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Pragmatismus über alles!
Leszczyński, Damian
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Co pragmatyzm ma do zaoferowania w obliczu „problemów współczesnego świata”? Pragmatyzm jest jedną z dominujących dziś ideologii humanistycznych. Mimo pozorów nowości, w istocie jest to – jak stwierdził James – jedynie nowa nazwa dla starych pomysłów. Omawiając główne założenia pragmatycznej ideologii odwołuję się do dwóch dziewiętnastowiecznych ruchów myślowych – pozytywizmu Comte’a i marksizmu. Moim zdaniem pragmatyzm, a raczej ideologia pragmatyczna, jest współczesnym wariantem tych eschatologicznych ruchów, a jako taki nie jest w stanie poradzić sobie z „problemami współczesnego świata”.
Przegląd Filozoficzny. Nowa Seria; 2016, 2; 617-624
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Filozoficzny. Nowa Seria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Źródła myśli filozoficzno-ewolucyjnej Tadeusza Garbowskiego w czasach monarchii austro-węgierskiej
Fiut, Ignacy Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Garbowski Tadeusz
In this paper we reconstruct the first and little-known period of positivist philosophy creating by Tadeusz Garbowski, covering the years 1891–1910, when he studied and worked in Vienna. Inspired empiriocriticism, mainly in Adolph Stöhr vertion, created his own philosophical system consists of empiriocritical-evolutionary theory of knowledge, ontological and metaphysical psychomonism, eventually named homogenism, but the basics of the new science, which has become a zoopsychology. These views are presented in the following his works: „Biologie im Lichte phänomenalistischer Metaphysik“ (Wien 1894), „Einige Bemerkung über biologische und philosophische Probleme. Nach einem Vorträge bearbeitet“ (Wien und Leipzig 1906), „Die Organismen und das anorganisches Weltbild. Erkenntniskritische wissenschaftlichen Materialien zur Philosophie“ (Leipzig, 1910), and „La Philosophie de lʼHomogénisme“ (Kraków 1915). We believe that Garbowski is a precursor to the evolutionary theory of knowledge, ontological and metaphysical psychomonism, evolutionary anthropology and sociology in the scientific environment of Vienna at the turn of the XIX and XX century, which is very rarely mentioned.
W artykule rekonstruujemy pierwszy i mało znany okres tworzenia własnej filozofii pozytywistycznej przez Tadeusza Garbowskiego, przypadający na lata 1891–1910, kiedy studiował i pracował w Wiedniu. Inspirowany empiriokrytycyzmem, głównie w wersji Adolpha Stöhra, stworzył własny system filozoficzny składający się z empiriokrytyczno-ewolucyjnej teorii poznania, ontologiczno-metafizycznego psychomonizmu, nazwanego ostatecznie homogenizmem, ale i podstaw nowej nauki, jaką stała się zoopsychologia. Poglądy te przedstawił w następujących pracach: Biologie im Lichte phänomenalistischer Metaphysik (Wien 1894), Einige Bemerkung über biologische und philosophische Probleme. Nach einem Vortrage bearbeitet (Wien und Leipzig 1906), Die Organismen und das anorganisches Weltbild. Erkenntniskritische Materialien zur wissenschaftlichen Philosophie (Leipzig 1910) i La Philosophie de lʼHomogénisme (Kraków 1915). Sądzimy, że to właśnie Garbowski jest prekursorem ewolucyjnej teorii poznania, ontologiczno-metafizycznego psychomonizmu, antropologii i socjologii ewolucyjnej w naukowym środowisku wiedeńskim, o czym się bardzo rzadko wspomina.
Galicja. Studia i materiały; 2016, 2; 126-147
Pojawia się w:
Galicja. Studia i materiały
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pozytywistyczne spotkania z Markiewiczem
Bujnicki, Tadeusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Markiewicz Henryk, pozytywizm, historia literatury, marksizm
Positivist meetings with Markiewicz The article discusses the academic output of Henry Markiewicz dedicated to the literature of Polish Positivism. Professor Markiewicz stands as the pre-eminent connoisseur and lover of the era, author of numerous interpretations, studies and critical edition of the positivist pieces of and, above all, the author of historical-literacy synthesis of the era – the academic textbook „Positivism”. The author of the article writes also about the methodology of research on Positivism used by Markiewicz, which takes from the Marxist inspirations, and also shares personal memories of professional contact with Professor.
