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Pomoc finansowa protestanckiego Gdańska dla współwyznawców w kraju i zagranicą w XVII i XVIII wieku
Kizik, Edmund
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Gdańsk nowożytny
pomoc finansowa
solidarność wyznaniowa
early modern Gdańsk
financial aid
confessional solidarity
Gdańsk w 1557 r. oficjalnie wybrał ścieżkę reformacji i obronił swoją autonomię wyznaniową przez cały okres nowożytny. Trwająca od schyłku XVI w. kontrreforma Kościoła katolickiego znacząco ograniczyła zasięg protestantyzmu zarówno w całej Rzeczypospolitej, jak i w różnych państwach europejskich. Gdańsk dzięki wyjątkowej pozycji gospodarczej oraz politycznej w XVII–XVIII w. pełnił funkcję jednego z najważniejszych ośrodków finansujących lub wspomagających gminy luterańskie nie tylko w Polsce i Europie, ale nawet w Turcji i koloniach zamorskich. Pieniądze były zbierane w czasie publicznych kolekt, ewentualnie przekazywane z budżetu miasta. Artykuł na podstawie źródeł archiwalnych zbiera przykłady pomocy udzielanej współwyznawcom przez gdańszczan oraz analizuje sposoby zdobywania na to środków pieniężnych.
In 1557 Gdańsk officially accepted Reformation and defended its religious autonomy throughout the modern period. The Counter-Reform of the Catholic Church, lasting from the end of the sixteenth century, significantly limited the scope of Protestantism both in the entire Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and in various European countries. Thanks to its unique economic and political position in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Gdańsk served as one of the most important centres financing or supporting Lutheran communities not only in Poland and Europe, but also in Turkey and overseas colonies. The money was raised during public collections, or possibly transferred from the city budget. The article, based on archival sources, gathers examples of aid given to fellow believers by the inhabitants of Gdańsk and analyses the ways of raising money.
Odrodzenie i Reformacja w Polsce; 2019, 63
Pojawia się w:
Odrodzenie i Reformacja w Polsce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pomoc Gdańska dla gminy ewangelickiej w Smyrnie w 2 połowie XVIII wieku
The aid given by Gdańsk to the Evangelical Community in Smyrna in the second half of the 18th. century
Kizik, Edmund
Data publikacji:
Parafia Ewangelicko-Augsburska w Gdańsku z siedzibą w Sopocie
Lutheraner in Smyrna
Johann Usko
Zu den weniger erforschten Aspekten der Geschichte des Danziger Protestantismus gehören die finanziellen Hilfeleistungen, die die Danziger im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert gern und wiederholt ihren Glaubensbrüdern in und außer- halb der Landesgrenzen zukommen ließen. In der 2. Hälfte des 18. und zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts kam die lutherische Gemeinde im türkischen Smyrna (Izmir) in den Genuss umfangreicher finanzieller Unterstützung aus Danzig. Die Gemeinde war 1759 in deutschen, dänischen und schwedischen Kaufmannskreisen im europäischen Viertel dieser Hafenstadt gegründet worden. Der in Nürnberg ordinierte Christoph Wilhelm Lüdeke (ca. 1730–1805) wurde zum Pastor berufen und hatte dieses Amt bis 1768 inne. Wegen anhaltender finanzieller Schwierigkeiten wandte sich das Nürnberger Konsistorium im Namen Lüdeckes und des Smyrnaer Kirchenväter mit der Bitte um Hilfe an das Danziger Geistliche Ministerium, dem alle lutherischen Prediger der Stadt angehörten. Der vorliegende Text zeichnet auf der Grundlage einschlägiger Fachliteratur und archivalischer Quellen die Danziger Hintergründe dieser Geschichte nach. Die Danziger Stadtverwaltung beschloss am 6. Oktober 1762, eine Kol- lekte zu Gunsten der Gemeinde in der Türkei zu veranstalten. Bis zum Winter erbrachte sie über 26.613 fl. Ein Großteil des Geldes – 25.000 fl. – wurde auf dem Konto der Kammerei mit 4% angelegt, diese Anlage erbrachte jährlich 1.000 fl., die nach Smyrna geschickt wurden. 1806-1807 wurden die Zahlungen eingestellt, sicher in Folge der Tatsache, dass der in Danzig ordinierte und aus Lyck (Ełk) stammende Johann Usko (1760-1841) die Gemeinde dort verließ. Eine zusätzliche Rolle dürfte der Ausbruch des französisch-preußischen Krieges (1806) sowie die Entstehung der Freien Stadt Danzig unter napoleonischem Protektorat im Jahr 1807 gespielt haben. Das Danziger Konto für die Lutheraner in Smyrna aber wurde nicht aufgelöst und enthielt noch zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhundrerts die Summe von 34.375 Mark.
