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Empatia a doświadczanie i stosowanie agresji wśród młodzieży
Empathy versus experience, and the use of violence among young people
Lewicka-Zelent, Agnieszka
Huczuk, Sylwia
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pedagogium
agresywna ofiara
aggressive victim
Young people are at risk from acts of aggression both at school, in the family and from their peers. Frequently, the victims themselves begin to manifest it as a result ofexperiencing it from other people. Another determinant of the level of aggression is mass media or negative role models (e.g. the use of humiliating and compromising images and words). Empathy is a skill which enables one to recognize another person’s inner states and processes when coming into contact with the person. Thanks to it, one is able to share the emotions of the other person, which reduces the risk of aggressive behavior. Therefore, it is vital that activities aiming at the development of empathy and reduction of aggression be included into working with adolescents. Such activities may include sensitizing training, aggression substitution training, relaxation training or psychoeducational workshops. The aim of the study was to determine the level of emotional and cognitive empathy of aggressive victims as compared to young people experiencing or using aggression.
Młodzież jest narażona na wszelkie akty agresji zarówno w środowisku szkolnym, rodzinnym jak i rówieśniczym. Często bywa tak, że ofiara agresji sama zaczyna ją przejawiać, wskutek jej doświadczania ze strony innych osób. Innym ważnym determinantem poziomu agresji jest przekaz medialny lub negatywny wzór do naśladowania (np. używanie upokarzających oraz kompromitujących obrazów i słów). Empatia zaś to umiejętność, która polega na rozpoznawaniu wewnętrznych stanów oraz procesów dotyczących człowieka, z którym wchodzi się w kontakt. Dzięki niej człowiek współodczuwa emocje drugiej osoby, co zmniejsza ryzyko występowania zachowania agresywnego. Dlatego tak ważne w pracy z młodzieżą jest prowadzenie zajęć rozwijających empatię lub obniżających poziom agresji, w tym: treningów uwrażliwiających, treningu zastępowania agresji, treningów relaksacyjnych, czy zajęć o charakterze psychoedukacyjnym. Celem badania własnego było ustalenie poziomu empatii emocjonalno-poznawczej agresywnych ofiar w porównaniu z młodzieżą doświadczającą agresji lub stosującą agresję.
Resocjalizacja Polska; 2016, 11; 117-132
Pojawia się w:
Resocjalizacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Podatność wiktymizacyjna – przesłanki i formy przeciwdziałania wiktymizacji
Susceptibility to victimization – conditions and methods of fighting victimization
Opar, Anna
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
Wiktymologia to, zależnie od podejścia teoretycznego, samodzielna dyscyplina naukowa badająca problematykę społecznego mechanizmu stawania się ofiarą, bądź dyscyplina naukowa, nastawiona na badanie mechanizmu wiktymizacji, tj. mechanizmu stawania się ofiarą przestępstw kryminalnych, a także wypracowująca metody zapobiegające wiktymizacji, albo przynajmniej osłabiającej podatność wiktymizacyjną. Ta ostatnia rozumiana jest jako czynnik szczególnie uprawdopodobniający możliwość stania się ofiarą. Wiktymologia nie jest bynajmniej nauką, mającą służyć usprawiedliwianiu przestępców (np. gwałcicieli prowokacyjnym ubiorem kobiet), ale poszerzaniu wiedzy o społecznych mechanizmach przestępczości, rozwijaniu społecznej świadomości tego, jak określone zachowania czy życiowe wybory sprzyjają przestępstwom, jak prowokują przestępców do zachowań przestępczych, innymi słowy, w jaki sposób ofiary przestępców bezwiednie stają się ich ofiarami. Jedną z kategorii wiktymologicznych jest właśnie podatność wiktymizacyjna. Wokół tej kategorii, w kontekście metod przeciwdziałania wiktymizacji, koncentrować się będzie niniejszy artykuł.
Depending on a theoretical approach, victimology is considered to be an independent scientific discipline analysing the problems of social mechanisms that lead to someone becoming a victim, or a scientific discipline focused on the mechanisms of victimization; that is, the process of becoming a victim of criminal offences, and working out the methods of preventing victimisation or, at least, diminishing the susceptibility to this phenomenon. The latter is understood as a factor that especially facilitates becoming a probable victim. Victimology is not by any means a science serving the justification of criminals’ deeds (e.g. rapists accusing women of provocative clothing) but it aims at expanding one’s knowledge of social mechanisms of crime, developing social awareness of the way certain behaviours or life choices favour crimes, provoking criminals into committing crimes. In other words, the article presents how one may become a victim unknowingly. One of the categories of victimology is susceptibility to victimisation. This article is focused on this particular area in the context of the methods preventing victimisation.
