższego otoczenia miejsca zamieszkania i krajobraz okolicy w wybranych obszarach wiejskich Lubelszczyzny
State of homestead places and countryside landscape in research on Lublin region
Kałamucka, Wioletta
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
województwo lubelskie
jakość życia
badania ankietowe
lubelskie voivodeship
quality of life
Artykuł zawiera rezultaty badań krajobrazu wsi w kontekście geograficznych badań nad jakością życia, które obejmowały zarówno aspekty obiektywne jak i subiektywne tego zjawiska. Jakość środowiska i jakość krajobrazu w dużym stopniu korelowały się z odczuwaniem satysfakcji życiowej. Chociaż u większości respondentów stwierdzono stosunkowo niski standard życia, wykazywali oni wysoki stopień zadowolenia z życia (92%) Równie wysoko (93%) oceniono jakość krajobrazu w miejscu zamieszkania.
This article contains results of investigation on country landscape in context of geographical research on quality of life in the Lublin region. It was found out, that the quality of environment and quality of landscape are important parts of quality of life. Although majority of respondents reported low living standard 92% of them declared satisfaction of their lives and 93% respondents expressed positive opinion about the landscape and their living area. Highly aesthetic modern garden was characteristic for suburban area of Lublin. Geographical research on quality of life describe as well objective phenomena as subjective opinion on environment. Those research can be useful in landscape planning.
Prace Komisji Krajobrazu Kulturowego; 2009, 12; 88-99
Pojawia się w:
Prace Komisji Krajobrazu Kulturowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of chances for keeping sugar beet production in Lubelskie Voivodeship
Ocena szans utrzymania produkcji buraków cukrowych w województwie lubelskim
Bzowska-Bakalarz, M.
Ostroga, K.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Rolniczej
burak cukrowy
rynek cukru
województwo lubelskie
sugar beet
sugar market
Lubelskie Voivodeship
The paper presents the results of a research on the capacity of sugar beet production in the Lubelskie Region, Poland. Based on data obtained from sugar plants and a number of national organizations (Association of Sugar Producers in Poland, Association of Sugar Production Technicians), the survey confirmed strong position of Lubelskie Region as a sugar and sugar beet producer in the country. The analysis of sugar beet growing practices applied in selected farmsteads allowed the authors to determine the list of advisable improvements to the methods of cultivation. Production results, achieved on farms, can also be improved through the introduction of new technical and technological solutions in cultivation.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nad możliwościami produkcji buraków cukrowych w województwie lubelskim. Opierając się na danych uzyskanych z cukrowni oraz ogólnokrajowych organizacji (Związek Producentów Cukru w Polsce, Stowarzyszenie Techników Cukrowników) potwierdzono silną pozycję Lubelszczyzny jako producenta buraków i cukru w skali kraju. Analiza technologii produkcji buraków cukrowych w wybranych gospodarstwach pozwoliła na wskazanie koniecznych usprawnień technologicznych. Wyniki produkcyjne osiągane w gospodarstwach mogą dodatkowo zostać poprawione poprzez wprowadzenie nowych rozwiązań techniczno - technologicznych w uprawie.
Inżynieria Rolnicza; 2010, R. 14, nr 6, 6; 5-11
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria Rolnicza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Policja Polityczna na Lubelszczyźnie w okresie międzywojennym jako element systemu bezpieczeństwa państwa : powstanie, organizacja i działalność
Political Police in Lubelszczyzna in the Second Polish Republic as element of state security system : origins, organisation, activity
Siemak, Z.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wojsk Lądowych imienia generała Tadeusza Kościuszki
Policja Polityczna 1918-1939
województwo lubelskie 1918-1939
praca operacyjna
praca śledcza
bezpieczeństwo publiczne
Political Police of 1918-1939
Lublin Voivodeship of 1918-1939
operational work
public security
Policja Polityczna w II Rzeczypospolitej była tajną, wyspecjalizowaną służbą, przeznaczoną przede wszystkim do inwigilowania całokształtu życia politycznego i społecznego w kraju oraz ścigania sprawców przestępstw antypaństwowych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem osób podejrzanych o działalność wywrotową. W omawianym okresie była ona czterokrotnie kompleksowo reorganizowana i występowała pod różnymi nazwami - Defensywy Politycznej, Służby Informacyjnej, Policji Politycznej i Służby Śledczej z wyspecjalizowanymi komórkami zajmującymi się zwalczaniem przestępczości politycznej. W praktyce Policja Polityczna stosowała metody pracy określane mianem śledczych, np. aresztowanie, zatrzymanie tymczasowe, rewizje osób i mienia, przesłuchanie, pościg i operacyjnych, np. obserwacja, inwigilacja, podsłuch, czy wywiad konfidencjonalny. Do 1926 r. służby polityczne w woj. lubelskim szczególnie interesowały się organizacjami społecznymi i politycznymi, których działalność stanowiła zagrożenie dla obowiązującego porządku prawnego oraz ówczesnego kształtu społecznego państwa. Pełną obserwację operacyjną prowadzono w stosunku do stronnictw i ruchów politycznych o charakterze komunistycznym, mniejszości narodowych oraz radykalnych ludowców, natomiast stronnictwa