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Stocka, Marzenna
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
The locality of Rogozno-Zamek lies between Grudziadz and Lasin. The ruins of a Teutonic Order castle tower on a hillock above the mouth of the river Gardega into the Osa. The selection of a site convenient for erecting a fortification was determined by the outstanding defensive properties of the lay of the land. The construction of a brick castle in Rogozno was commenced after 1275, on the site of an earlier wooden fortification. From 1285 the castle was manned by Teutonic Knights, headed by commander (komtur) Winand. In 1335 the 'komturia' (area administered by the komtur) was replaced by a 'wojtostwo' (area administered by a 'wojt'/commune head/). In 1466-1590 the castle was the seat of the local 'starosta'. After 1772 a large part of the buildings was demolished to serve as a source of building material necessary for raising a Prussian fort in Grudziadz. In 1934 the ruins of Rogozno Castle were recognised as an historical monument. Work on protecting the object was inaugurated in 1911. The plan of the upper castle was recreated in the course of archaeological research conducted in 1941-1942 under the supervision of H. Jacobi. The mediaeval castle was composed of three parts: the castle proper, the upper castle standing on top of the hill, the middle castle with a tall gate tower, and a sprawling forecastle on a neighbouring elevation, separated from the main fortification by a moat. The upper castle included four wings, and was encircled by outer walls. The western part of the hill features scarce preserved fragments of the upper castle walls. The grounds of the inner forecastle contain an extant square, five-storey gate tower, originally preceded by a gate gorge, and a bridge leading to the non-residential part of the forecastle. Another surviving element is a long fragment of the outer wall with a corner turret built on a circular plan. Today, the castle is considerably devastated due to natural destruction, efforts to obtain building material, and incorrect exploitation. Only a part of the object, which urgently calls for additional protection measures, is suitable for reconstruction.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2006, 1; 27-38
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Próba rekonstrukcji układu przestrzennego zamku wysokiego (domu konwentu) w Kowalewie Pomorskim na podstawie źródeł historycznych i najnowszych wyników badań archeologiczno-architektonicznych
Attempt at reconstruction of the spatial layout of the high castle (the chapter house) in Kowalewo Pomorskie on the basis of historical sources and the latest results of archaeological-architectonic research
Wasik, B.
Wiewióra, M.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
Kowalewo Pomorskie
zamek krzyżacki
zamek wysoki
Teutonic castle
high castle
Badania archeologiczne zamku w Kowalewie rozpoczęły się w 2013 roku. Dotąd wiedza na jego temat opierała się na szkicu z XIX wieku i krótkich nowożytnych opisach. Z zamku wysokiego na powierzchni nie pozostały żadne relikty. Zamek, którego początek budowy ustalano do tej pory na lata 70–80. XIII wieku, składał się z zamku wysokiego (domu konwentu) otoczonego parchamem i trzech przedzamczy. Przed wzniesieniem murowanego zamku w Kowalewie funkcjonowała drewniana warownia krzyżacka, lecz z dotychczasowych badań wynika, ze zamek wysoki zbudowano na „surowym korzeniu”. Pierwotna warownia musiała się więc znajdować gdzie indziej. Prowadzone w latach 2013– 2015 badania umożliwiły rozpoznanie i rekonstrukcję układu głównej i najsłabiej zachowanej części zamku – domu konwentu. Była to budowla czteroskrzydłowa na planie zbliżonym do kwadratu o boku około 45 m. Zamek nie posiadał wieży głównej ani narożnych wież, brak też dowodów istnienia murowanego krużganka. Główne, południowe skrzydło mieściło najważniejsze, znane ze źródeł pisanych pomieszczenia – kaplicę i refektarz. Od tej strony prowadził przez szyję bramną także wjazd do zamku. Nie był on usytuowany symetrycznie, ale był przesunięty w kierunku zachodnim. Nie ma pewności, jakie wnętrza mieściły się w skrzydle zachodnim – być może sypialnie braci. Północne i wschodnie pełniły najpewniej funkcje gospodarcze, mieszcząc na parterze kuchnię, browar i piekarnię. Większość skrzydeł była podpiwniczona, z wyjątkiem przejazdu bramnego i części środkowej skrzydła wschodniego. Analiza formalna i stylistyczna wskazuje na to, że dom konwentu, zachowany filar gdaniska i kościół parafialny w mieście budowały te same ekipy. Wyniki nowych badań wskazują, że wbrew dotychczasowym poglądom, początek budowy należy datować na przełom XIII i XIV wieku, a czas zasadniczych prac budowlanych na 1. ćwierć XIV wieku.