Gdański Rocznik Ewangelicki; 2011, 5; 106-117
Pojawia się w:
Gdański Rocznik Ewangelicki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ratusze wielkich miast Prus Królewskich w publicznych świętach władzy w XVI–XVIII wieku. Uwagi na marginesie projektu badawczego
Kizik, Edmund
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Royal Prussia
public ceremonies/celebrations
town halls
royal residences
This text was written as marginal notes to a research project, the aim of which is a comprehensive reconstruction of public ceremonies in large towns of Royal Prussia from the 15th to the early 19th century. Based on literature on the subject and archival sources and old texts, the author, after undertaking an initial characterization of public ceremonies in Prussian towns, focused on the role of town halls as centres for organizing these ceremonies. The ceremonial role of town halls in the early day of their being annexed to Poland increased, as the former centres of authority – the Teutonic castles – were completely destroyed by the townspeople in the year of Prussia’s incorporation into Poland (1454), which prevented their being used as residences of the Polish kings. At the same time, the municipal councils of Gdańsk and Elbląg, despite the commitments made, failed to actually build royal residences within their walls. The issue of not erecting a royal residence in Gdańsk – the most important Prussian town – continued with varying intensity for more than 300 years until the town joined the Kingdom of Prussia as a result of the second partition of Poland (1793). In such a situation, when Polish royalty visited the towns, they were accommodated in the town halls which fulfilled the role of substitute residences. However, the town halls in Gdańsk and Elbląg, due to lack of space, inadequate infrastructure and changes in the ceremonial etiquette from the second half of the 16th century, ceased to act as royal residences. From that time onwards residences were improvised for royalty and their courts in the adjacent townhouses of the patricians, which were rented out and adapted for that purpose. It was only in Toruń, that the large town hall, extended in the 17th century, performed the function of a royal residence until its destruction as a result of being bombarded by the Swedes in 1703. The town halls however retained part of their state ceremonial functions. The largest rooms, which could accommodate not only all the members of the municipal authorities but also official guests, were used as audience halls, to receive representatives of the king and ambassadors on diplomatic visits. In these rooms, as in other royal towns, galleries were established with portraits of Polish kings as well as paintings depicting the history of Poland and Prussia. Apart from highlighting the royal patronage, the symbolism of the painted decorations was also used to manifest the towns’ independence from the decisions of the Sejm (Parliament), whose competencies were questioned in Royal Prussia. The most important and well-documented ceremonies in which the town halls played a central role were those which involved paying homage to newly-crowned Polish kings. In the 17th and 18th centuries the bishops of Włocławek, who represented the king, usually received homage on behalf of the ruler, whose presence was symbolically marked by a painting of him propped up on an elevated throne. If members of the council and the rank and fi le met in the main rooms of the town hall, the remaining townspeople gathered on the market square near the town hall. From the beginning of Sigismund III Vasa’s rule, the ceremony of paying homage proceeded in a manner which remained unchanged until the end of the Early Modern period of the Polish state.