stojące na gruncie utrzymania porządku burżuazyjnego nie były narażone na szczególne zainteresowanie kontrwywiadu politycznego, a jedynie prowadzono wobec nich dyskretną obserwację operacyjną. Po przewrocie majowym, zakres zainteresowania służb informacyjnych w IV okręgu uległ istotnej zmianie. Oprócz działalności komunistów i przedstawicieli mniejszości narodowych objął on także całą legalną opozycję piłsudczykowską. Policja Polityczna w województwie lubelskim spełniała ważną rolę w realizacji polityki wewnętrznej. Zajmowała się ? ujawnianiem napięć społecznych, nastrojów antyrządowych, akcji wywrotowych i antypaństwowych (w szczególności komuniści i nacjonaliści mniejszości narodowych), ? obserwacją legalnych ugrupowań i partii politycznych, a także związków zawodowych i parlamentarzystów. Nasilenie przestępczości politycznej w okręgu lubelskim było największe w tych rejonach, gdzie przejawiały swoją działalność nielegalne organizacje komunistyczne oraz mniejszości narodowej ukraińskiej (powiat hrubieszowski, tomaszowski chełmski i włodawski) i żydowskiej (powiat chełmski, siedlecki, włodawski i grodzki lubelski). Zarzut działalności komunistycznej zdecydowanie najczęściej stawiano osobom narodowości żydowskiej, a nieco rzadziej ukraińskiej, białoruskiej i polskiej.
Political Police in the Second Polish Republic was a secret, specialised service assigned mainly to surveying the whole of political and social life in the country and to chasing perpetrators of anti-state crimes, especially the people suspected of revolutionary activity. In the period discussed, it was completely reorganised four times and it appeared under different names: Political Defence, Information Service, Political Police and Investigation Service with specialised departments to fight against political crimes. In practice, Political Police used methods defined as investigational, e.g. arrests, temporary custody, search of people and property, questioning, chases; and operational ones, e.g. observation, surveillance, tapping or confidential enquiry. Till 1926 political services in Lublin Voivodeship were particularly interested in social and political organisations, the activity of which posed a threat to the legal order and the social arrangement of the state at that time. Full operational surveillance was carried out with respect to parties and political movements of communist nature, national minorities and radical peasant activists, whereas the parties that wanted to keep the bourgeois order were not of particular interest to political counterintelligence, but they were only under discrete operational surveillance. After the May Coup, the range of interests of information services in the fourth district changed substantially. In addition to the activity of communists and national minorities representatives, it encompassed the whole legal Pilsudski opposition. Political Police in Lublin Voivodeship had a very important role in internal politics. It worked among other things on: - exposing social tensions, anti-government atmosphere, revolutionary and anti-state actions (mainly communists and nationalists of national minorities); - observing legal groups and political parties as well as trade unions and parliament representatives. Escalation of political crimes in Lublin district was the largest in those regions where illegal communist organisations, Ukrainian national minorities (poviats: Hrubieszowski, Tomaszowski Chelmski and Wlodawski) and Jewish national minorities (poviats: Chelmski, Siedlecki, Wlodawski, and Grodzki Lubelski) were active. Accusations of communist activity were mainly made against people of Jewish nationality and somewhat less frequently against those of Ukrainian, Belarusian or Polish nationalities.
Zeszyty Naukowe / Wyższa Szkoła Oficerska Wojsk Lądowych im. gen. T. Kościuszki; 2011, 4; 180-199
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe / Wyższa Szkoła Oficerska Wojsk Lądowych im. gen. T. Kościuszki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poziom zapylenia w wybranych zakładach przemysłu zbożowego w województwie lubelskim
Dustiness level in selected grain processing industry plants in Lubelskie voivodeship
Buczaj, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Rolniczej
przemysł zbożowy
pył zbożowy
grain processing industry
grain dust
Celem realizowanego tematu było przeprowadzenie badań zapylenia na stanowiskach pracy w zakładach przemysłu zbożowego. Badania dozymetryczne prowadzone były na stanowiskach pracy typowych dla danego zakładu pracy, gdzie podczas wykonywania czynności roboczych występuje potencjalne narażenie na występowanie pyłu. Wyniki pomiarów wykazały wysoki stopień zapylenia. Na stanowisku pakowacza oraz operatora elewatora we wszystkich badanych młynach przemysłowych zostały przekroczone wartości NDS (Najwyższego dopuszczalnego stężenia) dla pyłu całkowitego przy nie przekroczeniu wartości NDS dla pyłu respirabilnego.
The purpose of the research was to test dustiness at workplaces in grain processing industry plants. Dosimetric tests have been carried out at work-stands typical for a given plant, where potential exposure to dust exists during the execution of work. Measurement results have proven a high dustiness level. In all examined industrial mills at work-stands of packer and elevator operator, the Maximum Exposure Level values for total dust were exceeded. At the same time, the MEL value was not exceeded for respirable dust.
