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Professional communication competences of nurses
Wloszczak-Szubzda, A.
Jarosz, M.J.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
Introduction: Dissonance between the high ‘technical’ professionalism of nurses and the relatively low level of patient satisfaction with care received is a phenomenon observed in many countries. Many studies show that it occurs in the case of an inadequate interpersonal communication between nurses and patients. Methods: Three basic scopes of communication competences were involved in the research process: a) motivation, b) knowledge, c) skills, and the following three methods were used: 1) documentation analysis (standards, plans and educational programmes); 2) diagnostic survey concerning professional communication competences of nurses in nursing care – a questionnaire form designed by the authors; 3) self-reported communication skills in nursing care – adjective check list. The study group covered a total number of 108 respondents in the following subgroups: 1) professional nurses who, as a rule, were not trained in interpersonal communication (42 respondents); students of nursing covered by a standard educational programme (46 respondents); 3) students of nursing who, in addition to a standard educational programme, attended extra courses in professional interpersonal communications nursing (20 respondents). The data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis with the use of descriptive statistics and hypothesis testing. Results: The results of studies indicate poor efficacy of shaping communication competences of nurses based on education in the area of general psychology and general interpersonal communication. Communication competences acquired during undergraduate nursing education, are subject to regression during occupational activity. Discussion: Methods of evaluating communication competences are useful in constructing group and individual programmes focused on specific communication competences rather than on general communication skills.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2012, 19, 3
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Solarski Eugeniusz Marian Józef, pseud. Norwicz (1901-1959), aktor
Skręt, Rościsław.
Polski Słownik Biograficzny 2000, t. 40, z. 2, s. 254
Data publikacji:
Solarski, Eugeniusz M.J.
Solarski Eugeniusz M.J. (1901-1959) biografia
12 Pułk Piechoty Ziemi Wadowickiej biografie
W armii austro-węgierskiej. W l. 1918-1919 w WP jako ochotnik w 12 PP Ziemi Wadowickiej.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Professional communication competences of physiotherapists – practice and educational perspectives
Wloszczak-Szubzda, A.
Jarosz, M.J.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
Background: Dissonance between the high ‘technical’ competences of medical professionals, including physiotherapists, and the relatively low level of patient satisfaction with care received is a phenomenon observed in many countries. Many studies show that it occurs in the case of an inadequate interpersonal communication between medical professionals and patients. Objectives: The primary goal of the presented research was evaluation of the level (study of the state) of communication competences of physiotherapists, and determination of the factors on which this level depends. An additional goal was analysis of the needs and educational possibilities within the existing models of education in the area of interpersonal communication provided by higher medical education institutions. Design, setting and participants: The self-designed questionnaire and adjective check list were subject to standardization from the aspect of reliability and validity. Information available on the websites of 20 educational facilities in Poland were compared. The study group covered a total number of 115 respondents in the following subgroups: 1) occupationally-active physiotherapists who, as a rule, were not trained in interpersonal communication (35 respondents); students of physiotherapy covered by a standard educational programme (60 respondents); 3) students of physiotherapy who, in addition to a standard educational programme, attended extra courses in professional interpersonal communications (20 respondents). Results: The results of studies indicate poor efficacy of shaping communication competences of physiotherapists based on education in the area of general psychology and general interpersonal communication. Communication competences acquired during undergraduate physiotherapy education are subject to regression during occupational activity. Conclusions: Methods of evaluating communication competences are useful in constructing group and individual programmes focused on specific communication competences, rather than on general communication skills.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2013, 20, 1
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czynnik chaosu w informatycznych systemach zarządzania
The chaos factor in information management systems
Greniewski, M.J.
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Menedżerska w Warszawie
Celem niniejszej pracy jest stosunkowo dokładne określenie obszarów, w których możemy zetknąć się ze zjawiskiem chaosu deterministycznego w informatycznych systemach zarządzania. Jest to kolejne podejście autora do tej problematyki [3].
The aim of the paper is identification the ERP system area, in which the phenomena of deterministic factor can exists. This area it is finance subsystem.
