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Wyszukujesz frazę "Brotherhood" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

Славянские возвышенные идеи свободы, общности и братства в письмах разных лиц к Л.Н. Толстому и его ответ Стефании Ляудын-Хшановской Польcкой женщине („Одной из многих”)
Slavonic glorious ideals of freedom, union and brotherhood in letters to Count Leo Tolstoy and the writer’s reply to Stefania Laudyn-Chrzanowska - „To a Polish Woman (One of Many)
Białokozowicz, Bazyli
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Leo Tolstoy
Russian literature
Slavonic ideals
The author’s of Resurrection letters to different addressees, as well as about 60 thousand letters to the Russian writer from all over the world are kept in the Department of Manuscript Works of the National Museum of Count Leo Tolstoy in Moscow. Indeed, it is a real mine of knowledge of the writer’s contemporary Russia and the world of those days. The author of this publication pays particular attention to the letters of correspondents in Slavonic countries who subjected Slavonic glorious ideals of freedom, union and brotherhood to a penetrating analysis in view of a peaceful community of people of different nationalities, races and cultures. Such were the letters to Count Leo Tolstoy of 6th July 1909 by All-Slavonic Association „Slavia”, as well as the letters of 11th June 1910 by a revived Polish Fellowship Association — reverting to noble as well as tragic Arian history in the Poland of Reformation, signed by Marian Tadeusz Lubecki, Jozef Ostka, Stefan Baraniecki, Stanisław Parczyński, Kazimierz Piątka, Amelia Poznańska and many others. The Russian writer was applied to with many various requests (e.g. Osip Vysoky of Czech in the matter of rendering; Andża Mita Petrovic of Belgrade in the concern of Bosnia-Herzegovina annexation by Austria; Marian Zdziechowski of Cracow in the issue of tolstoizm as a religious-ethical doctrine; Jan Niecisław Ignacy Baudouin and Jan Styka in the question of death penalty). Tolstoy’s confidant in European and Slavonic matters was a Slovakian doctor and philosopher, Dusan Makovicky, living in Yasna Polyana, the author of a masterpiece — The Yasna Polyana Record (1904—1910). Count Leo Tolstoy would consequently answer the rankling the Slavonic society questions in harmony with his rationalistic doctrine, called tolstoizm. According to the writer’s sound belief God is love and through Jesus Christ shares with His love with people. A full union with God — it is the union in the truth, love and peace. A man who chooses love is soaked through with endless kind-heartedness. The main feature of Tolstoy was a grave concern for the world’s doom. A Christian should be totally deprived of hate and the feeling of revenge; love, forgiveness, compassion, fight against evil through spreading kindliness and noble feelings should be the trails of the religion based on the life and teachings of Christ, in agreement with the principle: who lives with God, chooses love. The love of fellow being was seen and felt by the writer as a significant value which ought to be learnt and contributed to incessantly. The writer as an architect and director of purified of Christianity alien layers and a moral philosopher constantly supported kindliness and condemned evil, spreading out the space of hope and love through his obedience to peace and evangelical source of Christianity, which was perspicaciously expressed in the letter to Stefania Laudyn-Chrzanowska, in a form of a voluminous article — A Reply to a Polish Woman (One of Many).
Acta Polono-Ruthenica; 2008, 1, XIII; 277-286
Pojawia się w:
Acta Polono-Ruthenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Brat – ojciec – matka. Specyfika braterstwa minoryckiego
Block, Wiesław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Minorite brotherhood
brother – father – mother
the whole creation
braterstwo minoryckie
brat – ojciec – matka
całe stworzenie
The primary objective of this work is to offer a brief and orderly reflection on the way Francis of Assisi kept up fraternal life in the nascent Minorite brotherhood and on how he presents his experience of it. Although in his writings one does not come across a complete and systematic discussion on the life in the brotherhood, one can certainly find in them clear notions for identifying the particular type of evangelical life Francis envisioned. The idea of Minorite brotherhood is not limited to the community of the Friars Minor only but also extends to the whole creation, though for the most part he focuses on the relationship that has the scope of uniting the brothers from the four corners of the earth into a fellowship following in the footsteps of the poor and humble Jesus Christ. Structurally, the work is divided into two parts, the first of which describes the maturation of Francis’ attitude of being a brother (awareness of being a “brother” to entire humankind), while the second dwells upon the figure of mother, which is the prototype of fraternal relationships, according to the mind of Francis.