Inżynieria Rolnicza; 2011, R. 15, nr 1, 1; 7-13
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria Rolnicza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Realizacja działania PROW 2007-2013 „Modernizacja gospodarstw rolnych” w województwie lubelskim
Implementation of the PROW 2007-2013 activity ‘Modernisation of farms’ in the Lubelskie Voivodeship
Babuchowska, K.
Marks-Bielska, R.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
Program Rozwoju Obszarow Wiejskich na lata 2007-2013
gospodarstwa rolne
Dzialanie Modernizacja gospodarstw rolnych
realizacja programow
Międzynarodowa konkurencja, wymogi konsumentów, normy i przepisy prawne są jednymi z głównych czynników, które zmuszają polskich rolników do modernizacji gospodarstw. Części inwestycji związanych z unowocześnianiem gospodarstwa rolnego może być wspołfinansowana środkami Programu Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich na lata 2007-2013 w ramach działania Modernizacja gospodarstw rolnych. Celem opracowania było ukazanie dotychczasowej realizacji tego działania w woj. lubelskim. Analizie poddano rodzaj realizowanej inwestycji oraz jego zgodność z celami działania Modernizacja gospodarstw rolnych, typ reorganizacji produkcji, koszty operacji oraz poziom współfinansowania przedsięwzięcia.
International competitive, consumer requirements, standards and legislation are one of the main factors which force Polish farmers to modernization of farms. Part of the investments associated with upgrading the farm may be co-financed funds Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 for the Modernisation of farms. The aim of the study was to evaluate the implementation of this activity in the Lubelskie province. The analysis included the type of investment and its compatibility with the objectives of Modernisation of farms, the type of reorganization of production, investmet costs and the level of co-financing.
Zeszyty Naukowe Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego; 2011, 11(26), 4
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Planowanie zagospodarowania przestrzennego województwa lubelskiego w okresie powojennym – praktyka wobec teorii i ustawodawstwa
Spatial planning in the Lublin voivodeship in the post-Second World War period – practice versus theory and legislation
Gorzym-Wilkowski, Waldemar A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Instytut Ameryk i Europy. Centrum Europejskich Studiów Regionalnych i Lokalnych (EUROREG)
gospodarka przestrzenna
planowanie przestrzenne
planowanie regionalne
województwo lubelskie
zagospodarowanie przestrzenne
land management
Lublin voivodeship
regional planning
spatial economy
spatial planning
Wojewódzkie planowanie przestrzenne było w ciągu ostatnich kilkudziesięciu lat przedmiotem licznych prac teoretycznych i regulacji prawnych. W okresie tym władze województwa lubelskiego sporządziły szereg planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego, określanych niekiedy jako plany regionalne. Rozważania teoretyczne często traktowały planowanie przestrzenne (szczególnie regionalne) jako planowanie przyszłej struktury przestrzennej i działań zmierzających do jej osiągnięcia. Natomiast przepisy i praktyka planowania przestrzennego w coraz większym stopniu kształtowały plany wojewódzkie jako dokumenty określające jedynie pożądaną strukturę przestrzeni – przede wszystkim jej funkcje społeczno-ekonomiczne i przyrodnicze. Przyczyną tej rozbieżności był niewątpliwie silny wpływ uwarunkowań ustrojowych i prawnych na praktykę wojewódzkiego planowania przestrzennego.
Over the past few decades, voivodeship-level spatial planning has been the subject of numerous theoretical studies and legal regulations. During this period, the authorities of the Lublin voivodeship prepared a number of spatial development plans, sometimes referred to as regional plans. In theoretical dissertations, this spatial planning (especially the regional one) was usually seen as a plan of the future spatial structure and of activities aimed at achieving it, whereas regulations on spatial planning and its practice increasingly shaped voivodeship plans as documents defining only the desired spatial structure – first of all its socioeconomic and environmental functions. A strong impact of political and legal conditions on the practice of voivodeship-level spatial planning is undoubtedly the reason for this difference.
Studia Regionalne i Lokalne; 2012, 1(47); 24-42
Pojawia się w:
Studia Regionalne i Lokalne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Produkcja biomasy na cele energetyczne na terenach wiejskich Lubelszczyzny
Production of biomass for energy purposes on the rural areas of Lubelskie voivodeship
Kościk, B.
Malinowski, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Naukowo-Wydawniczy "SPATIUM"
województwo lubelskie
obszary wiejskie
rozwój zrównoważony
Lubelskie voivodeship
rural areas
sustainable development
W artykule omówione zostały stan obecny i perspektywy rozwoju OZE na Lubelszczyźnie. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono biomasie pochodzenia rolniczego, która ma i będzie mieć w województwie lubelskim największe znaczenie spośród wszystkich odnawialnych źródeł energii.
