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Neurogenic pulmonary edema induced by subarachnoid hemorrhage; case report on diagnostic and therapeutic implications
Weiss, Guenter
Meyer, Frank
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
neurogenic pulmonary edema
subarachnoidal hemorrhage
An exemplary rare case of neurogenic pulmonary edema induced by intracranial hemorrhage was reported including diagnostic and therapeutic implications as well as management recommendations. A 35-year old man who was treated first by a neurosurgical approach because of a subarachnoid hemorrhage (bore hole trepanation) and subsequently on a surgical intensive care unit because of severe postoperative hemodynamic, cardiocirculatory, and pulmonary disruptions. To monitor cardiopulmonary condition and treatment effects, a Swan-Ganz catheter was placed in the pulmonary artery, since after trepanation, a critical cardiopulmonary status developed during postoperative mechanical ventilation and catecholamine administration. This condition was indicated by neurogenic pulmonary edema detected by control chest X-ray film and high oxygen load in the inspiratory air required for sufficient arterial oxygenation. After use of high positive end-exspiratory pressure (PEEP) (initially directed against neurogenic lesion), adaptation of initial dobutamine doses, initiation of norepinephrine administration, and substitution of fluids, the patient's blood pressure finally rose sufficiently to sustain regular cerebral blood perfusion and achieve better arterial oxygenation. Thus, the patient‘s cardiopulmonary condition stabilized and temporary cardiac insufficiency could be overcome. Subsequently, it became possible to decrease PEEP according to requirements to prevent or limit cerebral edema and to diminish catecholamine doses.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2015, 87, 4; 189-193
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Successful Management of Non-Occlusive Mesenteric Ischemia (Nomi) - Case Report
Weiss, Guenter
Lippert, Hans
Meyer, Frank
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia
intraarterial perfusion catheter
vasodilating treatment
Patients with non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia (NOMI) are still confronted with high mortality. The diagnostic is challenging and difficult because of the unspecific symptomatology. The aim of this systematic scientific report on an extraordinary and uncommon single clinical case and its successful course was to demonstrate the great potential of a partially novel non-surgical approach including its periinterventional management.A 73-year old female is precisely described, who developed an acute abdomen during the postoperative course after cardiosurgical intervention. Only explorative laparotomy clarified the correct diagnosis - NOMI. Despite general intensive care, patient developed multi-organ failure after this second intervention. Using consequently an image-guided minimally invasive radiological approach comprising the introduction of a catheter into the superior mesenteric artery (Seldinger's technique) and the continuous application of vasodilating medication such as alprostadil (prostaglandin) through this catheter enabled us to improve mesenteric perfusion effectively and to overcome multiorgan failure.In conclusion, specific risk factors may help to focus on the suspicion of NOMI. Diagnostic of choice is the arterial mesentericography, which allows specifically to exclude vascular occlusion including the consequence of a prompt surgical approach. Simultaneously, using the setting of the mesenteric angiography catheter can be placed for initiation of regional vasodilating treatment in case of NOMI. Only this approach may avoid fatal outcome.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2012, 84, 4; 214-218
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
What does a (general and abdominal) surgeon need to know on plastic surgery?