Rozprawy Społeczne; 2016, 10, 2; 24-30
Pojawia się w:
Rozprawy Społeczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teoretyczne podstawy mediacji między ofiarą a sprawcą przestępstwa
The Theoretical Foundations of Mediation Between the Victim and Offender
Czarnecka-Dzialuk, Beata
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
Mediation as a method of conflict resolution also applicable to conflict resulting from an offences is the alternative of legal solution of disputes, a technique shared by various models that promote the use in practice of consensus. This novel plocedure fot conflict resolution (which is however derived from the traditions of the oldest societies) - a consensual one, based on agreement between parties - has been developing most dynamically over the recent decades, and pervaded all branches of the law in most legal systems (H. Jung, T. Marshall). In the specific context of criminal justice, mediation does not necessarily aim at conflict resolution. For this reason, it is defined as a process, where parties to proceedings are offered the possibility to actively participate in resolving issues that result from the offence, and are assisted in so doing by an impartial third person or mediator. Mediation may take a variety of forms (direct or indirect); it may be conducted by professional or lay mediators, under auspices of the law enforcement agencies or by an independent social organization, and the parties to it may include not only the victim and the offender but also their relatives and other supporters as well as representatives of the criminal justice system. As has already been mentioned, the origins of mediation between the offender and his victim date back to the oldest past when all issues related to harm involved in acts that are today treated as offences were adjusted in the course of negotiations by those directly concerned assisted by their families and clans. The offences was seen as a conflict between the victim and the perpetrator, with due consideration to the social context. Once the function of reacting to crime was taken over by the state, the reactions initially resembled the modern rules of civil law. Later on, when crime was interpreted as violation of the order established by the ruler, penal sanctions aimed not only at compensating the victim but also at supporting the authority of the state. Although Nils Christie's picture of the state stealing the conflict is a convincing illustration of this situation, the fact should be borne in mind that the state's taking over of the function of punishing was an immense cultural achievement of its time, especially for those members of the conmunity who were too weak to vindicate their claims (B.-D. Meier). Solutions that provide for specific forms of consensus can also be found in modern legal systems. In the area of mediation between the victim and offender, the practice outpaced theory. It was inspired, among other things, by examples of "community justice'' of non-Western cultures; by the movement on behalf of victims, the progress of victimology, the diversion conception, and abolitionism; by the theory of social peace and conflict resolution and by the conception of reparatory justice. This latter conception deals with most problems posed by the other ones. It is, however, difficult to define, and its essence is difficult to explain, especially if we try to embrace threads important for all the trends on which it bases. Thus in the end, a simpler definition suggested by T. Marshall won general acceptance: "reparatory justice is an approach to crime, oriented on solving the problem, which engages perionally all parties involved in it as well as the community, in active relation to the public sector institutions. It is not a specific activity but a set of ruled that may set the direction of the bulk of actions of all institutions or groups related to crime. Reparatory justice is a process in which all parties involved in a specific offence meet to reach a joint solution of the issue of effects of crime and conclusions for the future". This definition was subsequently modified somewhat by other authors. In particular, it was accepted by an international body - the International Research Network on Reparatory Juvenile Justice in its Leuven Declaration of May 1997 concerning advisability of promoting the reparatory approach to juvenile delinquency. Reparatory justice is discussed as a specific trend, approach, philosophy or even idea; according to most authors, however, it has not yet developed into a consistent theory, although incessant efforts are made towards this aim. The term "reparatory justice'' is attributed to R. Barnett; H. Zehr's contribution is the first general model of that justice as an "alternative paradigm of justice" whose main principles are opposed to those of the traditional retributive justice. Also J. Braithwaite's idea of "reintegrating confusion'' was of importance for the development of the reparatory justice conception. It is associated e.g. with Hirschi's theory of control, Matza's neutralization theory, Luhmann's systemic theory, and also with the traditional penal law theories under which evil has to be compensated by punishment, but compensation involving suffering prohibits a better arrangement of social relartions. Instead, reparatory justice balances the harm involved in crime through action aimed at compensation and “doing good” (Ch. Pelikan, B.D. Meier). M. Wright stresses that this conception largely tallies with the common-sense ideas as to how society should react to crime, supported by appropriate actions, analysis, and studies. Mediation and other restorative reactions are sometimes shown as responses that function instead, parallel or within the traditional justice system. Much speaks, however, for integration of reparatory justice with the criminal justice system. The approach