Wielogłos; 2014, 1(19)
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pozytywizm kryminologiczny i jego krytyka
Positivist Criminology: A Critique
Krajewski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
pozytywizm kryminologiczny
positivist criminology
The origins of criminology as a separate and independent field of scientific research are usually linked to the emergence of the so called positive school of criminology in the second half of the nineteenth century and with the name of its leading representative Cesare Lombroso. Undoubtedly since that time criminological thought went through a long and substantial evolution which produced a variety of new concepts and theories. As a result of this one could assume that contemporary criminology has very little in common with the ideas of its founders. Despite this, there is growing conviction in the literature that the  heritage of Lombroso and Italian positivism still influences significantly contemporary criminological theory. Of course, the essence of this influence lies not in the details of Lombroso’s anthropological ideas which were proven wrong long ago, but in certain quetions asked by him and his school and methods adopted to answer them. Those questions and methods were strictly connected with and resulted from the particular ideas about human society and social world, as well as with the ideas regarding the role, functions and methods of scientific research which prevailed in the social sciences in the second half of the previous century which are commonly referred to as positivism. It justifies the designation as positivist criminology of almost all criminological thought and research since the times of Lombroso up to the late 1950’s.             Positivist criminology is ditinguished first of all by its naturalism, e.g. an assumption that all methodological principles developed in sciences apply equally to social sciences which do not possess any substantial methodical peculiarities. It means also that the main task of scientific research is to discover and formulate causal laws and the assumption of objectivity and value neutrality of science and the scientist. The basic question of such criminology based on the deterministic concept of social world and human behaviour was an etiological one: why do certain people commit crimes while others don’t? It means that the main task of positivist criminology is the search for the causes of crime. Another important feature of positivist criminology is the consensual model of the social order it usually assumes. Such a model implies that the entire social order and the very existence of human society result from the sharing of certain values and norms by the large majority of the members of such society. According to this view, also, criminal law represents an example of such consensus and its norms are subject to widespread acceptance. Criminals represent some unique category of misfits or outsiders somehow different from all other „normal” people, a category which refuses to submit to social consensus. A final result of this way of thinking leads to the conclusion that the explanation of a crime and finding its causes requires concentration on the individual who behaves criminally. Because of this, positivist criminology is a science having as its subject the criminal and his behaviour. Pure accumulation of knowledge was never the sole purpose of criminological research. Positivist criminology tried always to be also an applied science, providing scientific grounds for lawmaking and law enforcement. Results of criminological research, data about the criminal and his behaviour should help to change him: rehabilitate, resocialize, correct or heal. In other words, the main purpose of positivist criminology was to provide scientific methods of bringing known misfits and outsiders back the social consensus they left. This feature of positivist criminology is usually referred to in literature as correctionalism. The above reconstruction of the main features of positivist criminology probably corresponds better to European criminology, which was in fact for many years dominated by the ,,lombrosian myth”. One can doubt however whether American criminology  may also be described in such terms.  The problem is that, because of its clear sociological orientation, American criminology is regarded rather as a heritage of A. Quetelet, A. Guerry or E. Durkheim and not  of Lombroso. Usually it perceived crime as a social phenomenon and not as an individual pathology. But it is equally true that such classical American theories of crime causation as the differential association theory or anomie theory focus their attention on the individual criminal as well. What distinguishes those theories from the European tradition is the conviction that the criminal and his special features are products of an environment. However, in both cases criminals are treated as somehow a different kind of people. All this has important practical implications. The individual approach to crime casuation implies that the proper aim of any correctional influences is the criminal himself. The sociological approach claims that there is also no sense in correcting or changing the criminal unless we do something about the environment which produced him. The natural consequence of such an approach is the preference for social reform and social policy over criminal law as instruments of fighting the crime problem. The former is assigned only a secondary role. This is probably one of the main reasons for  a certain uneasiness and mistrust towards the sociological approach which may be observed criminologists with a legal background; it is considered too abstract and detached from the everyday problems of the criminal justice system as well as too difficult and complicated to implement. Two new criminological currents emerged during last thirty years which remain in opposition towards positivism. The first one, called antinaturalistic criminology, was