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«Beati pacifici: quoniam filii Dei vocabuntur»: Релігійний фактор польсько-українського примирення.
«Beati pacifici: quoniam filii Dei vocabuntur»: Religious factor in Polish -Ukrainian reconciliation
GENYK, Mykola
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
Polish-Ukrainian relations
religious factor
Polish-Ukrainian reconciliation was one of the most momentous events for the East Central Europe in the second half of the 20th century. Religious hierarchs of both nations contributed a lot to interethnic reconciliation. Polish-Ukrainian rapprochement was remarkable for particularly involvement of representatives of the Catholic Church into this process and keeping aloof of Orthodox clergy from normalization of Polish-Ukrainian relations. The recommendations of the Second Vatican Council, encyclicals of Saint John XXIII, Paul VI and John Paul II and implementation of the principle “We forgive and are asking for forgivness” created preconditions for interethnic reconciliation. Saint John XXIII in his encyclical “Pacem in terris” had criticized the idea of peacekeeping by an arms race and the balance of power doctrine – “real and lasting peace between nations must be based not on a balance of power but on mutual confidence”. Activities of Pope John Paul II gave a powerful incentive to Polish-Ukrainian reconciliation. The role of Churches as a kind of people’s diplomacy one could resort to increased when complicated interethnic problems weren’t managed to resolve at government level. The most important actions of Rome Catholic and Greek Catholic Churches in behalf of interethnic rapprochement were celebration of the 1000th Anniversary of the Christianization of Rus'-Ukraine, Eucharistic Congress in 2003, joint appeals on the occasion of Volhynian massacre. The achievement of Polish-Ukrainian reconciliation based on universal values and Christian civilization was an evidence of new European thinking and significant factor of building of the united Europe.
Historia i Świat; 2015, 4; 357-370
Pojawia się w:
Historia i Świat
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Способи епізації лірики у творчості Василя Слапчука
Chui, Sergey
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
time and spatial relations
This article reviews current basic methods of lyrics episation in the context of literary genres and forms evolution. The role of the poetry size accompanied by epic characteristics, such as diff erent descriptions, additional characters and plot elements are discussed. The study analyzes poetry peculiarities caused by narration, in particular, the narrator type and narrative. The author uses the narrator typology, proposed by W. Schmid. The poetry composition peculiarities related to the plot are defi ned. The article reveals the uniqueness of time and spatial relations and the function of descriptions and additional characters in poetry. It also investigates the infl uence of genres characters borrowed from traditional epic on the generic nature of poetry. The correlation of certain poetries with the genres of parables, fairy tales and fables are partially examined.
Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia; 2017, 5; 135-146
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Піддубна, Наталія
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
syntagmatic relations
paradigmatic relations
relacje syntagmatyczne
relacje paradygmatyczne
hipero- i hiponimia
Artykuł poświęcony jest badaniu systemowych (syntagmatycznych i paradygmatycznych) relacji leksykalnych i frazeologicznych biblizmów języka ukraińskiego. Wykazano, iż zmiana relacji syntagmatycznych wpływa na stosunki paradygmatyczne, w rezultacie czego biblizmy ulegają desakralizacji, a w ich systemie mają miejsce zjawiska enantiosemii, antynomii, homonimii, jak również przeintegrowanie znaczeń. Dla biblizmów charakterystyczne są synonimiczność, wieloznaczność i wiarantywność, hipero- i hiponimia, co również potwierdza ich systemowość.
The article is aimed at studying of the systematic (syntagmatic and paradigmatic) ties of the lexical and phraseological bibleisms in the Ukrainian language. It has been proved that the change of the syntagmatic relations infl uences the paradigmatic ones; as a result, the bibleisms are desacralized, andenanthisemia, antonymy, homonymy and the reintegration of meanings appear. The bibleisms are characterized by synonymy, polysemy and variability, hyper-hyponymy that also prove their systemicity.
Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia; 2019, 7, 2; 127-136
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Етносоціальні аспекти українсько-польських взаємин у першій половині ХІХ століття
Aspekty etniczno-społeczne stosunków ukraińsko-polskich w pierwszej połowie ХІХ wieku
Павлюк, Віктор
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
Polish-Ukrainian relations
The article shows the influence of ethno-social problems on the Ukrainian-Polish relations in Right-Bank Ukraine. Author in the debate with researchers of the issued problem proves that at the late 18th and early 19th centuries Polish-Ukrainian relations weren’t of antagonistic character neither in the ethno-social nor in the ethno-political sphere. The author doesn’t idealize relations between Ukrainian peasants and Polish landowners, but argues that the nobility understood sense of human dignity and needed the support of the local inhabitants, especially after the defeat of the rebellion in 1830-1831. Peasants realized that their socialeconomic situation wouldn’t change: Russian landowners would come instead of Polish landowners. Therefore, there appeared political organizations aimed at complete emancipation of the peasants, transferring the lands to the property of peasants without compensation and the complete political equality irrespective of the social origin, religion and nationality.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2015, 5; 297-302
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Державно-церковні відносини пізньопротестантських течій у Польщі (1918 1939 рр.)
Галуха, Любов
Бородинська, Ліна
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
Poland (1918-1939)
late Protestants
state and church relations
The article deals with state and church relations of late Protestant movements in interwar Poland that provided the right recognition for activities of religious communities, the legalization of community and religious communities, ensuring civil rights and duties of the faithful.
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne; 2012, 2(4); 215-226
Pojawia się w:
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The distinction between administrative and other legal relationships that arise during the implementation of anticorruption policy
Розмежування адміністративних та інших правовідносин, що виникають під час реалізації антикорупційної політики
Demianchuk, Vitalii
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
anticorruption policy
anticorruption measures
legal relations
public administration
The article is focused on the scientific and practical research of the problem of distinction of administrative and other legal relations arising during the implementation of anticorruption policy of the modern legal state. Purpose. The objective of the article is to determine theoretical and practical principles of delimitation between administrative and other legal relations that arise during the implementation of anti-corruption policy in Ukraine. Methods. The author of the research has applied formal and legal, historical and legal, logical and method of system and structural analysis. Results. The author has considered the most important features of administrative and legal relations as the main form of the implementation of anticorruption measures. The author has analyzed the major doctrinal approaches to determining legal content and value of the distinction of different types of legal relations in the anticorruption field to find the best practical ways of counteracting corruption as a negative social phenomena and overcoming corruption in society. It has been noted that the basic form of the practical implementation of anticorruption regulations is administrative and legal relations, as they occur in the sphere of public administration, cover all major types of anticorruption measures, are spread to the actions of state officials and are implemented, especially by the executive state authorities through regulative, prescribing, everyday actions and decisions on combating corruption as an extremely dangerous negative social phenomena for normal functioning of the society.
Intercultural Communication; 2017, 3, 2; 209-225
Pojawia się w:
Intercultural Communication
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Прецедентні одиниці в українських релігійних медіа у світлі комунікативної стратегії дискредитації
Precedent Units in Ukrainian Religious Media in the Light of Communicative Discrediting Strategy
Левко, Олександр
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
precedent unit
discrediting strategy
verbal tactics
religious media discourse
inter‑confessional relations
Slavia Orientalis; 2021, LXX, 3; 661-681
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Orientalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Психологічна природа міжгрупового протистояння та еволюція суспільних відносин
Psychological Nature of Intergroup Confrontation and Evolution of Public Relations
Кириченко, Віктор
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
information environment
social relations
intergroup conflict
psychological role
models of perception
