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Il soggiorno di sant’Ilarione di Gaza in Dalmazia secondo La vita s. Hilarionis di san Girolamo
The sojourn of st. Hilarion of Gaza in Dalmatia according to The vita s. Hilarionis of st. Jerome
Degórski, Bazyli
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
St. Jerome
St. Hilarion of Gaza
The narrative of the sojourn of St. Hilarion in Dalmatia within the Vita written by St. Jerome seems to encompass and synthetize all the principal elements of the biography of this Palestinian hermit. The search for solitude and anonymity amidst the populations of far distant lands, the impossibility of hiding – for the sake of charity – God’s operating power in miracles, the very presence of the Lord in the faithful monk living a life of prayer and penance, humbleness and love for God, the capability of showing the Lord’s presence in deeds, and the autobiographical references of the author of the Vita, St. Jerome, to himself through the life of Hilarion are all elements – though present in the brief section concerning the events occurred in Dalmatia – which profile the author. It is of significance his resorting to Biblical references, especially to the Gospel, highlighting the relevance of faith. St. Hilarion carries out the work of Christ and presents himself as “alter Christus”. The victory over the sea monster is the victory over evil-the devil and over death. The dominion over nature’s power, namely over the power of the waters of the seismic wave, endangering the earth and its inhabitants. It is – through Christ, with Christ and in Christ, Word of the Living God – the victory of life over the primordial chaos, as well as the new creation over the wound of the original sin. St. Hilarion proposes himself as a “living gospel”, proclaiming and revealing the mystery of the Kingdom amidst humankind. For this reason his lamp, namely he himself as the shining glory of the light of Christ, cannot remain under the bowl, although he would have liked so but, on the contrary, it is God’s will that the lamp be put on its stands, so that everyone may see it, be enlightened by the truth and glorify the Heavenly Father (Mt 5:14-16). Finally, the passages selected and analyzed – though brief in content – witness of the wide classical knowledge of the Dalmatian, who does quote Latin works and authors containing references to events and people of the past. Especially in those pages whom St. Jerome devotes to “his land”, Dalmatia, he seems to grant the highest homage to his Christian hero.
Opis pobytu mnicha Hilariona w Dalmacji, przekazany przez św. Hieronima w Vita S. Hilarionis, zdaje się zawierać i streszczać wszystkie główne przesłania i treści, które znajdują się w tej biografii świętego mnicha palestyńskiego: poszukiwanie samotności i bycia nieznanym pośród ludów w dalekich stronach, niemożność ukrycia się w imię miłości, Boża moc działająca poprzez wielkie cuda, która świadczy o tym, że w wiernym i rozmodlonym, pokutującym mnichu, pełnym pokory względem Boga i bliźniego jest obecny Pan, objawiający swoją chwałę za jego pośrednictwem. Nie bez znaczenia jest fakt, iż Hieronim nawiązuje tu wyraźnie do znanych fragmentów Ewangelii, które podkreślają znaczenie wiary mnicha. Święty kontynuuje dzieło Chrystusa na ziemi i jawi się jako “alter Christus”. Zwycięstwo odniesione nad morskim potworem jest zwycięstwem nad złem, diabłem i śmiercią. Panowanie nad siłami natury, w naszym przypadku: nad żywiołem rozhuczanego morza, które grozi zniszczeniem ziemi i ludzi, staje się przez Chrystusa, z Chrystusem i w Chrystusie zwycięstwem życia nad pierwotnym chaosem i grzechem pierworodnym. Hilarion jawi się więc jako żyjąca „Ewangelia”, która głosi i jednocześnie objawia tajemnicę Królestwa istniejącego już wśród ludzi. W tych krótkich fragmentach ujawnia się także wielka erudycja Hieronima oparta na znajomości kultury klasycznej. Wydaje się, że właśnie na tych stronicach poświęconych ojczyźnie – Dalmacji – Hieronim złożył największy hołd temu palestyńskiemu mnichowi.
