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Wyszukujesz frazę "hospital" wg kryterium: Temat

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"Psychiatryk w Las Vegas": o internetowych użyciach leksemu psychiatryk
„A looney bin in Las Vegas.” The lexeme psychiatryk ‘mental hospital’ as used across the Internet
Ciunovič, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Kultury Języka
leksem psychiatryk
stereotyp językowy
pragmatyka językowa
szpital psychiatryczny
mental hospital
linguistic stereotype
linguistic pragmatics
psychiatric hospital
lexeme 'psychiatryk'
W ostatnich latach coraz częściej pojawia się w debacie publicznej temat języka w psychiatrii. Efektem troski o odpowiedni dobór słów są rekomendacje językowe dotyczące mówienia o leczeniu zaburzeń psychicznych. Wśród słów wzmacniających negatywny stereotyp leczenia psychiatrycznego wymieniany bywa leksem psychiatryk. Artykuł jest refleksją na temat wartościowania tego słowa w internecie. Ponieważ przedmiotem analizy są konkretne wypowiedzi – użycia języka, autorka posługuje się narzędziami pragmatyki językowej do opisu całego kontekstu wypowiedzi (intencji nadawcy, charakteru komunikatu, zakładanego odbiorcy itp.). W większości analizowanych przypadków dominuje użycie tego leksemu wzmacniające negatywny stereotyp hospitalizacji psychiatrycznej, a same placówki (w przykładach często żartobliwych, na granicy potoczności i obraźliwości) jawią się jako miejsca odstraszające, patologiczne albo śmieszne i niezrozumiałe.
Recently, the issue of language in psychiatry has been raised more frequently. The concern for choosing the appropriate words has resulted in developing language recommendations regarding the way we should speak about treating mental health disorders. The lexeme psychiatryk ‘mental hospital’ has been mentioned among words that contribute to preserving the negative stereotypes of psychiatric care. Thus, the paper focuses on the ways in which this word is evaluated across the Internet. Since the author analyses specific utterances – the ways language is used, she employs the framework of linguistic pragmatics to account for the broad context of each utterance (the speaker’s intentions, utterance type, the assumed hearer, etc.). In the majority of the analysed cases, we can observe such uses of the words that uphold the negative stereotype of institutionalized psychiatric care, and the hospitals themselves (in examples that exhibit playfulness, bordering on colloquialism and derision) are represented as appalling, pathological or funny and incomprehensible.
Poradnik Językowy; 2024, 814, 5; 18-30
Pojawia się w:
Poradnik Językowy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawne aspekty stosowania przymusu bezpośredniego w szpitalach psychiatrycznych
Legal aspects of using direct coercion in psychiatric hospitals
Mróz, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
choroba psychiczna
szpital psychiatryczny
mental illness
psychiatric hospital
Artykuł porusza najważniejsze zagadnienia związane z problematyką stosowania przymusu bezpośredniego w szpitalach psychiatrycznych. Opracowanie przedstawia sytuacje, w których dozwolone jest wszczęcie trybu przymusowego postępowania medycznego wobec osób stwarzających zagrożenie dla życia lub zdrowia własnego, najbliższego otoczenia bądź bezpieczeństwa powszechnego, wbrew ich woli. Gwarancję realizacji zasad poszanowania praw i wolności jednostki stanowią przepisy ustawy o ochronie zdrowia psychicznego dotyczące stosowania w granicach konieczności środków przymusu bezpośredniego.
This paper discusses major issues related to the application of coercive measures in psychiatric hospitals. The situations are presented when a physician is authorized to initiate compulsory medical procedure against persons posing threat for their own life or health, their immediate surroundings or common security - against their own will. Provisions of the Mental Health Act regarding the application of direct coercive measures within the limits of necessity are vital guarantee of respecting the rights and freedoms of an individual.
Zeszyt Studencki Kół Naukowych Wydziału Prawa i Administracji UAM; 2017, Numer Specjalny; 103-121
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyt Studencki Kół Naukowych Wydziału Prawa i Administracji UAM
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kształtowanie środowiska zbudowanego szpitali psychiatrycznych
Shaping built environment of mental health hospitals
Bil, J. S.
Data publikacji:
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane ZUT w Szczecinie
reakcja behawioralna
szpital psychiatryczny
środowisko zbudowane
behavioural reaction
built environment
psychiatric hospital
Kształtowanie środowiska zbudowanego szpitali psychiatrycznych jest procesem wymagającym przede wszystkim dostosowania rozwiązań do charakterystycznych wzorców zachowań pacjentów. W odróżnieniu od pozostałych rodzajów jednostek służby zdrowia szpital psychiatryczny przyjmuje pacjentów z ciężkimi zaburzeniami zachowania o różnym podłożu. W znaczącej części przyjęć pacjenci w stanie ostrym zagrażają sobie i/lub otoczeniu.
Shaping built environment of psychiatric hospitals is a process that requires predominantly adaptation of introduced solutions to particular patterns of patient behaviour. In contrast to other health care facilities, a psychiatric hospital admits patients with severe disorders of various origins. In a majority of cases, admitted patients in severe condition pose threat to themselves and/or for those around them.
