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Wyszukujesz frazę ""Narkomania"" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

Umorzenie postępowania karnego w trybie art. 62a Ustawy z dnia 29 lipca 2005 r. o przeciwdziałaniu narkomanii jako pozytywny środek reakcji karnoprawnej stosowany wobec sprawców posiadających narkotyki miękkie w nieznacznej ilości i przeznaczone na własny użytek
Discontinuance of criminal proceedings under Art. 62a of the Prevention Drug Abuse Act of 29 July 2005 as a positive measure of the criminal and legal reaction applied against perpetrators who are in possession of soft drugs in a negligible quantity and for personal use
Bartha, Adrian
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
drug abuse
discontinuance of proceedings
criminal sanction
preparatory and jurisdictional proceedings
umorzenie postępowania
sankcja karna
postępowanie przygotowawcze i jurysdykcyjne
Ustawą nowelizacyjną z dnia 1 kwietnia 2011 r. wprowadzono do ustawy art. 62a umożliwiający umorzenie postępowania karnego jeszcze przed wydaniem postanowienia o wszczęciu śledztwa lub dochodzenia wobec sprawcy przestępstwa posiadania substancji psychotropowej lub środków odurzających, w tym także w wypadku mniejszej wagi (art. 62 ust. 1 i ust. 3 ustawy). Warunkiem koniecznym jest ustalenie, iż orzeczenie kary byłoby niecelowe ze względu na okoliczności popełnienia czynu, a także stopień jego społecznej szkodliwości, nadto podejrzewany posiadane środki odurzające lub substancje psychotropowe musi mieć w ilości nieznacznej i przeznaczone tylko na własny użytek. Artykuł omawia kwestie prawne wyżej opisanej instytucji, która wprowadziła możliwość depenalizacji zakresu odpowiedzialności karnej sprawcy – posiadacza narkotyków. Podjęto także próbę oceny skutków dodania art. 62a do ustawy poprzez analizę danych statystycznych, obrazujących zastosowanie tej instytucji przez prokuraturę i sąd karny w praktyce orzeczniczej.
By the Act amendment of 1 April 2011, Art. 62a was incorporated into the original Act, which allows discontinuance of criminal proceedings before issuing an order to initiate an investigation or inquiry against a perpetrator in possession of psychotropic substances or intoxicants, including the case of lesser importance (Art. 62 (1 and 3) of the Act). A necessary condition is to establish that a verdict of a sentence would be pointless because of an offence circumstances and a degree of its social harmfulness. Also a person that is suspected of possession of drugs or psychotropic substances must have them in an insignificant quantity and only for personal use. This paper discusses some legal issues of the above described institution, which introduced a possibility of decriminalization of criminal liability of a perpetrator − a holder of drugs. The author also attempts to assess the effects of adding Art. 62a to the Act by presenting statistical data which illustrate the application of this institution by the prosecution and the criminal court in judicial decisions.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica; 2016, 76
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Narkomania jako zjawisko społeczne- historia problemu w Polsce
Drug addiction as a social phenomenon. the history of the problem in Poland
Bielewicz, Antoni
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
szpital psychiatryczny
drug addiction
psychiatric hospital
The phenomenon of drug addiction has been known in Poland for at least several dozen years. In the period of the second Republic, it was not a major social problem. In 1933, the total of 295 addicts were hospitalized in Poland. According to pre-war researchers, the number of drug addicts could be estimated at over 5 thousand persons in the early 1930s. The pre-war addicts took first of all classic drugs: morphine, heroin, and cocaine. Also codeine, Somniphrene and Pantopon were rather frequently taken. Less frequent was the use of hashish, mescaline and peyotl. Headache wafers played the part of substitutes.             According to the data of the health service and the Warsaw public prosecutor's office, about three – fourth of drug addicts were men. Most addicts were in their thirties; hardly any could be found among the youth, as far as morphinism is concerned in particular. This type of addiction could be found nearly exclusively among persons aged over 30. The situation shaped ,somewhat differently as regards codeine addicts: also younger persons. could be found in this group. In the socio professional structure of addicts included in the files of the Warsaw public prosecutor's office, clerks prevailed; their percentage amounting to 30. The second most numerous group were craftsmen and tradesmen-,13 per cent, and the third on -representatives of medical professions (chemists, doctors, surgeon, assistants, nurses, midwifes) of whom there were 9 per cent. The percentage of workers was 2, of