Vox Patrum; 2017, 67; 101-114
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Status quaestionis – La cristologia delle lettere di San Girolamo
Status quaestionis - The Christology of the Letters of St Jerome
Łukaszczyk, Michał
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
św. Hieronim
St Jerome
Studia Elbląskie; 2023, 24; 485-493
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
La tomba di s. Vittorino e le sue formulazioni monumentali
Catacombs of St. Victorin and their architectural forms
Sidor, Artur Witold
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Archeologia cristiana
la catacomba di San Vittorino
Christian archeology
Catacombs of St. Victorin
Questo articolo è dedicato alla particella dell'antica e importante città di epoca romana - Amiternum. Tra i manufatti e i resti architettonici dell'Impero romano sono sopravvissute le catacombe. In questo articolo l'autore discute in dettaglio lo sviluppo storico delle catacombe, richiama l'attenzione sulla loro graduale trasformazione architettonica e avanza ipotesi sulla loro importanza nella vita della comunità cristiana locale fino ai tempi moderni. Il valore dello studio è accresciuto dal fatto di consultare gli effetti con le opinioni più recenti e lo stato del dibattito tra i principali archeologi italiani.
This article is dedicated to the particle of ancient and important city in Roman times - Amiternum. Among the artifacts and architectural remains of the Roman Empire survived the catacombs. In this article the author discusses in detail the historical development of the catacombs, draws attention to their gradual architectural transformation and puts hypothesesas to their importance in the life of the local Christian community until modern times. The value of the study increases the fact of consulting the effects with the latest opinions and the state of debate among prominent Italian archaeologists.
Studia Elbląskie; 2016, 17; 93-116
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
L’ insegnamento dell’apostolo Paolo sui carismi
St. Paul’s teaching in regard to charisms
Nauczanie św. Pawła odnośnie do charyzmatów
Cocco, Paolo
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego
św. Paweł
dary duchowe
Pierwszy List do Koryntian
St. Paul
Spiritual Gifts
First Corinthians
Po przedstawieniu rzeczywistości dotyczącej charyzmatów w Starym Testamencie, w Ewangeliach, Dziejach Apostolskich zostało omówione pierwotne znaczenie i występowanie słów „charyzmat/charyzmaty” w Biblii. Na tym tle autor rysuje bezpośredni kontekst nauczania o charyzmatach omawiając wspólnotę Koryncką i Pierwszy List do Koryntian. W swoich analizach koncentruje się na sekcji dotyczącej rzeczywistości duchowej (1 Kor 12–14) ukazując różne funkcjonowanie charyzmatów wewnątrz Kościoła przedstawionego jako ciało Chrystusa. Ujmuje zależności pomiędzy charyzmatami a miłością oraz praktykowaniem glosolalii i proroctwa. Całość dopełnia omówienie analiz dotyczących nauczania św. Pawła o charyzmatach dokonanych w różnych artykułach przez Käsemann, R.Y.K. Fung, G.D. Fee, J.D.G. Dunn. G. Barbaglio.
The presentation of the reality related to charisms in Old Testament , The Gospels and Acts of the Apostoles, discussed the primary meaning and occurrence of the words „charism/charisms” in the Bible. Against this background, author draws the direct context of the teaching of charisms by discussing the Corinthian community and First Corinthians. In his analysis, he focuses on the section concerned with spiritual reality (1 Corinthians 12–14), showing various forms of charisms functioning within the Church portrayed as the body of Christ. He captures the connections between charisms and love and also the practise of glossolalia and prophecy. The whole is completed by discussing the analysis of St. Paul’s teaching about charisms made in various articles by Käsemann, R.Y.K. Fung, G.D. Fee, J.D.G. Dunn.G. Barbaglio.
