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Odnowa wsi i marketing miejsca – stymulatory współczesnego funkcjonowania wsi
Village renewal and regions marketing - stimulator of modern villages functioning and development
Oleszek, J.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
odnowa wsi
village renewal
Nowadays, while economical transformation is ongoing the image of the village is being changed. Factors that form conditions and quality of life should be transformed. The tool that enables realization is village renewal. This system is defined as a region's modernization and revitalization campaign. The issue of former consideration was mainly of a technical and formal aspect. Thus the main question of the taken analysis is the level of adaptation of "maturity" of the region to renewal process. The object of analyze is as follows: level of identification of inhabitants with a village with the site, degree of social integration, and social involvement in villages' problems. The variables function's dependence was specified and the range of continuity of function was identified - it is being interpreted as a point where actions of modernization of current tendency of the village development should be taken. It was proven that the set of actions should be a system that is known as a region's marketing.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2005, 1-2; 98-04
Pojawia się w:
Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tożsamość, trwałość, rozwój; Ochrona krajobrazu kulturowego w projektach odnowy wsi
Identity, durability, development; Cultural landscape protection in projects of village renewal
Raszeja, E.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
krajobraz kulturowy
odnowa wsi
cultural landscape
village renewal
When facing growing endangerment of cultural heritage and village landscape caused by modern tendencies and development processes, it is necessary to encircle with protection not only particular objects but also all spatial sets and landscape forms. These problems should be included into village renewal projects, and individual solutions have to be preceded by comprehensive examinations. In modern programs of village renewal the need to rebuild spatial identity, based on durable values preserved in the cultural landscape of a village, is underlined. The ability to read these values and to respect them is connected with it. The article presents three projects connected with widely understood village renewal. One of them is an Irish project, ranging from researches to records of cultural heritage in the Belcoo region, carried out mutually by scientists, artists and village inhabitants. Within its limits commodious archival material was gathered and the history of this region which had been recorded in archeological, architectonical and spatial heritage was recreated. The next example originates from the region of Sławno in Middle Pomerania, where complex researches (archeological, architectonical, scenic, biological) on cultural landscape have been run in the River Wieprza valley over last few years. It is a specific terrain due to its natural values, and also the stage of preservation of cultural landscape resources. It is characterized by cultural apposition - Slavic origin, medieval settlements based on German law and German influence in 19th and 20th century village building. The region of Nowy Tomyśl in Great Poland is an example of cultural landscape, created by colonization of 18th century Dutch settlers. In the place of stumped forest this homogeneous landscape structure was created which has lasted in an almost unchanged form until today. The research run at Pomerania and in Great Poland included identifica ion of cultural landscape resources, choice and character of the elements defining its specification, evaluation of the stage of preservation of characteristics and traditional forms and the study of landscape perception.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2005, 1-2; 41-50
Pojawia się w:
Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przemiany wizerunku wsi opolskiej pod wpływem odnowy wsi
Changes to Opole villages image influenced by village renewal
Niedźwiecka-Filipiak, I.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
odnowa wsi
village renewal
Revitalization of rural areas, their efficient functioning together with preserving specific "country" character is a value appreciated in European Union countries. Very useful in those domains is the program of Village Renewal, which, through positive thinking of the parts participating in it, brings calculable effects such as increase in social and local activity, improvement of standard and quality of lives of village inhabitants, together with coincident preservation of the identity of the place, tradition and the landscape surrounding it. Opole villages have a very important characteristic, mostly they are of compact development which did not relent to dispersal during the centuries as it occurred in Lesser Poland area. Most of the elaborated villages did not submit to intensive development, hence well preserved, clear special sets and often undisturbed panoramas and entrances to the villages. Additional value is a characteristic yard development with well preserved architectonical details. It can constitute a base to determine directives constituting a base for protection of the identity of the place. The assignment of inhabitants is creating a new image of the village while saving those traditional elements.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2005, 1-2; 18-26
