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Editorial: Political Power in Judeo-Christian Tradition
Pasierbek, Wit
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
The relationship between religion and the political community formed within the framework of polytheistic systems led to the phenomenon of state religion. We find its first traces in ancient Egypt and Sumer. In Egypt, the pharaohs were considered the incarnation of the god Horus, whose name they took when they embraced the throne. Pharaohs presided over religious ceremonies. They were also responsible for sustaining Maat – a divine world order that guaranteed order, harmony, balance, justice and law. In Sumer, in turn, the city-states had guardian gods, who from among the entire pantheon of deities enjoyed special favors. Sumerian and Akkadian rulers often presided over religious practices. Some of them entered the pantheon of the gods, either after death (Gilgamesh, Sargon the Great), or during their lifetime (Gudea of Lagash, Shulgi of Ur). The Greek city-states also had their gods, whose exceptional cult and worship in a given city were to guarantee the safety and prosperity of the entire community on the part of the divine guardian. State religion also played an important role in ancient Rome. First, it served as an integrating factor for Rome’s inhabitants. Second, it strengthened the significance and importance of state institutions. Along with imperial development, the search for more universal religious and political forms, a cult of emperors – both living and dead – developed...
Horyzonty Polityki; 2019, 10, 31; 7-8
Pojawia się w:
Horyzonty Polityki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Customary Gidar Marriage and Christian Tradition
Zwyczajowe małżeństwo Gidarów a tradycja chrześcijańska
Różański, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
northern Cameroon
the traditional family
traditional African marriage
missions in Africa
północny Kamerun
tradycyjna rodzina
tradycyjne małżeństwo afrykańskie
misje w Afryce
In Cameroon we are dealing with three types of marriage: traditional, universally practiced marriage; civil marriage, required by state law before entering into a religious marriage; and, finally, sacramental marriage. Most widespread is the traditional form of contracting marriage. This article will present this particular form, referring to Gidar traditions and also showing its similarities to, and differences from, the Christian tradition brought by the missionaries. It will also propose solutions which combine the two traditions. A characteristic feature of marriage rites was their multi-stage nature. They were not single acts but events long prepared and celebrated with suitable gestures, symbols, words, and events. The individual, successive stages of “taking a wife” consisted of the choice of a spouse, accepted by both families; an engagement period; an act by both families of acknowledgement of the joining of the young persons as one in marriage; the conveying of the bride to her husband’s home; celebrating; and paying the matrimonial fee. The Church in northern Cameroon recognized traditional marriages contracted outside of baptism as valid and licit, provided that local principles, e.g., payment of a marriage fee, were taken into account. If either of the parties accepted baptism, the marriage became for him or her sacramental. If the other party also made the same decision later on, their union took on a sacramental character, without a need to renew the marriage vows. Controversy would however arise if attempts were made to contract a traditional marriage if one party was [already] baptized, or if both parties were baptized. These controversies mainly concerned the unity, indissolubility, and sacramentality of marriage.
Cechę charakterystyczną obrzędów małżeńskich stanowiła ich wieloetapowość. Nie były one jednorazowym aktem, lecz wydarzeniem przygotowywanym i celebrowanym dłużej przez odpowiednie gesty, symbole, słowa, wydarzenia. Na poszczególne, następujące po sobie etapy „wzięcia żony” składają się: wybór współmałżonka, zaakceptowany przez obydwa rody, próba narzeczonych, akt uznania przez obydwie grupy złączenia młodych w jedno małżeństwo, przeniesienie się narzeczonej do domu męża, świętowanie, uiszczenie opłaty matrymonialnej. Kościół w północnym Kamerunie uznawał małżeństwo tradycyjne, zawarte przed chrztem, za ważne i godne, jeśli zostały uwzględnione miejscowe zasady związane np. z uregulowaniem opłaty matrymonialnej. Jeśli któraś strona przyjmowała chrzest, małżeństwo stawało się dla niej sakramentalne. Jeśli także druga strona podjęła później taką samą decyzję, ich związek nabierał charakteru sakramentalnego, bez ponawiania przysięgi małżeńskiej. Kontrowersje pojawiały się jednak przy próbach zawarcia związku tradycyjnego przez jedną stronę ochrzczoną lub też przez obydwie strony ochrzczone. Dotyczyły one głównie jedności, nierozerwalności oraz sakramentalności małżeństwa.