Przestrzeń i Forma; 2016, 25; 75-90
Pojawia się w:
Przestrzeń i Forma
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Środki przymusu bezpośredniego w perspektywie pacjentów i personelu medycznego. Perspektywa w kontekście wielokulturowości
Measures of direct coercion in the perspective of patients and medical staff. The perspective in the context of multiculturalism
Lickiewicz, Jakub
Nowak, Agata
Surjak, Edyta
Makara‑Studzińska, Marta
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
szpital psychiatryczny
przymus bezpośredni
personel medyczny
psychiatric hospital
direct compulsion
medical staff
Szpital psychiatryczny, stanowi swego rodzaju odrębny krąg kulturo- wy, rządzący się swoimi zasadami i przepisami. Oznacza to między innymi ingerowanie w prywatność chorego, a także, co szczególnie problematyczne, naruszanie jego nietykalności cielesnej. Charaktery- styczną cechą oddziału psychiatrycznego jest tzw. „paternalizm” prze- jawiający się uprawnionym ingerowaniem w przestrzeń osobistą pa- cjenta, z uwagi na jego dobro. W opiece zdrowotnej pojęcie „przymus” kojarzy się najczęściej z pacjentem psychiatrycznym, u którego w określonych sytuacjach, konieczne jest zastosowanie środków przy- musu bezpośredniego.Celem badania była analiza sposobów postrzegania środków przy- musu przez dwie grupy – chorych oraz personel medyczny. W bada- niu wzięło udział 307 osób, 136 członków personelu oraz 171 pacjen- tów, którzy wypełniły kwestionariusz MAVAS, służący ocenie postaw wobec agresji i środków przymusu na oddziale.Z badań wynika, że pomiędzy pacjentami i personelem medycz- nym występują duże rozbieżności w zakresie spostrzegania agresji i zasadności stosowania środków przymusu bezpośredniego. Pacjen- ci podkreślają, że ich agresja na oddziale ściśle wiąże się z warunkami w szpitalu, postrzeganymi przez nich jako trudne, podczas gdy perso- nel uwydatnia chorobowe przyczyny agresji pacjentów. Wskazane są zmiany systemowe, minimalizujące istniejące na oddziałach rozbież- ności, które mają znaczny wpływ na jakość opieki zdrowotnej.
The psychiatric hospital is a distinct cultural circle, governed by its own rules and regulations. This means interfering with the patient’s privacy and the violation of his bodily integrity. The characteristic fea- ture of the psychiatric ward is the so-called. “paternalism” manifested by legitimate interference in the patient’s personal space, for his good. In health care, the notion of “coercion measures” is most often associ- ated with a psychiatric patient, in which case direct coercive measures are required.The aim of the study was to analyse the perception of coercive measures by two groups of patients and the medical staff. The study involved 307 persons, 136 staff members and 171 patients who com- pleted the MAVAS questionnaire, to assess attitudes towards aggres- sion and coercive measures at the ward.Research shows that the differences exist in the perception of ag- gression and legitimacy of coercion between patients and medical staff. Patients emphasize that their aggression in the ward is closely related to the conditions in the hospital, perceived by them as difficult, while the team members highlight that the assault is highly related to pa- tients sickness. Systemic changes are necessary to address divergent di- vergences that have a significant impact on the quality of healthcare.
Perspektywy Kultury; 2017, 19, 4; 139-154
Pojawia się w:
Perspektywy Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wobec terapii. Pacjentki w najnowszej prozie kobiet
Towards therapy. Female patients in the latest womens prose
Ładoń, Monika
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
mental hospital
female patients
szpital psychiatryczny
Głównym celem artykułu jest interpretacja czterech współczesnych utworów prozatorskich autorstwa kobiet, poruszających zagadnienia terapii oraz pobytu w szpitalu psychiatrycznym. Tekst zawiera rozpoznania bazujące na historycznych sytuacjach kobiet: histerii, praktykach dyscyplinowania i wmawiania szaleństwa. Autorka artykułu przygląda się tekstom Aleksandry Zielińskiej, Olgi Hund, Agnieszki Jelonek i Justyny Wicenty, pytając o dokonane przez nie rekonstrukcje figury kobiecego szaleństwa. Zwraca przy tym uwagę nie tylko na tematyzowanie kryzysów i chorób psychicznych, ale również na narracyjne i stylistyczne strategie pisania o nich. Rozważania koncentrują się na obrazach szpitala psychiatrycznego oraz relacji między pacjentkami a terapeutami i psychiatrami. Przestrzeń szpitala traktowana jest w przywoływanych tekstach głównie ironicznie, nie staje się bowiem miejscem leczenia, ale opresji. Inaczej dzieje się w przypadku opisów terapii: interpretacje ujawniają stopniową rezygnację bohaterek/narratorek z dystansu na rzecz aktywnego uczestnictwa w sesjach psychoterapeutycznych.
The main aim of the article is to interpret four contemporary prose works written by women, touching on the issues of therapy and staying in a psychiatric hospital. The text contains observations based on women’s historical situations: hysteria, practices of disciplining, and insinuating madness. The article's author looks at texts written by Aleksandra Zielińska, Olga Hund, Agnieszka Jelonek, and Justyna Wicenty, asking about the reconstruction of the figure of female madness. She draws attention not only to the thematics of crises and mental illnesses but also to the narrative and stylistic strategies of writing about them. The considerations focus on the images of a psychiatric hospital and relationships between patients and therapists/psychiatrists. The hospital space is treated mainly ironically - it is not a place of healing but of oppression. The situation is different in the case of descriptions of therapy: interpretations reveal the abandonment of distance in favor of active participation in psychotherapy sessions.
Polonistyka. Innowacje; 2023, 18; 5-22
Pojawia się w:
Polonistyka. Innowacje
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Środki zabezpieczające stosowane przez sąd w stosunku do osób niepoczytalnych
Die vom Gericht angewandten Schutzmittel im Hinblick auf unzurechnungsfähige Personen
Bartnik, Monika
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
środek zabezpieczający
czyn zabroniony
szpital psychiatryczny
niepoczytalny sprawca czynu zabronionego
criminal act
mental hospital
In diesem Artikel wird auf die gerichtlichen Schutzmittel eingegangen, die angewandt werden, um die Gesellschaft vor verbotenen Taten unzurechnungsfähiger Personen zu schützen. Diese gerichtlichen Zwangsmaßnahmen gehören wohl zu den schwerwiegendsten Problemen und zwar sowohl was die komplizierte Sachlage als auch was die soziale Relevanz betrifft. In dem Artikel werden nicht nur die heilenden, sondern auch die administrativen Maßnahmen behandelt. Zu den heilenden Maßnahmen gehört die Internierung in eine psychiatrische Anstalt. Zu den administrativen Maßnahmen gehören: Amts- bzw. Berufsausübungsverbot oder das Verbot einer wirtschaftlichen, erzieherischen, medizinischen Tätigkeit oder was die Erziehung, Bildung, Heilung und Versorgung von Minderjährigen betrifft, das Verbot des Aufenthalts in bestimmten Kreisen oder Orten oder das Verbot der Kontaktaufnahme mit bestimmten Personen oder das Verbot des Aufenthaltswechsels ohne gerichtliche Erlaubnis oder das Verbot der Benutzung eines Autos.