Polonia Sacra; 2014, 18, 1
Pojawia się w:
Polonia Sacra
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rzeszowsko-tyczyńskie Bractwo Kapłańskie pod patronatem Ducha Świętego i Maryi Panny od XV do XVIII stulecia
The Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary Rzeszów-Tyczyn Brotherhood of Priests From the 15th to the 18th Century
Borcz, Henryk
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Bractwo Kapłańskie rzeszowsko-tyczyńskie
biskup Maciej
zarząd konfraterni
sesje brackie
nabożeństwa za zmarłych konfratrów
fundacje pobożne
prebendy ołtarzowe
reformy biskupa W.H. Sierakowskiego z roku 1760
zniesienie Bractwa w roku 1783 przez zaborcze władze austriackie
Rzeszów-Tyczyn Brotherhood of Priests
Bishop Maciej
Board of the Brotherhood
confreres’ sessions
services for the late confreres
religious foundations
altar prebends
Bishop W. H. Sierakowski’s reforms of 1760
abolishing the Brotherhood by the Austrian authorities in 1783
An extremely important role in maintaining the clergy’s high religious-moral level in the Church in the West was played by brotherhoods of priests (fraternitates presbyterorum) that were established starting from the 9th century. Their aim was a continuous formation of their members, mutual spiritual and material aid, and praying for the dead confreres. From Gaul, where they were first established (Reims), they soon spread to the neighboring countries, among others to Germany, Italy and Spain. They reached Poland in the 13th century becoming one of the important factors of reformation of the clergy. In the Przemyśl Diocese of the Latin rite (established about the middle of the 14th century) brotherhoods open to the clergy (and also lay people, according to the so-called filadelfia principle) appeared in the first half of the 15th century, and by the end of the 17th century they spread to its whole territory. As the first one the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary Rzeszów-Tyczyn Brotherhood of Priests (Fraternitas Sacerdotalis in ecclesiis et districtibus Rzeszoviensi et Tyczynensi), that the author discusses here, was established. First it was active in the Rzeszów and Tyczyn regions, and from the end of the 16th century within the Rzeszów Decanate. It was a grass-roots initiative of a group of clergymen, and then it was officially approved of by the Przemyśl Bishop Maciej in 1419. Its statute described the structure of the brotherhood, defined its aims, means of work and the disciplinary issues. It devoted quite a lot of attention to the questions connected with the ultimate matters, like preparation for death, funeral, aid for the soul of the dead one, and so on. Indulgence privileges were supposed to encourage the members to diligently take part in the meetings and celebrations of the brotherhood that took place periodically. A great role in the life of the Brotherhood was played by sessions convened initially once every three months, and then twice a year, that were usually attended by all its members as well as its lay sympathizers. The sessions took place in Tyczyn and Rzeszów, alternately. The devotion during a session had a set order: first the mourning office was sung and the Holy Mass was celebrated with a procession and with stations for the late brothers, next a solemn Holy Mass was said about the Holy Spirit, with the exposition of the Sacrament and the procession and a sermon. After the devotion a debate was held with a scrutiny concerning the life of the confreres, and in the later period also concerning the state of their churches. Also the more difficult cases of moral theology were discussed. When all the items on the agenda had been discussed the confreres went to a meal, in which only priests could participate. Some of the most important aims of the Brotherhood was the promotion of the cult of God, ensuring profuse spiritual gifts to the living brothers, and prayer aid to those, who had already passed away. In the current of this type of actions (collective as well as individual) various religious funds were contained (the first one in 1492), including altar prebends (the first one in 1639). In consequence in the middle of the 18th century the Brotherhood had the right of patronage over four altar prebends. The Rzeszów Brotherhood was quite active practically throughout the 17th century, however, in the next century its deep crisis was revealed, which was caused to a considerable degree by external factors. It also affected the other priest communities in the diocese, which had an adverse influence on the formative work among the clergy. Brotherhoods were revived in the diocese by the zealous Przemyśl priest, Bishop W. H. Sierakowski (1742-1760). After an in-depth examination of the situation, on 5 May 1760 in Brzozów he issued a directive to all the brotherhoods in the diocese, in which he described in detail the reforms that were to be effected. Introduction of a uniform and to some degree centralized structure of the brotherhood in the diocese was an important novelty; it was adjusted to its new territorial structure introduced in 1751 (3 archdeaconates). Instead of about a dozen small, independent brotherhoods existing in particular deaconates, the Bishop organized three big ones, each of which was to function in one of the archdeaconates. Each one was to be headed by the provost elected for life. At the same time Bishop Sierakowski ordered all the brotherhoods to keep to the reformed statute of the Sanok-Krosno Brotherhood. The reform of 1760, although it was not fully implemented (the new structure based on the network of archdeaconates was not accepted), gave a new impulse to the work of all priest brotherhoods in the Przemyśl Diocese (including the Rzeszow-Tyczyn one), which is confirmed by the preserved official reports dating back to that time. It should be stressed that the reform introduced by Bishop W. H. Sierakowski gave sound foundations for further fruitful work of priest brotherhoods in the diocese for a long time. However, their fate was unexpectedly decided by external factors. In consequence of the first partition of Poland in 1772 the Przemyśl Diocese was annexed by Austria that soon abolished the system existing in Poland and introduced its own in its place. All former institutions of the Polish Republic that were incompatible with the vision of an „enlightened state” ruled in an absolutist way were abolished. Also the Catholic Church was subjected to utter control as well as to numerous restrictions and transformations that were supposed to make it completely subject to the state and make it an obedient tool for the lay authorities. These actions, presented as a „reform of the Church”, were taken in the name of the political-ecclesial system obtaining in Austria at that time that was called „Josephinism”. Ruthless and consistent interference of the lay authorities into the life of the Church in a few years led to liquidation of many Church institutions that played a great role in the religious life of the community of the faithful. Also all religious brotherhoods were the aim of a furious attack, including the ones to which priests belonged, whose profile did not correspond with the vision of the „enlightened state”. They were abolished by the Austrian authorities on 22 May 1783, and in their place the court decree of 9 August 1783 established the „Association for Active Love of the Neighbor” that was subjected to the control of the state. These actions also meant the end of the Rzeszow-Tyczyn Brotherhood of Priests, deserved in the field of forming and sanctifying numerous generations of priests as well as of lay people.