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; 2021, 39; 143-159
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problem podobieństwa w chrześcijańskiej tradycji wiary
Problem of similarity in the christian tradition of the Faith
Moskałyk, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
tradycja chrześcijańska
wspólnota chrześcijańska
tradycja katolicka
Christian tradition
Christian community
Catholic tradition
Tradycja wiary chrześcijańskiej jako rzeczywistość stanowiąca element składowy autentycznego wyrażenia w czasie i przestrzeni osób wierzących podlega także zróżnicowanej percepcji historycznej-religijnej, filozoficznej, teologicznej, socjologicznej itd. Nie ma w tym nic nadzwyczajnego aż do tego momentu, kiedy jej obecność zwłaszcza po stronie samych chrześcijan przestaje pełnić prawdziwą funkcję formacyjno-duchową. A dziś taka sytuacja wydaje się stanowić pewien negatywny trend w świadomości i postawie wielu osób wyznających chociażby swój związek z Kościołem katolickim. Przy tym do-chodzi jeszcze do prostego zrównywania i utożsamienia odmiennych tradycji między innymi po to, aby nie przywiązywać się do jednej lub dominującej. Tymczasem uznanie chrześcijańskiej tradycji wiary wraz z jej specyfiką i odcieniami wymaga wierności jednemu przekazowi oraz nieustannego zgłębiania własnego dziedzictwa tradycyjnego.
The tradition of the Christian faith as reality constituting the building block of the authentic expression in the time and space of believing persons are subject to also a diversified historical-religious, philosophical, theological, socio-logical perception etc. There is including nothing extraordinary all the way to this moment no, when for her the presence especially on the side of very Christians is stopping performing the real function and formation internships n-spiritual. And today such a situation seems to constitute certain negative trend in the awareness and the attitude of many confessing persons even if virtue of its association with the Catholic Church. At the same time there is still a simple convergence and self-identification distinct traditions, among other things, not to attach to one or dominant. Meanwhile, the recognition of the Christian tradition of faith, together with its specific features and shades of one and ready to explore the ongoing fidelity requires its own traditional heritage.
Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie; 2013, 20; 175-187
Pojawia się w:
Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gog i Magog w tradycji żydowskiej i chrześcijańskiej
Gog and Magog in Jewish and Christian tradition
Kubisiak, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
Gog i Magog to postacie, które na kartach Pisma Świętego kojarzone są ze zwiastunem dnia ostatecznego. Niszczycielska siła, która staje naprzeciw Boga i Jego ludowi zdaje się dysponować niezwykłą mocą godną przezwyciężyć wyznawców jedynego i właściwego Pana. Najwięcej wzmianek na temat mitologicznych postaci Goga i Magoga można odnaleźć w Ez 38-39 oraz w Ap 20,8. W obu przypadkach są oni utożsamiani z narodami, które przyjdą niczym armagedon, aby zniszczyć Boga i Jego lud. Ciekawe, że w świadomości pisarzy biblijnych jak i wczesnych komentatorów Pisma Świętego Gog i Magog zaczęli być utożsamiani z konkretnymi ludami a nawet władcami z dalekiej północy, którzy w świadomości wielu słabszych ludów siali postrach i przerażenie. Co na ten temat mówi Księga Ezechiela i Apokalipsa? Czy Gog i Magog to rzeczywiście postacie, które można utożsamić z kimś konkretnym? Jakie jest przesłanie biblijne w tym temacie?
Studia Gdańskie; 2022, 51; 30-46
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gdańskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tradycja chrześcijańska na Bitolszczyźnie i we wsi Nowaci
Christian Tradition on Bitolszczyzna and in the Village Nowaci
Stojčevska-Antik’, Vera
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Folk Christianity
unofficial believes
the Mother of God
The paper portrays the Macedonian folk Christianity, existing outside the official Church. Systematic scientific researches, also conducted nowadays, have shown that this phenomenon is not only still alive, but it is even growing – especially after 1989, when the Church in Macedonia started to recover. In the mainstream of popular Christianity, the Marian tradition is represented most strongly. Macedonians believe that the Mother of God since time immemorial until today has been personally involved in the construction of their church – as well in the spiritual as in the material meaning. An example could be the village Nowaci from Bitolszczyzna. Its population is convinced, that the church and monastery in the village were built on the order of Mary and according to her architectural project. The middleman between the Mother of God and the builders was supposed to be local clairvoyant Menka, called in a supernatural way to serve God.