Roczniki Wydziału Nauk Prawnych i Ekonomicznych KUL; 2005, 1, 1; 177-193
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Wydziału Nauk Prawnych i Ekonomicznych KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stowarzyszenie „Misericordia” jako przykład dobrych praktyk humanizacji leczenia pacjentów z zaburzeniami psychicznymi
The "Misericordia" Association as an example of good practices of humanization of treatment of patients with mental disorders
Lada, Anna
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
zaburzenia psychiczne
szpital psychiatryczny
instytucja totalna
mental disorders
total institution
psychiatric hospital
Pomoc osobom chorym stała się elementem życia społecznego. Coraz lepiej zorganizowana jest pomoc instytucjonalna. Filantropia, wolontariat, akcje charytatywne to działania, w które coraz chętniej angażują się ludzie. Pragnienie niesienia pomocy osobom chorym, z różnymi niepełnosprawnościami, dzieciom czy seniorom wyzwala w ludziach dobro i chęć do dzielenia się zarówno dobrami materialnymi, jak i tym, co najistotniejsze: czasem, towarzyszeniem i obecnością. Osoby z zaburzeniami psychicznymi stanowią tę grupę, która często postrzegana jest jak zamknięta i niedostępna. W prezentowanym artykule przybliżona zostanie charakterystyka funkcjonowania szpitala psychiatrycznego na podstawie koncepcji instytucji totalnych Ervinga Goffmana oraz swoista próba humanizacji leczenia pacjentów z zaburzeniami psychiatrycznymi. Następnie jako przykład dobrych praktyk w tym obszarze przedstawione zostanie Stowarzyszenie Niesienia Pomocy Chorym „Misericordia” z Lublina, które wspiera i pomaga, by osoby dotknięte różnymi chorobami i zaburzeniami natury psychicznej mogły jak najlepiej i na miarę swoich możliwości samodzielnie funkcjonować w przestrzeni społecznej. W artykule przybliżone zostaną rys historyczny stowarzyszenia, sylwetka założyciela i współpracowników oraz charakter pracy z osobami z niepełnosprawnościami.
Helping the sick has become a part of the social life. The organization of the institutional aid has been imporving. More and more people get involved in the philanthropy, volunteering, and charity activities. The desire to help the sick, the disabled, children or the elderly triggers good in people and the willingness to share both material goods and, what is most important, time, company and presence. People with mental disorders constitute this unique group that is often perceived as a closed and inaccessible group. This article presents the characteristics of the functioning of a psychiatric hospital based on the concept of total institutions by Erving Goffman and a specific attempt to humanize the treatment of patients with psychiatric disorders. Then, as an example of good practices in this area, the Association of Help for the Sick “Misericordia” from Lublin will be presented, which supports and helps people suffering from various diseases and mental disorders to be able to function independently in the social space as best they can. The article presents the history of the association, the profile of its founder and associates, as well as the nature of work with people with disabilities.
Praca Socjalna; 2022, 37(3); 117-129
Pojawia się w:
Praca Socjalna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Szpital psychiatryczny – poza granicami miasta i wyobraźni
Mental Hospital – beyond the City Borders and the Limits of Imagination
Model, Paulina Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Psychiatrisches Krankenhaus
Anthropologie der Psychiatrie
handlungsorientierte Anth-ropologie
soziale Distanz
psychiatric hospital
mental hospital
anthropology of psychiatry
boundaries of the city
city borders
social distance
action research
szpital psychiatryczny
antropologia psychiatrii
antropologia w działaniu
dystans społeczny
granice miasta
Badania prowadzone w Szpitalu Klinicznym im. dr J. Babińskiego w Krakowie – Kobierzynie miały na celu zbadanie jak szpital psychiatryczny jest postrzegany przez mieszkańców miasta. W tej pracy pytanie badawcze to jakie granice zostały zauważone przez uczestników. Analizie poddany został sposób mówienia o nich, tworzenia sensów. Na proces badawczy składały się: ankieta, spacer po terenie zielonym szpitala zakończony zwiedzaniem wystawy i wywiadem grupowym, a także osobne spotkanie z mapowaniem odczuć badanych na planie szpitala. Tak skonstruowane przedsięwzięcie badawcze miało na celu pogłębienie zagadnień znanych z socjologicznych badań nad dystansem społecznym wobec osób chorujących psychicznie poprzez zastosowanie metod jakościowych i działaniowych. Nowatorskie było także zaproszenie uczestników do ogólnodostępnej przestrzeni parku szpitala psychiatrycznego i tam prowadzenie większości badań. Wpływało to na sposób w jaki mówili oni o granicach i oswajaniu przestrzeni. W wypowiedziach osób badanych pojawiły się granice między miastem a szpitalem, granice i pogranicza szpitala jako takiego, problem nierozróżnialności granicy między szpitalem a innymi miejscami oraz między chorymi a zdrowymi, wewnętrzne granice szpitala oraz granica choroby. Granice te miały charakter materialny i niematerialny; również tym fizycznym barierom nadawano znaczenie metaforyczne. Najtrudniejszymi do pokonania wg opinii badanych były granice wyobrażeń i choroby. Pokonanie granic fizycznych, tj. zwiedzenie kompleksu parkowo-szpitalnego oraz wystawy o procesie chorowania i zdrowienia, skutkowało w ich opinii oswojeniem przestrzeni szpitala psychiatrycznego.