Social and political opposition, which is based on the existence of contradictions and conflicts explicit interregional, inter-state and global, can cause direct physical and psychological violence. Globalization and historical changes in the social structure of most European countries, especially the Ukrainian- Russian conflict, brought socio-historical ideology of confrontation to a new level, resulting in the need to review the scientific foundations of the problem. Socio-psychological phenomenology of social conflict connected with external attribute personality traits, which is included in the system of social relations (race, gender, nationality, etc.). In the context of social phylogeny of the human community awareness of the existence of differences from the other is in the contrast between «I» certain «They» that leads to the formation of a consolidation group «We». Integration and globalization of the XXI century, which despite everything is a humanistic movement, shape society sharp, clearly negative attitude to physical violence. In modern society strategically prudent military campaign beginning with informative, cultural and ideological confrontation. Information warfare of our time – is primarily a worldview war, the struggle for the human mind and its beliefs that are higher regulators social activity. World reconstructed social environment and in the collective consciousness of social community through the prism of common patterns of perception that forms the equal treatment of all elements that are both within it and outside it. The result of effective learning models common perception is public opinion – the attitude of the community to the events and issues submitted for general discussion. Through the media at the discretion of submitted questions, problems, events, and most importantly – relationship to them. In a society built on a matrix model to be the most representative group «we» had to meet all the necessary conditions of role. Each member of the community is the bearer of a unique experience and unique properties. If the role variability impossible, it can lead to a critical accumulation representative of this or that social group segments and generate degradation. Social differentiation is a natural process, the essence of which is the union of a community of people with common interests to defend and leads to the formation of a group «they». In the coordinate system of social relations «we» and «they» are on different sides of the plane of the bipolar, but the disappearance of a reorganization one of them prevents the existence of the other. Resources information environment used to implement the common perception models which reconstruct a picture of the world in the collective consciousness and create a uniform public relation to the phenomena of objective reality. In order to consolidate the group in the information environment of broadcast information, which unites the community in the fight against some of «they». In the evolution of public relations is a gradual reorganization of intergroup relations, which can store role variability. The social hierarchy of interpersonal relationships in modern society can simultaneously be representative of the diverse group of cells (to carry out various social roles) that create the possibility of finding common interests and opportunities of cooperation and mutual interaction between people in a globalized world.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2016, 6; 312-322
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
1991 рік: у джерел розбудови угорсько-українських міждержавних зв’язків
1991: At the origin of building Hungarian-Ukrainian inter-state relations
Paladi, Renata
Data publikacji:
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The Institute of History of Ukraine
Soviet Union
bilateral relations
двосторонні відносини
31 травня 1991 р. в рамках триденного візиту керівництва Української РСР до Будапешта було підписано дев’ять документів, що в підсумку мали вирішальне значення для розбудови угорсько-українських двосторонніх відносин. Робочому візиту української делегації на чолі з головою Верховної Ради УРСР Леонідом Кравчуком передувала багатомісячна інтенсивна підготовча робота з обох сторін. У цій статті автор здійснює спробу дати огляд цього процесу на основі розсекречених архівних документів Міністерства закордонних справ Угорщини та, насамперед, посилаючись на угорську бібліографію. На початку дослідження автор дає коротку характеристику зовнішньополітичних цілей Угорської Республіки щодо Української РСР на межі 90-х років. Далі подається короткий опис змісту основних зустрічей угорської та української сторін, а також висвітлюється реакція керівництва СРСР на взаємне зближення двох сусідніх держав. На основі аналізу архівних матеріалів автор акцентує особливу увагу на питаннях, що мали велике значення в розвитку і регулюванні угорсько-українських двосторонніх відносин, а саме: 1) Договір про добросусідство та співробітництво, 2) Декларація про національні меншини та 3) Консульська конвенція. Завершується розвідка коротким оглядом і оцінкою візиту української делегації у Будапешт у травні–червні 1991 року, також подається короткий контент та умови всіх дев’яти підписаних документів.
On 31 May 1991, during the three-day visit of the leadership of the Ukrainian SSR to Budapest, there were signed nine documents, which ultimately were crucial for the development of Hungarian-Ukrainian bilateral relations. The working visit of the Ukrainian delegation, headed by the Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament Leonid Kravchuk, was preceded by many months of intensive preparatory work on both sides. In this study, the author tries to give an overview of this process based on declassified archival documents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary and primarily referring to the Hungarian bibliography. At the beginning of the study, the author gives a brief description of the foreign policy goals of the Republic of Hungary to the Ukrainian SSR on the verge of the 90s. Then will be given a brief description of the content of the main meetings that were organized between the Hungarian and Ukrainian sides, as well as the reaction of the Soviet leadership to the mutual rapprochement of the two neighbouring states. Based on archival materials, the author pays special attention to issues that were of great importance in the development and regulation of Hungarian-Ukrainian bilateral relations, namely 1) the Treaty of Good Neighborliness and Cooperation, 2) the Declaration on National Minorities and 3) the Consular Convention. The paper concludes with a brief review and assessment of the visit of the Ukrainian delegation to Budapest in May-June 1991 and gives a summary of the content and the terms of all nine signed documents.
