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Polskie i anglojęzyczne badania nad poezją religijną. Przegląd porównawczy
Matyjaszczyk, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
religious literature; religious poetry; literary criticism; the sacred in literature
literatura religijna; poezja religijna; teoria literatury; sacrum w literaturze
The article compares Polish and Anglophone literary-theoretical approaches to religious poetry. It demonstrates that some common tendencies to be found in Polish studies and in English scholarship include drawing on a single religious tradition (Christian, official), focusing on the author and their religious experience, and narrow and/or prescriptive approaches that are sometimes more theological than literary-theoretical in nature. The survey suggests that the most prominent difference is that Polish criticism has produced a long-standing tradition of literary-theoretical studies that develop on or polemicize with each other in an attempt to describe and systematize the field of the intersections of poetry and religion and propose literary methodologies for studying religious poetry, while Anglophone studies do not enter into this kind of dialogue. The Polish studies, if popularized, could help reduce the theoretical and methodological deficit in Anglophone scholarship on the subject.
Prace Polonistyczne; 2020, 75; 43-64
Pojawia się w:
Prace Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Post-sephardic Belgrade Narrative: The Case of David Albahari
Todorić, Gordana
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Sephardic literature
religious canon
The Post-sephardic Belgrade Narrative: The Case of David AlbahariThe paper attempts to establish a literary and historical continuity between the literary works of David Albahari and the pre-WWII Sephardic cultural context of Belgrade. The war and the Holocaust interrupted the natural development of this culture. The interruption in development caused by the Holocaust did not result in an effort to build bridges to the past, but rather to redefine basic identity codes, as is evident in Albahari’s oeuvre. This indicates the appearance of a new and qualitatively different status of cultural patterns, into which events preceding the catastrophe were integrated after the fact. Postsefardski narativ Beograda – slučaj Davida Albaharija U radu ćemo nastojati da uspostavimo književni i istorijski kontinuitet između sefardskog kulturnog konteksta koji je u Beogradu postojao pre Drugog svetskog rata i književnog dela Davida Albaharija. Prirodni razvoj sefardske kulture prekinuli su rat i Holokaust. Taj prekid u posleratnom periodu, u slučaju teritorije bivše Jugoslavije, nije rezultirao naporom da se kontinuitet reuspostavi, nego je doveo do procesa redefinisanja temeljnih identitetskih postavki, što je očigledno upravo u Albaharijevom delu. Ovo ukazuje na pojavu novog i kvalitativno različitog statusa kulturnih obrazaca, u odnosu na koje su se one pojave koje su prethodile katastrofi, post festum, saobražavale. Postsefardyjska narracja Belgradu – przypadek Davida AlbahariW artykule postaramy się ustanowić literacką i historyczną ciągłość między sefardyjskim kontekstem kulturowym, który istniał w Belgradzie przed II wojną światową, a literacką twórczością Davida Albahari. Naturalny rozwój kultury sefardyjskiej został przerwany przez wojnę i Holokaust. Przerwa w okresie powojennym, w przypadku terytorium byłej Jugosławii, nie zaowocowała próbami przywrócenia ciągłości rozwoju tej kultury, lecz uruchomiła proces redefiniowania podstawowych założeń tożsamościowych, co odzwierciedla właśnie twórczość Davida Albahari. Wskazuje ona na pojawienie się nowego, jakościowo odmiennego statusu wzorców kulturowych, w odniesieniu do których post festum wyrażano zjawiska poprzedzające katastrofę.
Colloquia Humanistica; 2019, 8
Pojawia się w:
Colloquia Humanistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Developing Religious Thinking Using C. S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia
Hanesová, Dana
Hanes, Pavel
Masariková, Daniela
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Religious education in schools
God, faith
The authors present the results of authentic theologizing with children while using the Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis in the process of religious education. Since the 1950s, when this series of seven fantasy novels for children was published it became recognized as an English classic of children’s literature. Although from the beginning, they have faced praise as well as criticism – particularly due to the recent attempt to use them as a script for a film adaptation – experience with this series of children’s book shows that they can contribute positively to the development of children’s religious thinking. The most important concept for the development of the spirituality of children is their concept of God and what it means to have faith in God.
