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A review on demand response based ancillary services offered by industries
Ghasemi, Ahmad
Gerami, Nilufar
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Warszawska, Instytut Techniki Cieplnej
energy pricing
demand side management
demand response
smart grid
ceny energii
zarządzanie stroną popytową
reagowanie na popyt
inteligentna sieć
Industrial power consumers have a considerable share of the global power demand; as a result, effective solutions have to be adopted to optimize the industrial power consumption. Demand response Programs (DRPs) provide such solutions. These programs are growingly studied as the industrial power consumption has increased and the implementation costs of the new technologies have decreased in recent years. DRP implementation reduces the dependency on the expensive energy storage technologies and flexible backup power sources. It seems that, DRP is not widely used in industry, yet its benefits are not practically exploited. The present work reviews the implementation of DRPs in industry and introduces the opportunities of industries for offering ancillary services to the market. Then, the industries which highly suit the specific kind of industrial DRPs are introduced and their processes are analyzed from the DRP point of view. Next, the DRP projects are continentally categorized and the advancements of different countries in specific kind of industrial DRPs are noted. Finally, the discussions and conclusion are presented.
Journal of Power Technologies; 2024, 104, 1; 32-55
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Power Technologies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Demand for private health insurance: an empirical study of post-communist countries
Śliwiński, Adam
Borkowska, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie. Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów
health insurance
demand analysis
The development of voluntary health insurance is characteristic of post-Communist and CEE countries. The aim of the paper is to identify the factors determining the demand for private voluntary health insurance. The main finding of the research is that the most important factor is the demographic factor. Other factors include the factor related to the ineffectiveness of treatment under universal health insurance, the factor related to health condition, the demographic factor related to longevity, and the factor related to insurance awareness and income. The research confirms conclusions from previously published studies. The most important is to confirm that the income factor positively influences the studied phenomenon. However, the results shed new light on the aspect of the demand factor, as this indicates the ageing of society and the consequent increase in private spending on health, which are the key mechanisms in the discussion, with the other factors constituting a complementary element.
Journal of Management and Financial Sciences; 2023, 50; 109-129
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Management and Financial Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Economic Aspects of Cash Access Problems
Aspekt ekonomiczny problemów z dostępem do gotówki
Manikowski, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
physical money
access to cash
financial exclusion
ATM network
demand for cash
pieniądz fizyczny
dostęp do gotówki
wyłączenie finansowe
sieć bankomatów
popyt na gotówkę
Purpose: The aim of the article is to examine if difficulty of access to cash may influence the financial exclusion in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: The analysis was performed using microdata collected in the survey on payment habits of Polish consumers and spatial data on ATMs locations. Estimated distance to points where cash can be withdrawn together with feature of respondents of the state of possession of a payment account helps to identify relationships between access to cash and financial exclusion. To prove significance of the relationship, a statistical test is used. Findings: The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the existence of a real risk associated with the problem of the physical availability of cash, which is caused by the systematic reduction of the network of ATMs and commercial bank branches handling cash, which are the main points where consumers can withdraw it. This may consequently lead to financial and social exclusion of certain groups of consumers for whom cash is the main, or even the only, means of making payments. Results support the thesis that payment account without (real) option of easy access to cash may discourage consumers from opening the account and contribute to increased financial exclusion. It is especially visible in rural regions and small towns where we observe high level of exclusion (lack of payment accounts) and longer distance to the nearest ATM. Research limitations/implications: The presented results were based on simple statistical analyses. Further research should include econometric modeling using logit/probit models. Originality/value: The obtained results are the first on the impact of access to cash on financial exclusion in Poland and consistent with the situation in other European countries. The results allow to show the importance of access to physical money in a broader context than just having means of payment to pay for purchases.