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne; 2016, 10
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geneza wyboru zasadniczego z perspektywy tradycji chrześcijańskiej
The Origines of the Fundamental Choice in the Perspective of Christian Tradition
Torończak, Edward
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
fundamental choice
decision in faith
moral decision
the person
Theologians of the so-called new moral theology aiming to renew moral theology developed a theory of a fundamental option identifying it as the ‘new’ paradigm o f morality. They accused the moral theology’s tradition, to a certain extent rightly, of too strong an emphasis on the objective dimension of the moral action ignoring its subjective dimension on which, in their opinion, the quality of choices a person makes depends. However, reflections upon the origins of the fundamental choice from the perspective of Christian tradition demonstrated that St. Augustine, St. Thomas, St. Alphonsus Liguori in their writings pointed out the subjective dimension of morality, emphasising the importance of conscience, freedom and moral decision in the Christian life. The moral and theological reflections o f these authors contain references to a deeply personal aspect of moral activity since, in fact, a moral act ‘is bom’ deep within a person and is directed towards the ultimate aim. It is in the fundamental moral decision, understood as the life’s essential direction towards God, where a relation towards subjective not only objective dimension of the moral order is clear, since such a decision ultimately comes from the depths of the acting person’s freedom.
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; 2008, 22; 117-132
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Християнський кордоцентризм Тараса Шевченка
Taras Shevchenko’s Сhristian cordocentrism
Bigun, Olga
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Christian tradition
Taras Shevchenko
The article deals with adoption of Christian tradition in poetry of Taras Shevchenko. Theoretical basis includes methodological principles of hermeneutics, the philosophicoaesthetic approach to art, cross-cultural methods. On the one hand, the sources of the creative components by Shevchenko’s ethics and aesthetics are related in Christian tradition. On the other hand, as a result of cordocentrist intention of the Ukrainian ethnos, Christian canon was deprived of the big part of rigorism in Old-Kyiv period. Shevchenko’s aesthetic theology is insufficiently investigated but it characterizes the absence of stark categories, dogmas and rituals. It gives an opportunity to speak about the apophatic approach in Shevchenko’s dialectic of God-seeking which appears in the apophatic approach of individual style which also you can find in Old Kyivan authors’ works. The outcome of our investigation proves that the Shevchenko’s adoption of Christian tradition shows the priority of aesthetic and cultural landmarks of Kyiv Christianity.
Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski; 2020, XI, 1; 241-250
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wolność a łaska. Interpretacje problemu w tradycji chrześcijańskiej
Freedom and Grace. Interpretations of the Problem in the Christian Tradition
Barth, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Zbawienie (gr. σωτηρία, łac. salus), jako rzeczywistość będąca w centrum wiary chrześcijańskiej, ale i wypowiadającej jej sens teologii, oznacza spełnienie ludzkiej egzystencji, otwartej na Boga (capax Dei). Realizuje się ono w dialogu między Bogiem i człowiekiem, między bezwarunkowym darem miłości Boskiej i przyjmującej oraz odpowiadającej na ów dar wolnej natury człowieka. Relacja ta nigdy w tradycji chrześcijańskiej nie była oczywista, o czym świadczą długie spory o rozumienie statusu łaski i wolności, roli Boga i miejsca człowieka w tym procesie. Poczynając od sporu między Augustynem a Pelagiuszem, a kończąc na współczesnych interpretacjach problemu, widzimy w dużym uproszczeniu, jak jedne ujęcia przeceniały wolność kosztem roli łaski, inne zaś chciały pomniejszyć znaczenie wolności, aby ukazać bezwzględność działania Bożego. W artykule została nakreślona panorama tradycyjnych ujęć łaski, a także trzy najbardziej reprezentatywne dla nakreślenia wspomnianej relacji stanowiska: monergizm, synergizm oraz energizm. Ostatnia z propozycji – energizm (jako ujęcie inkluzywne) – mówi o specyficznie rozumianej współpracy między Bogiem i człowiekiem w dziele zbawienia, a mianowicie równoczesności Bożego i ludzkiego działania, w której łaska staje się wyzwalającą siłą ludzkiej wolności. W świetle zasady energizmu, najbardziej dowiedzionej w osobie Jezusa Chrystusa, zbawienie posiada charakter osobowy i historyczny, który za każdym razem domaga się wolnej decyzji każdej ze stron, zgody umotywowanej miłością, realizowanej w geście perychoretycznej gościnności.