Archaeological research of the castle in Kowalewo started in 2013. Before that the knowledge concerning the castle had been based on the sketch from the 19th century and brief modern-day descriptions. There are no surface relics of the high castle. The castle, the beginnings of whose construction were believed to date back to the 1270s-1280s, consisted of the high castle (chapter house) surrounded by a bailey of the ‘parcham’ type and three wards. Before the masonry castle was erected, a woodenbuilt Teutonic fortress had functioned in Kowalewo, but the research so far has shown that the high castle was built “in cruda radice”. Therefore, the original fortress must have been located elsewhere. The research carried out in the years 2013–2015 allowed for identifying and reconstructing the layout of the main and the worst preserved section of the castle – the chapter house. It was a four-wing building on the square-like plan the side of which measured about 45 m. The castle did not have the main tower, or corner towers; there is no evidence of the existence of a masonry cloister either. The main, south wing housed the most important rooms, known from written sources – the chapel and the refectory. The entrance to the castle also led from this side through the gate neck. It was not symmetrically situated, but shifted to the west. It is not certain what rooms were located in the west wing – perhaps brothers’ bedrooms. The north and east wings must have served utility functions, housing the kitchens, the brewery and the bakery on the ground floor. Most of the wings had cellars underneath, with the exception of the gate passage and the central section of the east wing. A formal and stylistic analysis indicates that the chapter house, the preserved dansker pillar and the parish church in the town were built by the same teams of masons. Results of the latest research indicate that, contrary to previous beliefs, the construction beginnings ought to be dated to the turn of the 13th and 14th century, and the period of essential building work to the 1st quarter of the 14th century.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2016, 45; 53-65
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Symboliczne znaczenie ornamentów źródeł ruchomych z wybranych zamków zakonnych. Przyczynek do dalszych badań nad religijnością krzyżacką w średniowiecznych Prusach
Symbolic Significance of Portable Ornaments from Selected Teutonic Castles. Contribution to Further Research on Teutonic Religiosity in Medieval Prussia
Szczupak, Dominika
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
Teutonic Order
Teutonic castle
the Middle Ages
architectural detail
Medieval religiosity was manifested primarily through the worship of relics and individual saints, organisation of prayers, funding the purchase of candles, reading pious literature, and belief in miracles and epiphany. The knowledge on the subject has been provided through the studies of various medieval written sources and decorative elements in the representation rooms of Teutonic castles, which have survived to this day. Historical materials discovered during archaeological research, and renovation and maintenance works constitute equally important sources for exploring the issue of religiosity among the members of the Teutonic Order. Previously, they had not been analysed in this regard, which prompted the author of the article to put this topic under consideration, based on the example of selected discoveries made in several castles in the area of the former State of Teutonic Order in Prussia. Both the form and ornamentation of the archaeological materials may have referred to the piousness of Teutonic Knights, as indicated by the symbolic significance of the images in question, which are accepted by Christianity. Most depictions were found on the surface of architectural details from church interiors or refectories in high castles. The ornaments on their surfaces made references primarily to the figures of Mary and Christ, as well as to the apostles and parables from the Gospel of St. Matthew. At times, they may also have acted as reminders against the evil that threatened the souls of the brethren.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2022, 87, 4; 69-96
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Śródlądowe jednostki pływające w dawnych księgach inwentarzowych zakonu krzyżackiego
Inland watercraft in old inventory books of the Teutonic Order
Radoch, Marek
Data publikacji:
Instytut Północny im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie
zamek krzyżacki
jednostki pływające
transport wodny
water transport
Middle Ages
Teutonic castle
W świetle dawnych ksiąg inwentarzowych zakonu krzyżackiego w okresie od II poł. XIV w. do 1525 r. zamki w Prusach w transporcie wodnym (po rzekach, zalewach i jeziorach) wykorzystywały następujące jednostki pływające: • wielokrotnie statki – najczęściej nasady (nasuty), w mniejszym stopniu szkuty, korabiki, dubasy, burdyny, lichtany czy też statki dejmskie i wiślane, a także wyspecjalizowane w określonych zadaniach (rybackie, do przewozu pożywienia, drewna, wozów i dział oraz służby); • często promy i tratwy; • bardzo często rozmaite łodzie (rzeczne, wiślane, rybackie, eskortujące, przewozowe, szeląg, kilówka).
