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Wpływ motywacji do nauki na ściąganie w szkole
The Impact of Motivation to Learn on Cheating at School
Góźdź, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
motivation to learn
help to cheat
reluctance to help to cheat
The article presents the problem of cheating in Polish schools. 1,070 students of high schools were examined. The aim of the research was to establish relationships between amotivation, external motivation, introjected motivation, motivation based on identification and internal one, and cheating, help to cheat and reluctance to help to cheat. The results show that amotivation, introjected and internal motivation are predictors of cheating. Only the external motivation turned out to be the predictor of help to cheat; on the basis of internal motivation it is possible to anticipate reluctance to help to cheat.
Studia Edukacyjne; 2020, 57; 257-266
Pojawia się w:
Studia Edukacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
To have or to be. Return to the question of essence of happiness
Zaleśkiewicz, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
approach to life
to have or to be
One of the main human goals is to achieve the state of happiness. Almost all people ask themselves the question of how to attain this goal. For thousands of years, philosophers and spiritual leaders and, nowadays, researchers representing various disciplines of social sciences, have been searching for the right answer to this question. One of the dilemmas intertwined in the debate about the essence of happiness relates to the tension expressed by the question “to be or to have”; the tension between the spiritual and the material world; between sacrum and profanum. Can accumulation of money and material possessions make us happy? Starting with the message passed on by a German psychoanalyst Erich Fromm in his essay “To Have or to Be” and the wisdom derived from the classic philosophical and religious works, I will attempt to define the relation between the state of happiness and the attachment to money and possessions or the attachment to social and transcendent values. This difficult, yet crucial, problem will be analyzed in the context of the current psychological knowledge related to the emotional and cognitive consequences of taking a materialistic approach to life. Erich Fromm and other thinkers who had lived hundreds of years before him, suggested that greed and pursuit of material possessions did not appease the human longing for happiness. The latest experimental research, conducted by psychologists, economists and scholars representing other disciplines of science, seem to strongly confirm these assumptions.
Nauka; 2019, 1
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Opis użycia słów i gestów w komunikacji - perspektywa użytkownika języka a perspektywa badacza specjalisty
The description of the use of words and gestures in communication - the perspective of the natural language users and the perspective of the researchers
Heliasz-Nowosielska, Celina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
to say
to show
In the first part of my paper, I present language data which show that the use of words and the use of gestures are perceived as separate activities, which can be reported, among others, with the Polish verbs powiedzieć coś komuś and pokazać coś komuś czymś. In the second part, I compare the natural language users' perception of the use of words and gestures with other theoretical approaches. Finally, I come to the conclusion that the natural language users perceive the use of words and gestures differently than the researchers who extend the scope of the natural terms describing the use of words to include the use of gesture.
Linguistica Copernicana; 2016, 13; 251-271
Pojawia się w:
Linguistica Copernicana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aspekty ojcostwa Bożego w wybranych perykopach Mateuszowych
Witkowski, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
to hide
to reveal
to fear
one Father
bać się
jeden Ojciec
Ojciec opowiada się za ludźmi prostymi. Objawia im więź istniejącą między Nim a Synem i jednocześnie zakrywa ją przed pychą uczonych (11, 25–27). Ojciec powinien spotykać się z bojaźnią ze strony ludzi, ponieważ rozstrzyga o ostatecznym losie człowieka. Wzmianka o możliwości definitywnego odrzucenia przez Ojca zostaje złagodzona Jego troską i wiedzą o każdym szczególe życia człowieka (10, 28–31). Z faktu, że Bóg jest Ojcem, wynika powszechne braterstwo łączące uczniów, które nie ma nic wspólnego z jakąkolwiek formą zależności. Uczniowie są bowiem zależni jedynie od Ojca w niebie (23, 9).
The Father advocates the simple and humble. He reveals the bond between Him and the Son, and at the same time hides it from the pride of the scribes (11, 25–27). The Father should meet with a respectful fear of the people because He ultimately decides on the fate of man. The note of the possibility of definitive rejection by the Father is mitigated by His care for and knowledge of every detail of human life (10, 28–31). From the fact that God is the Father can be derived an apparent common brotherhood that connects disciples which has nothing to do with any form of dependency. The disciples are only dependent on the Father in heaven (23, 9).
