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Developing marketing and management skills using simulated enterprises and facilitating the transition from theory to practice
Rozwijanie umiejętności marketingu i zarzadzania z wykorzystaniem symulowanych przedsiebiorstw i ułatwianie przejścia od teorii do praktyki
Pastiu, C. A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Częstochowska
educational project
simulated enterprise
projekt edukacyjny
symulowane przedsiębiorstwo
The need for practical training of future graduates in conditions that are identical to those of their future jobs, with minimal costs, imposed the establishment of simulated enterprises in which they conduct similar activities to those of real companies, using the same procedures and the same equipment. A training simulated enterprise is an interactive learning method for developing entrepreneurship, a modern concept of interdisciplinary integration and application of knowledge, an approach to the process of teaching and learning that provides circumstances for the proof and further practice of the skills acquired by students in professional training. The power of SE resides in the relationship determined by carrying out transactions on training firms and economic realities in the sense that it seeks out the development, operation and earning of a place in the market.
Potrzeba praktycznego szkolenia przyszłych absolwentów w warunkach, które są identyczne do warunków panujących w ich przyszłych miejscach pracy, przy minimalnych kosztach, nałożyła utworzenie symulowanych przedsiębiorstw, w których wykonują oni działania podobne do tych w prawdziwych firmach, przy użyciu tych samych procedur i tego samego sprzętu. Szkoleniowe symulowane przedsiębiorstwo jest interaktywną metodą nauki dla rozwoju przedsiębiorczości, nowoczesną koncepcją interdyscyplinarnej integracji i stosowania wiedzy, podejściem do procesu nauczania i uczenia się, który stanowi okoliczności na dowód i dalszą praktykę umiejętności nabytych przez studentów podczas szkoleń zawodowych. Siła SP znajduje się w relacji określonej przez przeprowadzanie transakcji na firmach szkoleniowych i realiach gospodarczych w tym sensie, że dąży się do rozwoju, działań i zapracowania na miejsce na rynku.
Polish Journal of Management Studies; 2014, 10, 1; 108-112
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Management Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Internet collaborative projects as an effective educational method in teaching writing
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
Internet collaborative project
information and communication technologies (ICT) educational project
project work
project activity
telecommunication project
writing skills
In the article the Internet collaborative projects and information communication technologies as one of the pedagogical technologies in teaching students’ writing skills is considered. An author exposes one of aspects of preparation of future specialists for international communication, related to integration of traditional and innovative methods of teaching. The basic tasks of using the project work are analysed: teacher’s training to the professional using the project work on the basis of information communication technologies; forming for the teachers the abilities of using the project work in their professional activity; improving the educational process at the secondary and higher school on the basis of the project work; development of methods of using the project work in teaching foreign languages and developing writing skills.
Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka; 2013, 4, 2; 320-329
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Strengthening the educational potential in primary schools - a project co-financed from the EU funds
Kitlińska-Król, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
educational project
EU funds
extracurricular activities
projekt edukacyjny
fundusze unijne
zajęcia pozalekcyjne
The article presents the main assumptions of the project “Bytom school = assurance and guarantee of high-quality education” and attempts to assess the effectiveness of activities implemented during the school year. The presented project evaluation results were obtained from pupils and teachers of one of the primary schools. The analysis of the research material allowed to exhibit the short-term goals achieved, as well as the factors positively and negatively affecting the quality of the activities implemented. The reflections/recommendations from the explorations conducted will allow to direct further work in order to achieve the project’s objectives to a greater degree.
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska; 2019, 141; 147-159
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Academic Mobility of Students in the Conditions of Digitalisation of Higher Education
Savitska, Victoriia
Livitska, Nataliia
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
student exchange
virtual educational environment
international cooperation among higher education
virtual mobility
project preparation
The article considers the issue of virtual international academic mobility as one of the priority areas of international activities of higher education institutions. It is substantiated that the intensive development of information and communication technologies (knowledge mobility) and informatisation of public life led to the spread and use of virtual educational environments and e-learning in higher education, which became the basis for the development of virtual academic mobility of students. The purpose of the study is to study the existing approaches and practices of academic mobility, including virtual, to determine the main benefits and opportunities for disseminating this experience at all levels of higher education in Ukraine. The research methodology consists of general theoretical and empirical research methods. A review of modern scientific literature, periodicals, and scientific and methodological sources on the problem of academic mobility and the digitalisation of higher education is made. Their analysis, structuring, interpretation and construction of logical conclusions are highlighted. The article considers the content of the main scientific approaches to the definition of “academic mobility”. The characteristic of academic mobility in the conditions of digitalisation of higher education is given. Varieties of academic mobility in modern conditions of digitalisation of higher education (physical, virtual, mixed) are considered. The subjects of virtual academic mobility (virtual student, virtual teacher, virtual university, virtual campus) are outlined. The main advantages and disadvantages of such virtual academic mobility of students are identified. The main methodological recommendations of European funds and associations are analysed, based on which the project preparation plan for any virtual mobility type is developed. It is proposed to carry out additional measures that ensure the quantitative growth of academic (virtual) mobility and improve its quality. The necessity of searching for new forms of remote exchanges, analysis of the experience of foreign associations and their adaptation according to the realities of the system of higher education in Ukraine is substantiated: the active involvement of the student’s audience in programmes of virtual cooperation; increasing the necessary competencies of the administrative and teaching staff of higher education institutions, which allow implementing such virtual projects using innovative information technology tools; preparation of the regulatory framework that enshrines the right to implement virtual academic mobility along with the full-time form and recognition of its results by recalculating educational loans.