Kraus, Armin
Infanger, Manfred
Meyer, Frank
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
abdominal surgery
general surgery
plastic surgery
Background: Plastic surgery was first introduced as a sub-specialty of general surgery in Germany in 1978. Since then, this surgical subspecialty/discipline has evolved enormous potential, e.g. in collaboration with other disciplines such as general andabdominal surgery. Aim: To highlight and summarize the basic potential, technical options and novel aspects of plastic surgery, which are relevant for the common interdisciplinary surgical strategies of plastic and general as well as abdominal surgery in clinical practice. Method: Short and compact narrative review based on 1) a selection of relevant references from the medical scientific literature and 2) surgical experiences obtained in daily practice. R esults (selected corner points): 1) Biological protection procedures in vascular surgery by flap coverage after meticulous debridement with or without autogenic vascular reconstruction are used to overcome infection of a vascular prosthesis, a serious problem, associated with the risk of anastomotic rupture and bleeding by transfer of immunological competence due to tissue coverage and finally to induce healing in the area of an infected vascular prosthesis. 2) Fistula treatment for aorto-tracheal or aorto-duodenal fistulas, a big challenge for the referring general surgeon, can be treated by flap coverage, i.e. interposition of the pectoralis-major flap and the omentum-majus flap, respectively. 3) With regard to nerve surgery, encouraging results have been reported after early microsurgical recurrent laryngeal nerve repair, i.e. improved subjective voice quality or reconstitution of respiratory capacity in diaphragmatic. 4) Lymphatic surgery for lymphedema occurring either primarily due to an absence or lack of lymphatic vessels or secondarily due to infection, trauma, radiation therapy or surgery can be indicated in specialized microsurgical centers, e.g. for surgical repair of the lymphatic pathway: I) the interrupted lymphatic system can be reconstructed by an interposition, or II) the lymphatic fluid can be drained extraanatomically (e.g. by a lymphatic-venous anastomosis). Further techniques are the following: free lymph node transplantation included in a free vascularized groin flap or autologous lymphatic vessel transfer or vein graft interposition (used for lymphatic vessel interposition). 5) Mass reduction such as dermolipectomy with subsequent split-thickness is a valuable option, which provides excellent volume reduction. 6) Defect coverage: A. Split- or full-thickness skin grafts are a common method of defect coverage (in cases of clean and well-vascularized wound bed and lacking donor skin, or if the graft bed is of questionable quality) using various allogenic or xenogenic skin substitute materials. B. Further methods offer a wide-range armamentarium of local and free fasciocutaneous and musculocutaneous flaps, e.g. after abdomino-perineal rectum extirpation using the vertical rectus-abdominis myocutaneous flap (VRAM) or propeller flaps according to the “angiosome”. 7) Abdominal wall hernia closure with instable skin coverage, flap closure, either alone or in combination with mesh is superior to mesh closure only. 8) Free flaps: If there is no option for a local or pedicled flap available, free flaps can be well used for abdominal wall defect closure (complication rate in experienced hands is low). Conclusion: Plastic surgery is an indispensable partner for specific surgical problems and clinical situations of general and abdominal surgery, which indicates that each general and abdominal surgeon should be well notified on great options and surgical techniques offered by modern plastic surgery to achieve best outcomes and quality of life for patients and should combine the expertise of these two surgical disciplines.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2019, 91, 5; 42-51
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Co musi wiedzieć chirurg (ogólny i jamy brzusznej) o chirurgii plastycznej?
Kraus, Armin
Infanger, Manfred
Meyer, Frank
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
chirurgia jamy brzusznej
chirurgia ogólna
chirurgia plastyczna