Pojawia się w:
Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odnowa wsi w województwie wielkopolskim na podstawie doświadczenia gminy Kramsk w ramach Sektorowego Programu Operacyjnego (SPO)
The Village Renewal process in Wielkopolska Voivodship - the experience of local community of Kramsk within the EU support Operational Program (SPO)
Lecyk, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Centrum Doradztwa Rolniczego w Brwinowie. Oddział w Poznaniu
odnowa wsi
Sektorowy Program Operacyjny
village renewal
Sectoral Operational Program
Odnowa wsi to proces przemian, których głównym motorem napędowym jest społeczność lokalna, i który ma na celu poprawę warunków życia mieszkańców terenów wiejskich. Odnowa wsi wpływa na kształtowanie standardu oraz jakości życia na wsi, daje możliwość samorealizacji i poczucia uczestnictwa we wspólnocie i współtworzeniu własnego otoczenia. Uaktywnia zasoby, jakimi dysponuje społeczność na danym terenie, mobilizuje siły oraz tworzy warunki do rozwoju istniejących, jak i nowych dziedzin gospodarowania. Jest procesem sprawdzonym i wypróbowanym w krajach Unii Europejskiej (głównie w Austrii i Niemczech), umożliwiającym rozwój gospodarczy i społeczno-kulturalny i to w formie najbardziej odpowiadającej społeczności lokalnej, ponieważ jego kierunek jest przez nią samą wybrany.
Village renewal is a process of transformation driven mainly by the local community and aimed at improving the living conditions of the inhabitants of rural areas. The renewal of the countryside affects the shaping of the standard and quality of life in the countryside, gives the opportunity for self-realization and a sense of participation in the community and co-creation of one's own environment. It activates the resources available to the community in a given area, mobilizes forces and creates conditions for the development of existing and new fields of economy. It is a tried and tested process in the European Union countries (mainly in Austria and Germany), enabling economic and socio-cultural development in the form most suitable for the local community, because its direction is chosen by it.
Zagadnienia Doradztwa Rolniczego; 2009, 57, 2; 93-100
Pojawia się w:
Zagadnienia Doradztwa Rolniczego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odnowa wsi jako środowisko zachowania i zgodnego z dziedzictwem kulturowym kształtowania krajobrazu wiejskiego
Village renewal as an environment of prevention and pliant to cultural heritage in shaping the rural landscape
Wilczyński, R.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
krajobraz wiejski
odnowa wsi
rozwój obszarów wiejskich
rural landscape
village renewal
The renewal of the village is an innovational concept of development of rural areas which occurred in German speaking countries at the turn of 70s and 80s as a reaction to the then increasing crisis in rural areas. The basis for this current of rural area development is belief that modernization of villages according to urban pattern and agriculture based on industrial production methods do not solve village problems but on the contrary deepen them. There is a future in front of it if its specific is considered in the approach to the development. It determines competition growth and successful chances in market conditions. Renewal of the village became a way of transforming an agricultural village into a post-agricultural one, with full preservation and development of its current values. The village remained itself keeping its attractiveness avoiding the "pseudo-city" syndrome which touched Polish villages in the way which makes achieving conditions of stable development difficult. In Poland renewal of villages is known thanks to the Opole program of Village Renewal (accessed by more than 300 soletstvoes), which was initiated in 1997. It is the biggest and the longest active regional program of local societies activation. As the first in the country it introduced the rule of grounding village development on a strategy drawn up by soletstvo (village renewal program). As a result of promotional actions of the region the expression of renewal became known throughout the country. It is possible to define a model of the progress of the village renewal process - from the initiating moment to the state when the village gains a stable bases of its development. Four phases where allocated: initial, starting, advanced and panoptical. Each of them has a characteristic, separate set of characteristics (states), each following phase is more capacious as to the matter and complexity of achievable states, and is, at the same time, longer and requiring exponential increase in costs. For village societies, the presented model has a value of general instruction on how to lead the village renewal in a most efficient way and in accordance with the logic of the process and what quality targets should be taken in the said moment of village renewal process advancement.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2005, 1-2; 10-17
