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Shakespeare and National Mythologizing in Czech Nineteenth Century Drama
Procházka, Martin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
William Shakespeare
King Lear
Henry IV
Karel Hynek Mácha
Josef Kajetán Tyl
The paper will discuss the ways in which Shakespeare’s tragedies (King Lear) and histories (1 and 2 Henry IV), translated in the period of the Czech cultural renaissance (known also as the Czech National Revival) at the end of the 18th and in the first half of the 19th century, challenge and transform the nationalist concept of history based on “primordialism” (Anthony Smith), deriving from an invented account of remote past (the forged Manuscripts of Dvur Kralove and Zelena Hora) and emphasizing its absolute value for the present and future of the Czech nation. While for nationalist leaders Shakespeare’s dramas served as models for “boldly painted heroic characters” of the Czech past, translators, dramatists and poets had to deal with the aspects of Shakespeare’s tragedies and histories which were disrupting the nationalist visions of the past and future. Contrasting the appropriations of King Lear and both parts of Henry IV in the translations and historical plays by the leading Czech dramatist Josef Kajetán Tyl (1808-1852) and the notebooks and dramatic fragments of the major romantic poet Karel Hynek Mácha (1810-1836), the paper will attempt to specify the role of Shakespeare in shaping the historical consciousness of emerging modern Czech culture.
Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance; 2016, 13; 25-33
Pojawia się w:
Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A report to mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of Josef Rossler-Orovsky, founding father of sport in the Czech lands
Nota z okazji 150. rocznicy urodzin Josefa Rosslera-Orovskiego, założyciela sportu na ziemiach czeskich
Tlustý, Tomáš
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
Josef Rössler-Ořovský
sports club
sports association
klub sportowy
stowarzyszenie sportowe
działalność założycielska
This paper looks at Josef Rössler-Ořovský, the founding father of sport in the Czech lands, who was instrumental in the development of sports in the Czech lands and in Czechoslovakia from the 1880s until the end of the 1920s. J. Rössler-Ořovský was a sportsman in his body and soul. In addition to his own sporting career, he was known for his efforts to get a large number of sports clubs and associations established in the Czech lands and have them regis-tered in international sports federations. He also played a significant role in the Czech Olym-pic Committee. Josef Rössler-Ořovský, who would have celebrated his 150th birthday in 2019, is indisputably one of the greatest names in Czech sport.
W artykule przedstawiono sylwetkę Josefa Rösslera-Ořovskiego, założyciela sportu na ziemiach czeskich, który od lat 80. XIX wieku do końca lat 20. ubiegłego wieku miał ogrom-ny wpływ na kształtowanie i rozwój sportu na ziemiach czeskich i w Czechosłowacji. J. Rös-sler-Ořovský był sportowcem ciałem i duszą. Poza własną karierą sportową, był znany ze swojej działalności założycielskiej, powołał do życia wiele klubów i stowarzyszeń sportowych z siedzibą w Czechach oraz zarejestrował je w międzynarodowych federacjach sportowych. Odegrał także znaczącą rolę w Czeskim Komitecie Olimpijskim. Josef Rössler-Ořovský, który w 2019 roku obchodziłby swoje 150. urodziny, był bez wątpienia jedną z największych oso-bistości czeskiego sportu.
Sport i Turystyka. Środkowoeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe; 2019, 2, 3; 23-37
Pojawia się w:
Sport i Turystyka. Środkowoeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O historii absolutnej klęski – krytyka religii w eseistycznej twórczości Josefa Šafaříka
On the History of Absolute Failure: Criticism of Religion in the Essays of Josef Šafařík
van Wissem, Paula
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Josef Šafařík
criticism of religion
cultural criticism
crisis of civilization
Czech essay
krytyka religii
krytyka kultury
kryzys cywilizacji
czeska eseistyka
The article presents the thought of Czech dissident and essayist Josef Šafařík (1907–1992). A characteristic feature of Šafařík’s texts is deep criticism of culture. The sharpness of this criticism is directed against technocratic civilization, although it is not only a criticism of widely understood modernity. Šafařík sees the source of mankind’s existential crisis in religion, which legitimized technological progress and eventually led to the loss of the metaphysical aspect of humanity. Although this view is not isolated in (post)modern philosophy, Šafařík expressed it in a rather radical way: not so much to undermine the very foundations of European culture but to provoke in the reader a profound reinterpretation of established truths. In spite of the insightful criticism of religion, Šafařík’s texts are permeated by the metaphysical dimension, but the relation between human beings and transcendence is in this case reversed. According to Šafařík, the transcendental horizon is present only in the essence of man, not in the outer absolute, regardless of whether it is an absolute understood as an Idea, God, or Progress. The article presents analogies in the thought of Josef Šafařík, Jan Patočka and Jean-Francois Lyotard.