Roczniki Historii Kościoła; 2009, 1; 129-162
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Historii Kościoła
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stowarzyszenie Braci Muzułmanów – od ideologii do terroryzmu
The society of the Muslim Brothers – from ideology to terrorism
Brylew, Marek
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
Bractwo Muzułmańskie
Hassan al-Banna
państwo islamskie
Muhammad Mursi
Sajjid Kutb
Muslim Brotherhood
Islamic state
Mohammed Morsi
Sayyid Qutb
W dniu 28 stycznia 2011 r. mieszkańcy Kairu stanowczo sprzeciwili się dotychczasowej polityce rządu i zażądali ustąpienia sprawującego autokratyczną władzę prezydenta Hosniego Mubaraka. Do organizacji i partii politycznych, które rozpoczęły rywalizację o przejęcie władzy w kraju, przyłączyło się zdelegalizowane Stowarzyszenie Braci Muzułmanów – najstarsza islamska organizacja, której ideologów uważa się za współtwórców współczesnego terroryzmu, motywowanego dżihadem. Po zwycięstwie w demokratycznych wyborach reprezentujące Bractwo Muzułmańskie siły polityczne podjęły nieudaną próbę islamizacji kraju i zawłaszczenia władzy. Działalność Bractwa została zakazana, a jej liderzy i działacze aresztowani. W związku z trwającą dyskusją dotyczącą wpisania Bractwa Muzułmańskiego na listę zagranicznych organizacji terrorystycznych Departamentu Stanu USA przez administrację Donalda Trumpa warto przypomnieć historię oraz wpływ organizacji i jej głównych ideologów na rozwój islamskiego fundamentalizmu.
After victory in democratic elections, political forces representing the Muslim Brotherhood made an unsuccessful attempt at Islamization of the country and the seizure of power. The activities of the Brotherhood were banned and its activists arrested. In addition, the new Egyptian authorities have recognized the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. Premature identification of the organization as a terrorist organization by the West could cause unexpected results and lead to chaos in the already unstable Islamic world. This does not change the fact that the network of organizations and interconnections, established by the Association of Muslim Brothers, based on an ideology that not only justifies the use of terror, but actually calls for its use, gave rise to the movements and organizations that pose a threat to international security.
Studia nad Bezpieczeństwem; 2016, 1; 175-188
Pojawia się w:
Studia nad Bezpieczeństwem
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The right to peace in the most recent documents of the Catholic Magisterium
Chirico, Adriana
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
human rights
culture of peace
The close coincidence between the 50 years of the Council and the 50 years of the Encyclical “Pacem in Terris” by John XXIII is significantly representative of the particular kind of journey undertaken by the Catholic Church, which insists on the very topic of peace. With its reflections and its concrete work on this crucial issue of human history and contemporary history in particular, the Church stands as one of the most active subjects of the scenario of today’s world engaged in the construction of theoretical and practical scenarios of peaceful coexistence among peoples. This is particularly evident considering the topics which the last two Popes Benedict XVI and Francis cared and taught about. Particularly, the central idea of the first message of Pope Francis for the International Day of Peace (January 1st 2014) talks about the brotherhood that, as the essential dimension of man as rational being, is an essential dimension for the building of a just society and of a solid and long lasting peace. This observation leads to the contemporary and delicate matter of the relationships between North and South, to the raising occurrence of immigration, to the problem of the relationship and balance between cultures and different worlds. As in this field, and more widely in the one of the acceptance and solidarity, the work of the Church seems particularly intense, and the Pope’s judgment is of a great importance. According to the Pope, the relational difficulties of men in a time of multiculturalism are born of a cultural matter and of a particular vision of the reality. The new ideologies – according to Francis – characterized by widespread individualism, egocentrism and materialistic consumerism, weaken the social bounds. Francis considers the principle of brotherhood (that is the evangelical concept quite different from the most generic concept of solidarity) as a concrete articulation of the opportunity to build peaceful human relationships. The brotherhood is a condition for concrete and political human works to reach the social justice, to defeat poverty, to set economical systems based on new economical models and lifestyles, to check fears and wars, to defeat corruption and crime, to help preserving the natural resources. The way of peace today – according to Pope Francis’ specific interpretation – is bound to the development of links of brotherly relations, mutuality and forgiveness: these concepts are not really moralistic but they are set out according to a precise way of growth of the contemporary society. This vision of dignity of man as a condition of harmonic social development, based