Viae Educationis; 2022, 2; 32-37
Pojawia się w:
Viae Educationis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Design Thinking as a Tool for Participatory and Transformative Translator Education
Klimkowski, Konrad
Klimkowska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Design Thinking
translator education
educational approach
classroom activity
classroom communication
project method
problem-based learning
This article outlines the main tenets and the working cycle of Design Thinking, which is a problem-solving methodology. We argue that this methodology helps train qualities and skills that are particularly beneficial for students of translator education programmes. We recommend Design Thinking for translation teachers who subscribe to post-positivist, constructivist and other problem-based, participatory and collaborative educational approaches. The latter part of the article presents examples of classroom activities developed with the use of Design Thinking methodology. The activities focus mostly on communicative interactions between participants, since we believe that the major advantage of Design Thinking for the translation classroom is that it offers a structured scaffolding to improve classroom communication.
Research in Language; 2021, 19, 2; 155-167
Pojawia się w:
Research in Language
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Using Web Quests in teaching foreign languages at higher educational institutions
ISHCHUK, Nataliia
GERTSIY, Alexander
LIESOVYI, Volodymyr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
Web Quests
educational value
key competencies
information competency
critical thinking
students’ autonomous learning skills
critical reasoning
project work
Although one of the education’s major goals is to find efficient ways to integrate web-based technologies with the traditional teaching methods applied in teaching-learning process, little research has been made in this area. The article provides the study of the educational value of Web Quests in teaching foreign languages at universities, their role in fostering students’ basic competencies and enhancing their critical thinking. Presented is a Web Quest created by first-year students of Vinnytsia Institute of Economics of Ternopil National Economic University with its further detailed description. Provided are some results of the experiment, which prove the didactic efficiency of Web Quests, integrated with other teaching methods, for improving students’ autonomous learning skills.
Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka; 2013, 4, 2; 286-293
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Restoring the memories of places at the Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU). On the process of students’ learning through popularization activities
Przywracając pamięć miejscom (UMK). O procesie uczenia się studentów przez działania popularyzatorskie
Majchrzak-Ptak, Kinga
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
learning by doing
action research
places of (living) memory
critical and emancipation
paradigm of student education
educational and research project
uczenie się przez działanie
badania w działaniu
miejsca (żywej) pamięci
krytyczno-emancypacyjny paradygmat kształcenia studentów
projekt edukacyjno-badawczy
This paper presents considerations regarding the results of idiographic research carried out within the course of four cycles of an interdisciplinary project: „Students towards the places of (non)memory at Nicolaus Copernicus University”. On a theoretical level, the project was based, among other things, on the concept of memorial sites of Pierre Nora. In terms of methodology the project was based on action research supported by the analysis and interpretation of empirical data collected through the search for sources, (focus) interviews and (self)observation which was subject to thick description. On a didactic level, the project was built around the assumptions of a critical and emancipation paradigm of student education. In the presentation of the results of the project, emphasis was placed on the description of the multi-faceted process of learning by organizing popularizing activities. The process gave project participants the opportunity to be the subjects of their own practice, and its multi-faceted cognition, which fostered critical reflection – by taking into account the context or feedback – and resulted in the formulation of conclusions for the future. In order to show the specificity of the presented process, the text shows the characteristics of the stages of implementation of individual popularization initiatives (planning and preparation stage, public presentation stage and evaluation stage).
