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Wyszukujesz frazę "LITHUANIA" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

Этнічная карціна радзімы ў творчасці Артура Бартэльса
The Ethnic Picture of the Homeland in the Works of Arthur Bartels
Etniczny obraz ojczyzny w twórczości Artura Bartelsa
Trafimchyk, Anatol
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Lingwistyki Stosowanej. Katedra Białorutenistyki
The writer and artist Arthur Bartels (1818–1885) left enough reflections in his works to recreate a picture of his ethnic views on his homeland. He recognized Poland as his native state, but from the context it follows that the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was meant. Despite this, A. Bartels considered Lithuania (in the historical sense of this concept) his homeland. He had not yet come to a national understanding of the European peoples and, above all, of his motherland. However, it is noteworthy that he was approaching it: the combination of Lithuania, White Russia and Paliessie in unity is evidence of this. This can be traced in his literary works. But at the same time there is no homogeneity in A. Bartels' perception of ethno-national processes. Great Litvinism is manifested by him in works written more for himself (primarily poems), and in his homeland. Explicit Polishness is expressed in poems (which were made public), especially in the final, already Krakow, period of life.
Arthur Bartels (1818–1885), pisarz i artysta, pozostawił w swojej twórczości wystarczająco dużo przemyśleń, by można było naszkicować złożony obraz jego poglądów na etniczność i ojczyznę. Za swoje państwo ojczyste uznawał Polskę, lecz z kontekstów wynika, że chodziło mu o wielokulturową Rzeczpospolitą. Dlatego też A. Bartels uważał Litwę za swoją ojczyznę (również w historycznym znaczeniu tego terminu). Poeta nie wykształcił jeszcze narodowego rozumienia państw europejskich, a przynajmniej swojej ojczyzny. Warto jednak zauważyć, że zbliżał się do niego. Świadczy o tym, zawarte w jego dziełach literackich, postrzeganie Litwy, Białorusi i Polesia jako całości. To jest widoczne w jego pracach, choć jednocześnie nie ma w nich przedstawionej jednoznacznej recepcji autora procesów etniczno-narodowych. W utworach pisanych w swojej ojczyźnie i głównie dla siebie (przede wszystkim w poematach), w większym stopniu przejawia się tożsamość litwińska. Natomiast tożsamość polska wyróżnia się w wierszach (które były prezentowane publicznie), zwłaszcza w ostatnim już, krakowskim, okresie życia.
Пісьменнік і мастак Артур Бартэльс (1818–1885) у сваёй творчасці пакінуў дастаткова разважанняў для стварэння карціны яго этнічных поглядаў на радзіму. У якасці роднай дзяржавы ён прызнаваў Польшчу. Але з кантэкстаў вынікае, што мелася на ўвазе Рэч Паспалітая. Нягледзячы на гэта, радзімай А. Бартэльс лічыў Літву (таксама ў гістарычным сэнсе гэтага паняцця). Паэт не меў нацыянальнае свядомасці, аднак адметна, што набліжаўся да яе. Сведчаннем таму – успрыманне як адзінага цэлага Літвы, Белай Русі і Палесся. Гэта прасочваецца ў літаратурнай творчасці. У той жа час у ёй няма аднароднасці ў справе рэцэпцыі А. Бартэльсам этнічна-нацыянальных працэсаў. Большая ступень ліцвінскасці ім выяўляецца ў творах, напісаных хутчэй для сябе (найперш, у паэмах), да таго ж, на радзіме. Выразная польскасць выяўляецца ў вершах (якія выносіліся на публіку), асабліва ў заключны, кракаўскі, перыяд жыцця.
Acta Albaruthenica; 2022, 22; 303-318
Pojawia się w:
Acta Albaruthenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Чеські воїни на полі Ґрюнвальдської битви: участь та пошуки контактів із Польщею та Литвою-Руссю
Czech Warriors on the Field of the Battle of Grunwald: Participation and Search for Contacts with Polond and Lithuania-Rus’
Козак, С.Я.