The paper discusses the current state and prospects of development of RES in the Lublin region. Particular attention was paid to the biomass of agricultural origin, which is now and will be the most important of all the renewable energy sources in Lubelskie voivodeship.
Autobusy : technika, eksploatacja, systemy transportowe; 2012, 13, 10; 163-165
Pojawia się w:
Autobusy : technika, eksploatacja, systemy transportowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wsie zanikające w województwie lubelskim
The disappearing villages in the Lublin voivodship
Wesołowska, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
obszary wiejskie
województwo lubelskie
rural areas
Lublin Voivodeship
Województwo lubelskie wykazuje wiele cech charakterystycznych dla obszarów depresji. Duża część wspomnianego regionu określana jest mianem demograficznego obszaru problemowego. Depopulacja jest jednym z pierwszych symptomów depresji, a jej konsekwencje są trudne do usunięcia. Wynikiem wyludniania się terenów wiejskich badanego obszaru są między innymi przemiany w jego sieci osadniczej. Obserwuje się trwałe zmiany krajobrazowe (można mówić o tradycyjnych krajobrazach ginących). Wraz z nimi zanikają wartości, które te krajobrazy reprezentują. Na podstawie danych statystycznych oraz badań terenowych autorka przedstawia zjawisko wyludniania się wsi województwa lubelskiego po roku 1950. Dla poszczególnych jednostek ustaliła tempo spadku liczby ludności. W zależności od charakteru obszaru na którym dana wieś się znajduje, na wybranych przykładach, zaprezentowała zmiany w krajobrazie związane z zanikaniem.
Lublin Voivodship exhibits many characteristics of the areas of depression. A large part of that region is called the demographic problem area. Depopulation is one of the first symptoms of depression and its consequences are difficult to remove. The result of depopulation of rural area under consideration are, inter alia, changes in the settlement network. There has been permanently changing landscapes (one can speak of endangered traditional landscapes). Disappear along with them the values that represent the landscapes. On the basis of statistical data and field research the author presents the phenomenon of depopulation Lublin province after 1950. For individuals determined the rate of decline in population. Depending on the nature of the area in which the village is located, the selected examples, presented changes to the landscape associated with atrophy.
Prace Komisji Krajobrazu Kulturowego; 2012, 16; 229-240
Pojawia się w:
Prace Komisji Krajobrazu Kulturowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wykorzystanie metod wielowymiarowych w określeniu pozycji konkurencyjnej gminy na przykładzie województwa lubelskiego
The use of multi dimensional methods in defining the competitive position of the community on the example Lubelskie voivodeship
Adamowicz, Mieczysław
Janulewicz, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Katedra Ekonometrii i Statystyki
konkurencyjność gminy
metoda Hellwiga
metoda Warda
competitiveness of the municipality
Hellwig method
the method of Ward
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań konkurencyjności gmin województwa lubelskiego przy wykorzystaniu metod wielowymiarowych. W pracy wykorzystano dwie metody: wzorca rozwoju Hellwiga oraz analizę skupień Warda. Badania wykazały przydatność tych metod w strategicznym zarządzaniu gminą. Metoda Wzorcowa Hellwiga pozwala na dokonanie klasyfikacji gmin pod względem konkurencyjności, a metoda analizy skupień Warda okazała się pomocna do klasyfikacji gmin według podobieństwa względem przyjętych zmiennych.
Streszczenie (jęz. angielski) - The paper presents an attempt to use both quantitative and qualitative veriables to analyze complex phenomena. First part of the paper focuses some normalisation methods that often occur in empirical works regarding their characteristics. Special attention concerns zero unitarization method due its adequacy in normalising both quantitative and qualitative veriables. The latter part of the paper presents the metod of quantification and normalization chosen qualitative variables. The whole procedure of normalization, construction of synthetic variable and ranking is illustrated by empirical example. Results of research on the competitiveness of communes in Lubelskie voivodeship consented with the use of multi dimensional methods are presented in the article. Two methods: Hellwig development pattern and Ward aggregation analysis were used in the work. The Hellwig pattern method enable the classification of communes according the level of competitiveness while Ward aggregation analysis is helpful for classification of communes according variables used in research Results of research on the competitiveness of communes in Lubelskie voivodeship consented with the use of multi dimensional methods are presented in the article. Two methods: Hellwig development pattern and Ward aggregation analysis were used in the work. The Hellwig pattern method enable the classification of communes according the level of competitiveness while Ward aggregation analysis is helpful for classification of communes according variables used in research The aim of the study was to show the analogy in the changes in the structure of household expenses in the chosen EU countries and Poland between1988 and 2009. The direction and pace of the changes in the budgets of Polish households can be predicted by using the principle of analogy. Classification of the objects has been carried out based on the modified kmeans method. Three classes of similarities have been distinguished. The structure of Polish households budgets from 2004 – 2008 has turned out the most similar to the structure of the expenses of Portuguese households from 1988 – 2005. In this work we analyzed the changes of the structure of value of agriculture products’ exports in Poland during 1980 – 210 in comparison to other EU countries. In this comparative analysis we chose those EU countries whose largest fraction of exports is constituted by agriculture products: Germany, France, Great Britain, Netherlands, Spain and Italy. To study the changes of the structure of export of agriculture products during those 31 years we used multidimensional analysis methods: Gini index and GCCA – Grade Correspondence Cluster Analysis. To visualize the differentiation of structures of export of agriculture products we used overrepresentation maps (prepared in GradeStat). Analysis was based on 9 groups of agriculture products in