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Sowieckie państwo wyznaniowe
The Soviet Religious State
Dzwonkowski, Roman
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The author analyzes two issues: Soviet ideology and legislature concerning religion. The liquidation of religious beliefs was deemed a sine qua non condition to build communism, thus the spreading of atheism became in the USSR one of the most important tasks of the state. The Soviet legislature concerning religion, introduced on January 1, 1923, dissolved all the existent parishes of all denominations and nationalized any property of the Orthodox/Roman Church. For a new religious commune to exist it was necessary to register it with appropriate authorities. The founding group numbered twenty people. The registered commune had no legal body and could not own any property. The above legislature prohibited religious instruction to teenagers under 18. In fact the Soviet constitution guaranteed denominational neutrality of the state but it was total fiction from the beginning. Thus atheism became the official ideology of the state spread by any means, being at its disposal. This ideology became a pseudoreligion. It had its concrete forms of practicing. Evading it was very severely punished.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 1997, 25, 1; 289-299
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Specyfika religijna polskich parafii na północy Francji
Dzwonkowski, Roman
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Une thèse de l’article est de montrer la spécifité de la vie religieuse des immigrés polonais en France. Il semble qu’elle a deux causes principales. D’abord elle résulte d’une union profonde des sentiments religieux et patriotiques qui s’est opérée lors de derniers siècles d’histoire de la Pologne. Elle est dûe aussi à la psychologie de l’émigrant qui, comme déraciné, veut garder quelque chose de stable, dans ce cas-là sa religion. L’auteur cite des exemples qui veulent montrer la spécifité religieuse des milieux polonais en France. H fait remarquer aussi qu’il est nécessaire de distinguer l’intégration économique ou civique de l’émigrant et de ses descendants et son intégration religieuse qui est un problème toujours très délicat et beaucoup plus complexe que les autres quand il s’agit de l’assimilation dans la société d’accueil. Car il est plus facile de s’adapter au nouveau mode de travail et de vie civique qu’à d’autres formes de religion dont les' manifestations extérieures se sont formées pendant les siècles. La vie religieuse des émigrés polonais en France a passé, pendant 50 ans, par les différentes épreuves: un déracinement, l’indifférence religieuse des milieux ouvriers français, les écoles laïques et la crise religieuse actuelle. Mais, malgré la régression de la pratique religieuse, elles n’ont pas réussi à ébranler l’attachement des Polonais à leur foi. C’est un fait qu’on constate dans ces groupes des fidèles qui ont eu de la chance de garder les prêtres polonais.
Studia Polonijne; 1979, 3; 331-338
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Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polonijne placówki duszpasterskie i integracja (na przykładzie Francji)
Dzwonkowski, Roman
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Les recherches sur la pastorale polonaise des émigrés polonais dans divers pays, ont permis d’établir sa double fonction principale: (1) une conservation de la culture religieusse d’origine et (2) une aide dans le prosessus de l’intégration avec la société du pays d’établissment des émigrés. La même régularité est à observer en France. On constate d’abord chez la population polonaise un effort constant et décidé de garder au moyen d’une pastorale propre, les formes d’expression culturelle et religúese d’origine. Elles sont considérées toujours comme beaucoup plus riches par rapport aux françaises, meme par la nouvelle génération élevée en France. Mais à la fois cette génération fait introduire dans la pastorale des paroisses polonaises les divers éléments de la culture française: une langue du pays, des coutumes liées avec l’administration des sacraments (le mariage, le baptême, l’enterrement etc.), une coordination avec le programme pastoral français. Ce caractère français de plus marqué de la vie religieuse des Polonais en France ne laisse pas cependant à côté un „cultural background” polonais. Et c’est un exemple de l’intégraticn qui présente l’union de différentes valeurs de deux culture religieuses.
