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Motywy uczestnictwa studentów z niepełnosprawnością oraz problemami zdrowotnymi studiujących na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu w leczniczych zajęciach ruchowych
Motives for the Participation in Therapeutic Physical Activities of Students with Disabilities and Health Issues at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
Prusińska, Violetta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
student with disabilities
medical physical activities
physical activity
physical education
Physical activity should be a priority for students with disabilities and health problems because it is an important part of healthy living, disease prevention and coping with stress. The awareness of the needs of movement as a therapeutic agent, affects the motivation of students participating in classes tailored to their capabilities, in activities of rehabilitation, physiotherapy and yoga. An analysis of research shows that students taking part in medical physical activities are mainly focused on health and disease prevention; another important motive is course completion.
Studia Edukacyjne; 2021, 62; 243-253
Pojawia się w:
Studia Edukacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Unikanie ćwiczeń ruchowych podczas lekcji wychowania fizycznego. Problem czy zjawisko marginalne w szkołach podstawowych
Abstaining from exercise during physical education lesson, a real problem or a marginal one in primary school
Tomik, Rajmund
Bursy, Betina
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
physical activity
physical education
abstaining from exercise during physical education lessons
Background. Physical activity of children and adults is considered an essential health determinant. Nowadays a considerable number of children and adolescents live sedentary lifestyles, and, as a result, more frequently suffer from the metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, overweight and obesity. It is generally believed that a significant number of children abstain from exercising at school. However, representative research results are still unavailable. The aim of the present study was to estimate the extent of exercise avoidance at physical education lessons in primary schools, and to identify the factors increasing the proportion of nonexercisers. Material and methods. The investigations were carried out in 42 primary schools of the Province of Silesia; 1333 physical education lessons were surveyed (classes 4-6). Results. The mean percentage of nonexercisers was 9.2%. The proportion of girls abstaining from exercise was significantly higher and amounted to 13.7%. A lower percentage of non exercising pupils, i.e., 8.5%, was noted in mixed schools. The most common excuses from active participation in physical education lessons were leaving exercise clothes at home (45%) and excuse notes from parents (33.5%).
Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu; 2013, 40; 57-62
Pojawia się w:
Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wizerunek instruktora aktywności fizycznej wedlug opinii słuchaczy Uniwersytetu Trzeciego Wieku
The image of physical acivity trainer in the opinions of the students of the University of the Third Age
Koper, Łukasz
Koszczyc, Marta
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
physical education teacher
physical activity of older people
Background. Physical education teachers are traditionally associated with physical education as a school subject. Questions as to their competences, personalities, and roles in the education process are being continuously raised. It must be taken into account that trainers of physical activity in environments different from the traditional one – e.g. in a fitness club – bear great responsibility for preparing their students for participation in physical culture, as well. Teachers’ personality traits along with their moral code are to constitute a crucial element in the creation of the model of physical education teacher. It must be emphasized that due to the ever changing conditions and new challenges that contemporary physical education teachers must face, the aforementioned model needs to be particularized because of the specific conditions it is to meet. Different needs will be postulated by learners due to their age, former experience and skills. Material and methods. The aim of the research was a study of opinions of the students of the University of the Third Age of the University School of Physical Education in Wroclaw. The study involved 50 persons. The L.K./2001 Questionnaire was utilized. Conclusions. During their physical activities the students of the University of the Third Age would like to meet professional, reliable and cultured trainers capable of a just and objective progress assessment. Values such as responsibility, wisdom, knowledge, and tolerance ought to be some of the priorities.
Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu; 2013, 40; 42-48
Pojawia się w:
Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poziom wybranych koordynacyjnych zdolności motorycznych a wyniki międzynarodowego testu sprawności fizycznej dzieci w wieku 10 lat
The level of selected coordinative motor abilities vs. ten-years-old childrens` results of the international Physical Fitness Tests
Popowczak, Marek
Rokita, Andrzej
Cichy, Ireneusz
Chmura, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
coodinative motor abilities
physical fitness
physical education
Introduction. During P.E. classes primary school students (grade 4) ought to improve their level of physical fitness, including coordinative motor abilities, as well as to acquire motor skills which enable them to take part in various forms of physical activity in an active and safe way. Unfortunately, in physical education of children and young people the main emphasis is still placed on the improvement of fitness abilities. We have to bear in mind, however, that the level of coordinative abilities limits significantly the improvement of necessary fitness abilities and vice versa. Our research was aimed at determining what dependencies exist between the results of selected coordinative motor abilities and ten-year-old children’ results of the tests designed by the International Committee for the Standardization of Physical Fitness Tests. Material and methods. The research group consisted of 93 students of primary schools in the town of Wołów. In order to determine the level of the particular components of physical fitness we employed the trials of the International Committee for the Standardization of Physical Fitness Tests (ICSPFT). For assessing the particular coordinative abilities we used the following tests: ‘run for the balls’, ‘stopping the rolling ball’, ‘long standing jump with 50% of maximum possibilities’, ‘long standing jump forward and backward’. Results. According to research findings there is a relationship between the improvement of the selected coordinative motor abilities and some of the components of physical fitness. Conclusions. Therefore, a physical education teacher are advised caution in choosing physical exercises and games, taking into consideration comprehensive motor development of students, including their coordinative motor abilities.
Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu; 2013, 40; 86-93
Pojawia się w:
Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Trening na stołach rehabilitacyjno-rekondycyjnych i jego wpływ na wybrane parametry krążeniowo-oddechowe
Training on rehabilitation and keep-fit tables and its influence on the chosen circulatory and respiratory parameters
Wojciechowski, J.
Krawczyk, J.
Leszczyński, R.
Błaszczyk, J.
Błaszczyk-Suszyńska, J.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Wydział Podstawowych Problemów Techniki. Katedra Inżynierii Biomedycznej
wydajność fizyczna
aktywność fizyczna
physical efficiency
physical activity
Aktywność fizyczna często determinowana jest stylem życia, jednak coraz więcej osób szuka nowych form aktywności. W pracy dokonano oceny wybranych parametrów krąże-niowo-oddechowych jako reakcji na trening aerobowy, o lekkiej intensywności i długim czasie trwania (powyżej 30 min), przeprowadzony na stołach rehabilitacyjno-rekondycyjnych Slender-Life. Badaniami objęto 50-osobową grupę pacjentów poddanych leczeniu sanatoryjnemu w Sanatorium MSWiA w Kołobrzegu. Podczas 19-dniowego cyklu treningowego pacjenci zostali poddani 3-krotnemu badaniu wybranych parametrów krążeniowo-oddechowych, takich jak: częstość skurczów serca (HR), ciśnienie tętnicze krwi (BP), maksymalny pobór tlenu (Vo2max) metodą pośrednią, pojemność życiowa płuc (VC) oraz jednosekundowa objętość forsownego wydechu (FEVj). Wykazano istotne statystycznie zmiany większości badanych parametrów świadczących o zwiększeniu wydolności fizycznej organizmu. Jednocześnie pozytywny odbiór przez pacjentów zastosowanej formy treningowej potwierdza celowość uczestnictwa w tej formie aktywności.
Physical activity can be determined by the lifestyle, however many people in industrialized societies look for the new forms of activities. In this paper the evaluation of the chosen circulatory and respiratory parameters as a reaction to the aerobic training on the Slender Life rehabilitation keep-fit tables with light intensity and long time of duration (over 30 minutes) was performed. The examination was carried out on the group of 50 patients treated in the Sanatorium MSWiA in Kołobrzeg. During the 19 days of training the chosen circulatory and respiratory parameters such as: heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), the maximum volume of oxygen (V02max) by indirect method, vital capacity (VC) and forced expiratory volume (FEVj) were examined 3 times. Statistically significant changes of most of the parameters were observed. It proves the increase of physical function of the organism. Simultaneously, the positive acceptance from the patients of the applied form of trainings, confirms the purpose of participation in this form of activity.
