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Woda jako czynnik różnicujący jakość siedlisk leśnych na terenach zalewowych na obszarze systemu NATURA 2000
Water as the forest habitat quality differentiating factor within flooding areas of the NATURA 2000 system
Krzeminska, A.
Drabinski, A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Stowarzyszenie Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich PAN
obszary Natura 2000
tereny zalewowe
zroznicowanie siedliskowe
siedliska lesne
warunki wodne
zroznicowanie jakosci
Nadrzeczne siedliska leśne są terenami niezwykle cennymi ekologicznie, wiele z nich należy do sieci NATURA 2000. Niestety, warunki wodne na tych obszarach w ostatnich dziesięcioleciach uległy bardzo dużym zmianom, a zmiany te mają wpływ na ich degradację. Z tego względu podjęto badania nad różnicowaniem się siedlisk pod wpływem zmiennych warunków wodnych na terenach zalewowych, biorąc pod uwagę odrzański polder zalewowy Lipki-Oława, porośnięty lasem. W artykule przedstawiona została analiza warunków wodnych i siedliskowych wykonana w latach 1997–2000.
Riverline woodland habitats are extremely valuable in terms of ecology, and many of them are included to the Natura 2000 network. Unfortunately, in recent decades water conditions on these areas have considerably changed, what is causing their degradation. For that reason, studies on differentiation of habitats determined by variable water conditions in flading areas have been curried out. The case study was Oława-Lipki flood polder, covered with forest. This article presents an analysis of water and habitat conditions executed in years 1997–2000.
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich; 2006, 4/3
Pojawia się w:
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zastosowanie Siedliskowego Indeksu Glebowego dla terenów górskich (SIGg) w ocenie jakości siedlisk zamierających drzewostanów świerkowych
Application of the Soil Trophic Index for the mountain areas (SIGg) in the assessment of the quality of the dying spruce stands sites
Januszek, K.
Małek, S.
Blońska, E.
Barszcz, J.
Chilarski, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
tereny gorskie
drzewostany swierkowe
zamieranie lasow
siedliska lesne
Siedliskowy Indeks Glebowy
site quality
mountain areas
norway spruce
In recent years, we face a massive dieback of Norway spruce stands in Poland. The cause of this process may lay in the way of their monocultural silviculture. The correct assessment of the habitat conditions and soil properties in particular is the basis of the proper management of these forest areas. The aim of this study was to verify application of the trophic soil index for mountain areas (SIGg) in the assessment of site conditions for spruce stands with different health condition. Three types of spruce stands were distinguished: degenerated, weakened and stable. In total, 32 study plots were established in following forest districts in southern Poland: Ustroń, Wisła, Bielsko, Węgierska Górka, Jeleśnia, Ujsoły and Lądek Zdrój. The SIGg was calculated on the basis of <0.02 mm fraction content, the sum of exchangeable base cations, soil acidity and the total content of N and organic C in the humus−mineral horizon. These attributes are useful to determine the potential productivity of the soils did not differentiate visibly the analyzed stand variants. The soil in degenerated and weakened spruce stands showed higher degree of acidity and less the content of base cations compared to soils of stable spruce stands. Mountain trophic soil index can be applied in the assessment of the forest sites potential. Although it does not enable to monitor the disturbances in the nutrients circulation, the detailed analysis of its components allows for precise assessment of the forest sites status.
Sylwan; 2015, 159, 05; 419-426
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmienność stanów wód gruntowych w różnowiekowych drzewostanach leśnych siedlisk bagiennych
Variability of groundwater level depth in uneven-aged forest stands of swam habitats
Grajewski, S.