on mutuality and global peace, comprises an in-depth analysis of the topics of social doctrine already confronted by Benedict XVI, whose reflections on the topic of peace among men and Countries, have been widely dealt with. Pope Ratzinger’s approach cares about the human being with his vital – material and spiritual – needs thus explaining his particular persistence on economical and social topics linked to today’s economical and financial crisis, as it appears clear in the message for the International Day of Peace of the year 2013. The economical growth cannot be pursued by penalizing “the social functions of the State and the webs of solidarity of civil society”, thus violating the social rights and duties, in particular the right to work. For the peace operators a high, even political, profile, is expected: to act for the affirmation of a “new model of development and economy”, that is, of a model of good global governance, bound to the binomial State of right/social State, the two faces of the same coin called humanly sustainable statehood. Thus, Pope Benedict makes his own a fundamental principle of the current international Law of human rights, the principle of interdependency and indivisibility of all person right’s, which means that the right to work, the right to feed, the right to assistance in case of necessity, the right to health, the right to education, are as fundamental as the right to freedom of association. This principle has its root in the ontological, material and spiritual truth of human being. This is the field of humanism that, according to Benedict XVI, must be “a humanism open to the transcendence”, marked by “the ethic of communion and partake” and respectful of “the unavoidable natural moral law written by God in the conscience of each and every man”. The Pope states that the first education to peace is within family, that the article 16th of the Universal Declaration defines as “the fundamental and natural core of society that has the right to be protected from the society and the State”.On the same educational field the Pope assigns a special task to “the cultural, scholastic and academic institutions” to make them undertake, besides the formation of “new generations of leaders”, “the renewal of public, national and international institutions” too. In the multi-thematic vision of Benedict XVI the considerations on freedom of religion have great relevance, which the Pope means as dual freedom: freedom from (for example, from constriction about the choosing of its own religion) and freedom to (witness, teach, etc.). Strictly linked to this passage is the affirmation that “an important cooperation to peace is that judiciary and the administration of justice recognize the right to use the principle of freedom of conscience towards the laws and governmental measures that threaten the human dignity, as abortion and euthanasia”. The widest theological interpretation of the history proposed by Pope Ratzinger gives an overall view to world and time, so that it can set contemporary culture free, mostly the Catholic one, from non-Christian lines of interpretation that have been dominant in the 20th century. Objectives The study has the purpose to go deep through the conceptual and cooperative contribution of the most recent teaching of Catholic Church about human rights, peace, peaceful interstate and intercultural relationships. The research underlines the contribution that the papal Magisterium has given to the building of a more aware sensibility, among peoples and the people in charge of the States, towards the concrete topics linked to the theme of peace. Methods The method pursued in the course of the study is about a systematic illustration of the sources, giving ample space to original the texts. The interpretation of papal documents always considers the published critical literature. The topics carried out are developed for thematic units, to give a better expositive and interpretative clarity.
Journal of Modern Science; 2016, 28, 1; 27-46
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Modern Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Alcuni spunti sull’antropologia teologica di Luis F. Ladaria
Some Aspects of the Theological Anthropology of Luis F. Ladaria
Niektóre aspekty teologii antropologicznej Luisa F. Ladarii
Clemenzia, Alessandro
Aptacy, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
fi liation
fi liazione
This article tells about some aspects of the theological anthropology of Luis F. Ladaria, Spanish theologian, currently Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Ladaria in his theological anthropology part horizons tracked by Vatican II and leads his reflection helped by various pronouncements of the Magisterium of the Church. It supports the outset that a theological anthropology must be determined by the Christology and the Trinity. Therefore, we need to have the mediation of Christ, who is true God and true man, the incarnate Word of God. This is not only in terms of concepts but also on the existence. It can be introduced in anthropological such as: love, communion, reciprocal. In this way you can go from the theological to the anthropological without the risk of applying to one of the features’ another error in which has different theological reflections.
Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje niektóre aspekty antropologii teologicznej hiszpańskiego teologa Luisa F. Ladarii, obecnie Sekretarza Kongregacji Nauki Wiary. Teolog ten ukazując biblijne fundamenty antropologii teologicznej kładzie szczególny akcent na nauczanie Soboru Watykańskiego II na ten temat, a przede wszystkim na niektóre punkty Konstytucji duszpasterskiej o Kościele w świecie współczesnym Gaudium et spes. Ladaria prowadzi swoją refleksję teologiczno-antropologiczną wspierając się także innymi wypowiedziami Magisterium Kościoła. Utrzymuje on przede wszystkim, iż dla antropologii teologicznej determinującą jest chrystologia i trynitologia. Jest więc konieczną dla człowieka mediacja Chrystusa, prawdziwego Boga i prawdziwego człowieka, Wcielonego Słowa Bożego, nie tylko na poziomie pojęć, lecz także lingwistycznym i egzystencjalnym. Dzięki temu możliwe jest wprowadzenie do antropologii tematów takich jak: miłość, komunia, wzajemność; można też przechodzić, dzięki pośrednictwu Chrystusa, od wymiaru teologicznego do antropologicznego, bez ryzyka przypisywania jednemu charakterystyki drugiego, błędu, w który popadły rożne refleksje teologiczne. Można stwierdzić, iż Ladaria jest typowym przedstawicielem teologicznej antropologii posoborowej, ukazującej tożsamość oraz pełną realizację człowieka jedynie w Chrystusie – Bogu Człowieku, nie zaś w takiej, czy innej kategorii socjologicznej.
Studia Teologii Dogmatycznej; 2015, 1; 17-30
Pojawia się w:
Studia Teologii Dogmatycznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Шевченко проти Путіна: актуальні виміри української ідентичности
Szewczenko przeciwko Putinowi: aktualne wymiary tożsamości ukraińskiej
Shevchenko against Putin: Current dimensions of Ukrainian identity
Czopyk, Rostysław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
artificial formation
romantic nationalism
national identity
Springtime of Nations
Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood
tożsamość narodowa
sztuczna formacja
romantyczny nacjonalizm
wiosna narodów
Bractwo Cyryla i Metodego
Artykuł obala tezę rosyjskiej propagandy o Ukrainie jako „sztucznej formacji”, „eksperymentalnym” „dziecku sowieckiej epoki” (według Władimira Putina). Nieoczekiwanym wsparciem dla propagandy wschodniej są metodologie zachodnich konstruktywistów, którzy przedstawiają współczesne tożsamości narodowe jako „konstrukt kulturowy”, „wspólnoty wyobrażone” (według Benedicta Andersona), twierdzą, że nacjonalizm „wymyśla narody tam, gdzie ich jeszcze nie ma” (według Ernesta Gellnera), sztucznie „wymyśla” tradycję” (Eric Hobsbawm i Tirence Ranger) itd. Takie poglądy wynikają z rozumienia nowoczesnej sekularyzacji i ogólnie nowoczesności jako alternatywy dla średniowiecznego teocentryzmu – podczas gdy w rzeczywistości było to poszukiwanie żywej obecności Boga w człowieku i społeczeństwie; „palingeńska” legitymizacja budowania narodu; ewangelizacja demokracji; sakralizacja „wolności, równości, braterstwa” na przełomie średniowiecza i historii nowożytnej. Autor niniejszego artykułu broni tej tezy, odwołując się do poezji Tarasa Szewczenki i dokumentu programowego Bractwa Cyryla i Metodego „Prawo Boże (Księgi Rodzaju narodu ukraińskiego)” – pierwszego przejawu współczesnej ukraińskości, świadomej własnej tożsamości.
The article is based on refuting the thesis of Russian propaganda about Ukraine as an “artificial formation”, an “experimental” “creature of the Soviet era” (according to Vladimir Putin); it is on these theses that the Putin regime bases its encroachments on Ukrainian sovereignty. An unexpected assistant of Eastern propaganda is the methodology of Western constructivists, who present modern national identities as a “cultural construct”, “imagined communities” (Benedict Anderson), claiming that nationalism “makes up nations where they do not yet exist” (according to Ernest Gellner), and artificially “invents tradition” (Eric Hobsbawm and Tirence Ranger) and so on. Such views stem from an understanding of modern secularization and modernity in general as alternatives to medieval theocentrism, when in fact it was a search for the living presence of God in man and society; “Palingenesian” legitimation of nation-building; evangelization of democracy; sacralization of “freedom, equality, brotherhood” at the turn of the Middle Ages and modern history. The author of this article defends this thesis, resorting to the poetry of Taras Shevchenko and the program document of the Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood “Law of God (Genesis of the Ukrainian People)” – the first manifestation of modern Ukrainianness, which is aware of its own identity.
Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia; 2022, 10, 1; 225-238
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Braterstwo Dawida i Jonatana. Obraz męskiej przyjaźni w 1 Sm 18 ˗ 2 Sm 1
The Brotherhood of David and Jonathan. The Picture of Male Friendship in 1 Sam 18 ˗ 2 Sam 1
Dziadosz, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
relacja Dawida i Jonatana
homoseksualny (homoerotyczny) podtekst w 1 Sm 18,1–21,1
David and Jonathan relationship
homosexual (homoerotic) overtones in 1 Sam 18,1–21,1
W wielu biblijnych publikacjach naukowych i popularyzatorskich na przestrzeni ostatnich dekad toczy się żywa debata na temat charakteru relacji łączącej Dawida i Jonatana, utrwalonej w Księgach Samuela. Niektórzy przypisują tej więzi podtekst homoseksualny, a przynajmniej homoerotyczny, jednakże tego typu interpretacja nie znajduje potwierdzenia w materiale źródłowym 1 Sm 18 – 2 Sm 1. Cykl o dojściu Dawida do władzy (1 Sm 16,1 – 2 Sm 5,5) nie komunikuje wyraźnych sygnałów, które wskazują na seksualne podłoże relacji międzyosobowej pretendentów do tronu. Sugerowana przez niektórych autorów lektura tradycji 1 Sm 18,1 – 2 Sm 1 w kluczu idei homoseksualizmu oraz jej więź z Pieśnią nad Pieśniami dotyczy jedynie płaszczyzny terminologicznej i nie pozwala przypisać tekstom z Pierwszej Księgi Samuela wydźwięku intymnego (homoerotycznego). Opisując braterską więź Jonatana i Dawida, deuteronomista akcentuje nade wszystko jej teologiczny i społeczno-polityczny aspekt, co nie oznacza, że utrwalony przez niego obraz męskiej przyjaźni nie posiada mocnego zabarwienia emocjonalno-uczuciowego.  
Over the last decades many scientific and popularizing biblical publications have debated on the nature of David and Jonathan’s relationship described in 1 and 2 Samuel. Several exegetes have interpreted this relationship as homosexual or at least homoerotic, but such understanding does not correspond to the text of 1 Sam 18 – 2 Sam 1. The narrative of David’s ascent to throne (1 Sam 16,1 – 2 Sam 5,5) does not provide direct indications of a sexual background in the interpersonal relationship between the two claimants to the throne. The connections between 1 Sam 18 – 2 Sam 1 and Song of Songs concern only the terminology and don’t allow to ascribe sexual (homoerotic) connotations in the stories of 1Samuel. The Deuteronomist emphasizes primarily theological and socio-political level of the brotherhood of David and Jonathan, but his idea of the male friendship in 1 Sam 16,1 – 2 Sam 5,5 has also a strong emotional aspect.  
Verbum Vitae; 2021, 39, 1; 163-198
Pojawia się w:
Verbum Vitae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Antropologiczne wektory kultury
Anthropological vectors of culture
Dziuba, Andrzej F.
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Szeroko dostrzegana dynamika kultury niesie w sobie bogactwo odniesień i relacji zwrotnych. Jest to wielość sfer spełniania się człowieka w różnorodności jego przejawów, tak indywidualnych, jak i społecznych. Przyjmując te wielorakie antropologiczne wektory, niniejszy tekst odnosi się do czterech szczególnie znaczących: kultury życia, kultury wiary, kultury solidarności i kultury braterstwa. Potrzebę zwracania na nie szczególnej uwagi podkreślają ostatni papieże i dlatego ich nauczanie stanowi podstawową bazę źródłową dla przeprowadzonych analiz badawczych. Wpisanie tych wektorów w refleksję różnych dyscyplin nad człowiekiem jest gwarancją odpowiedzialnych, zgodnych z podstawowymi nurtami antropologii badań naukowych. Więcej, daje to także wiele praktycznych pomocy i rozstrzygnięć w codziennym postępowaniu i wyborach moralnych, które niestety we współczesnej kulturze są zdecydowanie w defensywie.
The widely perceived dynamics of culture carry a diversity of references and reciprocal relationships. It is the multiplicity of areas of human fulfillment in the diversity of its manifestations, both individual and social. By adopting these multiple anthropological vectors, this text refers to four particularly significant ones: the culture of life, the culture of faith, the culture of solidarity and the culture of brotherhood. The need to pay close attention to these topics is emphasized by the last popes, and therefore their teaching provides the primary source for the research analyses. The incorporation of these vectors in the reflection of various scientific disciplines which focus on human being, is a guarantee of responsible scientific research – in accord with the basic currents of anthropology. Even the more, it also gives a lot of practical help and solutions in everyday conduct and moral choices, which unfortunately in modern culture are definitely on the defensive.