million USD: live animals (S2-00), meat and preparations (S2-01), dairy products and birds’ eggs (S2-02), Fish, crustacean and molluscs, and preparations thereof (S2-03), cereals and cereal preparations (S2-04), vegetables and fruit (S2-05), suger, suger preparations and honey (S2-06), coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof (S2-07), feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals (S2-08), miscellaneous edible products and preparations (S2-09). The completed studies have shown a large differentiation of the structure of export of agriculture products in all researched countries. However, the largest differentiation was present in Poland. A significantly high dynamic of growth was observed within three groups of products: dairy products and birds’ eggs (S2-02), Fish, crustacean and molluscs, and preparations thereof (S2-03), vegetables and fruit (S2-05). The participation of those groups in the country’s export has been steadily growing. On the other hand, the participation of until now standard groups of agriculture products (unprocessed: live animals (S2-00) and meat and preparations (S2-01)) has been decreasing. In this work we analyzed the changes of the structure of value of agriculture products’ exports in Poland during 1980 – 210 in comparison to other EU countries. In this comparative analysis we chose those EU countries whose largest fraction of exports is constituted by agriculture products: Germany, France, Great Britain, Netherlands, Spain and Italy. To study the changes of the structure of export of agriculture products during those 31 years we used multidimensional analysis methods: Gini index and GCCA – Grade Correspondence Cluster Analysis. To visualize the differentiation of structures of export of agriculture products we used overrepresentation maps (prepared in GradeStat). Analysis was based on 9 groups of agriculture products in million USD: live animals (S2-00), meat and preparations (S2-01), dairy products and birds’ eggs (S2-02), Fish, crustacean and molluscs, and preparations thereof (S2-03), cereals and cereal preparations (S2-04), vegetables and fruit (S2-05), suger, suger preparations and honey (S2-06), coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof (S2-07), feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals (S2-08), miscellaneous edible products and preparations (S2-09). The completed studies have shown a large differentiation of the structure of export of agriculture products in all researched countries. However, the largest differentiation was present in Poland. A significantly high dynamic of growth was observed within three groups of products: dairy products and birds’ eggs (S2-02), Fish, crustacean and molluscs, and preparations thereof (S2-03), vegetables and fruit (S2-05). The participation of those groups in the country’s export has been steadily growing. On the other hand, the participation of until now standard groups of agriculture products (unprocessed: live animals (S2-00) and meat and preparations (S2-01)) has been decreasing. In this work we analyzed the changes of the structure of value of agriculture products’ exports in Poland during 1980 – 210 in comparison to other EU countries. In this comparative analysis we chose those EU countries whose largest fraction of exports is constituted by agriculture products: Germany, France, Great Britain, Netherlands, Spain and Italy. To study the changes of the structure of export of agriculture products during those 31 years we used multidimensional analysis methods: Gini index and GCCA – Grade Correspondence Cluster Analysis. To visualize the differentiation of structures of export of agriculture products we used overrepresentation maps (prepared in GradeStat). Analysis was based on 9 groups of agriculture products in million USD: live animals (S2-00), meat and preparations (S2-01), dairy products and birds’ eggs (S2-02), Fish, crustacean and molluscs, and preparations thereof (S2-03), cereals and cereal preparations (S2-04), vegetables and fruit (S2-05), suger, suger preparations and honey (S2-06), coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof (S2-07), feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals (S2-08), miscellaneous edible products and preparations (S2-09). The completed studies have shown a large differentiation of the structure of export of agriculture products in all researched countries. However, the largest differentiation was present in Poland. A significantly high dynamic of growth was observed within three groups of products: dairy products and birds’ eggs (S2-02), Fish, crustacean and molluscs, and preparations thereof (S2-03), vegetables and fruit (S2-05). The participation of those groups in the country’s export has been steadily growing. On the other hand, the participation of until now standard groups of agriculture products (unprocessed: live animals (S2-00) and meat and preparations (S2-01)) has been decreasing. In this work we analyzed the changes of the structure of value of agriculture products’ exports in Poland during 1980 – 210 in comparison to other EU countries. In this comparative analysis we chose those EU countries whose largest fraction of exports is constituted by agriculture products: Germany, France, Great Britain, Netherlands, Spain and Italy. To study the changes of the structure of export of agriculture products during those 31 years we used multidimensional analysis methods: Gini index and GCCA – Grade Correspondence Cluster Analysis. To visualize the differentiation of structures of export of agriculture products we used overrepresentation maps (prepared in GradeStat). Analysis was based on 9 groups of agriculture products in million USD: live animals (S2-00), meat and preparations (S2-01), dairy products and birds’ eggs (S2-02), Fish, crustacean and molluscs, and preparations thereof (S2-03), cereals and cereal preparations (S2-04), vegetables and fruit (S2-05), suger, suger preparations and honey (S2-06), coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof (S2-07), feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals (S2-08), miscellaneous edible products and preparations (S2-09). The completed studies have shown a large differentiation of the structure of export of agriculture products in all researched countries. However, the largest differentiation was present in Poland. A significantly high dynamic of growth was observed within three groups of products: dairy products and birds’ eggs (S2-02), Fish, crustacean and molluscs, and preparations