born during the sixties. It rejected the positivist concept of  social science, asked new and different questions and tried to answer them using different methods. The decisive role in launching this new approach was played by the labelling approach, Its main contribution constituted rejection of the old etiological question and its substitution with the „reactive” one, a question regarding origins and development of the societal reaction to criminal or dewiant behaviour. This meant also an abandonment of positivist methodology of searching for casual laws and a turn towards the methods of humanistic sociology, including understanding, empathy and other similar qualitative methods. According to this trend the main task of the criminological enterprise is to create a sociology law and other forms of social control. Antinaturalistic criminology also adopted an unequivocally pluralistic model of society. Crime and deviance ceased to be perceived as something necessarily pathological. Instead, an attempt was undertaken to treat those phenomena as the result of natural diversity of human beings. To support this stance the labelling approach provided a variety of research on deviant subcultures conducted from what may be called ,,ethnographic positions”, which also denounced the negative effects of punitive social control. The final result was growing scepticism towards the agencies of official social control and such ideas as for example radical nonintervention. The next development can be attributed to radical and critical criminology. These trends assume that social conflict is the main feature of social order and try to understand criminal law and the criminal justice system as the result and manifestation of such conflict. This means that criminalisation processes, e.g. lawmaking and law enforcement, should be explained primarily in terms of political and economic power. Certain groups, because of their access to power, are able to enforce their own values and norms against the will of other groups which may not share them. All this means an unequivocally negative evaluation of the mechanism of social control in contemporary societies which are considered oppressive and unjust. An alternative vision of the society is proposed, a society where facts of human diversity are not subject to the power to criminalize. The way such vision should be implemented are very different and may be placed on the broad continuum from the orthodox Marxism-Leninism and belief in ideal socialism to the humanistic utopias of contemporary abolitionists. Such visions are accompanied by very strong opposition to traditional, mainstream criminology which is accused of being totally and uncritically apologetic and subservient towards the state and institutions of power. According to this view, positivist criminology under the disguise of scientific neutrality and objectivity, in fact legitimizes the existing political and moral order and serves the interests of the privileged groups in society. As a result a new attitude of moral and political commitment is proposed. Science, according to these postulates should be definitely partisan. Such an attitude should break the monopoly of positivist criminology in creating social consciousness about crime and deviance and show the broad audience that alternative are possible. In sum, one can say that the main subject of interest for traditional, positivist criminology constituted always the criminal and that the main problem was to root out his criminal propensities. For antinaturalistic criminology the main problem is the system of social control which requires fundamental change. During the seventies another criminological current emerged, known as neoclassicism, which criticized traditional, positivist criminology from quite different angles. This current, which remains primarily an American phenomenon, constitutes, first of all, opposition against the traditional, in the United States, domination of the sociological approach to the crime problem. Representatives of neoclassical criminology are troubled first of all by the above mentioned unclear practical implications of these theories for the criminal justice system. They are, namely, very difficult to translate into the language of policy actions. Moreover, proposed remedies against crime usually remain beyond the reach of traditional measures which the criminal justice system has at its disposal. As a result the turn towards the tradition of the European classical school of criminal law is proposed and enriched by recent achievements of behavioristic psychology and the economic theory of bohaviour. The essence of this approach constitutes the concept of free will and the assumption that criminals are quite normal human individuals making only false decisions. The fact that human behaviour is always guided by the desire to maximize gains and minimize loses makes this behaviour susceptible to external manipulation. The easiest way to influence human decisions is to create a high enough barrier of costs which should eliminate undesired decisions. Criminal law should play a key role in creating such a barrier and preventing criminal behaviour. Moreover, the barrier of costs provided by criminal law constitutes practically the only factor easily accessible to manipulation by any democratic and liberal government. Other ways of influencing crime rates are usually too costly or too difficult to implement. The basic task of criminology is to provide the necessary empirical data on the functioning of criminal law and the criminal justice system, which should be than used to formulate the most effective policies. All three criminological currents discussed above were usually treated as mutually exclusive and competitive paradigms. Today, when the heat of the discussions of the sixties and seventies diminished, there is a good chance to have a less emotional analysis of recent developments in criminology. Probably it will be possible now to come to the conclusion that the emergence during last 150 years of the three distinct paradigms in theoretical criminology may be comprehended not only in terms of consecutive scientific revolutions. Probably it may be also interpreted as the evolutionary process of the cumulation of knowledge about crime. During this process points of view and focuses’ changed as every paradigm considered different aspects of criminal phenomena as being most important and worth of researching. But all three may be considered, at least to a certain extent, complementary ones.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1992, XVIII; 7-50
