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Józef M. Bocheński jako tomista
Zembrzuski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Tomasz z Akwinu
J.M. Bocheński
filozofia tomistyczna w Polsce
The aim of the paper is to present the following, how Thomism was understood by Bocheński, next, path of Thomistic inspirations he had followed, and finally we show Thomism Bocheński had explored when teaching his own philosophical abbreviation (ABC tomizmu). Analysis based on these issues would allow to identify the specific features of Thomism studied and explored by Bocheński. Hence, the question we might pose does not to regard the fact whether Bocheński was a Thomist or not but, what sort of Thomism he represented. Bocheński should rather be considered to be a traditional Thomist than existential one because in his philosophical work he barely treated the problem of act of existence and importance of this particular problem. However, he refrained from adopting the method fundamental for traditional Thomism, which is strict adherence (fidelity) to source texts of Aquinas. Bocheński, in being open to achievements of contemporary philosophy, especially logic, was closer to Louvain Thomism. But, he never decided to implement modern scientific trends to philosophy of Aquinas, the tendency which was foreign to the very essence of philosophy, at least in its shape understood by Bocheński. In his philosophical views Bocheński was closer to Aristotle and the Aristotelian tradition. And because he preferred to follow Aristotelian realism he consequently kept that stance. His interest in analysis the utterances of Thomism from a perspective of logic allow to classify Bocheński to analytical Thomism, but we should remember that in times contemporary to Bocheński, the very notion of analytical Thomism had not been coined. The aforementioned conclusions allow to recognize originality of Thomistic thought represented by Bocheński and also, to admit that Bocheński’s thought cannot be classified univocally to a particular school of Thomism.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2020, 1, 9; 265-289
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ Étienne’a Gilsona na filozofię w Polsce
The Influence of Étienne Gilson on Philosophy in Poland
Gogacz, Mieczysław
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Étienne Gilson
Tomasz z Akwinu
Stefan Swieżawski
Mieczysław A. Krąpiec
Thomas Aquinas
After the Second World War, Stefan Swieżawski gave his lectures on the history of medieval philosophy and metaphysics at the Catholic University of Lublin. The lectures were based on the approaches and methodologies of Etienne Gilson. In this way, Gilson’s thought came in Polish culture. The influence of Gilson’s thought on Polish philosophers had three tangible effects. First of all, positive knowledge about the Middle Ages as such and in particular the medieval philosophy was more able to penetrate the insightful minds. Secondly, a completely new, different from Aristotelian definition of metaphysics was adopted. The definition was developed by Gilson who based on the texts of Thomas Aquinas. Finally, thirdly, Gilson’s theory of history was creatively developed in Poland philosophy, as a study of the philosophical problems that ancients authors took and which have been elaborated in ancient texts. Pedagogical activity of Swieżawski and Mieczysław A. Krąpiec, who in the creative way took over Gilson’s thought, caused that existential Thomism has become one of the most known philosophical trends in Poland. At the end of the Stalinist night in Poland, Swieżawski manager to send to Gilson a series of philosophical works done at the Catholic University in Lublin; the texts concerned the history of medieval philosophy and metaphysics. In a response, Gilson encouraged him to step up his efforts to initiate research on the history of Polish medieval philosophy and philosophy of the fifteenth century in Europe. With time, a number of translations of Gilson’s books appeared in Poland. Until today they influence their readers. Today, in 21st century, Gilsonian works are used by the next - after the Swieżawski’s and Krąpiec’s students - Polish generation of Thomists.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2018, 7; 119-128
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Komentarz Tomasza z Akwinu do Liber de causis – odyseja tekstów i koncepcji przez kultury, epoki i szkoły filozoficzne
Le commentaire de Thomas d’Aquin à Liber de causis – odyssée de textes et de conceptions à travers les cultures, les époques et les écoles philosophiques
Andrzejuk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Tomasz z Akwinu
Thomas d'Aquin
