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Wpływ korzeni grabu na wytrzymałość gruntu na ścinanie
The influence of hornbeam roots on shear strength of soil
Zydron, T.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Stowarzyszenie Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich PAN
Pogorze Ciezkowickie
wytrzymalosc na scinanie
zbrojenie gruntu
wytrzymalosc na rozciaganie
Carpinus betulus
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań parametrów wytrzymałościowych korzeni grabu (Carpinus betulus L.) pobranych z jednego ze zboczy z okolic Ciężkowic (Pogórze Ciężkowickie). W ramach badań prze-prowadzono badania wytrzymałości na rozciąganie, dokonano pomiaru względnej powierzchni korzeni w gruncie oraz przeprowadzono badania wytrzymałości na ścinanie gruntu oraz gruntu zbrojonego korzeniami. Badania wytrzymałości na rozciąganie przeprowadzono w zrywarka produkcji firmy Hounsfield H50KS na próbkach o długości 0,1 m stosując prędkość odkształceń 10 mm.min-1. Badania wytrzymałości na ścina-nie przeprowadzono w aparacie bezpośredniego ścinania o wymiarach skrzynki 120 x 120 mm na próbkach gruntu oraz gruntu zbrojonego 6 oraz 10 korzeniami grabu. Wyniki badań wytrzymałości na rozciąganie oraz ich analiza wykazały, że korzenie grabu charakteryzują się wysoką wytrzymałością na rozciąganie w porównaniu do innych gatunków drzew. Pomiary względnej powierzchni korzeni w gruncie wykazały, że największe zagęszczenie korzeni występuje w przypowierzchniowej warstwie gruntu sięgającej do ok. 0,3 m ppt., a na głębokości 1,0 m ppt. występują pojedyncze korzenie. Udział korzeni w profilu gruntowym wyniósł ok. 0,4 %, co stanowi niską wartość w stosunku wyników badań tego typu systemu korzeniowego. Wyniki badań wytrzymałości na ścinanie wykazały, że wraz ze wzrostem względnej powierzchni korzeni w gruncie następuje zwiększenie jego wytrzymałości na ścinanie, przy czym wzrost ten jest spowodowany znaczącą zmianą spójności. Przy wartościach względnej powierzchni korzeni w gruncie w zakresie 0,11–0,26% uzyskano przyrost wytrzymałości gruntu na ścinanie od 2,7 do 8,6 kPa.
Results of mechanical parameters of hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) originated from slope near Ciężkowice (Pogórze Ciężkowickie Mts.) are presented in the paper. In the frame of research were performed tensile force tests, were determined root area ratio within soil profile and shear strength tests of soil and reinforced soil were done. Tensile strength tests were carried out in the tensile testing machine manufactured by Hounsfield H50KS on samples with a length of 0.1 m using a strain speed of 10 mm per minute. Shear strength tests were performed in a direct shear box with measurements 120 x 120 mm for soil samples and soil reinforced by 6 and 10 roots of hornbeam. Results of tensile tests and their analysis revealed that hornbeam roots are very strong in comparison to some species of plants. Root area ration measurements show that the highest density of roots was observed in the upper superficial layer of soil profile (at the depth of 0,3 m below terrain level) and at the depth 1,0 m below terrain level were observed individual roots. Maximum value of root area ratio was equal to 0,6% and it was smaller in comparison to tests results obtained for this species cited in literature. Results of shear strength tests revealed that the increase of root area ratio within soil influenced on the increase of shear strength of soil, which was related mainly to the change of cohesion. The shear strength tests showed that at the root area ratio in the range 0,11-0,26% the increase of shear strength of soil due to root reinforcement was from 2,7 to 8,6 kPa.
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich; 2014, I/1
Pojawia się w:
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ grabu (Carpinus betulus L.) na wzrost i przeżywalność dębu (Quercus robur L.) w fazie młodnika
Effect of hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) on growth and survival of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) during the thicket stage
Andrzejczyk, T.