Wprowadzenie: Chirurgia plastyczna została wprowadzona w Niemczech jako podspecjalizacja chirurgii ogólnej w 1978 r. Od tego czasu dyscyplina ta rozwinęła ogromne możliwości, dzięki współpracy z innymi dziedzinami, takimi jak: chirurgia ogólna i chirurgia jamy brzusznej. C el: Podkreślenie i podsumowanie podstawowych możliwości, opcji technicznych i nowych aspektów chirurgii plastycznej, które w codziennej praktyce klinicznej są istotne dla wspólnych interdyscyplinarnych strategii zabiegowych chirurgii plastycznej, ogólnej i chirurgii jamy brzusznej. Metoda: Krótki i zwięzły przegląd literatury oparty na: 1) wyborze właściwego tematycznego piśmiennictwa z medycznej literatury naukowej oraz 2) doświadczeniu chirurgicznym zdobytym w codziennej pracy. Wyniki: (wybrane punkty styczne): 1) Zabiegi ochrony biologicznej w chirurgii naczyniowej stosowane, aby przezwyciężyć poważny problem zakażeń protez naczyniowych obarczony ryzykiem przerwania zespolenia i krwawienia. Po starannym opracowaniu z ewentualną rekonstrukcją autologicznych naczyń protezę naczyniową pokrywa się płatem tkankowym, aby przekazać właściwości immunologiczne i ostatecznie spowodować gojenie zakażonego obszaru. 2) Leczenie przetok aortalno-tchawiczej lub aortalno-dwunastniczej, będących znacznym wyzwaniem dla chirurga ogólnego. Mogą być one leczone odpowiednio przez interpozycję płata mięśnia piersiowego większego lub pokrycie płatem sieci większej. 3) W odniesieniu do chirurgii nerwów odnotowano zachęcające efekty w postaci subiektywnej poprawy jakości głosu po wczesnej mikrochirurgicznej naprawie nerwu krtaniowego wstecznego oraz przywrócenia pojemności oddechowej w porażeniu przepony. 4) Chirurgia limfatyczna w przypadku obrzęków limfatycznych o charakterze pierwotnym (z powodu braku lub niedoboru naczyń limfatycznych) lub wtórnym (w przebiegu zakażenia, urazu, radioterapii lub zabiegu operacyjnego) może być wskazana w ośrodkach mikrochirurgicznych wyspecjalizowanych w naprawie dróg limfatycznych. Uszkodzony układ chłonny: (I) może być odtworzony przez interpozycję lub (II) limfa może być drenowana nieanatomicznie, na przykład przez zespolenie limfatyczno-żylne. Dalsze techniki to: przeszczepienie wolnego węzła chłonnego zawartego w wolnym unaczynionym płacie z pachwiny, przeniesienie autologicznego naczynia chłonnego lub interpozycja przeszczepu żylnego. 5) Redukcja masy jak dermolipektomia z późniejszym przeszczepem skóry niepełnej grubości jest cenną opcją zapewniającą znaczne zmniejszenie objętości. 6) Uzupełnianie ubytków: A. Przeszczepy skóry o niepełnej lub pełnej grubości są powszechną metodą uzupełniania ubytków w przypadku, gdy łożysko rany jest czyste i dobrze unaczynione. Jeśli nie ma miejsca do pobrania skóry lub łożysko przeszczepu jest wątpliwej jakości, stosuje się różne allogeniczne lub ksenogeniczne zamienniki skóry. B. Kolejne metody obejmują szeroki arsenał miejscowych i wolnych płatów powięziowo-skórnych i mięśniowo-skórnych, takich jak: pionowy płat mięśnia prostego brzucha (VRAM), stosowany na przykład po brzuszno-kroczowym wycięciu odbytnicy, lub płaty śmigłowe odpowiednich „angiosomów”. 7) Zamknięcie przepuklin ściany jamy brzusznej z niestabilnym pokryciem skóry. Uzupełnienie płatem tkankowym, samym lub w połączeniu z siatką, jest lepsze od zastosowania wyłącznie siatki. 8) Wolne płaty – gdy miejscowe lub uszypułowane płaty są niedostępne, do uzupełnienia ubytku ściany jamy brzusznej można wykorzystać wolne płaty (częstość występowania powikłań jest niewielka). Wniosek: Chirurgia plastyczna jest niezastąpionym partnerem w specyficznych problemach chirurgicznych oraz przypadkach klinicznych w chirurgii ogólnej i chirurgii jamy brzusznej. Każdy chirurg ogólny i chirurg jamy brzusznej powinien być poinformowany o ogromnych możliwościach i technikach chirurgicznych, jakie może zapewnić współczesna chirurgia plastyczna, aby osiągnąć najlepsze wyniki i podnieść jakość życia pacjentów przez połączenie fachowej wiedzy tych dwóch dziedzin chirurgicznych.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2019, 91, 5; 42-51
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relevance of Primitive Carotidobasilar Anastomosis for Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis
Udelnow, Andrej
Goertler, Michael
Meyer, Frank
Halloul, Zuhir
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
internal crotid artery stenosis
primitive carotidobasilar anastomosis
Primitive carotido-basilar anastomoses (PCA) are persistent fetal vessels. The aim of the study was to compare the clinical characteristics of patients operated on for internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis with or without PCA in order to evaluate the impact of PCA on the treatment. Material and methods. Consecutive patients operated on for ICA stenosis at our university hospital were included. Surgical treatment consisted in carotid endarterectomy (CEA) with patch plastic. Results. Of the 380 CEA performed between 2006 and 2012, PCA were found in six patients (1.6%). All patients with PCA were symptomatic vs. 54% of patients without PCA (p=0.035). Significantly less posterior collateral flow was present in patients with PCA (33%) compared to those without PCA (85%, p=0.01). Only two of the six patients with PCA were diagnosed prior to surgery, none was ligated intraoperatively. PCA was not associated with stroke and restenosis at long-term follow up. Conclusions. PCA are rarely diagnosed prior to surgery in patients with ICA stenosis and need not to be ligated during CEA