In the light of the old inventory books of the Teutonic Order from the 2nd half of 14th century until 1525, castles in Prussia used the following watercraft for their water transport (rivers, lagoons and lakes): • often ships – in most cases nasady (nasuty) boats, less often punts, korabik-type vessels, dubas boats, burdyna-type, lichtany-type or Dejma and Vistula ships, along with specialist vessels (fishing boats, vessels to transport food, wood, carts, cannons and people); • often ferries and rafts; • often various boats (inland, Vistula, fishing, escorting, transporting, szeląg boats, keel boats).
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie; 2021, 313, 3; 365-403
Pojawia się w:
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przedzamcze zachodnie zamku w Kowalewie Pomorskim w świetle badań nieinwazyjnych i archeologiczno-architektonicznych
West bailey of the castle in Kowalewo Pomorskie in light of non-invasive and archaeological-architectonic research
Wiewióra, M.
Misiewicz, K.
Wasik, B.
Małkowski, W.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
Kowalewo Pomorskie
zamek krzyżacki
zamek wysoki
badania nieinwazyjne
Teutonic castle
high castle
Do niedawna zamek i jego układ znane były tylko z mało wyraźnej ryciny zrujnowanego zamku z początku XVIII wieku, ze szkicowej rekonstrukcji rzutu autorstwa Conrada Steinbrechta z końca XIX wieku oraz lakonicznych opisów inwentarzowych z połowy XVII i połowy XVIII wieku. Badania archeologiczno-architektoniczne uzupełnione prospekcją geofizyczną w znacznym stopniu uzupełniły tę wiedzę, weryfikując stare poglądy i hipotezy. W efekcie udało się zrekonstruować przebieg kurtyn obwodowych przedzamcza oraz fosy. W narożniku północno-zachodnim zweryfikowano obecność wieży wymienianej w inwentarzu z połowy XVII wieku. Dzięki prospekcji geofizycznej zlokalizowano także niektóre elementy zabudowy wewnętrznej – duży budynek od zachodu oraz stojący na dziedzińcu obiekt szachulcowy na murowanym podpiwniczeniu, którego istnienie zostało potwierdzone metodą wykopaliskową. Szczególnie interesujące okazały się wyniki badań archeologicznych w odniesieniu do rekonstrukcji pogranicza domu konwentu i przedzamcza zachodniego, wskazując na obecność tam nieznanej fosy i muru w 2. połowie XIV wieku. Zweryfikowano także narożnik północnego, zewnętrznego muru zamku, w którym według planu C. Steinbrechta miała znajdować się baszta. Rekonstrukcja ta okazała się niepoprawna, a zachowany mur był w rzeczywistości przyporą narożną. Badania dostarczyły także dalszych informacji umożliwiających rekonstrukcję ukształtowania terenu i technik budowlanych – przede wszystkim prac ziemnych.
