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Rola czynnika kultury w procesie uczenia się i nauczania
The Role of Culture in Teaching and Learning Processes
Mazur, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN
learning styles
teaching methods
Nowadays each society as never before in the history is determined by knowledge. The development of every country depends to certain extent on ability to generate and to absorb knowledge. These both activities are always strongly conditioned by societal culture. In the paper the author presented issues of learning and teaching forms and styles strictly connected with used cultural methods of gaining and transfer knowledge.
Prakseologia; 2005, 145; 159-169
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Biblioteka Nauki
Rozwój moralny a metody podejmowania decyzji – analiza porównawcza kultur
Moral Development and Decision-Making – Comparative Study of Cultures
Mazur, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN
moral development
decision making
business culture
S. Kierkegaard believed that there were three different forms of life and called them the aesthetic stage, the ethical stage, and the religious stage. L. Kohlberg’s theory of moral development divides individuals on the basis of their moral development into six stages, two at the pre-conventional level, two at the conventional level and two at the post-conventional level. This theory shows progress from strong addiction and submission to outside influences and never ending inner struggle to overcome crisises in order to achieve moral autonomy. In the light of cross-cultural comparison there is only partial support for a relationship between level of moral judgment (based on Kohlberg’s theory of moral development) and ethical decision-making. Data collected from Malaysian and New Zeland business students provided evidence that the relationship between subject’s level of moral judgment and their ethical intentions occurred in only three of six instances. The absence of a consistent empirical relationship between level of moral judgment, ethical intentions and culture suggests that the number of other factors may influence an individual’s ethical behavior.
Prakseologia; 2006, 146; 53-64
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Biblioteka Nauki
Krytyczne tendencje w zarządzaniu a moralność
Critical Tendencies in Management and Morality
Mazur, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN
moral development
The article analyses contemporary tendencies in managing organizations from the point of view their relations to financial crisis. It shows the parallel between description of individual levels and stages of moral development to those of organizations and presents a non stage based explanation of individual moral decisions related to management. The author refers to the example of bank, its employees and management, in purpose to prove that the tendencies which were introduced into everyday practice last years were leading to low moral standards of banks management. The L. Kohlberg’s cognitive theory of moral development and A. B. Carroll’s theory of differentiating role of the intentions were used to highlight the organizational management practices.
Prakseologia; 2010, 150; 145-155
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Biblioteka Nauki
Basic Assumptions of Organizational Culture In Religiously Diverse Environments
Mazur, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
organizational culture, basic assumptions, religion, management
Background. The framework of this study is guided by “organizational culture”, which directs the way people behave in an organization. Culture, together with religion is considered to be an influential source of basic cultural assumptions, cultural values and artifacts reflected in organizational culture. Research aims. This paper explores the relationship between culture, religion and the culture of an organization at the level of basic assumptions. The research hypothesis is that religion, which is considered a factor of culture and is operationalized by cultural dimensions such as: individualism/collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance and masculinity/femininity affects the level of basic assumptions of organizational culture. The main objective of the paper is to build the model of organizational culture on the level of basic assumptions and test this model by two-fold verification in companies operating in different religious environments. Methodology. The scope of the research is the organizational culture of two companies performing in Podlasie region. The method used in the research is comparative case study built on quantitative research techniques. Those techniques embrace two kinds of questionnaires addressed to the employees of both studied organizations. Key findings. The study shows that cultural dimensions could be used to explore religion’s influence (Catholic and Orthodox) on an organizational culture. 
International Journal of Contemporary Management; 2015, 14, 3
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International Journal of Contemporary Management
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kryzys jako szansa innowacji w zarządzaniu
Crisis as a Chance for Innovations in Management
Mazur, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN
The main objective of the paper is to shed the limelight on the issue of cultural conditioning of the changes and implementing strategies depending on levels of cultural dimensions such as power distance, individualism and uncertainty avoidance. The necessity to implement the innovations in management coming from the financial crisis, referred to in English literature as the man-made crisis, is the result of the orientation undertaken by companies- mainly for profits- before the crisis began. The purpose of the article is also to determine the cultural factors enabling any company operating in the particular cultural environment to enter the path leading to more socially responsible management.