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2014, 86, 4; 166-171
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Endoscopic Ultrasonography (EUS) in Preoperative Staging of Gastric Cancer - Demand and Reality
Meyer, Lutz
Meyer, Frank
Schmidt, Uwe
Gastinger, Ingo
Lippert, Hans
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS)
gastric cancer
quality control
multicenter observational study
Exact pretherapeutic staging is considered to be essential for decision-making in the therapeutic algorithm of gastric cancer.The aim of the study was to characterize the role and value of EUS in the diagnostic and therapeutic management of gastric cancer in daily surgical practice.Material and methods. Thousand one hundred thirty nine patients with primary gastric cancer from 80 hospitals of each profile of care were enrolled in this systematic clinical prospective multicenter observational study over a time period of 12 months. The characteristics of the diagnostic management, in particular, of EUS were documented. The preoperative EUS findings were compared with the T stage (T1 to T4) and the N category (N+ or N-) revealed by the histopathologic investigation of the surgical specimen. By the mean of X2 test, the impact of EUS on the therapeutic decision-making was determined.Results. Pretherapeutic EUS was only performed in 27.4% (n=312) of all patients. Overall, the diagnostic accuracy for the T stage was 42.6% in average. The subgroup analysis showed the following results: T1, 31.5%; T2, 42.6%; T3, 65.2%; T4, 17.6%. The correct predictive value of the N category was 71.3% reaching a sensitivity of 69.7% and a specificity of 73.3%. Overstaging was observed in 45.8%, understaging in only 10.8%. Additional diagnostic information by EUS was only provided in 4.7% of subjects.Conclusions. The present study indicates the variability, limited reliability and only moderate acceptance of EUS in diagnosing gastric cancer in daily practice. In particular, the prediction of the T stage does not reach the data reported in the literature, which were mostly achieved in specific EUS studies.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2012, 84, 3; 152-157
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Successful Endoscopic Treatment of a Postoperative Tracheomediastinal Fistula Caused by Anastomotic Insufficiency after Esophageal Resection with Fibrin Glue
Weiss, Guenter
Wex, Cora
Lippert, Hans
Schreiber, Jens
Meyer, Frank
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
tracheomediastinal fistula
esophageal resection
fibrin glue
endoscopic approach
Fistula development after esophageal resection is considered as one of the most serious postoperative complications. The authors reported a case on clinical experiences in the postoperative diagnostic and successful therapeutic management of a tracheomediastinal fistula after esophageal resection, using endoscopic application of fibrin glue. The early approach of an anastomotic insufficiency after esophageal resection because of a squamous cell carcinoma (pT3pN0M0G2) below the tracheal bifurcation including transposition of a re-modelled gastric tube and end-to-side anastomosis 24 hours postoperatively in a 55-year old patient combined i) surgical re-intervention from the periesophageal site (reanastomosis, gastroplication, lavage, local and mediastinal drainage) and, later on, ii) extensive rinsing with consecutive endoscopic fibrin glue application into the tracheal mouth of the subsequently developed tracheomediastinal fistula as a consequence of the inflammatory changes within the surrounding tissue. In conclusion, this approach was successful and beneficial for the patient's further postoperative course, which was associated with other complications such as pneumonia and acute myocardial infarction. The fistula closed sufficiently and permanently with no further surgical intervention at the tracheal as well as mediastinal site and allowed patient's later discharge with no further complaints or problems.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2014, 86, 11; 537-539
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chylous complications of various severity and manifestations within diverse compartments in reconstructive vascular surgery #) #) The manuscript is dedicated to Prof. Dr. Z. Halloul
Barth, Udo
Wasseroth, Klaus
Rahms, Volker
Albrecht, Roland
Meyer, Frank
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
Vascular surgery
chylous complications
lymphatic edema
lymphatic fistula
chylascites / chylascos / chyloperitoneum