Polonia Sacra; 2020, 24, 4; 137-148
Pojawia się w:
Polonia Sacra
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zagadnienie istnienia norm
The Question of Existence of Norms
Patryas, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Filozofii Prawa i Filozofii Społecznej – Sekcja Polska IVR
istnieć czasoprzestrzennie
istnieć intencjonalnie
to exist
to exist spatiotemporally
to exist intentionally
W pierwszej kolejności przedmiotem rozważań są normy pojmowane jako wyrażenia–typy. Taka norma istnieje, ponieważ jej cudzysłowowe imię własne nie jest nazwą pustą. To znaczy, że norma ta należy do uniwersum odpowiedniego metajęzyka. Innymi słowy, owa norma jest wartością zmiennej związanej tego języka. W ten sposób istnieją nie tylko normy pojmowane jako wyrażenia–typy, ale także normy pojmowane jako wyrażenia–egzemplarze, normy pojmowane jako znaczenia wyrażeń oraz normy pojmowane jako pary uporządkowane. Ponadto, normy pojmowane jako wyrażenia–egzemplarze istnieją też czasoprzestrzennie, bo są rzeczami. Natomiast ani normy pojmowane jako wyrażenia–typy, ani normy pojmowane jako znaczenia wyrażeń, ani normy pojmowane jako pary uporządkowane nie istnieją w czasie lub w przestrzeni, gdyż są abstrakcyjnymi bytami. W dodatku żadna norma nie istnieje intencjonalnie.
First of all, the subject of deliberation are norms understood as expression-types. Such a norm exists, because its quotational proper name is not an empty name. This means that the said norm belongs to the universe of appropriate metalanguage. In other words, this norm is a value of a bound variable of that language. Therefore, there exist not only norms understood as expression-types, but also norms understood as expression-tokens, norms understood as the meanings of expressions, and norms understood as ordered pairs. Moreover, norms understood as expression-tokens exist spatiotemporally because they are things. Meanwhile neither norms understood as expression-types nor norms understood as meanings of expressions, nor norms understood as ordered pairs exist in space or in time, because they are abstract objects. Besides, no norm exists intentionally.
Archiwum Filozofii Prawa i Filozofii Społecznej; 2023, 37, 4; 68-78
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Filozofii Prawa i Filozofii Społecznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Człowiek współczesny między pracą a czasem wolnym. Mieć – być – zaistnieć.
Modern humans between work and free time. To have – to exist – to be.
Kargulowa, Alicja
Kargul, Józef
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
czas wolny
free time
to have
to exist
to be
Zmiany, jakie zaszły w traktowaniu pracy, znalazły oddźwięk w pojmowaniu roli czasu wolnego. Zaprezentowane rozważania mają na celu zwrócenie uwagi, że człowiek współczesny, kierujący się dążeniem by mieć, by być, a zwłaszcza by zaistnieć, może różnorodnie realizować się w tych dwóch obszarach rzeczywistości, jakimi są: wykonywanie pracy i spędzanie czasu wolnego.
The changes that occurred to the way work is treated have been reflected in the way free time is understood. The paper’s aim was to daw attention to the fact that a contemporary person, driven by the wish to possess, to exist and, foremost to be, may realise themselves in various ways within the two aspects of reality, namely: doing their work and spending their free time.
Szkoła - Zawód - Praca; 2019, 17; 13-25
Pojawia się w:
Szkoła - Zawód - Praca
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kazus Alecka Bourne’a a konstytucyjne zasady ochrony życia i zdrowia
The case of Aleck Bourne and the constitutional principles of life and health protection
Szudejko, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
right to live
right to healthcare
hard cases
The article presents the case of Dr. Aleck Bourne, which the author proposes to include in the catalog of borderline cases constituting the basis for in-depth discussions on ethical and legal aspects of human life with regard to the development of biology and medicine. The starting point is the presentation of the worldwide models for regulating the practice of abortion as well as the Polish regulation, together with a discussion on the role of the Constitutional Tribunal in shaping current legal provisions. The author notes that the interpretation of the right to life adopted by the Tribunal encourages the repeal of the indication model and the introduction of a complete ban on abortion, which will have significant consequences for ordinary legislation. Apart from describing the facts in the Bourne case, the strategy adopted by the defense and the sentence itself, the possible further areas of considerations regarding the limits of permissibility of termination of pregnancy have been signaled. Then, the conclusions resulting from legal analysis of the case were transferred to the exegesis of the constitutional principles of the right to life and the right to healthcare. Their constitutional form, interpretation resulting from the rulings of the Constitutional Tribunal and the ordinary legislation have been presented. The author indicates the main terminological deficiencies identified in this respect: the lack of any definition of the beginning of a human being, the existence of two separate criteria for determining death, which could lead to different results and the lack of an unambiguous definition of disease adopted by the legislator. Based on the concepts presented in the case, the right to healthcare has been defined as a legal right resulting from the right to life. The final thesis is that there are no grounds for hierarchizing these rights, as they are intertwined in content and function.
Studia Prawa Publicznego; 2021, 2, 34; 87-105
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawa Publicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Różne drogi do Ameryki. Próba nowego spojrzenia na emigrację żydowską z Polski do USA w latach dwudziestych XX w.