Until recently, the castle and its layout were known only from a rather unclear sketch of the ruined castle from the beginning of the 18th century, from a sketchy reconstruction of the plan drawn by Conrad Steinbrecht at the end of the 19th century, and laconic inventory descriptions from the moid-17th and mid-18th century. Archaeological-architectonic research and geophysical prospection significantly complemented the knowledge, verifying old views and hypotheses. As a result it was possible to reconstruct the outlines of perimeter curtains of the bailey and the moat. The existence of a tower mentioned in the inventory from the mid17th century was verified in the north-western corner. Owing to geophysical prospection some elements of interior buildings were also located – a large building in the west and a framework building with a masonry basement standing in the courtyard whose existence was confirmed by the excavations. Results of archaeological research in reference to the reconstruction of the borderline of the chapter house and the west bailey, indicating the presence of an unknown moat and a wall there in the 2nd half of the 14th century, turned out to be particularly interesting. The corner of the north, outer wall of the castle was also verified where, according to the plan by C. Steinbrecht, the tower was to be located. The reconstruction turned out to be incorrect, and the preserved wall was actually a corner buttress. The research also yielded further information allowing for reconstructing the lay of the land and construction techniques – mainly earthworks.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2017, 51; 42-52
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zachodnie międzymurze zamku w Malborku w świetle badań archeologicznych z 2020 roku. Przekształcenia topografii i zabudowy
The West Zwinger of the Malbork Castle in the Light of Archaeological Research of 2020. Transformations of the Topography and Structure
Wasik, Bogusz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zamek w Malborku
zamek krzyżacki
archeologia architektury
archeologia średniowiecza
archeologia nowożytności
Malbork Castle
Teutonic castle
archaeology of architecture
mediaeval archaeology
archaeology of the early modern period
Artykuł stanowi podsumowanie wyników badań przeprowadzonych w 2020 roku na międzymurzu po zachodniej stronie Zamku Średniego w Malborku. Wniosły one nową wiedzę odnośnie do przekształceń układu terenu i zabudowy na tym obszarze – od średniowiecza do współczesności. Zadokumentowano poziomy pochodzące z początków budowy zamku. Odkryto średniowieczny mur obronny zamku, który – jak się okazało – w badanym miejscu przebiegał inaczej niż jego rekonstrukcja z 2. połowy XX wieku. Analiza tego obiektu i związanego z nim układu nawarstwień nasypowych umożliwiła rekonstrukcję przebiegu budowy. Po osadzeniu odkrycia w kontekście reliktów średniowiecznych murów, odsłoniętych we wcześniejszych latach, ukazuje się złożony układ systemu obronnego tej części zamku. Podczas badań odsłonięto też relikty zabudowy nowożytnej i współczesnej, co wniosło nową wiedzę do rekonstrukcji układu i techniki budowy znajdujących się tu domów.
The article outlines the results of research conducted in 2020 within the zwinger on the west side of the Middle Castle in Malbork. The research provides new facts about transformations of the site layout and structures in this area from the Middle Ages to contemporary times. The layers from the beginning of construction of the castle were studied and documented. Furthermore, the mediaeval defensive wall of the castle was discovered. It turned out that the wall ran differently in the examined place than after reconstruction in the second half of the 20th century. The analysis of this structure and the associated stratification fill enabled the reconstruction of the construction phases. After the discovery was set in the context of the relics of the mediaeval walls exposed in previous years, a complex layout of the defensive system of that part of the castle becomes known. During the research, some relics of the modern and early modern development were also unearthed, which cast new light on the reconstruction of the layout and technique of construction of the local houses.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2021, 1; 71-104
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fragment wczesnonowożytnego zegara dyptykowego z Przezmarka na tle analogicznych znalezisk archeologicznych
Fragment of the early modern diptych sundial of Przezmark against the background of similar archaeological findings
Żurek, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
kieszonkowy zegar dyptykowy
pomiar czasu
okres wczesnonowożytny
archeologia zamek pokrzyżacki
pocket diptych sundial
time measurement
early modern period
post-Teutonic castle
Podczas prac wykopaliskowych na pokrzyżackim zamku w Przezmarku, gm. Stary Dzierzgoń, znaleziono niewielką płytkę kościaną, zidentyfikowaną jako fragment kieszonkowego zegarka dyptykowego. Fragment zegarka z Przezmarka jest jednym z pięciu zegarków dyptykowych, znalezionych w trakcie wykopalisk w Polsce. Zegarki takie, powstające w okresie od końca XV w. do końca XVIII w., znajdowane są na wielu stanowiskach europejskich i północnoamerykańskich. Dotąd odnotowano 110 egzemplarzy, pochodzących głównie ze stanowisk miejskich, a także z zamków, dworów, klasztorów oraz wraków, zatopionych głównie u wybrzeży północnoamerykańskich i europejskich, ale również za północnym kołem podbiegunowym.
