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Conditions of Effective Development of Information and Communication Competencies of Teaching Staff of the University
Kocharyan, Artur
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Quality of higher education
ICT competence
corporate standards
measurement tools
The article summarizes the results of the pilot study on the implementation of the model of information and communication competencies of the university teaching staff that was conducted at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine, and describes the basic stages of the research and the conditions of an effective implementation of the model. The article examines ways of improving the quality of higher education in Ukraine in the context of European quality standards for university educational space. The European standards and guidelines are considered in relation to internal quality assurance. The author examines the model of ICT competencies of teaching and research stuff and describes structural components of this model: motivational target component, organizational and procedural com- ponent, contents and operational and technological component, diagnostic and effective components. The article suggests tools to measure the level of educators’ formation in the ICT competence of teaching and research stuff. The tools are considered in accordance with the form activities of teaching and research stuff. The tools are formed in accordance with the recommendations of UNESCO Standards and Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area, namely: understanding and awareness of the role of ICT in education, and basic use of ICT tools.
International Journal of Research in E-learning IJREL; 2015, 1, 2; 33-44
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Research in E-learning IJREL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
How do University Students Learn: Learning Styles and Approaches in the Context of Subjective Quality of Higher Education Teaching and Learning Effectiveness
Juklová, Kateřina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
university student
learning style
learning approach
quality of higher education
learning effectiveness
This paper examines the styles and approaches to learning in contemporary higher education students. These individual characteristics are seen as results of the interaction between student individuality and the learning environment stimuli. The presented research is based on the assumption of existing interactions among the nature of study environment, the student’s approach to learning and his/her study effectiveness. Research results confirm this assumption and enable to analyze findings in the context of a specific learning environment.
The New Educational Review; 2013, 33; 155-164
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jakość kształcenia na uczelniach zagranicznych a mobilność edukacyjna studentek pedagogiki
The quality of the foreign higher education institutions and the international student exchange of female pre-service teachers
Marciniak, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych. Instytut Pedagogiki. Zakład Historii Edukacji
internacjonalizacja szkolnictwa wyższego
jakość szkolnictwa wyższego
mobilność edukacyjna
młodzież akademicka
internationalization of higher education
quality of higher education
educational mobility
university students
Wprowadzenie. Internacjonalizacja stanowi jeden z istotnych wymiarów szkolnictwa wyższego. Towarzyszy jej wzrost dostępności programów wymiany międzynarodowej oraz uznawalności okresu studiów realizowanych za granicą. W strategiach rozwoju uczelni dużo uwagi poświęca się budowaniu oferty uczelni partnerskich, zapewniających wysoką jakość kształcenia i różnorodne metody nauczania. Badania młodzieży akademickiej wskazują, że czynniki te są istotne, ale nie kluczowe w podejmowaniu decyzji o wymianie zagranicznej. Cel. W prezentowanych badaniach analizie poddano ustosunkowanie młodzieży akademickiej do jakości oferty uczelni zagranicznych jako źródła potencjalnych szans i zagrożeń związanych z mobilnością edukacyjną. Problemy badawcze dotyczyły różnic między studentkami zrekrutowanymi do wymiany i nieplanującymi jej. Materiały i metody. Badania zrealizowano w latach 2017/2018 oraz 2018/2019 na Wydziale Studiów Edukacyjnych UAM w Poznaniu, wśród studentek pedagogiki zrekrutowanych do wymiany w ramach Programu Erasmus+ (N=50) oraz nieplanujących udziału w niej (N=64). Zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego. Dane poddano analizie statystycznej z wykorzystaniem statystyk opisowych, analizy częstości oraz testów istotności różnic (test U Manna-Whitneya). Wyniki. Zdecydowana większość badanych postrzega w kategoriach potencjalnych korzyści z uczestnictwa w programie Erasmus+ zarówno możliwość wyboru interesujących uczelni zagranicznych (96,5%), wysoką jakość kształcenia na nich (92,1%), jak i nowe praktyki i metody nauczania (98,2%). Jednocześnie, większość studentek nieplanujących mobilności (w przeciwieństwie do zrekrutowanych do niej) te trzy zakresy oferty uczelnianej postrzega także w kategoriach potencjalnych zagrożeń lub obaw.