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dynamika życia i statyka urządzeń społecznych (Leny Magnone „Konopnicka. Lustra i symptomy”)
The dynamics of life and the statics of social instruments (Lena Magnone “Konopnicka. Mirrors and symptoms”)
Małochleb, Paulina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
krytyka feministyczna
Maria Konpnicka
In her dissertation Magnone carries out a reinterpretation of Konopnicka’s writings in the light of feminist theories and post-Freudian psychoanalysis. The researcher focuses on the reception of the poetess’s work, so as to reject the existing directions of interpretation, as she notices in them symptoms of a male striving to dominate the discourse and a fear of a disturbing feminine perspective. She regards the social context, the influence of critics and the moves of Konopnicka herself as mirrors which limit the poetess, which conceal the truth about her life, which distort and imprison. Whereas the truth is liberated only thanks to what has been denied or ousted – the poetess’ complicated relations with her daughters and the twenty-year stay abroad caused by it; it is only the latter that put Konopnicka closer to the discovery of the truth about herself. Yet the authoress of the article points that the interpretation which is suggested by the Warsaw scholar constitutes a kind of mirror and limitation, for Magnone requires that Konopnicka’s entire non-feminist literary output should be rejected and that her writings should be interpreted in a way contrary to her own declarations.
Wielogłos; 2011, 2, 10; 139-145
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tmou za láskou. Renarracja Quo vadis w słowackim musicalu
Szargot, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
The paper is a description of the Slovak musical based on Henryk Sienkiewicz’s novel Quo Vadis. The analysis has been made  on the basis of the categories of intertextual research proposed by George Genette. Transferring Sienkiewicz’s story into the world of pop culture in case of this musical is done by changing its main subject: now it is love in all its meanings. Looking at this, we can see which elements of the author’s creation seem appealing for the contemporary culture: the word (the widely quoted hipotext), the plot  in a broad outline and the emotion it carries.
Tematy i Konteksty; 2019, 14, 9; 599-609
Pojawia się w:
Tematy i Konteksty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Norwid a pozytywistyczna koncepcja dziejów (Henry Thomas Buckle)
Norwid and the Positivist Conception of History (Henry Thomas Buckle)
van Nieukerken, Arent
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
philosophy of history
The worldview of Cyprian Norwid developed in conscious opposition towards European Positivism (Scientism). However, his critical stance did not exclude the possibility of a dialogue. Norwid, due to his being an exile and longtime resident of Paris, the nineteenth century capital of European civilization, acquired a broad knowledge of this new intellectual current. He closely watched the development of Positivist science (particularly in the field of history), and he took account of its discoveries. This is borne out by a letter of Norwid with a (possibly distorted) quotation from the first volume of History of Civilization in England. This monumental work had been written by Henry Thomas Buckle, one of the main representatives (together with Hyppolite Taine and Ernest Renan) of the Positivist philosophy of history. More profound analysis shows that a critical reception of Buckle's philosophy of history left its mark on several later texts of Norwid (e.g. the short stories Stigma and The Secret of Lord Singelworth). Norwid's reception of the Positivist philosophy of history seems to be quite original, because he actually adopted some of its tenets and attempted to incorporate them into a context that revealed their roots in the evangelic Salvation History. Thus, Norwid admitted the epistemological relevance of some Positivist ideas about the nature and structure of history.
Studia Norwidiana; 2011, 29; 33-55
Pojawia się w:
Studia Norwidiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gdyby nie Malik…
If not for Malik…
Żurakowska, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
radio broadcast
Artykuł prezentuje sylwetkę uczonego w oparciu o jego współpracę z radiem regionalnym, która zaowocowała audycjami poświęconymi literaturze. W archiwum Radia Lublin znajduje się dwanaście programów o tematyce jaka fascynowała Malika – literackich biografiach, Prusie a także pisarzach współczesnych. Obecnie nagrania te nie są udostępniane dla szerokiego odbiorcy, tym ciekawsza wydaje się  prezentacja części z nich. Artykuł zawiera opis i analizę wybranych programów, przywołuje cytaty zaczerpnięte z nagrań, podaje okoliczności w jakich dokonano rejestracji materiału. Audycje pozwalają poznać specyficzny styl argumentowania uczonego, znajomość biografii pisarzy, pasję z jaką profesor badał literaturę i niezwykłe przywiązanie do Lublina i regionu. Słuchacz uzyskuje także wiedzę o ludziach dla niego ważnych, autorytetach, Malik często nawiązywał do postaci wybitnego literaturoznawcy, jakim był prof. Stanisław Fita, nazywany przez  niego Mistrzem. Do pracy  dołączony jest wykaz, znajdujących się w archiwum RL programów, w których brał udział prof. J. Malik.
