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Wyszukujesz frazę "Brotherhood" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

„Arabska wiosna” – fala demokracji w warunkach islamu. Spojrzenie z polskiej perspektywy
„The arab spring” − wave of democracy in Islamic environment from the Polish perspective
Muszkiewicz, Marian
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
North Africa
The Arab Spring
Muslim Brotherhood
The revolutionary wave in North Africa brought about deep changes − both social and political − in the region. Islamists have grown to become the most important political power in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya. Muslim Brotherhood, a while ago referred to as Islamic extremists, stands for democratic changes in the Arab world nowadays. However, a belief that the Arab revolution should create constitutional democracies modeled on western democracies is unjustified. The article indicates problems with the democracy in the Islamic world, but does not show the way to resolve them. Taking into consideration complexity of relations between Western and Islamic civilizations, differences in understanding the worth of culture and religion and requirements of current politics, it is hard to achieve a common ground. The fact has a significant influence on the possibilities of spreading the democracy across Muslims. One thing is sure: lack of knowledge cannot be superseded by fear and prejudice.
Społeczeństwo i Ekonomia; 2014, 1 (1); 154-172
Pojawia się w:
Społeczeństwo i Ekonomia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Braterstwo krwi”. Historia Stanisława Aronsona
„Brotherhood of Blood”. A History of Stanisław Aronson
Ratajczak, Wiesław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
war literature
Polish-Jewish (and Jewish-Polish) relations
military ethos
Based on conversations with the hero, Patrycja Bukalska’s Rysiek z Kedywu. Niezwykłe losy Stanisława Aronsona [Rysiek from Kedyw. Incredible Tribulations of Stanisław Aronson], is an important contribution to the study of Polish-Jewish relations. This is because Aronson’s life is a unique combination of various elements of Polish and Jewish biographies in the 20th century. His life story includes: a happy childhood in a wealthy assimilated Jewish family, the nightmare of Soviet and German occupation, deaths of closest relations, participation in Armia Krajowa resistance movement and Warsaw Uprising, military service in general Anders’s corps, and then in Israeli army. Jew, Pole, Israeli: each of these identies demanded a different ordering and expression of memory, different omissions and declarations. With such an unusual and mixed experience, Aronson had a vantage point to look at the images that Poles, Jews, Holocaust survivors and citizens of newly created Israel, had of one another. Bukalska’s book can be read as a voice against generalizations, as a narrative about a concrete human life immersed in history, a narrative about individual choices, courage, and friendship.
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka; 2013, 22; 83-93
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Oto matka moja i moi bracia” – chrześcijańskie rozumienie rodziny
“Here are my mother and my brothers!” - christian understanding of the family
Ławreszuk, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
teologia prawosławna
Orthodox theology
Niniejszy artykuł analizuje chrześcijańskie rozumienie rodziny. W kontekście nauki ewangelicznej dokonuje porównania rodziny fizycznej, rodziny duchowej – wspólnoty wiary i wspólnoty ludzkiej.
This article examines the Christian understanding of the family. In the context of the teachings of the Gospel performs a comparison of physical family, spiritual family - the community of faith and the human community.
ELPIS; 2016, 18; 127-131
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“The World of Tomorrow” or “The World of Yesterday”? The Image of an Independent Nation at the 1939 New York World’s Fair
„The World of Tomorrow” czy „The World of Yesterday”? Wizerunek niepodległego narodu na Wystawie Światowej w Nowym Jorku w 1939 r.