Prakseologia; 2011, 151; 197-208
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Biblioteka Nauki
Kultura a systemy finansowe
Culture and Financial Systems
Mazur, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN
financial systems
social values
accounting values
In the modern economy, financial systems are vital to the allocation of financial resources. These systems help direct indivudals’ savings to the corporate sector and allocate investment funds among companies. Countries vary in the structure of these financial systems. In some financial systems, the stock exchange dominates, while in others, banks are the most important. What influences diversity in financial system structure? A key factor might be national culture. In order to assess the impact of culture on accounting patterns, it is important to consider the structure of culture and its dimensions. I apply the classification of cultures proposed by G. Hofstede – despite the criticism it received over the years. Cultural value dimensions with a relation to accounting values are as follows: Individualism, Power Distance, and Uncertainty Avoidance. The article also employs S.J. Gray’s theory of cultural relevance. According to Gray, societal values aff ect accounting practices in two ways: indirectly, through their influence on institutional consequences, and directly, through their influence on accounting values such as professionalism versus statutory control, uniformity versus fl exibility, conservatism versus optimism, and secrecy versus transparency. Th e article has implications for those who are responsible for corporate governance codes. It suggests that there is no uniform financial system; the influence of culture and the institutional envoronment are factors which should be taken into account when making any decision in the sphere of accounting.
Prakseologia; 2013, 154; 171-185
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Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie czynnika kultury w rozwoju zrównoważonym
The Role of Culture in Sustainable Development
Mazur, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN
The article presents relationship between gendre of societal culture and sustainability. The both factors correlate – more masculin given culture is less care of sustaiability it takes. The concept of double role of every person – as consumer and citizen – is also presented in the paper. Being consumer means first of all the fullfilment of needs of every individual person, being citizen means achieving societal goals first. Sustainability seems to be strongly connected with the role of citizen. Therefore creating more suatainable attitudes of consumers depends on developing consumer citizenship society.
Prakseologia; 2004, 144; 45-52
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola religijnej determinanty w kulturze organizacyjnej
Religion as a determinant of an organizational culture
Mazur, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN
poziom kultury
kultura organizacyjna
zintegrowany model
culture level
organizational culture
integrated model
Artykuł koncentruje się wokół problematyki wpływu wartości kultury religijnej na kulturę organizacyjną. Przyjęto w zgodzie z istniejącą literaturą, że kultura organizacyjna może być analizowana jako zmienna niezależna, zmienna zależna oraz metafora rdzenna. W pracy zastosowano zintegrowany model obejmujący trzy wymienione podejścia epistemologiczne. Jednakże do ukazania oddziaływania wartości kultury religijnej wybrano podejście do kultury jako zmiennej niezależnej. W artykule poruszono kwestie kulturowego wymiaru religii oraz zaprezentowano stanowiska dotyczące do roli religii w miejscu pracy. Stworzono również model kultury organizacyjnej uwzględniający drogi, którymi następować może oddziaływanie religii na jej kształt przy założeniu, że jest ona zmienną niezależną.
Based on a review of articles and other published research works, this paper examines the influence of religion on organizational culture. The most important findings of this work concern the vital role religion plays for the firm. The paper examines religion’s influence on organizational culture, which is considered as an independent variable. It proposes the integrated model of organizational culture enriched by the channel by which religion enters the organization´s set of values and norms. The paper consists of the following parts: the analysis of the role of religion in an organization in the light of hitherto research, cultural dimensions of religion, analytical approaches to organizational culture, the integrated model of organizational culture enhanced by the aspect of religion.