Liber de causis, à savoir Le Livre des Causes c’est une suite d’extraits d’Éléments de théologie de Proclos commentés par un auteur arabe anonyme. Traduit du latin par Gérard de Crémone avant l’an 1187 ce texte était jusqu'à la parution en 1272 de son commentaire effectué par Thomas d’Aquin, attribué à Aristote. Le texte en version arabe a paru probablement à Toledo au début du XIIe siècle ou peut-être encore plus tôt à « l’époque des traductions » initiée par le calife abbasside al-Mamun, fondateur de la « Maison de la sagesse » à Bagdad (vers 830). Pourtant ce n’est pas ça ce qui est le plus important – la grande « carrière » de ce texte résultait du fait que l’on avait attribué à Aristote même. Dans ce fait il n’y aurait rien de spécial si on ne savait pas que le véritable auteur des idées contenues dans Liber de causis – Proclos (412–485) était l’un des plus éminents philosophes néoplatoniciens, disciple de Plutarque, réformateur de l’Académie de Platon, bref quelqu’un se situant presque aux antipodes du Lycée d’Aristote. La genèse de Liber de causis et de son commentaire Thomasien influence le texte. En effet, la philosophie que nous découvrons dans ce texte est extraordinaire. Dans la première couche, celle de Proclos, nous retrouvons le classique néoplatonisme grec, polythéiste et radicalement païen, mais considérablement émoussé par le choix approprié de thèses de Stoichéosis theologiké et le commentaire arabe écrit dans un ésprit monothéiste et créationniste. C’est ce texte néoplatonicien que commente par le suite Thomas d’Aquin – le plus célèbre partisan de l’école d’Aristote au Moyen Age, à qui la doctrine contenue dans Liber de causis devrait être extrêmement étrangère. Thomas ne le dissimule pas en exposant dans l’introduction ses constatations concernant l’attribution de Liber de causis. Néanmoins, il trouve dans le Livre des questions qui l’intéressent. L’une des questions qui intéressent Aquinate est sûrement la problématique d’esse – de l’existence. Aquinate interprète esse du Livre des causes dans l’esprit de sa propre métaphysique ce qui nous apporte la couche suivante du texte – philosophique. Il est pourtant très rare que l’on puisse en un seul texte passer par plusieurs sphères de la pensée et de la langue ainsi que quelques frontières qui les séparent. Nous pouvons aussi examiner comment la problématique qui nous intéresse se transformait depuis la classique version grecque dans Stoichéiosis theologiké de Proclos, à travers les transformations d’un auteur arabe anonyme dans Liber de causis, jusqu'à la version de Thomas d’Aquin dans son commentaire latin. Nous avons aussi « chemin faisant » deux, peut-être trois traductions de l’œuvre de Proclos : du grec à l’arabe (il n’est pas exclu que « entre » elles il existait aussi une version syrienne) et ensuite une traduction de l’arabe au latin (et une version polonaise du latin).
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2021, 10; 115-126
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Od fenomenologii do tomizmu? O intelektualnej drodze Edyty Stein do Świętego Tomasza
From Fenomenology to Tomism? Saint Edith Stein’s Intellectual Journey to Saint Thomas
Pałubicki, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Bernardinum
Edyta Stein
Święty Tomasz z Akwinu
Edith Stein
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Artykuł pokazuje powiązania i podobieństwa między myślą Edyty Stein i świętego Tomasza z Akwinu. Główny problem sformułowany został w sposób następujący: czy możemy mówić o intelektualnej drodze Edyty Stein do świętego Tomasza z Akwinu? Analizy pokazały, że Edyta Stein była osobą poszukującą prawdy w całym swoim życiu  a na tej drodze ku prawdzie istotne miejsce zajmuje święty Tomasz. Droga ta posiada trzy główne fazy: fenomenologiczną, chrześcijańską i mistyczną. Do spotkania ze świętym Tomaszem dochodzi w czasie „fazy chrześcijańskiej”. Żydowską myślicielka tłumaczyła dzieła Akwinaty, porównywał jego system z rozważaniami Husserla i sama twórczo komentowała analizy Doktora Anielskiego. Spotkanie z fenomenologią i tomizmem doprowadziło Edytę Stein do decyzji wstąpienia do klasztoru karmelitańskiego i analiz doświadczenia mistycznego.
The article shows the connection and similarities between Edith Stein and Saint Thomas Aquinas. The main issue of the considerations is: if we can talk about an intellectual way from Edith Stein to Saint Thomas Aquinas? The analysis have shown that Edith Stein was a person who was looking for the Truth in all her life. On this journey to the Truth we can distinguish 3 basic stages: phenomenological, christian and mystical. Saint Thomas plays fundamental role in the second stage. This Jewish thinker translated the work of Aquinas and conformed his way of thinking with Husserl’s phenomenology. The meeting with phenomenology and Thomism resulted in her decision of life in Carmelite order and analysis of mysticism. 