The International Relations of Ukraine: Scientific Searches and Findings; 2021, 30; 141-155
Pojawia się w:
The International Relations of Ukraine: Scientific Searches and Findings
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Образотворення єврейського погрому в оповіданнях Марії Конопніцької „Mendel Gdański” (1890) і Леоніда Пахаревського „Батько” (1906): порівняльний аспект
Representation of the Jewish pohrom in the short stories of a Polish writer Maria Konopnicka “Mendel Gdański” (1890) and an Ukrainian writer Leonid Pakharevsky “A Father” (1906): comparative aspect
Semeryn, Khrystyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Jewish studies
Jewish identity
Polish-Ukrainian relations
short fiction
comparative analysis
Jewish pohrom
The paper analyzes the images of the Jewish pohrom in the short stories written by a Polish writer Maria Konopnicka “Mendel Gdański” (1890) and by the Ukrainian writer Leonid Pakharevsky “The Father” (1906). The research is made within a framework of comparative analysis. Both authors depict pohroms with an image of an old Jewish man caring for his children or grandchildren. In the wake of anti-Jewish riots the protagonists are undergoing deep personal changes. Mendel loses his love for his city, while Leisor loses his passionary illusions and became involved in an armed struggle for freedom. Konopnicka focuses on the natural belonging of the Jewish population to Polish society and more broadly to the Eastern European multicultural space. Pakharevsky outlines the generation gap. While the older Jews accepts death without resistance, guided by faith in the promised biblical land, the younger Jews denies these illusions and defends their life resolutely. In addition, Konopnicka and Pakharevsky are looking for preconditions for the pohrom. According to them, the only reasons are social prejudices, stereotypes, as well as a criminal factor, to wit the role of criminals and lumpen in anti-Semitic actions. Both short stories use the technique of instilling a sense of danger, although Pakharevsky’s story begins with a scene of fire and a direct attack. Eventually, the pohroms indeed lead to a real escalation of hostility and a painful rift between the Jewish and non-Jewish worlds. In closing, these stories are not only about the genesis and the course of anti-Semitic pohroms, but also universal categories. Importantly, the process of self-determination of the Jewish people nowadays and the renewal of Jewish identity are intelligently represented here.
Studia Polsko-Ukraińskie; 2022, 9; 162-175
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polsko-Ukraińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Джерела і методологія дослідження сучасних українсько-польських відносин
Źródła i metodologia badań współczesnych stosunków polsko-ukraińskich
Горбатенко, Володимир
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
bilateral relations
Ukrainian-Polish cooperation
dialogue of cultures
strategic interests
security policy
public events
One of the most important vectors of Ukraine’s contemporary development is its active policy in bilateral relations with the leading European countries, since such a policy opens the way for recognition of its European identity and forms unlimited opportunities for international cooperation on a mutually beneficial basis. Among the closest partners and the most reliable allies of Ukraine was and remains Poland, because here, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians live, work and study without any special problems. In addition, the strengthening of strategic partnership with Poland contributes to the practical realization of the European choice of Ukraine. On the other hand, Poles are interested in the territorial integrity, independence and European orientation of Ukraine, seeing it an ally in confronting external threats. In connection with the aforementioned one of the most important directions of the study of the state and prospects of modern Ukrainian-Polish relations is the elucidation of the sources and methodology of their comprehension comprehension. Although any classification is conditional, it is still worth trying to identify the main sources whose potential is intended to strengthen the relations between the two countries and outline the methodological aspects of their use in order to strengthen Ukrainian-Polish cooperation. First of all, such sources should include the following. 1. The ideological and theoretical work of the representatives of Ukraine and Poland, aimed at finding ways to deepen mutual understanding between the two peoples. At the same time, particular attention should be paid to strategic considerations expressed on both sides, as well as reservations about the risks that accompany bilateral relations. Along with this, the important points for studying are the positions of people who are distinguished for their diligence, openness to mutual respect and mutual understanding. The ideological and theoretical potential of Ukrainian and Polish intellectuals, aimed at convergence, the dialogue of the cultures of the two countries, still needs to be properly studied and systematized, and can serve as an important basis for the state-building efforts of Ukraine and Poland in the future. 