Prakseologia; 2015, 157/1; 197-210
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Biblioteka Nauki
CSR spółdzielni w świetle celów zrównoważonego rozwoju 2030
CSR of Cooperatives in the Light of Sustainable Development Goals 2030
Mazur, Barbara
Zimnoch, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN
społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu
rozwój zrównoważony
Spółdzielnie są zrzeszeniami osób, które łączą swoje kapitały i tworzą przedsiębiorstwa. Ponad 170-letnia historia ruchu spółdzielczego pokazuje, że można mówić o spółdzielczym paradygmacie rozwoju. Jego podstawą jest własność prywatna i rynkowa alokacja zasobów, demokratyzm zarządzania, otwartość i tolerancja. Ważną składową spółdzielczego wzorca rozwoju jest ścisłe powiązanie z regionem. Lokalność przywiązuje członków, ich cele i kapitał do konkretnego miejsca na ziemi w wyniku czego nie ma spekulacji i pogoni za zyskiem gdzie indziej. Spółdzielnie jako zrzeszenia ludzi prowadzących wspólnie i w oparciu o własne zasoby przedsiębiorstwa realizują cele swoich członków. Jednym z takich celów jest godna praca i życie w bezpiecznym środowisku społecznym i przyrodniczym. Dlatego można uznać, że spółdzielnie w każdym swoim działaniu wdrażają rozwój zrównoważony we wszystkich jego aspektach: społecznym, ekonomicznym i środowiskowym. Potwierdzają to inicjatywy realizowane przez spółdzielnie z całego świata, które swoje działania odnoszą do konkretnych celów zrównoważonego rozwoju 2030. Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na spółdzielczość jako ważny obszar społecznie odpowiedzialnej przedsiębiorczości oraz wykazanie, że spółdzielczość można uznać za sprawdzony sposób realizacji celów zrównoważonego rozwoju. Artykuł ma charakter teoretyczno-badawczy. Dokonano w nim przeglądu literatury dotyczącej rozwoju zrównoważonego i społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu oraz zbadano spółdzielcze inicjatywy w ramach celów rozwoju zrównoważonego zaprezentowane na interaktywnej platformie „Coops for 2030”. Artykuł rozpoczyna spojrzenie na CSR w perspektywie istniejącej teorii i praktyki oraz jej miejsce w rozwoju zrównoważonym. Następnie prześledzono ewolucję celów zrównoważonego rozwoju. W dalszej części przedstawiona została społeczna odpowiedzialność spółdzielni oraz realizacja przez nie celów zrównoważonego rozwoju. Artykuł kończą refleksje o tym, że potencjał spółdzielni jako formy ludzkiego działania prowadzącego do osiągnięcia wspólnych celów, w tym celów zrównoważonego rozwoju, jest również w XXI wieku aktualny i możliwy do zrealizowania.
Cooperatives are associations of people who combine their capital and create businesses. More than 170-year history of the cooperative movement shows that it is possible to speak of cooperative development paradigm. It is based on private property and market allocation of resources, democracy of governance, openness and tolerance. An important component of the cooperative model of development is closely linked with a region. Locality attaches members, their goals and capital to their place on the ground. There is no speculation and the pursuit of profit elsewhere. Therefore it can be concluded that cooperatives in all their activities are guided by CSR and implement sustainable development. This is confirmed by initiatives of cooperatives from around the world exhibited at the online platform launched by the ICA „Coops for 2030”. On that display, cooperatives’ actions relate to specific sustainable development goals pointed to horizon of year 2030. Cooperatives create a better world of civil society. The article attempts to show that cooperatives can be considered as proven way to the objective of sustainable development. Cooperative development paradigm is parallel to the paradigm of sustainable development and CSR. This article is of theoretical and research character. Authors have used in this article the literature review and examined cooperative initiatives in the framework of the sustainable development of an interactive platform „Coops for 2030”. The article begins a new approach to the CSR from the critical perspective and it forecasts changes to this concept. Then authors traced the evolution of sustainable development goals. In the next part is presented the social responsibility of the cooperative and the implementation of the goals of sustainable development. The article ends with reflection that the cooperatives as a form of human activity also in XXI century have the potential to achieve common goals, including the goals of sustainable development.
Prakseologia; 2017, 159; 143-160
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Szkolnictwo z polskim językiem nauczania w Republice Czeskiej: dotychczasowe doświadczenia, problemy, perspektywy
School education with the Polish language as the language of instruction in the Czech Republic: past experiences – problems – prospects
Grabowska, Barbara
Ogrodzka-Mazur, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Związek Nauczycielstwa Polskiego
education with the Polish language as the language of instruction
Czech Republic
Polish-Czech borderland
Aim: This ethnographic study is aimed at outlining the functioning of education with the Polish language as the language of instruction in the Czech Republic. Methods: The research for the text was conducted in the post-positivist paradigm, with the application of the strategy of ethnographic studies. In this regard, the method of searching secondary sources as well as observation and interviews were used. Results: As a result of the conducted analyses, a review of education with the Polish language as the language of instruction was created, pertaining to two counties of the Czech-Polish borderland – Karviná and Frýdek-Místek. Conclusions: Despite an increase in the number of students attending schools with the Polish language as the language of instruction in 2010–2022, simultaneously with the not increasing number of educational institutions (kindergartens and schools), the reasons for the decrease in their total number in previous decades should be sought in: the structural transformations in the Czechoslovak school system, as a result of which lower-organized schools were closed; the liquidation of Polish settlements as a result of mining damages; the lack of vocational schools with the Polish language as the language of instruction; the decreasing social usefulness of the Polish language in the environment; and the increasing number of mixed marriages. On the other hand, the Polish national minority in the Czech Republic has a well-developed organizational background and numerous organizations, social and cultural institutions operate there. Their activities not only serve the minority, but above all support education with the Polish language as the language of instruction.