Studia Pelplińskie; 2020, 54; 197-211
Pojawia się w:
Studia Pelplińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tomizm egzystencjalny Mieczysława A. Krąpca a tomizm konsekwentny Mieczysława Gogacza. Ku analizie porównawczej
The Existential Thomism of Mieczysław A. Krąpiec and Consequential Thomism of Mieczysław Gogacz. Perspectives for Comparative Analysis
Ćwiertniak, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec
Mieczysław Gogacz
Tomasz z Akwinu
Thomas Aquinas
The aim of this article is to present the perspectives for a comparative analysis of the philosophical views of two renowned Polish representatives of existential Thomism. The authors mentioned above are known as the main representatives of the most important Polish Thomistic schools: Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec is the most important representative of the Lublin School of Classical Philosophy, while Mieczysław Gogacz is the founder of the Warsaw School of Consequential Thomism. At the base of this article, meant as an introduction to more advanced analyses, lies the conviction that mutual isolation between philosophical schools is harmful. It shows the necessity of a reciprocal confrontation of research results. In this paper, following a short historical introduction, the Author first presents the main areas in the thought of the two philosophers, which – due to differences in the concepts they employ – are most in need of thorough comparative research. Afterwards, the Author points out the most important achievements of both philosophers and makes an outline of the main difficulties and aporias connected with their ideas. Finally, an outline of further research is presented, which could help to overcome the aporias demonstrated here.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2019, 8; 173-195
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Istnienie pierwszym aktem bytu
Existence as the first act of being
Andrzejuk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Thomas Aquinas
Étienne Gilson
Tomasz z Akwinu
From the perspective of existential Thomism, and following Aristotle’s philosophy of being (metaphysics) as the nucleus and keystone of the whole philosophy, seeking there the most important claims of St. Thomas, the article asks the three following questions: 1) What is the novum of Thomistic metaphysics? 2) What was Thomas’ way of thinking that led him to formulate the thesis that existence is the act of being? 3) Would anyone else have discovered the uniqueness of existence if Thomas Aquinas had not done it? The answers to these questions were formulated in reference to Gilson’s views and his concept of the history of philosophy and to the study of the concept of being in the texts of Thomas Aquinas and the historical sources of that concept. 1) Thomas proposed a new understanding of the structure of being, in which existence is the act that makes essence real and constitutes being’s potency, together making a real individual being. Thus, Thomas formulated a new existential theory of being, overcoming the limitations of Aristotle’s theory, and consistently explaining the issue related to esse (a problem that Avicenna and his followers - Parisian theologians of the 13th century could not solve). 2) Thomas Aquinas - with the help of Avicenna’s metaphysics - outdistances Aristotle’s essentialism, perceiving being as composed of existence and essence. Then, examining thoroughly the proposition of the Arab philosopher, he sees there inconsistency of attributing the position of accident to existence. According to Avicenna the element of being considered as the cause of the reality of being became - at the same time, as the accident - an unimportant component of essence. That is why Thomas Aquinas recognized that existence is the act of everything that makes essence, which transcended Avicenna’s theory, and thus he formulated his own existential version of the metaphysics of being. 3) It seems that nobody else but Thomas Aquinas would have put up a thesis that existence is the first act of being. And what would have been if Thomas Aquinas had not done it? It is hard to say as we have no historical data to let us discuss it. Similarly, it is impossible to answer this question even assuming Gilson’s thesis that the detailed claims of a given philosophy are the conclusion of the set of principles adopted at the beginning because Thomas did not have such a set of principles as at the starting point he modified the principles of Aristotle and Avicenna. Would someone else have made the same modifications, thus creating a “Thomistic” set of principles? The history of philosophy analyzes the things that actually happened and left their mark; it has no interest in things that did not take place and leave any trace. This could be an area for historical and philosophical fantasy, if it ever exists, but we try to stay in the field of the history of philosophy.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2017, 6; 13-25
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tomizm czeski w latach 1879-1948
Czech Thomism in the Years 1879-1948
Taboł, Sebastian
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
filozofia czeska
św. Tomasz z Akwinu
Czech philosophy
St. Thomas Aquinas Thomism