Brzeziecki, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
hodowla lasu
drzewostany mieszane
drzewa lesne
grab pospolity
Carpinus betulus
oddzialywanie na rosliny
dab szypulkowy
Quercus robur
wzrost roslin
przyrost wysokosci
przyrost piersnicy
artificial regeneration
interspecific competition
mixing form
Growth and mortality of oak (Quercus robur L.) in young mixed stands with various admixture of hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) in the period of 9−13 years after planting were examined. The trial stand is located in central Poland (51.827023° N, 19.922315° E). It was established in 2004 on a moderately fertile site. Four experimental variants with different participation of oak (O) and hornbeam (H) were established: W1 – an oak monoculture (control variant, 100% O), W2 – a mixed stand consisting of two rows of oak and one row of hornbeam (67% O, 33% H), W3 – a mixed stand consisting of one row of oak and one row of hornbeam (50% O, 50% H), W4 – a mixed stand characterized by a single tree mixture, with three oaks and one hornbeam alternately occurring in each row (75% O, 25% H). During the first two years of the study period the height increments of oak trees were significantly larger in the study variants with hornbeam (the biggest in W3 variant), while during the next two years, the largest values of height increments occurred in the control variant (W1). Through the second part of the study period, the most pronounced, negative effect of hornbeam on the dbh increment of oak trees took place in the W3 variant. During the first nine years after planting the survival rate of oak trees in the variants with hornbeam were similar (82−94%) as in the control variant (85%). However, during the next four years, three times more oaks died in W3 variant (16,5%) than in other variants (5−7%). In general, the results obtained suggest that in order to create mixed oak stands with hornbeam as a nursery species, the share of hornbeam should not exceed 20−25% of all planted trees. The above value appears to be acceptable from the point of view of the negative competitive effects of hornbeam on oak trees during the initial stages of stand development.
Sylwan; 2018, 162, 12; 989-997
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wzory do okreslania miazszosci grubizny dla modrzewia, osiki, grabu, topoli i lipy
Wroblewski, L.
Zasada, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
topola osika
Populus tremula
miazszosc drzew
wzory empiryczne
drzewa lesne
Sylwan; 2001, 145, 11; 71-79
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
New woody cultivars from the Botanical Garden of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Nowe odmiany drzew z Ogrodu Botanicznego PAN w Powsinie
Marczewski, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Dendrologiczne
Botanical Garden of the Polish Academy of Sciences
new cultivar
wood cultivar
Carpinus betulus
Ginkgo biloba
Liriodendron tulipifera
Picea abies
Thuja occidentalis
The paper describes 11 new woody cultivars selected in Botanical Garden PAS in the years 1977-2009. The new cultivars include: seedlings of Picea pungens found in Podzamcze Nurseries with shoots and needles similar to Picea abies ‘Virgata’; plants selected from seedlings of Carpinus betulus ‘Pendula’ of very variable shapes, from depressed shrubby forms to tall trees with shapely pendant shoots; new yellow-leaved Thuja occidentalis with intensive colours and shape similar to Thuja occidentalis ‘Malonyana’ (it was selected from its seedling); a new form of delicately yellow-leaved Ginkgo biloba; and one cultivar of Liriodendron tulipifera with slightly conical, regular shape and strong growth habit.
Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Dendrologicznego; 2009, 57
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Dendrologicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
First record of slime molds in Biebrza National Park (NE Poland)
Ślusarczyk, Dominika Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
slime mould
first record
eukaryotic organism
protected area
Tilia cordata
Acer platanoides
Betula pendula
Carpinus betulus
Biebrza National Park
This paper provides the first recorded data of slime molds in Biebrza National Park (NE Poland). In total, 16 species of myxomycetes belonging to nine genera were observed.
Acta Mycologica; 2021, 56, 1; 564
Pojawia się w:
Acta Mycologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Comparison of pollen concentration of selected tree taxa in Lublin and in the Roztocze region [SA Poland] - the results of three monitoring methods
Porownanie koncentracji ziarn pylku wybranych taksonow drzew w Lublinie i na Roztoczu przy zastosowaniu trzech metod badan
Pidek, I A
Weryszko-Chmielewska, E
Piotrowska, K
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
Lublin city
pollen concentration
modern pollen deposition
Pollen Monitoring Programme
monitoring method
pollen monitoring
Roztocze macroregion
Anemophilous trees of Betula and Alnus genera produce very high amount of easily spreading pollen. Carpinus and Fagus discharge lower amount of pollen to the atmosphere. Trees belonging to the mentioned genera occur in vegetation cover of Lublin and the Roztocze region where the comparative studies were carried out in the years 1998-2004. The objective of these studies was to determine pollen concentration of four tree taxa in these study areas located 120 km apart. Annual pollen sums, obtained by means of three methods, were compared in order to find similarity of alternating high and low pollen production by trees in particular years. In the Roztocze region the studies were continued during the mentioned seven years as a part of Pollen Monitoring Programme, which provides multi-annual data for the palaeoecological reconstructions of Quaternary and the interpretations of phenologic-climatic nature. Standard Tauber traps were used in the Roztocze area. In Lublin the gravimetric method was used in the years 1999-2000, and the volumetric method — in the years 2001- 2004. Similar trends were found in Lublin and in the Roztocze region as to the concentrations in the air of pollen of the mentioned four taxa in particular years of the research period. Betula and Alnus discharged the greatest amount of pollen. In 1999 the great similarity of annual pollen sums of three taxa was recorded by means of the gravimetric method in all measurement points. Fagus was an exception, as its pollen concentration was much higher in the Roztocze region than in Lublin. In the case of Carpinus the enhanced pollen concentration was recorded in both study areas in 2002, and the highest concentration of Fagus occurred in 2003. During several years of studies we recorded great similarity of the obtained results in two study areas far apart.