Roczniki Dziejów Społecznych i Gospodarczych; 2014, 74
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Dziejów Społecznych i Gospodarczych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konstruowanie przeszłości. Powstanie ludowego ubioru kaszubskiego w pierwszej połowie XX wieku
Constructing the Past: The Emergence of Kashubian Folk Costume in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
Kizik, Edmund
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
folk costume
historical iconography
first half of the twentieth century
Bożena Stelmachowska
The attire characteristic for peasants was described by ethnographers from the early nineteenth century, and the interest in folklore itself transformed from amateur item collecting to an academic discipline, namely ethnography. Researchers were intrigued by hand-made folk costumes, which contrasted with the factory-made clothing of the urban population. As the political importance of the peasantry grew, stylised folk costumes became an element of regional and ethnic identity. The motif of peasant culture found its way into global literature and the folk elements into political propaganda of the twentieth century. At the same time the origin of folk costumes and their design arouses controversy among researchers. Are they reconstructions of the past or perhaps ideologically motivated constructs? The article presents this issue on the example of a Kashubian costume created according to the concept of Professor Bożena Stelmachowska (1889–1956). On the basis of previously unexplored descriptions of peasants’ appearance contained in arrest warrants from the first half of the nineteenth century, the sources and research paradigm, which became a basis for the creation of the model Kashubian attire in 1954–1959, have been subjected to criticism. The concept adopted by the older scholarship was not confirmed as no primary sources (material artifacts, iconographic representations, written descriptions, etc.) were found. The similarity of clothes worn by Kashubians with clothes worn by other peasants was demonstrated, and so was the influence of military uniforms on men’s clothes. The model of Kashubian costume proposed by Stelmachowska should be treated as an intellectual construction that reflects certain trends in folklore studies of the time and a response to ideological and propaganda needs that arose in Pomerania after 1945.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2021, 86, 1; 111-146
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Verein für kaschubische Volkskunde w latach 1907–1914. Ludoznawstwo kaszubskie między niemieckością a polskością
Verein für kaschubische Volkskunde in the years 1907–1914. Kashubian ethnography between the German and the Polish
Kizik, Edmund
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
scientific society
West Prussia
Verein für kaschubische Volkskunde, which operated for several years prior to the outbreak of WW I, is one of the most interesting episodes in the organisation of scientific life in West Prussia. The eastern province of Germany was inhabited by Poles, Germans and Kashubians. Kashubians inhabited mainly the rural areas of the regency of Gdansk and belonged to the poorest social strata. Their dialect resembled the Polish language, while their folklore attracted the interest of ethnographers and linguists. In 1907 a Pole, a teacher and a social activist from Wdzydze – Izydor Gulgowski, also known as Ernts Seefried-Gulgowski (1874–1925), and a German linguist Dr Friedrich Lorentz (1870–1937) set up the Society whose members were Germans, Poles and a few Kashubians. Its aim was to integrate and intensify the research on the culture of Kashubia. The Society seated in Kartuzy started to issue their own scientific journal Mitteilungen des Vereins für kaschubische Volkskunde and it contributed to the preservation of the relics of folk culture. However, in the period of national tensions and the increase in political aspirations of Poles, the activity of the Society gave rise to many political controversies. According to some German circles, particularly the ones connected with Ostmarkenverein, the activity of the Society led to the strengthening of Polishness. Some Polish-Kashubian political activists such as Dr Aleksander Majkowski used the increase in the activity and awareness among Kashubians for their own political purposes creating the Society of Young Kashubians (1912). The scientific and ethnographic questions were only a tool to execute national objectives. The article presents the structure of the Society, the source of its financing, scientific achievements on the basis of archival sources (the State Archive in Gdansk), the press and journalism. The author analyses the reasons for different attitudes of its prominent members such as I. Gulgowski, a social activist influenced by the thinker Heinrich Sohnrey, the scientist Lorentz and the politician Aleksander Majkowski.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2015, 80, 2; 31-54