Die im Klinischen Krankenhaus Dr. J. Babiński in Krakau-Kobierzyn durchgeführte Studie hatte zum Ziel, zu untersuchen, wie das psychiatrische Krankenhaus von den Bewohnern der Stadt wahrgenommen wird. In dieser Studie ging es um die Frage, welche Grenzen von den Teilnehmern wahrgenommen wurden. Analysiert wurden die Sinnstiftung sowie die Art und Weise, wie man über die Grenzen spricht. Der Forschungsprozess bestand aus einem Fragebogen, einem Spaziergang durch die Grünanlage des Krankenhauses mit anschließendem Besuch der Ausstellung und einem Gruppeninterview sowie einer separaten Sitzung, bei der die Wahrnehmungen der Befragten auf einer Karte des Krankenhauses abgebildet wurden. Das so strukturierte Forschungsprojekt sollte die aus der soziologischen Forschung bekannten Fragen zur sozialen Distanz gegenüber psychisch kranken Menschen mit Hilfe von qualitativen und handlungsorientierten Methoden vertiefen. Es war auch innovativ, die Teilnehmer in den öffentlichen Park des psychiatrischen Krankenhauses einzuladen und den Großteil der Forschung dort durchzuführen. Dies beeinflusste die Art und Weise, wie sie über Grenzen und das Vertrautmachen von Raum sprachen. Die Grenzen zwischen der Stadt und dem Krankenhaus, die Grenzen und Grenzlinien des Krankenhauses als solches, das Problem der Ununterscheidbarkeit der Grenze zwischen dem Krankenhaus und anderen Orten und zwischen Kranken und Gesunden, die internen Grenzen des Krankenhauses und die Grenze der Krankheit tauchten in den Aussagen der Teilnehmer auf. Diese Grenzen waren sowohl greifbar als auch nicht greifbar; auch diese physischen Barrieren wurden mit einer metaphorischen Bedeutung versehen. Am schwierigsten zu überwinden waren nach Ansicht der Befragten die Grenzen der Vorstellungen und der Krankheit. Die Überwindung der physischen Grenzen, d.h. der Besuch des Park-Krankenhaus-Komplexes und der Ausstellung über den Krankheits- und Genesungsprozess, führte ihrer Meinung nach zum Vertrautmachen des Raums des psychiatrischen Krankenhauses.
The research, conducted at the Dr. J. Babinski Clinical Hospital in Krakow - Kobierzyn, investigates how the psychiatric hospital is perceived by city residents. In this paper, the research question is which borders were spotted by the participants. The way of talking about them, creating meanings, was analyzed. The research process consisted of a questionnaire and a walk through the hospital's green area, visiting an exhibition and a group interview, as well as a separate session which included the mapping of the respondents' feelings on the hospital's plan. The implementation of qualitative and action methods served to explore issues familiar from sociological research on social distance toward people with mental illness. Another innovation was to invite the participants to the public park space of the psychiatric hospital and conduct most of the research there. This influenced the way they talked about boundaries and domesticating space. The statements by the participants described the boundaries between the city and the hospital, the frontiers and the borderlands of the hospital as such, the problem of the indistinguishability of the boundary between the hospital and other places and between the sick and the healthy, the internal boundaries of the hospital and the boundary of the disease. These boundaries were both tangible and intangible. Even physical barriers were given metaphorical meaning. The most difficult to overcome were the limits of imagination and illness, according to the respondents. Overcoming the physical boundaries, i.e., visiting the park and the hospital complex, and the exhibition about the process of illness and recovery, in their opinion, resulted in taming the space of the psychiatric hospital.
Kultura i Wartości; 2023, 36; 101-122
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Wartości
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sądowa ocena zasadności umieszczenia osoby z zaburzeniami psychicznymi w szpitalu psychiatrycznym bez jej zgody (wybrane zagadnienia)
Judicial evaluation of the legitimacy of placing a mentally disturbed person in a psychiatric hospital without their consent (selected issues)
Wojcieszak-John, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
person with mental disorders
psychiatric hospital
forced hospitalization
forced treatment
osoba z zaburzeniami psychicznymi
szpital psychiatryczny
przymusowa hospitalizacja
przymusowe leczenie
Celem artykułu jest ustalenie, w jaki sposób przebiega sądowa ocena zasadności przyjęcia osoby z zaburzeniami psychicznymi do szpitala psychiatrycznego z perspektywy spełnienia przesłanek psychiatryczno-psychologicznych oraz przesłanek formalnych. Podjęte rozważania koncentrują się wokół analizy przesłanek przyjęcia do szpitala psychiatrycznego w tzw. trybie nagłym i obserwacyjnym. Badania aktowe przeprowadzono na terenie okręgu Sądu Okręgowego w Poznaniu i objęły one sprawy z lat 2018–2020. Wyniki badań pokazały, że konieczne jest wprowadzenie zmian legislacyjnych polegających na wprowadzeniu ustawowego terminu, w którym sąd obowiązany jest wydać orzeczenie w przedmiocie zasadności albo braku podstaw przyjęcia do szpitala psychiatrycznego, a także znowelizowaniu art. 23 ustawy o ochronie zdrowia psychicznego w taki sposób, aby przyjęcie do szpitala wymagało zatwierdzenia przez ordynatora (lekarza kierującego oddziałem) w ciągu 24 godzin od chwili przyjęcia, a kierownik szpitala zawiadamiałby o powyższym sąd w ciągu 72 godzin od chwili przyjęcia.