Scriptura Sacra; 2015, 19; 197-229
Pojawia się w:
Scriptura Sacra
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
L`aspetto soteriologico ed escatologico dellʼopera Salvificadel Cristo secondo Santa Chiara dʼAssisi
The soteriological and eschatological aspect of Christs salvific work according to St. Clare of Assisi
Neumann, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
St Clare of Assisi
The work of Christ accomplished in full on the cross is for St Clare of Assisi a significant sign of the victory of divine love over human weakness and sin. And although human life inherits from Christ's saving work the hardship of bearing the cross of daily worries and struggles, nevertheless, Clare sees in the cross the possibility of passing through life with him to the glory of the resurrection. In Christ, she sees a light in which there is no darkness and which illuminates the the paths of those who undertake expiation, conversion and penance. For her, Jesus of Nazareth is the only hope of man's salvation, which comes in the weakness and poverty of His earthly existence, in the sacrifice of the cross of His passion and, above all, in His glorious resurrection and ascension. Contemplating the essence of the mystery of man's salvation, Clare discovers the power of God's love and mercy, which, inscribed in the work of the world's redemption, radiates the radiance of the of man's resurrection from his sins and entry into the vestibules of heaven. On a spiritual level, Clare presents the resurrection as a vision of glory, as the vision of the immaculate Lamb who enlightens those who dwell in "darkness and the shadow of death". (Lk 1,79). For her, Christ lives as the resurrected One, exalted from earth to heaven continually transforming the universe with Himself, for He is the One who acts and unites humanity with God.
Studia Elbląskie; 2015, 16; 233-247
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Eretici ed eresie nel Chronicon di san Girolamo
Heretics and heresies in the Chronicon of st. Jerome
Degórski, Bazyli
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
St. Jerome
Eusebius of Caesarea
Ancient Church History (4th century)
patristic Theology
Council of Rimini
Council of Seleucia
Aëtians and Eunomians
In the translation of the Chronicon of Eusebius of Caesarea, St. Jerome firmly lists all the heretics and the heresies which – with the complicity of struggles for political power – affected Christianity, causing a sort of internal „martyrdom” for those defending faith. Donatists, Arianists, Macedonians, Anomoeans, Aetians, Audians, Photinians: none escapes the translation and judgement of the Great Dalmatian, who sometimes – impelled by the concise writing style of a chronicle – expresses his own judgement on heretics and their supporters with a single harsh qualification, failing to provide wider evaluations. The fights for the truth invested even the Synods of Rimini and Seleucia, but his concise and keen exposition of the events provides to the reader the information on the facts as well as on the political interference of many decisions, which were not prompted by religious motivations. Once again, an overview of the events presented in his Chronicon – through his „translation” and „tradition” – confirms how divisions and problems within the Church in the past centuries were caused by external motives, as well as often spoiled by the political events and took advantage of the frailty of the human nature, rather than aiming at seeking the truth.
Kontynuując Chronicon Euzebiusza z Cezarei, wśród wielu innych postaci św. Hieronim wymienia także błędnowierców i odszczepieńców IV w. Wskazuje przy tym częstokroć na ich związki z walką polityczną i władzą świecką, która w owym czasie nękała prawowiernych chrześcijan, czyniąc z nich swoistych „męczenników”. Donatyści, arianie, macedonianie (duchobórcy), eunomianie, aecjanie, audianie, fotynianie nie uniknęli surowej oceny wielkiego Ojca Kościoła, który niekiedy – ograniczony swoistym, krótkim stylem samej Kroniki – nawet poprzez jeden jedyny przymiotnik wyraża całą swoją krytykę i dezaprobatę względem błędnowierców oraz tych, którzy ich wspierali i im schlebiali. Nieustanne walki o czystość wiary nie zawsze kończyły się zwycięstwem, jak to widać np. w postanowieniach synodów z Rimini i Seleucji. Niemniej jednak przekaz faktów, dokonany przez Hieronima, pozwala czytelnikowi poznać choćby w zarysie przebieg i cały niesprzyjający kontekst polityczny tych teologicznych sporów. Po raz kolejny lektura faktów i ich kontekstu historyczno-politycznego potwierdza, iż rozłamy i trudności wewnątrz Kościoła pierwszych wieków były spowodowane działaniami zewnętrznymi władz świeckich, wykorzystującymi ludzką słabość spragnioną raczej władzy niż prawdy.
