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Wyszukujesz frazę ""Eksperymenty"" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

Biomechanika zderzeń. Podejścia, źródła informacji, eksperymenty, modelowanie
Impact biomechanics. Approaches, information sources, experiments and modeling
Wdowicz, Daniel
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Instytutu Ekspertyz Sądowych
biomechanika zderzenia
impact biomechanics
experimental methods
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia związane z metodami eksperymentalnymi i symulacyjnymi biomechaniki zderzeń. Podana została definicja biomechaniki zderzeń, jako szczególnej dziedziny na pograniczu nauk inżynierskich i medycznych. Przedstawiono koncepcyjny schemat działań związanych z prowadzeniem naukowych badań biomechanicznych. Omówione zostały pokrótce źródła wiedzy biomechanicznej, takie jak testy na zwierzętach, ochotnikach, zwłokach, manekinach oraz symulacje numeryczne. Dla każdego ze źródeł wiedzy wymieniono jego zalety oraz ograniczenia. Odnotowano, że chociaż badacze napotykają wiele wyzwań związanych z prowadzeniem eksperymentów i symulacji biomechanicznych, to istnieje duży potencjał w wykorzystaniu osiągnięć biomechaniki nie tylko w przemyśle, lecz także w rekonstrukcji wypadków.
The aim of the article was to present an overview of experimental methods in impact biomechanics. The definition of impact biomechanics as a special branch combining engineering and medical sciences is provided, together with a conceptual scheme of biomechanics research in the pipeline. Various sources of biomechanical data are briefly described, such as animal testing, volunteer testing, cadaver and anthropomorphic test devices (dummy) testing and numerical simulations. Advantages and drawbacks of each of these information sources are discussed. Many challenges related to conducting biomechanical experiments and simulations are indicated. However, there is a great potential for utilizing the accomplishments of impact biomechanics not only in industrial applications, but also in the practice of road accident reconstruction.
Paragraf na Drodze; 2022, 3; 9-23
Pojawia się w:
Paragraf na Drodze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Eksperymenty komputerowe w matematyce
Computer Experiments in Mathematics
Lemańska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Filozofii
The author analyses ways of employment of computers in mathematics. In particular, the role of computers in the theory of fractals is considered. The author advocates the view that use of computers do not change character of mathematics - which is a deductive, not experimental science.
Filozofia Nauki; 1996, 4, 3; 143-148
Pojawia się w:
Filozofia Nauki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Eksperymenty myślowe w służbie esencjalizmu
Thought Experiments in Essentialisms Service
Grabarczyk, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Filozofii
Thought experiments are often employed by philosophers who try to differentiate between essential and accidental properties. These experiments are said to stimulate the intuition of the reader (be it eidetic, linguistic or any other type of intuition). But sometimes they rather persuade the reader than test his intuition. How can we test the readers without revealing to them the role of test subjects they play? I suggest that some works of fiction can be treated as massive thought experiments because they are very similar to the stories philosophers use. The trouble is, that in the case of fiction our intuition is much more liberal and we accept things we would have certainly called impossible had they been presented to us in a philosophical article. I use some examples to show that our notion of impossibility depends on our naive, commonsense preconceptions of what objects and technologies exist in the world we are talking about. But this is exactly the type of knowledge philosophers ask us to suspend when they present their thought experiments.
Filozofia Nauki; 2009, 17, 1; 23-29
Pojawia się w:
Filozofia Nauki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Eksperymenty myślowe w filozofii
Thought Experiments in Philosophy
Brożek, Anna
Jadacki, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Filozofii
It is not surprising for us that thought experiments are so popular among philosophers and among readers of some philosophical journals. As we showed in our paper - they are either would-be real experiments or stimulators of revealing convictions and opinions of people on which experiments are prosecuted. Besides the fact that thought experiments fulfill an illustrative and a fortiori persuasive function, they do not play any important theoretical role. They are simply exemplifications - usually inventive and funny ones - of some «pure» processes of reasoning. Their popularity has its source in the fact that since their childhood people like reading books with… illustrations. There would be nothing wrong with making use of such illustrations if texts in which they are described contained clearly expressed theses and transparently presented argumentation. Unfortunately - texts illustrated by thought experiments are lacking of such clarity and transparency. This is probably the reason for the fact that texts containing thought experiments are so widely commented. It is a very known truth that the less clear and transparent the text is, the more interpretative comments it needs. And in comments, there appear - instead of clearly formulated theses and transparently presented argumentation - new thought experiments…
Filozofia Nauki; 2012, 20, 2; 5-27
Pojawia się w:
Filozofia Nauki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Eksperymenty myślowe w nauce
Thought Experiments in Science
Brożek, Anna
Jadacki, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Filozofii