Wiatropylne drzewa z rodzaju Betula i Alnus produkują bardzo duże ilości łatwo rozprzestrzeniającego się pyłku. Mniej ziarn pyłku uwalniają do atmosfery Carpinus i Fagus. Drzewa należące do wymienionych rodzajów są reprezentowane w roślinności Lublina i na Roztoczu, gdzie przeprowadzono badania porównawcze. Celem badań było określenie koncentracji pyłku czterech taksonów drzew w latach 1998-2004 w dwóch punktach pomiarowych, oddalonych od siebie o 120 km. Porównywano roczne sumy ziarn pyłku uzyskane przy zastosowaniu trzech metod, aby ustalić stopień zgodności w zakresie przemiennie występującego u drzew obfitego i słabego pylenia w poszczególnych latach. Na Roztoczu badania prowadzono w ciągu siedmiu wymienionych lat w ramach Pollen Monitoring Programme, który zmierza do dostarczenia wieloletnich danych wykorzystywanych do rekonstrukcji paleoekologicznych czwartorzędu oraz do interpretacji o charakterze fenologiczno- klimatycznym. Stosowano tu standardowe pułapki pyłkowe typu Taubera. W Lublinie w latach 1999-2000 prowadzono badania metodą grawimetryczną, zaś w latach 2001-2004 metodą wolumetryczną. Stwierdzono, że w Lublinie i na Roztoczu zaznaczyły się podobne tendencje w zakresie zawartości ziarn pyłku w powietrzu wymienionych taksonów w poszczególnych latach badań. Betula i Alnus uwalniały największe liczby ziarn pyłku. W roku 1999 przy stosowaniu metody grawimetrycznej, we wszystkich punktach pomiarowych wykazano dużą zbieżność wyników dotyczących wysokości sum rocznych ziarn pyłku dla trzech taksonów. Wyjątek stanowił Carpinus, u którego produkcja pyłku była znacznie większa na Roztoczu niż w Lublinie. W przypadku Carpinus wzmożoną produkcję pyłku notowano w obu punktach badawczych w 2002 roku, zaś pyłek Fagus pojawił się najobficiej w roku 2002 i 2003. W ciągu kilku lat badań zarejestrowano dużą zgodność uzyskanych wyników w znacznie oddalonych od siebie punktach badawczych.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2006, 59, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ ogłowienia i przerzedzenia na wzrost grabu (Carpinus betulus L.) w młodniku dębowym (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.)
Influence of decapitating and thinning on growth of hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) in the oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) thicket
Andrzejczyk, T.
Brzeziecki, B.
Szeligowski, H.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
hodowla lasu
drzewostany mieszane
drzewostany grabowo-debowe
grab pospolity
Carpinus betulus
zabiegi pielegnacyjne
wzrost roslin
przyrost wysokosci
przyrost piersnicy
interspecific competition
pre−commercial thinning
mixed stand
The aim of this study was to quantify 4−year growth and increment of 11− to 15−year−old, artificially regenerated hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) playing the role of the tending (nursery) species in the oak stand of the same age, after the silvicultural treatments aimed at reducing its competition against the oak. The study included three types of experimental treatments: decapitating of all hornbeam trees (OG), schematic reduction of hornbeam density (R50, removal of every second hornbeam in a row) and control (K, without treatment). The trial stand is located in Rogów (51.827023° N, 19.922315° E) and was established in 2004 on a moderately fertile site. The experiment was carried out in the spring 2013 (9 years after planting). Height and breast height diameter (dbh) of trees were measured every two years. During the study period, the height increment of decapitated trees was significantly larger than in R50 and K variants, while the dbh increment of trees in R50 variant was significantly larger than in K and OG variants. The height increment of hornbeam in R50 and OG variant and the dbh increment in R50 variant were positively correlated with height and diameter of trees before the treatment, while the dbh increment after decapitating was negatively correlated with tree dimensions before treatment. The decapitating treatment reduced the competitive ability of hornbeam more effectively than the schematic thinning removing 50% of hornbeam trees. After 4 years in the first case, oaks were on average 1 m higher than hornbeams, and in the second case, there was an opposite situation. In order to improve the effectiveness of the thinning treatment, a selective cutting should be performed (removal of the largest hornbeams), and in order to slow down the regeneration of hornbeams after decapitating, the treatment should be carried out during the top of the growing season.