Przegląd Historyczno-Oświatowy; 2023, LXVI, 1-2; 80-93
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Przegląd Historyczno-Oświatowy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza przydatności formuł: badań przez projektowanie (RBD) i nauczania przez projekt (PBL) dla wskazań kształtowania systemów przyrodniczych i ochrony środowiska na przykładzie wybranych miast województwa śląskiego
Analysis of the usefulness of the research by design (RBD) and project based learning (PBL) formulas for indications of shaping natural systems and environmental protection on the example of selected cities in the Silesian Voivodeship
Mazur-Belzyt, Katarzyna
Opania, Szymon
Stankiewicz, Barbara
Data publikacji:
PWB MEDIA Zdziebłowski
metoda badawcza
system przyrodniczy
ochrona środowiska
metoda kształcenia
projektowanie architektoniczne
research by design
nauczanie projektowe
research method
natural system
environmental protection
education method
architectural design
project based learning
Artykuł zawiera wnioski z analizy formuł: RBD (Research by Design) oraz PBL (Project Based Learning) jako podstawowej metody kształcenia w celu rozpoznania możliwości kształtowania przestrzeni w obszarze opracowania, wykorzystanych w ramach prowadzonych prac naukowo-badawczych. Opisuje rezultaty zastosowania obu metod w przeprowadzonych badaniach nad możliwościami formułowania nowych wskazań do kształtowania systemów przyrodniczych w zdegradowanym środowisku przyrodniczym województwa śląskiego. Badania przeprowadzono w latach 2015-2020 dla miast: Orzesze, Rybnik oraz Jastrzębie-Zdrój. Koncentrowały się one na środowiskowych problemach: integracji obszarów centralnych miast, ciągłości istniejących powiązań przyrodniczych (w tym korytarzy ekologicznych), komunikacyjnych i funkcjonalnych, a także zachowania zasad ładu przestrzennego, zróżnicowania funkcji oraz możliwości przyjmowania nowych funkcji przez obszary zdegradowane.
The article contains conclusions from the analysis of the formulas: RBD (Research by Design) and PBL (Project Based Learning) as the basic method of educating members of the young creative class, used to recognize the possibilities of shaping space in the area of development, used in the course of research and development. Describes the results of applying both methods in the research on the possibilities of formulating new indications for shaping natural systems in the degraded natural environment of the Silesian Voivodeship. The research was carried out in 2015-2020 for the cities of Orzesze, Rybnik and Jastrzębie Zdrój. They focused on environmental problems: integration of central city areas, continuity of the existing natural (including ecological corridors), communication and functional connections, as well as maintaining the principles of spatial order and differentiation of functions, and the possibility of assuming new functions by degraded areas.
Builder; 2021, 25, 4; 84-88
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Postrzeganie przez młodzież w wieku 11–15 lat wybranych aspektów środowiska psychospołecznego szkoły. Tendencje zmian w latach 1990–2010
Woynarowska, Barbara
Mazur, Joanna
Małkowska-Szkutnik, Agnieszka
Woynarowska-Sołdan, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
school education
school performance
pressured by school work
liking school
peer support
The article presents changes in perception of some aspects of psychosocial school environment of students in 1990–2010 and a comparison of some indicators for Polish students and average for 34–41 countries from HBSC network (Health Behaviour in School-aged Children. A WHO Collaborative Cross-national Study). Data from the international HBSC surveys on health behaviour of school children, carried out every 4 years were analysed. The HBSC standard questionnaire was used. Representative samples consist of students aged 11, 13, 15 years. About 60% of students liked school; 14% didn’t like it at all; 37–63% felt pressured by schoolwork; 50% agreed that their classmates were kind and helpful. Analysed indicators were less positive in Poland than the average for countries in HBSC network and different trends of some indicators were found. Between 2002–2010 (after a structural reform of the education system) disadvantageous changes were evident. Students’ perception concerning different aspects of school functioning and its environment should be taken into consideration in planning educational policy.
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny; 2015, 60(1 (235)); 185-206
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-15 z 15

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