The article begins from the state of research on the history of Thomistic philosophy to the Czech Republic. It discusse the most important figures of the Czech Thomism in 1897-1948 taking them in two generations of scholars. The particular attention is devoted to the Thomist environment Dominican Order from Olomouc who were publishing quarterly Filosofická revue in 1929-1948. As an example of the work of Czech Thomists author discusses an issue connected with the philosophical and theological aspects of upbringing the man. The achievements of Czech Thomists compared with whole Czech philosophy in author’s opinion is considerable: they organized International Conference of Thomistic Philosophy, they founded a magazine which was up to the global mark and published in it among others Maritain, Husserl, Patočka, they discussed about the latest philosophical currents and they reviewed philosophical dissertations from whole world. Czech Thomists’ writer activity also is very important: they published a lot of textbooks, monographs, dissertations and articles. Not all aims of Czech philosophers realized but they ordered relationships between faith and science. It was the reason treating Thomism in Republic Czech as a methodological thoroughness paragon.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2015, 4; 239-248
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kontemplacja i poznanie per raptum. Tomaszowe źródła rozumienia istoty doświadczenia mistycznego
Contemplation and cognition per raptum. Thomas’s sources of understanding the essence of the mystical experience
Andrzejuk, Izabella
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
poznanie per raptum
doświadczenie mistyczne
Tomasz z Akwinu
cognition per raptum
mystical experience
Thomas Aquinas
The aim of the article is to present the problem of contemplation and knowledge per raptum in St. Thomas Aquinas’s account. Both of these methods of cognizing seem to be an inspiration for the twentieth-century and contemporary Thomists to build the concept of mystical experience. Mystical experience is defined differently in various thomistic interpretations. However, we are primarily interested in the recognition of M. Gogacz, who understood the mystical experience as a sudden, unexpected and unearned experience of God by the human potential intellect. Although Thomas himself was not concerned with the mystical experience as such, but the analysis of selected texts allows us to accept the thesis that mystical experience, which was shared by the great mystics (St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross) contains some elements of Thomistic contemplation, and above all, the cognition per raptum.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2017, 6; 59-76
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uniwersalizm tomizmu i jego aktualność w świetle personalizmu Jacquesa Maritaina
Gliniecki, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Bernardinum
Św. Tomasz z Akwinu
St Thomas Aquinas
W niniejszym artykule autor studiuje poglądy filozoficzne Jacquesa Maritain, aby następnie przeanalizować jego ścisły związek z doktryną Św. Tomasza z Akwinu ujmując ją jako uniwersalną. W pierwszej części swojej pracy autor analizuje kontekst czasu i wynikające z niego procesy takie jak: degradacja inteligencji, marginalizacja metafizyki i zanegowanie wymiaru nadprzyrodzonego. Te elementy zostały w sposób szczególny omówione przez autora. Doktryna Św. Tomasza otwiera mu zatem nową perspektywę badań. W sposób szczególny pozwala ona dostrzec siłę intelektu i bogactwo rzeczywistości, rozpatrywanej nie tylko od strony istoty, ale i istnienia. Te aspekty tomizmu powodują, że Maritain określi doktrynę Akwinaty jako uniwersalną i wciąż aktualną, jako naukę, która ma zastosowanie w każdej epoce.
In this article, the author studies the philosophical views of Jacques Maritain and considers his close relationship with the doctrine of Saint Thomas Aquinas, described as universal.  In the first part of his work, the author analyzes the context of time and its impact on the degradation of intelligence, the marginalization of metaphysics and the negation of the supernatural.  These topics are reviewed in detail by the author. The connection with the doctrine of Saint Thomas Aquinas opens a new research perspective for the author.   It provides clear perception of the power of intellect and the wealth of reality, considered not only from the aspect of being, but also from that of existence.  The Aquinas system becomes a point of support for Maritain in his vision of man, allowing him to enter into a dialogue with modernism.  These aspects of Thomism lead Maritain to define the doctrine of Aquinas as universal and valid as a science that is applicable in every age.  The most important aspect of this universalism is the realism proposed by Saint Thomas Aquinas in his doctrine.  Thanks to his analysis, Maritain discovers Thomism as a doctrine that allows one to fully understand the world and mankind.  The author concludes that for Maritain, the genius of Aquinas is to communicate with the future.  Thomism is fundamentally good and shows how one should live, but it must be constantly cultivated.  In this sense, it is a challenge for each new generation.