Artykuł przedstawia negatywną ocenę religii wyrażoną w eseistycznych tekstach czeskiego dysydenta i eseisty – Josefa Šafaříka (1907–1992). Charakterystyczną cechą tekstów Šafaříka jest głęboka krytyka kultury, która choć jest wycelowana przede wszystkim w technokratyczną cywilizację, nie jest wyłącznie oceną szeroko rozumianej nowoczesności. Josef Šafařík upatruje źródła egzystencjalnego kryzysu człowieka w ukształtowaniu kultury europejskiej poprzez religię, która legitymizując postęp techniczny, stała się przyczyną utraty przez człowieka zrozumienia dla tego, co metafizyczne. Według J. Šafaříka to właśnie religia wytworzyła dyktat finalizmu prowadzącego do dehumanizacji osoby ludzkiej. Choć pogląd ten nie jest w (po)nowoczesnej filozofii odosobniony, u autora dzieła Cestou k poslednímu zostaje wyrażony w prowokujący sposób – nie tyle po to, by podważyć same fundamenty kultury europejskiej, ile po to, by skłonić odbiorcę do dogłębnej reinterpretacji ustalonych prawd. Mimo surowej krytyki religii, jej kulturowej i społecznej roli, w tekstach Šafaříka cały czas obecny jest wymiar metafizyczny. Autor dokonuje jednak przeorientowania układu człowiek – metafizyka. Według niego horyzont transcendentalny obecny jest jedynie w istocie człowieka, nie w zewnętrznym absolucie, niezależnie od tego, czy jest to absolut rozumiany jako Idea, Bóg czy Postęp. W artykule ukazane są paralele pomiędzy myślą Josefa Šafaříka oraz Jana Patočki i Jeana-Francois Lyotarda.
Slavia Meridionalis; 2020, 20
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Meridionalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Skinhead Subculture in the Czech Republic
Smolík, Josef
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Czech Republic
This article briefly describes the skinhead subculture, its history, components, characteristics, values, attitudes and norms. It also presents the various currents of the subculture, with an emphasis on the current apolitical trend within this subculture. The article discusses not only the skinhead subculture in England (its roots, development, etc.), but also the situation in the Czech Republic. The skinhead scene in the Czech Republic is characterised by disunity, caused by political orientation and the engagements of its various supporters, who identify either with: (a) the extreme right (National Socialism), (b) the traditional current (patriotism and the classic themes of the original skinhead subculture), or (c) the extreme left (Trotskyism, communism, and anarchist or ‘autonomist’ currents). It is difficult to establish how many skinheads there are in the Czech Republic today, but one estimate puts the figure at five thousand people when adding all currents together.
Kultura-Społeczeństwo-Edukacja; 2015, 7, 1; 91-103
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Football Hooligans in the Czech Republic: Selected Topics
Smolík, Josef
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
football hooligan
development of the football hooligan subculture
football hooliganism in the Czech Republic
Since the 1990s organized groups have begun to appear in the Czech Republic called „football hooligans”. These groups have drawn the attention of the media, security forces, officials of the Czech Republic Football Association, and the broader public. This text focuses on selected topics associated with the phenomenon of football hooliganism. After a brief history of football hooliganism abroad, especially in England, it will describe the current status of this phenomenon in the Czech Republic. An important part of the text will be devoted to classifying spectators surveyed at football matches into three groups: the broader football audience, fans, and hooligans. Each of these groups will be given a basic description based on previous research carried out at football stadiums. Another goal of the text will be to present the sociological discussion about this phenomenon in the Czech setting, identify the main research avenues, and present some of the sociological studies done in the Czech Republic in recent years. Another important part of the text will be a conceptualization of individual terms, and a brief history of the phenomenon in the Czech Republic, and in the Czechoslovak Republic prior to 1989. Subsequent passages will present the legislative measures and specific laws that have been adopted to address the phenomenon of football hooliganism.