2. External and domestic legal acts and documents of strategic direction aimed at strengthening of bilateral relations. This vector of relationships was already established at the turn of the 20th - 21st centuries in the relevant international legal and internal documents: the Declaration on the Principles and Main Directions of Ukrainian-Polish Relations (October 13, 1990); Treaty on Good Neighborhood, Friendly Relations and Cooperation (May 18-19, 1992); Agreement on the legal status of the Ukrainian-Polish border (January 12, 1993); Communique on the results of the meeting of the Consultative Committee of the Presidents of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland (September 27-28, 1995); Joint Statement for Understanding and Integration (May 21, 1997); Security Strategies of the Republic of Poland (2000); National Concept of Strategic Partnership Relations with the Republic of Poland (July 27, 2001); in a paper presented by the Polish political experts «The Eastern Policy of the Union in the Perspective of its Expansion through the States of Central and Eastern Europe - the Polish Point of View» (October 2003). Sufficiently strong legal and regulatory framework for bilateral relations between Ukraine and Poland is evidence of a gradual strengthening of political, economic, international legal and cultural cooperation. At the same time, a number of problems remain inadequate. First of all, it concerns border cooperation, common historical heritage, education, labor migration, etc. 3. Institutional system for the provision and coordination of mutual strategic interests of the two states. Today, this coordination is jointly carried out by: the Advisory Committee of the Presidents of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland; Ukrainian-Polish Mixed Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation; Ukrainian-Polish and Polish-Ukrainian parliamentary groups; Permanent Ukrainian-Polish Conference on European Integration; Polish Institute in Kyiv; Ukrainian-Polish, Polish-Ukrainian forums, Foundation Research Center Poland-Ukraine and others. In addition, there are a number of research structures in each of the countries that are highly specialized in the Polish-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-Polish issues. Accordingly, this direction should be monitored and the current evaluation of the effectiveness of these or other structural units should be carried out on the subject of a real impact on the quality of bilateral relations. At the same time, mutual understanding should be sought on the basis of openness, dialogue, compromise, and the avoidance of the formation of structures focused on unilateral consideration of disputed problems. 4. State-political decisions in the field of security policy, anti-hybrid foreign-policy threats. A real threat to the entire European security system was the aggressive policy of Russia in 2014. Under these conditions, Ukraine was the leading outpost of protecting European values and democratic order. Systemic comprehension of the existing experience in a vital military-strategic sphere will help to optimize the directions of further cooperation, in particular on such important issues as: the final determination by Ukraine of the transition to international standards in the military sphere; exchanging experience of reforming the troops and maintaining their combat readiness at an appropriate level; combining the efforts of all EU countries in combating hybrid threats, as well as conducting a single foreign and security policy; consolidated actions of the European states in relation to the offending state (point of application of sanctions, embargo, etc.); to develop, on the basis of the UN, a common position on the unconditional implementation by all countries of the world of the requirements of international law and the search for ways to improve it in order to resolve non-standard situations; the study of the NATO countries by the unique Ukrainian experience of functioning the state in a hybrid war. 5. The ideological and theoretical potential of public events (scientific conferences, debates, discussions, official meetings) that promote reconciliation with respect to controversial historical events, the dissolution of persistent stereotypes. From time to time, the recurrence of historical hostility between the two neighboring countries is given significant, including at the official level. First of all, these are the negative manifestations of mutual opposition, such as: the war of monuments to the dead Poles and Ukrainians; the dissemination at the level of mass consciousness of outdated stereotypical ideas humiliating national dignity; attempts to politicize