Salvation as a reality that is the centre of both the Christian faith, and a theology that speaks its sense, signifies the fulfillment of human existence capable of receiving God (capax Dei). It is realized in a dialogue between God and man, between an unconditional gift of Divine love and man’s free nature that responds to this gift. This relation has never been obvious in the Christian tradition, which is visible in the long-lasting disputes over the understanding of grace and freedom, God’s role and the place of man in the process. Since the times of the dispute between Augustine and Pelagius till the ongoing changes in the interpretations of the problem we have seen simplifications which, on the one hand, overestimate freedom and, on the other, wish to undermine the meaning of freedom to show the truthlessness of God’s actions. In the article a panorama of traditional views on grace has been outlined, as well as the three most representative approaches for the determination of the aforementioned relations: monergism, synergism and energism. The last one, energism (as an inclusive approach), speaks of a specifically understood cooperation between God and man in salvation, namely the simultaneousness of God’s and man’s actions, in which grace becomes a releasing force of human freedom. In light of the principle of energism, best proved in the person of Jesus Christ, salvation has a personal and historical character, which every time demands a free decision of both sides, an agreement motivated by love realised in the gesture of perichoretic hospitality.
Teologia w Polsce; 2015, 9, 1; 39-55
Pojawia się w:
Teologia w Polsce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Judaeo-Christian Tradition as a Source of a Paradigm of Sustainable Development
Tradycja judeochrześcijańska, jako źródło paradygmatu rozwoju zrównoważonego
Pink, M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Człowiek i Środowisko PAN
sustainable development
Judaeo-Christian civilization
Old Testament
New Testament
rozwój zrównoważony
cywilizacja judeochrześcijańska
Stary Testament
Nowy Testament
The economic development of the last two hundred years has had no precedent in human history. Its dynamic was mainly a result of knowledge and technological progress, but was also associated with the adoption and acceptance of utilitarian values and thus the formulation of social aims in terms of profit for the producer and utility for the consumer. This attitude, perforce a short-term one, triggered an unusually fast increase in production, which al-lowed many societies to make a civilization leap, albeit at the price of an imbalance in global social and ecological conditions. An attempt to restore ecological and social balance involves a change of economic paradigm to one that takes into account social needs and the limitations of nature. The economics of sustainable development is a concept, where economic objectives and the time horizon have been reformulated to include not just the question of economic development, but also ecological and socio-cultural aspects, and development itself is considered from a long-term perspective. It is a relatively modern concept, that only started to be considered as an alternative to conventional economic attitudes in the second half of the 20th century. The roots of the concept of sustainable development are usually traced back to a German culture of a forest resource management. However, the idea of development taking into account the spheres of ecology, social relations and economics seems to have its beginnings already in sources from earlier Judaeo-Christian civilisation. The texts of The Old and New Testament and supplementary writings of Judaism and Christianity create a coherent image of social development, where the areas of ecology, social needs and economic activity take equally meaningful positions. Contrary to the opinion, popular in the 1960s based on the quote from Genesis (let them have dominion over all the earth), that Judaeo-Christian civilization is responsible for ecological catastrophe, both Judaism and Christianity sources contain a strong ecological message. Regarding social development, the problems of equitable social relations are a core issue in the Old and New Testament. The third area of in-depth analysis studies economic processes at micro- and macro-levels that are limited just by the rules of social fairness and the limitations of nature. The paper presents a selection of sources contained in Judaeo-Christian writings relating to issues of development in the areas of ecology, society and economics, which lay the foundations for the modern paradigm of sustainable development.