Introduction: Chylous complications, which also occur in the profile of vascularsurgical interventions with considerable frequency, are challenging with regard to their adequate management. Aim & method: Short compact overview on epidemiological, classifying, symptomatic, diagnostics and therapeutic aspects of chylous complications in vascular surgery, based on •own clinical experiences, 
 •current selection of relevant scientific references, and 
 •representative case reports from clinical practice. Results (complex patient- & clinical finding-associated aspects): •Basic treatment of lymphedema / postreconstructive edema comprises a complex physical therapy to improve edematous swelling, which needs to be usually performed over years. •In case of lymphocele, a wait-and-see strategy can be initially pursued to observe spontaneous clinical course. If the lymphocele and its clinical complaints persist, puncture, placement of drainage or temporary instillation of doxycyclin or ethanol can be attempted. •In case of lymphatic fistula, vacuum-assisted closure dressing, radiation and selective ligation of lymphatic vessels after previous application of methylene blue dye can be used. •Chylascites and chylothorax should be primarily treated – as has been widely established in the meantime – with a consequently conservative approach initially comprising paracentesis / thoracocentesis, protein-enriched and low-fat diet containing middle-chain triglycerides (MCT) or total parenteral nutrition combined with the application of a somatostatin analogue (surgical approach as ultima ratio only aiming at ligation of the lesioned lymphatic vessel – if necessary, including preoperative consumption of cream). Summary: Chylous complications can be primarily treated with conservative measures, which should be exploited using a step-wise approach prior to surgical intervention as ultima ratio. Conclusion: The experienced vascular surgeon should be acquainted with a sufficient, finding-adapted management of chylous complications. This requires a well-experienced clinician and surgeon with great expertise regarding the interdisciplinary setting comprising of interventional radiology, vascular (abdominal) surgery and partially surgical intensive care.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2018, 90, 3; 43-48
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gastric High-Risk Gist and Retroperitoneal Liposarcoma – A Challenging Combination of Two Mesenchymal Tumor Lesions with Regard to Diagnosis and Treatment
Arend, Jőrg
Kuester, Doerthe
Roessner, Albert
Lippert, Hans
Meyer, Frank
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
soft tissue tumor
Both gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) and liposarcoma originate from mesenchymal tissue. Their coincidence requires a specific expertise in the diagnostic and therapeutic management. An unusual exemplary case is described representing a 47-year old female patient with a gastric GIST and a monstrous retroperitoneal liposarcoma with infiltration of the left kidney. The gastric tumor lesion was removed with a tangential resection of the gastric wall; the retroperitoneal tumor lesion was resected including the left kidney. Both tumors were resected with no macroscopic tumor residual. The technically difficult surgical intervention did not show any postoperative complication, and the postoperative course was also uneventful. The complete tumor resection is the treatment of choice in mesenchymal tumors (aim: R0). Depending on histologic tumor classification, resection status and tumor sensitivity, a subsequent radiation and/or chemotherapy is necessary, which allowed to achieve a postoperative tumor-free survival of 6 years including a good quality of life.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2013, 85, 5; 284-288
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) for postoperative secondary peritonitis: Effect on bacterial load as well as local and systemic cytokine response (initial results)
Jannasch, Olof
Meyer, Frank
Fuellert, Angela
König, Brigitte
Eder, Frank
Tautenhahn, Jörg
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
Postoperative secondary peritonitis
Bacterial load
Local and systemic cytokine response