Cel: celem artykułu jest zbadanie czy trudność w dostępie do gotówki może wpływać na wykluczenie finansowe w Polsce. Projekt/metodologia/podejście: do analizy wykorzystano mikrodane zebrane w badaniu zwyczajów płatniczych polskich konsumentów oraz dane przestrzenne dotyczące lokalizacji bankomatów. Oszacowana odległość do punktów wypłaty gotówki wraz z charakterystyką respondentów dotyczącą stanu posiadania rachunku płatniczego pozwoliła na identyfikację związku pomiędzy dostępem do gotówki a wykluczeniem finansowym. Aby wykazać istotność tej zależności, zastosowano test statystyczny. Wyniki: pandemia Covid-19 uwydatniła istnienie realnego ryzyka związanego z problemem fizycznej dostępności gotówki, co jest spowodowane systematycznym zmniejszaniem się sieci bankomatów i oddziałów banków komercyjnych obsługujących gotówkę, będących głównymi punktami, w których konsumenci mogą ją wypłacać. Może to w konsekwencji prowadzić do wykluczenia finansowego i społecznego niektórych grup konsumentów, dla których gotówka jest głównym, a nawet jedynym środkiem dokonywania płatności. Wyniki potwierdzają tezę, że rachunek płatniczy bez (rzeczywistej) opcji łatwego dostępu do gotówki może zniechęcić konsumentów do otwierania rachunku i przyczynić się do wzrostu wykluczenia finansowego. Jest to szczególnie widoczne na obszarach wiejskich i w małych miastach, gdzie obserwuje się wysoki poziom wykluczenia (brak rachunku płatniczego) i większą odległość do najbliższego bankomatu. Ograniczenia/wnioski z badań: prezentowane wyniki bazowały na prostych analizach statystycznych. Dalsze badania powinny uwzględnić modelowanie ekonometryczne z wykorzystaniem modeli logit/probit. Oryginalność/wartość: uzyskane tutaj wyniki są pierwszymi w obszarze wpływu dostępu do gotówki na wykluczenie finansowe w Polsce i spójne ze stanem w innych krajach europejskich. Wyniki pozwalają na wykazanie ważności dostępu do fizycznego pieniądza w szerszym kontekście niż tylko posiadanie środków płatniczych służących do dokonywania płatności za zakupy.
European Management Studies; 2023, 21, 4; 109-130
Pojawia się w:
European Management Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Popyt na zróżnicowaną dietę w polskich gospodarstwach domowych
Demand for food diversity in Polish households
Wolak, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Główny Urząd Statystyczny
zróżnicowana dieta
gospodarstwo domowe
regresja kwantylowa
diversity of a diet
quantile regression
Analiza popytu polega w głównej mierze na określeniu związków zachodzących między spożyciem a cenami dóbr oraz zmieniającymi się dochodami konsumentów. Nieco innym ujęciem badania determinant popytu jest próba wyjaśnienia zapotrzebowania na zróżnicowaną dietę, czyli poszukiwanie czynników mających statystycznie istotny wpływ na ilość i rozkład dóbr nabywanych przez konsumentów. Celem badania omawianego w artykule jest wyznaczenie czynników istotnie wpływających na zróżnicowanie diety w gospodarstwach domowych w Polsce. Wykorzystano nieidentyfikowalne dane jednostkowe pochodzące z badania budżetów gospodarstw domowych przeprowadzonego przez Główny Urząd Statystyczny w 2020 r. Na podstawie estymacji modelu regresji kwantylowej oszacowano wartości parametrów dla zmiennych objaśniających, które opisują badane gospodarstwa. Uzyskano rezultaty świadczące o tym, że poziom zróżnicowania diety w gospodarstwie domowym zależy zarówno od jego dochodu i wielkości, jak i od takich jego cech, jak: grupa społeczno-ekonomiczna, miejsce zamieszkania oraz wiek i wykształcenie głowy gospodarstwa domowego. Ponadto wskazano, że wpływ wymienionych czynników na badane zjawisko zależy od poziomu zróżnicowania diety. Dowiedziono również, że czynniki te mają większe znaczenie w przypadku gospodarstw domowych, które cechują się niewielkim popytem na zróżnicowaną dietę.
Demand analysis focuses mainly on the study of the relationship between consumption, prices of goods and the changing income of consumers. An attempt aiming to explain the demand for food diversity involves a slightly different approach to research on the determinants of demand. This approach searches for factors that have a statistically significant effect on the quantity and distribution of goods purchased by consumers. The aim of the study described in the article is to determine the factors that have a significant influence on the diversity of the diet in Polish households. The study uses non-identifiable microdata from the 2020 Household Budget Survey conducted by Statistics Poland. Based on the estimation of the quantile regression model, parameter estimates were obtained for the explanatory variables describing the surveyed households. The results confirm that, apart from income and household size, the level of the diversity of a diet depends on the following characteristics: the socio-economic status of the household, place of residence, and the age and education level of the head of the household. The study also shows that the effect of the analysed factors depends on the degree to which the diet is diverse. In general, the impact of the considered factors is more significant for households showing a low demand for a varied diet.
Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician; 2024, 69, 1; 37-48
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Po prostu włącz”. Strumieniowanie jako praktyka technokulturowa
“Come On, Just Hit Play”: Streaming as a Technocultural Practice
Gwóźdź, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Sztuki PAN
praktyka technokulturowa
platformy streamingowe
strumień telewizyjny
streaming na żywo
wideo na życzenie
technocultural practice
streaming platforms
television flow
live streaming
Video on Demand
Autor proponuje refleksję nad streamingiem jako jedną z dominujących technokultur mediów pierwszych dekad XXI w. Odróżniając pojęcie strumienia (flow) telewizji od strumieniowania (streaming) w sieci, rozważa live streaming („widzenie na odległość” korzystające z pobierania danych z serwera w czasie rzeczywistym) w opozycji do formuły live tradycyjnej, linearnej telewizji (uwikłanej w temporalność programu). Odnośnie do korzystania z filmowych platform sieciowych (zwłaszcza Video on Demand), wskazuje na proces remediatyzacji filmów w przestrzeni Internetu. Przywołuje filmy z cyklu Netfliksa Czarne lustro (Black Mirror): Bandersnatch (2018) Davida Slade’a oraz Joan jest okropna (Joan Is Awful, 2023) Ally’ego Pankiwa, a także Cam (2018) Daniela Goldhabera oraz Spree (2020) Eugene’a Kotlyarenki i ujawnia ich autorefleksyjny charakter jako metafor strumieniowania.
The author proposes a reflection on streaming understood as one of the dominant media technocultures of the early 21st century. By distinguishing the concept of stream (TV flow) from streaming (an Internet-based activity), he presents live streaming (‘remote viewing’ using real-time data retrieval from a server) in opposition to the live formula of traditional, linear television (entangled in the temporality of the TV programme). Regarding the use of Internet film platforms (especially Video on Demand), he indicates the process of remediation of films in the Internet space. Referring to films from Netflix’s Black Mirror series such as Bandersnatch (2018) by David Slade and Joan Is Awful (2023) by Ally Pankiw, as well as to Cam (2018) by Daniel Goldhaber and Spree (2020) by Eugene Kotlyarenko, the author depicts their self-reflective nature as streaming metaphors.
Kwartalnik Filmowy; 2023, 124; 6-26
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Filmowy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A statistical interpretation of a market demand curve for a commodity obeying the law of demand
Lahiri, Somdeb
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
market demand curve
statistical interpretation
reservation price
willingness to pay
consumers surplus
In this note we provide a statistical interpretation of the Marshallian market demand curve of a commodity that obeys the law of demand and which has a finite and positive level of satiation. A consequence of our approach is that in the context of two goods, we are able to obtain demand functions which are very similar to those obtained by “budget-constrained Cobb–Douglas utility maximization”, but now as a result of a “budget-constrained linear utility maximization” exercise, although our budget constraint is “slightly different” from the one that would be used for the former optimization problem.
Managerial Economics; 2023, 23, 1; 27--38
Pojawia się w:
Managerial Economics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A study of macroeconomic variables that effected employment in the United States from 1948 to 2021
Reid, Littlejohn
Data publikacji:
Instytut Naukowo-Wydawniczy "SPATIUM"
expected demand
money supply
The paper provides an analysis of important U.S. macroeconomic variables that effect aggregate employment. The paper seeks to answer the question “What are the deter¬minants of changes in aggregate employment in the United States of America (U.S.)?” This is an important research topic because significant increases in unemployment can have a profound effect on an entire society, not just on its unemployed workers. When employment declines, public health declines, crime increases, suicides increase, and public revenues decrease. This paper uses quarterly data from 1948-2021 to estimate the effect of important macroeconomic variables on aggregate employment. The macroeconomic variables include personal consumption expenditures, U.S. federal government expenditures, nominal GNP, international trade (imports plus exports), M3 money stock, the mini-mum wage level, non-residential fixed investment, non-manufacturing employment, and U.S. federal tax receipts.