A small bone plate, identified as a fragment of a pocket diptych sundial, was found during excavations at the post-Teutonic castle at Przezmark, Stary Dzierzgoń commune. The watch fragment of Przezmark is one of five diptych sundials found during excavations in Poland. Such sundials, produced between the end of the 15th century and the end of the 18th century, are found at many European and North American sites. To date, 110 specimens have been recorded, mainly from urban sites, but also from castles, manors, monasteries, and wrecks, sunk mainly off the North American and European coasts, but also beyond the northern Arctic Circle.
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne; 2023, 30, 2; 131-146
Pojawia się w:
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Techniki budowy zamków w typie kasztelu w państwie krzyżackim w Prusach
Techniques of construction of castellumtype castles in the state of the Teutonic Order in Prussia
Wasik, Bogusz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zamki krzyżackie
zamki konwentualne
średniowieczne techniki budowlane
zakon krzyżacki
Teutonic Order castle
conventual castles
medieval building techniques
Teutonic Order
W artykule scharakteryzowane zostały techniki budowy zamków regularnych (kasztelowych) w Prusach. Wznoszono je od ok. 1280 r., kiedy to stabilizacja i rozwój państwa stworzyły podstawy do rozwoju monumentalnej architektury. Okres ten charakteryzuje ilościowy i jakościowy rozwój budownictwa. Wysoka klasa architektury szła w parze z rozwojem technik budowlanych i realizacją przemyślanych inwestycji. Nowsze badania wskazują, że zamki kasztelowe budowano według podobnych schematów, począwszy od wyboru miejsca budowy, przez projektowanie, porządek prac murarskich, po wielki nakład prac ziemnych. Cechy te, powtarzalne do pocz. XV w., wskazują na obecność ugruntowanej tradycji budowlanej w Prusach.
The article describes the techniques of building regularly-shaped castles (Castelle) in Prussia. They started to appear around 1280, when the stabilization and development of the state provided a basis for the development of monumental architecture. This period is characterized by rapid advances in architecture, both in quantitative and in qualitative terms. The development of high-class architecture was accompanied by progress in building techniques and the completion of well thoughtout investments. More recent studies indicate that castellum-type castles were built according to similar patterns, ranging from the choice of a construction site, through design, order of masonry work, to extensive earthworks. These features, repetitive until the beginning of the 15th century, evidence the presence of a well-established building tradition in Prussia.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2018, 2; 33-60
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O orientalnych motywach w architekturze zamku malborskiego, czyli powrót do dawnej hipotezy
On Oriental Motifs in the Architecture of the Malbork Castle, or, a Return of an Old Hypothesis
Jarzewicz, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Sztuki PAN
the Teutonic Knights’ castle in Malbork
ogee arch
oriental motifs in Gothic architecture
zamek krzyżacki w Malborku
łuk w ośli grzbiet
motywy orientalne w architekturze gotyckiej
Północna brama Zamku Wysokiego w Malborku, stanowiąca jego główne wejście, jest ozdobiona arkadkami o łukach w ośli grzbiet. Wzniesiona w pierwszej fazie budowy, pochodzi z około 1280 r. Malborskie ośle grzbiety są zatem jednymi z pierwszych na kontynencie europejskim, przy czym na Bliskim Wschodzie formy te były znane już we wczesnym średniowieczu. Ze względu na to, że obiekty wyposażone w łuki w ośli grzbiet w dziełach zachodnich kojarzą się z symboliką związaną z Orientem lub Jerozolimą, można sądzić, że zastosowanie tych form w portalu w Malborku ma charakter ideowej deklaracji. Za pośrednictwem języka architektury nawiązano do pierwszej siedziby zgromadzenia i pochodzenia zakonu wywodzącego się z Ziemi Świętej.