Studia Polonijne; 1983, 6; 165-179
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Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przywódcza grupa społeczna w historii polskiej emigracji zarobkowej we Francji (1920-1980)
Dzwonkowski, Roman
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Au sein du nombre du demi-milion des citoyens polonais en France avant la deuxième guerre mondiale on aperçoit un groupe d’immigrants polonais de Westphalie qui comptait environ cent mille personnes. Ce groupe l’emportait sur les autres arrivants de Pologne par une vive conscience nationale, une grande expérience dans le domaine d’une activité sociale et le sens de la solidarité. L’auteur en s’appuyant sur la théorie sociologique du commandement, fait une analyse du rôle de ce groupe dans l’histoire de l’émigration polonaise en France. Il essaye de montrer qu’il était prépondérant dans tous les domaines. C’est ce groupe qui a défini les buts nationaux des immigrés polonais et ensuite a créé une structure d’organisation extrêmement dynamique qui les réalisait. Il existait en France dans la période d’entre-deux-guerre plus de mille associations, en majorité créés par les Polonais venus de Westphalie. Elles comptaient en somme cent mille membres de toutes les catégories des immigrés. La défence des valeurs nationales polonaises était le but de ces associations et son idéal s’exprimait dans les mots: „Dieu et Patrie”. Les changements sociaux d’aprés la guerre ont très limité et quelquefois liquidé l’influence des associations traditionelles. Mais si les Polonais dans ce pays ne se sont pas assimilés mais ont trouvé la route vers l’intégration sociale, c’est à dire la possibilité d’entrer dans la société française en conservant certaines valeurs de leur patrimoine culturel, c’est que le système de l’organisation créé par le groupe westphalieri a joué un rôle important.
Studia Polonijne; 1982, 5; 61-77
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Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biogramy księży prześladowanych lub zamordowanych przez bolszewików w latach 1919-1925 : Dzwonkowski Piotr
Dzwonkowski, Roman.
Kościół w czasie wojny polsko-bolszewickiej 1919-1920 : Antologia tekstów historycznych i literackich Warszawa, 1995 S. 202
Drozdowski, Marian Marek (1932- ). Opracowanie
Serafin, Andrzej. Opracowanie
Data publikacji:
Dzwonkowski, Piotr
W czasie odwrotu wojsk sowieckich spod Warszawy został uprowadzony z dwoma wikariuszami Turowskim i Wilczyńskim.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Polskie wydawnictwa katolickie w Szwecji 1945-1985
Polish Catholic publications in Sweden 1945-1985
Dzwonkowski, Roman
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Among over twenty Polish periodicals which were being published in Sweden in the period of 1945-1985, religious publications were not very numerous. Actually there was only one biweekly "Znak". It was coming out in the years 1946-1950. However, in the following years the Polish community, concentrated round that periodical, initiated publishing religious books in Swedish. This initiative has been carried on till now. These publications have been popularizing Polish religious culture with the local society. They include over a dozen different items.
Studia Polonijne; 1986, 10; 333-338
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polska prasa religijna we Francji 1923-1983
Polish Religious Press in France /1923-1983/
Dzwonkowski, Roman
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
After the World War I the majority of the Polish economic emigration of the inter-war period settled in Prance /about 500 thousand/. Along with a system of various organizations the immigrants created also their own press. The author discusses here the religious press, its origin, functions and changes. In the inter-war period there was in fact only one religious paper - a weekly "Polak we Francji" - issued by the Polish Catholic Mission in 3,5 thousand copies. It only partially fulfilled the existing needs but could not develop any further because of financial shortages. The periodical tried to support the religious, cultural, financial and national rights of the immigrants. During the V/orld War II there were two religious periodicals for inteligentsia coming out in Prance. The religious press develops dynamicly after the second world war then the immigrants decide to stay in Prance and enter the period of stabilization. In the 1950s the Polish religious press reached its highest level. The circulation of a few most important periodicals ammounted then up to 40 thousand issues. There were also some periodicals for children and the youth. Since then, slow but gradual regress of the religious press has begun. The Polish religious press after the second world war was published by the Polish orders. It was particularly advantageous since a number of financial and organizational problems were automaticly solved. In a few cases the periodicals initiated some social actions responding to the needs of their readers. Prom the very beginning the religious press had two main, only seemingly contradictory functions: antiassimilation and inculturalization. The latter consisted in presenting and explaining in Polish the world of the French culture to the Polish immigrants. There are striking differences in the social and financial situation of the religious and secular press. The latter was particularly dynamic before the second world war. After the war, there is only one secular newspaper left. The religious press, on the contrary, reached its culminating point after the war and still appears more resistant to various difficulties than the majority of secular periodicals. In general, in 1923-1983 there were 31 religious periodicals coming out in Prance. Most of them came into being after the second world war. In the early 1980s there were: one weekly, 2 monthly periodicals and a few bulletins.