Pojawia się w:
Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Possibilities of Rural Settlements Restoration in the Programme of the Village Renewal in Slovakia
Możliwości rewitalizacji wiejskich osiedli w ramach programu odnowy wsi w Słowacji
Krsáková, A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
osiedle wiejskie
odnowa wsi
rural settlement
village renewal
Na Słowacji program odnowy wsi jest bardzo znany, popularny i jest jednym z narzędzi przyczyniających się do rozwoju terenów wiejskich. Bazuje on na stronie materialnej i duchowej życia na wsi. Punktem startowym programu jest wzrost aktywności mieszkańców - na poziomie indywidualnym, jak i również społecznym. Głównym celem programu odnowy wsi jest zachowanie wsi i jej charakteru z jednoczesnym podniesieniem standardu i ochroną cech szczególnych oraz tożsamości. Na polu środowiska materialnego program jest szczególnie skierowany na planowanie i rozwiązania architektoniczne z poszanowaniem zaniedbanych, niedocenionych starych domów, czy całych kompleksów przestrzeni publicznej. Do przeprowadzenia analiz i planów rozwoju wsi i środowiska w programie odnowy wsi używa się wielu interaktywnych metod i form opracowań przy współudziale jak największej części społeczeństwa i ekspertów. Przy kreowaniu nowej architektury ważne jest aby odpowiednio wkomponować ją w otoczenie przy użyciu tradycyjnych detali i lokalnego materiału budowlanego.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2005, 1-2; 51-55
Pojawia się w:
Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Drugie domy we współczesnej wsi francuskiej
Second Houses in a Modern French Village
Gonda-Soroczyńska, E.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
odnowa wsi
French village
village renewal
The French view their native villages and their problems in various ways. Up to 27% of people concludes that rural areas have a real power of attraction., and that they would like to live in a little village, especially at the seaside or in the mountains. Only 8% of people inhabiting villages would prefer to live in cities. Huge interest in villages is shown by people with high income and long work period, who would gladly change their present place of living. Such people first of all notice the benefits and quality of the surrounding, beautiful and natural landscape, quietness and other possibilities of leisure than in cities. There are also quite a few people in France who live simultaneously in a few places, especially because of the work they perform, seldom because of leisure reasons. In different regions of the country such a situation also varies. In France, more and more villages are of a typically character for inhibition. Up to 60% of houses are co called "second houses", where richer French spend their holidays and weekends. At the end of the 19th century in France cities were developing very rapidly. With intensive increase of population. Simultaneously a decline in villages was noticed and mass emigrations of village inhabitants which caused their depopulation. Increase of emigration from rural areas was called a rural exodus (excode rural). Presently the situation is undergoing a slow change. A slow rise of population can be noticed in some rural areas. The French build their second, new house which has only a habitable purpose. They often adapt deserted farms for habitable purposes or habitable and service ones. Economical crisis which last many years, the process of devastation of neglected buildings and infrastructure has created and still creates a great challenge for commune self-governments as far as village renewal is concerned. They have a great range of actions in creating the conditions which would provoke the return of people to the village. Presently the birth of the new tendency of returning to one's roots can be seen. And the slogan Ťvivre au paysť is very popular. It promotes life in small towns. Exposes the essence of closeness of interpersonal relations. Migration of people who retire after their professional activity has ended has become very popular among those who return to their place of birth. However economical and employment problems still exist at rural areas. A decrees of agriculture importance and competition in non-agricultural sectors can also be noticed. Many projects which aim at village renewal are carried out in France. These are projects leading most of all to building development and infrastructure renovation, protection of cultural heritage and tourism development. Actions to limit interference in local landscape and actions to protect the landscape are also targets of those projects.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2006, 3-4; 80-87
Pojawia się w:
Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Krajobraz żyjący - wstępny program partycypacji społecznej w odnowie wsi historycznej
A living landscape - an introductory programme of public participation in historic village renewal
Staniewska, A.