Data publikacji:
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Institute of World History
Ґрюнвальдська битва
Тевтонський орден
чеські найманці
Ян Жижка
Зиґмунд Корибутович
чесько-руські відносини
Battle of Grunwald
Teutonic Order
czech mercenaries
Jan Žižka
Zygmunt Korybutovych
Czech-Rus’ relations
У статті досліджується проблема участі воїнів з Богемії у подіях Ґрюнвальдської битви як на боці польсько-литовських сил, так і на боці Тевтонського ордену. Окреслено стан дослідження теми, її місце у вивченні Ґрюнвальду. Наголошено на актуальності вивчення чеської військової складової у військах обох сторін з огляду на потребу подальшого розвінчання міфу про німецьку небезпеку та панславістський союз. Автором проаналізовано, у складі яких хоругв – польсько-литовських та орденських – воювали чеські найманці та названо імена відомих із джерел їхніх очільників. Проаналізовано «чеські» епізоди у творі Яна Длуґоша, відзначено, що версія участі найманців з Богемії у битві відображає негативне ставлення польського хроніста до Чехії. Піднято питання участі у подіях війни з Орденом майбутнього провідника гуситів Яна Жижки, відстоюється думка, що він воював у лавах польсько-литовського війська. Звернено увагу на причетність до Ґрюнвальдської битви литовсько-руського князя Зиґмунда Корибутовича, а також на його подальшу роль у чесько-руських відносинах у вирі гуситських подій. Наголошується, що Ґрюнвальдська битва була вирішальною подією, яка вплинула на поступовий відхід Богемії від союзу з Орденом, принаймні, для тих її сил, які згодом брали участь у гуситських подіях та налагоджували контакт із Владиславом ІІ Ягайлом та Вітовтом. Згадується епізод листування Яна Гуса з польським королем у контексті того, як польська пропаганда витворювала міф власної миротворчої перемоги одразу після війни. Автор дійшов висновку, що події Ґрюнвальдської битви частково визначили для Богемії її подальшу геополітичну взаємодію у Центрально-Східній Європі та сприяли відновленню комунікації із Литвою, Польщею та Руссю. Водночас, наголошено, що Ґрюнвальд не став остаточним розривом відносин із Орденом, із яким у Богемії, як і в королівства Русі, впродовж минулих століть були доволі міцні зв’язки.
The article examines the problem of the participation of soldiers from Bohemia in the events of the Battle of Grunwald, both on the side of the Polish-Lithuanian forces and on the side of the Teutonic Order. The state of research of the topic, its place in the study of Grunwald is outlined. The urgency of studying the Czech military component in the armies of both sides was emphasized, given the need to further debunk the myth of the German danger and the pan-Slavic alliance. The author analyzes which Polish-Lithuanian and Order banners fought Czech mercenaries and names the names of their leaders known from sources. The “Czech” episodes in the work of Jan Dlugosz are analyzed, it is noted that the version of the participation of mercenaries from Bohemia in the battle reflects the negative attitude of the Polish chronicler to the Czech Republic. The issue of participation in the events of the war with the Order of the future leader of the Hussites Jan Žižka was raised, the opinion is defended that he fought in the ranks of the Polish-Lithuanian army. Attention is drawn to the involvement of Lithuanian-Rus’ Prince Zygmunt Korybutovych in the Battle of Grunwald, as well as to his further role in Czech-Rus’ relations in the wake of Hussite events. It is noted that the Battle of Grunwald was a decisive event that influenced the gradual withdrawal of Bohemia from the alliance with the Order, at least for those of its forces who later participated in the Hussite events and established contact with Wladyslaw II Jagiello and Vytautas. An episode of Jan Hus's correspondence with the Polish king is mentioned in the context of how Polish propaganda created the myth of its own peace victory immediately after the war. The author concludes that the events of the Battle of Grunwald partly determined for Bohemia its further geopolitical cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe and contributed to the restoration of communication with Lithuania, Poland and Rus’. At the same time, it was emphasized that Grunwald did not become the final severance of relations with the Order, with which Bohemia, like the Kingdom of Rus’, had had strong ties for centuries.