Studia Polonijne; 1986, 10; 81-112
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Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stan badań nad religijnością polskich skupisk emigracyjnych we Francji
Dzwonkowski, Roman
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
L'article a été préparé à l'occasion de 60 ans de l'histoire de l'émigration polonaise en France L'auteur constate que les recherches scientifique sur la vie religieuse des Polonais en France (1/2 milion avant la guerre) sont peu nombreuses et bien insuffisantes. Celles qui sont plus importantes ont été faites après la ll-eme guerre mondiale. Le problème qui était plus particulièrement étudié par les auteurs polonais c'est la psychologie et le caractère spécifique de la culture religieuse des émigrés polonais ainsi que le niveau des pratiques religieuses. Ces aspects ont été les plus souvent méconnus par les auteurs français qui se sont intéressés é la vie religieuse des Polonais en France. C'est pourquoi ils répètent les oppinions stéréotypiques: la vie religieuse trop nationale, trop folklorique etc. Dans les recherches d'après la guerre on a constaté la stabilité très marquée du niveau des pratiques religieuses ches les émigrés et leurs descendants (entre 23% — 30%). En résument il faut constater que jusqu'à présent les recherches en cause ont plutôt un caractère fragmentaire. Par ex. le rôle effectif des aumôneries polonaises, de la pastorale propre etc. n'a pas été encore analisé.
Studia Polonijne; 1981, 4; 177-185
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Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Szkolnictwo polskie we Francji w czasie drugiej wojny światowej (1939-1945)
Dzwonkowski, Roman
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Avant la seconde guerre mondiale l'émigration polonaise en France comptait plus qu'un demi million personnes. Mais jusqu'à 1939 il n'y avait pas en France d'écoles polonaises au sens strict. C'étaient seulement des classes polonaises dans les cités à forte population polonaise. Les établissement polonais de l'enseignement secondaires n'existaient pas non plus. On les a crées pendant la seconde guerre mondiale (en 1939, en 1940 et en 1943). Les écoles polonaises ont été organisées d'abord au midi de la France (zone libre) grâce à l'activité d'un groupe de l'intelligentia polonaise. Dans l'enseignement primaire on comptait alors 6000 enfants au midi du pays et 10 000 dans le Nord. Les autorités françaises ont reconnu les deux établissements secondaires en leur accordant les droits des écoles françaises. Un mille des étudiants polonais continuaient leur études aux universités du midi de la France. Une activité polonaise dans le domaine de l'enseignement constituait une partie d'une vaste action sociale ayant comme but une aide pour les exilés polonais en France au cours de la seconde guerre mondiale.