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II; 2019, 9, 2; 207-230
Pojawia się w:
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Introduction to Religious and Sacred Poetry (2)
Tytko, Marek Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Naukowa Katolików Eschaton
religious poetry
sacred poetry
scholarly periodical
religious literary culture
Slavic philology
Christian culture
Religious and Sacred Poetry
Welcome to the internet portal of the international scholarly periodical Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education (Poezja Religijna i Sakralna: Międzynarodowy Kwartalnik Religii, Kultury i Wychowania). This is an interdisciplinary scholarly periodical (intended as a quarterly) focused on Christian religious and sacred poetry considered from various angles: theological, philosophical, literary, linguistic, cultural, pedagogical, psychological and historiographical. The multidimensional, cultural and educational focus of this periodical allows for formulating scholarly theory and reflection about biblical poetry, sacred (liturgical) poetry, and religious poetry present in the Christian tradition of many nations, from Antiquity through the Middle Ages up to modern times. Catholic (Roman Catholic, Greek Catholic and others), Orthodox and Protestant traditions in religious poetry are part of the complementary heritage of Christian poetry of European countries, with which we would like to enrich one another. Christian poetry, approached by various avenues of study, is the subject of research in many countries. All these approaches follow the principle of discovering the truth in the classical sense – the relationship between cognition and reality. Truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness in religious poetry and matters of this kind constitute the subject of our studies. The range and scope of subject matter published in our periodical include teachings in relation to man (a person as creator and a person as recipient of religious poetry) and man’s creation in the form of religious poetry. We present the results of this research on the phenomenon of religious and sacred poetry to the representatives of many scholarly disciplines. In particular, with regard to religious and sacred poetry we are interested in the following subjects, arranged by the following disciplines and sub disciplines: 1) Theology, particularly biblical theology (in reference to Psalms, hymns, Lamentations, and poetic aspects in the Bible) and liturgy (liturgical theology, theology of worship), 2) Philosophy, primarily the philosophy of the beauty of religious poetry, esthetics of literature, axiology of literature, philosophy of poetry, as well as the philosophy of culture, philosophy of pedagogy and theory of communication, 3) Literary science, in particular the history and theory of literature and comparative literary sciences of all European literature (religious and sacred poetry in Europe, particularly Central Europe) 4) Linguistics, especially of the Slavic nations (the language of religious and sacred poetry), 5) Slavic philology, mostly in reference to the Christian poetry of Slavic countries, including: 6) Polish philology (Polish religious and sacred poetry, also in the regional dialects), 7) Bohemian philology (Czech and Moravian religious and sacred poetry), 8) Slovakian philology (Slovakian religious and sacred poetry), 9) Ukrainian philology (Russian, Rusian and Ukrainian religious and sacred poetry), 10) Bielorussian philology (Bielorussian religious and sacred poetry), 11) Other Slavic philologies (religious and sacred poetry of other Slavic nations), 12) Cultural sciences (religious literary and artistic culture), 13) Pedagogy, especially pedagogy of culture, including pedagogy of art and literature, pedagogy of artistic culture, religious culture, education of religious poetry, the poetry of Christian education, fine literature in religious education, and didactic poetry, 14) Psychology, including the psychology of creativity, psychology of religion, psychology of religious artistic and literary creativity, 15) Historiography of culture, particularly the historiography of religious literature (history of Christian poetry, history of literary culture in connection with religious poetry, and history of Christian religious poets). We will focus on both the subject (a piece of religious poetry) and on the object (a religious poet or artist producing religious works), and see these activities and products of the religious poet or artist as a broad matter of research, open for description, analysis, and examination of its various aspects. As the subject of studies we also include the recipient or receiver of these religious works: the reader of the Bible (e.g. Psalms, hymns, Lamentations and poetic fragments of the Holy Scrip-ture), who is the receiver of the message contained in religious poetry (in accordance with the principles of communication theory). We also focus our attention on the learning process through religious poetry and education through Christian literature and biblical pedagogy. The high professional standards of this periodical will be established by the presence of eminent specialists and scholars on our international scholarly board who represent university centers from many countries in Europe and America. Our aim is to meet the high standards of national and international scores for published scholarly papers. We offer our academic and scholarly peer reviewed periodical to the scholars of various humanistic branches from all countries. We invite authors to publish original papers that include the results of their own research. We also invite authors to publish reviews of scholarly books devoted to Christian religious poetry, Christian literary culture, education through poetry and other religious, cultural and educational