Aim: To investigate the effects of vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) vs. relaparotomy on demand (ROD) onto the i) severity and course of disease, ii) surgical outcome, iii) intraperitoneal bacterial load as well as iv) local/systemic inflammatory and immune response in postoperative secondary peritonitis. Methods: Over a defined time period, all consecutive patients of the reporting surgical department with a secondary peritonitis (assessed by Mannheim’s Peritonitis Index [MPI] and APPACHE II score) were enrolled in this systematic unicenter clinical prospective observational pilot study. Patients were subclassified into VAC or ROD group according to surgeon’s individual decision at the time point of primary surgical intervention with the intent to sanitize the source of infection. Early postoperative result was assessed by 30-d and in-hospital mortality. Bacterial load was characterized by microbiological culture of intraperitoneal fluid collection obtained on postoperative days (POD) 0 (primary surgical intervention), 1,4,7,10,13 and following description of the microbial spectrum including semiquantitative assessment of bacterial load. Local/systemic inflammatory and immune response was determined by ELISA-based analysis of CrP, PCT and the representative cytokines such as TNF-α/IL-1α/IL-6/IL-8/IL-10 of serum and peritoneal fluid samples. Results: Over a 26-month investigation period, 18 patients (male:female=9:9) were eligible for study criteria: n=8 were enrolled in the VAC and n=10 in the ROD group. With regard to early postoperative results represented by mortality, there is no significant difference between both patient groups. Despite the relatively low number of cases enrolled, a tendency for more severe findings associated with the VAC group could be detected based on the MPI score. There was also a tendency for higher APACHE II scores in the VAC group from the 7th POD on and, in addition, patients of this group had a longer hospital stay. For patients with persisting infection, there were no relevant differences comparing VAC therapy and ROD. Cytokines released in particular at the beginning of the inflammation cascade with proinflammatory characteristics showed higher values within the peritoneal fluid whereas CrP and PCT were found to be higher within the serum samples. Conclusion: Comparing data of various local/systemic inflammatory and immune parameters, there were only a few correlations. This may indicate compartmentation of the inflammatory process within the abdominal cavity. Based on the observed inter-individual variation of this pilot study data, the clinically applicable benefit appears questionable. In this context, reliable effects of VAC therapy on the reduction of bacterial burden within the abdominal cavity could not clearly be detected.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2018, 90, 5; 27-35
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zamykanie ran z pomocą próżni (VAC) we wtórnym pooperacyjnym zapaleniu otrzewnej: jego wpływ na obciążenie bakteryjne oraz na miejscową i ogólnoustrojową odpowiedź cytokinową (wstępne wyniki)
Jannasch, Olof
Meyer, Frank
Fuellert, Angela
König, Brigitte
Eder, Frank
Tautenhahn, Jörg
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
leczenie za pomocą próżni
pooperacyjne wtórne zapalenie otrzewnej
obciążenie bakteryjne
miejscowa i ogólnoustrojowa odpowiedź cytokinowa
Cel: Zbadanie wpływu zamknięcia rany z pomocą próżni (VAC) w porównaniu do relaparotomii na żądanie (ROD). Badane parametry: 1) ciężkość i przebieg choroby, 2) wyniki chirurgiczne, 3) wewnątrzotrzewnowe obciążenie bakteryjne, 4) miejscowa / ogólnoustrojowa reakcja zapalna i immunologiczna w pooperacyjnym wtórnym zapaleniu otrzewnej. Metody: Każdy pacjent zgłaszający się na oddział chirurgiczny z wtórnym zapaleniem otrzewnej (i oceniany według Indeksu Zapalenia Otrzewnej Mannheima; MPI, a także w skali APACHE II) został włączony do systematycznego jednoośrodkowego klinicznego prospektywnego obserwacyjnego badania pilotażowego. Wyselekcjonowani chorzy – w zależności od indywidualnej decyzji chirurga podczas pierwotnego zabiegu chirurgicznego mającego na celu oczyszczenie źródła infekcji – zostali podzieleni na dwie grupy VAC i ROD. Wczesne wyniki pooperacyjne były oceniane na podstawie 30-dniowej obserwacji wewnątrzszpitalnej śmiertelności. Obciążenie bakteryjne określano za pomocą hodowli bakteryjnej z płynu z jamy otrzewnej pobranego w czasie zabiegu chirurgicznego, a potem w 1. , 4., 7., 10. oraz 13. dobie po operacji przy użyciu opisu spektrum mikrobiologicznego obejmującego ocenę półilościową obciążenia bakteryjnego. Miejscowa / ogólnoustrojowa odpowiedź zapalna i immunologiczna były określane za pomocą badania CRP, PCR i reprezentatywnych cytokin, takich jak TNF-α/ IL-1α/ IL-6/IL-8/IL-10 przy użyciu metody ELISA w surowicy i płynie z jamy otrzewnej. Wyniki: Przez 26 miesięcy okresu badawczego 18 pacjentów (9 mężczyzn, 9 kobiet) spełniło kryteria kwalifikacji do badania: n = 8 zostało przydzielonych do grupy VAC, a n = 10 do grupy ROD. Obie grupy pacjentów nie różniły się znacząco w odniesieniu do wczesnej śmiertelności pooperacyjnej. Pomimo małej liczby przypadków objętych badaniem można było zaobserwować poważniejsze skutki związane z grupą VAC w oparciu o skalę MPI. Istnieje również tendencja do wyższej punktacji w skali APACHE II w grupie VAC w 7. dobie po zabiegu, a ponadto pacjenci z tej grupy dłużej przebywali w szpitalu. U pacjentów z przetrwałą infekcją nie obserwowano istotnych różnic między terapią VAC i ROD. Wykazano wyższe stężenie uwalnianych cytokin o cechach prozapalnych w płynie z jamy otrzewnej (zwłaszcza na początku kaskady zapalnej), natomiast stężenia CRP i PCT były wyższe w surowicy. Wnioski: Porównując dane dotyczące różnych miejscowych / ogólnoustrojowych parametrów zapalnych i immunologicznych, można zaobserwować kilka zależności. Mogą one wskazywać na kompartymentację procesu zapalnego w jamie brzusznej. W oparciu o obserwowaną zmienność indywidualną danych z badania pilotażowego, korzyść kliniczna wydaje się niejasna. W tym kontekście wiarygodny wpływ terapii VAC na zmniejszenie obciążenia bakteryjnego wewnątrz jamy brzusznej nie może być wyraźnie stwierdzony.