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Wysokość dwunastoletnich odnowień dębu szypułkowego na różnej wielkości gniazdach o wydłużonym kształcie w kierunku wschód-zachód
Height of the 12-year-old regeneration of pedunculate oak in the cut patches of different size with an elliptical shape in the east-west direction
Drozdowski, S.
Andrzejczyk, T.
Buraczyk, W.
Turkot, S.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
rebnie gniazdowe
odnowienia lasu
odnowienia na gniazdach
gradient wschod-zachod
wydluzanie osi gniazda
drzewa lesne
dab szypulkowy
wzrost roslin
wysokosc drzew
patch cutting
pedunculate oak
gap size
spatial height variability
The study presents spatial variation in the height of a 12−year−old oak regeneration in the north−south and east−west gradients in the cut patches with a similar width (28 m) but differing in length (33−70 m), with the longer side facing east−west direction. A comparison of the cut patches with an area of 7, 11 and 16 ares showed that oaks in large patches were on average 25% higher than in small patches and the diversity of trees in the WE and NS gradients depended on the size of the patch. In each case, the lowest trees occurred in the zone of strong root competition of shelterwood, whose influence decreased with the enlargement of the cut patches. The results of the study show that the establishment of large (15−20 ares) elliptical or rectangular patches whose area can be expanded by lengthening the axis in the east−west direction is the recommended method of pedunculate oak renewal in forest practice.
Sylwan; 2013, 157, 06; 434-441
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Biblioteka Nauki
Planowanie hodowlane z wykorzystaniem metody BDq w drzewostanach świerkowych na siedliskach bagiennych
Silvicultural planning in spruce mire forests by the means of the BDq method
Drozdowski, S.
Andrzejczyk, T.
Bielak, K.
Buraczyk, W.
Gawron, L.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
hodowla lasu
siedliska lesne
siedliska bagienne
drzewostany swierkowe
swierk pospolity
Picea abies
struktura drzewostanu
planowanie hodowlane
metoda BDq
close−to−nature silviculture
equilibrium model
norway spruce mire forest
silvicultural planning
This paper addresses problems associated with the silvicultural planning in the Norway spruce mire forests (Sphagno girgensohnii−Piceetum Polak. 1962) that are characterized by an uneven−aged structure and a high degree of irregularity at small scale. Based on detailed inventory using 30 permanent circular sample plots in two control units located in the Augustów Forest (NE Poland), the BDq method was employed for determining future silvicultural activities of the current forest management cycle. The equilibrium models are based on diameter distributions and have the following parameters, depending on site conditions: B=28 m²/ha; q−factor=1.32 and D=51 cm in the case of poorer forest site type (S.−P. typicum) and 55 cm more fertile one (S.−P. thelypteridetosum).
Sylwan; 2014, 158, 10; 733-742
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Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ warunków siedliskowych na zróżnicowanie wysokości dębu na gniazdach
Effect of habitat conditions on the variation of oak height in the gaps
Andrzejczyk, T.
Bolibok, L.
Buraczyk, W.
Drozdowski, S.
Szeligowski, H.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
rebnie zupelne gniazdowe
hodowla lasu
odnowienia lasu
odnowienia na gniazdach
drzewa lesne
dab szypulkowy
Quercus robur
wzrost roslin
warunki siedliska
siedliska lesne
bor mieszany swiezy
las mieszany swiezy
las swiezy
pedunculate oak
clear−cut gap
forest regeneration
patch cutting system
The paper presents the study on the height of 10−12−year−old pedunculate oak regeneration in clear−cut gaps in three fertility variants: mezotrophic of poorer productivity (fresh mixed coniferous forest – BMśw), mezotrophic of higher productivity (fresh mixed deciduous forest – LMśw) and eutrophic (fresh deciduous forest – Lśw). BMśw and LMśw were represented by two locations: Gostynin (G) and Parczew (P), while Lśw – by one: Czarna Białostocka (CzB). We analysed the variation of oak height in the patches along the north−south (N−S) and east−west (E−W) gap axes. In each location 3−5 gaps were selected and measurements taken on three transects along the N−S axis located in the western (W), central (C) and eastern (E) part. Significant differences in oak height were found along the N−S axis. Oaks in the BMśw and LMśw habitats in the south−central part, and those in the Lśw habitat in the centre−northern part of the patch were the highest. The height growth of oaks on sandy soils (BMśw, LMśw) was found to be limited by moisture deficit, while on loamy soils (Lśw) – by light deficiency. The differences in oak height along the E−W axis were smaller and less apparent, indicating a tendency towards the reduction of their height growth in the central part of the gap.