Kultura-Społeczeństwo-Edukacja; 2012, 2; 75-95
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z problematyki wczesnośredniowiecznego osadnictwa północno-zachodnich Czech
Aus der Problematik der frühmittelalterlichen Besiedlung in norwestlichem Böhmen
Bubeník, Josef
Data publikacji:
Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy
Der Verfasser charakterisiert die Entwicklung der Besiedlung auf dem Gebiet von nordwestlichem Böhmen seit den Anfängen des frühen Mittelalters und sondert dabei eine ganze Reihe Ansiedlungsregionen aus, die er mit den aus schriftlichen Quellen bekannten Stammensterritorien und späteren frühstaatlichen Burgenbezirken verbindet. Er erwähnt zu erst die umfangreiche Ansiedlungsregion im Fluβgebiet des Bela und im anliegenden Fluβgebiet der Elbe und verbindet sie mit dem Territorium des Stammes Lemuzi und danach mit dem Burgbezirk mit einem Zentrum in Bílina. Weitere Regionen können im unteren Lauf des Flusses Ohřa in der Gegend von Litomĕřice rekonstruiert werden. Man kann sie mit dem Territorium eines Stammesfürstentums mit dem Zentrum in Litomĕřce und später mit einem der wichtigsten frühstaatlichen Burgenzentren verbinden. Eine deutliche Ansiedlungsregion hat sich im mittleren Fluβgebiet des Ohřa gestaltet. Sie kann mit dem Stammesfürstentum von Lučanen und in der späteren Zeit mit der Provinz mit einem Zentrum in Žatec identifiziert werden. Das Zentrum der Region in der Stammeszeit war hingegen nach Ansicht des Authors der Berg Rubin bei Podbořany. Von zufälligen Entdeckungen und begrenzten archäologischen Forschungen auf diesem Gebiet stammen umfangreiche Funde aus der Stammesperiode, wie z.B. die gröβte in Böhmen Sammlung awarischer Beschläge oder Sporne mit nach innen gebogenen Haken sowie Spuren des Bewohnens dieses Berges in dieser Zeit. Das Reichtum der Funde hat die Forscher zu der Vermutung veranlaβt, das sich hier ein Emporium befunden haben muβte, denn bereits im Altertum führten durch dieses Gebiet wichtige Straßen nach dem Westen, welche eine deutliche Bestätigung in mittelalterlichen Quellen finden. Der Verfasser bringt auch die Vermutung vor, das hier die Wogastisburg ihren Platz gehabt haben dürfte. Auf jeden Fall war es ohne Zwiefel ein Gebiet, wo sich eines der potenziellen Kristallisierungszentren des frühen böhmischen Staates formierte. Zum Schluβ geht der Verfasser zur Charakteristik der Besiedlung des oberen Fluβgebiets von Ohřa über, wo jedoch die Beweise für eine Besiedlung weit schwächer sind und weiterer Forschungen bedürfen.
Studia Lednickie; 1991, 2; 77-86
Pojawia się w:
Studia Lednickie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Karel Havlíček a Josef Václav Frič ve střetu o Ladu Niólu
Karel Havlíček and Josef Václav Frič in the center about Lada Niól
JANÁČKOVÁ, Jaroslava
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Czech literary
literary criticism
Karel Havlíček
Josef Václav Frič
česká literatura
literární kritika
Článek vykládá Upřímné mínění o almanachu Lada Nióla, sepsané Karlem Havlíčkem v Brixenu ve dnech 23. a 24. 12. 1854, jako významný literárně kritický text, ve kterém Havlíček odmítl romantické tendence almanachu iniciovaného J. V. Fričem v duchu intencí literárního realismu. Přibližuje, jak se Havlíčkova kritika - stylizovaná částečně jako osobní list, částečně jako náčrt recenzního posudku - vyrovnávala s jednotlivými přispěvateli a příspěvky almanachu. Do relativně bohaté veřejné diskuse, která po vydání Lady Nióly následovala v novinách a časopisech, Havlíčkovo Upřímné mínění... vzhledem k cenzurní situaci svého autora vstoupit nemohlo, soukromě se s ním mohl seznámit jen úzký okruh aktérů pražského literárního dění 50. let 19. století. Článek v závěru konstatuje, že sám Frič Havlíčkovu kritiku svého almanachu zkreslil, když o ní informoval ve svých pozdějších Pamětech, a přispěl tak k tomu, že Upřímné mínění... nebylo dosud zařazeno v dějinách české literární kritiky na místo, které si Havlíčkův kritický výkon zasluhuje.