The article presents the profile of the scholar, based on his cooperation with the regional radio that resulted in a series of radio programs on literature. In the archive of Radio Lublin there are twelve broadcasts on the subject matter that fascinated Malik – literary biographies, Prus and contemporary writers. Currently these tapes are not available to the public, which renders the presentation of some of them all the more interesting. The article includes a description and an analysis of selected programs, cites parts of the recordings and presents the circumstances of the registration of the material. The programs let the audience get acquainted with the scholar’s specific argumentation style, his knowledge of authors’ biographies, the passion with which he studied literature and his unusual attachment to Lublin and the region. The listener also learns about the people who were important to the professor, his idols; Malik often referred to the figure of the great literary scholar Prof. Stanisław Fit, whom he called the Master. Attached to the article is the list of the programs that are held in the Radio Lublin archive and that Prof. J. Malik took part in.
Zeszyty Naukowe KUL; 2018, 61, 2; 217-225
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wprowadzenie prozy dla młodego czytelnika w świat konwencji modernistycznych (na przykładzie Cudownych bajek Adolfa Dygasińskiego)
Niekra, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Adolf Dygasiński is a writer who can be called a witness of the transformation that began in literature at the end of the 19th century. His work, for most part, was connected with positivism, and it is described as such by the critics. But the fantastic prose addressed to young readers that he created clearly departs from this scheme. Wonderful Tales are examples of positivist trends that are broken by the conventions of modernism. Their author is recognized as a pioneer because the literature for children and young people had not yet been dominated by the new aesthetics and ideals that began to inspire both artists and the consumers of art in the 1890s. The analysis of various fairy tales written by Dygasiński and published in a book of poems departs from the existing conventions. This is expressed in the changes of the hero’s personality, partial transformation of the structure of the tales and the world presented, as well as the revaluation of certain ideas. Wonderful Tales are, therefore, a valuable source of knowledge about the crystallization of the phenomena that have become representative for modernist literature.
Adolf Dygasiński to pisarz, którego można nazwać świadkiem przeobrażeń, jakie pod koniec XIX wieku zaczęły się dokonywać w literaturze. O ile jednak jego twórczość w przeważającej części wpisuje się w tendencje pozytywistyczne i tak bywa widziana przez krytykę, o tyle stworzona przez niego proza fantastyczna, skierowana do młodego czytelnika, wyraźnie odchodzi od tego schematu. Cudowne bajki stanowią przykład utworów przełamujących konwencje pozytywistyczne na rzecz modernistycznych. Ich autor wykazuje się w tym względzie prekursorstwem, bo piśmiennictwo dla dzieci i młodzieży nie znajdowało dotąd miejsca dla nowej estetyki oraz ideałów, które w latach dziewięćdziesiątych XIX wieku zaczęły inspirować nie tylko twórców, ale również odbiorców sztuki. Analiza poszczególnych bajek Dygasińskiego w kolejności innej, niż pojawiają się w tomiku, ujawnia odejście od obowiązujących konwencji. Wyraża się to w procesie zmiany osobowości bohatera, częściowym przekształceniu samej struktury baśni, świata przedstawionego, a także przewartościowaniu pewnych idei. Cudowne bajki stanowią cenne źródło wiedzy o krystalizowaniu się zjawisk, które staną się reprezentatywne dla piśmiennictwa modernistycznego.
Acta Humana; 2015, 6
Pojawia się w:
Acta Humana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lwowskie początki pozytywizmu polskiego
Jedynak, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Dziennik Literacki
Kazimierz Chłędowski
Ludwik Powidaj
pozytywizm polski
This study presents Lviv beginnings of Polish Positivism, or even beginnings of Polish Positivism. Texts from „Dziennik Literacki” (Literary Journal), especially by Ludwik Powidaj or Kazimierz Chłędowski, were read by students in Warsaw, who later formed Warsaw Positivism. Those texts provided them with the first information about the problems concerning Positivism. Non-positivist Józef Supiński also had influence on the formation of the Warsaw Positivists views, but that is another story.