Central European Review of Economics & Finance; 2023, 44, 3; 125-152
Pojawia się w:
Central European Review of Economics & Finance
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A System for Filling Store Displays: Pitting a Single Model against a Set of Demand Forecasting Models
System zapełnienia ekspozycji sklepowych: pojedynczy model a zespół modeli prognozowania popytu
Myna, Artur
Myna, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Extreme Gradient Boosting
logistic regression
random forest
regresja logistyczna
las losowy
The aim of the paper was to develop the concept of retail display space allocation as a system and to assess the quality of very slow-moving products demand forecasting models (that have not yet been used by retail companies in Poland) as its key subsystem. Forecasts were made using the example of a clothing company. The quality of these models was assessed using the Weighted Mean Absolute Percentage Error. The first step was to build the individual models. Later, the authors built separate models for brick-and-mortar and online stores as well as brands, creating a set of six models. The findings show that the classification approach for very slow movers provides as precise results as the regression approach. No single model or set of models (built with a particular machine learning method) could be identified that made the best demand forecasts for brick-and-mortar stores, as statistical tests generally did not confirm the significance of the differences between the median forecasts.
Celem artykułu jest opracowanie koncepcji zapełnienia ekspozycji sklepowych jako sys- temu oraz ocena jakości modeli prognozowania popytu (które w Polsce nie są jeszcze wykorzystywane przez sieci handlowe) bardzo wolno rotujących produktów jako jego kluczowego podsystemu. Jakość modeli oceniono za pomocą miary Weighted Mean Absolute Percentage Error na różnych poziomach szczegółowości: dla całej sieci sprzedaży i określonego miesiąca oraz na „na przecięciu” sklepu, produk- tu i rozmiaru produktu. Najpierw zbudowano pojedyncze modele, następnie zaś odrębne modele dla sklepów stacjonarnych i internetowych, jak również marek, tworząc zespół sześciu modeli. Poprawę dopasowania modeli osiągnięto tylko dla sklepów internetowych. Wyniki pracy wskazują, że podejście klasyfikacyjne dla bardzo wolno rotujących produktów charakteryzują równie precyzyjne wyniki pro- gnoz jak podejście regresyjne. Nie można wskazać jednego modelu lub zespołu modeli (zbudowanego określoną metodą uczenia maszynowego), który wykonał najlepsze prognozy popytu dla sklepów sta- cjonarnych, gdyż istotności różnic median prognoz na ogół nie potwierdzono testami statystycznymi.
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu; 2023, 67, 2; 96-106
Pojawia się w:
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Alignment of the heat recovery potential with the local area heat demand for selected industrial entities in the city of Gliwice
Banasik, Aleksandra
Kostowski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Warszawska, Instytut Techniki Cieplnej
waste heat
heat recovery
district heating system
residential sector
energy management
strata ciepła
odzysk ciepła
system ciepłowniczy
sektor mieszkaniowy
zarządzanie energią
Waste heat plays a significant role in obtaining the 4th and 5th generation of District Heating (DH) System in cities. This article presents the possibilities of integrating selected waste heat emitters into DH, with the objective of meeting the demand for heat for the selected residential area (approx. 4000 inhabitants) in the city of Gliwice (180 000 inhabitants). The total heating demand of the studied area was estimated at 19 800 GJ including both space heating and domestic hot water. The maximum thermal power was estimated at approx. 2.45 MW. The demand was calculated on the basis of registered metering values for individual buildings which were processed and summarized due to the lack of collective meters for the district. A detailed data classification, correction and completion procedure was elaborated to deal with non-uniform and low-quality data registration. Two industrial objects with waste heat generation were examined to be integrated with the local DH network. The waste heat generation potential equals 9.0 MW for plant #1 and 0.9 MW for plant #2. Apart from the constant generation declared by the industrial entities, realistic profiles including possible shaft-work and maintenance periods were created. It has been shown that the total heat demand for selected residential areas can be covered by integrating waste heat into the current DH network. Depending on the waste heat generation profile, the local area heat demand can be covered entirely or to a large degree (coverage factor ranges from 72 to 100%). The waste heat utilization factor ranges from 6.3 to 8.3%. To manage the remaining waste heat potential, it is required to build additional district heating pipelines and nodes connecting to the existing network to receive an additional 7.45 MW thermal power. The potential of waste heat recovery is significant at the scale of a medium sized city: integrating two large industrial emitters allows up to 13% decarbonization of heats production in the local district heating plan.
