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Porównanie zakresu i metod ujęcia treści na mapach topograficznych ziem zaboru rosyjskiego z przełomu XIX i XX wieku
The comparison of the scope of the content and classification methods on topographical maps of Polish territory annexed by Russia issued at the turn of 19th and 20th century
Panecki, T.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
mapa topograficzna
mapa archiwalna
semiotyka kartograficzna
zabór rosyjski
topographic map
archival map
cartographic semiotics
Russian partition
Celem artykułu jest porównanie zakresu i metod ujęcia treści na mapach topograficznych z przełomu XIX i XX wieku obejmujących zabór rosyjski. Do analiz wybrano trzy mapy: rosyjską w skali 1:84 000, austriacką w skali 1:75 000 oraz niemiecką w skali 1:100 000. Do analizy wykorzystano arkusze z czterech obszarów badawczych: okolic Brześcia, Dęblina, Pińska oraz Pułtuska. Głównym etapem prac było opracowanie zestawienia legend w postaci tabeli dla poszczególnych warstw tematycznych: osadnictwa i zabudowy, sieci komunikacyjnej, obiektów sakralnych, obiektów gospodarczych i innych elementów topografii, użytkowania ziemi, wód, rzeźby terenu i granic. Założono, że mimo podobieństwa skal i materiałów źródłowych analizowane mapy cechują się różnorodnym przedstawieniem krajobrazu geohistorycznego. Osadnictwo na mapie rosyjskiej zostało przedstawione dosyć schematycznie, a na pozostałych znacznie bardziej szczegółowo. Niespójności dotyczą także sieci komunikacyjnej, użytkowania ziemi i wód, gdzie znajdują się elementy klasyfikowane na trzech mapach według zupełnie różnych kryteriów. Niekiedy na mapach austriackich i niemieckich pomijanie były pewne kategorii treści z mapy rosyjskiej, np. drogi faszynowane, drewniane kościoły czy radiostacje. Różnice te wynikają nie tylko z „wojennego” trybu opracowywania map niemieckiej i austriackiej, ale także ze świadomych ingerencji w zakres i metody ujęcia ich treści.
The aim of the article was a comparison of the content’s scope, classification and presentation methods on topographical maps issued at the turn of 19th and 20th century covering the territory of former Russian partition. Three of such maps were chosen for the analysis, namely: Russian (scale 1:84,000), Austrian (scale 1:75,000) and German (scale 1:100,000). As a starting point of the study served an attempt at reconstruction of map legends, as, a coherent symbology key (i.e. map legend) can be found neither for Russian nor German map. It was conducted by employing the symbology keys prepared in the Interwar Period, as for the Russian map there was no legend enclosed, while in the case of German the legend enclosed featured only the road network. Apart from the legends, an analysis of the map sheets covering four areas was conducted. Those areas were, as follow: Brest, Dęblin, Pinsk and Pułtusk vicinites. The next stage was to elaborate a legend comparison with summary in the form of a table for particular thematic layers: settlement and built-up area, transport network, sacral buildings facilities and other buildings, land cover, hydrography, relief, and borders. An assumption was made that despite the apparent similarity of the scales (1:75,000, 1:84,000, 1:100,000) and source materials the maps analysed are distinct in terms of presentation of the geohistorical landscape. The settlements on the Russian map were illustrated in a schematic manner, while the other maps approached the subject more meticulously. The discrepancies involve also such areas as: road network, land cover, and waters, which were categorised along different sets of criterion. It happened that some categories present on the Russian map were absent from the Austrian and German. It involved such objects as: fascine roads, wooden churches or radiostations. Those differences stem from not only the “military mode” of elaboration of the German and Austria map, but also conscious interference in the scope of content and classification methods.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2015, T. 47, nr 1, 1; 47-65
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Porównanie zakresu treści wojskowych map topograficznych zaboru rosyjskiego ziem polskich z początku XX wieku na przykładzie Kielc
The comparison of the contents’ scope of military topographic maps of the Polish territory in Russian partition from the early twentieth century on the example of Kielce
Długosz, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
old topographic maps
comparative analysis
historical GIS
cartographic semiotics
dawne mapy topograficzne
analiza porównawcza
Historical GIS
semiotyka kartograficzna
W artykule porównano treść map topograficznych opracowanych na początku XX w., przedstawiających fragment obszaru pozostającego pod zaborem rosyjskim – Kielce i okolice. Przeanalizowane zostały topograficzne mapy wojskowe państw zaborczych: rosyjska Dwuwiorstówka, austriacka Spezialkarte i niemiecka Karte des Westlichen Russlands. Mapy te cechuje wiele podobieństw: zbliżona skala, podobny okres i cel powstania. Przeprowadzona została analiza elementów topografii: sieci komunikacyjnej, zabudowy, budynków, obiektów przemysłowo-gospodarczych i warstw przyrodniczych pod względem wizualnych różnic, kluczy znaków oraz obiektywnych miar, takich jak długość czy powierzchnia.