The northern gate of the High Castle in Malbork, which is its main entrance, is decorated with arcades with ogee arches. Erected in the first phase of construction, it dates from around 1280. Malbork’s ogee arches are thus among the earliest to be found in Europe; in the Middle East, however, these forms had been known since the early Middle Ages. Considering that early Western European works featuring ogee arches carried symbolism related to the Orient or Jerusalem, it may be assumed that the fact that this form of a portal was used in Malbork may have had the nature of an ideological declaration. In this portal, the first seat of the Teutonic Order and its Holy Land origins were recalled in the language of architecture.
Biuletyn Historii Sztuki; 2023, 85, 2; 35-50
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Historii Sztuki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Topografia i układ przestrzenny krzyżackiego zamku komturskiego w Toruniu w świetle średniowiecznych źródeł pisanych
Topography and spatial layout of the castle of the Teutonic commander in Toruń in the light of the medieval written sources
Jóźwiak, Sławomir
Trupinda, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
the Middle Ages
medieval architecture in Prussia
the Teutonic Order
Teutonic castles
The information included in the medieval written sources enrich our knowledge about the Toruń castle destroyed in 1454. The construction of the part of the defensive walls (made from stone?) lasted at least from 1255. In 1262 the stronghold in its original form had been already erected. In the subsequent years (1263) works took place to construct its interiors (at least a chapel located on the first floor in the eastern part of the southern wing). The main octagonal tower situated in the northern part of the courtyard of the High Castle was frequently mentioned in the medieval written sources (starting from 1381). However, it must have been erected earlier. The information about buildings located beyond the space of the High Castle is particularly interesting. The buildings included the „gemach” of the commander (with a chapel, refectory and a kitchen) in the northern part of the western outer bailey, the „gemach” of the castle’s commander – probably in the vicinity (it was created later – after 1409) and the „summer house” („somerhaws”) with the „summer hall” („aula estivalis”) existing since at least the 1380s and situated in the southern part of the western Low Castle. Among other buildings recorded in the medieval written sources there were also the „gemach” of the Teutonic head of the mint („Münzmeister”) located next to the western defensive wall of the Low Castle; the „gemach” of the steward of Königsberg (Kaliningrad, Russia) mentioned from the end of the 14th century and situated probably in the western part of the Low Castle; the building of the infirmary which might have been located in the north-east part of the Low Castle. In the topography of the castle there were also outbuildings. For example, at least two mills were situated within the defensive walls probably in the eastern part of the Low Castle. To sum up, the medieval written sources present a picture of a complex construction of the Toruń castle.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2016, 81, 3; 7-35
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chronologia wznoszenia krzyżackiego murowanego zamku prokuratorskiego w Nidzicy w świetle źródeł pisanych
The Chronology of Erecting the Teutonic Brick Pfleger Castle in Nidzica in the Light of Written Sources
Jóźwiak, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
Teutonic Order
castle construction
late Middle Ages
The erection of the brick castle of the Teutonic Order in Nidzica (border territory of the state of the Teutonic Order with Mazovia), intended as the seat of the Teutonic pfleger, directly subordinate to the commander of Ostróda, began at the end of the 14th century. The castle has so far been studied almost solely by historians of art, who were not entirely familiar with the numerous medieval written sources that referred to it. The analysis of the records (documents, correspondence, bills, stock lists) carried out in this article provides answers to two key questions. First, the brick castle of the Teutonic pfleger in Nidzica, which has survived to this day, was built in the period of 1399–1409, contrary to the suggestions of previous researchers, who dated it about 20 years earlier. The main (western) wing was completed in 1405. In the following years, intensive construction work was carried out on the other three wings of the main castle and the surrounding defensive curtain wall (and possibly the outer bailey). In March 1409, the first mention of a Teutonic pfleger appeared in the sources, and the newly built castle became his headquarters. Secondly, the earlier wood-earthen fortress (probably erected in the 1350s) was placed in a different location, which is still unrecognized today.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2022, 87, 3; 5-22
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zamki w typie kasztelu jako siedziby dostojników kościelnych w Prusach
Castellum-type Castles as Residences of Church Dignitaries in Prussia
Wasik, Bogusz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Sztuki PAN
zamki biskupie
zamki kapitulne
zamek konwentualny
zakon krzyżacki
episcopal castle
capitular castle
castellum-type castle
conventual castle
Teutonic Order
W artykule omówione zostały kasztelowe zamki hierarchii kościelnej (biskupie i kapitulne) w Prusach. Jako adaptacja wzoru zamku konwentualnego cieszyły się długo mniejszym zainteresowaniem badaczy. Analiza obiektów w świetle nowych badań, pod kątem ich techniki budowy, układu przestrzennego i formy wykazuje wiele podobieństw jak i różnice w stosunku do zamków krzyżackich. Widać tu jednocześnie twórcze przetworzenie wzorca na własne cele funkcjonalne i propagandowe.