Sylwan; 2014, 158, 06; 404-413
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jakość hodowlana buka zwyczajnego (Fagus sylvatica L.) po 20 latach wzrostu na powierzchni proweniencyjnej w Nadleśnictwie Brzeziny
Silvicultural quality of common beeches (Fagus sylvatica L.) after 20 years of growth on a provenance plot in Brzeziny Forest District
Szeligowski, H.
Buraczyk, W.
Drozdowski, S.
Andrzejczyk, T.
Stępniarek, M.
Dzwonkowski, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
hodowla lasu
drzewa lesne
buk zwyczajny
Fagus sylvatica
jakosc hodowlana
wzrost roslin
doswiadczenia proweniencyjne
Nadlesnictwo Brzeziny
provenance plots
growth traits of trees
tree habit
silvicultural quality
Paper presents an analysis of phenotypical variation and an evaluation of silvicultural quality of progeny from 27 beech stands around Poland that grow on the provenance plot in the Brzeziny Forest District (51.791997°N, 19.813841°E). The trial commenced in spring 1996, on the basis of 2−year−old saplings with covered root systems. A randomised block method with 3 replications was applied, with subsequent measurements and analyses carried out in 2015, following 20 years of growth. The considered features included height, breast−height diameter, crown habit, trunk curvature and height of branching. Single−factor analysis of variance and Tukey’s HSD test were applied to determine the significance of differences among provenances. The largest mean height was attained by beeches originating from Gdańsk, Szczecinek and Bierzwnik. The least−tall beeches were in turn those whose origins were in Tomaszów, Łagów and Grodzisk. The greatest intra−population variation in height characterised the beeches from Gryfino and Krucz, while the most limited variation was noted for Gdańsk population. The beeches of greatest girth were again those deriving from Gdańsk, Bierzwnik and Szczecinek populations, as well as the one from Kwidzyn 15. The lowest values for diameter at breast height were again noted for the Grodzisk, Tomaszów and Łagów provenances. Marked intra−population variation in this feature characterised trees from the Gryfino, Bieszczady National Park (42), Zdrojów and Krucz provenances. The populations also differered in relation to analysed more−qualitative features. The group of populations prized most in terms of their overall silvicultural quality included Gryfino, Grodzisk, Zdrojów, Bieszczady National Park, Bierzwnik and Szczecinek provenances. In contrast, only low quality was manifested by beeches from Tomaszów, Rymanów, Wejherowo, Młynary, Golub− −Dobrzyń and Kwidzyn provenances. In general, populations originating from the north (especially Pomerania) achieved better growth and a more favourable quality evaluation than those from the south, and sites located near the range limits of the species (fig. 7). The obtained results show that northern Poland boasts the most plastic populations of beech. Equally, it was not possible to establish that populations of local origin were superior in terms of growth to those originating in more far−flung parts of Poland. Furthermore, assessments of different populations in terms of their growth and quality features often proved highly disparate.
Sylwan; 2019, 163, 07; 590-600
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Struktura i dynamika wielogeneracyjnych starodrzewów sosnowych występujących w obszarach ochrony ścisłej Kaliszki i Sieraków w Kampinoskim Parku Narodowym. Część 2. Procesy zamierania i dorastania oraz ich wpływ na rozkład grubości drzew
Structure and dynamics of uneven−aged, Scots pine−dominated, old−growth stands in Kaliszki and Sieraków strict reserves in Kampinos National Park. Part 2. Tree mortality and recruitment processes and their effects on tree diameter distributions
Brzeziecki, B.
Zajączkowski, J.
Olszewski, A.
Bolibok, L.
Andrzejczyk, T.
Bielak, K.
Buraczyk, W.
Drozdowski, S.
Gawron, L.
Jastrzębowski, S.
Szeligowski, H.