prostitutes-5, and artists-4. In the opinion of the most of the pre-war researchers, the above socio-professional structure is distorted. According to them, drug-addiction was much more widespread among officers (of the air force and navy in particular), artists, writers and journalists. As regards religion, pre-war addicts constituted as varied a mosaic as the entire society in those days. There were among them representatives of all of the most numerous religious groups then found in Poland. Roman Catholics were most, and members of the orthodox church-least :susceptible to drug addiction. The pre-war researchers of drug addiction devoted a lot of attention to the problem of etiology of this ,,social disease'' Some of them stressed above all the medical-others-the economic and political, and still others - the cultural or those related to civilization causes. There were also conceptions that laid particular emphasis on physiology and biochemistry of the human body.              The evolution of drug addiction in the post-war forty years may be divided into four stages.             The first of them lasted till about mid-1960s. The extent of the phenomenon was then limited, with the average of about 400 persons treated in out-patient clinics, and about 150 -in psychiatric hospitals. Also the police statistics point to small sizes of this phenomenon. In 1967, as few as 9 offences directly related to drug addiction were recorded in Poland. Drug addicts of those days descended from rather specific circles. They were mostly representatives of medical professions, that is persons with a relatively easy access to drugs. Over 90 per cent of all morphine addicts were employees of the health service. Drugs taken most frequently were the classical ones;(morphine, cocaine), tranquilizers (Glimid, Tardyl) and stimulants (amphetamines). In thest period, one could hardly speak of drug addiction as a subcultural phenomenon. It was mainly a medical problem. The majority of the drug taking persons were those already dependent. The addicts of those days formed no close groups sharing a given ideology, specific symbols or language. The taking of narcotic drugs was not a social but an individual behaviour in most cases.             The second stage are the late 1960s and the early 1970s. In that period, a rapid growth in the extent of drug addiction can be noticed. In the years 1969-1973, the number of patients treated because of drug addiction in out-patient psychiatric clinics was quintupled, and in psychiatric hospitals, tripled. In 1972, there were about 3,150 patients treated in psychiatric clinics, and about 600 in psychiatric hospitals.             Also the number of offences directly related to drug addiction grew rapidly. While in 1967 there was not a single instance of unauthorized giving of narcotic drug (art. 161 of the Penal Code) or of forging prescriptions (art. 265 § 1 of the Penal Code), 105 and 417 such acts respectively were recorded five years later. In 1971, over 3,000 persons "taking narcotic drugs" were registered in the police files. As found in a sociological study carried out in 1972 among students of all grammar, vocational and elementary vocational schools in Gdańsk, Sopot and Gdynia, 8.3 per cent of the respondents had contacts with narcotic drugs. In the case of about 45 per cent of this group, these contacts were occasional. According to the authors of the study, this percentage is the "minimum frequency of occurence" of drug taking "in the population of school youth in Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot.'' In this early 1970s, the number of persons in danger of becoming addicts (i.e. those who took drugs regularly) and those already dependent was estimated at about 30 thousand.             In the discussed period, also the character of addiction underwent changes: it became a subcultural phenomenon. The base on which it developed were the youth contestation movements which emerged in Poland as well. Addiction was given a cultural dimension by the ideology of the hippie movement. Taking drugs ceased to be an individual behaviour and became a social one which expressed certain attitudes and symbolized the affiliation to a given subculture. The young who took drugs formed smaller or bigger groups with strong internal bonds and a great sense of solidarity. They used specific symbols (way of dressing, recognition signals, rich repertoire of gestures, aliases, etc.) and quite a rich language (characteristic names of drugs and activities related to their taking). The very taking of drugs was acompanied by more or less developed rituals (narcotic coctails, seances, etc.).             