Castellum-type castles of the Church hierarchy (bishops and chapters) in Prussia are discussed. As an adaptation of the conventual castle model, for long they remained of lesser interest to scholars. The analysis of the facilities in the light of a new research, in view of their construction technology, spatial layout, and form, reveals many similarities as well as differences versus Teutonic castles. Additionally, a creative transformation of the model to serve the users’ own functional and propaganda purposes can be observed.
Biuletyn Historii Sztuki; 2020, 82, 4; 527-558
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Historii Sztuki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zamek w Radzyniu Chełmińskim. Technika i etapy budowy siedziby krzyżackich komturów i konwentu
The castle in Radzyń Chełmiński. Technique and stages of building a seat of komturs and the convent of the Teutonic Knights
Wasik, Bogusz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Radzyń Chełmiński
Teutonic Knights
Radzyń Chełmiński is situated in the northern part of the Chełmno Land. In the Middle Ages, an important route from Pomesania led through that area. In that strategic place, most probably on the basis of an early medieval settlement, the Teutonic Knights led by Herman Balk erected the first fortress in 1234. In 1243, it was one of a few which was not conquered by Prussian rebels. In mid-13th century, it became a komtur’s seat. As the archaeological research has shown, the masonry castle was erected in a new place. On the basis of the research, as well as the architectural analysis of the preserved walls and size of bricks, it is possible to reconstruct the building process of the fortress. In the first phase, in the following stages, which had basically been pre-planned, the convent building was erected. In the first stage, a curtain wall of the convent building was built in narrow-space foundation trenches and, at the same time, window openings, vault prop and toothing for future partition walls of the flanks were prepared. After erecting a curtain wall, the level of the area around the convent house was raised by about 2.5 meters, creating an artificial hill. In the following stage, the main (southern) flank was erected. On the level of the cellars, short rudiments of walls of the neighbouring flanks were built, leading out from its northern wall. Other flanks of the castle were built later. On the basis of the consistency of architecture and the measurement analysis of the bricks, it should be stated that the application in various parts of the building of the Wendish (cellars) and Gothic (ground parts, some partition walls in the cellars) brickwork does not mean that the phases of construction of those elements were distant in time. The sizes of the bricks used in the entire building are consistent irrespective of the brickwork. The use of the Wendish brickwork in the cellars can be explained by the fact that it was used for facing the stone wall, unlike the Gothic brickwork, which was in full brick walls. The buildings erected in the second stage of construction of the castle were made of brick of a visibly larger size. At that time, the bergfried was probably erected, as well as the outer ward with a dansker and an outer bailey. The use of various types of brickwork in the curtain wall of the latter should be explained by work of various teams of bricklayers. In connection with the construction of the elements of the castle listed above, further earth works were performed, that is, the level of the outer ward was elevated and made even, the plateau of the outer bailey was widened from the south and an embankment was constructed in front of its western curtain. The last medieval building works comprised the erection of buildings on the outer ward of the convent house. The chronology of construction of the castle was examined by researches in different ways. On the basis of forms of gables of the main flank, it can be determined that the construction of the convent house was completed in the 40s of the 14th century. Thus, it was probably undertaken before the congress of the dignitaries of the order, which was held in Radzyń in 1329. Perhaps, during the congress, the works on the rooms in the main flank of the castle (the chapel and the refectory) were about to be finished. On the other hand, it should be estimated that the outer ward and the bailey were erected in mid- and second half of the 14th century.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2015, 1; 167-181
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zamek golubski w średniowieczu. Architektura i technika budowy
Golub Castle in the Middle Ages. Architecture and Construction Technique
Wasik, Bogusz
Data publikacji:
Instytut Północny im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie
zamek w Golubiu
zamki krzyżackie
architektura średniowieczna
castle in Golub
Teutonic castles
Teutonic Orden
medieval architecture