Sylwan; 2019, 163, 03; 179-187
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ osłony bocznej drzewostanu na wzrost dębu bezszypułkowego (Quercus petraea) i grabu pospolitego (Carpinus betulus) w fazie uprawy
Effect of lateral shelter on a height growth of sessile oak (Quercus petraea) and common hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) in young growth phase
Andrzejczyk, T.
Dzwonkowski, M.
Pawłowski, M.
Działak, R.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
hodowla lasu
uprawy lesne
dab bezszypulkowy
Quercus petraea
grab pospolity
Carpinus betulus
wzrost roslin
przyrost wysokosci
oslona boczna
sciana lasu
oak silviculture
height growth
mixed stands
mixture form
We investigated annual height increment of sessile oak and common hornbeam planted on clear−cut in respect to the distance to the adjacent mature Scots pine stand. The study area was divided into 3 zones (I−III) each of 20 m width. The four analyzed treatments were defined on a basis of a mingling form: W1 – a monoculture of oak (control plot), W2 and W3 – two types of row mixture, W4 – single tree mixture. Two years after planting an annual height increment of both tree species was significantly higher in the zone I (adjacent to the mature pine stand from the SW side) than in two other zones. The same significant differences were also found at the other inventories. Although hornbeam was on average higher than oak, a growth inhibition of oak by hornbeam was not significant. The annual height increment of both species was correlated with the precipitation in June and July.
Sylwan; 2014, 158, 10; 723-732
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wplyw pokarmu na rozwoj chrzaszczy chrabaszcza kasztanowca [Melolontha hippocastani F.] [Coleoptera, Melolonthidae]
Effect of food on development of the Melolonta hippocastani F. beetles [Coleoptera, Melolonthidae]
Woreta, D.
Sukovata, L.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
szkodniki roslin
pedy ulistnione
dab szypulkowy
Quercus robur
grab pospolity
Carpinus betulus
brzoza brodawkowata
Betula pendula
olsza czarna
Alnus glutinosa
chrabaszcz kasztanowiec
Melolontha hippocastani
owady dorosle
dlugosc zycia
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2010, 71, 2; 195-199
Pojawia się w:
Leśne Prace Badawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zastosowanie funkcji Weibulla do oceny wytrzymałości na rozciąganie korzeni wybranych gatunków drzew
Application of the Weibull survival function for estimation of the root tensile strength of selected tree species
Zydron, T.
Gruchot, A.
Czesak, K.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
brzoza brodawkowata
grab pospolity
sosna zwyczajna
wytrzymalosc na rozciaganie
wzmocnienia gruntu
model wiazkowy
funkcja Weibulla
common birch
Betula pendula
European hornbeam
Carpinus betulus
Scotch pine
Pinus sylvestris
tensile strength
Weibull distribution
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Architectura; 2018, 17, 4
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Architectura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zawartość cukrów w sokach drzewnych z terenu Podkarpacia
Content of sugars in tree saps from the Podkarpacie region
Bilek, M.
Stawarczyk, K.
Siembida, A.
Strzemski, M.
Olszewski, M.