Studia Pelplińskie; 2018, 52; 157-174
Pojawia się w:
Studia Pelplińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Naturalna niezniszczalność ciał niebieskich według św. Tomasza z Akwinu
Natural Indestructibility of Heavenly Bodies according to St Thomas Aquinas
Karas, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
filozofia średniowieczna
św. Tomasz z Akwinu
ciała niebieskie
arystotelizm chrześcijański
medieval philosophy
St Thomas Aquinas
heavenly bodies
Christian Aristotelianism
The subject of the article is the question of the nature of heavenly bodies in St Thomas Aquinas’ approach. The Dominican thinker, using Aristotle’s cosmology, tries to present his understanding of the Stagirite’s theory concerning natural indestructibility of heavenly bodies, which he treats as relatively perfect beings built of ether and indestructible in the world of nature, although they are contingent and created by God. The issue proves the Angelic Doctor’s independence and self-reliance; studying the universe he not only used Aristotle’s cosmology but he verified it with theological knowledge basing his considerations on the ancient and medieval commentators of the Greek philosopher. In St Thomas’ studies his conviction about relative formal and material perfection of metaphysical components of heavenly bodies is of significant importance. The conception of indestructibility of heavenly bodies also presents methodological assumptions of the metaphysics developed by the Dominican thinker who made the rules of Aristotle’s philosophy relative.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2005, 53, 1; 109-128
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wcielenie w świetle teologów scholastycznych. Próba współczesnej relektury
The Truth of Incarnation Based on Scholastic Theologians. The Attempt of a Nowadays Relecture
Koper, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
miłość Boża
Tomasz z Akwinu
Jan Duns Szkot
God's love
Thomas of Aquin
John Duns Scotus
Wola Boża jest niezmienna. Nie może na nią wpłynąć tak arbitralne wydarzenie historyczne, jakim jest grzech. Nie może jej zmienić także modlitwa ani ofiary składane Trójjedynemu Bogu. Dlatego Wcielenie, jako odwieczne zamierzenie Stwórcy, nie mogło być umotywowane grzechem. Twierdzenie to jednak nie było w teologii oczywiste od zawsze. W ciągu niespełna dwóch tysięcy lat formowania się chrystologii pojawiły się różne stanowiska na ten temat, ścierały się wielkie szkoły teologiczne − tomistyczna i franciszkańska. Słowa Pisma Świętego nie dają bowiem jasnej odpowiedzi na temat motywu Inkarnacji.
The God’s will is unchangeable. It cannot be changed by sin, neither by people’s prayers nor gifts giving for God. The Jesus’ Incarnation is wanted by God even before the sin. But this thesis was not so sure, because there is no full answer to this theese in the Bible. We can try to find out the answer in the two major theological schools: tomistic’s and fraciscan’s. But unfortunatelly, there is a huge problem, because both of them state two very different answers. Today it is also very important question what caused the Incarnation, especially for theology. It is more proper to teach theology in a positive key, instead of thinking that all God’s actions are motivated by human’s sin.
Teologia w Polsce; 2014, 8, 1; 133-151
Pojawia się w:
Teologia w Polsce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Własności istnieniowe bytu w interpretacji tomizmu konsekwentnego
Existential Properties in the Interpretation of Consequent Thomism
Andrzejuk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Tomasz z Akwinu
realność (res)
odrębność (aliquid)
jedność (unum)
prawda (verum)
dobro (bonum)
piękno (pulchrum)
Thomas Aquinas
reality (res)
separateness (aliquid)
unity (unum)
truth (verum)
good (bonum)
beauty (pulchrum)
The problem of properties of being as being as such, has been undertaken in metaphysics almost from the beginning of its cultivation. The stages of this story are marked by figures such as Aristotle, Avicenna, Philip Chancellor, Albert the Great, and Thomas Aquinas, followed by Duns Scotus, Peter Olivi, Francis Suárez, Thomas Campanella and others. We are interested in the Thomistic theory of transcendentals, however, as far as Thomas Aquinas did not write a separate treatise on transcendentals, neither did he elaborate the entire concept in his writings, this theory is more the work of Thomists than Aquinas himself. Therefore, it seems reasonable to pay attention to his antagonists (like Duns Scotus) and followers (like Suarez) who have influenced the Thomist vision of the transcendentals. The philosophical theory of transcendentals, since they constitute the most important properties of being, depends directly on the concept of existence itself. Otherwise, it will be formulated in essentialist metaphysics (eg in traditional Thomism), differently in different versions of transcendentalizing Thomism, and still different in existential Thomism, where transcendentals are directly related to the existence of being. The basis of the transcendental accounts, at least