Different roads to America. An attempt of a fresh look at the Jewish emigration from Poland to the United States in the 1920s
Pauliuchuk, Vadzim
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
emigration to the USA
emigration to Cuba
emigration to Mexico
Jewish emigration
illegal emigration
the 1920s
In the article the genesis of illegal Jewish emigration from the Second Polish Republic to the USA in 1918–29 is examined in terms of the so-called pushing-and-attracting-migratory-movement factors. The bad economic situation of the Jewish population in Poland and the antisemitism – constantly rising in the country due to political events – meant that for many Jews an overseas trip became the only chance for improvement of the life. Yet, trips planed by Polish Jews were curbed by emigration requirements securing the interest of the reborn Polish state. The attempts to circumvent these restrictions contributed to the first cases of illegal entering the United States through Cuba, Mexico or Canada. After the introduction of statutory emigration restrictions in the United States in 1921 and 1924, Polish Jews travelled more frequently to the countries adjacent to the US, which still remained their final destination. The descriptions of the fate of Polish Jews on emigration that were included in this article are among the most dramatic episodes in the history of overseas emigration from Poland in the interwar period.
Białostockie Teki Historyczne; 2016, 14
Pojawia się w:
Białostockie Teki Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wykorzystanie Internetu w turystyce na przykładzie działań organizacji zarządzających obszarami recepcji turystycznej na rzecz modeli w e-biznesie
The use of the Internet in tourism on the example of destination management organizations’ activities aimed at models in e-business
Borzyszkowski, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
organizacje zarządzające obszarami recepcji turystycznej
model business to business
model business to customer
destination management organizations
business to business model
business to customer model
The present article covers one of the elements of the use of the Internet in the activities pursued by European destination management organizations (DMOs), namely an implementation of business to business (B2B) models and business to customer (B2C) models. The paper presents the results of research carried out among 184 national and regional DMOs. The main objective was to examine the interest of the organizations in the implementation of both models, thus showing the percentage of DMOs applying these solutions. As demonstrated based on the organizations analysed, the issue is quite common, and it is undertaken by the majority of the entities studied. Among the objectives of the article there was also an attempt to examine differences between DMOs that represent two European regions, i.e. Western Europe and Central-Eastern Europe. The analysis of this question is preceded by theoretical deliberations with reference to understanding DMOs and the use of the Internet in the activities pursued by these organizations.
Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu; 2015, 50; 108-116
Pojawia się w:
Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zarządzanie strategiczne w jednostkach samorządu terytorialnego: strategie play-to-win i play-not-to-lose
Fazlagić, Jan
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
district authority
administration strategies
play-to-win strategy
playnot-to-lose strategy
This paper aims to briefly describe the two types of strategies (strategic orientations), namely: play-to-win (PTW) and play-not-to-lose (PNTL) as well as to propose some tools for their operationalization within the framework of public management by local governments at county level. The PTW strategies are related to offensive approaches and benefiting from emerging opportunities – they can be defined as “results oriented”. The PNTL, are defensive, based on the current (or even historical) standing of an organization – they can be defined as “survival oriented”. Some examples of possible applications and management tools of the PTW vs. PNTL thinking to the situation of local governments will are described. These tools may be helpful in identifying the specific approach in strategic thinking of local governments. The analysis of the two approaches is of particular importance for the measurement of intellectual capital at county level. The PTW vs. PNTL implies the type of investment decisions and budgetary spending policies as well as attitudes and behaviours promoted locally.
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie; 2015, 20; 136-146
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawa rzeczowe przysługujące obywatelom Ukrainy na tle obowiązujących w Polsce norm kolizyjnych
The Proprietary Rights of the Ukrianian Citizens in Light of the Polish Conflict-of-law Rules
Górecki, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
movable assets
immovable property
law applicable to property
the scope of law applicable to property
change of law applicable to property
Mass inflow of Ukrainian citizens into Poland gives rise to many legal issues, including conflict-of-law questions about rights in rem held by such persons both in respect of property left in Ukraine and property brought to Poland. In the context of the prolonged stay of such persons in Poland, one crucial task may be, for example, to establish the law applicable to the disposal of their property brought to Poland under legal acts made in Poland.The Agreement between the Republic of Poland and Ukraine on legal aid and legal relationships in civil and criminal matters, done at Kiev on 24 May 1993, applicable in Polish-Ukrainian relations, devotes several  provisions to those questions.However, the Agreement ignores the question of the law applicable to property law relationships having movable items as their objects. In particular, it does not designate the law applicable to contracts transferring the ownership of movable assets and contracts encumbering such assets with limited rights in rem. The relevant norms in this regard are conflict-of-law rules of the Polish Act of 04 February 2011 — Private International Law, and of the Ukrainian confl ict-of-law Act of 23 June 2005, designating the law applicable to property.Accordingly, as long as movable items are located in Poland, Polish law will apply with regard to the respective property law relationships. This is provided for in Article 41 (1) of the Private International Law Act. However, Polish law will not apply to obligational and property rights having as their object immovable properties located in Ukraine, which is covered by Article 32 of the Agreement of 24 May 1993. In this regard, Ukrainian law is exclusively applicable.Under Article 41 (2) of the Private International Law Act, in the assessment of legal relationships relating to a movable property brought to Poland from Ukraine, one should also consider legal events taking place when the asset in question was still in Ukraine. However, the assessment of legal events having an impact on property law relationships taking place in Poland and relating to movable items brought back to Ukraine will be based on the Ukrainian law.