In that period - and later on as well -the phenomenon of drug addiction was concentrated among the youth and in highly urbanized and industrialized regions. In 1972, nearly 75 per cent of persons hospitalized for the first time were those aged under 25, and over 60 per cent-under 29. In 1970, over 90 per cent of addicts treated in hospitals lived in towns. The limited drug marked. caused the youth to resort to substitutes on the unpracedented scale. In those years, general use of such substances as trichloroethylene, Ixi (washing powder), Butaprene (glus), ether, benzene, solvents and others started. Yet the major typ of addiction still remaind that to opium and its derivates, particularly in men, and to sleeping-draught and tranquilizers in women.             The third stage in the evolution of drug addiction are the years 1973-1976. In that period, a nearly 27 per cent decrease in the total of patients of psychiatric clinics, and a 40 per cent one in the case of those treated for the first time could be noticed. The morbidity index went down from 3.5 to 2.0. A similar trend, though less dynamic one, concerned also hospital service. In an attempt at explaining this phenomenon, three factors should be mentioned. Firstly, the early 1970s are the period when youth movements started to die out. Also a relative social peace reigned in those years, which caused drug addiction lose its socio-cultural base. Secondly, the medical authorities introduced a number of limitations in the accessibility of drugs in that period. Thirdly, repressive action of the police also influenced this tendency to a high degree. The prosecution agencies not only increased their efficiency greatly, but also acquired a much better knowledge of the addicts circles. These actions however proved insufficient to fully control addiction.             The fourth stage in the evolution of addiction started in the late 1970s. In the years 1977-1984, the number of patients treated in out-patient clinics increased twice over, and that of hospitalized persons - five times over. The indicates of dissemination and morbidity grew rapidly. Beginning from mid-1970s, the number of persons registered in the police files grew nearly two and a half times over. Also the number of deaths due to over dosage went up from year to year. In 1978, 18 such cases were recorded, with the number amounting to as many as 117 in 1986. The number of offences directly related to drug addiction went up from 1,093 in 1978 to 3,014 in 1983. The number of persons taking narcotic drugs was estimated at about 500-800 thousand in 1983; that of persons in danger of becoming addicts - at 99-95 thousand, and of actual addicts - about 40 thousand. Such is the minimum spread of the discussed phenomenon.             The unprecedented dissemination of drug addiction may be attributed to the emergence of two factors of which one is technological, and the other one psycho-social. In mid-1970s, the technology of production of a strong drug from poppy was worked out in Poland, which resulted in a great amount of strong narcotics appearing on the market. on the other hand, crisis started to accumulate in Poland in mid-1970s, which resulted in a growing frustration among the youth. The concurrence of these two factors brought about the explosion of drug addiction.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1988, XV; 251-286
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Opium i krew : ciemny czas dla Chińczyków
Czarnecki, Łukasz.
Do Rzeczy 2020, nr 2, s. 63-65
Data publikacji:
Handel narkotykami
Handel zagraniczny
Wojny opiumowe (1839-1860)
Artykuł z czasopisma społeczno-politycznego
Artykuł z tygodnika opinii
Artykuł przybliża przebieg pierwszej wojny opiumowej. Wysłany do Chin korpus ekspedycyjny miał chronić interesy brytyjskich handlarzy opium. Traktat nankiński zakończył tę wojnę.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Narkomania w wojsku – wybrane uwarunkowania
Drug Abuse in Military: Selected Issues
Dudek, Mieczysław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
drug abuse
Drug abuse is a growing social problem in Poland and is a particularly serious problem in the Military. The conditions of military service may be a factor that stimulates drug addiction among soldiers, particularly those who are psychically and physically weak and not adapted to team work. The psychical stress that results from the abrupt breaking of existing bonds and social relationships (family, colleagues, partners) is intensified by spatial limits (military barracks), and the character of military units (personal freedom limitation). Another important aspect is, natural in this situation, access to weapons and the nature of tasks performed by a modern army. Yet the army continues to recruit young people who are physically and mentally weaker and weaker. In face of this problem, the commanders, supervisors and teachers are required to possess not only psychological and pedagogical knowledge, but also ethical and moral awareness. The article is based on empirical results of the test conducted in 2007 among 100 conscription soldiers of the Lublin Garrison of the Polish Army.