Data publikacji:
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane ZUT w Szczecinie
krajobraz wiejski
odnowa wsi
partycypacja społeczna
public participation
rural landscape
village renewal
Odnowa wsi z zachowaniem cennego krajobrazu oraz zabytkowej zabudowy przy jednoczesnym ożywieniu ekonomicznym i społecznym może być kompleksową rewitalizacją. Studium przypadku dotyczy Starego Paczkowa – jednej z najpiękniejszych i najlepiej zachowanych historycznych wsi województwa opolskiego. Artykuł prezentuje istotne uwarunkowania (tj. tło historyczno-krajobrazowe) i dotyczy badań w toku: opisuje program oraz planowane metody partycypacji społecznej włączające mieszkańców w projekt rewitalizacji wsi.
Revitalization may lead to village renewal through safeguarding and making use of historic landscape and buildings' values along with community social and economic revival. The article describes background of ongoing research and its programme and methods used to encourage civic involvement. Case study is Stary Paczków – one of the most beautiful and best preserved historic villages in Opolskie Voivodeship.
Przestrzeń i Forma; 2015, 24/2; 191-210
Pojawia się w:
Przestrzeń i Forma
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zintegrowany system zarządzania zasobami przestrzeni przyrodniczej jako metoda odnowy wsi, na przykładzie Rezerwatu Biosfery „Polesie Zachodnie”
Integrated system of natural space resources management as a new method of rural revitalization based on the example of West Polesie Biosphere Reserve
Chmielewski, T. J.
Domagała, R.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
odnowa wsi
zintegrowany system zarządzania
przestrzeń przyrodnicza
integrated system
natural space
village renewal
West Polesie Biosphere Reserve was established in April 2002 in an area of 139 000 ha in Łęczyńsko-Włodawskie Lake District in Lublin Voivodeship. Poleski National Park is in the centre of the Reserve, in its western part - the Landscape Park of Łęczyńskie Lake District, and in the east - Sobibor Landscape Park. The main characteristic feature of the Reserve is the fine-mosaic ecological structure of the landscape with numerous lakes, peat bogs, meadows and forests in depressions and patches of fields on higlands of limestone substratum. From the 1950's to the 1980's the area of Łęczyńsko-Włodawskie Lake District was subjected to large scale draining. 61.2 per cent of all marshy grounds were drained. Seven out of sixty- eight lakes have dried up. From the mid-70's the remaining lakes of the Disctrict have been affected by rapidly spreading recreational development of the land. By the end of the 20th century the majority of the lakes made available for recreation had had their tourist carrying capacity exceeded, and, in several cases, it was over fourfold. To prevent degradation of nature, tourist and aesthetic values of the region a number of protective measures have been taken. Initially, in the 60's and 70's, they took the form of conventional local conservation (creation of nature reserves), then, in the 80's, nearly the whole area of Łęczyńsko Włodawskie Lake District was recognised as a part of the regional "Ecological System of Protected Areas". Granting the status of Biosphere Reserves to the whole region by UNESCO has started a new chapter in natural resources management. It is oriented towards revival of degraded areas with simultaneous revitalization of rural settlement, as well as development of agricultural production in harmony with nature. Natural resources management system of the Biosphere Reserve involves four interrelated subsystems: diagnostic, planning, decision-making and control. Both the cooperation of nature protection service with local governments and a holistic approach to all of the components of the landscape are of special importance for these actions. This paper presents the chosen methods and techniques of natural space resources management of the Reserve, which constitute the above mentioned system. Furthermore, it describes the effects of their application.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2004, 3-4; 60-66
Pojawia się w:
Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fizjonomia krajobrazu wiejskiego jako efekt postaw kulturowych jego mieszkańców
Physiognomy of Rural Landscape as a Result of Cultural Attitude of its Inhabitants
Borkowski, Z.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
krajobraz wiejski
rozwój zrównoważony
odnowa wsi
rural landscape
sustainable development
village renewal