W niniejszym studium przedstawiam lwowskie początki pozytywizmu polskiego, czyli w ogóle początki pozytywizmu polskiego. Teksty z „Dziennika Literackiego”, zwłaszcza Ludwika Powidaja i Kazimierza Chłędowskiego, były czytane jeszcze na ławie szkolnej przez późniejszych pozytywistów warszawskich. Dostarczyły im one pierwszych informacji o problematyce pozytywistycznej. Na formowanie się poglądów pozytywistów warszawskich miał też wpływ niepozytywista przecież Józef Supiński, ale to jest już inna historia.
Galicja. Studia i materiały; 2016, 2; 43-49
Pojawia się w:
Galicja. Studia i materiały
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
As publicystyki polskiej przełomu XIX i XX w. Aleksander Świętochowski i jego związki z prasą
Cichocka, Marta
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Aleksander Świętochowski
From the age of 23 until his death at the age of 89, thus for more than half a century, Aleksander Świętochowski was associated with the Polish press. He was an author of texts, editor and publisher, owner of three magazines: „Prawda” („The Truth”), „Kultura Polska” („Polish Culture”), and „Humanista Polski” („The Polish Humanist”). Despite numerous additional activities in the public sphere - literary, social and educational, political - biographers unanimously believe that, above all, he was a journalist and in this role he had no equal. The aim of the article is to show life of „ The Apostle of Truth” through the prism of his relations with the press. The main theme has been set in the broader context of the political realities of the time. Due to the wide time span, the professional career dynamics of the protagonist and the evolution of his image were taken into account. Świętochowski’s approach to work, as well as his view on the surrounding reality, has been analyzed and an attempt has been made to assess the motives behind his decisions related to his profession.
Polish Biographical Studies; 2018, 6; 7-33
Pojawia się w:
Polish Biographical Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Carla Schmitta krytyka liberalizmu w latach 1916-1938. Próba syntezy i interpretacji
Engelking, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Carl Schmitt
krytyka techniki
Hans Kelsen
Artykuł jest analizą krytyki, której niemiecki filozof prawa i teoretyk polityki poddał w swoich pisanych przed 1939 r. pracach liberalizm – jako filozofię polityczną, system zarządzania państwem, jak również system prawny, tj. pozytywizm z liberalizmu wynikający. Autor skupia się na prześledzeniu owej krytyki od pierwszych dzieł Schmitta, czyli analiz filologicznych, poprzez schmittiańską krytykę konstytucji Republiki Weimarskiej z 1919 r., dochodząc do sporu prowadzonego przez myśliciela z Plettenbergu z Hansem Kelsenem; stara się pokazać pewne stałe elementy poczynionej przez Schmitta krytyki (akcentowanie wpływu rozwoju technologicznego na proces polityczny, teorię obszaru centralnego) jak również te, które zmieniały się w czasie (stosunek Schmitta do Hobbesa jako ojca liberalizmu, jego namysł nad neutralizacją sfery publicznej). Tekst uzupełnia analiza pozytywnego – w pewnym przynajmniej sposobie – remedium na liberalizm, jakie Schmitt wynalazł, czyli teoria stanu wyjątkowego, analizowanego po pierwsze na gruncie art. 48 konstytucji Republiki Weimarskiej, po drugie zaś: jako zsekularyzowanego pojęcia teologicznego „stanu bez nazwy”.
Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne; 2019, 71, 2
Pojawia się w:
Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Filozofia – Religia – Edukacja. Ku cywilizacji przyszłości – M. Straszewskiego filozofia religii
Philosophy – religion – education. The path to civilisation of the future – the philosophy of religion
Kojkoł, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Religioznawcze
The article presents positivist-inspired deliberations of M. Straszewski, which form a quite coherent, credible vision of the future of philosophy. According to it, man starts to reason when he achieves high level of socioeconomical development. This process begins from religion, complemented or fought by philosophy. It is the effect of systematic and methodicalreflecion, and, as is, composes a universal phenomenon. Its goal is to deepen religious life. Straszewski enlists the genesis of philosophy into a three-stage rule of spiritual thinking, bringing to mind Comte’s rights of three stages of mankind spiritual development. He stood for the religious genesis of philosophy. Demonstrating that every philosophy starts from religious beliefs, and, while developing, forms new beliefs or deepens the old ones. In the context of these deliberations, there appears an argument, that, except for christianity, all religions (philosophies) have stuck in their development at the practical or dialectical degree of cognitive development. This is why M. Straszewski considered, that only christianity could be a religion to embrace all mankind, accompanied with the European civilization. Therefore, the catholics have to actively fight for the renaissance of their own spirituality. This means to get rid of fanaticism and police methods of operation, to stop serving various “cliques”, parties, governments or political doctrines.