The article interprets Uprímné mínení o almanachu Lada Nióla, written by Karl Havlícek in Brixen on December 23 and 24, 1854, in which Havlícek rejected the romantic tendencies of almanac initiated by J. V. Fric in the spirit of literary realism. The author describes how Havlícek’s criticism concerned individual authors and the contribution of the almanac. Uprímné mínení... by Havlícek could not join the discussion that began after the publication of Lady Nióla in newspapers and magazines. Only a narrow circle of literary actors from the 1950s could meet him privately. The author states that Fric himself distorted Havlícek’s criticism of his almanac when he reported it in his later memoirs (Pametí), thus contributing to the fact that Uprímné mínení o almanachu Lada Nióla was not yet considered in the history of Czech literary criticism in the place that Havlícek deserves
Bohemistyka; 2020, 3; 303-318
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nieświadomy komizm w języku tłumaczeń Biblii. Na marginesie czeskiego „nowego stylu biblijnego”
Unconscious comicality in the language of the Bible translations. On the margin of the Czech “New Biblical Style”
Bartoň, Josef
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
Czech stylistics
modern Czech Bible translations
Czech new biblical style
modern biblical language
comicality in the Bible
In Czech, modern biblical translation begins in the early 20th century. (The attribute “modern” indicates here the distance to the older tradition of Czech biblical translation from the Middle Ages to the 19th century). Since then, sixteen whole New Testaments and ten whole Old Testaments have been translated and published (which also means nine new whole Bibles) in the Czech language. However, the expert reflection of the Czech new biblical style (or modern biblical language) is still quite insignificant. Generally speaking, the language of modern Bible translations is characterized, among other things, by considerable volatility, internal contrastivity, “extreme markedness” of different types. The article focuses on one partial aspect of “extreme markedness”, in particular, the unconscious comicality of some places in Czech biblical texts. In the paper, four examples are presented and interpreted (Mt 9,16; L 13,7; Apc 2,7; Mt 10,10), taken from four important modern Czech biblical translations (Catholic Czech Bible from the early 20th century; Czech ecumenical translation; Catholic liturgical translation; evangelical Bible of the 21st Century). These examples show how the specific treatment of stylistic means of the Czech language has the potential to give rise to a comic effect (unintended by the translator) among readers/listeners. The author of the article notes that such extremely stylistically problematic places occur across all modern Czech translations of the Scripture. In the background of these stylistically defective places there are psychological and social reasons, given paradoxically by the fact that the biblical text belongs to the sacral sphere. It is thus desirable that the authors of future Biblical translations and critics of translations consciously and intensively try to shape and cultivate the Czech new biblical style (which, even after a hundred years of its existence, is still characterized by considerable instability).
Stylistyka; 2020, 29; 199-212
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Współczesny czeski przekład biblijny: metamorfozy metody i kształtu
Modern Czech Bible Translation: Metamorphoses of the Method and of the Shape
Bartoň, Josef
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
czeski przekład biblijny
historia czeskiego tekstu biblijnego
translatoryka biblijna
Czech Bible translation
history of the Czech Biblical text
Biblical translatology
The article presents the emergence and development of the modern Czech Biblical translation. From the beginning of the 20th century to the present day 10 completely new Czech translations of the Old Testament, 16 translations of the New Testament and a whole series of translations of single Biblical books came into being and were published.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Linguistica; 2016, 11; 26-38
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Linguistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Adaptation of the Czech Republic Defence Policy Lessons Learned
Procházka, Josef
Data publikacji:
Akademia Sztuki Wojennej
Defence policy
defence strategy
defence planning
defence resource
Since the end of 1989 defence policy of the Czechoslovakia and after its dissolution in 1993 defence policy of the Czech Republic has been permanently adapted to the challenges of the new political reality and evolving strategic environment. Political reality reflected the revolutionary shift in political system aiming at the development of modern democratic state. Challenges coming out from the strategic environment could be characterised by its growing dynamics, complexity, unpredictability and uncertainty. This article highlights some of the remarkable achievements in this two and half decade lasting transitional endeavours and underscores some of the most important lessons learned related to defence policy formulation, defence strategy implementation, defence planning, defence resource management and acquisition.