Filonik, Apolonia
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
wystawy światowe
Wystawa Światowa w Nowym Jorku
pawilon polski
Bractwo św. Łukasza
Jan Cybulski
world’s fair
world’s expo
New York World’s Fair
Polish pavilion
Brotherhood of St. Luke
Poland’s presence at World’s Fairs between the World Wars is a special issue in that, after a long absence on the map of Europe, the country had the opportunity to show its industrial and cultural achievements in the international arena as an independent exhibitor for the first time. Thus, this event always had a very important political dimension. Its symbol was the Polish pavilion presented in Paris in 1925, but no less important was the pavilion at the New York World’s Fair in 1939. Although it was a success at the world expo, it was overshadowed by the tragic consequences of the outbreak of World War II almost from the beginning. From today’s perspective, it is worth looking at this object, to evaluate its foundation and ultimate significance, as well as to reflect on the difficult concept of national art, in addition to tracing the fate of the pavilion.
Obecność Polski na wystawach światowych w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym to zagadnienie o tyle szczególne, że po długiej nieobecności na mapie Europy po raz pierwszy kraj ten miał szansę pokazać swoje osiągnięcia przemysłu i kultury na arenie międzynarodowej jako niezależny wystawca. Wydarzenie to miało więc bardzo istotny wymiar polityczny. Jego symbolem jest pawilon polski zaprezentowany w Paryżu w 1925 r., nie mniej ważny jednak okazał się pawilon na wystawie nowojorskiej w 1939 r. Choć na światowej ekspozycji odniósł sukces, niemal od początku znalazł się w cieniu tragicznych następstw wybuchu II wojny światowej. Z dzisiejszej perspektywy warto przyjrzeć się temu obiektowi, by ocenić jego założenia i ostateczną wymowę oraz zastanowić się nad trudnym pojęciem sztuki narodowej, a także prześledzić dalsze losy pawilonu.
Perspektywy Kultury; 2019, 25, 2; 67-82
Pojawia się w:
Perspektywy Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“Younger Brother” Status in Oriental Diplomatic History
Rozumjuk, V.
Data publikacji:
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Institute of World History
“brotherhood”, international relation, status, diplomacy, treaty
«братство», міжнародні відносини, статус, дипломатія, угода
Стаття присвячена дослідженню феномену «братерства» у міжнародних відносинах. Аналізується зміст поняття «братство» в дипломатичній історії країн Стародавнього Сходу і середньовічного Китаю, наводяться конкретні приклади «братських» договорів. На багатьох прикладах автор демонструє, що сімейна термінологія («батько», «син», «дід», «онук», «дядько», «племінник», «брат») часто використовувались в хроніках різних цивілізацій та епох для визначення певного статусу держави в системі міжнародних відносин та позначення різних нюансів відносин політичної залежності, васалітету та гегемонії. Екстраполюючи досвід історії східної дипломатії на сучасну систему міжнародних відносин, автор робить висновок, що традиційні гасла російської пропаганди про «один народ» та «одвічне братерство» російського та українського народів означають лише ствердження нерівноправності та залежності української держави від «старшого брата», другорядний статус українців як нації, а не відчуття взаємної приязні і родинні зв’язки.
The article is devoted to research of “brotherhood” phenomenon in international relations. The meaning of the term “brotherhood” in diplomatic history of the Ancient East and medieval China is analyzed. Some “brotherhood” treaties are given. The author demonstrates with many examples that a family terminology (“father”, “son”, “grandfather”, “grandson”, “uncle”, “nephew”, “brother”) was often used in chronicles of many epochs and civilizations to determine the state status in the system of international relations and for a designation of various nuances of relations of a political dependence, vassalage and hegemony. Extrapolating experience of the history of Eastern diplomacy at the modern system of international relations, the author concludes that traditional slogans of Russian propaganda about “one nation” and “eternal brotherhood” of Russian and Ukrainian nations mean only the assertion of an inequality and dependence of Ukrainian state from the “elder brother”, the second-class status of Ukrainians as a nation, but not a feeling of a mutual affection and family ties.
Проблеми всесвітньої історії; 2017, 3; 52-62
Pojawia się w:
Проблеми всесвітньої історії
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A szeretet az emberi életút tükrében
Love in the picture of the Man and His journey through life
György, Herdics
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
The love service, serving of sacraments and announcing of the Word of God – these are the three main tasks which belong to the deepest meaning of the Church. They underlie together and cannot be separated. Because the Catholic Church is society of the children of God, have to be submerged in love. This dutz is considered as the main mission from the beginning, as we read about it in encyclical Deus caritas est – the God is Love.