Rozwój gospodarczy ostatnich dwustu lat był w historii ludzkości zdarzeniem bez precedensu. Jego dynamika wynikała przede wszystkim z postępu wiedzy i technologii, ale wiązała się również z przyjęciem i akceptacją wartości o charakterze utylitarnym, a co za tym idzie sformułowaniem celów społecznych w kategoriach zysku producenta i użyteczności konsumenta. Takie podejście, z konieczności krótkookresowe, wyzwoliło niespotykanie szybki wzrost produkcji, umożliwiający dokonanie cywilizacyjnego skoku wielu społeczeństw, jednak za cenę zachwiania globalnej równowagi społecznej oraz ekologicznej. Próba przywrócenia równowagi społecznej i ekologicznej musi wiązać się ze zmianą paradygmatu gospodarczego, na ten uwzględniający potrzeby społeczne oraz naturalne ograniczenia. Ekonomia zrównoważonego rozwoju jest koncepcją, w której cele ekonomiczne oraz horyzont czasowy zostały przeformułowane, obejmując poza rozwojem gospodarczym również obszary ekologii i społeczno-kulturowy, a rozwój rozumiany jest w perspektywie długookresowej. Koncepcja ta traktowana jest, jako stosunkowo współczesna i dopiero w drugiej połowie XX wieku zaczęto rozważać ją, jako alternatywę dla konwencjonalnych metod gospodarowania. Jej korzeni upatruje się w niemieckiej kulturze gospodarowania zasobami leśnymi, jednak koncepcja zrównoważonego rozwoju sfery ekologicznej, społecznej i gospodarczej wydaje się mieć swój początek już u samych źródeł cywilizacji judeochrześcijańskiej. Teksty Starego i Nowego Testamentu, oraz uzupełniające je pisma uznawane przez judaizm i chrześcijaństwo, tworzą spójny wizerunek rozwoju społecznego, w który sfery ekologii, potrzeb społecznych i gospodarki zajmują równie istotne pozycje. Wbrew powszechnej jeszcze w latach 60. opinii, oskarżającej, w oparciu o fragment Księgi Rodzaju (napełniajcie ziemię i czyńcie ją sobie poddaną), oskarżającej tradycję judeochrześcijańską o katastrofę ekologiczną, jej źródła zawierają silnie proekologiczny przekaz. Jeśli chodzi o rozwój społeczny, zarówno w Starym, jak i Nowym Testamencie, problematyka sprawiedliwych relacji społecznych stanowi trzon tematyczny wspomnianych tekstów. Trzecim obszarem, pogłębionej analizy są procesy gospodarcze zachodzące zarówno na poziomie mikro i makroekonomicznym, których ograniczeniem jest właśnie zachowanie zasad sprawiedliwości społecznej oraz ograniczeń płynących z natury. W artykule przedstawiono wybrane, zawarte w źródłach judeochrześcijańskich, zagadnienia rozwoju w ramach trzech obszarów: ekologicznego, społecznego i gospodarczego, tworzące zręby współczesnego paradygmatu rozwoju zrównoważonego.
Problemy Ekorozwoju; 2016, 11, 2; 55-66
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Ekorozwoju
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Herod Wielki – władca różnie postrzegany. Tradycja chrześcijańska a historia
Herod the Great – a ruler perceived in various ways. Christian tradition and history
Wajda, Anna Maria
Data publikacji:
Ośrodek Badawczy Facta Ficta
Herod the Great
Christian tradition
The purpose of this paper is to try to show the factors that influence the complexity of perception of the figure of Herod the Great (73-4 B.C.), king of the small Jewish state Judaea in the last three decades before the common era, in Christian tradition and history. The issue will be presented based on biblical sources, works of ancient writers and literature. The basic biblical source will be the exegesis of the pericope about the slaughter of Bethlehem boys up to two years old ordered by Herod the Great, contained in the Gospel according to Matthew (Mat: 2, 16-18). In turn, the fundamental historical information about the reign of this king is provided by Josephus Flavius, a Jewish historian from the first century. The most important ancient source for the rule of Herod written by Flavius Josephus is the Jewish War and the Jewish Antiquities. Both books are based on the history of Nicolaus of Damascus, king Herod's personal secretary. It is very important to verify a great deal of information about Herod the Great. Historians have re-assessed long-held negative opinion about this king and now credit his reign as having had at least some positive effects on Jews and Judaism in his kingdom. They will also be presented in this chapter.