Postępy Techniki Przetwórstwa Spożywczego; 2004, T. 14, nr 1, 1; 45-49
Pojawia się w:
Postępy Techniki Przetwórstwa Spożywczego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Interactions of mercury in the environment
Interakcje rtęci w środowisku
Maluszynska, I.
Popenda, A.
Maluszynski, M.J.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
Mercury is a pollutant of global concern largely due to its potential for biological transformation into harmful forms and bioaccumulation through the food chains. Mercury is not able to biodegrade in the environment and it forms many toxic inorganic and organic complexes. The strongest harmful effects of mercury concerns the central nervous system. The harmful effects of mercury is very stable, because the mercury compounds bind to enzymes. Getting into the brain, mercury displace zinc from brain tissue, and thus reduces the effi ciency of the brain. Then excreted in the cell nuclei and destroys the genetic material. The antagonism between zinc and mercury partially modifies its toxic effects. Mercury is combined with active groups of proteins and amino acids, accumulating in the body. Selenium has similar affinity, limiting connects these groups with mercury, reducing its toxicity. Antagonists are also cadmium, mercury and zinc, but their effects are most likely related with the action of selenium. Antagonist for mercury is also iodine content in the thyroid gland which is lowered, the excessive concentration of mercury in the body. It is known that taking selenium, zinc and thiols, e.g. GSH and NAC, are of prime importance in considering effects on human organisms as well as the level of its excretion. Due to the fact that interactions are dynamic and poorly understood at present the better understanding of their role requires the further studies. Despite that have been identifi ed interactions between elements and mercury, limiting its toxic effects, we still do not have sufficient knowledge about how to reduce the negative effects of this element on the human body. The definition of what is an acceptable daily dose of mercury for humans also does not quarantee protection of the health, because we do not know the exact limits of tolerance for different follow-up effects of prolonged exposure to low concentrations. It should also be pointed out that the interactions are dynamic and weakly understood at present. The better understanding of the role the afore-mentioned particles may be crucial in the to study the interaction between mercury and various environmental components and to find a substance that interacts with mercury to reduce its toxicity to living organisms.
Rtęć jest zanieczyszczeniem stanowiącym ogólnoświatowy problem w dużej mierze ze względu na możliwości przekształcenia w szkodliwe formy, a także bioakumulację w łańcuchu pokarmowym. Rtęć w środowisku nie ulega biodegradacji i tworzy wiele toksycznych nieorganicznych i organicznych kompleksów. Najsilniejszy szkodliwy wpływ rtęci dotyczy ośrodkowego układu nerwowego. Szkodliwe działanie rtęci jest bardzo trwałe, ponieważ związki rtęci łączą się z enzymami.Dostając się do mózgu, rtęć wypiera z tkanki mózgowej cynk, osłabiając sprawność mózgu, a następnie przenika do jąder komórkowych i niszczy materiał genetyczny. Antagonizm pomiędzy cynkiem i rtęcią częściowo modyfi kuje jej toksyczne działanie. Rtęć łączy się z aktywnymi grupami białek i aminokwasów, kumulując się w organizmie. Podobne powinowactwo wykazuje selen, ograniczając łączenie się tych grup z rtęcią, zmniejszając jej toksyczność. Antagonistami rtęci są również kadm i cynk, ale ich działanie jest najprawdopodobniej powiązane z działaniem selenu.Antagonistą dla rtęci jest również jod, którego zawartość w tarczycy ulega obniżeniu przy nadmiernym stężeniu rtęci w organizmie. Wiadomym jest, iż pobór selenu, cynku oraz niektórych tioli, np. GSH i NAC, również poziom ich wydalania są kluczowe w rozważaniu ich wpływu na organizmy żywe. Biorąc pod uwagę fakt, że reakcje zachodzące pomiędzy nimi są dynamiczne i słabo poznane, lepsze zrozumienie ich roli wymaga dalszych badań. Pomimo stwierdzenia występowania interakcji z pierwiastkami ograniczającymi toksyczne działanie rtęci, nadal nie mamy wystarczającej wiedzy na temat możliwości zmniejszenia negatywnych skutków działania tego pierwiastka na organizm człowieka. Określenie dopuszczalnych dziennych dawek rtęci dla człowieka, również nie gwarantuje zabezpieczenia stanu jego zdrowia, gdyż nie są znane dokładne granice tolerancji na różne następcze skutki długiego działania niskich stężeń tego pierwiastka. Należy również podkreślić, że zjawisko interakcji jest nadal słabo rozpoznane i podlega ciągłym zmianom. Lepsze zrozumienie roli wcześniej wymienionych składników może być konieczne w celu określenia oddziaływania pomiędzy rtęcią i różnymi składnikami środowiska oraz znalezienia substancji, które wchodzą w interakcje z rtęcią, zmniejszając jej toksyczność dla organizmów żywych.
Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW. Land Reclamation; 2013, 45, 2
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW. Land Reclamation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Parking in the City
Šeba, P.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Fizyki PAN
We show that the spacing distribution between parked cars can be obtained as a solution of certain linear distributional fixed point equation. The results are compared with the data measured on the streets of Hradec Králové. We also discuss a relation of these results to the random matrix theory.
Acta Physica Polonica A; 2007, 112, 4; 681-690
Pojawia się w:
Acta Physica Polonica A
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Enlargement and Legitimacy of the European Union
Szewczyk, Bart M.J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
This article is part of a larger project on contemporary sources of legitimacy of the European Union. My prior inquiry into this subject argued that the primary legitimacy problem within the EU is not the so-called 'democratic deficit' or the EU's failure to produce certain outputs, but is instead the EU's ability to enact laws against a national government's will and dissent through Qualified-Majority Voting ('QMV') in the Council of Ministers. Based on an analysis of the EU's internal transformation through four successive treaties, that article argued that the EU can be legitimated based on two primary sources, national democracy and European citizenship, such that QMV decision-making could be justified based on promotion or protection of European citizenship, even against a national democracy's will. From this internal transformation of the EU, this article turns to the EU's external transformation through enlargement across Central and Eastern Europe. By examining the process of enlargement, the article argues that this practice also reflects the hypothesized dual legitimacy structure based on European citizenship and national democracy. In particular, the EU's primary focus during the enlargement process on the Copenhagen political criteria (rather than the economic or acquis criteria) - and in particular, ensuring the candidate countries' commitment to EU fundamental rights - was justified in light of the concurrent shift in EU decision-making from de facto unanimity to QMV. Since an EU democracy could now be outvoted in the Council and an EU decision could be taken against a nation's democratic will, the old EU Member States wanted to ensure that the new Member States would share their core political values, such that all Member States would be expected to pursue the same basic shared interests and could thus credibly claim to act on behalf of European citizens. Even as a pre-condition of accession negotiations, the EU required candidate countries to meet stringent political criteria reflecting the EU's new orientation around fundamental rights and excluded those countries that failed to do so, particularly based on human rights grounds; in contrast, it extended membership to countries even if they did not fully meet the economic or acquis criteria. In conclusion, the article proposes to formalize this consensus through a 'Strasbourg Compromise,' mirroring the Luxembourg Compromise that underpinned the European Communities, but orienting it around European citizenship rather than the national veto.
Polish Yearbook of International Law; 2010, 30; 131-168
Pojawia się w:
Polish Yearbook of International Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ontogenetic stages of ceratopsian dinosaur Psittacosaurus in bone histology
Zhao, Q.
Benton, M.J.
Hayashi, S.