Проблеми всесвітньої історії; 2022, 17; 85-97
Pojawia się w:
Проблеми всесвітньої історії
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Формирование и развитие органов местного управления и самоуправления в Беларуси
Колесников, Валерий В.
Крастина, Анжелика Ч.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Grand Duchy of Lithuania, law of magdeburg, self-government, Polish Second Republic
As is the case in the majority of modern states, the formation of local management and self- management in Belarus is an inevitable process. During the economic and political reforms required for this purpose, there are necessary preconditions. Historically, local government has passed through a long and difficult process of development in Belarus. In working out modern concepts of local government, it is necessary to consider the evolution of the machinery of government and the historical development of most legal regulations of mutual relations between the state as a whole and its parts. Actually, the first forms of self- -management in its modern understanding began to arise in the territory of modern Byelorussia since the XIVth century. In the present legal and historical scientific literature, there was no uniform representation about the stages of formation of local governments in the territory of Belarus. It is represented that these or any other processes are always conditional; nevertheless, in this work, one of the variants of classification and a periodization of the process of formation and the development of local management and self-management in the territory of Belarus is offered.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2012, 11; 115-128
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Фарміраванне пантэона дзеячаў эпохі Вялікага Княства Літоўскага ў беларускай палітыцы памяці (1988–2023 гг.)
Formowanie panteonu postaci Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego w białoruskiej polityce pamięci w latach 1988–2023
Marozau, Siarhei
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
historical figures
Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie
postacie historyczne
Вялікае Княства Літоўскае
гістарычныя дзеячы
The article is devoted to the process of overcoming the depersonalization of Belarusian historiography, which took place until the mid-1980s. Its aim is to answer the question of how, in the context of the formation of the Belarusian-centric paradigm of history, «new» or newly discovered historical figures of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL) were introduced into science, culture and collective memory. The text is divided into 5 parts. The first one shows the fact that the elimination of the GDL from the memory of Belarusians has formed a complex of historical inferiority. The second part describes the process of «settling» the history of Belarus in 1988–1995 by new heroes, until their fixation in the first encyclopaedic editions of the Republic of Belarus and history textbooks. The third part tells about the blow that in 1995–1996 the supporters of the re-Sovietisation of historical science inflicted on the Belarusian national pantheon and the leaders of its formation, the consequences of which were felt at the beginning of the 21st century. The fourth part is devoted to replenishment of the pantheon of GDL heroes by representatives of the aristocracy. The fifth part reveals the channels for transferring the names and deeds of the heroes of the Belarusian historical pantheon to the collective memory, which have been used since the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The article justifies the fact of the popularity of biographical reconstruction in modern scientific and literary works. “Risk zones” and “memory conflicts” were presented in the promotion of the new pantheon – with former allies in the GDL, various Belarusian interpretive strategies and new attempts to revise the pantheon.
Artykuł poświęcony jest procesowi przezwyciężania depersonalizacji historiografii białoruskiej, która miała miejsce do połowy lat 80. XX wieku. Jego celem jest odpowiedź na pytanie, jak w kontekście kształtowania się białoruskocentrycznego paradygmatu historii wprowadzano do nauki, kultury i pamięci zbiorowej „nowe” lub nowo odkryte postacie historyczne Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego (WKL). Tekst podzielony został na 5 części. W pierwszej ukazano fakt, że wyeliminowanie WKL z pamięci Białorusinów wykształciło u nich kompleks niższości historycznej. W drugiej części opisano proces „zasiedlania” historii Białorusi w latach 1988–1995 przez nowych bohaterów, aż do ich utrwalenia w pierwszych wydaniach encyklopedycznych Republiki Białoruś i podręcznikach historii. Część trzecia opowiada o ciosie, jaki w latach 1995–1996 zadali zwolennicy resowietyzacji nauk historycznych białoruskiemu panteonowi narodowemu i liderom jego formowania, którego skutki dały się odczuć na początku XXI wieku. Сzęść czwarta poświęcona została uzupełnianiu panteonu bohaterów WKL przez przedstawicieli arystokracji. W piątej części ujawniono kanały transmisji nazwisk i czynów bohaterów białoruskiego panteonu historycznego do pamięci zbiorowej, które są wykorzystywane od przełomu XX i XXI wieków. Artykuł uzasadnia fakt popularności rekonstrukcji biograficznej we współczesnych dziełach naukowych i literackich. Zaprezentowano „obszary ryzyka” i „konflikty pamięci” w promocji nowego panteonu – z byłymi sojusznikami w WKL, różnymi białoruskimi strategiami interpretacyjnymi i nowymi próbami rewizji panteonu.