The physiognomy of rural landscape differs in time and through space. In a pristine landscape an order prevailed and a modern cultural landscape is not harmonious any more. Becoming conscious of the fact and providing for human needs caused reflection and an ability to define a list of rules of sustainable development. Some ideas about village renewal were realized in those days. They may be characterized by solidarity and humanous thinking which are essential in realizing humanous and spiritual values treated together. If solidarity and humanous thinking is not popular among people who live in a village it should be formed appropriately. A culture means making and a transformation of exemplars, values and models of actions having an affect on human behaviour. Culture affects a form of human living and a manner of existing. This definition of culture allows us to come to the conclusion defining principles of a rural landscape design. In the further part of research a method of hermeneutic explication was applied and it allowed us to explain the rules which are taken into consideration during village renewal while the material and ways of building the form of objects are chosen. The variability of cultural landscape may be explained by causative and proper reasoning. The cause of changing the landscape is truth, goodness and the beauty of a landscape. The physiognomy of a landscape testifies to a degree of maturity and culture of people living in such a landscape.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2006, 3-4; 17-24
Pojawia się w:
Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Program Odnowy Wsi w opracowaniach Akademii Rolniczej we Wrocławiu
Countryside regeneration in case studies by the Agricultural Academy of Wrocław
Niedźwiecka-Filipiak, I.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
odnowa wsi
analiza krajobrazowa
Akademia Rolnicza we Wrocławiu
village renewal
landscape analysis
Agricultural Academy of Wrocław
There are many endangerments for traditional countryside landscape and the most important one is ill-considered chaotic actions of individuals not taking into consideration the character of the whole place. Each change to building cubage, overhauls, rebuilding, window or roofing replacement or erecting new objects can change irreversibly the character of the place and its expression. If the inhabitants who pursue what is new, different and modern in their understanding forget the identity of the place in which they are to live, in no time their traditional appearance and the character of the place is obliterated. One of the solutions to the described problems is creating a program "Countryside Regeneration" which takes into account needs in the line of improving life standards as well as problems connected with preservation of the cultural heritage of the country. The program is successfully carried out in the region of Opolskie province. In 2001 the Marshal Office of Opolskie province established a cooperation with the Institute of Building and Architecture at Agriculture Academy of Wrocław. The most important part of the cooperation is documenting architectural and landscape advantages of the countryside, counselling and designing country space carried out under the banner of "Let's Take Care of our Landscape". A pilot case study regarded Piliszcz village and was presented at the 1st Polish Congress of Countryside Regeneration. The next step in extension of that cooperation is introducing a subject area connected with villages participating in the program of countryside regeneration into the area of project and planning exercises during the winter term in the 3rd year of study. The main aim of case studies is helping the inhabitants of the villages to discover the individual characteristics of the place which distinguishes it from others and which can be an inspiration for further actions connected with the landscape and architectural changes of various places.
Architektura Krajobrazu; 2003, 1-2; 45-53
Pojawia się w:
Architektura Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rewitalizacja a Odnowa Wsi. Analiza porównawcza instrumentów Unii Europejskiej
Revitalization of rural renewal. Comparative analysis of European Union instruments
Biczkowski, Mirosław
Biczkowska, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
odnowa wsi
fundusze unijne
obszary wiejskie
aktywizacja mieszkańców
village renewal
EU funds
rural areas
activation residents
The article was devoted to a broader discussion of the substance of two rural development instruments financed by the European Union – renewal and revitalization of rural areas. Renewal and revitalization of rural areas are two important instruments for rural development, co-financed by the European Union under the Common Agricultural Policy (through the rural development program – rural renewal) and cohesion policy (through regional operational programs of individual voivodeships – revitalization). The article describes the features of both approaches, together with an indication of the similarities and differences that are associated with them. In addition, the answer to the question is how much each instrument influences the activation of the population and takes into account in the process of creating individual documents the participation of different social groups, public and private institutions, etc. Both approaches, though similar in purpose, do not duplicate or exclude, but Complementary and complementary.
