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Comparative Aging and Qualitative Theorizing
Cook, Ian G.
Halsall, Jamie
Powell, Jason L.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Global understanding
Qualitative theorizing
Nation states
The principal aim of this argument is to analyze the swift expansion in the proportion of older people across the globe, and to highlight the main social and economic forces causing this through methodological challenges especially through the lens of qualitative methodology. We recognize the enormity of the task. Drawing from a range of qualitative research studies provides enriched meanings about aging identity that can be used to shed light on how aging is experienced in equal to how it has been defined in macro or populational terms. Balancing micro and macro levels of understanding is key to open up broader level of explaining what it means to be an older person in different cultures Whilst this is a noble aim, there is no doubt that the rapid increase in population aging across the globe is signalling the most astonishing populational changes in the history of humankind that qualitative levels of understanding are uniquely placed to balance the huge figures in describing complex demography in that qualitative methodology unravels the facts and instead reveals the narratives, meanings and identity formation of research subjects; whereas statistical research has pre-dominantly made its findings looking at people as research objects or as a ‘number’ (Gruber and Wise 2004). The balance is key but this paper explores the issue of comparative aging underpinned by what Powell and Cook (2001) call ‘qualitative theorising’ in making sense of statistical and experiential aging.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2010, 6, 1; 48-59
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Between Galileo and Darwin, or Towards a Unified Mode of Idealization in Cognitive Linguistics
Strugielska, Ariadna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
cognitive linguistics
semantic theorizing
situated and distributed meaning
Between Galileo and Darwin, or Towards a Unified Mode of Idealization in Cognitive LinguisticsThe aim of this paper is to demonstrate that Cognitive Linguistics is in need of a coherent model through which the meaning of symbolic units can be represented. Departing from the premise that scientific theorizing requires taking a stance on the nature of idealization, the current discussion concentrates on cognitive linguists’ perspectives on the process, and reveals a lack of uniformity in the models proposed.On the whole, generalizations in Cognitive Linguistics are conducted in a manner reflecting the basic commitments of the approach, and hence the idealized models discussed strive to capture the embodied nature of cognition reflected in the semantic poles of symbolic units.However, a detailed analysis shows that a number of significant choices underlying the process of abstraction are random. Consequently, the modes of idealization revealed through semantic frames and cognitive domains lead to the emergence of barely compatible semantic categories which are assumed to represent the meaning of the same symbolic unit.It is thus postulated that if Cognitive Linguistics aspires to become a mature scientific theory, whose constructs and hypotheses can be operationalized and falsified, it needs to develop a more unified framework in which the situated and distributed natures of meaning are accounted for in a motivated manner. Między Galileuszeam a Aarwinem albo o spójnym modelu idealizacji w językoznawstwie kognitywnymCelem niniejszego artykułu jest wskazanie konieczności stworzenia spójnego modelu reprezentacji znaczeniowej jednostek symbolicznych w obrębie językoznawstwa kognitywnego. Przyjmując jako punkt wyjścia założenie, że podstawą budowania teorii naukowych jest idealizacja, dokonany zostaje przegląd modeli reprezentacji semantycznej, proponowanych przez czołowych językoznawców kognitywnych.Analiza wyidealizowanych modeli kognitywnych w ujęciu Fillmore’a (1985), Lakoffa (1987) i Langackera (1987) wskazuje na zbieżności na poziomie ogólnym, czyli na zgodność, iż biegun semantyczny jednostki symbolicznej winien odzwierciedlać ucieleśnioną naturę poznania. Na poziomie szczegółowym jednakże można zauważyć szereg rozbieżności między omawianymi modelami, wynikających z nieuzasadnionych wyborów badaczy dotyczących sposobu abstrahowania.W rezultacie wykazano, że znaczenie tej samej jednostki symbolicznej jest w językoznawstwie kognitywnym definiowane odmiennie, w zależności od przyjętej procedury idealizacji. Zaobserwowane niekonsekwencje metodologiczne podają w wątpliwość dojrzałość językoznawstwa kognitywnego jako teorii naukowej.