Артыкул прысвечаны працэсу пераадолення дэперсаніфікацыі беларускага гісторыяпісання, якая мела месца да сярэдзіны 1980-х гг. Яго мэта – адказаць на пытанне, як у кантэксце фарміравання беларускацэнтрычнай парадыгмы гісторыі адбывалася ўвядзенне ў навуку, культуру і калектыўную памяць „новых” або наноў адкрытых гістарычных асоб з ліку дзеячаў Вялікага Княства Літоўскага (ВКЛ). Тэкст падзелены на пяць частак. У першай з іх паказана, што выключэнне ВКЛ з памяці беларусаў абярнулася для іх комплексам гістарычнай непаўнавартаснасці. У другой - прасочаны працэс „засялення” ў 1988–1995 гг. беларускай гісторыі сваімі героямі аж да замацавання персанальных змен у пантэоне ў першых энцыклапедычных выданнях Рэспублікі Беларусь і падручніках гісторыі. Трэцяя частка распавядае пра ўдар, які ў 1995–1996 гг. нанеслі прыхільнікі рэсаветызацыі гістарычнай навукі па нацыянальным пантэоне і лідарах яго фарміравання, і вынікі якога былі адчувальныя ў пачатку ХХІ ст. Чацвёртая частка прысвечана паказу папаўнення пантэона прадстаўнікамі арыстакратыі. У пятай частцы ўстаноўлены каналы трансляцыі імёнаў і спраў герояў беларускага гістарычнага пантэона ў калектыўную памяць, якія пачалі выкарыстоўвацца на мяжы ХХ–ХХІ ст.ст. У артыкуле абгрунтаваны факт папулярнасці біяграфічнай рэканструкцыі ў навуковай і літаратурнай творчасці сучаснаснага перыяду. Выяўлены „зоны рызыкі” і „канфлікты памяці” ў прасоўванні новага пантэона – з былымі саюзнікамі па ВКЛ, розныя беларускія інтэрпрэтацыйныя стратэгіі і новыя спробы перагляду пантэона.
Studia Białorutenistyczne; 2023, 17; 45-64
Pojawia się w:
Studia Białorutenistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Уплыў польскай мовы на раннія ўсходнеславянскія граматы Вялікага Княства Літоўскага
The influence of the Polish language on the early East Slavic acts of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Wpływ języka polskiego na wczesnosłowiańske akty Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego
Рудэнка, Алена
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Lingwistyki Stosowanej. Katedra Białorutenistyki
"prosta mova"
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
"mowa prosta "
Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie
“проста” мова
Вялікае Княства Літоўскае
Рэч Паспалітая
The article is devoted to a general description of the early East Slavic documents created in the Belarusian and Ukrainian territories. Such a description requires at least a brief historical and geographical commentary. The article also contains the earliest East Slavic agreements, including those where Lithuanian princes are mentioned. The first documents of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, their structure and language are considered. The article analyzes the transition from the Greek-Byzantine model of building business documents to the Polish-Latin one. Particular attention is paid to documents written in "prosta mova", as Belarusian and Ukrainian dialectal features appeared there very early.
Artykuł poświęcony jest ogólnemu opisowi wczesnych listów wschod¬nio-słowiańskich, powstałych na ziemiach białoruskich i ukraińskich. Taki opis zakłada krótki komentarz historyczny i geograficzny. W artykule omówiono najwcześniejsze dokumenty wschodniosłowiańskie, w tym te, w których wy-mienia się książąt litewskich. Analizowane są pierwsze umowy Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego, ich struktura i język. Artykuł analizuje przejście od grecko-bizantyjskich modeli budowania dokumentów biznesowych do polsko-łacińskich. Szczególną uwagę zwraca się na listy pisane „mową prostą”: bardzo wcześnie natrafiają na cechy gwar białoruskich i ukraińskich.