Our conception of thought experiment may be summarized as follows. Let us suppose that we want to know what is entailed by the occurrence of a given state of affairs αk. Let us call the state of affairs entailed by it ‘βk’. If αk is «ready», it is sufficient to conduct respective observation: thanks to it we shall «see» βk. Otherwise, we have to bring out the occurrence of αk. This is what real experiment consists in. We have called αk “the basis of experiment”, and we call βk - “the result of experiment”. If establishing that the occurrence of αk entails the occurrence of βk is the first step to put the hypothesis - let us call it ‘γ’ - stating that the occurrence of the phenomenon α entails the occurrence of the phenomenon β, the experiment is heuristic (α is here a type of states of affairs exemplified by αk, and β - is a type of states of affairs exemplified by βk). Other experiments are of testing character. If we already had put γ, then establishing that the occurrence of αk entails the occurrence of βk confirms this hypothesis, and if the occurrence of αk does not entail the occurrence of βk - the hypothesis is falsified. If we are not able or we do not want to bring out the occurrence of αk, we may make use of a thought experiment: we suppose or imagine that αk occurs. Imagining or assuming only that αk occurs does not suffice, of course, for establishing what state of affairs occurs as an effect of the occurrence of αk (for instance, that βk is such one). At our disposal, we have to have a hypothesis - let us call it ‘δ’ - different from γ, such that δ and the sentence stating the occurrence of αk entails the occurrence of βk. We have called γ “the horizon of experiment”. Sometimes it happens that we realize that we accept γ by carrying out the thought experiment - when we ask ourselves why we presuppose or imagine that the presented basis has this, rather than some other, effect. The result of thought experiment follows from its horizon; thus presenting the basis of the experiment is - from the theoretical point of view - superfluous. A thought experiment is nothing but the inference of the result from the horizon and basis. However, experiments fulfill some practical functions: they help us to realize the elements of the horizon and to illustrate or to exemplify important dependencies. Let us ask ourselves why physicists use counterfactual thought experiments. Firstly, the differences in alternative descriptions of a certain part of reality come out in boundary situations and such situations are difficult to bring out (it is usually at least technically difficult) - they may be only thought (presented). All observable bodies move in accordance with both Newtonian and Einstein’s theories - the differences come out by enormous velocities. Secondly, one uses thought experiments because in our thoughts one may «arrange» idealized conditions which cannot be «created» in reality. Thirdly, the exemplifications presented as thought experiments appeal illustriously to imagination what simplifies the reception of new, unintuitive ideas among scientists.
Filozofia Nauki; 2012, 20, 1; 5-32
Pojawia się w:
Filozofia Nauki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Doktor Śmierć : Sidney Gottlieb i najmroczniejsze eksperymenty CIA
Sidney Gottlieb i najmroczniejsze eksperymenty CIA
Poisoner in chief : Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA search for mind control, 2019
Kinzer, Stephen (1951- ).
Müller, Łukasz. Tłumaczenie
Społeczny Instytut Wydawniczy Znak. Wydawca
Data publikacji:
Kraków : Znak Litera Nova
Gottlieb, Sidney (1918-1999)
Eksperymenty medyczne na ludziach
Służby specjalne
Uczone i uczeni
Bibliografia, filmografia, netografia na stronach 419-[428].
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Jan Tarasin - Obrazy Trójprzestrzenne. Niezwykłe Eksperymenty Technologiczne
Jan Tarasin – Pictures Of Three-Spaces. Unusual Technological Experiments
Klimza-Pęksyk, Maja
Data publikacji:
Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Gdańsku
JAN TARASIN – PICTURES OF THREE-SPACES: UNUSUAL TECHNOLOGICAL EXPERIMENTS A several-year project of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw associated with the research, conservation and restoration of Jan Tarasin's paintings from the private collection of his son has produced many significant results. One of the basic subjects of the research was his unusual, original painting technologies, especially since most of these works came from an interesting and experimental period of this creative artist. This was partly due to the experience he gained when travelling around the world, getting to know the art and culture of other countries - from Europe to distant Asia, but also due to a growing contact with the modern materials offered by the industry at that time. The artist willingly adapted them to the world of his art, which resulted in numerous technological and artistic experiments, thanks to which he developed and refined his own painting techniques. Already in the early 1960s, Jan Tarasin's manner of painting began to change, it became more fleshy, thick, textural, with a dulled colour, and then it took on more synthetic and spatial forms. Focusing on Tarasin's three-spherical series from the late sixties and the first half of the seventies, one of the most interesting, original and completely unique creative technologies from that period was analysed. The secret of the development of these paintings was not solely based on the artist's use of plastics that were becoming more and more common at that time, but was above all an unusual concept, a complex creative process that was key to achieving such surprising results. Among other things the artist developed methods for creating very delicate, thin relief images by casting their 3D textures from previously prepared plasticine mounds. The perfection of these techniques, which led to his own ideas, allowed the creation of a whole series of complex three-dimensional objects, unique in the work of Tarasin, as well being among the more outstanding artistic objects created then in Poland and in the world.
Sztuka i Dokumentacja; 2017, 17; 71-78
Pojawia się w:
Sztuka i Dokumentacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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