Cognitive Studies; 2016, 16
Pojawia się w:
Cognitive Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Conceptual and Theoretical Foundations of Research on Social and Cultural Processes in the Environment of the Titular Nation of the Ukrainian SSR during the 1960s and 1970s
Kindrachuk, Nadia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
Ukrainian nation
Ukrainian ethnos
national self-assertion
national consciousness
The article considers the сonceptual and theoretical foundations of research on social and cultural processes in the environment of the titular nation of the Ukrainian SSR during the 1960s and 1970s. It is characterized by the semantic content of concepts of “titular nation” and “indigenous people” in the Ukrainian SSR, identified primarily with Ukrainians, who were united by a single language, faith, spirituality, national traditions, customs, culture, ethnic origin and ancient residence on the territory of Ukraine, the official name of which was determined by their nationality. The conceptual components of the research are interpretation of the following concepts of: “Ukrainian ethnos”, “Ukrainian ethnic territory” or “Ukrainian ethnic land”, “national majority”, “national minority”, “nation-state”, “nonconformism”, “counterculture”, “sixties”, “dissidence”, “Ukrainian diaspora”, etc. Research of the conceptual and theoretical foundations of the outlined topic makes it possible to resolve controversial issues which have not been adequately covered in historical science, also makes it possible to specify the process of national self-expression of Ukrainians through cultural space, and allows to get new assessments, judgments and conclusions.
Historia i Polityka; 2023, 44 (51); 97-108
Pojawia się w:
Historia i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pets of Konrad Lorenz. Theorizing in the social world of pet owners
Konecki, Krzysztof T.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Sociology of human animals – non-human animals relationships
Symbolic interaction
Social world
This article explores the personal account titled Man meets dog ([1949] 2002) by an outstanding ethologist Konrad Lorenz who is one of the key theoreticians of the social world of pet owners. His lines of argumentation and categories of pet perception within this social world may be reconstructed from his personal recollections. The concepts of the social world and arena are the key notions that integrate the current analysis. The arena is also formed in the course of the inner conversation and is often going together with the outer disputes of a social world . It might seem that Konrad Lorenz as a scientist and ethologist should avoid using anthropomorphic categories. However, as he shares the same space (including private space) and communicates with domestic animals, the author tends to anthropomorphise their behaviour, even though formally he opposes or even despises the idea, applying a disdainful term of “sentimental anthropomorphisation” to people who do so. Additionally, the article addresses the biographic context of the ethologist’s life and his writings together with the activities of the Second World War as well as his collaboration with the Nazi government. Konrad Lorenz represents the socalled “cult of nature” approach which, in the opinion of his opponents, has a lot in common with the Nazi doctrine (Sax 1997).
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2007, 3, 1; 110-127
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jean-Jacques Rousseau and his ideas in the spectrum of the pressing challenges of our time: to the postulates of modern psychological and pedagogical interaction
Manokha, Irina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
explanatory model of social world
social function
personal sovereignty
a meaningful synthesis of the historical facts
„natural” nature of education
the freedom of choice - as elements of the philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
postulates of modern psychological and educational interaction
The personality and creativity of Jean-Jacques Rousseau are multifaceted, sometimes difficult to structure and observe in modern humanistic theorizations, although the idea of a special social function of personal sovereignty and the idea of history as a meaningful synthesis of historical facts have not lost their relevance today, if we find the necessary range of review and ways of implementation. Another example – the idea of education as a system, which should be the very nature – the nature of the pupil, the “nature-loving” educator, and the natural educational process itself. If we consider the idea of following the natural pupil so as to create conditions for detection, disclosure, and facilitating the full deployment of the individual capacities of the pupil, this idea is at least highly relevant. This is an aspect of the modern psychological, pedagogical, and even – political – mainstream, the focus of what is most concerned about contemporary human society and its various institutions. If we consider that the idea of naturalness facilitates the educational process as a way of bringing it closer to some “maieutic” ideal – it is also one of the centrifugal issues of modern pedagogy and educational affairs in general, the question – how to make the process – non-violent, opening prospects, and not prevent them from forming the ability to independently explore the world and find ways of acting effectively in it. If we treat the idea of the “nature-loving” educator as subtly and carefully acting in relation to any of the manifestations of the pupil, thereby unleashing the potential of the tutor, is not this the way to pre-empt all types of “burn up” (both professional, and emotional) for the modern educator in the broad sense of the word – “sculptor of human souls”? In this article with the elements of an essay – the proposal is to make a fascinating excursion, full of unexpected discoveries into the world of Rousseau.