Społeczeństwo i Edukacja. Międzynarodowe Studia Humanistyczne; 2015, 3(18); 133-144
Pojawia się w:
Społeczeństwo i Edukacja. Międzynarodowe Studia Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Alcuni spunti sull’antropologia teologica di Luis F. Ladaria
Some Aspects of the Theological Anthropology of Luis F. Ladaria
Niektóre aspekty teologii antropologicznej Luisa F. Ladarii
Clemenzia, Alessandro
Aptacy, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
fi liation
fi liazione
This article tells about some aspects of the theological anthropology of Luis F. Ladaria, Spanish theologian, currently Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Ladaria in his theological anthropology part horizons tracked by Vatican II and leads his reflection helped by various pronouncements of the Magisterium of the Church. It supports the outset that a theological anthropology must be determined by the Christology and the Trinity. Therefore, we need to have the mediation of Christ, who is true God and true man, the incarnate Word of God. This is not only in terms of concepts but also on the existence. It can be introduced in anthropological such as: love, communion, reciprocal. In this way you can go from the theological to the anthropological without the risk of applying to one of the features’ another error in which has different theological reflections.
Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje niektóre aspekty antropologii teologicznej hiszpańskiego teologa Luisa F. Ladarii, obecnie Sekretarza Kongregacji Nauki Wiary. Teolog ten ukazując biblijne fundamenty antropologii teologicznej kładzie szczególny akcent na nauczanie Soboru Watykańskiego II na ten temat, a przede wszystkim na niektóre punkty Konstytucji duszpasterskiej o Kościele w świecie współczesnym Gaudium et spes. Ladaria prowadzi swoją refleksję teologiczno-antropologiczną wspierając się także innymi wypowiedziami Magisterium Kościoła. Utrzymuje on przede wszystkim, iż dla antropologii teologicznej determinującą jest chrystologia i trynitologia. Jest więc konieczną dla człowieka mediacja Chrystusa, prawdziwego Boga i prawdziwego człowieka, Wcielonego Słowa Bożego, nie tylko na poziomie pojęć, lecz także lingwistycznym i egzystencjalnym. Dzięki temu możliwe jest wprowadzenie do antropologii tematów takich jak: miłość, komunia, wzajemność; można też przechodzić, dzięki pośrednictwu Chrystusa, od wymiaru teologicznego do antropologicznego, bez ryzyka przypisywania jednemu charakterystyki drugiego, błędu, w który popadły rożne refleksje teologiczne. Można stwierdzić, iż Ladaria jest typowym przedstawicielem teologicznej antropologii posoborowej, ukazującej tożsamość oraz pełną realizację człowieka jedynie w Chrystusie – Bogu Człowieku, nie zaś w takiej, czy innej kategorii socjologicznej.
Studia Teologii Dogmatycznej; 2015, 1; 17-30
Pojawia się w:
Studia Teologii Dogmatycznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Antropologiczne wektory kultury
Anthropological vectors of culture
Dziuba, Andrzej F.
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Szeroko dostrzegana dynamika kultury niesie w sobie bogactwo odniesień i relacji zwrotnych. Jest to wielość sfer spełniania się człowieka w różnorodności jego przejawów, tak indywidualnych, jak i społecznych. Przyjmując te wielorakie antropologiczne wektory, niniejszy tekst odnosi się do czterech szczególnie znaczących: kultury życia, kultury wiary, kultury solidarności i kultury braterstwa. Potrzebę zwracania na nie szczególnej uwagi podkreślają ostatni papieże i dlatego ich nauczanie stanowi podstawową bazę źródłową dla przeprowadzonych analiz badawczych. Wpisanie tych wektorów w refleksję różnych dyscyplin nad człowiekiem jest gwarancją odpowiedzialnych, zgodnych z podstawowymi nurtami antropologii badań naukowych. Więcej, daje to także wiele praktycznych pomocy i rozstrzygnięć w codziennym postępowaniu i wyborach moralnych, które niestety we współczesnej kulturze są zdecydowanie w defensywie.