Security and Defence Quarterly; 2015, 6, 1; 15-28
Pojawia się w:
Security and Defence Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Returns from Concentration Camps
Halamová, Martina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Czech literature
Viktor Fischl
Arnošt Lustig
Karel Josef Beneš
Zeno Dostál
Radka Denemarková
The article is concentrated on the Czech post-war literature, especially on the Czech treatment of the theme regarding returns from concentration camps in the novels written in the second half of 20th century and in contemporary literature. The presented novels, thematizing the mentioned topic, are viewed as representations of those days discourses shaped by the “course of history”. Therefore, the article follows variation of the theme as well as the modification of heros in connection with the transformation of discourses, and tries to describe the reasons of the changing.
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne; 2017, 12; 107-121
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Quantitative relationship of spore and plant assemblages from the Radnice Basin, Middle Pennsylvanian of the Czech Republic : preliminary results
Bek, Jiří
Opluštil, Stanislav
Pšenička, Josef
Votočková-Frojdová, Jana
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
fossil plants
Dispersed miospore and pollen assemblages are described from the Radnice Basin, Middle Pennsylvanian, Czech Republic. Conversion factors (R-values) were produced by comparing the palynological data with quantified macrofloral data, to relate the percentages of spore/pollen taxa to those of the major plant groups that produced them. Among arborescent lycopsids, the miospore and macroplant counts are more or less equal. In other lycopsids miospores are strongly over-represented, as their macroplant remains were relatively fewer than would be suggested by the proportion of their spores in miospore spectra. Sphenophyll and calamitid macroplants were also relatively fewer than are their spores as a proportion of palynological spectra. By contrast, macroplants of ferns and cordaites are relatively more numerous than are their miospores and pollen in palynological spectra.
Geological Quarterly; 2021, 65, 4; 205--215
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Supporting the Learning of Polish and Czech Students by Digital Tools
Chmura, Milan
Malach, Josef
Szafrańska, Anna
Ogrodzka-Mazur, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
higher education
academic teachers
supporting the learning process
digital tools
comparative study
The article presents the results of exploring the purposes of using digital tools to support student learning at universities. This comprises some identified types of digital tools and the frequency of their use by academic staff, which varies due to their level of digital literacy. Then the collected data is provided concerning the numbers of academic staff using basic electronic communication methods. The above data were collected in Polish and Czech universities and later compared to each other. The presented study was conducted over the period 2015–2016 within the IRNet project – International research network for study and development of new tools and methods for advanced pedagogical science in the field of ICT instruments, e-learning and intercultural competences in Poland (University of Silesia, Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Science in Cieszyn) and the Czech Republic (University of Ostrava, Pedagogical Faculty). The undertaken research was aimed at recognizing academic teachers’ activities concerning their support in university students’ learning process.
The New Educational Review; 2018, 51; 192-205
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Use of E-learning Resources by Academic Teachers – a Polish-Czech Comparative Study
Chmura, Milan
Malach, Josef
Szafrańska, Anna
Ogrodzka-Mazur, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
tertiary education
academic teachers
distance learning
e-learning resources
comparative study
The article is a result of the collaboration between Polish and Czech scientists who explore the issues of applying resources from the e-learning environment by academic teachers. The presented study was conducted in 2015–2016, within the project IRNet – International research network for study and development of new tools and methods for advanced pedagogical science in the field of ICT instruments, e-learning and intercultural competences. The research was aimed at learning academic teachers’ opinions on their own skills and possibilities of using various resources from the e-learning environment, as well as the ways in which they apply information and communication technologies in the educational process.
The New Educational Review; 2017, 50; 169-185
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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