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego; 2023, 32; 29-48
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Opinia prawna na temat wykładni art. 163a ust. 2 regulaminu Sejmu
Legal opinion on the interpretation of Article 163a Paragraph 2 of the Standing Orders of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland
Kubuj, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Kancelaria Sejmu. Biuro Analiz Sejmowych
parliamentary committee
motion to adjourn
In the light of Article 163a Paragraph 2 of the Standing Orders of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland the motion to adjourn the examination of the matter by a parliamentary committee is a procedural proposal, since it concerns the conduct of the committee that is hearing the case and does not lead to a decision on the merits. Although the rules of the Parliament don’t define the issue of “postponing” of the work of parliamentary committees, the deadline for the return to the matter should be clarified in some way. In this case the request for deferral of consideration by the committee, pending the outcome of the court. Although it does not indicate a specific date, it specifies a time of return.
Zeszyty Prawnicze BAS; 2012, 2(34); 67-71
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Prawnicze BAS
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawo do życia w świetle Konstytucji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
The Right to Life in the Light of Poland’s Constitution
Bułajewski, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
right to life
The right to life occupies a very notable place not only in Poland’s Constitution, but also in international treaties that are binding upon Poland. The previous constitutions either did not include this right or placed it in their final sections. Chapter II of the Constitution (which formulates the right to life) also occupies a very important place in the hierarchy of constitutional norms. There is no doubt that this high position of the right to life, both in Poland’s constitution and in international treaties which are binding on Poland, is not accidental. Of all the rights listed in the catalogue of human rights, this right holds a supreme position. No state can guarantee other rights without effectively implementing and assuring that its observance. The right to life is a non-derogated element of respect for human dignity and freedom. It appears that the regulation of this fundamental right by Poland’s Constitution results from the compromise between Catholics, who support protection of life from the moment of conception, and atheists, who prefer using more general terms in such legal acts. As has been rightly observed, “when comparing the provision of art. 38 of Poland’s Constitution to the international standards of protection of human rights that are binding on Poland, one notices that the Polish legislator has decided to legally protect the life of every person, whereas the international treaties formulate the requirement of protection of the right to life. This apparently minute difference has significant consequences with regards to the positive duties of the state and, in this sense, the Polish solution imposes higher standards of protection on the Polish state. Such phrasing of the standard imposes not only the duty to protect all people from arbitrary deprivation of life by organs of the state, but also the duty to maintain appropriate policies regarding the protection of human life in all areas where it is exposed to real dangers. Compared to the normative approach to this right in the constitutions of many European countries, the regulation of the right to life in Poland's constitution undoubtedly constitutes a modern outlook on the problem of individual rights. The Polish regulation of the right to life not only meets international standards of protection of human rights, but assures better protection of this fundamental right.
Studia Ełckie; 2011, 13; 269-283
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ełckie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gotowość do zmiany na przykładzie badań przedstawicieli kadry kierowniczej
Readiness to change of managers. The empirical study
Lubrańska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
readiness to change
The character of work process, having evolved in the recent years, imposes new requirements on the participants of contemporary organizations. The aim of this article is to verify which of variables are important for readiness to change of managers. Therefore the statistical analyses of the empirical material were conducted towards recognition of the strongest determinants of readiness to change of managers. The results of the statistical analyses prove that the variables of greatest importance to readiness to change are of subjective character.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Psychologica; 2011, 15; 3-16
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Psychologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tu i teraz, bez obaw i oczekiwań. Praktyka medytacyjna a orientacja temporalna
Here and now, without fear and expectation practice and temporal orientation
Rydzewska, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
readiness to change
The article is focused on the relationship between meditation, degree of involvement in the practice and temporal orientation, in particular active concentration on present time called “Carpe diem”. Two hypotheses are tested: a) Practitioners, as compared to nonpractitioners, are presenting significantly higher active concentration on the present and lower orientation on the past, future and present fatalistic orientation; b) If involvement in meditation increases, active concentration on the present also increases. A survey has been carried out on a group of 160 practitioners of Karma Kagyu linage of Tibetan Buddhism in Poland and a group of 100 nonpractitioners. The results suggest, practitioners are more actively focused on present time and this active concentration increases with involvement in meditation.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Psychologica; 2011, 15; 17-30
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Psychologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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