matters of this kind. The periodical is open to scholars, academics and experienced pedagogues, clergy and laypeople who are acquainted with the Christian culture, and have deep conceptual interests and a creative mentality. The language of preference for the majority of scholarly papers published by “Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education” is English as it is an international language, but we will also publish selected texts in the following Slavic languages: Polish, Czech, Russian and Slovakian. We would like to bridge the East with the West to reach a wide and diversified range of international recipients. We encourage you to publish in the next volume of our periodical and wait for your papers as we are currently accepting new submissions for our periodical: Dear Readers, welcome to the complete resource for the current and most recent volume of our periodical. Each volume of the “Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education” contains two basic parts: 1) Dissertations, Papers, Studies and Research Reports, which comprises the primary content of our periodical; 2) Reviews and Resources, comprised of book reviews and other materials (e.g. sources, bibliography). “Religious and Sacred Poetry” is a periodical with free access to its contents, which results from the rule Open Access (unlimited access to complete versions of the published papers). This makes it easier for authors to share their scholarly results with academic centers all over the world. Our authors appreciate this principle and willingly publish with us. We invite you to cooperate with us. Materials which satisfy the scholarly criteria but received after the closing of the current volume are published in the next volume. Authors and scholars may send their papers to be published at any time. Papers sent to the editor undergo a process of academic review and when published they are protected by authorship law. The periodical “Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education” (“Poezja Religijna i Sakralna: Międzynarodowy Kwartalnik Religii, Kultury i Wychowania”) is a new periodical founded in 2012, well rooted in Latin-Greek civilization and Christian tradition, owing to its scope and the choice of its members a consciousness of the Christian foundation of the European cultures. The aim of the periodical is to spread and raise awareness to the results of scholarly research, led in various university centers (primarily European), upon Christian religious poetry in the religious (theological), cultural, pedagogical, literary, artistic, linguistic, psychological and philosophical (anthropological, ethical, and esthetic) contexts. The international character of the periodical “Religious and Sacred Poetry. Religion, Culture and Education” is guaranteed not only by the international scholarly board, but also by the authors, who represent many nations and impart genuine and important scholarly insights through their precious texts. Our periodical is open for cooperation and collaboration with many universities. We care about the high level of competence and form of our periodical content, pay precise attention to the observance of scholarly procedures, and promote an interdisciplinary approach to the subjects considered. We also make attempts to diversify the contents of the periodical despite an apparently narrow specialization of subject. This is according to the spirit of international openness, and at the same time with respect to the idea of a Europe of sovereign countries, the Europe of complementary, unrepeated national cultures, the Europe of Latin and Greek civilizations, the Europe of Christian roots, from which we rise as national and cultural communities thanks to the Gospel transmitted for two thousand years, and thanks to the Tradition and rich heritage of the Church breathing with two lungs: eastern and western. Our periodical in general is a permanent, international and interdisciplinary communal, a social European and independent research project devoted to religious and sacred poetry. The values presented in „Religious and Sacred Poetry” express the realized mission of the authors and editors. The mission of our common international enterprise, elaborated by many scholars and academic centers, is giving its readers a periodical which will introduce scholarly discoveries concerning Christian religious and sacred poetry into European and world circulation. There hasn’t existed a scholarly periodical of this nature and scope so far (at least there are no such periodicals existing in the international European syllabuses). The editorial team together with the authors will address this shortcoming by filling this research niche in the humanistic sciences. The periodical appears primarily in electronic form, available on the internet (open access), and is also available secondarily in paper form. We aim at achieving a high ranking for this periodical not only within the Polish evaluation system of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, but also at reaching a position on the list of the Euro-pean Reference Index for Humanities (ERIH). The initiative for creating a scholarly periodical which would combine the studies of literature, culture, theology and pedagogy as well as the other related humanistic branches, began in 2010 by the founder of the periodical Dr Mark Mariusz Tytko, a pedagogue and a historian of art from Jagiellonian University. The idea had the support of a retired professor of the University, Bogusław Żurakowski, a pedagogue and specialist of literature and cultural sciences, who has become the head of the international scholarly board. The periodical “Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education” first came into existence on May 3rd 2012 in Cracow. On the first edito-rial board, apart from these two scholars just