Studia Elbląskie; 2023, 24; 113-130
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evangelizzazione nel mondo di oggi – una sfida per i giovani (secondo Giovanni Paolo II durante le GMG)
Evangelization of contemporary world – challenges for the youth (according to John Paul the 2nd- during the World Youth Day)
Filipczuk, Marek
Data publikacji:
Akademia Katolicka w Warszawie
the youth
Youth is an important period in human life as it influences whole future on an individual. John Paul II, as evidenced by his teaching during the World Youth Day, granted special consideration to the young people. Also the Church pays special attention to the early period of human life, a key stage in religious formation. The Polish Pope called the youth „future and hope of the world” and oxen claimed that Christ needs the young people in order for the Gospel to reach to all corners of the world. They youth seek ideals and want to grant sense to their lives. They want to build their lives on solid foundations. Youth is open to intellectual growth, therefore it is worthwhile to cultivate broad education at this stage of life which is characterized by good memory and ability to reason in logical manner. Youth is the period of increased creativity, although it is also characterized by criticism. The article is an attempt to show how the young people may creatively en-gage in the present and the future of the Church and the world.
Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne; 2017, 30, 2; 162-176
Pojawia się w:
Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Panegyric works and their connection with the Kyiv monasteries in the context of the relations between the Hetmanate and the Moscow kingdom in the early 18th century
Filipova, Hanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra
Kyiv Brotherhood monastery
Moscow kingdom
Great Northern War 1700–1721
Prince Alexander Menshikov
Theophanes Prokopovych
Panegyric works and their connection with the Kyiv monasteries in the context of the relations between the Hetmanate and the Moscow kingdom in the early 18th century. The eulogies which are dedicated to Prince Alexander Menshikov and originate from the Kyiv monastery environment – in particular, the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra and the Kyiv Brotherhood Monastery are discussed and compared in the article. The circumstances of the origin of these works, the peculiarities and motivation of the dedications, rhetorical figures and their significance in the respective historical and political context have also been analysed. Panegyrics were inscribed in the paradigm of Ukrainian-Russian relations in the early 18th century. A little-known work attributed to Theophanes Prokopovych is also published in the appendices.
Orientalia Christiana Cracoviensia; 2019, 11; 77-90
Pojawia się w:
Orientalia Christiana Cracoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“The World of Tomorrow” or “The World of Yesterday”? The Image of an Independent Nation at the 1939 New York World’s Fair
„The World of Tomorrow” czy „The World of Yesterday”? Wizerunek niepodległego narodu na Wystawie Światowej w Nowym Jorku w 1939 r.
Filonik, Apolonia
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
wystawy światowe
Wystawa Światowa w Nowym Jorku
pawilon polski
Bractwo św. Łukasza
Jan Cybulski
world’s fair
world’s expo
New York World’s Fair
Polish pavilion
Brotherhood of St. Luke
Poland’s presence at World’s Fairs between the World Wars is a special issue in that, after a long absence on the map of Europe, the country had the opportunity to show its industrial and cultural achievements in the international arena as an independent exhibitor for the first time. Thus, this event always had a very important political dimension. Its symbol was the Polish pavilion presented in Paris in 1925, but no less important was the pavilion at the New York World’s Fair in 1939. Although it was a success at the world expo, it was overshadowed by the tragic consequences of the outbreak of World War II almost from the beginning. From today’s perspective, it is worth looking at this object, to evaluate its foundation and ultimate significance, as well as to reflect on the difficult concept of national art, in addition to tracing the fate of the pavilion.
Obecność Polski na wystawach światowych w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym to zagadnienie o tyle szczególne, że po długiej nieobecności na mapie Europy po raz pierwszy kraj ten miał szansę pokazać swoje osiągnięcia przemysłu i kultury na arenie międzynarodowej jako niezależny wystawca. Wydarzenie to miało więc bardzo istotny wymiar polityczny. Jego symbolem jest pawilon polski zaprezentowany w Paryżu w 1925 r., nie mniej ważny jednak okazał się pawilon na wystawie nowojorskiej w 1939 r. Choć na światowej ekspozycji odniósł sukces, niemal od początku znalazł się w cieniu tragicznych następstw wybuchu II wojny światowej. Z dzisiejszej perspektywy warto przyjrzeć się temu obiektowi, by ocenić jego założenia i ostateczną wymowę oraz zastanowić się nad trudnym pojęciem sztuki narodowej, a także prześledzić dalsze losy pawilonu.