Facta Ficta. Journal of Theory, Narrative & Media; 2021, 8, 2; 261-279
Pojawia się w:
Facta Ficta. Journal of Theory, Narrative & Media
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stabat Mater Zbigniewa Bujarskiego w kontekście tradycji gatunku
Zbigniew Bujarski’s Stabat Mater in the context of the genre’s tradition
Borowiecka, Renata
Data publikacji:
Akademia Muzyczna im. Stanisława Moniuszki w Gdańsku
Zbigniew Bujarski
Polish sacral music
Stabat Mater
Christian tradition
The Christian religion, since the beginning of its times focuses on contemplating the circum-stances of Christ’s death. The scene of Mater dolorosa found its literary expression in the words of a medieval poem Stabat Mater dolorosa. The text became part of the Church liturgy as a sequence and hymn and distinctly entered the music art world. Through compositions, the authors passed on both the creed of Christian faith as well as personal experiences related with the search for the purpose of life and death in the face of a tragic situation. Bujarski’s Stabat Mater was composed following an “external inspiration” (a commission), but it was preceded by a profound “internal inspiration”. The author wrote the composition to the Polish philological translation of the sequence, because he wanted his work to be a very personal statement as close as possible to his deepest feelings. In Stabat Mater, the composer refers to an oratorio and cantata genre creating a choir and orchestra composition. The relations between choir and orchestra set in the history of interpretations are reversed in Bujarski’s composition, i.e. instru-mental music seems to be in the foreground, and the vocal parts only bring further clarification of semantic contents. The author captured the scene with Mater Dolorosa as if in the frames of a paint-ing: within one cohesive whole he provided the course of his work with a three-part layout with re-prise features. Listening closely to Stabat Mater it is impossible not to get the impression that music carries with it quasi-painting features, playing out between the darkness of the Golgotha’s drama and the light of hope coming from the Resurrected Jesus. Colour (an essential feature of Bujarski’s music) and space-time are often shaped in contrast with each other, as if in a chiaro-scuro effect. Bujarski in his “end-of-the-century” work expressed the entire complexity of time in which he lives (fear, tragedy), but he also confirmed his Christian attitude which he represented from the very beginning of his creative path (he pointed to hope and love). Stabat Mater constitutes also a fervent prayer full of humility and trust. It seems as well that in Stabat Mater, through the tragedy of God-man crucified for man’s misdeeds, Bujarski expressed a man of his generation. By referring to the great sacral tradition and through a highly individual musical interpretation, the composer once again discovered “veiled and lost values” and set out the right path for man, leading towards hope, towards the highest Truth.
Aspekty Muzyki; 2014, 4; 11-29
Pojawia się w:
Aspekty Muzyki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Veni Creator Pawła Łukaszewskiego — w kręgu inspiracji religijnych i narodowych
Paweł Łukaszewski’s Veni Creator — in the circle of religious and national inspirations
Borowiecka, Renata
Data publikacji:
Akademia Muzyczna im. Stanisława Moniuszki w Gdańsku
Paweł Łukaszewski
Polish sacral music
Christian tradition
Veni Creator hymn
Paweł Łukaszewski is considered to be one of the most interesting composers of contemporary sacral music, and his work raises great interest both in Poland and abroad. His vocal and instrumental compositions, as well as choir a cappella pieces make a significant share of his extensive achievements. They have deeply rooted into the Christian tradition and religion. The subject matter of his compositions focuses on the main concepts and ideas in the teaching of the Church, which is exemplified in the composition Veni Creator, among others. The piece was written as a result of an external inspiration (a commission from Akademie Klausenhof as a part of a Polish-German Project “45/05”) and based on one of the most popular Latin hymns. Apart from introducing the original version of the hymn, the author used the text in German and quoted the words of John Paul II in Polish. Thus, the Holy Spirit was addressed not only by all the faithful, but also by the two specific nations. Moreover, Łukaszewski emphasised the aspect of both nationalities with the use of specific musical strategies (two choirs, allusions to and quotations from Bach and Chopin). The composer’s intention — reuniting of the two nations through music and languages, as well as by employing Polish and German performers — becomes fully comprehensible in the circumstances of this particular commission, i.e. the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. Therefore, the composition may be considered — quoting the words of the Polish Pope — as a “gesture of peace” offered through music.