The article compares the scope of topographic maps of Polish territory annexed by Russia, prepared at the beginning of the twentieth century: Kielce and its surroundings. The comparison includes military topographic maps prepared by every country taking part in the partition of Poland – Russia (Dwuwiorstówka), Austria (Spezialkarte) and Prussia (Karte des Westlichen Russlands). These maps have very much in common – their scale, date and purpose of their release were similar. The analysis includes the comparison of, for example, lengths or areas of maps’ topographic elements and the visual comparison of maps and their symbology keys.
Studia Geohistorica; 2022, 10; 100-118
Pojawia się w:
Studia Geohistorica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relacje semiotyczne w odniesieniu do kartografii
Semiotic relations in cartography
Ostrowski, W.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
semiotyka kartograficzna
semantyka kartograficzna
pragmatyka kartograficzna
syntaktyka kartograficzna
język mapy
teoria języka mapy
zmienne wizualne
cartographic semiotics
cartographic semantics
cartographic pragmatics
cartographic syntax
language of maps
map language theory
visual variables
W artykule podjęto próbę spojrzenia na najważniejsze problemy kartografii z punktu widzenia trzech działów semiotyki kartograficznej: semantyki, pragmatyki i syntaktyki. Wskazano też na podstawową różnicę, niedocenianą w pełni przez przedstawicieli kierunku badawczego określanego jako teoria języka mapy, między pismem, którego struktura podporządkowana jest semantycznym aspektom wyrazów, zdań i tekstów, a prezentacją kartograficzną będącą przede wszystkim przestrzennym modelem i obrazem. Ta specyfika mapy powinna być uwzględniana przy określaniu zakresu zainteresowań semiotyki kartograficznej, w szczególności semantyki i syntaktyki.
Semiotics is a science dealing with ways in which signs and sign systems function as tools of communication. It has developed on the basis of linguistics, treated by its author F. Saussure as the most important part of semiotics. Semiotics can be divided into three branches: semantics, dealing with relations between signs and reality (especially the meaning of signs), pragmatics, which explores relations between signs and their users, and syntactics, which analyzes formal relations among signs within the system. Cartographic semiotics, whose acknowledged author is J. Bertin (1967), treats the map as both a special sign system and a model, whose aim is to visually and realistically present geographical space. Mirroring the three branches of semiotics, the cartographic semiotics includes: cartographic semantics (relations between signs and the objects they represent), cartographic pragmatics (map functions and relations between the map and its author and user) and cartographic syntactics (structure and rules of creating cartographic signs). There has evolved in cartographic semiotics a trend named theory of map language. It draws attention to the fact that there are many similarities between natural language and cartographic presentation. That is why its representatives use linguistic terminology to analyze cartographic sign systems. However, there exists one main structural difference between natural language (writing) and cartographic presentation. The map is not only a system of signs, but it is mainly a spatial model and a specialized image in measurable and clear characterization of space. This special character of cartographic presentation in comparison to natural language causes the object of interest of cartographic semantics (also of syntactics to a lesser degree) to be a lot different from the nature of semantics and syntactics in linguistic semiotics. The object of interest of cartographic semantics is the qualities of the map as a spatial model of geographic reality, whose main aim is to show various kinds of space features and relations. That is why map spatial structure should be the main object of interest of cartographic semantics along with the semantic scope of notions represented by the signs used on the map. Cartographic syntactics, as opposed to syntactics of natural language, mainly deals with the graphic form of the map. Taking into consideration these basic differences between cartographic presentation and natural language it is easier to decide which problems of scientific cartography can be included in the three already mentioned branches of cartographic semiotics. The object of interest of cartographic semantics is firstly the modeling of geographic space through transforming it into map space (defined by scale, mapping and way of shadowing), and secondly the modeling of object and phenomena attributes (creating a notion model). Kinds of attributes (quality, quantity) as well as the spatial reference of presented objects (point, line or area) became the basis for classifying and defining particular methods of cartographic presentation. That is why cartographic methodology can be included within the interest range of cartographic semantics. So can generalization, which is the essence of modeling both space and attributes of presented objects. Cartographic pragmatics is mainly interested in the research of map and its graphic elements perception within the scope of a research trend known as cognitive cartography. There appear more and more often research and analyses, in which maps are seen in a wider historical context as products of civilization progress as well as an image of the knowledge level and mentality of the epoch in which they were created. Cartographic pragmatics also includes works which analyze the functions played by maps, including expressive functions used in advertising and propaganda. Appropriate construction of map legend can be included in both cartographic pragmatics and semantics. With relation to authors of maps, cartographic pragmatics deals with such issues as copyright, the organization and technology of map production and educating map editors. The object of study of cartographic syntactics is the graphic form of maps, while the best known and most discussed issue here is visual variables created by J. Bertin. Cartographic syntactics should not only deal with visual variables, which show attributes of presented objects, but also with spatial variables, whose scope of application depends on whether the signs are points, lines or area. This branch of cartographic semiotics also includes rules of map graphic design. Semiotic approach is of special significance in the analysis of presentations, because comparison of different means of expression and the way they interact calls for a wider semiotic approach. This approach is especially important in the organization of inter-operational spatial data bases, which requires their comprehensive semantic analysis.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2013, T. 45, nr 1, 1; 5-14
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-3 z 3

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