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gdański inwentarz pośmiertny toruńskiego drukarza Johanna Christopha Jungmanna z 1778 roku
The Gdansk postmortem inventory of Torun’s printer Johann Christoph Jungmann of 1778
Kizik, Edmund
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
the history of printing
Royal Prussia
the 18th century
inheritance proceedings
In the years 1750–1759, Johann Christoph Jungmann was a tenant of the printing house in Torun. He was probably born around 1700 and from 1729 he was a printer in Jaworze in Silesia, from which he moved to Torun in 1750. He published, for example, the Torun hymnal (1752) and the artistic print to commemorate the 300th anniversary of incorporating Torun and Royal Prussia into the Crown in 1754. The activity of J.Ch. Jungmann after 1759 is not known; he was even omitted from the Torun biographic dictionary. Based on documents found in the State Archive in Gdansk, it is known that J.Ch. Jungmann died in Gdansk on 27 October 1778 and was buried in the church of Saints Peter and Paul. After his death the inheritance proceedings took place; the inventory of his property was carried out, his debts were paid and the costs of his funeral were covered. The heir of his wealth was his son who lived in Tczew. This documentation has allowed us to learn about the life of J.Ch. Jungmann and remember his publishing legacy.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2015, 80, 3; 169-178
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Early Modern Gdańsk in Maria Bogucka’s Research
Kizik, Edmund
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Maria Bogucka
history of Gdańsk
history of trade and crafts in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
German-Polish historical disputes
Research on the socio-economic history of early modern Gdańsk marked the various stages of Maria Bogucka’s research career, from her doctorate in 1955 to full professorship in 1981. She came from the research grouping of Marian Małowist, and her works, along with the contributions of other students from this circle, are among the most outstanding achievements of Polish historiography of the twentieth century. This article is devoted to discussing the most important Gdańsk-related works of Bogucka against the background of German-Polish controversies, which touched upon an assessment of the city’s role in the history of Poland.
Acta Poloniae Historica; 2023, 127; 73-95
Pojawia się w:
Acta Poloniae Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pierwsza kaszubska wystawa ludoznawcza w Kościerzynie w 1911 roku
The First Kashubian Ethnographical Exhibition in Kościerzyna in 1911
Kizik, Edmund
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
national relations in Pomerania
the beginnings of the 20th century
the Society of Young Kashubians
Aleksander Majkowski
The Kashubina exhibition of 1911 was the first one to present the achievements of Polish industrial, agricultural and educational organizations in the north-west area of the Polish territories under the Prussian occupation. It is one of the proofs of the political activity of the Kashubian movement and the various communities functioning within it. The works on its organization, development and press accounts serve as an opportunity to illustrate the German-Polish tensions of that time. The article presents the activity of the main organizations involved in the preparation of the exhibition such as the Ethnographic Kashubian Society, the Industrial Society of Kościerzyna, the “Bazar Society”, and the various undertakings of those societies. The structure of the exhibition, its exhibits and products were briefly described.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2017, 82, 3; 51-65
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zapiski historyczne gdańszczanina Eberharda Böttichera (1554-1617). Addenda et corrigenda
Kizik, Edmund