Żybura, H.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
demographic non−equilibrium
diameter structure
long−term study
old−growth forest
permanent study
scots pine
strict protection
Two fundamental demographic processes (tree recruitment and mortality) are analyzed for forest stands growing on permanent study plots located in strictly protected Scots pine−dominated, old−growth stands of Kampinos National Park (central Poland). The major implications of the observed demographic trends for the general shape of tree size distributions are determined, as well. During the past ca 30 years, in the stands sampled, there was a pronounced lack of balance between mortality and recruitment processes. Mortality rate was eight times higher than recruitment rate. Eventually, there was a net significant decline in population density, observed for all major tree species, including Scots pine, pedunculate oak, silver and downy birch, and black alder. As mortality processes affected mainly smaller trees, there was also a significant deterioration of the general demographic status of most important tree species. This effect was shown by the change of the overall shape of diameter distributions over the study period: from reverse J−shaped to flat curves running nearly parallel to X−axis. The values of recruitment rates were markedly lower, and the values of mortality rates – significantly higher, than analogous values characterizing comparable forests (e.g., those obtained for the natural stands of Białowieża National Park). Low recruitment rates, as obtained for Kampinos stands, suggest that presently, in the local, Scots pine−dominated, old−growth stands, the general conditions for forest regeneration and for maintaining a long−term demographic stability are unfavorable. Most probably, the regeneration of this type of forest has an episodic, ‘wave−like’ character and corresponds to the ‘catastrophic’ model, according to which the successful regeneration of current dominants (especially Scots pine, silver and downy birch, black alder) must be preceded by a stand−initiating (stand−replacing) disturbance, leading to total or partial, but heavy, destruction of the currently existing stand. At the moment, it would be difficult to predict, however, if and when such a disturbance will affect the stands under investigation. Thus, we predict that in the nearest future at least, the state of overall demographic unbalance will continue or even increase.
Sylwan; 2020, 164, 06; 443-453
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Struktura i dynamika wielogeneracyjnych starodrzewów sosnowych występujących w obszarach ochrony ścisłej Kaliszki i Sieraków w Kampinoskim Parku Narodowym. Część 1. Zróżnicowanie gatunkowe, zagęszczenie i pierśnicowe pole przekroju
Structure and dynamics of uneven−aged Scots pine−dominated old−growth stands in Kaliszki and Sieraków strict protection areas in the Kampinos National Park. Part 1. Species composition, tree density and basal area
Brzeziecki, B.
Zajączkowski, J.
Olszewski, A.
Bolibok, L.
Andrzejczyk, T.
Bielak, K.
Buraczyk, W.
Drozdowski, S.
Gawron, L.
Jastrzębowski, S.
Szeligowski, H.
Żybura, H.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
forest dynamics
long−term research
old−growth forest
permanent study plot
strict protection
species composition
The paper describes changes, which took place over the last 30 years in old−growth forest stands occupying two permanent research plots, established in the Kaliszki and Sieraków strict protection areas in the Kampinos National Park (central Poland). Both plots have a form of ecological transects. The Kaliszki plot is 20 m wide and 700 m long (1.40 ha), while the Sieraków plot (total area of 2.56 ha) consists of two parts: main (40×460 m) and side (40×180 m) transect. In the Kaliszki plot, the stand measurements were conducted in 1993, 2007, and 2017, while in the Sieraków plot – in 1989, 1994, 2006, and 2017. For every tree with breast height diameter (DBH) 5 cm, species identity, DBH and spatial coordinates were determined. Starting from the second census, all trees which had died (‘losses’), as well as trees which exceeded the DBH threshold (‘gains’) since the previous record were noted, as well. The major tree species occurring on sample plots are Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), pedunculate oak (Quercus robur), silver and downy birch (Betula sp.), and black alder (Alnus glutinosa). During the study period, the overall tree density declined by ca. 50%. The diminishing trends occurred for all dominant tree species. In contrast to major, dominant tree species, the demographic status of a group of minor tree species (lime, hornbeam and maple) was much more stable. One may even speak about some expansion in this case. Particularly, hornbeam density increased rapidly in the period 2006−2017 in some areas of the main transect located in the Sieraków plot. The future studies will show if this tendency will be maintained and will include other regions of sample plots. Assuming a lack of significant disturbances, one may expect that the stands growing on research plots will rather slowly change in the nearest future. Most dynamics will have a quantitative and not qualitative character. One may anticipate, for example, a growing role of pedunculate oak at the expense of Scots pine, however, considering that the two species are rather long−living, they will probably for a long time keep their dominant roles in the stand canopies.
Sylwan; 2020, 164, 05; 392-403
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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