The purpose of the article is to determine how the judicial evaluation of the appropriateness of admitting a person with mental disorders to a psychiatric hospital is carried out, from the perspective of meeting psychiatric-psychological and formal prerequisites. The considerations undertaken focus on the analysis of the prerequisites for admission to a psychiatric hospital in the so-called emergency and observation mode. The file research was carried out at the district court in Poznań and included cases from 2018–2020. The results of the research showed that it is necessary to introduce legislative changes consisting, among other things, in the introduction of a statutory deadline within which the court is obliged to issue a decision on the validity or lack of grounds for admission to a psychiatric hospital; as well as the amendment of Article 23 of the Act on the Protection of Mental Health in such a way that admission to a hospital would require approval by the head of the ward (the doctor in charge of the ward) within 24 hours of admission, and the head of the hospital would notify the court of the above within 72 hours of admission.
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny; 2023, 85, 1; 169-181
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dylematy etyczno‑prawne związane z hospitalizacją psychiatryczną kobiety w ciąży
Chosen ethical and legal dilemmas associated with the pregnant women psychiatric hospitalisation
Kmieciak, Błażej
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
compulsory hospitalisation
human rights
mental hospital
patients’ rights
pregnant patients
pacjentka w ciąży
prawa człowieka
prawa pacjenta
przerwanie ciąży
przymusowe leczenie
szpital psychiatryczny
Sociological studies conducted over a few last years indicate that more and more Poles apply for psychiatric health care. Also more and more pregnant patients report to mental hospitals. Not only the treatment, but also the whole process of pregnant patients hospitalisation pose an unusual challenge for the physicians and nursing staff. Psychiatric hospitalisation of the pregnant women must involve the least disturbance, which is a fundamental rule in Polish psychiatry. The article below is aimed at portraying a few dilemmas which involve the care and treatment of the group of patients concerned. Some examples will be presented, relating to the compulsory hospitalisation, applying the direct coercion and electroconvulsive therapy to the patients expecting a baby, along with the principles which have to be observed during the mentioned procedures. Besides, the sensitive question of the so called psychiatric conditions entitling to perform an abortion will be discussed. This issue, discussed mainly abroad, has to be analysed also from the perspective of the Polish law. Therefore, in relation to the proposed topic, based on the specific case, the information will be presented about the Polish and foreign legal basis entitling to abortion on the one hand and the risk of the aborting women’s aggravated mental health on the other hand.
Przeprowadzone w ciągu ostatnich kilku lat badania społeczne dowodzą, że coraz więcej Polaków korzysta z pomocy psychiatrycznej opieki zdrowotnej. Do szpitali psychiatrycznych zgłasza się także coraz więcej pacjentek w ciąży. Nie tylko leczenie, ale cały proces hospitalizacji pacjentki w ciąży stanowi niezwykłe wyzwanie dla personelu lekarsko‑pielęgniarskiego. Psychiatryczna hospitalizacja pacjentki spodziewającej się potomstwa w sposób szczególny musi uwzględniać fundamentalną w polskiej psychiatrii zasadę najmniejszej uciążliwości. Poniższy artykuł ma na celu ukazanie kilku dylematów, jakie wiążą się z leczeniem i opieką nad tą grupą pacjentek. Przedstawione zostaną przykłady związane z przymusową hospitalizacją, stosowaniem przymusu bezpośredniego oraz stosowaniem zabiegów elektrowstrzasów wobec pacjentek spodziewających się dziecka, a także zasady, jakich należy przestrzegać w trakcie wykonywania wspomnianych działań. Omówione zostanie również szczególnie delikatne zagadnienie dotyczące tzw. psychiatrycznych przesłanek uprawniających do wykonania aborcji. Zagadnienie to, komentowane głównie poza granicami naszego kraju, powinno być przeanalizowane także z perspektywy polskich przepisów prawa. Dlatego też w odniesieniu do proponowanego tematu, bazując na konkretnym kazusie, z jednej strony zostaną przedstawione informacje dotyczące polskich oraz zagranicznych podstaw prawnych uprawniających do dokonania aborcji, z drugiej – wyniki badań ukazujących wyraźnie niebezpieczeństwo legalizacji wspomnianych praktyk, co istotne – niebezpieczeństwo odnoszące się bezpośrednio do pogorszenia się stanu zdrowia psychicznego pacjentki poddającej się zabiegowi przerwania ciąży.