Xu, X.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Paleobiologii PAN
The early ceratopsians Psittacosaurus and Protoceratops have provided important information on dinosaurian development because of abundant specimens of adults, subadults, juveniles, and even hatchlings. Here we present new data and methods for identifying key growth stages from bone histology. Previous studies on Psittacosaurus lujiatunensis from the Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota of China did not present in-depth analysis of growth patterns. Based on a histological study of 43 thin sections from 17 individuals of this species, we recognize four histological ontogenetic stages, i.e., hatchling, juvenile, sub-adult, and adult, but no fully-grown stage. We estimate life history and longevity from diaphyseal growth line counts and other features of histology. We show that P. lujiatunensis grew fast in early stages (hatchling, juvenile, and subadult), according to the density of vascular canals and the different type of bone tissue; the deposition of parallel fibred bone tissue in the outer cortex of the subadult stage indicates that growth rate was slowing down. We introduce a new graphical method to estimate the occurrence and volumes of vascular canals from thin sections more accurately than current two-dimensional approaches.
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica; 2019, 64, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Growth, evapotranspiration and mineral content of gerbera under combined salinity and excess boron
Gomez Bellot, M.J.
Carmassi, G.
Bartalucci, M.
Sanchez-Blanco, M.J.
Pardossi, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Ogrodnictwa
ornamental plant
cut flower
mineral content
sodium chloride
nutrient uptake
Journal of Horticultural Research; 2018, 26, 2
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Horticultural Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Two fundamentals of mammalian defense in fungal infections: Endothermy and innate antifungal immunity
Bieganska, M.J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
The environment of animals is inhabited by enormous fungal species, but only a few hundreds are pathogenic for mammals. Most of potentially pathogenic fungal species, excluding dermatophytes, seldom cause the disease in immunocompetent hosts. Data from literature indicate, that an immune system and endothermy are foundations for this mammalian relative resistance to fungal systemic infections. Stable and high temperature of the body restricts invasion and growth of potentially pathogenic fungi. Together with elevated metabolism it supports the effectiveness of mammalian immunity. The innate immunity is assigned to prevent the invasion of various microbes (including fungi) to the hosts’ organism. It consists of cellular receptors and several humoral factors as the Antimicrobial Peptides. If the physical barriers fail in stopping the invader, it is recognized as “alien” by multiple Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs) like Toll Like Receptors (TLRs) expressed by cells of innate immunity and/ or C-type lectins. At the same time innate inflammation begins and the complement cascade is activated. These mechanisms are able to stop and clear some fungal infections. During existing infection the adaptive immunity is induced. This review aims to show the role of mammalian endothermy and to point the most important elements of innate antifungal immunity.
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences; 2014, 17, 3
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Genetic similarities of Escherichia coli isolated from hospitalized patients
Żórawski, M.J.
Dudzik, D.
Musiałowska, D.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
Escherichia coli
Introduction: Escherichia coli is a component of human physiological flora. Pathogenic E. coli strains are a significant etiologic factor for numerous infections, mainly the urinary system, digestive system, respiratory system as well as bacteraemia and post-operative infections. Purpose: To compare the genetic similarity of Escherichia coli strains, isolated from biological material collected for routine microbiological diagnostics. Materials and methods: The examination performed on the Escherichia coli strains, isolated from material collected from patients hospitalized in various clinics and delivered for routine laboratory diagnostics. The analysis was conducted using the ADRSSR method.Results: As a result of the analysis of genetic similarities of examined strains using the ADRSSR method, nine clones were distinguished, clones A and B considered being most numerous. Clone A was predominant in samples from internal diseases clinics while cloning B – from neonatological clinics. Conclusions: The results point to a significant role of monitoring of homogeneity of bacteria strains isolated in the range of the health care providers. It is directly connected with the safety of hospitalized patients as well as effectiveness and course of the treatment. The use of the ADSRRS method gives the opportunity of early detection of the moment of colonization in the monitored place
Progress in Health Sciences; 2017, 7(1); 145-150
Pojawia się w:
Progress in Health Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
How to write an effective response letter to reviewers
Hunt, M.J.
Ochmanska, M.