Journal of Power Technologies; 2023, 103, 2; 104-117
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Power Technologies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An efficient microgrid model based on Markov fuzzy demand-side management
Jabash Samuel, G. K.
Sivagama Sundari, M. S.
Bhavani, R.
Jasmine Gnanamalar, A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
smart grid
fuzzy Markov decision process
power scheduling
operating cost
nonlinear model predictive control
inteligentna sieć
planowanie mocy
koszt operacyjny
proces decyzyjny Markowa rozmyty
regulator predykcyjny nieliniowego modelu
Today’s electricity management mainly focuses on smart grid implementation for better power utilization. Supply-demand balancing, and high operating costs are still considered the most challenging factors in the smart grid. To overcome this drawback, a Markov fuzzy real-time demand-side manager (MARKOV FRDSM) is proposed to reduce the operating cost of the smart grid system and maintain a supply-demand balance in an uncertain environment. In addition, a non-linear model predictive controller (NMPC) is designed to give a global solution to the non-linear optimization problem with real-time requirements based on the uncertainties over the forecasted load demands and current load status. The proposed MARKOV FRDSM provides a faster scale power allocation concerning fuzzy optimization and deals with uncertainties and imprecision. The implemented results show the proposed MARKOV FRDSM model reduces the cost of operation of the microgrid by 1.95%, 1.16%, and 1.09% than the existing method such as differential evolution and real coded genetic algorithm and maintains the supply-demand balance in the microgrid.
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences; 2023, 71, 3; art. no. e145569
Pojawia się w:
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An empirical study of air transport demand forecast in Nigeria
Nwaogbe, Obioma R.
Monday, Adebayo
Wokili-Yakubu, Huwa
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Centrum Badań Socjologicznych
air travel demand
air transport
The study aims to estimate the air travel demand forecast for domestic passengers' travels in Nigeria from 2002-2016. Data resourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria, the National Bureau of Statistics, and the Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria. The study utilized a multiple regression model using a Stata-Graphic software solver to analyze the data. From the analysis, the result shows that there is a significant relationship between the explanatory variable (passengers) and unexplanatory variables National Disposable Income, Population, Average Airfare, Gross Domestic Product, Exchange Rate, Total Expenditure, and Crude oil price, accounted for adjusted R of 93.624% relationship with demand for domestic air travel of passenger. The R-square statistic shows that the fitted model explains the variability in the number of passengers (NPAX), which is 96.8124%. The Hypothesis testing reveals that National Disposable Income and Airfare have a strong statistically significant relationship with the demand for domestic air travel with a P-value of 0.0013. Mores, a statistically significant relationship exists between National Disposable Income, Average airfare, and Crude oil price with P-values of 0.0017 and 0.0445, respectively. Furthermore, a forecast of the number of passengers and average airfare was carried out using ARIMA (1,0,0) model, which made available the future predicted values for the number of passenger movements and average airfare for the next 10-12 years to come. Thus, the study recommends that stakeholders in the air transport sector should work towards improving the capacity and infrastructure to accommodate the growth of air travel demand for domestic air travel in Nigeria. Policy implications were made on regulating the sector by having a good pricing policy to control the air fare for the industry.
Journal of Sustainable Development of Transport and Logistics; 2023, 8, 1; 6--23
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Sustainable Development of Transport and Logistics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An inventory model with price and credit installments-dependent demand
Hasan, Md. Rakibul
Siddiqa, Mst. Ayesha
Roy, Tutul Chandra
Al-Amin, Md.
Daryanto, Yosef
Data publikacji:
installment-dependent demand
trade credit
Financial capability is one of the primary drivers for buyers to make purchases. Therefore, sellers must set an optimum selling price and consider trade credit facilities to attract more demand. This paper proposes an inventory decision model in which customer demand depends on the price and number of credit installments to serve low-abled buyers. This study has developed a demand function with a positive impact on installment policies and the effect of the selling price. Two models have been formulated to optimize the selling price and positive stock time, m total profit, with and without installment policies. Then, numerical examples and sensitivity analysis illustrate the proposed model for different cases. The study has found that the selling price and positive stock time can be optimized. Profits can be higher in the case of an installment facility than in the case without an installment facility. It shows positive responses from the buyer to the installment policy.