Vox Patrum; 2017, 68; 371-398
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Un messaggio per i posteri. La tomba di Stanisław Miński nella Basilica di Sant’Antonio a Padova
A message to posterity: the tomb of Stanisław Miński in the basilica of st. Anthony in Padua
Lenart, Mirosław
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Stanisław Miński
natio polona
Basilica of St. Anthony
Basilica di Sant’Antonio
The article deals with the first burial in the tomb crypt built under the altar of the natio polona in the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua. Stanisław Miński, a Polish state dignitary and diplomat who was passing through Padua on his way from Naples, was the one buried here. The tombstone, removed only in the first half of the 20th century, contained information about the laying of Miński’s body to rest in the place where church services associated with Poland and Poles were performed. For over three centuries, the tomb attracted the attention of pilgrims from Poland coming to Padua, reminding them not only of the outstanding Polish diplomat, but also of the natio polona, which, in the 16th and early-17th centuries, constituted a large and distinctive group of ultramontani, that is, those who came from beyond the mountains, most of whom had come to study at the flourishing university. In the article, little-known documents concerning the burial are gathered; these documents are kept in the Paduan archives and had been collected by the clergy and secular administration of the Basilica. Via the analysis of these documents, the cultural context in which the decision against bringing Miński’s body to Poland is reconstructed. The role of the institution, constituted by the administration of St. Anthony’s Basilica operating under the name of Veneranda Arca di Sant’Antonio, which grants permission to lay the body in the Basilica, is also established.
L’articolo affronta la questione della prima sepoltura nella cripta funebre, realizzata sotto l’altare della natio polona nella Basilica di Sant’Antonio a Padova. Tale sepoltura riguardava Stanisław Miński, dignitario di stato polacco e diplomatico, che passò da Padova diretto a Napoli. Dell’inumazione del corpo di Miński nel luogo di celebrazione liturgica del santuario associato alla Polonia ed ai polacchi informava una lapide, rimossa solo alla metà del XX secolo. Per oltre tre secoli essa attirò l’attenzione soprattutto dei pellegrini polacchi giunti a Padova, ricordando non solo la figura del grande diplomatico polacco, ma anche la natio polona, che nel secolo XVI e agli inizi del XVII costituiva in città un gruppo numeroso e particolare di oltremontani, in gran parte legati agli studi compiuti nel periodo d’oro dell’università. Nell’articolo sono riportati documenti scarsamente noti concernenti la sepoltura, conservati negli archivi padovani, redatti dall’amministrazione religiosa e da quella della basilica. Grazie alla loro analisi, è stato ricostruito il contesto culturale nel quale fu deciso di rinunciare al trasporto della salma di Miński in Polonia. Si è altresì sottolineato il ruolo svolto dall’istituzione cerata dall’amministrazione della Basilica di Sant’Antonio, operante con il nome di Veneranda Arca di Sant’Antonio, la quale rilasciava i permessi per l’inumazione delle salme nella basilica.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2021, 12.2; 11-27
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Il concetto dumiltà nel linguaggio di santa Teresa di Gesù Bambino
The concept of humbleness in the language of St. Theresa of Lisieux
Ciesielka, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
This paper deals with the concept of humbleness in St. Theresa of Lisieux on the basis of her texts. Firstly, the author presents the semic analysis of the adjectives and nouns determining human qualities and attitudes. Based on the analysis, the author determines 3 semantic fields: the field of lack, the field of oblivion and the field of inferiority. Then the author aims to present the unique concept of humbleness according to St. Theresa of Lisieux: observing herself as an imperfect being, wishing to remain so, her joy of being imperfect and perceiving it as a source of good.