the policy of memory through speculation on the tragic events of the past, in which the representatives of both nations suffered; the criticisms of the Polish radicals about the re-establishment of the Commonwealth at the borders of 1939 and the ill-conceived statements of some Ukrainians, which prompted «to forget about Poland for 25 years». The realization by Poland of offensive historical politics in Ukraine creates a reciprocal reaction in the issue of Ukraine’s implementation of its policy of memory and causes various kinds of distortions. Therefore, under the current conditions, monopolization of the policy of memory at the state level, without involving the general public, is extremely dangerous for the future. This remark applies to both Poland and Ukraine. Thus, despite current problems, today we have every reason to state the significant level of Ukrainian-Polish cooperation. At the same time, in the bilateral relations between Ukraine and Poland it is worth looking first and foremost on positive things, consolidating in the mass consciousness what unites the two Eastern European countries, to highlight the views of people who for years build a Polish-Ukrainian understanding: translate books, establish scientific cooperation, restore cemeteries, collect help for soldiers who guarantee European security in eastern Ukraine. The progressive forces of both countries, regardless of the various kinds of provocations, should be abstracted from the insinuations of the marginal environment, reveal wisdom in assessing historical events, and determine common priorities not only for the medium term, but also for the long-term perspective. The level of mutual relations between the two countries depends on the possibility of realizing the needs of national minorities - Ukrainian in Poland and Polish in Ukraine. In addition, the strengthening of intergovernmental cooperation will contribute to establishing closer cooperation between Ukrainian and Polish societies in general, which depends largely on the future of both countries in the European House of Spies.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2018, 8; 51-57
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Krytyczny stan sektora rolnego i sposoby jego przezwyciężenia
Khomyn, Petro
Data publikacji:
Kujawsko-Pomorska Szkoła Wyższa w Bydgoszczy
agrarian sector
state of crisis
economic relations
аграрний сектор
кризовий стан
економічні взаємовідносини
На основі аналізу показників Тернопільської області у взаємозв’язку із загальноукраїнськими у статті викладається авторське бачення шляхів подолання кризового стану в аграрному секторі України. З використанням праць відомих теоретиків обґрунтовуються шляхи його подолання, в тому числі й на основі виважених принципів економічних відносин членів кооперативних об’єднань
Based on the analysis of indicators of the Ternopil region in conjunction with the all-Ukrainian article presents the author’s vision of the ways to overcome the crisis situation in the agrarian sector of Ukraine. Using the works of famous theorists settle ways to overcome it, including on the basis of the principles of balanced economic relations between the members of cooperative societies
Roczniki Ekonomiczne Kujawsko-Pomorskiej Szkoły Wyższej w Bydgoszczy; 2015, 8; 259-275
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Ekonomiczne Kujawsko-Pomorskiej Szkoły Wyższej w Bydgoszczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Польсько-українська пісня «Hej, sokoły!» як інтеркультурне комунікативне явище
Polish-Ukrainian song “Hej, sokoły!” (“Hey, Eagles!”) as an intercultural communicative phenomenon
Balandina, Nadiya
Bolotnikova, Alla
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Tomasz Padurra
Polish-Ukrainian relations
intercultural phenomenon
process of communication
communication model
song "Hej sokoły!"
The subject of the study is the Polish version of the song “Hej, sokoły!” regarded as a multi-dimensional intercultural communicative phenomenon from the point of view of the external and internal contexts and correlations of its individual and social aspects. The analysis has been undertaken using the method of sociocultural interpretation of the external context, the method of information decoding for identifying the author’s intentions and functions of textual symbols. For the systemic and incremental study of the song the author uses the modeling method, in particular, the linear model of communication with considering the constituents: w h o – w h a t – b y w h a t m e a n s – t o w h om. In the framework of this model the article has studied the motives of writing the song, its genre peculiarities. The ways of verbalizing its semantic dominants and the addressee of the song have been determined. The conclusion states that “Hej, sokoły!” is not just a romantic ballad tinged with grief for the lost, but a certain intercultural Ukrainian-Polish phenomenon that teaches not to forget history and given a lesson in patriotism.
Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski; 2020, XI, 1; 231-240
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Військова і безпекова складові внутрішньої та зовнішньої політики Російської Федерації у 2007–2014 рр.
Składniki wojskowe i bezpieczeniowe wewnętrznej i zewnętrznej polityki Federacji Rosyjskiej w latach 2007–2014
Демартино, Андрій
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
internal politics
foreign policy
geopolitical space
political radicalism
Munich speech V. Putin
military reform
strategic decisions
international relations
The radical actions of the Kremlin, which led to the annexation of the Crimea and the support of the separatists in the East of Ukraine, were conditioned by fundamental changes in Russia’s domestic and foreign policy, which began much earlier and were connected with the historically determined irrational aspirations of Russians to territorial expansion. The turning point of radical changes in Russia’s domestic and foreign policy can be considered the famous speech of Putin, which he spoke at the Munich Security Conference on February 10, 2007, and openly said that he «really thinks about the problems of international security.» The main points of this report are the following: the unacceptability and impossibility for a modern world of a unipolar model of international relations; the need to find a reasonable balance between the interests of all actors in international politics; the inadmissibility of the invasion of the United States of America in all spheres of world development and the imposition of rules of the game to other states; the admissibility of the use of military force as the last argument only on the basis of the UN Charter; termination of the provocative NATO expansion to the East as reducing the level of mutual trust in the world; the hopelessness of the West’s economic policy towards the Third World countries; stopping the process of transforming the OSCE into a tool for securing the foreign policy interests of one or a group of countries relative to other countries; the formation of a just, democratic world order capable of ensuring prosperity not only for the elected but for all. Putin’s speech served as an occasion for controversy in the Western political circles to restore the «cold» war. By the Russian side, the Munich speech of Putin was seen as a further program of foreign policy of Russia in the late 2000’s - early 2010’s. External causes of radical change in the course of the Russian Federation: 1) the enlargement of NATO and the EU to the east in 2004, which took place without taking into account the interests of the Russian Federation, and this is against the backdrop of the intensified declaration of Putin after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 supporting the American strategy to combat terrorism; 2) «color revolutions» that took place in 2003-2005 in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan, and were actively supported by the United States and the leading European countries. The conservative part of the Russian elite perceived them as an offensive against Russia’s interests in the post-Soviet space. Internal reasons: 1) the rise in oil prices on the world market since the early 2000’s, accompanied by a surge of foreign direct investment and a cessation of capital outflow. In conjunction with the dependence of European countries on the supply of Russian energy resources, all this generated in the higher political elite a sense of Russia’s new status as an «energy superpower» and claims to restore its role in world politics; 2) the defeat of the big business (Berezovsky, Khodorkovsky) in the struggle for power in the Russian Federation and the growing influence of the federal bureaucracy and security forces, which led by Putin to gain mass support in the parliamentary and presidential elections of 2003-2004. After Munich in Russia, a whole series of conceptual, legislative, structural changes and organizational measures aimed at adapting state institutions and politics under new conditions was launched. The preparation and conduct of the presidential elections in Russia, which resulted in the «return» of Putin to a senior position in the state, finally severed the Kremlin, even with the possibility of establishing a pragmatic cooperation with the West, which attempts were made during the reign of D. Medvedev within the framework of the «reboot» from the United States and «Partnership for Modernization» programs with Germany and the EU. Thus, the evolution of the domestic and foreign policy of the Russian Federation in 2007-2014 is largely due to the imperial essence of the state and society of this country, due to all its historical historical development. In addition, the subjective factor associated with the activities of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin and his oligarchic leadership headed by his desire for personal enrichment and indivisible domination in the post-Soviet geopolitical space, played a role in changing the country’s political course. Accordingly, Russian aggression against Ukraine, which began in February 2014, should be considered a natural result of the expansionist aspirations of the ruling class in Russia.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2018, 8; 28-34
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Розвиток земельних відносин у системі реформування національної економіки
Развитие земельных отношений в системе реформирования национальной экономики
Development of land relations in the system of reform of national economy
Steblianko, I. O.