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Historische Aufzeichnungen des Danzigers Eberhard Bötticher (1554-1617)Addenda et corrigendaZusammenfassung2013 erschien die von Christofer Herrmann und Edmund Kizik erstellte Edition der Chronik der Marienkirche in Danzig (Historisches Kirchen-Register), die 1616 von Eberhard Bötticher niedergeschrieben worden war. Erst nach der Veröffentlichung dieser Edition stieß ich im Bestand Bibliotheca Archivi (Sign. 300, R/Ce, 30) des Staatsarchivs Danzig auf einen Band, der die sorgfältig geführten Aufzeichnungen Böttichers aus den Jahren 1595-1600 enthält. Diese wurden in der bisherigen Forschung nicht benutzt, weshalb dies mit dem vorliegenden Beitrag nachgeholt werden soll. Bei den Aufzeichnungen handelt es sich nicht um die Fortsetzung des Tagebuchs Böttichers. Der Autor berichtet hier vor allem über die Verhandlungen zwischen dem Stadtrat, der Schöffenbank und den Vertretern wohlhabender Bürger. Sie betreffen verschiedene Probleme wirtschaftlich-rechtlicher, religiöser und politischer Natur. Diese Notizen, die Bötticher auch bei der Abfassung seines Kirchen-Registers benutzt hatte, stellen eine wertvolle Quelle für das Selbstverständnis von Bürgern dar, die sich am Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts in das politische Leben Danzigs einbringen wollten. Historical notes of Eberhard Bötticher (1554-1617) of GdańskAddenda et corrigendaAbstractIn 2013 an edition of the chronicle of St. Mary’s Church in Gdańsk (Historisches Kirchen Register) – originally written by Eberhard Bötticher in 1616 – was published by Christofer Herrmann and Edmund Kizik. After it appeared, I accidentally found in the State Archive in Gdańsk (shelf number 300, R/Cc, 30) a volume containing systematic notes made by Bötticher for the years 1595-1600. So far, they have not been used by scholars. Those note are not a continuation of Bötticher’s diary. The author concentrates on relating the negotiations between the city council, the city bench and representatives of wealthy burghers. The notes, which were used by Bötticher for writing his Kirchen Register, are a valuable source for reconstructing the attitudes of burghers attempting to enter the political life of Gdańsk at the end of the sixteenth century.
In 2013 an edition of the chronicle of St. Mary’s Church in Gdańsk (Historisches Kirchen Register) – originally written by Eberhard Bötticher in 1616 – was published by Christofer Herrmann and Edmund Kizik. After it appeared, I accidentally found in the State Archive in Gdańsk (shelf number 300, R/Cc, 30) a volume containing systematic notes made by Bötticher for the years 1595-1600. So far, they have not been used by scholars. Those note are not a continuation of Bötticher’s diary. The author concentrates on relating the negotiations between the city council, the city bench and representatives of wealthy burghers. The notes, which were used by Bötticher for writing his Kirchen Register, are a valuable source for reconstructing the attitudes of burghers attempting to enter the political life of Gdańsk at the end of the sixteenth century.
Roczniki Historyczne; 2015, 81
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gadał jak Niemiec z Polakiem w XVI-XVIII wieku
Kizik, Edmund (1960- ).
Mówią Wieki 2021, nr 6, s. 26-29
Data publikacji:
Język polski
Język niemiecki
Niemcy (naród)
Stosunki etniczne
Artykuł problemowy
Artykuł z czasopisma historycznego
Artykuł z czasopisma popularnonaukowego
Tematem artykułu są badania nad językami polskim i niemieckim, którymi posługiwano się na terenach etnicznie i kulturowo przejściowych pomiędzy Niemcami a Polską, takimi jak Prusy Królewskie na czele z Gdańskiem, Śląsk lub zachodnia Wielkopolska. Badania te miały bardzo często charakter konfrontacyjny, a celem było akcentowanie wagi języka polskiego i pomniejszanie roli niemczyzny w celu uzasadnienia przynależności państwowej lub narodowej danych ziem do Polski. Z kolei badacze niemieccy starali się dowodzić zaniku lub znikomego znaczenia polszczyzny na tych terenach, uwypuklając znaczenie języka niemieckiego. Jednak języków uczono się, przebywając w środowiskach wielojęzycznych, często wysyłano do siebie dzieci (10-12 latki) nawet na całe lata do zaprzyjaźnionych rodzin w Polsce i na odwrót. Wydawano słowniki i rozmówki polsko-niemieckie. Od końca XVI do XVIII wieku wydano co najmniej 27 podręczników, a to miasta pruskie (Gdańsk, Królewiec, też Toruń i Elbląg) były najważniejszymi ośrodkami nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
In Gold and Silver: Panoramas of Gdańsk on Coins and Medals in the 17th and 18th centuries
Kizik, Edmund