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia; 2004, 31; 183-196
Pojawia się w:
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Le caratteristiche della paternità di san Paolo Apostolo nella Prima Lettera ai Corinzi
Cechy ojcostwa św. Pawła Apostoła w Pierwszym Liście do Koryntian
The characteristics of the paternity of St. Paul the Apostle in the First Letter to the Corinthians
Pastorczyk, Adam
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Misyjne Księży Sercanów
św. Paweł Apostoł
Pierwszy List do Koryntian
theologia crucis
St. Paul the Apostle
First Letter to the Corinthians
Dla wielu wspólnot chrześcijańskich św. Paweł Apostoł był nie tylko założycielem i nauczycielem, lecz przede wszystkim ojcem. Głoszona w mocy Ducha Świętego Ewangelia sprawiła, że między nim a młodymi lokalnymi Kościołami zawiązała się prawdziwie ojcowsko-synowska relacja. Jej intensywność i charakter można zauważyć przede wszystkim w listach kierowanych przez Apostoła do wspólnoty w Koryncie, szczególnie wtedy, gdy Koryntianie oddalali się od prawdziwej wiary.
For many Christian communities, St. Paul the Apostle was not only the founder and teacher but above all a father. The Gospel proclaimed in the power of the Holy Spirit, created a truly father-son relationship between him and the young local Churches. Its intensity and character can be particularly seen in the letters sent by the Apostle to the community in Corinth, especially when the Corinthians were moving away from true faith.
Sympozjum; 2019, 2(37); 159-179
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Devote e cólte: le sepolture trecentesche femminili della basilica di Sant’Antonio a Padova
Devoted and Cultured: the 14th-century Female Burials in the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua
Molli, Giovanna Baldissin
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
basilica of St. Anthony
fourteenth century
Il saggio analizza la presenza delle sepolture femminili nella basilica di Sant’Antonio a Padova, nel corso del XIV secolo, in parte pervenute e in parte documentate nelle fonti. Durante il Trecento infatti, le tombe femminili sono in numero nettamente superiore, circa venti, rispetto a quelle dei secoli successivi e appartengono a famiglie di rango elevato. La numerosità di tali sepolture è da mettere in relazione alla signoria dei Carraresi, che resero la città, nel Trecento, un centro, nell’ambito dell’Italia padana, di importanza politica e altissimo profilo culturale.
The essay analyzes women’s burials present in the basilica of St. Anthony in Padua during the fourteenth century. Some of them have survived and some are just documented in historical sources. During the fourteenth century, there were clearly more female tombs (about twenty), than in the following centuries, and they belonged to families of high status. The significant number of such burials shall be put in relation with the lordship of the Carraresi, thanks to whom the city, in the fourteenth century, had a strong political importance and a very high cultural profile within the Po Valley region of the peninsula.
Perspektywy Kultury; 2023, 41, 2/1; 249-288
Pojawia się w:
Perspektywy Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Elementi per un approccio biblico-teologico al tema della comunicazione
Zamboni, Stefano
Data publikacji:
Akademia Katolicka w Warszawie
Słowo Boże
ironia Jana
św. Paweł
Word of God
Johannine irony
St. Paul
This article aims to provide the basic elements for a theology of communication. To exhaustively deal with a biblical and theological vision of communication is a daunting task, since, in a certain sense, all Scripture and all theological work is an event of communication. In this contribution, the author seeks to derive fundamental elements from particularly significant biblical passages in this regard. In the first place, he highlights characteristics of the Word of God, through which God creates the world and communicates himself to humankind. Next, he clarifies the sense in which Christ, the incarnate Word of God, reveals himself as the “perfect communicator” and he studies the narrative mechanisms and the theological value of parables and Johannine irony and misunderstanding. Then he considers the difficulty of human communication relying on the biblical episode of the Tower of Babel, and connects this to the proclamation of the evangelical kerygma, to which the figure of the Apostle Paul bears particular witness. At the conclusion of the article, the author proposes some general considerations on communication. The author formulates these as “brief theses”, which not only summarize the itinerary undertaken but also intend to open space for further reflection.
Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne; 2021, 34, 2; 174-193
Pojawia się w:
Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Padre Dehon e gli esercizi spirituali di sant’Ignazio
Father Dehon and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola
Pisarek, Gabriel
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Misyjne Księży Sercanów
ćwiczenia duchowe
św. Ignacy z Loyoli
Ignacy z Loyoli
Spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola has inspired many saints and founders of religious congregations. Among them there was also Fr. Leon Dehon, the founder of the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He touched on the way of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius thanks to his numerous contacts with Jesuit Fathers. Among them Fr. Dehon had professors, collaborators, friends, as well as spiritual directors. Fr. Dehon was fascinated by the personality and spirituality of St. Ignatius. He undertook the Spiritual Exercises in the most important moments of his religious and priestly life: when he began his study in the college in Hazebrouck and when he entered the French Seminary of Saint Claire in Rome, when he was searching his religious vocation as a diocesan priest and in the first years after he had founded the Congregation, before the first General Chapter and before his perpetual vows. As a mature priest and religious, Fr. Dehon undertook the Spiritual Exercises when he was celebrating the 25th anniversary of his priesthood and before he left the cradle of the Congregation – the College of St. John. The exercises were not without influence on the spirituality of Fr. Dehon and on his spiritual life. We can find an echo of several meditations or contemplations offered by St. Ignatius in the spirituality of Fr. Dehon and in the spirituality of his Congregation. The traces of the Exercises can be also found in both his decisions and his teaching directed to his brothers in religious life and to the laity.
Sympozjum; 2011, 2(21); 97-114
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
L’Amore Misericordioso di Gesù Cristo nell’esperienza di Santa Teresa di Lisieux
Merciful Love of Jesus Christ as Experienced by St. Therese of Lisieux
Miłość miłosierna Jezusa Chrystusa w doświadczeniu Świętej Teresy z Lisieux
Kiera, Szymon
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
St. Therese of Lisieux
God's Mercy
św. Teresa z Lisieux
Boże Miłosierdzie
Doświadczenie świętych, nazywane „wiedzą miłości” (scientia amoris) nie tylko nie przeciwstawia się wiedzy akademickiej, ale stanowi najwyższy rodzaj poznania. Jest to poznanie miłości Chrystusa, przewyższające wszelką wiedzę (por. Ef 3, 19). Wielu świętych kontempluje misterium Zbawiciela poprzez pryzmat konkretnego boskiego przymiotu. W przypadku świętej Teresy od Dzieciątka Jezus i Najświętszego Oblicza przymiotem tym jest «Miłość Miłosierna», która stanowi klucz do interpretacji jej doktryny. Orędzie świętej karmelitanki ujmowane jest w ramach tak zwanej „małej drogi”, która stanowi dostępny dla wszystkich program realizacji ewangelicznego wezwania do doskonałości. Punktem wyjścia w rozumieniu przesłania Teresy z Lisieux jest jej pragnienie wielkiej świętości, równoważne z pragnieniem ratowania dusz grzeszników: kochanie Boga i sprawianie, by był kochany. Doświadczenie osobistej niedoskonałości i nędzy (miseria) nie zniechęca jej, ale prowadzi do odkrycia, że najważniejszym przymiotem miłości Boga jest miłosierdzie (misericordia), które skłania Chrystusa do pochylenia się nad człowiekiem: „właściwością miłości jest uniżenie się” (Ms A 2v). Atrybut ten, określany przez świętą mianem „Miłości Miłosiernej”, jest jednym z najistotniejszych elementów terezjańskiej doktryny, a „wychwalanie Miłosierdzia Pana” (Ms C 1r) stanowi główny motyw powstania rękopisów karmelitanki. Istotą «małej drogi» jest przede wszystkim nadzieja przejawiająca się w śmiałej ufności (confiance) i całkowitym zawierzeniu (abandon) swojego życia Bogu. Kontemplacja Miłości Miłosiernej Chrystusa prowadzi Teresę nie tylko do „pewności” zostania wielką świętą, ale otwiera także horyzonty nadziei dla wszystkich.