Golub Castle has aroused the interest of researchers since the 19th century. In the 1960s, in connection with its planned reconstruction, architectural and archaeological research was carried out, the results of which, however, were not fully realised. In 1989, further archaeological surveys were carried out to verify the question of the earlier settlement. From the current research it can be concluded that there was no early medieval stronghold in the place of the later castle. However, there was settlement until the 11th century. The next traces derive only from the time when Golub was taken over by the Teutonic Knights in 1293. It can be concluded from the sources that they erected a temporary wooden watchtower, which was the seat of the procurator in 1304. It is uncertain whether it was situated in the same location as the castle, although perhaps it is associated with a layer of burning, documented under the high castle. It is also unclear whether the original moat and embankment, protecting the outer ward from the west, should be associated with this structure. Around 1305 a commandery was established in Golub and the construction of a brick castle began. This saw the employment of the old Culm measure and the geometric ad quadratum method. The four-wing convent house was built according to a homogeneous plan, but it was implemented in stages typical for this type of building in Prussia. First, a peripheral curtain wall was built, then the main and subsequent wings. Modifications were made during the process of construction, abandoning, among others, the building of the Bergfrid. From the west, the castle was protected by a walled moat and parcham. Initially the outer bailey was constructed of timber and earth, on a trapezoidal plan and protected by the aforementioned moat and embankment. It was not until around the mid-14th century that the brick perimeter of the outer ward with towers was built, expanding them to the west and southeast. Inside, there were farm buildings, known from modern sources and archaeological excavations. At the end of the 14th century, two cylindrical fire towers were built in front of the west facade of the convent house, and at the beginning of the 15th century, two houses were inserted between them. The last works carried out by the Teutonic Knights in the castle were related to its reconstruction after the war of 1422.
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie; 2019, 304, 2; 191-217
Pojawia się w:
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Symbolika i znaczenie zamku krzyżackiego w Malborku
Symbolism and significance of the Teutonic Castle in Malbork
Wiśniewski, Jan
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Teutonic Order
functions of the Order Castles
Grand Master’s Palace
restoration of the castle
political references
The architecture of the Teutonic Knight’s Castle in Malbork was finally shaped in the first half of the 14th century. It was one of the grandest aristocratic residences, being the seat of the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order from 1309 to 1457. The monumental structure testified to the power of the Order which ruled over a rich territory protected by the Patroness Blessed Virgin Mary, situated on the east side in an external niche of the presbytery of St. Anne‘s Chapel. As each castle, it performed the basic functions: that of an abbey, a strategic function of a fortress and an economic management centre. As the residence of the Grand Master it was also the capital of the monastic state. Malbork, because of the relics that were kept there, especially those of the Holy Cross, was also a pilgrimage centre. After a few centuries and the partition in 1772, when it was the venue of the homage paid by the people to the Prussian king, the Malbork Castle became more and more politicised, by linking its old Teutonic past with the current political situation in Germany, emphasizing the merits of the Order in the propagation of the German culture in this area and the Germanity of these territories, although Nazi authorities considered they should be connected only where their relics remained, such as the Castle in Malbork. The last time it became a political symbol of “the German survival power” was when it was announced a stronghold during the battles about Malbork and the castle during World War II. By abandoning and getting rid of political determinants, which distorted the truth, the International Historical Commission initiated work on a reliable and objective presentation of the history of the presence of the Teutonic Knights in Prussia. All politicised for contemporary purposes was abandoned, “considering the Teutonic Order more comprehensively than before, not only in the context of the history of Prussia. This was certainly a result of border changes after 1945, but also – hopefully – a result of common sense”. (H. Boockmann).
Studia Elbląskie; 2012, 13; 7-25
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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