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2018, 90, 5; 27-35
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Impact of Fast-Track Concept Elements in the Classical Pancreatic Head Resection (Kausch-Whipple Procedure)
Gastinger, Ingo
Meyer, Frank
Lembcke, Thomas
Schmidt, Uwe
Ptok, Henry
Lippert, Hans
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
Kausch-Whipple pancreaticoduodenectomy
perioperative management
fast-track concepts
surgical results
early postoperative outcome
The aim of the study was to determine statistically significant factors with an impact on the early postoperative surgical outcome.Material and methods. The influence of applied fast-track components on surgical results and early postoperative outcome in 143 consecutive Kausch-Whipple procedure patients was evaluated in a single-center retrospective analysis of a prospective collection of patient-associated pre-, peri- and postoperative data from 1997-2006.Results. The in-hospital mortality rate was 2.8% (n=4). Fast-track measures were shown to have no effect on the morbidity rate in the multi-variate analysis. Over the study period, a decrease of intraoperative infusion volume from 14.2 mL/kg body weight/h in the first year to 10.7 mL/kg body weight/h in the last year was accompanied by an increase in patients requiring intraoperative catecholamines, up from 17% to 95%. The administration of ropivacain/sufentanil via thoracic peri-dural catheter injection initiated in 2000 and now considered the leading analgesic method, was used in 95% of the cases in 2006. Early extubation rate rose from 16.6% to 57.9%.Conclusions. Fast-track aspects in the perioperative management have become more important in several surgical procedure even in those with a greater invasiveness such as Kausch-Whipple. However, such techniques used in peri-operative management of Kausch-Whipple pancreatic-head resections had no impact on the morbidity rate. In addition, the low in-hospital mortality rate was particularly attributed to surgical competence.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2012, 84, 8; 390-398
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Surgical Treatment Results In Gastroschisis Based On Preterm Delivery Within The 34th Week Of Gestation By Caesarean Section
Krause, Hardy
Hass, Hans-Jürgen
Böttger, Ralf
Gerloff, Claudia
Rissmann, Anke
Meyer, Frank
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
prevalence data
preterm delivery
caesarean section
The aim of the study was to assess the value of the today’s appropriate approach, preterm delivery in the 34th week of gestation by Caesarean section and subsequent surgical intervention at the perinatal center, in daily practice of pediatric surgery with regard to early postoperative and mid-term outcome. Material and methods. Over the time period of 9 years, all consecutive cases diagnosed with gastroschisis at the perinatal center, University Hospital of Magdeburg, were born by Caesarean section within the 34th week of gestation followed by surgical intervention. The registered data were compared with those published by other groups. Results. Overall, there were 19 cases through the investigation period from 01/01/2006 to 12/31/2014. The mean duration of gestation was 237.9 days. The mean birth weight was 2,276 g. In all individuals, a primary closure with no artificial material was achieved. The duration of postoperative artificial respiration was 2.3 days. Oral uptake could be initiated on the 10th postoperative day on average. The mean hospital stay was 37 days. There was no lethality. As complications, postoperative (iv catheterassociated) sepsis occurred in one case and relaparotomy became necessary in a further case because of no possible completion of enteral nutrition by 20 days after primary closure (complication and relaparotomy rate, 10.5% and 5.26%, respectively). Conclusions. The data indicate that in case of gastroschisis, primary closure can be more frequently achieved by section within the 34th week of gestation. Under the prediction of an optimal neonatological care, the risks of a preterm delivery by a planned section appear to be manageable.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2015, 87, 7; 346-356