Артыкул прысвечаны агульнай характарыстыцы ранніх усходнеславян¬скіх грамат, створаных на беларускіх і ўкраінскіх тэрыторыях. Такая харак-тарыстыка прадугледжвае хоць бы вельмі кароткі гісторыка-геаграфічны каментар. У артыкуле прыводзяцца таксама самыя раннія ўсходнеславян-скія дамовы, у тым ліку і са згадкамі пра літоўскіх князёў. Разглядаюцца першыя граматы Вялікага Княства Літоўскага, іх структура і мова. Праана-лізаваны пераход ад грэцка-візантыйскіх узораў пабудовы дзелавых даку-ментаў да польска-лацінскіх. Асаблівая ўвага нададзена граматам на “простай мове”: у іх вылучаюцца беларускія і ўкраінскія дыялектныя рысы.
Acta Albaruthenica; 2021, 21; 135-150
Pojawia się w:
Acta Albaruthenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Уладзімір Падалінскі, Прадстаўніцтва Вяліка-го Княства Літоўскага на Люблінскім сойме 1569 года. Удзел у працы першага вальнага сойма Рэчы Паспалітай, Мінск 2017
U. Padalinski, The Representation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania at the Lublin Diet of 1569: Participation in the Activities of the First General Diet of the Commonwealth, Minsk 2017
Zawadzki, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych
Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie
Sejm lubelski 1569 r.
Unia Lubelska
Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica; 2018, 25; 355-357
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Тапанiмiчная прастора рамана Анны Накваскi “Лiтоўскi паўстанец”
Toponimiczna przestrzeń w powieści Anny Nakwaski „Powstaniec litewski”
Toponymic space in Anna Nakvaska’s novel “Lithuanian insurgent”
Гладкова, Ганна
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
wspólnota losów
common fate
Artykuł został poświęcony tematyce recepcji przestrzeni toponimicznej w powieści polskiej pisarki XIX wieku Anny Nakwaski. Autor artykułu analizuje nazwy miejscowości, które zostały wykorzystane do oznaczenia terytorium Najjaśniejszej Rzeczpospolitej.
The article is devoted to the reception of toponymic space in a little-known novel “Lithuanian insurgent” written by a Polish writer Anna Nakvaska. In the article place names that were used for a designation of the territory of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth are discussed.
Białorutenistyka Białostocka; 2015; 181-188
Pojawia się w:
Białorutenistyka Białostocka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Тапанiмiчная прастора рамана Анны Накваскi “Лiтоўскi паўстанец”
Toponimiczna przestrzeń w powieści Anny Nakwaski „Powstaniec litewski”
Toponymic space in Anna Nakvaska’s novel “Lithuanian insurgent”
Гладкова, Ганна
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
common fate
wspólnota losów
Artykuł został poświęcony tematyce recepcji przestrzeni toponimicznej w powieści polskiej pisarki XIX wieku Anny Nakwaski. Autor artykułu analizuje nazwy miejscowości, które zostały wykorzystane do oznaczenia terytorium Najjaśniejszej Rzeczpospolitej.
The article is devoted to the reception of toponymic space in a little-known novel “Lithuanian insurgent” written by a Polish writer Anna Nakvaska. In the article place names that were used for a designation of the territory of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth are discussed.
Białorutenistyka Białostocka; 2015, 7; 181-188
Pojawia się w:
Białorutenistyka Białostocka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Суспільно-політичні умови запровадження магдебурзького права в містах (Волині ХV–60-ті рр. ХVІ ст.)