The widely perceived dynamics of culture carry a diversity of references and reciprocal relationships. It is the multiplicity of areas of human fulfillment in the diversity of its manifestations, both individual and social. By adopting these multiple anthropological vectors, this text refers to four particularly significant ones: the culture of life, the culture of faith, the culture of solidarity and the culture of brotherhood. The need to pay close attention to these topics is emphasized by the last popes, and therefore their teaching provides the primary source for the research analyses. The incorporation of these vectors in the reflection of various scientific disciplines which focus on human being, is a guarantee of responsible scientific research – in accord with the basic currents of anthropology. Even the more, it also gives a lot of practical help and solutions in everyday conduct and moral choices, which unfortunately in modern culture are definitely on the defensive.
Studia Elbląskie; 2023, 24; 113-130
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bracia po szalu i sąsiadki zza miedzy. Narracje o męskości w środowisku kibiców piłkarskich
“The Brothers in Arms and Our Girl Neighbors”: The Narrative of Masculinity in Polish Football Fandom Culture
Jakubowska, Honorata
Antonowicz, Dominik
Kossakowski, Radosław
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
football fans
Sport, a szczególnie piłka nożna postrzegane są jako domena typowo męska, zarówno w kontekście zawodników, jak i kibiców. Poniższy artykuł dotyczy procesów kształtowania narracji o męskości w środowisku kibiców piłkarskich. Ma on na celu wyjście poza stwierdzenie, że świat kibiców to męski świat. Analiza zawarta w tekście dotyczy tego, jak męski charakter kibicowania jest kształtowany i podtrzymywany. Z tego powodu celem niniejszego studium jest próba odpowiedzi na następujące pytania badawcze: (a) za pomocą jakich kategorii kibice opisują znaczenie męskości i relacji między mężczyznami – kibicami?; (b) w jaki sposób degradują męską tożsamość innych kibiców? Analiza narracji o męskości pozwala wyodrębnić najważniejsze kategorie męskości dominujące w tym środowisku, które związane są z manifestowaniem męskości poprzez braterskie więzi, jak również poprzez feminizację innych mężczyzn. Akceptowalną formą męskich więzi jest „braterstwo”, którego granice kształtowane są przez wykluczanie z tej sfery kobiet oraz feminizowanie mężczyzn, którzy nie pasują do obrazu „prawdziwie” męskiego kibica.
Sport, particularly football, is often defined as a “men’s world” in respect to both players and fans. This paper investigates the process of constructing a narrative about manhood in the world of football fans, and aims to go beyond the observation that football fandom is male-dominated. Furthermore, it examines how the “male character” of fandom culture is shaped and maintained. By doing so, this study addresses two research questions: (a) Which semantic categories are used by fans to underline the significance of manhood and ‘homosocial bonds’ between male fans? (b) How do football fans undermine the masculinity of other fans? An analysis of fans’ narratives of masculinity allows us to identify the most important categories used in fandom culture that aim to either boost one’s ‘masculine identity’ or feminize those who do not fit into the mold of hegemonic masculinity.