Studia Polonijne; 1981, 4; 187-199
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mniejszości narodowe w Kościele katolickim. Białoruś i Ukraina
National minorities in the Catholic Church. Byelorussia and Ukraine
Dzwonkowski, Roman
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The Church’s teaching and legislation concerning the pastorate of ethnic groups and national minorities was already established in ancient times. Recently, because of millions of people migrating from almost all the countries of the world and in connection with ever stronger aspirations of national minorities to maintain their identity, it has become especially abundant. Pope John Paul II’s teaching has an important place here. In the Catholic Church in Byelorussia and Ukraine Polish national minorities constitute an overwhelming majority of the congregation. Until the late 1980s Catholics of Byelorussian and Ukrainian origin did not reveal their denomination. Introducing Polish, and soon afterwards also Byelorussian, Ukrainian, and sometimes Russian into the liturgy to replace Latin, was a historical breakthrough. It also initiated a change in the stereotype identifying the Catholic Church of the Western rite with Poland and Poles, and its de-Polonization in the liturgy in the mentioned countries. As far as the culture and the language is concerned the Polish character of this Church resulted from the fact that a great majority of its congregation was of Polish nationality. Introducing new languages showed its supranational character, but it also involved imposing a limit, or in some areas partial or complete elimination of the Polish language from the liturgy. The Polish identity without the support of the Polish language in religion and in the Church loses its most profound basis, stops being an emotional value and may be treated instrumentally. The present situation connected with the use of various languages in the East is different in various places. It depends on the geographical situation of the parish, on the national option of the priest, on understanding and respect given to the spiritual needs of the congregation and on the number of Poles in the community. Despite accepting and ratifying international treaties that safeguard the rights of national minorities, state authorities very often in one way or another try to assimilate them, using a lot of different ways to this aim.
Studia Polonijne; 2009, 30; 47-67
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Represje wobec duchowieństwa polskiego w ZSRR 1939-1987
Repressions Against Polish Clergy in the USSR 1939-1987
Dzwonkowski, Roman
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The paper discusses repressions against Polish clergy on the territories of the II Republic from 1939 to 1941 and the situation after the incorporation of these lands to USSR in 1945. Fighting the Church was one of the foundations of Soviet communist system, which declared the Catholic clergy to be a dangerous counter-revolutionary force commanded from Vatican. Soviet policy was to eliminate physically the clergy from the society. During the war methods included war crimes, off-handed death sentences, long-term sentences in Gulag camps or deportations without any lawful basis. After the war there were no death sentences. Priests were judged in courts and condemned to long-term sentences in camps. Constant invigilation and forging of cases against clergy continued in USSR until the ‘perestroika’ of Mikhail Gorbatschev. The paper scrutinizes methods of forging cases against priests and Soviet laws that put the security forces in the way of pursuing priests. The number of victimized clergymen ca 500, is also discussed, as well as the length of their sentences and their life and work in the Gulag camps.
Studia Polonijne; 2003, 24; 151-190
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Papież Jan Paweł II o rodzinie polskiej na emigracji
John Paul II on the Polish Family Abroad
Dzwonkowski, Roman
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
In over 30 addresses which John Paul II delivered to Poles and Polonia in different countries in the years 1979 to 1987, the family belongs to that which he most often dwelt upon. In principle, the Pope talks about two functions of the family: socio-psychological and religious. His addresses present the family as a religious society. They present in a comprehensible way the duty of preserving by that society the cultural heritage which people bring from their homeland. The Popes's addresses point to the threats which the family is subject to and they put forward certain general postulates. The first task mentioned by the Pope and which the family is confronted with is the preservation of its own spiritual identity abroad. Practically, it means preservation and handing down to the young generation in the process of education one's own cultural heritage which bears the Christian character.
Studia Polonijne; 1989, 12; 25-38
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pojęcie Polonii w wypowiedziach papieża Jana Pawła II
The Concept of Polonia in John Paul II’s Statements
Dzwonkowski, Roman
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The paper analyzes ca 40 addresses delivered by the pope John Paul II during meetings with the Polish emigration and their subsequent generations in ca countries and in Rome. The paper covers the period of 1979-1989. It seeks to analyze the contents of the concept "Polonia" by which is meant the ethnic groups of Polish origin that settled in various countries. One can understand this concept in a double way: exclusive and inclusive. In the first case it would be Polish ethnic groups abroad which totally identify themselves in a conscious manner with Polish culture and traditions. In the case of inclusive understanding one would mean all those who, irrespectively of their country of origin and fluency of the Polish language, preserve some cultural values linked with their Polish origin. This way or another they show their interest in it. An analysis of papal addresses contained in the paper leads to the following conclusions. The pope looks on Polish emigration and Polonia first of all in its pastoral aspect. He always makes notice, however, of all historical, cultural, religious, psychological, political, organizational and economical conditionings in which Polish people live abroad. "Polonia" in his understanding is a very complex social reality. All conditionings which have been mentioned above are linked with one another and interdepedent. The following statements contained in the papal addresses belong to the basic ones: "Polonia" is a living part of Poland; its great moral duty is to preserve their own spiritual identity based on Polish historical heritage; the preservation of Christian values which permeate Polish culture is the condition of a positive contribution to the development of new homelands as well as their first homeland, Poland. The pope always points to double solidarity and responsibility (for their country of settlement and country of origin). "Polonia" has a mission of religious and social character in the world to fulfill. The concept of Polonia in the papal addresses seems to have a broad and inclusive meaning.