Introduction. Internationalization constitutes an important dimension of the higher education system. It is accompanied by an increase in the level of availability of international exchange programmes and recognition of study periods abroad. The Higher Education institutions, within their internationalization strategies, pay heavy attention to: creating the offer of partner institutions with high-quality teaching and diverse teaching methods. The research revealed that these factors are important, but are not crucial, to academic youth, while making decisions about international educational mobility. Aim. The aim of the research was to explore the university students’ approach toward the chosen phenomena of quality of HE institutions in the context of potential opportunities and challenges. Research concerned problems with the differences between students qualified to educational mobility and those not considering it. Materials and methods. The research was conducted in 2017/18 and 2018/2019 at the Faculty of Educational Studies of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, among the female students recruited to the Erasmus+ programme (N=50) and those not taking part in the programme (N=64). The survey method was used. The collected data were statistically analysed using descriptive statistics, frequency analysis, and significance difference tests (Mann-Whitney U-test). Results. The vast majority of respondents considered: offers of HE institutions (96,5%) interesting, their high education quality (92,1%) and new teaching methods (98,2%) in the category of advantages of the involvement in the Erasmus+ programme. Simultaneously, the majority of students not taking part in the programme (in contrast to the minority of students recruited to it) consider those three analyzed aspects of HE institutions offers in the category of the essential threat associated with the foreign mobility.
Wychowanie w Rodzinie; 2021, XXV, (2/2021); 305-320
Pojawia się w:
Wychowanie w Rodzinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zależność pomiędzy aktywnością naukową kadr akademickich a jakością kształcenia
Relation between scientific activityof academic teachersand quality of tertiary education
Rocki, Marek
Data publikacji:
Główny Urząd Statystyczny
aktywność naukowa
jakość kształcenia
zarobki absolwentów
szkoły wyższe
activities of academic teachers
quality of higher education
Analizy jakości kształcenia w szkołach wyższych często wiążą wysoką jakość z aktywnością naukową pracowników jednostki prowadzącej studia. Opublikowanie przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki zestawienia wnioskodawców w konkursach o granty badawcze z lat 2013—2017, a jednocześnie dostępność informacji z ogólnopolskiego systemu monitorowania ekonomicznych losów absolwentów pozwalają na dokonanie próby weryfikacji tej zależności. Zasadnicze wyniki analiz dotyczą uczelni, których jednostki występowały o granty w zakresie nauk ekonomicznych. Prowadzone badania wskazują na niezbyt silny, ale statystycznie istotny związek między zarobkami absolwentów a aktywnością naukową kadr akademickich.
The analyses of the quality of tertiary education are frequently in line with scientific activity of academic teachers from the given university. Data regarding applications for research grants within 2013—2017 published by the National Center of Science as well as data from the monitoring system of professional careers of graduates, allow to verify the above mentioned relationship. The main results of the analyses cover universities with the units that applied for grants in the field of economic science and are showing not strong but statistically significant correlation between the graduates incomes and activites of academic teachers.
Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician; 2019, 64, 3; 27-41
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Quality management in higher education: The individual work of students’ quality management
Gubarenko, Olena
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
individual work of students, quality management, higher education management
The importance of this article is dictated by the necessity to adopt the Bologna standard of higher education including the module system into the frame of the Ukrainian university network. The author gives a brief review of the development of the quality concept and approaches, which have been made to integrate it into higher education management. The article sets out the new scheme of individual work of student management seen as part of the general management process.
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2014, 5, 2; 129-143
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Transformation of university education. From the principle of reason to the principle of the market
Transformacja kształcenia uniwersyteckiego. Od zasady rozumu do zasady rynku
Boczkowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
idea of university
entrepreneurial university
quality of higher education
marketisation of universities
idea uniwersytetu
uniwersytet przedsiębiorczy
jakość kształcenia na poziomie wyższym
urynkowienie wyższych uczelni
Some ideological trends in higher education global discourse, and practical changes in higher education institutions that occur in countries participating in Bologna process, are leading to decreasing the quality of teaching and learning in many fields of university studies. In this paper an attempt is made to characterize the quality of higher education as a subjective or inter-subjective construct referring to the effectiveness and usefulness of the educational process. Also, some aspects of the marketisation of universities (in particular some of its underlying reasons and consequences) are discussed in the last part of the paper.