mentioned, there are the following members: from Poland prof. UKSW Dr hab. Wojciech Feliks Kudyba (literature studies), prof. UJ Dr hab. Maciej Jan Urbanowski (literature studies), prof. KUL Dr hab. Piotr Juliusz Jaroszyński (philosophy of culture, a representative of the Lublin Philosophical School), prof. UMCS Dr hab. Anna Marta Żukowska (a pedagogue and a specialist in the history of artistic education), prof. UŚ Dr hab. Urszula Jolanta Szuścik (a psychologist of creativity), sr prof. UPJPII Dr hab. Adelajda Sielepin CHR (liturgical theology), rev. p. Dr hab. Roman Bogacz (biblical theology), prof. AGH Dr hab. Adam Michał Nodzeński (statistics), Dr Barbara Krystyna Niemiec (linguistics and pedagogy), from the Czech Republic doc. Dr hab. Libor Martinek (a translator, literary studies), from Slovakia doc. Dr Marián Andričík (a translator, literary studies), Dr Ivica Hajdučeková (literary studies), from Ukraine prof. Dr hab. Svitlana Ivanivna Krawchenko (literary studies), from Belorussia doc. Dr Eugeniusz Arkadejowicz Pańków (literary studies) and doc. Dr Olga Eugenijewna Pańkowa (literary studies). We are open for additional scholarly cooperation on the editorial team and it may grow as needed with new specialists (the list of the editors is not closed). The founding of the periodical has been an answer by international scholars to the contemporary crisis in humanistic writing. The founding principles of the periodical say that this periodical is meant to be an international scholarly quarterly having its contents coherent with the Magisterium of the Roman-Catholic Church. From the very beginning of the periodical its focus is typically interdisciplinary, keeping balance between philology, pedagogy, psychology, cultural studies, theology and philosophy. The post of editor in chief has been filled by Dr Mark Marius Tytko in May 2012. The periodical, though it has risen from the university in Cracow, is not exclusively connected with one university but has embraced from the beginning various academic communities from many countries in Europe, and in this sense it is an international work by numerous scholars for presenting the results of research done mainly in the middle European academic centers (Middle / Central Europe) in several humanistic areas. The subject range expressed in the title indicates the profile of the periodical. Since the birth of the periodical we have established a professional internet portal in several languages: Polish, English, Russian, Bielorussian, Czech, Slovakian and Ukrainian (other languages are not excluded, we are open for cooperation in the future). The professional electronic version of the periodical is edited in a way such that the national (language specific) web pages on our internet portal refer to the same contents of the periodical, which can be found in PDF, available anywhere in the world:
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education; 2013, 2(2); 13-18
Pojawia się w:
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Leaving Readers and Writers in Peace: Translation of Religious Terms of Shakespeare’s "Coriolanus" into Arabic considering Venuti’s Invisibility
Mizher, Rabab
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Religious Terms’ Translation
Translated Literature
Translator’s invisibility
Translator’s visibility
This paper is an endeavour to examine the translation of religious terms (praying and oath words) in Shakespeare’s Coriolanus pertaining to two translations by Muhammad al-Sibā‘ī (1881-1931) and Jabra Ibrahim Jabra (1920-1994) into Arabic. This paper seeks to ascertain whether the translators opt for leaving readers in peace and bringing source text (ST) writers’ home or leaving writers in peace and sending target text (TT) readers abroad. The study is based on the theoretical framework of Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS) and the pivotal role the translated literature as facts of the target culture in the poly-system of world literature. The study reveals that each of these translations represents a specific strategy in translation. Visible translator is mostly adopted by Jabra Ibrahim Jabra and invisible translator is mostly adopted by Muhammad al-Sibā‘ī.
Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance; 2020, 21, 36; 115-133
Pojawia się w:
Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
With a Diamond in His Shoe: Reflections on Jorge J. E. Gracia’s Quest for Self-Perfection
Redpath*, Peter
Data publikacji:
International Étienne Gilson Society
Jorge J. E. Gracia
comparative literature
virtual quantity
religious faith
organizational psychology
ragamuffin Thomist
Jorge J. E. Gracia, was born in Cuba in 1942. At age 19, he escaped Cuba and arrived in the United States. In 2019, 58 years later, in a nation which, prior to his arrival in North America, had no major Latino cultural presence in higher education and philoso-phy, Gracia rose to hold the Samuel P. Capen Chair and State University of New York at Buffalo Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Comparative Literature. In this position, he became the leading figure to institutionalize Latin American philosophy in the U.S. academy and an internationally-renowned scholar in medieval philosophy. Jorge J. E. Gracia died in the United States on July 13, 2021. In this paper the author shows that what properly explains the philosophical and adult-personal life of Gracia is the Thomistic principle of virtual quantity. He contends that the only way to understand Gracia’s personal and philosophical life is to grasp this life as one of an organizational psychologist pursuing perfect self-realization in action and understanding: someone chiefly interested in intellectually grasping precisely how organizational wholes (including his own psyche) become united and divided, and operate when so united and divided.