„Młodzieży naszej nie zaprawia się do ogarniania szerszych horyzontów, jej się nie wpaja bynajmniej uczuć wzechludzkiej miłości chrześcijańskiej i sprawiedliwości. Religia i filozofia są dziś bardzo upośledzone przez szkołę, której za główne zadanie stawia się wytrenowanie umysłów do służby państwowej”. Wskutek takiego podejścia Europa staje się podatna na odradzające się fanatyzmy (namiętności) religijne. Proces ten nie oznacza jednak wzrostu życia religijnego i pogłębienia wiary, a jedynie spotęgowanie nienawiści do innego oraz brak humanitaryzmu. Ta myśl sformułowana ponad sto lat temu przez Maurycego Straszewskiego wydaje się nadal aktualna.
Przegląd Religioznawczy; 2018, 3/269
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Religioznawczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Badanie tego, co społeczne. Problem statusu naukowego socjologii
Thinking what is social. Problem of scientific status of sociology
Pomiankiewicz, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
W tekście przedstawiam wybrane spojrzenia na naukę i jej definicje, na ich tle umieszczając socjologię. Jest to podstawą do rozważań na temat tego, czym jest nauka bądź czym być ona powinna i jak na tym tle powinno się rozumieć naukowość socjologii. Wychodzę tu od normatywno-funkcjonalnej koncepcji nauki, której wzorem są nauki przyrodnicze, a następnie przedstawiam jej krytyki w postaci socjologicznie, kulturowo i lingwistycznie zorientowanych podejść, podkreślających konsekwencje społecznego uwikłania praktyki naukowej. Próba mówienia o tym, czym jest socjologia i jaki jest jej status jako nauki wymaga określenia tego, co jest przedmiotem socjologicznego namysłu i badań. Zatem wymaga to odpowiedzi na pytanie, czym jest to, co społeczne. Dopiero odpowiedź kieruje nas na drogę rozważania nad sposobami badania tego, co społeczne, czyli namysłu nad tym, jakiego rodzaju nauką jest socjologia.
This is the basis for discussion about what science is, or what it should be, and how, therefore, in this background should be understood scientificity of sociology. I go here from normative - functional conception of science, where the model of it is natural science. Then I present sociologically, culturally and linguistically-oriented approaches that criticize positivistic view of science, highlighting social consequences of the entanglement of scientific practice. To speak about what is sociology and what is its status as a science requires findings of what is the subject of sociological thought and research. So that requires a response to the question: what is the social? Only the answer to this question leads us to reflect on the way of research methods of the social, or to reflect on what kind of science is sociology.
Przegląd Socjologiczny; 2013, 62, 4; 115 -138
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Herbert L. A. Hart – pozytywizm umiarkowany
Herbert L.A. Hart –between moderate positivism and normativism
Sylwestrzak, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
pozytywizm prawniczy, pozytywizm umiarkowany Harta, „norma podstawowa” Kelsena, kompromis pozytywistyczny.
juridical positivism, moderate positivism of Hart, Kelsen’s Grundnorm, compromise of positivism.
The article is concerned with the methodological stand represented by H.L.A. Hart, a moderate positivist scholar searching for the links between positivist and normativist approaches. He indicates that the focus on obligations/civic duties does not entail exclu- sion of extra-legal factors. An extreme example in this respect is Kelsen’s theory of the “basic norm” as well as Austin and Jellinek’s references to customs and the law of God. The article brings the basic premises behind Heart’s theory as well as those of Austin, Jellinek and Kelsen’s normativism in order to expose incongruities in the research of the latter. The concluding part of the article reveals how Heart’s theory of “moderate positiv- ism” emerged from his references to the methodological weaknesses of positivism and normativism.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2016, 15, 2; 143-158
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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