Niektóre tendencje ideologiczne w globalnym dyskursie edukacyjnym oraz faktyczne zmiany w szkolnictwie wyższym dokonujące się w krajach uczestniczących w procesie bolońskim prowadzą w szczególności do obniżania się jakości nauczania i uczenia się na licznych kierunkach studiów uniwersyteckich. W artykule podjęto próbę scharakteryzowania jakości kształcenia na poziomie wyższym jako zsubiektywizowanego konstruktu odnoszącego się do skuteczności i użyteczności procesu kształcenia. W ostatniej części artykułu omówione zostały niektóre aspekty urynkowienia uniwersytetów (w tym niektóre jego przyczyny i konsekwencje).
Przegląd Socjologiczny; 2016, 65, 4; 59-74
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Use of Quality Models and Indicators for Evaluating Test Quality in an ESP Course
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
ESP, quality of language tests, test reliability, higher education
Qualitative methods of assessment play a decisive role in education in general and in language learning in particular. The necessity to perform a qualitative assessment comes from both increased student competition in higher education institutions (HEIs), and hence higher demands for fair assessment, and a growing public awareness on higher education issues, and therefore the need to account for a wider circle of stakeholders, including socie-ty as a whole. The aim of the present paper is to study the regulations and laws pertaining to the issue of assessment in Latvian HEIs, as well as to carry out literature sources analysis about assessment in language testing, seeking to select criteria characterizing the quality of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) tests and to apply the model of evaluating the quality of a language test on an example of a test in sport English, developed in a Latvian higher education institution. An analysis of the regulations and laws about assessment in higher education and li-terature sources about tests in language courses has enabled the development of a test qu-ality model, consisting of seven intrinsic quality criteria: clarity, adequacy, deep approach, attractiveness, originality/similarity, orientation towards student learning result/process, test scoring objectivity/subjectivity. Quality criteria comprise eleven indicators. The relia-bility of the given model is evaluated by means of the whole model, its criteria and indica-tor Cronbach’s alphas and point-biserial (item-total) correlations or discrimination indexes DI. The test was taken by 63 participants, all of them 2nd year full time students attending a Latvian higher education institution.A statistical data analysis was performed with SPSS 17.0. The results show that, altho-ugh test adequacy and clarity is sufficiently high, attractiveness and deep approach should be improved. Also the reliability of one version of the test is higher than that of the other one. One of the ways to improve test quality could be to involve other HEIs in the process of designing tests, because in a small institution it is difficult to collect authentic material for test design and create reliable language tests in a narrow field (in our case: sport English).
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2013, 4, 2; 200-207
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Proces Boloński: perspektywa jakości kształcenia
The Bologna Process. Higher Education Quality Perspective
Socha, Mieczysław
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Proces Boloński
jakość kształcenia
europejski wymiar kształcenia
Krajowe Ramy Kwalifikacyjne
zmiany w polskim kształceniu wyższym
Bologna process
Quality of Higher Education
European Qualifications Framework
National Qualifications Framework
Changes in the Polish Higher Education
Szkolnictwo wyższe w Europie cechuje, duże zróżnicowanie instytucji szkolnictwa wyższego, narodowe polityki i regulacje prawne tego sektora, słabe powiązanie z potrzebami rynku pracy. Zapoczątkowany 10 lat temu tzw. Proces Boloński miał doprowadzić do powstania EHEA, większej porównywalności programów studiów i dyplomów, mobilności studentów i kadry, zatrudnialności absolwentów a w konsekwencji poprawy konkurencyjności europejskiego szkolnictwa na globalnym rynku edukacyjnym. Jednym z jego priorytetów jest systematyczne podnoszenie jakości kształcenia wyższego. W tym celu wdrożono liczne rozwiązania mające na celu stworzenie europejskich ram dla funkcjonowania licznych komisji akredytacyjnych i zwiększenie zaufania w środowisku akademickim. W Polsce system wewnętrznej i zewnętrznej oceny jakości wdrażany był z pewnym opóźnieniem. Znowelizowana w marcu 2011 r. ustawa Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym stwarza szanse na odrobienie tego opóźnienia. Z punktu widzenia poprawy jakości istotne znaczenie ma zwiększenie autonomii uczelni w projektowaniu programów studiów i odpowiedzialności za ich jakość, wdrożenie Krajowych Ram Kwalifikacji w szkolnictwie wyższym. Nowe prawo wzmacnia pozycję PKA oraz wprowadza możliwość prowadzeniatzw. oceny instytucjonalnej.Nowy model akredytacji jest lepiej dopasowany do wyzwań przed jakimi stoi polskie szkolnictwo wyższe. Promuje uczelnie które rozwijają swoje systemy zapewniania i wzbogacania jakość kształcenia a centralnym punktem oceny stają się efekty uczenia się. Wykorzystanie tej szansy zależy od zaangażowania pracowników i studentów w rozwój nowoczesnych wewnętrznych systemów zapewniania i wzbogacania jakości kształcenia.