Cieslik, E.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Technologów Żywności
soki drzew
brzoza zwisla zob.brzoza brodawkowata
brzoza brodawkowata
Betula pendula
brzoza omszona
Betula pubescens
grab pospolity
Carpinus betulus
klon pospolity
Acer platanoides
klon jesionolistny
Acer negundo
wierzba biala
Salix alba
sok brzozowy
syrop klonowy
Oznaczono zawartość cukrów w sokach drzewnych sześciu gatunków drzew rosnących na terenie Podkarpacia. Materiał doświadczalny stanowiły soki z drzew gatunków: brzoza zwisła in. brodawkowata (Betula pendula Roth.), brzoza omszona (Betula pubescens Ehrh.), grab pospolity (Carpinus betulus L.), klon zwyczajny (Acer platanoides L.), klon jesionolistny (Acer negundo L.) oraz wierzba biała (Salix alba L.). Analizę jakościową cukrów przeprowadzono metodą wysokosprawnej chromatografii cienkowarstwowej (HPTLC), a analizę ilościową – metodą wysokosprawnej chromatografii cieczowej z detekcją światła rozproszonego (HPLC-ELSD). W sokach pozyskanych z drzew z rodzajów: brzoza oraz grab dominowała glukoza oraz fruktoza, a w sokach klonów i wierzby – sacharoza. Średnia zawartość sumy cukrów wynosiła: w sokach grabowych – 0,333 g/100 ml, klonu jesionolistnego – 1,109 g/100 ml, brzozy zwisłej – 0,897 g/100 ml, wierzby białej – 0,672 g/100 ml, brzozy omszonej – 0,475 g/100 ml, zaś klonu zwyczajnego – 1,083 g/100 ml. W soku klonu jesionolistnego oznaczono najwięcej cukrów (1,214 g/100 ml), a w soku grabu – najmniej (0,302 g/100 ml). Jedynie wyniki analizy soku z brzozy zwisłej są porównywalne z sokami brzozowymi pochodzącymi z krajów Europy Północnej i Ameryki Północnej.
The content of sugars was determined in the tree saps of six species from the Podkarpacie region. The experimental material included the silver birch sap (Betula pendula Roth.), downy birch sap (B. pubescens Ehrh.), hornbeam sap (Carpinus betulus L.), Norway maple sap (Acer platanoides L.), boxelder sap (A. negundo L.), and white willow sap (Salix alba L.). The qualitative analysis of sugars was performed using a high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) method, and the quantitative analysis was carried out with the use of a high performance liquid chromatography method with light scattering detection (HPLC-ELSD). In the birch and the hornbeam saps, glucose and fructose prevailed and in the maple and willow saps: sucrose. The mean content of total sugars was as follows: 0.333 g/100 ml in the hornbeams saps; 1.109 g/100 ml in the boxelder saps; 0.897 g/100 ml in the silver birch saps; 0.672 g/100 ml in the white willow saps; 0.475 g/100 ml in the downy birch saps; and 1.083 g/100 ml in the Nowary maple saps. In the boxelder sap, the highest amount of total sugars was determined (1.214 g/100 ml), whereas in the hornbeam sap: the lowest amount of sugars (0.302 g/100 ml). The results of the silver birch analysis are the only ones that could be compared with the tree saps from the countries in Northern Europe and North America.
Żywność Nauka Technologia Jakość; 2015, 22, 6
Pojawia się w:
Żywność Nauka Technologia Jakość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bilans martwego drewna w rezerwacie "Polesie Konstantynowskie"
Balance of dead wood in the 'Polesie Konstantynowskie' nature reserve (central Poland)
Pawicka, K.
Woziwoda, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
rezerwaty przyrody
rezerwat Polesie Konstantynowskie
drewno martwe
drewno olszowe
olsza czarna
Alnus glutinosa
drewno brzozowe
brzoza brodawkowata
Betula pendula
drewno grabowe
grab pospolity
Carpinus betulus
drewno jesionowe
Fraxinus excelsior
stopień rozkładu drewna
jesion wyniosły
coarse woody debris
standing dead trees
decay class
urban forestry
Dead wood in the city parks is removed for safety and aesthetic reasons. ‘Polesie Konstantynowskie’ nature reserve (9.8 ha) located in the western part of Łódź is an exception. In this reserve dead wood is left for natural decomposition. So far in this reserve research was conducted on the vascular flora and stand structure only, but the amount of wood was not measured. The aim of this study was to assess the volume of coarse woody material of various types (coarse woody debris, snags), species, size, (dbh and height) and decay classes. The study was carried out in 2010. The volume of coarse woody debris was estimated with a method proposed by Van Wagner [1968]. The criterion of division into five decomposition classes follows Maser et al. [1979].
Sylwan; 2011, 155, 12; 851-858
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ wilgotności i gatunku drewna opałowego na przebieg procesu łupania
Effect of humidity and species of firewood on the course of cleaving
Brzózko, J.
Samoraj, P.
Błuszkowska, U.