Socio-political conditions for the introduction of the Magdeburg law in the cities of Volyn of the 15th and 60th years of the 16th centuries
Бортнікова, Алла
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
Volyn land,
the Grand Duchy of Lithuania,
Polish kingdom,
the Magdeburg law
In the 15th–16 th. centuries most of the cities and towns of Ukrainian lands, which were part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, were concentrated in Volyn land, where the geographical factor was quite favorable for social development. The cities, along with the castles, remained strategic frontiers of the military organization of the state, outpost of protection against external aggression, which required constant attention from the state. The spreading process of the craft separation from agriculture caused the need for sales markets and increased the demand for agricultural products. Due to the auspices policy there was a process of specialization of production, the changes took place in the structure of the of the population work, a shop handicraft and craft were developed , the number of urban population in general and the township in particular increased. The Magdeburg law was acrued to Volyn cities from Germany via Poland and Lithuania, when appropriate socio-economic and political conditions similar to those of Western Europe were created for this purpose. The transition of the cities’ administration to the Magdeburg law was a reflection of the process of the establishment of Slavic law in the West European lands in general, since it was being modified, in particular under the influence of German law. The introduction of the Magdeburg law in Volyn cities was expanded considering the national traditions of customary law; however, it was an original process that took place with considerable delay compared to the cities of Western Europe. The fate of Volyn cities in the context of their incorporation into the political-legal system of GDL was also determined by geostrategic and political factors that were in progress during 14th and 15th centuries – struggle for Volyn and Podillya between Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland. The Magdeburg law became not only a means of modernizing of the public relations, but also the instrument of political influence of the Polish Crown, aimed at incorporating the Volyn and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in general, into Poland. In this context, the socio-political conditions for granting Lutsk land a privilege on the Magdeburg law by the Polish King Władysław Jagailo on October 30, 1432 are indicative. The privilege of 1432 was unique among such acts, since it provided German law not to the city or to the burghers, but to all residents of Lutsk land. Apparently, this format had, above all, an important political significance – an attempt to attract Lutsk land to the Polish kingdom as closely as possible, its own economic component had been secondary, since in the privilege there were no specific indications as to the order of the organization of trades and fairs, the scope of the powers of Vogt, etc., which was obligatory component part of similar acts. The structure and functions of the local self-government bodies depended upon many factors, including statute of the cities: state-owned (grand-prince) or private-owned, privileged, or not, with full and incomplete Magdeburg law.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2017, 7; 254-260
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Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Староверие Литвы в 1944-1953 гг.: «новый курс» советских властей, деятельность ВСС, изменение численности поморских общин
Potashenko, Grigorijus
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Old Belief of Lithuania
Supreme Old Believer Council in Vilnius
religious politics of Soviet authorities in 1944–1953
major antireligious practices
This article examines the relationship between Soviet authorities and the PomorianOld Believer Church of Lithuania during 1944–1953, in particular, the position andorganizational activities of the Supreme Old Believer Council in Vilnius, the plan to establisha central body of the bespopovtcy in the USSR. It also researches the question as to how thereligious policy of the Soviet authorities at that time and the position of the leadership of theChurch influenced the changes in the network of Pomorian communities in Lithuania. It isimportant to show the different types of communication between the authorities and theleadership of the Church within the framework of “the new course” of religious policy and insubsequent years. So far, these issues have been insufficiently or fragmentarily studied inhistoriography due to the limited use of archival material. Therefore, this article employsgeneralized data from materials relevant to our topic found in three archives of Lithuania – theState Central Archives of Lithuania, the Lithuanian Special Archives and the archive of theSupreme Old Believer Council of Lithuania in Vilnius.