Studia Socjologiczne; 2019, 1(232); 95-115
Pojawia się w:
Studia Socjologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bractwa charytatywne w Polsce od średniowiecza do końca XVIII wieku
Brotherhoods of charity in Poland from the Middle Ages to the late eighteenth century
Surdacki, Marian
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
bractwa religijne
bractwa charytatywne
bractwa szpitalne
bractwa miłosierdzia
Piotr Skarga
Michał Jerzy Poniatowski
religious brotherhoods
brotherhood of charity
hospital fraternities
brotherhood of mercy
Religious brotherhoods were one of the institutions, apart from schools and hospitals, which in past centuries played an important role in the lives of individual parishes, towns and villages. They were associations – church communities, with legal personality, bringing together people for religious purposes, regardless of gender and social origin. Different kinds of brotherhoods, including the ones of charitable and protective nature became a common phenomenon between the 11th and the 15th centuries in the West. In the thirteenth century, they also began to take hold on Polish soil, referring to Western patterns. Hospital fraternities (fraternitas hospitales) have the oldest tradition of secular charities in the Polish land. Their aim was to provide people, who often did the activities connected with the medieval hospital. Some of them even founded and ran hospitals. Just like all other religious brotherhoods, at the earliest, in the thirteenth century, they appeared in Silesia. In the group of hospital fraternities the brotherhood of the Holy Spirit played a special role. That brotherhood was associated only with hospitals run by the Order of the same name, so-called ‘duchaki’. Brotherhoods of the poor were far more common in the Polish land. Their main aim was to focus on charitable activities and they encompassed almost all the lands of the Polish Republic. Their heyday was primarily in the fifteenth and the early sixteenth century. Brotherhoods of the poor developed evenly in terms of chronology in the whole land of the Polish state. Those fraternities exercised complete control over the lives of every beggar who was in the town; they regulated districts, begging procedures and oversaw the behaviour of the poor. The chief duty of brotherhoods of the poor was to take care of the sick in hospitals and their homes. The duty of brothers was also a concern for the dead, especially the poor and homeless, Christian burial and funeral as well as the prayers for those whom they took care of. In the atmosphere of the reforms of the Council of Trent (1545-1563), religious brotherhoods began again spontaneously developing in Poland. The most important of the new brotherhoods of charity was a brotherhood of mercy, established at the end of the sixteenth century by the preacher Jesuit Piotr Skarga. The first model brotherhood of mercy was organized by Skarga in 1584, and it was attached to the Jesuit Church of St. Barbara in Krakow. Other brotherhoods, based on Skarga’s pattern, were formed in major cities of the Polish Republic, including Vilnius, Warsaw, Poznań, Pułtusk, Łowicz, Lviv, Zamość, Rzeszów, Lublin, Przemyśl. The period of the development of brotherhoods of mercy occurred in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century. Then those organizations gradually disappeared and were forgotten. The idea of Piotr Skarga’s brotherhoods of mercy was renewed in the new spirit of the Enlightenment in the 1770s by Bishop, later Primate Michał Jerzy Poniatowki. They were not to be one of many brotherhoods, but the ones to which the others were to be “subordinate”. Poniatowski incorporated all the previous devotional confraternities into them, along with their funds, used henceforth for the purpose not so much pious as socially useful. Reborn in the era of the first partition, brotherhoods of mercy, compared to their earlier prototype, due to the obligation of establishing them at every parish, had a more common and universal character, and were involved in more diverse charitable, social and educational activities. Apart from the above mentioned brotherhoods of charity, which were the most famous and widespread in the Polish land in the Middle Ages and modern times, there were a number of other charitable associations. Those were: brotherhoods of priests, brotherhoods of good death, funeral brotherhoods, brotherhoods of St. Barbara, brotherhoods of St. Lazarus, brotherhoods of St. Roch, brotherhoods of St. Sebastian, brotherhoods of St. Benon, brotherhoods of St. Nicholas and St. Jacob. Some devotional brotherhoods also dealt with charity. Although they mainly focused on the celebration of different forms of worship, the statutes of many explicitly advocated doing the acts of mercy toward other people. A brotherhood which stood out in this field was the literary one.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2014, 101; 233-296
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bractwo Kurkowe sojusznikiem młodzieży w wychowaniu patriotycznym
The fowler brotherhood as an ally of youth in patriotic education
Pawelski, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Wiedzy Obronnej
Bractwo Kurkowe
wychowanie patriotyczne
postawy patriotyczne
bractwo strzeleckie
Fowler Brotherhood
patriotic upbringing
patriotic attitudes
shooting brotherhood
Autor przedstawia dzieje reaktywowania Bractwa Kurkowego w Szczecinku i jego funkcjonowanie w kraju jak i poza granicami. Przedstawia osiągnięcia jakie ma Bractwo współpracując z młodzieżą ze Szkoły Podstawowej nr 6 w tym mieście.