Acta Bio-Optica et Informatica Medica. Inżynieria Biomedyczna; 2009, 15, 2; 116-120
Pojawia się w:
Acta Bio-Optica et Informatica Medica. Inżynieria Biomedyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany kondycji fizycznej polskiej młodzieży w ciągu ostatnich dekad
Changes in physical fitness of Polish youth during the last three decades
Przywęda, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
rozwoj fizyczny
sprawność fizyczna
physical development
physical fitness
Physical development, rate of sexual maturation, physical fitness, working capacity and general wellbeing of the organism are the main criteria of the health status of children and youth. The cross-sectional studies were organized in ten-year-intervals in the randomly selected Polish schools representing the whole nation. The studies took place in 1979, 1989 and 1999 and included children and youth aged 7-19 years. The results demonstrate the continuous positive secular trend showing more intensive physical growth and earlier maturation. These observations give the evidence of a rather good health status of the present young generation. However, changes in the level of physical fitness and working capacity of youth present the decreasing tendency during this 20-year-period. The changes in motor performance are better indicator of the general health status than the rate and level of physical development. The results of this paper show the picture of so called “opening scissors”, which means that even though the children and youth in 1999 were better physically developed (taller and heavier) than children studied in 1999 and 1989, their motor abilities were showing the gradual decrease during this period of time. The possible causes of this event have been presented and discuss in this paper.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2009, 7, 1; 57-71
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ nauczyciela wychowania fizycznego na motywację uczniów do aktywności fizycznej
Influence of physical education teachers on students’ activity and motivation
Iwaniak, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Mazowiecka Uczelnia Publiczna w Płocku
physical activity
role of a teacher
motivation for physical activity
Basing on theoretical background, the author describes the role of a teacher in the process of motivating students to physical activity and analyzes diagnostic research – a survey carried out on a group of students. The school, including the teachers, have little influence on students’ physical activity.
Społeczeństwo. Edukacja. Język; 2015, 3; 53-66
Pojawia się w:
Społeczeństwo. Edukacja. Język
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sprawność fizyczna strażaków : przykłady działań i rozwiązań wspomagających jej utrzymanie
Physical fitness of firefighters : examples of activities helping its maintenance
Marszałek, Anna
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
sprawność fizyczna
treningi fizyczne
physical fitness
physical training
Dbałość o dobry stan zdrowia i wysoką sprawność fizyczną strażaków wpływa na zmniejszenie prawdopodobieństwa doznania przez nich urazu podczas prowadzenia akcji ratowniczo-gaśniczych. W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z utrzymywaniem sprawności fizycznej przez strażaków, dotyczące wymagań i ich realizacji, zarówno w kraju, jak i za granicą. Zaprezentowano zalecane formy treningów prowadzące do lepszego przygotowania zawodowego strażaków. Zwrócono uwagę na fakt, że w Polsce nie ma regulacji prawnych dotyczących sposobu przeprowadzania treningu przez funkcjonariuszy Straży Pożarnej, jaki powinni wykonywać w celu utrzymania wysokiej sprawności fizycznej. Obowiązuje za to zasada corocznego sprawdzania sprawności strażaków i to od nich samych zależy, czy i jak dbają o swoja formę fizyczną. Dbałość o dobry stan zdrowia i wysoką sprawność fizyczną strażaków wpływa na zmniejszenie prawdopodobieństwa doznania przez nich urazu podczas prowadzenia akcji ratowniczo-gaśniczych. W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z utrzymywaniem sprawności fizycznej przez strażaków, dotyczące wymagań i ich realizacji, zarówno w kraju, jak i za granicą. Zaprezentowano zalecane formy treningów prowadzące do lepszego przygotowania zawodowego strażaków. Zwrócono uwagę na fakt, że w Polsce nie ma regulacji prawnych dotyczących sposobu przeprowadzania treningu przez funkcjonariuszy Straży Pożarnej, jaki powinni wykonywać w celu utrzymania wysokiej sprawności fizycznej. Obowiązuje za to zasada corocznego sprawdzania sprawności strażaków i to od nich samych zależy, czy i jak dbają o swoją formę fizyczną.