Artykuł został poświęcony szerszemu omówieniu istoty dwóch instrumentów związanych z rozwojem wsi, finansowanych ze środków Unii Europejskiej, tj. odnowie oraz rewitalizacji wsi. Odnowa i rewitalizacja to dwa ważne instrumenty rozwoju wsi, które są współfinansowane ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej (poprzez Program Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich – odnowa wsi) oraz polityki spójności (poprzez Regionalne Programy Operacyjne poszczególnych województw – rewitalizacja). W artykule dokonano charakterystyki obu podejść wraz ze wskazaniem podobieństw i różnic, które się z nimi wiążą. Ponadto udzielono odpowiedzi na pytanie, na ile każdy z instrumentów wpływa na aktywizację mieszkańców oraz uwzględnia w procesie tworzenia poszczególnych dokumentów udział różnych grup społecznych, instytucji publicznych i prywatnych itp. Obydwa podejścia – choć w założeniach podobne do siebie – nie dublują się ani nie wykluczają, ale uzupełniają się i są względem siebie komplementarne.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Socio-Oeconomica; 2017, 29
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Socio-Oeconomica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zaangażowanie społeczne w procesie odnowy wsi i miasta na przykładzie gminy Międzybórz
Social involvement in the process of city and village renewal of the example of the Municipality of Międzybórz
Wrembel, Karolina
Kamzol, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
local partnership
social participation
village renewal
the commune of Międzybórz
partnerstwo lokalne
partycypacja społeczna
odnowa wsi
gmina Międzybórz
W gminie Międzybórz na skutek inicjatywy oddolnej zaczęło ponownie funkcjonować partnerstwo lokalne, które zrzesza burmistrza, sołtysów, lokalne fundacje i organizacje pozarządowe. Projekty społeczne stały się impulsem do próby podjęcia współpracy ze wszystkimi aktorami na obszarze jednostki. Odpowiedzią na potrzebę zrzeszania się okazało się partnerstwo lokalne, którma służyć współdziałaniu różnych podmiotów na rzecz danego obszaru. Celem publikacji jest przedstawienie procesu powstawania partnerstwa lokalnego w gminie Międzybórz i jego wpływu na proces odnowy wsi oraz rozwój lokalny gminy. Wyniki badań zwracają uwagę na rangę aspektu społecznego w rozpoczęciu i kontynuowaniu procesu odnowy wsi oraz rozwoju lokalnego ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zaangażowania społecznego.
In the commune of Międzybórz, as a result of a grass-roots initiative, local partnership began to function again, which brings together, among others of the mayor, village leaders, local foundations and NGOs. Social projects have become an impulse to try to cooperate with all actors in the area of the individual. The response to the need for an association has become a local partnership, which aims to cooperate with various entities for a given area. The purpose of the publication is to present the process of establishing a local partnership in the Międzybórz commune and its impact on the process of village renewal and the local development of the commune. The results of the conducted research draw attention to the importance of the social aspect in starting and continuing the process of village renewal and local development.
Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna; 2021, 53; 93-110
Pojawia się w:
Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odnowa wsi w Dolnej Austrii
The village renewal in Lower Austria
Bocheński, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Centrum Doradztwa Rolniczego w Brwinowie. Oddział w Poznaniu
odnowa wsi
obszary wiejskie
zrównoważony rozwój obszarów wiejskich
inicjatywy lokalne
village renewal
rural areas
sustainable rural development
local initiatives
Odnowa wsi jest jednym ze sposobów osiągania celów rozwojowych, umożliwiającym poprawę jakości życia na obszarach wiejskich. W artykule dokonano analizy przypadków zebranych podczas pobytu studyjnego w Dolnej Austrii. Wskazano czynniki, a także zaprezentowano rozwiązania o charakterze organizacyjno - instytucjonalnym, które w znacznym stopniu determinowały ich przebieg i pozwoliły osiągnąć zamierzone cele. Przedstawiono również wpływ podejmowanych działań w odniesieniu do procesów społeczno – gospodarczych zachodzących na gruncie lokalnym, regionalnym czy krajowym.