The author presents the history of the reactivation of the Fractal Brotherhood in Szczecinek and its functioning in the country and abroad. It presents the achievements of the Brotherhood in cooperation with youth from Primary School No. 6 in this city
Wiedza Obronna; 2018, 3-4; 139-150
Pojawia się w:
Wiedza Obronna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bractwo Najświętszych Serc Jezusa i Maryi przy kościele parafialnym w Połocku w świetle księgi brackiej z lat 1794–1818
Brotherhood of Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary at Polotsk parish church in light of brotherhood register from 1794–1818
Maziarz, Antoni
Data publikacji:
Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych
bractwa religijne,
Bractwo Najświętszych Serc Jezusa i Maryi
w Połocku,
kult maryjny
religious brotherhoods,
Brotherhood of Sacred Hearts of Jesus
and Mary in Polotsk,
Marian devotion
Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica; 2018, 25; 31-46
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bractwo parafialne św. Rocha przy kościele w Brochowie na Mazowszu w latach 1854-1881
The Church brotherhood of St. Roch in brochów in Mazovia from 1854 to 1881
Przygoda-Stelmach, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
The article is the first attempt to present the history of the Church Brotherhood of St. Roch in Brochów from 1854 to 1881. The author drew upon an unpublished source, which is the ‘’Book of the Brotherhood of St. Roch’’, conducted in years 1854-1881. This article examines the goals, objectives and duties of Brotherhood to the local community. Futhermore, the author also draws particular attention to the involvement of members in civil society. Such a wide range of research is made possible by the analysis of the Brotherhood statute, which also allows us to better understand the organizational space. In addition, the author presents functions of individual members of the fraternity and supports them with concrete examples from the source. The whole article is enriched with a brief introduction, which aims to presents Brochów history and the history of the formation of religious brotherhoods in Poland.
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne; 2013, 20; 149-155
Pojawia się w:
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bractwo Różańcowe w Urzędowie w XVIII wieku
The Rosary Brotherhood in Urzędów in the 18th Century
Surdacki, Marian
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Bractwo Różańcowe
seniorzy bractwa
Rosary Brotherhood
seniors of brotherhood
Among the bigger and smaller social groups that have existed in the history, religious brotherhoods deserve a special attention. Their origin goes back to the Christian times. In the medieval Western Europe brotherhoods became a common phenomenon. In Poland, like in the whole Catholic Church, a specially dynamic development of brotherhoods took place only after the Trent Council. They became an important factor in the revival of the Church and they influenced the spiritual awareness of the society. They also played an important role in fighting Protestantism. Well-organized brotherhoods, often having their own altars, chapels and chaplains, realized their own public-religious aims contained in their statutes. In the 17th-18th centuries Urzędów had four religious brotherhoods. Urzędów was a crown town, established by King Władysław Jagiełło in 1405. It was the seat of the deanery of the same name, which belonged in that time to the Zawichost arch-deanery and the Cracow diocese. Three of the Urzędów brotherhoods were confraternities that were the best known and the most popular in Poland: The Literary Brotherhood, The St. Anna's Brotherhood, and The Rosary Brotherhood. Apart from them the unique St. Sebastian Brotherhood was active for a short time that did not exist anywhere else. The oldest of them was the Literary Brotherhood of Our Lady, which was established in 1489; the youngest was the Jesus and the Immaculate Mary Rosary Brotherhood. It was established in 1721 and accepted in 1726. It was founded by noblemen, Krzysztof Węgliński and Benedykt Węgliński. The two men also had the right of patronage over the brotherhood. By virtue of the foundation and erection the brotherhood had its own benefice (rosary prebend), chapel with a fraternal altar in it, and its own prebendary. In his account of 1781 the inspector states that at the beginning the prebend had its own chapel adjacent to the parish church, but after the church had