Chabros, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
political iconography
symbolism of the city panorama
17th–18th centuries
Despite the lush development of painting in late medieval Gdańsk (the second half of the 15th – the first half of the 16th) no realistic depictions of the city or its part have survived. The first realistic panoramic view of Gdańsk was made relatively late, just before 1573. It was published in Cologne in 1575 and again in the following year in the atlas by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg, Civitates orbis terrarum. The novelty of Braun and Hogenberg found many followers in Gdańsk, who from the 1590s until the third decade of the 17th c. created their own original panoramic views, characterized by a much greater accuracy and faithfulness to the details of their city. The veduta of Gdańsk (221 x 35.3 cm) made in 1592/1593 by Anton Möller the Elder, was followed in 1599 by a painting version, nowadays lost, which was a gift for Venice. In 1617 Aegidius Dickmann created a panoramic view of Gdańsk with an album of 14 views of streets and districts. This image in a miniaturized form finally found its way to commemorative medals, an innovation in this part of Europe. It appeared for the first time in a 30-ducat donatywa, or a coin-medal commemorating King Sigismund III Vasa, made by Samuel Amman and Herman Han in 1617. This panorama shows a harbour city belted with powerful fortifications, with its characteristic churches, and ships on the horizon; the king is portrayed on the reverse. Apart from making the city famous, the coins with Gdańsk vedutas emphasized that in the political alliance with the King of Poland, this mighty city is equal. It is in these coins that Gdańsk paid an annual tax amounting to 2,000 Hungarian florins due to the Polish kings. The panoramic view of Gdańsk was repeatedly recorded on occasional medals and gift coins. There are at least 32 medals of this type, out of which as many as 27 were minted in the 17th c.; the remaining 5 come from 18th c. Most commonly, these were golden donatywas, sometimes commemorative historical medals minted in gold and silver, e.g. to commemorate the peace concluded in Oliwa in 1660. The last medals with the views of Gdańsk date back to 1754 and were minted to commemorate the 300th anniversary of incorporation of Prussia to the Crown, and to 1760 which was the date of the 100th anniversary of the peace of Oliwa. Other great cities of Royal Prussia only sporadically ordered such works. The gold and silver medals of Gdańsk with the city’s panorama were complemented by the panegyric image of a proud, mighty city invoked by writers – “laus urbis” or “in honorem Magistratus Gedanensis”. In the 17th c. the City Council generously rewarded such writers. In the 18th c. a weakening city seemed to be spending less money on propaganda purposes. After the occupation of Gdańsk by Prussia in 1793 these kinds of medals were not minted anymore.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2018, 83, 4; 91-114
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Badania nad historią pietyzmu na przełomie XVII i XVIII wieku. Uwagi w związku z monografią Liliany Lewandowskiej
Research on the History of Pietism in the Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries. Comments on the Monograph by Liliana Lewandowska
Kizik, Edmund
Ptaszyński, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Filip Jakub Spener
Samuel Schelwig
Artykuł jest polemiką z analizą sporów wokół pietyzmu w Gdańsku przedstawioną przez Lilianę Lewandowską. Autorzy, odnosząc się do najnowszego stanu badań nad pietyzmem, postulują szersze wykorzystanie dostępnych źródeł archiwalnych oraz rekonstrukcję historycznego kontekstu: uwzględnienie sytuacji międzynarodowej, polityki Rady Miejskiej, układu sił politycznych w Gdańsku, a także reakcji społecznych na polemiki.
The article polemicises with Liliana Lewandowska’s analysis of the disputes over pietism in Gdańsk. Referring to the latest state of research on pietism, the authors argue for a broader use of available archival sources and a reconstruction of the historical context: considering the international situation, the politics of the city council, the balance of political forces in Gdańsk, and the public reaction to the polemics.
Kwartalnik Historyczny; 2023, 130, 3; 603-636
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Historyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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