The village renewal is one of manners of attaining of development aims, making possible the improvement of quality of life on rural areas. In the article one fulfilled analyses of gathered cases during the studio stay in Lower Austria. Factors were showed, and also presented solutions with organizational - institutional character which greatly determined their course and permitted to reach intentional aims. Also introduced the in uence of undertaken activities with reference to social – economic processes occurring on local ground, regional or national.
Zagadnienia Doradztwa Rolniczego; 2011, 63, 1; 29-40
Pojawia się w:
Zagadnienia Doradztwa Rolniczego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Implementation of regional policy in rural areas on the example of village renewal in Lower Silesia competition
Realizacja polityki regionalnej na obszarach wiejskich na przykładzie konkursu Odnowa Dolnośląskiej Wsi
Kutkowska, B.
Mankowska, D.
Kalisz, D.E.
Data publikacji:
The Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists
regional policy
regional development
territorial self-government
village renewal
aid programs
rural areas
polityka regionalna
rozwój regionalny
samorząd terytorialny
odnowa wsi
programy pomocowe
obszary wiejskie
The aim of the research is to assess the targeting of financial resources granted by the Lower Silesia province self-government as part of Village Renewal in a Lower Silesia competition based on types and categories of projects implemented in 2008-2018. A properly directed management of local communities can have a positive impact on the development of the entire region. Not only do large EU funds have a real impact on improving the quality of life of rural residents, through cooperation initiatives, but small grants financed from the funds of province self-governments also do. An example is the Village Renewal programme – the longest-running regional programme for activating local communities. Activities in the field of village renewal implemented in Lower Silesia since 2008 indicate the dynamic progress of social participation. The analysis of projects co-financed from the province self-government proved that they were mainly directed at supporting the development of socio-cultural infrastructure as well as sports and recreation and leisure infrastructure. The experience of the self-government of the Lower Silesia province shows that external intervention in local systems through targeted regional projects opens new possibilities for shaping the socio-economic policy of rural areas.
Celem artykułu jest ocena ukierunkowania środków finansowych przyznanych przez samorząd województwa dolnośląskiego w ramach konkursu Odnowa Dolnośląskiej Wsi na podstawie rodzajów oraz kategorii przedsięwzięć realizowanych w latach 2008-2018. Odpowiednio ukierunkowane zarządzanie lokalnymi społecznościami może korzystnie oddziaływać na rozwój całego regionu. Realny wpływ na poprawę jakości życia mieszkańców wsi, również przez inicjatywy współpracy, mają nie tylko duże unijne fundusze, ale i małe granty finansowane ze środków samorządów województw. Przykładem jest program Odnowy Wsi – najdłużej działający regionalny program aktywizacji społeczności lokalnych. Działania z zakresu odnowy wsi realizowane na Dolnym Śląsku od 2008 roku wskazują na dynamiczny postęp partycypacji społecznej. Analiza projektów dofinansowanych z samorządu województwa wykazała zainteresowanie przede wszystkim wsparciem w zakresie rozbudowy infrastruktury społeczno-kulturalnej oraz sportowej i rekreacyjno-wypoczynkowej. Doświadczenie samorządu województwa dolnośląskiego pokazuje, że zewnętrzna interwencja w układy lokalne przez celowe projekty regionalne otwiera nowe możliwości kształtowania polityki społeczno-gospodarczej obszarów wiejskich.
Annals of The Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists; 2019, 21, 3; 239-248
Pojawia się w:
Annals of The Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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