European higher education sector is very diversified with national approachesto the policies and regulations and weak links with the business sector. Bologna process launched 10 years ago, was to create European Higher Education Area with better comparability of study programs and diplomas, higher graduates’ employability and improvement in attractiveness and competitiveness improvement in quality of tertiary education. In order to achieve this goal and to build mutual trust many solutions aimed at establishing common European framework for many quality assurance agencies were implemented. In Poland Bologna Process internal and external quality assurance systems were implemented rather late. Amendments to Law on Higher education made in March 2011 provide better opportunity for introducing lacking tools of the Bologna Process, first and foremost National Qualifications Framework. HEIs will enjoy larger autonomy in designing study programs, learning outcomes, curricula, and will take full responsibility for their quality. New Law among others strengthen the position of PKA and introduces possibility of conducting institutional evaluation. The new accreditation model is more adequate to challenges with which the Polish HEIs are faced. It takes into account learning outcomes as the basis for quality of education development and promotes those HEIs, which are able to build an appropriate system of assuring and enhancing quality in education. Full exploitation of these opportunities depends on the academic staff and students engagement in developing modern, internal quality assurance and enhancement systems.
Przegląd Socjologiczny; 2011, 60, 4; 39-65
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Show issue Year 2018 Volume 10 Issue 2 The quality of education in higher education (a perspective of an organisational game)
Korybski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie
higher education
education process
quality of education
education quality management
organisational game
The quality of education in higher education concerns both the process of education and higher education as a good produced as a result of education processes. In the last several dozen years, the quality of education has become a major issue dealt with as part of public policy in the area of higher education both in the dimension of particular countries participating in the Bologna Process, and in the European Higher Education Area. As a result, social sciences have shown more interest in education processes in higher education, with managing the quality of education becoming one of the ideas central to the matter. Studies into the quality of education are conducted nowadays by representatives of many social sciences, adopting many different research approaches. The research approach proposed in this article refers to the organisational game concept and draws on the assumptions and the notional apparatus of the so-called decision-making approach as regards making public decisions. A particular assumption that has been made is that the activity of entities involved in the process of education and performing different roles therein (public authorities, higher education institutions and their associations, accreditation agencies and other institutions assessing the quality of higher education, the so-called stakeholders of higher education institutions) can be described and explained as decisions of players playing multiplayer and multilevel games for the organisation of education processes and for higher education. Games for education processes and for higher education are currently played not only in the hierarchical structure of the state, but also in a broader organisational perspective, which is the European Higher Education Area. Managing the quality of education in this area is not controlled top-down, and involves mainly arranging some binding and guiding institutional solutions which are to lead to an increased competitiveness of education processes and higher education offered by European higher education institutions.
Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne Studia nad Prawem; 2018, 10, 2; 168-184
Pojawia się w:
Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne Studia nad Prawem
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Badanie ankietowe jako element ewaluacji jakości kształcenia na uczelniach wyższych
Jeziński, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
survey research
quality of education
higher education
USOS system
The paper concerns on advantages and disadvantages of survey researches used as tools in the process of evaluation of education quality in contemporary Poland. Education quality is usually surveyed by using questionnaires accessible in electronic internet form as a part of the USOS system. It is implied that survey, as a research method, is an effective means applicable to measure opinions, attitudes and expectations of the students. Moreover, the internet form of survey takes the most of advantages of the traditional forms of research, which makes it an efficient tool in the process of evaluation in the higher education. This way of research prevail at Polish universities.