Aspekty Muzyki; 2016, 6; 25-42
Pojawia się w:
Aspekty Muzyki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wartość tradycji w dialogu z współczesnością
The value of tradition in dialogue with the present
Czupryk, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Instytut Teologiczno-Pastoralny im. św. bpa Józefa Sebastiana Pelczara
tradycja chrześcijańska
christian tradition
The contemporary man, wanting to define his place in time, needs bonds and continuity, he needs remembrance and knowledge about the legacy of the past. The strength of creative consciousness, thanks to which the man can lean towards the future without any fear, comes from tradition. Tradition is a dynamic phenomenon, it is not inherited as something complete, already worked out. In order to “have” it, you have to shape it with much effort, and even “nurture” it. In the face of the past, one must adopt an attitude of respect, recognition, and, if necessary, admiration or criticism. Then you have to experience it “as if again”, drawing conclusions for the present and the future. Memory aids consciousness in choosing what tradition passes down from generation to generation. Essentially, it passes a hope that invigorates human desires in the pursuit of good and lofty goals. The memory of humanity is the memory of humaneness, it is the consciousness of who a human is in the face of his limitations and possibilities. In order to renew the memory of humanity, it is worth trying today to find a way to revive the creative dialogue between tradition and the present. Tradition, related to cultural heritage, is expressed in the culture of a specific society and the process of socialization of its members. Valued and cherished by the community, it protects itself: protects it from betraying the cultural heritage developed over generations; consolidates the identity and freedom of the community; motivates to noble actions in the spirit of brotherliness and solidarity.
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej; 2020, 27; 15-28
Pojawia się w:
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kulturowa recepcja biblijnego „drzewa życia” (w chrześcijańskiej tradycji i lekturze ponowoczesnej)
A cultural perception of biblical Lifetree (in the Christian tradition and the post-modern culture)
Kogut, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
original sin
The Christian “Lifetree” seems to be often omitted today in its fundamental role as the one, which brings us Christ’s redemption. As for Christians the “Lifetree” is the cross, Jesus Christ itself, His torment and resurrection, redemption of human from the original sin, and thereby giving him the eternal life. This way-in purely general terms- could be answered the question: what signifies the term “Lifetree” for Christians. However in order to explain it rightly, we need to relay on the Holy Scripture and look at its beginning, at Genesis, which explained us the world formerly an today - unfortunately - tends to be seen as fairy tale, which should moralize the human and teach him to obey God. No wonder, that the human has lost his ability to understand the reality and like by snake deceived Eve in paradise, is confused. Jesus said: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (J 14,6). However today-in the modern world involved in sin-this Truth is being questioned increasingly in its essential value.
Dydaktyka Polonistyczna; 2019, 5 (14); 35-45
Pojawia się w:
Dydaktyka Polonistyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Intensywność Wata
The intensity of A. Wat
Kandziora, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Aleksander Wat
literature in exile
Judeo-Christian tradition
The article discusses a collection of literary essays Elementy do portretu. Szkice o twórczości Aleksandra Wata published and edited by Poznań-based specialists in Polish literature and dedicated to Professor Ewa Wiegandt. The starting point for the discussion is the observation that the authors of the essays had to grapple with the elusiveness and multidimensional character of the output of A. Wat, with the entanglement of the text of his works with the text of his biography, and finally with the multitude of its cultural contexts. The reviewer distinguishes four research currents in the collection of essays, each being a different answer to these particular traits of Wat’s writing. Historical and literary studies in the book show the author in his relations and as a non-categorizable author, and challenge the Futurist character of his juvenile writings by juxtaposing them with earlier Symbolism and later Catastrophism. The interpretative study current tries to find ways to define Wat through reading his individual works. Here, the overriding opposition between ”closeness” and ”openness”, so pivotal in the poet’s works, becomes apparent. The current of thematology that present Wat’s literary topoi in relation to his biography is well represented in the volume. Finally, the studies that cross the strictly literary horizon try to capture the multi-tier structures of Wat’s works, reinterpreting them from the sociological, historical or axiological perspectives. The final conclusion of the review is the acknowledgement of the richness offered by the book that corresponds well to the intensity of works and the biography of the author.
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka; 2012, 19; 303-316
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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