been burned down in 1755, and another one was built, the chapel was situated in one of the aisles. The confraternity's main aim was to propagate the cult and glory of Our Lady as well as promoting and practicing the rosary services that were headed by an appointed priest who did the religious service in the brotherhood. The prebendaries were chosen and presented by the founders. The successive prebendaries in Urzędów were: Rev. Paweł Smoleński, Rev. Krakowiecki, Rev. Błażej Pezielski, Rev. Franciszek Szymański, Rev. Adrian Pawełecki. The last prebendary in the 18th century was Rev. Szymon (Mateusz) Tymiński. The successors of the confraternity founders had the right of presentation. Brotherhoods, especially the bigger ones, had their own administrations. They were headed by the seniors who were obliged to see to the whole of their activities. Also the brotherhood scribe was an important person, as he entered the names of new members of the brotherhood in a special register; he also collected and noted down the membership fees. In the Urzędów Rosary Brotherhood most of the mentioned functions and tasks were performed by two trusted members, usually representatives of the municipal authorities, and, as a rule, wealthy people, called “provisories” or “seniors”. The religious associations' activities were always based on bigger or smaller financial foundations. Of the Urzędów ones the Rosary Brotherhood had decidedly the most financial resources. Its wealth resulted from the benefice guaranteed by the founders and collators. Besides the property belonging to the brotherhood itself, their prebendary had his own, ample salary. Both the prebendary and the brotherhood itself had estates, bequeathed sums of money on the estates belonging to the Urzędów townspeople, and revenues coming from collections, contributions and alms from the parishioners. The fall of brotherhoods came in the period of a full bloom of the Enlightenment in Europe and the development of the so-called Catholic Enlightenment. In the period immediately preceding the final fall of Poland in 1795 all brotherhoods active there were doomed to wretched existence and slowly they ended their life in the initial phase of the occupation of the Polish lands by the three invaders. In 1801 only the Rosary Brotherhood still worked at the Urzędów church, while the remaining ones stopped their activities, and their benefices were given to the parish after the fire of the parish church in 1755. The other sources of income and charity bequests were assigned for building a new church. The Rosary Brotherhood continued its work after Poland lost sovereignty, through most of the 19th century. However, the political and social conditions in which it had to work was completely new; also the situation in which the Polish Church found itself was completely different from the previous one.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2004, 52, 2; 25-55
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Brat – ojciec – matka. Specyfika braterstwa minoryckiego
Block, Wiesław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Minorite brotherhood
brother – father – mother
the whole creation
braterstwo minoryckie
brat – ojciec – matka
całe stworzenie
The primary objective of this work is to offer a brief and orderly reflection on the way Francis of Assisi kept up fraternal life in the nascent Minorite brotherhood and on how he presents his experience of it. Although in his writings one does not come across a complete and systematic discussion on the life in the brotherhood, one can certainly find in them clear notions for identifying the particular type of evangelical life Francis envisioned. The idea of Minorite brotherhood is not limited to the community of the Friars Minor only but also extends to the whole creation, though for the most part he focuses on the relationship that has the scope of uniting the brothers from the four corners of the earth into a fellowship following in the footsteps of the poor and humble Jesus Christ. Structurally, the work is divided into two parts, the first of which describes the maturation of Francis’ attitude of being a brother (awareness of being a “brother” to entire humankind), while the second dwells upon the figure of mother, which is the prototype of fraternal relationships, according to the mind of Francis.
Polonia Sacra; 2014, 18, 1
Pojawia się w:
Polonia Sacra
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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