in existential Thomism, are the statements of Aquinas himself, scattered throughout his various writings, although the starting point is usually the text from the Quaestione disputate de veritate, where Aquinas most broadly formulates the general concept of existential property. Starting from the Aristotelian definition of being, Thomas writes that certain concepts can be applied to being, but they do not add anything new to the concept, but point only to a modus entis. These modi entis are also referred to as modi essendi (“the mode of existence”) or even aliquid in ente (“something in being”). In the following passages Aquinas says that they are “interchangeable” with being. In this way, he wants to emphasize that we are dealing with various aspects of being as being, and not with additional, more detailed beings, qualifications. They can be certain “measures”, “ways” or “determinants” of being, or existence (modi entis or modi essendi) or “consequences”, “consequences” (consequentiae) in relation to themselves (in se) or in relation to to something else (ad aliud). Interesting are the views on the philosophy of cognition from the perspective of the transcendental property of truth (Tomasz Pawlikowski), on ethics from the perspective of transcendental good (Artur Andrzejuk), and on the aesthetics from the perspective of the property of beauty (Piotr Jaroszyński). Research on reality, separateness and unity seems to be more difficult, because in the history of philosophy no specific philosophical disciplines have been associated with them, but their problems are dispersed in various philosophical directions and also have a different (though sometimes fundamental) function in them. Tadeusz Klimski and Jan Kiełbasa’s works can be an example of dealing with such an issue.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2018, 7; 131-157
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ewolucja a dzieło stworzenia — odpowiedź na polemikę Michała Chaberka z teistycznym ewolucjonizmem
Evolution and Creation—A Response to Michał Chaberek’s Polemic with Theistic Evolutionism
Tabaczek, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
dyspozycja materii
ewolucja a stworzenie
ewolucjonizm teistyczny
gatunek naturalny
Tomasz z Akwinu
wiara i ewolucja
accidental features
disposition of matter
evolution and creation
faith and evolution
natural species
theistic evolutionism
Thomas Aquinas
W odpowiedzi na tekst Michała Chaberka, będący polemiką z moim stanowiskiem w kwestii teistycznego ewolucjonizmu, zwracam uwagę na kilka kluczowych zagadnień dotyczących filozofii i teologii arystotelesowsko-tomistycznej w kontekście teorii ewolucji, oraz wykazuję pewne nieścisłości i błędy w argumentacji mojego adwersarza. Definiując kluczowe aspekty terminu „stworzenie” w ujęciu Tomasza z Akwinu podkreślam, że zmiany ewolucyjne należą do Boskiego gubernatio, a nie creatio. Przedstawiam także nieco bardziej wnikliwą analizę zagadnienia dotyczącego konieczności bezpośredniej Boskiej interwencji w powstaniu nowych gatunków. Przechodząc do zagadnień stricte metafizycznych poruszam kwestie definicji substancjalizmu arystotelesowsko-tomistycznego, analogicznego charakteru statusu bycia substancją, oraz alternatywnej systematyki organizmów żywych zaproponowanej przez Chaberka. W dziedzinie teologii filozoficznej odpowiadam na pytanie o pochodzenie formy substancjalnej pierwszego przedstawiciela nowopowstałego gatunku, w odniesieniu do zagadnień dyspozycji materii i przypadłości substancji. Wracając do kwestii metafizycznych aspektów ewolucjonizmu, proponuję charakterystykę transformacji międzygatunkowej jako procesu, na który składa się wiele zmian substancjalnych i przypadłościowych.
In response to Michał Chaberek’s polemic with my position regarding theistic evolutionism, I refer to some key aspects of the Aristotelian-Thomistic philosophy and theology in their encounter with the theory of evolution and point toward some inconsistences and flaws in the argumentation developed by my adversary. After defining crucial aspects of Aquinas’s understanding of creation, I emphasize that evolutionary changes belong to divine gubernatio, and not creatio. I also offer an analysis of the question concerning the need of a direct divine intervention in instantiation of a new species. Moving to metaphysics I comment on the Aristotelian-Thomistic substantialism, the analogical character of substantivity, and Chaberek’s alternative taxonomy of living organisms. Regarding philosophical theology, I answer the question concerning the source of the substantial form of the first representative of a new species, in reference to the categories of disposition of matter and accidental features of substances. Addressing once again metaphysical aspects of the evolutionary theory I suggest characterizing species transformation as a complex process, engaging many substantial and accidental changes.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2020, 68, 4; 217-249
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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