Studia Gilsoniana; 2021, 10, 4; 997-1029
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gilsoniana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Idea of God and Religion in the Poetry of Anna Frajlich
Wróbel-Best, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Naukowa Katolików Eschaton
Literary criticism
thematic critique
Polish-American poetry
Polish-Jewish diaspora in America
religious motifs in literature Frajlich-Zając Anna (1942-)
religion, philosophy and literature
sacrum in literature
Jewish poetry of the 20th century “homo viator” as a literary symbol
Krytyka literacka
krytyka tematyczna
literatura polska na emigracji polska diaspora żydowska w Ameryce
motywy religijne w literaturze Frajlich-Zając Anna (1942-)
filozofia i literatura
sacrum w literaturze
żydowska poezja XX wieku
“homo viator” jako symbol w.
hermeneutyka literacka
The presented article is a conceptual work. It examines the poetry of Anna Frajlich-Zając (born in 1942-). The article aims at presenting Frajlich’s poetry using a very unique perspective of God and religion, which was never applied to her poetry in the past. It is also an attempt to comprehensively envision this poetry as the “palimpsest of meanings” that leads to polyphony of aesthetic values. The research method applied to the article is based on thematic critique. We also use the principles of the “hermeneutic circle” by Wilhelm Dilthey (1833-1911) to conduct the analysis. The “hermeneutic circle” stresses synergistic effects between the “whole” and “parts” of poetic writings. Finally, we underline Frajlich’s symbolic imagination as part of our methodology. The article shows an evolving structure of the idea of God and religion in the poetry of Anna Frajlich. It introduces the concept of “homo viator,” “religious syncretism,” and “closed”/“open” religion. It provides the unique interpretation of Frajlich’s poetry. The intellectual conclusions of the article are not limited to academia and journalism. They are useful to investigate popular culture and links that exist among religion, literature as well as philosophy. The results of this analysis can lead to new solutions in the humanities (literature, art, and philosophy). Also, they provide grounds for further research. The article is socially applicable in academia. It could be interesting for students as well as educators/academic instructors. The article provides a new and creative analysis of literary writings by Frajlich.
Artykuł jest rodzajem tekstu konceptualnego. Analizuje on poezję Anny Frajlich, posługując się ideą Boga i religii, co prowadzi w rezultacie do oryginalnych rozwiązań. Jest on próbą całościowego opisania tej poezji (definiowanej, jako „palimpsest znaczeń”), która odsłania polifonię jakości estetycznych. Metodologia artykułu opiera się głównie na krytyce tematycznej oraz założeniach hermeneutyki Wilhelma Diltheya (1833-1911). Koło hermeneutyczne jest postrzegane w tej analizie jako zależność interpretacyjna pomiędzy „częścią” i „całością” dzieła. Wychodzimy z założenia, że jednostkowa oraz izolowana „część” poszczególnych utworów wiedzie nieuchronnie w stronę ukrytej, semantycznej „całości” w poezji Anny Frajlich. Artykuł odsłania rozwijającą się strukturę tej poezji i wprowadza różnorodne pojęcia („homo viator”, „synkretyzm religijny”, „zamknięta / otwarta religia” i inne), aby ją całościowo opisać. Analiza taka odsłania głębokie i unikalne warstwy wyobraźni poetyckiej Anny Frajlich. Wnioski i rozwiązania intelektualne, proponowane w artykule, mogą być przydatne nie tylko w badaniach naukowych, kręgach uniwersyteckich lub dziennikarskich. Są one również pomocne w definiowaniu współczesnych założeń kultury popularnej i socjologii kultury oraz relacji istniejących pomiędzy religią, literaturą i filozofią. Mogą one, ponadto, prowadzić do nowych odkryć w dziedzinie nauk humanistycznych, bo badanie linii rozwojowej (znaczenie Boga i religii) w poezji Anny Frajlich jest nowe, twórcze oraz oparte na utworach, wydanych zarówno w języku polskim jak i angielskim.
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education; 2013, 4(4); 187-208
Pojawia się w:
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Genesis of Czech Decadence and Symbolism Towards Theurgy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Art as a Complex Way of Thinking and Understanding of the World
Czech literature at the turn of 20th century
Metamorphoses of Aesthetic-philosophical Concept of Symbolism
from Decadent-Symbolism to Theurgic Symbolism
Synergy of Aesthetic and Religious Spheres
česká literatura přelomu 19. a 20. století
metamorfózy esteticko-filozofických koncepcí symbolizmu
od dekadence k teurgickému symbolizmu
umění jako způsob chápání světa
synergie estetické a religiózní sféry
The article is focused mainly on metamorphoses of aesthetic-philosophical approaches of the most important representatives of Czech literature at the end of 19th and beginning of 20th century whose work presents gradual heading for modern art, from decadent to symbolist focus using an aesthetic theory of Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovjov based on theurgic substance of art.
Bohemistyka; 2020, 3; 367-382
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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