Care for good health and high physical fitness of firefighters reduces the likelihood of them being injured during rescue and firefighting operations.The article presents issues related to the maintenance of physical fitness by firefighters, regarding the requirements and possibilities of their implementation, both at home and abroad. Recommended forms of training leading to better professional preparation of firefighters were presented. Attention was drawn to the fact that there are no legal regulations in Poland regarding the method of conducting training by Fire Brigade officers that they should perform in order to maintain high physical fitness. Instead, the principle of annual checking of firefighters' fitness applies, and it depends on them whether and how they care about their physical form.
Bezpieczeństwo Pracy : nauka i praktyka; 2019, 10; 6-10
Pojawia się w:
Bezpieczeństwo Pracy : nauka i praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dobrostan fizyczny jako wskaźnik jakości życia pielęgniarek. Badanie empiryczne
Phisical welfare as the indicator of the quality of nurses’ lives. Empirical study
Piotrowski, Henryk
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
quality of life
physical welfare
physical ailments
health problems
health distress
The article presents research reports covering the Mazovia region nurses’ physical welfare.The purpose of the research was to attempt at revealing and contrasting the physical welfare of the nurses and the data for Polish general population published in Social Diagnosis 2009 (Czapinski, Panek (Eds.) 2009, Conditions and quality of life of the Poles). The subject of social capital is a part of the study project conducted in 2010-2012, dedicated to multilateral analyses of the quality of life of nurses. It is an endeavor to make a diagnosis of the quality of life and individual traits of the nurses as a professional group, based on their own, subjective self-description. It had been initiated to contribute to the development of scientific thought devoted to the sources and characteristics of people’ welfare.
Studia Psychologica; 2013, 13, 1; 25-34
Pojawia się w:
Studia Psychologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nowa podstawa programowa a przygotowanie studenta do pracy w szkole
The new core curriculum vs. students` preparation to work at school
Umiastowska, Danuta
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
students of physical education
a teacher of physical education
In a changing society and in the era of ever-increasing development of technology and communication, the importance of human movement is being marginalised. A child’s spontaneous physical activity is often suppressed and replaced by passive activities. That happens at home and school. As a consequence, the level of physical fitness and the range of motor skills are decreased. People are aware of the importance of movement for the proper functioning of human body, but not always they apply the sound rules in practice. Both the suggestions contained in the new core curriculum of a general education and the ways of implementing the contents of physical education provide the teacher with a wide range of possibilities. Thus arises the need to expand the range of competences which students will acquire during university classes. Modification of the educational content by adjusting more to the expectations of the contemporary school is one of the ways to meet this goal
Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu; 2013, 40; 17-21
Pojawia się w:
Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O projekcie Narodowego Centrum Badania Kondycji Fizycznej
On the project of National Centrum for Research on Physical Fitness
Maszczak, Tadeusz
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
national center
physical fitness
In the University School of Physical Education in Warsaw the project entitled: “The Project of National Center for Research on Physical Fitness” (NCBKF) is being realized. The idea of this project comes from the long-standing tradition of national-level, population-based studies on physical development and fitness of children and adolescents, carried out by the Warsaw-based school. As a result of the studies, rich research material was gathered pertaining to the physical fitness of students in Polish schools. The project realization began in 2009, its basic functionality is expected to be achieved in 2012, whereas full functionality in 2015. The project called “Check yourself” has already been launched. This is a joint action of the University School of Physical Education in our country for the purpose of enabling auto-diagnosis in physical fitness of the largest possible number of members of Polish society. The authors of the project are convinced that realization of the NCBKF mission will result in health improvement of children, adolescents and adults and their more effective functioning in the contemporary world.
Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu; 2013, 40; 14-16
Pojawia się w:
Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Finansowanie inwestycji rzeczowych w warunkach gospodarki polskiej i czeskiej
Physical Investment Financing. A Study of Poland and Czech Republic
Samborski, Adam
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
physical investment
investment financing
The article concerns the relationship between finance and physical investment. It is empirical. Article objectives are: to provide the reader with comparable data on the sources of physical investment financing in the two countries, i.e. Poland and the Czech Republic, and to determine whether there were changes in the corporate sector financing in the period 1995–2010, and if so what are they? This paper assesses the relationship between changes in the financing and the cyclical nature of physical investment. The study used net sources of finance methodology initiated by Mayer (1988, 1990), Corbett and Jenkinson (1994, 1997). It uses the flow of funds rather than stock data. The data used in the conducted analyzes are derived from national accounts. National reporting used in Poland and the Czech Republic is consistent with the assumptions of the SNA’93 and ESA’95.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica; 2013, 278
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wychowanie fizyczne na Uniwersytecie Notre Dame w South Bend Indiana – tradycja, proces, nauczyciele
Physical Education at Notre Dame University in South Bend Indiana – Tradition, Process, Teachers
Marciniak, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Notre Dame University
physical education classes
physical education teachers
Athletics Department
The author of this article presensts the structure of physical education and sports at the academic level at Notre Dame University in South Bend Indiana. The first part describes the historical aspect, the most important dates, names of the university. The next part is an analysis of the program of physical education classes, sports facilities and budget for sport. In the last part, the author attempted to present a episode of his qualitative research at Notre Dame University during his stay in 20122014. The research concerned the professional satisfaction of physical education teachers at the University of Notre Dame.
Studia Edukacyjne; 2017, 43; 263-281
Pojawia się w:
Studia Edukacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola rodziny a podejmowanie aktywności ruchowej przez studentów
The role of the family and the physical activity of university students
Palacz, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych. Instytut Pedagogiki. Zakład Historii Edukacji
physical activity
A rational organization of leisure time should be a priority for the family environment. This problem is particularly important in the era of modern civilization, dominated by passive forms of recreation, resulting in many hours spent sitting in front of the TV and the computer screen. The role of parents should be based on a conscious and deliberate preparation of children and young people for a proper organization of their leisure time. It is important that parents’ activities encourage young people to participate in individual and organized forms of physical activity (sport, tourism, and recreation). Previous studies clearly indicate that physical activity in childhood influences the physical activity in adulthood. The processes of awakening interest, searching for patterns of behavior and forming habits related to various types of physical activity are all elements of lifelong learning.
Wychowanie w Rodzinie; 2012, VI, (2/2012); 139-163
Pojawia się w:
Wychowanie w Rodzinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena uciążliwości wysiłku fizycznego na stanowisku kelnera metodą chronometrażowo-tabelaryczną Lehmanna oraz metodą OWAS
Evaluation of arduousness of physical effort on the positions of waiting Staff with the use of Lehman and OWAS methods
Jędruszczak, J.
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania Ochroną Pracy w Katowicach
wysiłek fizyczny
physical effort
Praca obejmuje ogólną charakterystykę wysiłku fizycznego, charakterystykę stanowiska pracy kelnera oraz charakterystykę metod: tabelarycznej Lehmanna oraz OWAS. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badania stanowiska pracy kelnera obu metodami i porównano je, aby ocenić, która z metod jest skuteczniejsza w ocenie uciążliwości wysiłku fizycznego na stanowisku kelnera. Badania były prowadzone przez rok w jednej restauracji.
The paper includes general characteristic of physical effort, description of the waiter work position and the characterization of two methods: Lehmann and OWAS. The paper presents the results of research, which were carried of the waiter work, positions both methods. The results of research were compared to estimate, which methods is more effective estimation of the physical effort on the waiter position. Research were conducted for a year period in chosen restaurant.
Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Zarządzania Ochroną Pracy w Katowicach; 2011, 1(7); 135-157
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Zarządzania Ochroną Pracy w Katowicach
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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