thereof (S2-03), vegetables and fruit (S2-05). The participation of those groups in the country’s export has been steadily growing. On the other hand, the participation of until now standard groups of agriculture products (unprocessed: live animals (S2-00) and meat and preparations (S2-01)) has been decreasing. The paper presents an investigation within the subject of fuzzy methodology concerning some phenomena, which is the consequence of their fuzzy nature. In order to illustrate some fuzzy procedures and their results an empirical example is included. The paper presents the forecast of agrarian structure of voivodships up to 2020 according to typological groups. The data were taken from Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture edited by Central Statistical Office. The forecast was based on the method of structures’ forecasting proposed by Nowak. Then, on the basis of fuzzy classification method, the prediction of spatial differentiation of the structure under investigation up to 2020 was evaluated. The forecast presents what kind of changes in agrarian structure of voivodships will take place if the direction and rate of changes within the period of 2002 – 2009 remain stable. Investments of local communes are intentional expenditures of capital aimed at increase in tangible and intangible benefits of the commune. All effective expenditures born by the commune on construction and reconstruction of its wealth are treated as funds positively influencing its development and well-being of citizens. The paper was intended to assess the level of dispersion, i.e. concentration of expenditures on investments born by 19 cities acting as counties in Silesian voivodship. The fundamental measure used in research was concentration coefficient proposed by Karol Kukuła and the basis for calculations was data presented in budget usage collected by Regionalna Izba Obrachunkowa in Katowice. The regression theory involves methods and tools of exact description of relations between various types of phenomena. Since many years, it is used for the economic and econometric models formulation, however, as the analyze of literature indicates, regression is understood in different ways. This article is a reflection on the application of quantitative methods in economics processes modeling, with particular emphasis on the relations between them, expressed by regression. The regression theory involves methods and tools of exact description of relations between various types of phenomena. Since many years, it is used for the economic and econometric models formulation, however, as the analyze of literature indicates, regression is understood in different ways. This article is a reflection on the application of quantitative methods in economics processes modeling, with particular emphasis on the relations between them, expressed by regression. The article shows the practical application of the Analytic Network Process in solving decision problems from the field of management. The ANP Model proposed in this paper includes all kinds of dependencies and feedback between decision-making elements in the area of manufacturing management, reflecting the complexity of the problem and actual compounds that occur both between the agents within the company as well as in its surroundings. The paper emphasises the possibility of using experts’ opinion, who gave importance (specifying the validity) of decision-making elements using pairwise comparisons, allowing the identification of factors and the evaluation of their impact on the increase in the volume of production. The article shows the practical application of the Analytic Network Process in solving decision problems from the field of management. The ANP Model proposed in this paper includes all kinds of dependencies and feedback between decision-making elements in the area of manufacturing management, reflecting the complexity of the problem and actual compounds that occur both between the agents within the company as well as in its surroundings. The paper emphasises the possibility of using experts’ opinion, who gave importance (specifying the validity) of decision-making elements using pairwise comparisons, allowing the identification of factors and the evaluation of their impact on the increase in the volume of production. Entering into European Union and financial markets crisis left their stamps on Polish economy. Land market was influenced by these changes the most significantly since December 5, 1989, when new regulations concerning free transactions in land appeared. In the nineties farmland was treated as an additional superfluous ballast, however, together with Polish accession to EU it became one of the most popular alternative investments bringing profiteers huge profits in short term. Unfortunately, financial crisis trundling on the real estate market sadly revised investors’ optimistic plans. Abortive investments in too expensive lands without possibility of being transformed into building terrains became problems to people without appropriate knowledge and skills who had wanted to earn quickly. Currently, despite of spreading fashion of land purchase, the market has been weakened significantly. It can be admitted that finally the farmers instead of profiteers are interested in land purchase, which is the beginning of situation stabilization and the first sign of market maturity. Calculus of variations and optimal control theory are on one hand side intensively developing mathematical theories on the other at the center of both of them lies investigating of extremal problems. In connection with extremal problems there naturally arise questions important for mathematics and applications: 1) does there exist a solution of the problem? 2) is the solution unique? 