The experience called «the knowledge of love» (scientia amoris) reported by the Saints is not at tangent with academic science, but in fact is the ultimate of knowledge. This is the knowledge of Christ’s love. It is superior to all other kinds of knowledge and cognition (cf. Eph. 3:19). Many Saints contemplate the mystery of the Saviour focusing on one divine attribute. St Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face chose Christ's «Merciful Love», which constitutes the key to the interpretation of her doctrine. The teaching of the Saint Carmelite is named „the little way”, which is an open invitation to a programme of individual evangelical growth towards perfection. The departure point in the interpretation of Therese’s teaching is her great craving for exalted sanctity, which for her equalled with a need to work for the salvation of sinners: loving God and making Him loved by others. Therese’s sense of personal imperfection and misery (miseria) is not an obstacle for her efforts. Instead, it leads her to discover that the most prominent and outstanding attribute of God’s love is His Mercy (misericordia). Merciful Christ gives Himself to the sinful man: «humility is an attribute of love». (Ms A 2v). This divine attribute, to which she referred as «Merciful Love», is one of the key elements of the Teresian doctrine, and «praising the Mercy of the Lord» (Ms C 1r) is the main reason underlying her work on her diary. The pivotal idea of the „the little way” is her hope in God, manifesting itself in her confident trust and complete devotion (abandonment) of her life to God. Contemplating Christ’s Merciful Love leads Therese up to her being „sure” of becoming a great saint, but it also opens new horizons of hope for all people.
Roczniki Teologii Dogmatycznej; 2012, 4; 295-304
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologii Dogmatycznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aspetti semioforici della Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Semiophoric aspects of the Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Jeż, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Italian Seicento
music collection
St. Elizabeth’s church
Daniel Sartorius
collezione musicale
chiesa di S. Elisabetta
The Wrocław patrician Thomas Rehdiger (1540-1576), during his Wanderjahre, amassed a rich collection of books, manuscripts, coins, precious stones, and works of art. In his will, he bequeathed this collection—gathered mainly during his stays in Padua, Bologna, and Venice—to his hometown, thus giving rise to the first public library in the Wrocław metropolis. In 1589, the Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana was established in the Auditorium Theologicum of St. Elizabeth’s Church. In his youth, Rehdiger was educated in the school operating at the church; almost 100 years later, the school’s teacher, Daniel Sartorius (1612-1671), gathered a large collection of music prints, which were published in that period in Venetian publishing houses. This unique collection, stored together along with the Rhedigeriana Library, was later merged with the library’s content. What was the significance of this collection in the culture of 17th-century Wrocław? This collection, undoubtedly, was assembled based upon inspiration from the Humanistic period, which had been promoted in that Elizabethan school at least as of the times of Laurentius Corvinus. It was supposed to serve the teaching at the Elisabethanum and shape the artistic tastes of its students, who performed state-of-the-art Italian music during school activities or afternoon recess. Attempts were made to introduce the carefully collected repertoire into the liturgical practice of a nearby church, using the technique of contrafactum that was popular at the time. The Sartorian Library’s semiophoric function, however, was to define a new form of cultural memory for the Wrocław elites and to outline the original profile of their identity, which was oriented by the same ideals that guided the composers of the Italian Seicento.