Cilulko-Dolega, J.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Instytut Nauk o Zdrowiu
The review process is intended to provide an objective assessment of the suitability of a submission to the target journal. When authors receive the decision letter from the editor it is almost always accompanied with the reviews, which at times can be quite critical. Writing a well-constructed response letter to the reviewers, with well-reasoned arguments, is a key part of the reviewing process. Although the manuscript is the main focus of the submission, the content and tone of the response letter can have a surprisingly large impact on the eventual recommendation given by the reviewers. The importance of writing a clear response letter is often overlooked by authors. This prompted us to prepare a short article addressing the main points that can help authors prepare their response to reviewer letter to the reviewers. Although each review is unique, here, we outline ten points which are aimed at helping authors respond effectively and clearly to reviewers’ comments. The points are based on the authors’ collective experiences which includes publishing and reviewing for international peer-reviewed journals. The tone of the letter should always be professional, organized and objective. Each point raised by the reviewers needs to be replied to in a precise way, with clear evidence that the major concerns have been considered in a serious way. This article also covers what information should be included, when it is appropriate to disagree with a reviewer, and how to present appropriate rebuttals.
Medical Science Pulse; 2019, 13, 1
Pojawia się w:
Medical Science Pulse
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Comparative analysys of macro- and microstructure of printed elements in the FDM, SLS and MJ technologies
Analiza porównawcza makro- i mikrostruktury drukowanych elementów 3D w technologiach FDM, SLS oraz MJ
Majca-Nowak, Natalia
Kluska, Ewelina
Gruda, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Lotnictwa
additive manufacturing
3D printing
technologia przyrostowa
drukowanie 3D
The article presents research conducted with the project: "Additive manufacturing in conduction with optical methods used for optimization of 3D models’’. The article begins with the description of properties of the materials used in three different additive technologies – Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) and Material Jetting (MJ). The next part focuses on the comparative analysis of macro- and microstructure of specimens printed in order to test selected materials in additive technologies mentioned above. In this research two types of specimens were used: dumbbell specimens and rectangular prism with hole specimens. In order to observe macrostructure specimens, they were subjected to load test until it broke. In the case of observing microstructure, they were cut in some places. Each of described additive technologies characterizes by both different way of printing and used materials. These variables have a significant influence on macro- and microstructure and fracture appearance. FDM technology specimens printed of ABS material characterized by texture surface appearance. SLS technology specimens printed of PA12 material characterized by amorphous structure. MJ technology specimens printed of VeroWhite Plus material characterized by fracture appearance which had quasi- fatigue features. The microstructure of these specimens was uniform with visible inclusions.
Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje wyniki testów, które powstały w trakcie realizacji projektu „Addytywne wytwarzanie w połączeniu z metodami optycznymi stosowane do optymalizacjii modeli przestrzennych”. Artykuł rozpoczyna się opisem właściwości materiałów użytych w trzech wybranych technologiach przyrostowych – Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) oraz Material Jetting (MJ). W dalszej części dokonano analizy porównawczej makrostruktury oraz mikrostruktury dla próbek referencyjnych wydrukowanych na potrzeby testu z wyselkcjonowanych materiałów w podanych technologiach przyrostowych. Ze względu na rodzaj obserwacji, w badaniach użyto dwóch rodzajów próbek: próbki wiosełkowe oraz płaskie, prostokątne próbki z otworem. W celu obserwacji makrostruktury próbki poddane zostały obciążeniu aż do zerwania. Natomiast, w celu obserwacji mikrostruktury zostały pocięte w kilku miejscach. Każda z opisanych w tym artykule technologii przyrostowych charakteryzuje się innym sposobem drukowania oraz zastosowanym materiałem. Zmienne te mają znaczący wpływ na makrostrukturę, mikrostrukturę oraz przełom. Próbki wydrukowane z materiału ABS w technologii FDM charakteryzują się widoczną teksturą materiału. Próbki wydrukowane z PA12 w technologii SLS charakteryzują się strukturą amorficzną. Charakterystyczny dla próbek wydrukowanych z VeroWhite Plus w technologii MJ był przełom, który miał cechy pseudo-zmęczeniowe. Mikrostruktura tych próbek była jednorodna z widocznymi wtrąceniami.
Transactions on Aerospace Research; 2019, 4 (257); 66-80
Pojawia się w:
Transactions on Aerospace Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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