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna; 2011, 11, 4; 243-249
Pojawia się w:
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Narkomania jako zjawisko społeczne- historia problemu w Polsce
Drug addiction as a social phenomenon. the history of the problem in Poland
Bielewicz, Antoni
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
szpital psychiatryczny
drug addiction
psychiatric hospital
The phenomenon of drug addiction has been known in Poland for at least several dozen years. In the period of the second Republic, it was not a major social problem. In 1933, the total of 295 addicts were hospitalized in Poland. According to pre-war researchers, the number of drug addicts could be estimated at over 5 thousand persons in the early 1930s. The pre-war addicts took first of all classic drugs: morphine, heroin, and cocaine. Also codeine, Somniphrene and Pantopon were rather frequently taken. Less frequent was the use of hashish, mescaline and peyotl. Headache wafers played the part of substitutes.             According to the data of the health service and the Warsaw public prosecutor's office, about three – fourth of drug addicts were men. Most addicts were in their thirties; hardly any could be found among the youth, as far as morphinism is concerned in particular. This type of addiction could be found nearly exclusively among persons aged over 30. The situation shaped ,somewhat differently as regards codeine addicts: also younger persons. could be found in this group. In the socio professional structure of addicts included in the files of the Warsaw public prosecutor's office, clerks prevailed; their percentage amounting to 30. The second most numerous group were craftsmen and tradesmen-,13 per cent, and the third on -representatives of medical professions (chemists, doctors, surgeon, assistants, nurses, midwifes) of whom there were 9 per cent. The percentage of workers was 2, of prostitutes-5, and artists-4. In the opinion of the most of the pre-war researchers, the above socio-professional structure is distorted. According to them, drug-addiction was much more widespread among officers (of the air force and navy in particular), artists, writers and journalists. As regards religion, pre-war addicts constituted as varied a mosaic as the entire society in those days. There were among them representatives of all of the most numerous religious groups then found in Poland. Roman Catholics were most, and members of the orthodox church-least :susceptible to drug addiction. The pre-war researchers of drug addiction devoted a lot of attention to the problem of etiology of this ,,social disease'' Some of them stressed above all the medical-others-the economic and political, and still others - the cultural or those related to civilization causes. There were also conceptions that laid particular emphasis on physiology and biochemistry of the human body.              The evolution of drug addiction in the post-war forty years may be divided into four stages.             The first of them lasted till about mid-1960s. The extent of the phenomenon was then limited, with the average of about 400 persons treated in out-patient clinics, and about 150 -in psychiatric hospitals. Also the police statistics point to small sizes of this phenomenon. In 1967, as few as 9 offences directly related to drug addiction were recorded in Poland. Drug addicts of those days descended from rather specific circles. They were mostly representatives of medical professions, that is persons with a relatively easy access to drugs. Over 90 per cent of all morphine addicts were employees of the health service. Drugs taken most frequently were the classical ones;(morphine, cocaine), tranquilizers (Glimid, Tardyl) and stimulants (amphetamines). In thest period, one could hardly speak of drug addiction as a subcultural phenomenon. It was mainly a medical problem. The majority of the drug taking persons were those already dependent. The addicts of those days formed no close groups sharing a given ideology, specific symbols or language. The taking of narcotic drugs was not a social but an individual behaviour in most cases.             The second stage are the late 1960s and the early 1970s. In that period, a rapid growth in the extent of drug addiction can be noticed. In the years 1969-1973, the number of patients treated because of drug addiction in out-patient psychiatric clinics was quintupled, and in psychiatric hospitals, tripled. In 1972, there were about 3,150 patients treated in psychiatric clinics, and about 600 in psychiatric hospitals.             Also the number of offences directly related to drug addiction grew rapidly. While in 1967 there was not a single instance of unauthorized giving of narcotic drug (art. 161 of the Penal Code) or of forging prescriptions (art. 265 § 1 of the Penal Code), 105 and 417 such acts respectively were recorded five years later. In 1971, over 3,000 persons "taking narcotic drugs" were registered in the police files. As found in a sociological study carried out in 1972 among students of all grammar, vocational and elementary vocational schools in Gdańsk, Sopot and Gdynia, 8.3 per cent of the respondents had contacts with narcotic drugs. In the case of about 45 per cent of this group, these contacts were occasional. According to the authors of the study, this percentage is the "minimum frequency of occurence" of drug taking "in the population of school youth in Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot.'' In this early 1970s, the number of persons in danger of becoming addicts (i.e. those who took drugs regularly) and those already dependent was estimated at about 30 thousand.             In the discussed period, also the character of addiction underwent changes: it became a subcultural phenomenon. The base on which it developed were the youth contestation movements which emerged in Poland as well. Addiction was given a cultural dimension by the ideology of the hippie movement. Taking drugs ceased to be an individual behaviour and became a social one which expressed certain attitudes and symbolized the affiliation to a given subculture. The young who took drugs formed smaller or bigger groups with strong internal bonds and a great sense of solidarity. They used specific symbols (way of dressing, recognition signals, rich repertoire of gestures, aliases, etc.) and quite a rich language (characteristic names of drugs and activities related to their taking). The very taking of drugs was acompanied by more or less developed rituals (narcotic coctails, seances, etc.).             In that period - and later on as well -the phenomenon of drug addiction was concentrated among the youth and in highly urbanized and industrialized regions. In 1972, nearly 75 per cent of persons hospitalized for the first time were those aged under 25, and over 60 per cent-under 29. In 1970, over 90 per cent of addicts treated in hospitals lived in towns. The limited drug marked. caused the youth to resort to substitutes on the unpracedented scale. In those years, general use of such substances as trichloroethylene, Ixi (washing powder), Butaprene (glus), ether, benzene, solvents and others started. Yet the major typ of addiction still remaind that to opium and its derivates, particularly in men, and to sleeping-draught and tranquilizers in women.             The third stage in the evolution of drug addiction are the years 1973-1976. In that period, a nearly 27 per cent decrease in the total of patients of psychiatric clinics, and a 40 per cent one in the case of those treated for the first time could be noticed. The morbidity index went down from 3.5 to 2.0. A similar trend, though less dynamic one, concerned also hospital service. In an attempt at explaining this phenomenon, three factors should be mentioned. Firstly, the early 1970s are the period when youth movements started to die out. Also a relative social peace reigned in those years, which caused drug addiction lose its socio-cultural base. Secondly, the medical authorities introduced a number of limitations in the accessibility of drugs in that period. Thirdly, repressive action of the police also influenced this tendency to a high degree. The prosecution agencies not only increased their efficiency greatly, but also acquired a much better knowledge of the addicts circles. These actions however proved insufficient to fully control addiction.             