Aniszewska, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
drewno opalowe
grab pospolity
Carpinus betulus
drewno grabowe
buk zwyczajny
Fagus sylvatica
drewno bukowe
brzoza brodawkowata
Betula pendula
drewno brzozowe
olsza czarna
Alnus glutinosa
drewno olszowe
jesion wyniosly
Fraxinus excelsior
drewno jesionowe
wilgotnosc drewna
luparka SplitMaster 9
wydajnosc pracy
wood splitting
solid biofuels
wood moisture
Traditional firewood is still the most popular type of solid fuel. This is mainly because of the availability of raw materials and simple production process, which involves mostly just sawing and cleaving. Cleaving increases the surface of the wood through which water evaporates, which in turn speeds up the drying. Dry wood has a higher calorific value and its combustion releases less harmful carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. Wood cleaving process can be divided into three phases that lasts from the introduction of the wedge till the appearance of a crack (phase I), from the appearance of the crack till the stop of the slots (phase II) and then until the piece of the wood is completely cleaved (phase III). Although it is a conditional phase and it does not always occur in the case of the firewood species popular in Poland, the last phase takes the longest and has the greatest impact on the cleaving performance. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of wood and its moisture content on the duration of the phase III during the trial cleaving. The tested samples comprised of five popular in Poland species: hornbeam, beech, birch, alder and ash. The cleaving were carried out immediately after cutting and sawing the timber and after 3−month−long period of natural drying. For hornbeam, beech and alder humidity does not affect the hollow wedge in wood at the time of rupture. The duration of phase III was significantly longer than duration of phases I and II for each species independently of humidity. Significant dependence was observed for depression wedge as a function of humidity obtained in phase I and II for silver birch, and in phase III for ash.
Sylwan; 2017, 161, 08; 685-692
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Struktura gleb w wybranych lasach miejskich Wrocławia
Structure of soils in selected urban forests of Wroclaw
Wacławowicz, R.
Babelewski, P.
Pancerz, M.
Tendziagolska, E.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
lasy miejskie
Las Osobowicki
Las Redzinski
Las Mokrzanski
dab szypulkowy
Quercus robur
buk zwyczajny
Fagus sylvatica
grab pospolity
Carpinus betulus
gleby lesne
struktura gleb
wskaznik rozpylenia gleby
wskaznik zbrylenia gleby
wskaznik struktury gleby
srednia wazona srednica agregatow
wlasciwosci chemiczne
soil structure index
chemical properties of soil
The objective of the research was to assess the soil structure parameters (the index of cloddiness, of pulverization, of soil structure and the mean weighted diameter of soil aggregates – MWDa), as well as the selected chemical soil properties (pH, the content of organic carbon, total nitrogen and available potassium and phosphorus) in the three urban forests in Wrocław (SW Poland) depending on the occurrence of tree species (Quercus robur, Fagus sylvatica, Carpinus betulus). Soil samples were collected under the crown of each tested tree taxons, from three different sites, in three replications, separately in every forest. The soil was taken from two layers: 0−20 cm and 20−40 cm. The structure and weight of mechanically solid soil aggregates were determined using dry separation method. The content of total nitrogen was determined with Kjeldahl method, while phosphorus and potassium – with Egner−Riehm method. Organic carbon was determined with the use of elementary carbon analyser Behr C−50 IRF. The pH was determined by poten− tiometric method in 1M solution of KCl. The results were statistically analysed using the ANOVA. The correlation coefficient between the mean weighted diameter of soil aggregates and the content of organic carbon in the soil was calculated. The tree species occurring in the urban forests of Wrocław affected the soil structure parameters as well as changed the chemical properties of the soil. In both Mokrzański and Rędziński Forests the significantly higher index of soil cloddiness was observed under hornbeam crowns than in the oak and beech surroundings. In the Osobowicki Forest the highest index of cloddiness was determined on the soil with the oak. In general, higher values of index of soil structure and the mean weighted diameter of soil aggregates were noticed for the hornbeam sites than the oak and the beech ones. There was a significant positive corre− lation between the MWDa and the content of soil organic matter (r=0.711, Y=0.4569·x+1.6523). The differences in the content of organic carbon depending on tree species were observed in the Rędziński Forest, while in content of total nitrogen also in the Mokrzański Forest. The highest content of organic carbon and nitrogen was noticed in the soil under the hornbeam. The species of trees affected the content of phosphorus and potassium in the soil, but there was no unambiguous direction of changes.
Sylwan; 2017, 161, 07; 592-599
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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