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
In Vitro Chemo-Sensitivity Assay Guided Chemotherapy is Associated with Prolonged Overall Survival in Cancer Patients
Udelnow, Andrej
Schönfelder, Manfred
Würl, Peter
Halloul, Zuhir
Meyer, Frank
Lippert, Hans
Mroczkowski, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
chemo-sensivity in vitro
survival prediction
drug sensivity
The overall survival (OS) of patients suffering From various tumour entities was correlated with the results of in vitro-chemosensitivity assay (CSA) of the in vivo applied drugs. Material and methods. Tumour specimen (n=611) were dissected in 514 patients and incubated for primary tumour cell culture. The histocytological regression assay was performed 5 days after adding chemotherapeutic substances to the cell cultures. n=329 patients undergoing chemotherapy were included in the in vitro/in vivo associations. OS was assessed and in vitro response groups compared using survival analysis. Furthermore Cox-regression analysis was performed on OS including CSA, age, TNM classification and treatment course. Results. The growth rate of the primary was 73-96% depending on tumour entity. The in-vitro response rate varied with histology and drugs (e.g. 8-18% for methotrexate and 33-83% for epirubicine). OS was significantly prolonged for patients treated with in vitro effective drugs compared to empiric therapy (log-rank-test, p=0.0435). Cox-regression revealed that application of in vitro effective drugs, residual tumour and postoperative radiotherapy determined the death risk independently. Conclusions. When patients were treated with drugs effective in our CSA, OS was significantly prolonged compared to empiric therapy. CSA guided chemotherapy should be compared to empiric treatment by a prospective randomized trial.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2013, 85, 6; 340-347
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Surgical teaching at the Medical School Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg – basic conceptual description
Udelnow, Andrej
Meyer, Frank
Kraus, Armin
Infanger, Manfred
Chiapponi, Costanza
Piatek, Stefan
Zardo, Patrick
Haß, Hans-Jürgen
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
Surgical teaching
clinical bed-side teaching
(4th year of the study of medicine)
General / specialized surgery
Surgical internship as a medical student of the sixth year
Teaching in surgery, one of the classical big clinical and main disciplines beside internal medicine, needs to be also associated with great attention in regard to a valuable final result at the end of the study of human medicine. In particular, surgery is not only the subject to a large number of lectures it also represents one third (four months) of the compulsory internship (practical year – in German, “Praktisches Jahr”) at the end of the study of medicine. Therefore, medical teaching of students should be always part of serious and steady attempts to optimize course und contents as a component of guiding activities focussing onto the substantial improvement of the study of medicine. In detail, the classical and traditionally established type of teaching, the (oral) lecture, has to be further developed and reasonably completed by numerous interactive and practice-oriented teaching, learning and examining modalities (obligatory or facultative seminars / courses, training in [very] small groups of students, bed-side teaching, individual practical exercises within the SkillsLab, groups of young researchers, research projects in teaching, scientific publications on topics and recommendable experiences ot teaching including students, ”Teach-the-teacher“ projects etc.). Although many novel concepts have been inaugurated and considerable advances have been achieved, there is a steady need for further improvement. In the presented representative but medical school-specific overview, the current complex surgical teaching concept, which has been continuously optimized over the last couple of years, at the Otto-von-Guericke University Medical School with University Hospital of Magdeburg (Germany) is described as a scientific and systematizing document as well as a manuscript associated with the ongoing preparation of an institutional “Teaching Manual” on surgical teaching and training for medical students. It should – last but not least – provide the basis for a public discussion, which vice versa might hopefully and possibly result in further structural reforms of (surgical) teaching in the near future.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2018, 90, 3; 37-42
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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