Acta Neophilologica; 2022, 1, XXIV; 277-292
Pojawia się w:
Acta Neophilologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Становление налогов и их развитие на территории Беларуси (до января 1919 года)
Абрамчик, Лилия Я.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Grand Duchy of Lithuania, taxes, natural taxes, tresaury, Lithuanian Statutes
From the moment of the creation of a state on the territories of Belarus, the system of taxation was also developing. At first it was quite primitive, based on the size of the population. Later on, when social and economic relations became more developed, new forms of taxation, based on the value of land, likewise developed. In the 10-12th centuries, the taxes were collected from the territories. The treasury of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania consisted of pecuniary and non-pecuniary (natural) taxes. Since the beginning of the 17th century, more than 30 different taxes had existed. Some of the present taxes have roots in this old system. The feature of this system is that it had an individual character. There were many reductions established, so that one may even talk about a – whole system of tax reductions.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2012, 11; 97-114
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Сотенная организация в городах Великого княжества Литовского
Sotnya’s in the Cities of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Волков, Николай
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Sotnya’s (hundreds) in the cities of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the early New Age are a unique phenomenon in which Belarusian historians see traditions of the ancient Rus. However, in the sources of the 15th–18th centuries there are no mentions of continuity with the urban tradition of the previous era, and the spread of hundreds and tens in the cities on the border of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was caused by the military confrontation with the Moscow State and the Crimean Khanate. They may have originated on the basis of local traditions of the organization of the infantry, which has its roots in times of ancient Rus, at the same time on their formation could have a significant influence the pattern of organization of the Polish infantry. Hundreds and tens remained of military importance until the middle of the 17th century, but from their appearance until the 18th century, they were equally effective fiscal and administrative units and influenced local government.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2022, 21, 1; 499-534
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Рэнесансная сядзiба Муз у Заблудаве: педагагiчная i творчая дзейнасць Iагана Мюлiуса пад патранатам Грыгорыя Хадкевiча
Renaissance farm “muz” in Zabludov: pedagogical and creative activity of Johann Myulius under the auspices of Grzegorz Chodkiewicz
Renesansowy folwark „muz” w Zabłudowie: pedagogiczna i artystyczna działalność Johanna Myuliusa pod patronatem Grzegorza Chodkiewicza
Niekraszewicz-Karotkaja, Żanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
spatial turn
cultural landscape
the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Johann Myulius
Grzegorz Chodkiewicz
zwrot przestrzenny
pejzaż kulturowy
Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie
This article analyzes duke Grzegorz Chodkiewicz’s patronage of the arts as well as the Renaissance poet Johann Myulius’ literary and pedagogical work from the perspective of culture perception. It defines the role of the monastic landscape in the town of Ilfeld in Thuringia and the farm landscape in Zabludów in Białystok District in forming cultural capital.
W artykule omówiono artystyczny patronat księcia Grzegorza Chodkiewicza oraz utwory literackie i dydaktyczne renesansowego poety Johanna Myuliusa z perspektywy percepcji kultury. Omówiono rolę klasztornego pejzażu miasteczka Ilfeld w Turyngii i folwarcznego pejzażu Zabłudowa, miejscowości na Białostocczyźnie w procesie gromadzenia kapitału kulturowego.
Białorutenistyka Białostocka; 2018; 323-339
Pojawia się w:
Białorutenistyka Białostocka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Реформация в Польше и ВКЛ в оценке русской историографии второй половины xix – начала хх века (на примере оценочных подходов Н.Н. Любовича, П.Н. Жуковича и Н.И. Кареева)
The reformation in Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the assessment of Russian historiography of the second half of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries (by the example of the valuation approaches N.N. Lyubovich, P.N. Zhukovich and N.I. Kareev)
Reformacja w Polsce i Wielkim Księstwie Litewskim w ocenie rosyjskiej historiografii drugiej połowy XIX - początku XX wieku(na przykładzie ocen N. N. Lybowicza, P. N. Żukowicza i N. I. Kariejewa)
Kruczkowski, Tadeusz
Kotusiew, Ewgienij
Data publikacji:
Ostrołęckie Towarzystwo Naukowe
русская историческая полонистика
русские православные земли Литвы
russian historical polonistics
the Russian Orthodox
lands of Lithuania Reformation
rosyjska polonistyka historyczna
ziemie litewskie
Выявлены основные оценочные позиции по данной проблематике и их отличия в русской либеральной и консервативной традиции на примере оценочных подходов Н.Н. Любовича, П.Н. Жуковича и Н.И. Кареева. Выделены два основные оценочные подходы к заявленной проблематике – это либеральная и консервативная традиции. Определено, что данная проблематика не являлась приоритетной для русской исторической науки исследуемого периода. Исследования русских историков истории реформационного движения в Польше касались (за исключением Н.И. Кареева), прежде всего, последствий этого явления для собственно Польши и православных территорий Литвы. Установлено, что если Н.И. Кареев рассматривал Реформацию, прежде всего, в контексте истории собственно Польши, то Н.Н. Любович и П.Н. Жукович значительно больше уделяли внимания этому процессу в отношении Великого княжества Литовского и его православных территорий. Определены общие, характерные черты оценочных подходов и наиболее принципиальные отличительные черты характеристики истории реформации в Польше и Великом княжестве Литовском в оценке названных историков.