Data publikacji:
Dnieprowski Uniwersytet Narodowy im. Ołesia Honczara
земельні відносини
національна економіка
земельные отношения
национальная экономика
land relations
national economy
According to the Land Code of Ukraine, the land is the main national wealth, which is under special protection of the State. As a result of the land reforms in Ukraine, the private ownership of land is renewed, restrictions on granting the land plots to citizens are removed, but the rational highly–efficient land use and agriculture growth in the trajectory of sustainable development is not provided. One should also point to the lack of a comprehensive approach to determine the place of the land reform in the system of transformation of the national economy. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the principles of the land reform and determine its dialectic link to other reforms of the national economy. To achieve this goal we applied system approach, general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis. The information basis of the research is the legal regulating data of Ukraine and the reporting data of the State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre. The main scientific result of the paper is substantiation of principles of land reform and determining of its dialectic link to other reforms of the national economy, namely, decentralization of management of the national economy; environmental reform, reform of agriculture and forestry. The following principles and guidelines must underlie the land reform in accordance with a system approach: inventory and delimitation of agricultural lands, conducting their financial evaluation and regular re–evaluation, creation of a civilized land market and the right of rental of land plots for agricultural purposes on a competitive basis, stimulation of medium–term and long–term lease relations, decentralization and eco–friendliness of land relations, etc. The scientific novelty of the work is defining the principles of land reform in Ukraine, which includes identification of its dialectic unity with other reforms in the national economy.  Practical significance of the results of this work consists in identifying specific measures for reforming land relations with regard to causal relationships of economic reforms in Ukraine.  The prospect of further research on the topic of the work is the development of proposals to improve the taxation of land relations.
Проанализирована динамика состава и структуры земельного фонда Украины. Обоснованы принципы проведения земельной реформы и определена ее диалектическая связь с другими реформами национальной экономики
Згідно із Земельним Кодексом України земля – це основне національне багатство, що перебуває під особливою охороною держави. У результаті реалізації в Україні земельних реформ відновлено приватну власність на землю, усунено обмеження на надання земельних ділянок громадянам, проте раціональне високоефективне землекористування та вихід агросфери на траєкторію сталого розвитку не забезпечено. Також слід указати на відсутність комплексного підходу до визначення місця земельної реформи в системі трансформації національної економіки. Метою статті є обґрунтування принципів проведення земельної реформи та визначення її діалектичного зв’язку із іншими реформами національної економіки. Для досягнення поставленої мети було застосовано системний підхід, загальнонаукові методи аналізу і синтезу. Інформаційною основою дослідження є нормативно-правова база України та звітні дані Державної служби України з питань геодезії, картографії та кадастру. Головний науковий результат статті полягає в обґрунтуванні принципів проведення земельної реформи та визначенні її діалектичного зв’язку із іншими реформами національної економіки, а саме: децентралізація керування національним господарством; екологічна реформа, реформа сільського і лісового господарства. В основі земельної реформи відповідно до системного підходу повинні бути такі засади і принципи: інвентаризація та розмежування земель сільськогосподарського призначення, проведення їх грошової оцінки і регулярної переоцінки, формування цивілізованого ринку земель і права оренди земельних ділянок сільськогосподарського призначення на конкурентних засадах,  стимулювання середньострокових і довгострокових орендних відносин, децентралізація і екологізація земельних відносин тощо. Наукова новизна роботи ‑ визначення принципів земельної реформи в Україні, що передбачає ідентифікацію її діалектичної єдності з іншими реформами в національній економіці. Практичне значення результатів роботи полягає у визначенні конкретних заходів реформування земельних відносин з урахування причинно-наслідкових зв’язків економічних реформ в Україні. Перспектива подальших досліджень за темою роботи – розробка пропозицій щодо вдосконалення оподаткування земельних відносин. 
European Journal of Management Issues; 2015, 5; 100-107
Pojawia się w:
European Journal of Management Issues
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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