3) how to really find the solution? For problems with constrains, a general principle was proposed by Lagrange. This idea can be generalized far beyond the limits of the problems that he considered. In the paper we present unified formulation of problems of calculus of variations and optimal control in connection with Lagrange principle. There is a 5:1 ratio between the number of households and business entities. This ratio is considered “quantum satis”. The purpose of this paper is to estimate level of local government unit’s financial independence in eastern Poland. For this purpose it was used multidimensional statistical analysis allowing to describe complex effect with help of one variable, so called value of synthetic variable (Hellwig’s method, additive aggregation function). The purpose of this paper is to estimate level of local government unit’s financial independence in eastern Poland. For this purpose it was used multidimensional statistical analysis allowing to describe complex effect with help of one variable, so called value of synthetic variable (Hellwig’s method, additive aggregation function). A number of recent papers on the management of the stock portfolio describes the advantages of the naïve diversification. The naïve strategy performs similarly to the ones which use sophisticated mathematical models. In this paper the strategy is presented which statistically significantly overperforms the naïve strategy. The aim of the paper was to make an attempt to assess the influence of belonging to selected population groups on the size of flows between different states of economic activity, as well as to determine the nature of unemployment found in the various population groups, especially among the rural population. The research showed that the changes in economic activity are mainly affected by structural factors, but in some population groups it is possible to improve the employment situation through actions towards an improvement of the prosperity on the market of goods and services. The aim of the paper was to make an attempt to assess the influence of belonging to selected population groups on the size of flows between different states of economic activity, as well as to determine the nature of unemployment found in the various population groups, especially among the rural population. The research showed that the changes in economic activity are mainly affected by structural factors, but in some population groups it is possible to improve the employment situation through actions towards an improvement of the prosperity on the market of goods and services. Dynamic development of organic farming in Poland is observed since 2004. At that time were introduced the subsidies to organic agricultural production for farms with the certificate of conformity and were in the course of the changes. The aim of this study is to present the dynamics of growth of the number and size of organic farms and the number of organic ecological factories in Poland in the years 2004-2010 and the designation of the forecasts for the next three years. To designate the forecasts of investigated phenomena it was used extrapolation of models of development trends method. In this paper we discuss the development of the rural population in Poland over the past 60 years and the latest demographic projections of Central Statistical Office. The main objects of our attention are the demographic processes in rural-urban cross-section. Poland belongs to the less urbanized countries in Europe. Among Polish neighbors, a lower proportion of urban population is only in Slovakia. However, in the past, differences in the level of urbanization between Poland and other European countries were much higher. In the years 1950-1990 the percentage of urban population in Poland increased from 35 to 62%. However, since 1990. share of rural population has ceased to fall and in the last few years have seen a decline in urbanization even in our country. The main reason for the change is a systematic change in the directions of rural-urban migration. More and more urban population moves to the village. Quite interestingly, this process began much earlier than the changed political system in Poland. Since 1975. decreases systematically negative balance of net rural-urban migration. Since 2000. more and more of the population migrates to the country than comes out. We also pay attention that a similar phenomenon of the growing importance of the share of rural population also occurs in other countries. However, while Poland is following the European countries also in the sphere of customary transformation, the village population seems to be the mainstay of traditional family values. In this paper we discuss the development of the rural population in Poland over the past 60 years and the latest demographic projections of Central Statistical Office. The main objects of our attention are the demographic processes in rural-urban cross-section. Poland belongs to the less urbanized countries in Europe. Among Polish neighbors, a lower proportion of urban population is only in Slovakia. However, in the past, differences in the level of urbanization between Poland and other European countries were much higher. In the years 1950-1990 the percentage of urban population in Poland increased from 35 to 62%. However, since 1990. share of rural population has ceased to fall and in the last few years have seen a decline in urbanization even in our country. The main reason for the change is a systematic change in the directions of rural-urban migration. More and more urban population moves to the village. Quite interestingly, this process began much earlier than the changed political system in Poland. Since 1975. decreases systematically negative balance of net rural-urban migration. Since 2000. more and more of the population migrates to the country than comes out. We also pay attention that a similar phenomenon of the growing importance of the share of rural population also occurs in other countries. However, while Poland is following the European countries also in the sphere of customary transformation, the village population seems to be the mainstay of traditional family values. In this article, the problem of optimization of crop production was formulated as nonlinear generalized transportation problem. As a solution the author proposed generalized quasi-basis method. The illustrative example completes the presentation. The study exemplifies an application of the multidimensional comparative analysis aiming at quantification of international competitiveness of the agri-food economy. The international competitive position was equated to a form of a synthetic measure. The coefficients trends allowed quantifying perspectives of equalization of international competitiveness levels between countries. The empirical investigation identified six patterns of the observed interdependences. Convergence should not be expected in the whole set, but in subgroups of objects. In the light of the Central Statistical Office data from 2010, farm equipment is shows very high differentiation in spatial aspect across Poland. The paper presents an attempt to construct ranking of voivodships with respect to the level of farm equipment. On the basis of zero unitarization method