The main assessing positions on this issue and their differences in the Russian liberal and conservative tradition are revealed by the example of N.N. Lyubowicz, P.N. Żukowicz and N.I. Kariejewa. Two main evaluation approaches to identified problems were highlighted - these are liberal and conservative traditions. It was established that this issue was not a priority for Russian historical science of the period considered. The studies of Russian historians of the history of the reform movement in Poland concerned (with the exception of N.I. Kariejew) primarily the consequences of this phenomenon for Poland itself and the Orthodox territories of Lithuania. It was established that if N.I. Kariejew considered the reformation primarily in the context of the history of Poland itself, N.N. Lubowicz and P.N. Żukowicz devoted much more attention to this process in relation to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and its Orthodox territories. The general, characteristic features of assessment methods and the most fundamental characteristic features of the history of the Reformation in Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania are determined in the assessment of these historians.
Główne stanowiska oceniające w tej kwestii i ich różnice w rosyjskiej tradycji liberalnej i konserwatywnej ujawniono na przykładzie N.N. Lyubowicza, P.N. Żukowicza i N.I. Kariejewa. Podkreślono dwa główne podejścia ewaluacyjne do stwierdzonych problemów – są to tradycje liberalne i konserwatywne. Ustalono, że kwestia ta nie była priorytetem dla rosyjskiej nauki historycznej badanego okresu. Studia rosyjskich historyków historii ruchu reformatorskiego w Polsce dotyczyły (z wyjątkiem N.I. Kariejewa) przede wszystkim konsekwencji tego zjawiska dla samej Polski i prawosławnych terytoriów Litwy. Ustalono, że jeśli N.I. Kariejew rozważał reformację przede wszystkim w kontekście historii samej Polski, to N.N. Lubowicz i P.N. Żukowicz poświęciły znacznie więcej uwagi temu procesowi w odniesieniu do Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego i jego prawosławnych terytoriów. Określane są ogólne, charakterystyczne cechy metod oceny oraz najbardziej fundamentalne cechy charakterystyczne historii reformacji w Polsce i Wielkim Księstwie Litewskim w ocenie tych historyków.
Zeszyty Naukowe Ostrołęckiego Towarzystwa Naukowego; 2020, Zeszyt, XXXIV; 119-138
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Ostrołęckiego Towarzystwa Naukowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Прологи Великого княжества Литовского и Польского Королевства в издании Предварительный сводный каталог церковнославянских проложных текстов, том 1: сентябрь
Prologues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland in the publication Preliminary Consolidated Catalogue of Church Slavonic Prologues, Volume 1: September
Чистякова, Марина
Data publikacji:
Akademia Supraska
rękopiśmienna tradycja
Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie
This article studies the Preliminary Consolidated Catalogue of Church Slavonic Prologues, Volume 1: September in search for presence of handwritten prologues relating to the written heritage of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The author focuses on the features that allow attributing prologues from a range of library collections to the literary tradition of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland. Apart from being written on the orders of the Lithuanian metropolitans and/or being produced by local scribes, and/or being stored in cathedrals, monasteries and parish churches of the Kyiv Metropolis the prologues in question have particular compositional and linguistic traits and can be identified on the basis of spelling and marginalia such as traits of composition, presence of texts in Ruthenian, presence of Ukrainian dialect features, and records on the margins of the texts in Ruthenian, Polish and Latin. On the basis of the said features, 28 out of 94 prologues in the Preliminary Consolidated Catalogue of Prologues were attributed to the literary tradition of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej; 2013, Kalendarz w życiu Cerkwi i wspólnoty, 4; 113-122
Pojawia się w:
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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