Perspektywy Kultury; 2019, 25, 2; 67-82
Pojawia się w:
Perspektywy Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Logika powszechnego braterstwa w encyklice Franciszka Fratelli tutti
Gardocki, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Akademia Katolicka w Warszawie
logika daru
miłość preferencyjna
miłość polityczna
miłość społeczna
logic of gift
preferential love
political love
social love
Niniejszy artykuł omawia logikę powszechnego braterstwa na podstawie encykliki papieża Franciszka Fratelli tutti. Podstawowe, a zarazem główne założenie tej logiki wypływa z faktu stworzenia człowieka na obraz i podobieństwo Boga. Na mocy bowiem stworzenia każdy człowiek zostaje obdarzony niezbywalną godnością. Zostaje powołany do życia w relacji z innym ludźmi, do odpowiedzialności za nich i do stworzenia jednej rodziny dzieci Bożych. Zostaje mu także powierzone dzieło przekształcania świata, którego dobra są własnością i mają służyć wszystkim ludziom i narodom. Ostatecznym zatem fundamentem powszechnego braterstwa jest, przynajmniej dla ludzi wierzących, ojcostwo Boga i Jego troska o każdego człowieka, która jest konkretnym wyrazem Jego stwórczej miłości. Dla chrześcijan zaś takim fundamentem jest dodatkowo Ewangelia Jezusa Chrystusa. Dla wszystkich natomiast ludzi jest nim troska, współczucie, miłość, miłosierdzie i odpowiedzialność za drugiego człowieka. Istota proponowanej przez papieża logiki powszechnego braterstwa przejawia się w tym, że patrzy ona na świat i jego problemy oraz proponuje konkretne ich rozwiązanie z perspektywy peryferii; że w jej centrum znajduje się miłość preferencyjna wobec najbardziej potrzebujących, ubogich i wykluczonych; że wprowadza do relacji międzyludzkich na różnych poziomach logikę daru i bezinteresowności.
The article discusses the logic of universal fraternity from Pope Francis’ Encyclical Fratelli tutti. The basic and at the same time the main assumption of this logic flows from the fact of creating the human being in the image and likeness of God. By virtue of creation, each person is endowed with inalienable dignity. They are called to live in relationships with other people, to be responsible for them and to create one family of God’s children. They are also entrusted with the task of transforming the world whose goods are owned and are to serve all peoples and nations. Therefore, the ultimate foundation of universal brotherhood is, at least for believers, God’s fatherhood and His concern for every human being, which is a concrete expression of His creative love. For Christians, such a foundation is additionally the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For all people, however, it is care, compassion, love, mercy and responsibility for another human being. The essence of the Pope’s proposed logic of universal brotherhood is that it looks at the world and its problems and proposes a concrete solution to them from the periphery perspective; that at its center is a preferential love towards the most needy, the poor and the excluded; that it introduces the logic of gift and selflessness into human relationships at various levels.
Studia Bobolanum; 2021, 32, 1; 19-42
Pojawia się w:
Studia Bobolanum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gmurczyk, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
parafia w Uniejowie
Księga Bractwa Trzeźwości
Archiwum Diecezjalne we Włocławku
Uniejów parish
The Book of the Brotherhood of Sobriety
Włocławek Diocese Archive
In the second half of XIX century societies of sobriety were being established on Polish lands as part of the so called organic work (work at the foundations). The Book of the Brotherhood of Sobriety from Uniejów parish, kept in Włocławek Diocese Archive, contains – besides laws and indulgences (referring to the decree of Pope Pius IX of 28.07.1851), an appendix and a prayer – a list of 775 members of the brotherhood. This material may be useful to researchers investigating the history of the region, in such areas as religious and cultural life, anthroponymy, toponymy and genealogy.
Biuletyn Uniejowski; 2014, 3; 135-150
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Uniejowski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Muslim Brotherhood and the Crisis in the GCC: Roots, Issues and Implications
Grabowski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Studiów Międzynarodowych
International relations
International conflicts
Crisis prevention
Stosunki międzynarodowe
Konflikty międzynarodowe
Zapobieganie kryzysowi
After the Arab Uprisings of 2011, the position of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East changed dramatically, especially in the Persian Gulf subregion. For decades, the Muslim Brotherhood was a close ally of the Gulf monarch families because it provided a common narrative against Naser's Pan-Arabism. The Muslim Brotherhood was also legitimising the monarch families' right to rule. In the post-Arab Uprisings era the organisation is seen as a rival of those families and a challenge for their legitimacy to rule as it calls for political changes. The only exception was Qatar, which supported the Muslim Brotherhood financially, militarily and politically in Egypt and elsewhere. Because of that Qatar found itself at odds with the other Gulf Cooperation Council members, most notably Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain. Furthermore, the Qatar-based Al-Jazeera network spread the Brotherhood's agenda, which was based on the call for changes due to the fact that the three abovementioned states deemed the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organisation. All these incidents led Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain to recall their ambassadors from Doha. Not only the Muslim Brotherhood was under pressure. It became clear that other Islamist organisations in the region had suffered from some setbacks that had affected their overall stance and performance throughout the Middle East (i.e. Hizb an-Nahda in Tunisia, Hamas in the Palestine Autonomy, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt). What is emphasised by analysts is that this conflict between Qatar and Saudi Arabia was a battle for regional leadership, not the first one and surely not the last (the war in Syria, the Islamic State, etc.). The aim of the paper is to present the history of the mutual relations between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Arab Gulf states, describe causes which led to the conflict, the divisions created by the conflict and the consequences of the crisis for the organisation.(original abstract)
Stosunki Międzynarodowe - International Relations; 2016, 52, 2; 355-365
Pojawia się w:
Stosunki Międzynarodowe - International Relations
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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