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji; 2015, 29, 2; 44-52
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Why Do We Need the Term “Art”?
Dlaczego jest nam potrzebny termin „sztuka”?
Sztabiński, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
niedefiniowalność pojęcia „sztuka”
„koniec sztuki” (A. Danto)
sztuka po końcu sztuki
teoretyzowanie z niepewnością
„sztuka” jako kategoria integrująca
indefinability of the term “art”
“end of art” (A. Danto)
art after the end of art
theorizing with uncertainty
“art” as an integrative category
W artykule podjęta została refleksja nad współczesną sytuacją, w której termin „sztuka” jest szeroko stosowany, ale bez podejmowania prób uściślenia jego znaczenia lub definiowania go. Sytuacja ta dotyczy zarówno obszaru estetyki, gdzie rozważania nad pojęciem sztuki zanikły od kilku dekad, jak wypowiedzi krytyków i artystów. Punktem wyjścia prowadzonych tu rozważań jest stan, jaki miał miejsce w latach 50. i 60. XX wieku. W myśli estetycznej pojawiły się wówczas poglądy wskazujące na niedefiniowalność pojęcia „sztuka” (np. stanowisko Morrisa Weitza) oraz tendencje do wskazywania innych sposobów użycia tego terminu, niż poznawczy – uwzględnienia jego charakteru oceniającego, perswazyjnego itp. W latach 90. ważnym głosem w tej sprawie były teksty Arthura C. Danto, który ujmował zagadnienie w kontekście swojej teorii „końca sztuki”. Koniec ten nie oznaczał kresu twórczości artystycznej, a tylko zmianę polegającą na zakończeniu się ery sztuki jako problemu teoretycznego. W XX wieku zarówno w tworzonych dziełach, jak pisanych tekstach, próbowano ustalić, czym jest „sztuka prawdziwa”. Dziś natomiast wszystkie znaczenia słowa „sztuka” stają się ważne. Życie artystyczne, według Danto, układa się więc bardziej pokojowo, bez „czystek etnicznych”. Jak zatem motywuje się włączanie poszczególnych praktyk do obszaru sztuki? Uważam, że często następuje to na zasadzie podobnej do gry w domino. Ilustruję tę tezę za pomocą polskiego przykładu - koncepcji „sztuki ze społeczeństwem” realizowanej od 2011 roku w warszawskiej dzielnicy Ursus. Tekst kończą refleksje odnoszące się do współczesnego „teoretyzowania z niepewnością”. Pojawia się teza, że termin „sztuka” pełni dzisiaj przede wszystkim rolę integrującą wobec różnorodnych działań, dla których inaczej trudno byłoby znaleźć stosowną kategorię.
The article reflects on the contemporary situation in which the term “art” is broadly used, albeit without attempting to clarify its meaning or define it. This situation concerns both the area of aesthetics, where the deliberations on the concept of art have been abandoned for several decades, as well as the statements of critics and artists. The starting point of the reflections presented here is the situation that occurred in the 1950s and 1960s. In the aesthetic thought there appeared views pointing to the indefinability of the term “art”. (e.g. the stand of Morris Weitz) and the tendencies to indicate other usages of this term, than cognitive – to consider its evaluative, persuasive, etc. character, etc. In the 1990s, Arthur C. Danto's texts were an important contribution to this issue, commenting on the subject in the context of his theory of the “end of art”. That “end” did not mean the end of artistic crea-tivity, but only a change consisting in the end of the era of art as a theoretical problem. In the 20th century, both in created works and in written texts, attempts were made to establish what “true art” is. Today, however, all meanings of the word “art” become important. Artistic life, according to Danto, is therefore more peaceful, free from “ethnic cleansing”. How, then, do we motivate the inclusion of particular practices in the area of art? I believe that it often happens on a similar basis to playing dominoes. I illustrate this thesis with the use of the Polish example – the concept of “art with community” implemented since 2011 in the Warsaw district of Ursus. The text ends with reflections on contemporary “theorizing with uncertainty”. There is an assertion that the term “art” plays an integrating role in the face of various activities, for which otherwise it would be difficult to find an appropriate category.
Art Inquiry. Recherches sur les arts; 2019, 21; 19-35
Pojawia się w:
Art Inquiry. Recherches sur les arts
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-6 z 6

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