The fourth stage in the evolution of addiction started in the late 1970s. In the years 1977-1984, the number of patients treated in out-patient clinics increased twice over, and that of hospitalized persons - five times over. The indicates of dissemination and morbidity grew rapidly. Beginning from mid-1970s, the number of persons registered in the police files grew nearly two and a half times over. Also the number of deaths due to over dosage went up from year to year. In 1978, 18 such cases were recorded, with the number amounting to as many as 117 in 1986. The number of offences directly related to drug addiction went up from 1,093 in 1978 to 3,014 in 1983. The number of persons taking narcotic drugs was estimated at about 500-800 thousand in 1983; that of persons in danger of becoming addicts - at 99-95 thousand, and of actual addicts - about 40 thousand. Such is the minimum spread of the discussed phenomenon.             The unprecedented dissemination of drug addiction may be attributed to the emergence of two factors of which one is technological, and the other one psycho-social. In mid-1970s, the technology of production of a strong drug from poppy was worked out in Poland, which resulted in a great amount of strong narcotics appearing on the market. on the other hand, crisis started to accumulate in Poland in mid-1970s, which resulted in a growing frustration among the youth. The concurrence of these two factors brought about the explosion of drug addiction.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1988, XV; 251-286
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Orzecznictwo sądowo-psychiatryczne w świetle 4200 ekspertyz szpitalnych
Results of forensic-psychiatric examinations of 4200 offenders
Uszkiewiczowa, Lidia
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
orzecznictwo sądowo-psychiatryczne
ekspertyzy szpitalne
sprawy karne
obserwacja kliniczna
szpital psychiatryczny
niedorozwój umysłowy
forensic-psychiatric examinations
mental hospitals reports
criminal cases
psychiatric hospital
mental deficiency
The present contribution discusses the results of 4200 forensic-psychiatric  reports given, in the years 1953 to 1957, by twenty-one mental hospitals and the Department of Forensic Psychiatry of the Psychoneurological Institute, where copies of such reports, given by all the major mental hospitals in Poland, are collected. The present contribution does not take into consideration 300 reports in which no symptoms of a disease have been found with the subjects investigated, nor yet any mentally abnormal states, as well as 460 reports concerning reactive psychoses and 80 cases of simulation which arose only after the arrest of the investigated. (Cases of reactive psychoses and simulation will be dealt with separately, because of the altogether peculiar problems involved). Even though the leaving out of the account of the psychiatric examinations carried out in the Public Prosecutors’ Offices and the Courts of Law does not allow us to draw conclusions with regard to all those offenders suffering from mental disorders who have been submitted to examination, nevertheless, the large number of hospital reports available would seem to constitute valuable psychopathological and criminological material. 1. In investigating the cases sent by the Public Prosecutors’ Offices and the Courts to mental hospitals for psychiatric observation, we find, on the basis of available material, that the percentage of psychoses – setting aside reactive psychoses – is small, as it does not exceed 22 per cent. Three items: psychopathy, mental deficiency (most frequently a light feeble-mindedness or moronity) and alcoholism jointly account for a total of 50.8 per cent of the cases, and if, over and above that, we take into consideration post-traumatic mental disorders, epilepsy, post-encephalitic disorders and such like cases, it will appear that as many as over three-fourths of the reports given concern non-psychotic  states. Psychopathy accounts for 27.4 per cent of the cases, alcoholism and mental deficiency for 15.8 per cent each, post-traumatic disorders for 5.9 per cent, epilepsy for 4.7 per cent, and post-encephalitic disorders for 1.5 per cent. In the material under investigation cases of psychopathy amount, in reality, to more than 27.4 per cent, since cases of reactive psychoses and simulation, in which psychopaths figure extremely often, have been left out of the account. Similarly, there are probably more post-encephalitic states, which, having failed to be properly diagnosed, figure in cases which come under other heads, because of the lack of reliable interviews and the negative result of the neurological examination (in particular, in the mental deficiency and psychopathy groups). Cases of alcoholism, too, are less numerously represented in the material under investigation than would seem to result from the diagnoses contained in the reports. There can subsist no doubt that, apart from cases where the diagnosis reads ,,chronic (or else habitual) alcoholism", we also meet with alcoholism with a great many of such of the investigated with whom other pathological states have been diagnosed, and where alcoholism merely constitutes an additional factor, as a complication of other mental disorders. Altogether, the percentage of alcohol addicts amounts to at least 28. Among psychoses, schizophrenia is the one most numerously represented (510 cases). Only 29 delinquents suffered from manic-depressive psychosis, 62 from general paralysis, 30 – from involutional psychosis, 28 - from senile dementia. There were 19 cases of delusional psychosis, and 14 cases of paranoia. The number of cases with cerebral arteriosclerosis was 49, and that of cases of cerebral syphilis - only 20. In 44 cases it was a matter of twilight states with non-epileptics; here belong 30 cases of pathological drunkenness, 7 cases of pathological affect, 3 cases of ,,short-circuiting" (the so-called „Kurzschlusshandlungen” in German), and 4 cases of twilight states with an obscure etiology. 87.1 per cent of the reports concern men, 12.9 per cent - women. For every 100 men investigated there were only 14.9 women, while in the 1955 judicial statistics there were as many as 30 convicted women to every 100 convicted men. Cases of psychopathy, mental deficiency and schizophrenia constitute 61.3 per cent of the total of reports concerning women, while with men the above three items only amounted to 63.8 per cent after cases of alcoholism were added to them. Women are relatively most numerously represented in involutional disorders and manic-depressive psychosis. 