Kultura i Edukacja; 2016, 3(113); 213-227
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Significance of the concept of quality of education for didactics of mathematics in universities in Poland
Maciuk, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
didactics of mathematics
quality of education
higher education sector in Poland
In the last twenty years the number of students and universities in Poland has increased more than four times. This quantitative increase has meant for the didactics of mathematics the need to reduce the level of education. Currently, this upward trend is in reverse and the higher education sector, practically in all Europe, can expect reductions. The current efforts of policy makers and academic staff are focused on improving the quality of education in order – among other reasons – to stay competitive. Shifting focus from quantity and efficiency to quality of education can be an opportunity but also a threat. The problem is how to understand the quality of education and how it can be put into pedagogical practice. Maths education has its own specific conditions. Taking them into account may result not only in improving the quality of didactics of mathematics, but more widely – improving the quality of what is understood as the process of higher education. The article gives an overview of the changes taking place in the Polish higher education sector over the last two decades and of the various definitions of the quality of education. It also presents some conclusions on the relation between the interpretation of the quality of education and didactics of mathematics.
Didactics of Mathematics; 2013, 10(14); 65-76
Pojawia się w:
Didactics of Mathematics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Factors determining satisfaction with e-learning during the pandemic in the opinion of Polish and Spanish students: analysis of differences and similarities
Marciniak, Renata
Rembielak, Grażyna
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
e-learning satisfaction
online education
quality of education
higher education
E-learning has become a challenge for many universities worldwide, which during the pandemic had to switch overnight from offline to online learning and meet the expectations of students for whom this form of education was often alien. The aim of the paper is to present how students from two different countries, Spain and Poland, perceived e-learning during the pandemic, what factors, in their opinion, influenced their satisfaction with this form of education, which of them decreased it; and what are the similarities and differences in their opinion. In order to get to know their opinions, an online survey was conducted with students at the University of Manresa (Spain), and telephone interviews with students of the Warsaw University of Technology Business School. A comparative analysis of the obtained results was then performed to determine the similarities and differences in the satisfaction with e-learning between the Spanish and Polish students. The study shows that the main factors satisfying both groups of students are the possibility to use digital didactic materials, the quality of e-learning platforms, the organisation of e-learning, and the support provided by universities and lecturers. The most significant differences were visible in the perception of online classes, the formula for completing the course, and the didactic activities for students. The research results lead to the conclusion that despite the cultural differences and different teaching systems, the factors satisfying students with e-learning in the two countries were in fact quite similar.
e-mentor. Czasopismo naukowe Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie; 2022, 96, 4; 14-24
Pojawia się w:
e-mentor. Czasopismo naukowe Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola jakości kształcenia w kształceniu ustawicznym w polskich szkołach wyższych
Wyszyński, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej. Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych i Społecznych
The article constitutes an attempt to present aspects chosen by the author conditioning the construction and realization of educational offer outside tertiary education and an attempt to forecast the use of already existing and implemented solutions concerning the quality of education, in order to exhibit its usefulness in raising attractiveness and effectiveness of such an education, mainly concerning adult people.
Colloquium; 2013, 5, 4; 93-104
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Formation of Management-Qualitological Competences Among specialists in Education Quality Problem
Кondur, Oksana
Ridei, Nataliia
Kuzmenko, Yevhen
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
vocational training
quality of education
quality management
institution of higher education
architectonics of the educational and scientific system
The article substantiates the existence of a social contract for highly qualified specialists, professionals in quality management in the HEF. On the basis of the introduced definition “model of professional training of future specialists ineducation quality in HEF”, the structural and functional model of the system of professional training of such specialists was developed. The training of quality management professionals is based on the international principles of technical regulation in the fields of education, science and innovation, which determines the application of the ISO standards metric. A two-faceted methodology for organizing the professional training of quality specialists in the HEF is proposed.
Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka; 2019, 10, 4; 267-271
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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