Durante i suoi Wanderjahre, il patrizio di Breslavia Thomas Rehdiger (1540-1576) raccolse una ricca collezione di libri, manoscritti, monete, pietre preziose e opere d’arte. Nel suo testamento decise di destinare questa collezione, messa insieme soprattutto nei soggiorni a Padova, Bologna e Venezia, alla propria città natale, dando così inizio alla prima biblioteca pubblica della metropoli sull’Oder. Nel 1589 la Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana fu collocata nella sala dell’Auditorium Theologicum nella chiesa di Santa Elisabetta a Breslavia. Nel ginnasio che funzionava presso questa chiesa Rehdiger aveva studiato da giovane; quasi cento anni più tardi in quella scuola si trovò ad insegnare Daniel Sartorius (1612-1671), che raccolse un’imponente collezione di stampe musicali, pubblicate all’epoca nelle officine veneziane. Questa collezione, unica nel suo genere, conservata insieme alla Biblioteca Rhedigeriana, è stata successivamente fusa con il suo contenuto. Quale significato ebbe questa collezione per la cultura di Breslavia nel Seicento? Fu messa insieme senza dubbio su ispirazione dell’umanesimo, coltivato fra le mura della scuola elisabettiana almeno fin dai tempi di Laurentius Corvinus. Doveva servire sicuramente alla didattica condotta nell’Elisabethanum e alla formazione dei gusti artistici degli allievi di quel centro, i quali nel corso delle lezioni o delle ricreazioni pomeridiane eseguivano la musica italiana più nuova. Si provò ad Aspetti semioforici della Bibliotheca Sartoriana 121 inserire questo repertorio, raccolto con accuratezza, anche durante la pratica liturgica della chiesa adiacente, sfruttando volentieri la tecnica allora in voga della contraffazione. La funzione semioforica della Biblioteca Sartoriana doveva tuttavia definire in primo luogo una nuova forma di memoria culturale per le élite di Breslavia e caratterizzarne il profilo originale dell’identità, un profilo orientato da quegli stessi ideali che guidavano i compositori dell’Italia settentrionale nel Seicento.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2021, 12.1; 107-121
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
I protoplasti paleocristiani dell'ordine dei monaci di san Paolo primo eremita secondo l'opera "Paulina Eremus" di Padre Bartolomeo Bolesławski
Early Christian Progenitors of the Order of St. Paul the First Hermit According to the Work "Paulina Eremus" by Father Bartłomiej Bolesławski
Starochrześcijańscy protoplaści Zakonu św. Pawła Pierwszego Pustelnika według dzieła "Paulina Eremus" o. Bartłomieja Bolesławskiego
Degórski, Bazyli
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Paweł z Teb
Paulina Eremus
Bartłomiej Bolesławski
Zakon paulinów
Order of St. Paul the First Hermit
Paul of Thebes
Early Christianity
Artykuł analizuje rękopiśmienne dzieło o. Bartłomieja Bolesławskiego O.S.P.P.E.: "Paulina Eremus seu co[m]mentarius hystoricus in quo Ordinis Fratrum Eremitarum Sancti Pauli Primi Eremitae primordia, progressus, fundationes, privile- gia, viri illustres referuntur", które pochodzi z 1630 roku. Manuskrypt ten jest obecnie przechowywany w Archiwum Jasnogórskim. Paulina Eremus o. Bolesławskiego jest nie tylko cennym źródłem, by poznać dzieje Zakonu Paulinów, lecz także przybliża historię eremityzmu pierwszych wieków chrześcijaństwa, z którym Paulini byli i są ściśle związani od samych początku swego istnienia. Paulina Eremus dostarcza licznych wiadomości dotyczących zarówno dziejów starochrześcijańskiego pustelnic- twa, jak i samego Zakonu Paulinów. Rękopis jasno wykazuje, iż duchowość pauliri- skich mnichów jest głęboko związana nie tylko ze św. Pawłem z Teb - pierwszym pustelnikiem chrześcijańskim, lecz także ze wszystkimi eremitami pierwszych wieków - jego naśladowcami.
The article analyzes the manuscript work of Father Bartłomiej Bolesławski O.S.P.P.E .: "Paulina Eremus seu co [m] mentarius hystoricus in quo Ordinis Fratrum Eremitarum Sancti Pauli Primi Eremitae primordia, progressus, fundationes, privilegia, viri illustres referuntur" from year 1630. This manuscript is currently kept in the Jasna Góra Archives. Father Bolesławski's Pauline Eremus is not only a valuable source to learn about the history of the Pauline Order, but also introduces the history of the hermitism of the first centuries of Christianity, with which Paulines have been and are closely connected to from the very beginning. Paulina Eremus provides numerous information about both the history of Old Christian hermits and the Pauline Order itself. The manuscript clearly shows that the spirituality of Pauline monks is deeply connected not only to Saint Paul of Thebes - the first Christian hermit, but also to all hermits of the first centuries - his followers.
Vox Patrum; 2008, 52, 1; 123-135
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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