Okonski, B.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Stowarzyszenie Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich PAN
tereny lesne
siedliska lesne
siedliska podmokle
siedliska bagienne
wiek drzewostanu
wody gruntowe
poziom wod gruntowych
Puszcza Zielonka
W pracy przeanalizowano kształtowanie się stanów wód gruntowych w różnowiekowych drzewostanach leśnych siedlisk bagiennych na tle warunków meteorologicznych (temperatury powietrza i opadów atmosferycznych). Badania przeprowadzono w latach hydrologicznych 2002–2005 na 7 powierzchniach doświadczalnych, zlokalizowanych na terenie Puszczy Zielonka oddalonej o około 6 km na północny wschód od granic miasta Poznania. W toku prowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że największą dynamiką zwierciadła wód gruntowych charakteryzują się powierzchnie badawcze z drzewostanami średnich klas wieku, zaś najmniejszą drzewostany najstarsze (V klasy wieku) i w mniejszym zakresie – I klasy wieku. Uzyskane wyniki badań, przez swoją niejednoznaczność, jak również ze względu na krótki ciąg pomiarowy, nie pozwalają przyjąć ani całkowicie odrzucić tezy o istnieniu zależności pomiędzy wiekiem drzewostanu a stanami wód gruntowych w leśnych siedliskach bagiennych.
The paper covers research on groundwater level depth dynamics in unevenaged forest stands of swamp habitats as influenced by meteorological conditions (air temperature and rainfall). The research period comprised hydrological years 2002–2005 with 7 experimental plots examined. The area of investigation was located in Puszcza Zielonka ca 6 km NE of Poznań. Variability of groundwater levels, especially at shallow water locations, tends to show cyclic regularity, modulated for particular years by irregularity of weather conditions – mainly the precipitation and temperature, but physiographical features such as soil, vegetation, drainage network, water bodies, surface relief affect water conditions significantly nevertheless as a exclusively modulating factor. The results of the research prove the main effect of air temperature and precipitation on pattern of groundwater level dynamics in forest swamp habitats as a general regularity. The above mentioned conclusion supports additionally the results of recent research on climatic water balance for the area of experimental plots location. Anyway, the question arises about no expected distinction in groundwater level depth between the extreme years as far as precipitation is concerned (the years 2003, 2002 and 2005). No groundwater level dynamics decrease along with increase of groundwater level depth observed was another irregularity. Probably significant, modulating influence on groundwater dynamics in forest swamp sites may be ascribed to forest stand age. Along with maturing of forest stand, for example, changes the dynamics of stand biomass growth, which is strongly related to transpiration level and uptake of water from soil by plants. Described above phenomena may explain variability of groundwater level dynamics patterns for the experimental plots. The results of research were affected by employing relatively short groundwater level data series and very inconsistent meteorological conditions of the research period (pluvial and thermal). Thus, the current stage of research cannot justify drawing more accurate and distinct conclusions. The thesis of forest stand age impact on groundwater level depth variability requires broader explanation and cannot be supported or rejected basing on the current research results. The project opened in 2002 year is continued to achieve assumed research objectives.
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich; 2007, 1
Pojawia się w:
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Waloryzacja siedlisk obszarów górskich na podstawie Siedliskowego Indeksu Glebowego (SIGg)
Evaluation of the mountain sites on the basis of soil trophic index (SIGg)
Brożek, S.
Lasota, J.
Blońska, E.
Wanic, T.
Zwydak, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
tereny gorskie
siedliska gorskie
siedliska lesne
Siedliskowy Indeks Glebowy
site quality
mountain soils
The correct assessment of the site conditions is the basis of the good management of forest areas. The aim of this study was to find a set of soil properties, which allow separating the diverse sites in terms of the soil productivity. We used 180 locations in the Carpathians and the Sudety Mountains for testing. The study plots were located in transects from the foothills to the top along the slopes, taking into account the variability of site conditions, geological substrate and exposition. The index was calculated on the basis of the content of <0.02 mm particles, the sum of exchangeable base cations, soil acidity and the ratio between total N content and organic C in the humus−mineral horizon. The soil trophic index for mountain areas (SIGg) that include the climatic factor was introduced. The factor is defined as the 650/altitude ratio for a given point above sea level. In the mountains, the content of <0.02 mm fraction, the sum of exchangeable base cations and soil acidity were determined in the column of 1 m² of the soil cross section and depth of 1 m (1 m³ of volume) due to the lower depth of the soil profile. The SIGg correctly separates soil of different productivity as the properties closely associated with the stable elements of the soil, expressing its production and properties, which reflect the current state of the soil environment, were used in the construction SIGg.
Sylwan; 2015, 159, 08; 684-692
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-5 z 5

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