different variables are compared and used to form the synthetic variable. In consequence, three groups of districts were distinguished: of high, moderate and low level of farm equipment. This work is devoted to discussions on application of relative measures of accuracy of the ex-post forecasts. The authors showed that when the variable has a very large amplitude of seasonality indicators the average absolute forecast error (MAPE) can not be used. Theoretical study are illustrated on the example of thermal energy production. This work is devoted to discussions on application of relative measures of accuracy of the ex-post forecasts. The authors showed that when the variable has a very large amplitude of seasonality indicators the average absolute forecast error (MAPE) can not be used. Theoretical study are illustrated on the example of thermal energy production. The analysis of monthly prices of broiler chicken livestock in years 1991 - 2011 in this paper was presented. Decomposition of price time series was performed using method Census II/X11. Price of broiler chicken livestock characterize stable an stronger in recent years seasonality. In 2011 the seasonal index was ranged from 107,3% in August to 92,2% in December. In the range of six month more than half of price variability (51,4%) is a result of long period changes, 44,9% of variability is shaped by seasonal fluctuations and only 3,7% is made by irregulars fluctuations. In this paper, the rankings of the food industry sector companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange were made on the basis of Taxonomic Attractiveness Measure of Investment. The following groups of variables were included in this study: liquidity ratios, profitability ratios, debt ratios, activity ratios, market-based ratios. Then analyzed whether the positions in the rankings of investigated companies remained stable over the period 2009-2011. In this paper, the rankings of the food industry sector companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange were made on the basis of Taxonomic Attractiveness Measure of Investment. The following groups of variables were included in this study: liquidity ratios, profitability ratios, debt ratios, activity ratios, market-based ratios. Then analyzed whether the positions in the rankings of investigated companies remained stable over the period 2009-2011. The article focuses on trade between Japan and Poland, in 2000-2010 years, using the SITC (Standard International Trade Classification), identifying trends occurring among one of classification group: Food and live animals. Analysis of exports and imports between Japan and Poland shows big changes in trade with Japan and the large growing difference in the trade balance. Furthermore the imported and exported groups of products show market differences and demand in Japan. The paper presented classification of voivodships due to the selected financial data business accommodation and catering department. For this purpose it was used the multidimensional statistical analysis allowing describe complex effect with help of one variable, so called value synthetic variable. Among the factors that impact the absorption of European Union funds in Polish agriculture, natural, demographic, technical and organisational conditions of the development of agriculture can be differentiated. The basic objective of the article is to identify and quantify the factors, which significantly impact the territorial differentiation of the absorption of European Union Funds in Polish agriculture within the framework of the “Modernisation of agricultural holdings” Rural Development Programme for 2007-2013. Among the factors that impact the absorption of European Union funds in Polish agriculture, natural, demographic, technical and organisational conditions of the development of agriculture can be differentiated. The basic objective of the article is to identify and quantify the factors, which significantly impact the territorial differentiation of the absorption of European Union Funds in Polish agriculture within the framework of the “Modernisation of agricultural holdings” Rural Development Programme for 2007-2013. The wage effects of student numbers on particular fields of study in Poland are analyzed. It is found that any of the fields of study, i.e. humanitarian, business and economics, technical or natural sciences, contributes to an increase in wages on the macroeconomic level, but the whole effect is smaller for studies in economics, which could be an outcome of too high interest in that kind of education. On the other side, our results for technical studies could be viewed as an argument in favor of an excess labor market demand for engineers compared to their supply by the educational system.
Metody Ilościowe w Badaniach Ekonomicznych; 2012, 13, 1; 17-28
Pojawia się w:
Metody Ilościowe w Badaniach Ekonomicznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czynniki decydujące o podjęciu działalności eksportowej na przykładzie województwa lubelskiego
The factors influencing the beggining of export activity on the example of lubelskie voivodeship
Karasek, A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
województwo lubelskie
działalność eksportowa
proces decyzyjny
Lubelskie Voivodeship
export activity
decision process
Przedsiębiorcy decyzję o wejściu na rynki zagraniczne podejmują w warunkach ryzyka. Ponadto, eksport wiąże się z wyższym poziomem ryzyka niż sprzedaż na rynku krajowym i wymaga poniesienia dodatkowych kosztów. Poziom eksportu województwa lubelskiego jest stosunkowo niski, dlatego autorka przeanalizowała czynniki wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne determinujące decyzję przedsiębiorców o podjęciu działalności eksportowej. Ponadto, dokonano analizy czynników, które wpłynęły na decyzję przedsiębiorców o nieprowadzeniu działalności eksportowej.
A decision to enter foreign markets is made by entrepreneurs in terms of risk. In addition, export is associated with higher level of risk than sales on domestic market and requires additional costs. Level of the export in Lubelskie Voivodeship is rather low, so the author analyzes the internal and external factors determining the decisions of taking export activities. Moreover, There was made analysis of factors which determined that they didn’t take export activity.
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska; 2013, 64; 121-131
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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