2. When we examine the data concerning delinquency, it is obvious that it is the perpetrators of manslaughter, sexual offences and arson that are particularly numerously represented in the judicial psychiatric material. The most common offences against property, which constitute 33 per cent of the total number of offences in the material under investigation, reach the highest percentages in those cases which are not psychoses. On the other hand, among the offences perpetrated by persons suffering from psychoses there are relatively more offences against life and health, and, in particular, of manslaughter. Manslaughter amounts to 14 per cent of the offences committed by the persons investigated suffering from involutional psychosis, to 12.2 per cent of those committed by sufferers from schizophrenia, to 11.1 per cent of those committed by sufferers from paranoia, to 10 per cent, with sufferers from senile dementia, while with psychopaths the figure is only 5.7 and with oligophrenics - 4.7. Altogether, there were 288 cases of manslaughter or murder in the material investigated, and of these 77.4 per cent were divided between cases of psychopathy (67 cases), schizophrenia (67 cases), alcoholism (51 cases), and mental deficiency (28 cases). Among the 179 cases of sexual offences the bulk were cases of misconduct with persons under 15 years of age (93 cases), there were 43 cases of rape, 21 cases of incest, 12 cases of exhibitionist acts. Nearly 70 per cent of the sexual offences have been committed by psychopaths (55), oligophrenics (41) and alcohol addicts (28). On the other hand, the relatively highest percentage of such offences is to be met with those suffering from senile dementia, cerebral arteriosclerosis, and with mental deficiency. As far as arson is concerned, which in the material under investigation amounted to 3.3 per cent of the total number of offences, percentages higher than average ones are to be met with in cases of involutional psychosis, senile dementia, schizophrenia and mental deficiency. Out of a total number of 146  cases of arson, 53.4 per cent were accounted for by schizophrenia (40) and mental deficiency (38). With psychopaths and alcoholics comprised by the material under investigation cases of arson are extremely rare. Examining the delinquency of 158 epileptics, we establish that both the percentage of manslaughter and the number of cases of arson are small. What is worth while noting beside that is the fact that only in 24 cases the offence was perpetrated in a twilight state. The data concerning the delinquency of 510 schizophrenics bear witness to the fact that it was only a mere 8 per cent of the investigated that committed the offence during the first year of their illness, while the majority of cases the latter has been going on for above three years. When we analyze the 67 cases of manslaughter we find that it was only in two cases that the manslaughter was committed in the initial stage of the disease and constituted, as it were, the first visible sign of the schizophrenic process. In delusional psychoses cases of manslaughter were frequent, differently from cases of paranoia. In the few (29) cases of manic-depressive psychosis only one offence was committed in the depressive phase, white all the others were committed in the maniac phase or else in the hypomanic state. Deserving our attention is the lack of any more serious offences against life and health in this group. In the 30 cases of involutional psychosis more than one half of the offences consisted of those against life and health. Among the offences committed by the 49 persons with symptoms of cerebral arteriosclerosis, one-third consisted of offences of a serious character, while with the 25 patients suffering from senile dementia as many as one-half of the offences belonged to the category of serious offences. The delinquency of the 62 sufferers from general paralysis is almost exclusively reduced to offences of small importance of similar character as were the offences committed by the 20 sufferers from cerebral syphilis. In the 44 cases of twilight states (pathological drunkenness, pathological affect, and others) still 50 per cent of the offences consist of offences against life and health; 18 people fell victim to manslaughter. 3. The Polish Criminal Code, in force since 1932, contains provisions concerning, both in cases with mentally abnormal states, a state of irresponsibility and of diminished responsibility. A state of irresponsibility occurs when, at the time of committing the offence, the accused did not understand the significance of the deed he was perpetrating, or else was unable to direct his conduct because of psychosis, mental deficiency or other psychical disorders. A diminished responsibility occurs when, because of one of the reasons mentioned above, the ability of the accused to grasp the significance of the offence committed by him, and to direct his conduct was considerably limited. With regard to such and offender the Court may apply an extraordinarily mitigated penalty, while with regard to an offender who has been declared irresponsible, of course, no penalty at all may be applied. The offenders declared irresponsible are, by virtue of the Court's decision, transferred to a general mental hospital, if their staying at large could be dangerous for the legal order. They cannot be released from the hospital by the Court earlier than after the lapse of one year. An offender with regard to whom a diminished responsibility has been decreed and who is dangerous to the legal order may also be placed in a mental hospital (he, too, can be released from there by the Court not earlier than after the lapse of one year at the least). If the Court has sentenced such an offender to serve a term of imprisonment, the question of whether or not the penalty decreed is to be served is decided by the Court after the offender's release from the mental hospital. In cases of psychosis, forensic psychiatrists always decree irresponsibility. In cases of mental deficiency their decree depends on the degree of such deficiency, while in the cases, most frequent in judicial practice, of mild subnormality (morons, debils) –  also on the, category of the offence which has been committed. Psychopaths are, in principle, considered to be fully responsible. Altogether, out of a total of 3900 delinquents examined 24.7 per cent of the cases have been pronounced by experts to be irresponsible, 23.1 per cent of the cases – to have a diminished responsibility, while 50.7 per cent of the offenders have been declared to be fully responsible. 4. As far as experts' opinions are concerned with regard to the application of internment in mental hospitals of offenders pronounced to be dangerous for the legal order, as well as irresponsible, out of a total number of 946 offenders declared irresponsible, a mere 34 per cent have been pronounced to be dangerous. Moreover, in 31 per cent of the cases, experts have pronounced for the necessity of hospital treatment under ordinary circumstances. Finally, 35 per cent of the offenders pronounced to be irresponsible have been described as not standing in need of any hospital treatment. A diminished responsibility has been decreed by the experts in a total of 855 cases, but only 6.4 per cent of the latter number have been pronounced to be dangerous to the legal order and to stand in need of internment in a mental hospital. Apart from the above, only in 10 per cent of the cases, experts have pronounced in favor of the need for hospital treatment. In the remaining 83.5 per cent of the cases the experts have confined themselves to stating that the responsibility of the offenders in question was diminished which, in result, comes merely to a possibility of an extraordinary mitigation of the penalty being decreed by the law-court. It is evident from the analysis of the judicial sentences which we have just carried out that experts a[ too unfrequently declare in favor of the need of applying security measures. The result is an irrational punitive policy with regard to such offenders who ought to be approached first and foremost, from a psychiatric point of view. The Criminal Code provisions concerning security measures are obsolete and demand essential alterations, which can only be done by means of codification. Quite independently of the need for extending the network of ordinary mental hospitals, there also exists a necessity of creating a special type of establishments, of a psychiatric-cum-penitentiary character, for a certain category of offenders who exhibit abnormal mental peculiarities and tendencies to recidivism. Equally needed is the establishing of treatment homes for offenders who are alcohol addicts. As it ensues clearly from experiments made in various countries, the application of ordinary penalties to delinquents who require a special treatment from a psychiatric point of view is altogether inefficacious.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1960, I; 297-359
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Archiwum Kryminologii
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Biblioteka Nauki
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