Studia Polonijne; 1990, 13; 33-46
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Od Kościoła polskiego do Kościoła Polaków na Wschodzie?
Dzwonkowski, Roman
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Misyjne Księży Sercanów
Kościół katolicki w Białorusi
Kościół katolicki w Litwie
język polski
Polacy na Wschodzie
W ostatnich latach istnienia ZSRR i po jego rozwiązaniu w 1991 roku dokonały się na Wschodzie nieoczekiwane zmiany. Za jedne z najważniejszych z punktu widzenia żyjących tam polskich mniejszości narodowych trzeba uznać przemiany w tamtejszym Kościele katolickim obrządku łacińskiego. Składa się na nie kilka czynników. Najważniejsze to: wprowadzenie do liturgii języków narodowych, zmiany w składzie etnicznym katolickich wspólnot religijnych oraz narodowe dążenia nowych państw na zachodnich terenach byłego ZSRR. W ich wyniku Kościół katolicki stopniowo przestaje pełnić tam rolę najważniejszego dla Polaków oparcia w ich dążeniu do zachowania tożsamości narodowej, tak jak miało to miejsce w ciągu ostatnich kilkuset lat. Rola ta, choć nie związana z zasadniczą misją Kościoła, była niejako naturalnym rezultatem likwidacji za czasów carskich i w okresie ZSRR wszelkich instytucji życia publicznego, służących zachowaniu duchowej odrębności Polaków. Tylko w kościołach, obok tak ważnej dla nich cechy wyróżniającej, jaką była łacina, zachował się doniosły czynnik o znaczeniu kulturowym, a mianowicie język polski.
Sympozjum; 1999, 1(4); 63-80
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polacy w Belgii w ostatnich pięćdziesięciu latach
Poles in Belgium in the Past Fifty Years
Dzwonkowski, Roman
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The origins of Polish immigration in France and Belgium are virtually the same. After the November Rising of 1830 a group of Polish officers settled there and helped to organize the Belgian army. After the First World War Polish economic immigrants arrived, first from Westphalia and the Rhineland, and then from Poland. The Poles sought employment in Belgian mining and industry congregating in fairly closely knit settlements in the industrial centres. According to the figures quoted by the Polish Consular Office in Belgium, in 1939 c. 70,000 Polish citizens lived in that country, including 50 per cent of Jews. In the years 1944-1947 there was another wave of Polish immigration, this time a result of the War. According to the Belgian census the immigrants totalled 25,929. After 1950 most of them left Belgium. Before the Second World War Poles set up a number of extremely active organizations, social, cultural, religious and sport’s ones. At present, as the population oî Polish origin has become more dispersed any organizational work is difficult and tends to decrease. Polish religious societies run by Polish priests seem the most active. There are Polish sections with a membership of c. 6,000 in the Christian Trade Unions and Fédération Générale du Travail de Belgique. In the past fifty years we can observe the increase in social status of the subsequent generations of Polish immigrants as well as the growing integration into the local society proved by ’mixed’ marriages. Yet it is necessary to stress the number of polish youth organizations in Belgium; most young Belgian Poles seek contacts with Polish culture.
Studia Polonijne; 1976, 1; 7-25
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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