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym; 2009, 12, 2
Pojawia się w:
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Substancje psychoaktywne wśród młodzieży gimnazjalnej w Województwie Warmińsko-Mazurskim na podstawie badań własnych
Psychoactive Substances Among Junior High Students in the Warmian and Mazurian Voievodship (Investigations Carried out by the Author)
Górska, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Olsztyńska Szkoła Wyższa
narkomania, narkotyk, uzależnienie, używka, lekomania, nałóg, toksykomania, głód narkotyczny, prekursor, środek zastępczy, nadużywanie
drug abuse, drug, addiction, recreational drug, pharmacomania, addiction, toxicomania, cold turkey, precursor, drug substitute, abuse
Niniejszy artykuł składa się z dwóch części - teoretycznej i badawczej. W pierwszej z nich autorka porusza większość aspektów związanych z występowaniem we współczesnym świecie zjawiska narkomanii. Przedstawia w nim historię rozwoju narkomanii w Polsce i na świecie. Opisuje kwestię przeciwdziałania i profilaktyki zjawiska uzależnienia od środków psychoaktywnych. W końcowej pierwszej części artykułu zamieszcza mały słowniczek slangu używanego przez osoby zażywające narkotyki. W drugiej części artykułu autorka przedstawia wyniki badań własnych dotyczących wpływu środków odurzających na funkcjonowanie współczesnej młodzieży gimnazjalnej, które były przeprowadzone metodą sondażu diagnostycznego na przełomie 2013/2014 roku.
The following paper consists of two parts: a theoretical introduction and the presentation of the author’s research results. In the first one the author discusses the main aspects of present-day’s phenomenon of drug-abuse and -addiction . She outlines the history of drug addiction on the global scale and in Poland. She describes methods of drug prevention and prophylactics to forestall the abuse of psychotropics. The first part closes with a drug user’s slang dictionary . In the second part the author presents the results of her proper research on the effects of abusive substances on the overall performance of junior high students obtained by way of a diagnostic survey at the turn of the year 2013/14.
Warmińsko-Mazurski Kwartalnik Naukowy, Nauki Społeczne; 2014, 2; 61-78
Pojawia się w:
Warmińsko-Mazurski Kwartalnik Naukowy, Nauki Społeczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ zaburzonej osobowości narkomana na dobro potomstwa
The influence of disordered drug addicts personality on his offspring
Graczyk, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Teologiczne Towarzystwo Naukowe Wyższego Seminarium Duchownego we Włocławku
the good of offsprings
drug addition
the disorded personality
the lack of high feelings
the disorder of the will power
the conjugal and family community
dobro potomstwa
zaburzona osobowość
brak uczuć wyższych
zaburzenia władzy wolitywnej
wspólnota małżeńska i rodzinna
Rodzina to grupa osób, które wzajemnie na siebie oddziaływają. Pozytywne relacje w rodzinie mają dodatni wpływ na kształtowanie się i dojrzewanie osobowości. Negatywne relacje, nawet jednego z członków rodziny, mają toksyczny wpływ na całą wspólnotę. W rodzinie dziecko uczy się wszystkich niezbędnych umiejętności, które pozwolą mu na prawidłowe funkcjonowanie w społeczeństwie. Im większa jest odpowiedzialność wychowawcza rodziców, tym dziecko ma bogatszą osobowość i lepszy start życiowy. Niestety granica pomiędzy rodziną „normalną” a rodziną mieszczącą w sobie początki patologii jest bardzo płynna. W momencie, kiedy rodzice przedkładają swoje przyjemności nad dobro dzieci z egoistycznych pobudek, kiedy alkohol, wyjazdy, praca zawodowa czy przyjaciele stają się ważniejsi niż własne dzieci, granica ta staje się bardzo widoczna. Uważa się również, że w przypadku rodziny zaburzonej i zdemoralizowanej nie jest możliwe prawidłowe kształtowanie osobowości. Osoby, które obawiają się rozwinięcia u siebie uzależnienia od narkotyków czy alkoholu często starają się znaleźć u siebie cechy, które mogą charakteryzować osobowość nałogową. Chcą wiedzieć, na co powinni zwrócić uwagę, aby