W artykule zaprezentowano rozważania dotyczące wyników idiograficznych poszukiwań, przeprowadzonych w toku realizacji czterech cykli interdyscyplinarnego projektu edukacyjno-badawczego „Studenci wobec miejsc (nie)pamięci UMK”. W warstwie teoretycznej projekt ten opierał się na koncepcji miejsc pamięci Pierre’a Nory, w warstwie metodologicznej osadzony został w ramach badań w działaniu, wspartych analizą i interpretacją danych empirycznych zgromadzonych dzięki przeszukiwaniu źródeł wtórnych, wywiadów na podstawie zdjęć, czy też podporządkowanej gęstemu opisowi (samo)obserwacji, w warstwie dydaktycznej zaś zbudowany został wokół założeń krytyczno-emancypacyjnego paradygmatu kształcenia studentów. Ukazując rezultaty projektu, skoncentrowano się na opisie doświadczanego przez jego uczestników wieloaspektowego procesu uczenia się przez działania popularyzatorskie, który dawał możliwość bycia podmiotem własnej praktyki, jej wieloaspektowego poznania, sprzyjał krytycznemu namysłowi – uwzględniającemu kontekst czy reakcje zwrotne, a w efekcie formułowaniu/wyciąganiu wniosków na przyszłość. W celu ukazania specyfiki prezentowanego procesu w tekście przedstawiono charakterystykę etapów realizacji poszczególnych inicjatyw popularyzatorskich (etap planowania i przygotowywania, etap publicznej prezentacji i etap ewaluacji), których organizacji proces ten towarzyszył.
Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów; 2020, 21; 177-190
Pojawia się w:
Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Edukacja STEM na przykładzie warsztatów programu “Fizyka dla Smyka” realizowanych w Niepublicznym Przedszkolu Artystyczno-Językowym Hippo Art w Wieliczce. Raport z badań
STEM Education on the Example of the “Physics for Kids” Project Implemented in the Hippo Art Non-Public Kindergarten in Wieliczka: Research Reports
Kranc, Michał Adam
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
Program „Fizyka dla Smyka”
innowacyjność programowa
indywidualizacja oddziaływań edukacyjnych
twórczość edukacyjna
inteligencja wieloraka
“Physics for Kids” project
developing creative activity
individualization of educational impacts
child’s mental creativity
child’s behaviour creativity
W niniejszym artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań mających na celu rozpoznanie i opisanie przejawów stymulowania twórczej aktywności dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym. Są one adresatami programu „Fizyka dla Smyka”, realizowanego przez Fundację Naukową „Twórcze Myślenie”. W szczególności chodzi tu o zweryfikowanie kształtowania twórczego myślenia i działania oraz przejawów indywidualizacji oddziaływań edukacyjnych. Badania zostały przeprowadzone metodą sondażu diagnostycznego techniką obserwacji skategoryzowanej oraz ankiety. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań można stwierdzić, że podczas realizacji badanego programu kształtowane są wśród dzieci twórcze operacje umysłowe oraz działania oparte na wykonywaniu doświadczeń. Jednakże dostosowywanie, indywidualizowanie treści i form pracy z dziećmi przez prowadzących badany Program „Fizyka dla Smyka” nie zawsze było w pełni realizowane.
The author of the article presented the results of the research aimed at recognising and describing the ways in which preschool children’s creative activity is stimulated. The children described in the article are the participants of the “Physics for Kids” project fulfilled by the Scientific Foundation “Creative Thinking.” In particular, the research was to verify the way of shaping creative thinking and acting, as well as the signs of individualization of educational impacts. The research was carried out with the use of the diagnostic survey method and the technique of a categorised observation and a questionnaire. The research results show that, during the fulfilment of the project in question, children’s creative intellectual operations and actions based on making experiments are shaped. However, the adjustment and individualization of the contents and forms of working with children by the ones who carried out the “Physics for Kids” project has not always been fully implemented.
Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce; 2019, 14, 4(54); 95-107
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Balancing stable educational goals with changing educational technologies: challenges and opportunities
Natividad, Gloria
Mayes, Robin
Choi, Jeong-im
Spector, J. Michael
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
evaluation of new technologies in education
educational goals
the New Media Consortium's Horizon Report
the Roadmap for Education Technology
the European STELLAR project
the GaLA: Games and Learning Alliance
the IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology
The National Technology Leadership Coalition
While considerable academic efforts have focused on integrating cutting-edge educational technologies into learning and instruction, it is not yet clear what effect the implementation of these technologies have had on enduring educational goals. This article reminds educations stakeholders that any plan for technology implementations should be based on serving broad educational goals. Regardless of how attractive cutting-edge technologies are, their application in education should be evaluated in light of enduring educational goals as summarized in the following: to develop responsible citizens who have basic knowledge and skills and who will become effective problem solvers and lifelong learners. This article reviews educational goals in several contexts to illustrate that while variations have evolved and many educational technologies have emerged, the basic educational goals have remained relatively stable. In reviewing the challenges and opportunities for emerging educational technologies, the basic argument herein is to begin with these basic educational goals rather than committing to the latest educational technological fad.
e-mentor. Czasopismo naukowe Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie; 2015, 1 (58); 83-94
Pojawia się w:
e-mentor. Czasopismo naukowe Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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