Management Systems in Production Engineering; 2023, 2 (31); 111--127
Pojawia się w:
Management Systems in Production Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza rozwoju odnawialnych źródeł energii elektrycznej z perspektywy zapotrzebowania na energię elektryczną oraz elastyczności krajowego systemu elektroenergetycznego i wymiany transgranicznej
Analysis of the development of renewable energy sources from the perspective of electricity demand and the flexibility of the National Power System and cross-border exchange
Włoch, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Zachodniopomorska Szkoła Biznesu w Szczecinie
odnawialne źródła energii
krajowy system elektroenergetyczny
transgraniczna wymiana energii
renewable energy sources
national power system
cross-border energy exchange
Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy danych charakteryzujących funkcjonowanie Krajowego Systemu Elektroenergetycznego, przedstawiono obecny wpływ generacji odnawialnych źródeł energii na pracę Krajowego Systemu Elektroenergetycznego. Autor skupia się na odpowiedzi na pytanie czy generacja z odnawialnych źródeł energii jest zauważalna w pracy systemu energetycznego i wymusza charakterystyczne zachowania w zarządzaniu siecią. W następstwie tych obserwacji autor podjął próbę zdefiniowania zjawisk jakie będą efektem dalszego rozwoju odnawialnych źródeł energii.
Based on the analysis of data characterizing the functioning of the National Power System, the current impact of the generation of renewable energy sources on the operation of the National Power System is presented. The author focuses on answering the question whether generation from renewable energy sources is noticeable in the operation of the energy system and forces characteristic behaviors in network management. Following these observations, the author attempted to define the phenomena that will result from the further development of renewable energy sources.
Zeszyty Naukowe ZPSB Firma i Rynek; 2023, 2(64); 64-78
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe ZPSB Firma i Rynek
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analysis and forecast of passenger flows in public transport - the case of Poland
Gorzelanczyk, Piotr
Pawłowski, Adrian
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
urban transport
Public transportation provides its services to both urban centers and neighboring areas in the immediate vicinity of the city. The problem of urban transportation is evident, the number of people willing to use public transportation has decreased. Therefore, there is a need to delve into the issue and conduct an analysis of the demand for urban transportation in Poland in 2000-2030, this will allow us to assess in what direction urban transportation is heading, whether there is an increase in the number of people using it, or whether there is a downward trend (Zielińska 2018). Based on CSO statistics from 2009-2020 for the analysis of demand for public transportation in Poland, a forecast of people using public transportation was conducted using Statistica software for 2021-2030. Due to the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, the study was conducted in 2 ways – with and without 2020. Public transportation will make less and less profit and even losses for the next few years through rising gasoline and energy prices. Virtually in each of the provinces, and likewise throughout Poland, a decline in the number of people willing to use public transportation is evident. conclusions. On the basis of the surveys carried out, there is a general trend that shows the current state of public transport. In most of the cases studied, a similar conclusion emerges, namely that public transport will experience a marked decline in the coming years. The number of people who want to use public transport will decrease, mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic and people’s fears for their own safety.
Technical Sciences / University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn; 2023, 26(1); 161--184
Pojawia się w:
Technical Sciences / University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Beneficial Ownership – Demand for Transparency, Threat to Privacy
Cindori, Sonja
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
beneficial owner
due diligence
The basic idea behind establishing the register of beneficial owners is to increase the transparency and accessibility of data on beneficial ownership of companies and other legal entities with the aim of ensuring the public availability of data on domestic and foreign natural and legal persons. However, the possibility of the data being accessible to the general public instead of to persons or organizations that can demonstrate a legitimate interest raised the issue of violating the principles of respect for private or family life and the protection of personal data. Consequently, this raises the question of drawing the line between contributing to the common good and fighting against money laundering and terrorist financing, on the one hand, and protecting personal data, with the possibility of their misuse, on the other. A balance as well as a response to the possibility of setting soft limits of legitimate interest that would result in the achievement of all set goals was sought in the practice of the European Court of Justice. One of the legislative solutions regarding the extent of access to data on beneficial owners for the entire public, along with the establishment of different types of registers in order to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing, is described using the example of Croatia.
Review of European and Comparative Law; 2023, 55, 4; 113-131
Pojawia się w:
Review of European and Comparative Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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