uwolnić się od etykietki osoby uzależnionej bądź szukają powodu, by nigdy nie sięgnąć po substancje psychoaktywne. Nie ma wątpliwości, że czynniki genetyczne mają wpływ na ryzyko wystąpienia uzależnienia. Jak wykazano w wielu badaniach, posiadanie bliskiego członka rodziny, który zmaga się z nałogiem, może zwiększać szansę na rozwinięcie uzależnienia. Zgodnie z przeprowadzonymi badaniami, niektóre fragmenty ludzkiego genomu zostały zidentyfikowane jako mające bezpośredni związek z określonymi rodzajami uzależnienia. Dzięki tej wiedzy w przyszłości możliwe będzie dokładniejsze określenie prawdopodobieństwa rozwinięcia nałogu u danej osoby. Mimo to istnienie pewnego potencjału genetycznego nie stanowi jedynej i bezpośredniej przyczyny rozwoju uzależnienia. Ważną rolę odgrywają tu również inne złożone czynniki środowiskowe. Oprócz podłoża genetycznego, kolejną indywidualną cechą, która może odpowiadać za podwyższone ryzyko uzależnienia, jest wcześniejsze występowanie zaburzeń psychicznych. Ludzie zmagający się z różnymi zaburzeniami psychicznymi mogą częściej nadużywać i uzależniać się od substancji szkodliwych.
A family is a group of people, who have an effect on each other. The positive relationship among family memebers have a great impact on creating and developing the personality traits. However, on the other hand, the influence of negative relashionship, even, of one family member, can have a destructive impact on the whole family community. The child acquires all essential skills and knowledge by being in a family. These ablilities are crucial and they allow a child to function properly in a social community. The greater parental responsibility, the richer personality of a child and the better beginning of his or her adult life. Nevetheless, the boundary between a „normal” family and the one, which shows the first symptoms of pathology, is very thin. When the parents start to put their favourites above their children’s good and needs because of some egoistic reasons, what is more, when the alcohol, some departures, the work as well as their friends are of utmost importance than their offsprings, the boundary is much more visible. It is claimed that in the case of disordered and demoralized family, the proper development of the child’s personality is impossible. There are some pe ople, who are worried becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol, and they try to find out their personality traits that can be characteristic for compulsive personality. They are curious and want to know what they should focus on in order to break free of the statement of being an addict or, even, they search for the good reason not to start taking drugs or any kinds of psychoactive substances. There are no doubts that the genetic factors have a great influence on the occurence of the risk of addiciton. According to the research, in the a situation when a person possesses a family member, who struggles with the addiction, there are increased chances for him or her of becoming addicted too. It is also highlighted that some of the human genome are identified as the ones that have the direct connections with the certain kind of addiction. Thanks to this precious knowledge, it will be possibile to estimate the probability of occuring the addiction due to a specific case in a more precise way. The existence of a certain genetic potencial does not state the only and direct cause of the addiction development. There are other complex environmental factors that also play an important role. Besides the genetic background, there is an another individual distinctive feature, which may decide about the high risk of addiction, and it can be defined as the occurence of psychological genetic background. People, who cope with some psychological disorders in the early stage, can overuse and be more prone to be addicted to various kinds of harmful substances.
Studia Włocławskie; 2022, 24; 474-498
Pojawia się w:
Studia Włocławskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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