that isolates mediation altogether from criminal justice pays insufficient attention to the danger of inequality of the parties to mediation in the area of efficient execution of their conflicting interests. Thus public interest requires that the course and results of mediation proceedings be supervised. The manner in which reparatory justice may replace repressive one depends first and foremost on the seriousness of crime. It is not in all cases that a purely reparatory reaction should be recommended as sufficient. This is among the frequent arguments of critics of reparatory justice (although even its supporters accept the existence of limits to its application). Skeptics also stress that reparatory justice violates a number of generally accepted rules of procedure, especially that of equality before the law (which, however, could be disputed) and the offender’s procedural rights due to him in criminal proceedings (which is in fact a weakness of reparatory justice, but collisions might be solved by appropriate rules and standards of the reparatory process or e.g. by judicial review of negotiated solutions). The conception of reparatory justice is often explicated through opposition of the basic models of reaction to crime (although faulty in some respects, this method well illustrates the most fundamental features). Reparatory justice is sometimes called the "third path'', an alternative to the (neo-) retributive penal law and the rehabilitation model which proves ineffective, and a fully mature self-standing model (L. Walgrave, I. Aertsen). M. Wright stressed two spccial ideas that distinguish reparatory justice from the traditional criminal justice system. The first of them is that the process itself constitutes an essential element of the reaction, that it is constructive and may even have a therapeutic importance. The other idea is compensation interpreted in a much broader sense - from symbolic actions such as work to those reducing the risk of the offender relapsing into crime. The justification and legitimization of mediation in criminal cases bases not only on new theorietical conceptions. Such justification can also be found in the assumptions of the traditional justice system. This is what B.D. Meier did assuming as his point of departure the penal law system's public function, including in particular that of restoring public order that has been violated through crime, and also that of preventing repeated violations. The traditional systems have always provided for two or three different models of reaction to crime. Prevalent is punishment imposed on the person who has been found guilty. The second model involves imposition of special measures irrespective of the offender's liability (security and preventive measures). The third model, of crucial importance for legitimization of mediation in the criminal justice system, consists in renouncing formal proceedings, e.g. in view of slight social harmfulness of the act, the fact that no public interest is involved in the imposition of penalty, or reasons of general and special prevention. According to T. Marshall, justifications of reparatory justice (fulfilled i.a. through mediation) should be sought in the community nature of the offence and its effects. Explaining the theoretical foundations of mediation between the victim and the offender is a complex task because of the multitude of its sources as well as theories and conceptions quoted, and particularly because of the lack of agreement as to the essence of the usually quoted conception of reparatory justice and as to its treatment as "competitive'' with fespect to traditional justice or (for which interpretation I would like to declare) as that system's highly profitable logical supplementation, improvement and expansion. Also in Poland, the practice of actions involving mediation have outpaced the theory: for several years now, there has been quite a rapid growth in its application in practice. In both spheres, there are many problems and challenges worth taking up. At the same time, expanding the theory is of importance for the practice. Explanation of the ideas, aims and foundations of mediation and of its position with respect to traditional justice is paramount for the institution's reasonable development, evaluation and shaping towards its meeting the expectations.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2000, XXV; 9-28
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ofiary włamań mieszkaniowych (wyniki międzynarodowych badań porównawczych)
Victims of Burglary (Findings of an international comparative survey)
Ostrihanska, Zofia
Wójcik, Dobrochna
Mawby, Rob J.
Walklate, Sandra
Görgenyi, Ilona
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
badanie międzynarodowe
international survey
Burglary is a serious offense which particularly affects the victim. It often has more one victim, and its effects react on ihe entire family and broader community. For the victim, its important element is not only the loss of and possibly damage to property, but also violation of privacy and of the related feeling of safety. The survey discussed in the paper was conducted in 6 cities in the following countries: Germany - Monchengladbach; Poland - Warsaw and Lublin; Hungary - Miskolc; and United Kingdom - Plynouth and Salford. Discussed here will be mainly the findings obtained in Warsaw and Lublin, and data from the rest of the sample will be referred to on some issues only. The survey focused on the following issuess: 1/ circumstances of the offense and losses suffered by the victims; 2/ respondents’ attitudes to the police and appraisal of police work in their case; 3/ assistance received, self-organization, steps undertaken by the victims to prevent further burglaries; 4/ respondents’ feelings, their reactions to the offense and persistence of those reactions. The survey based on data from interviews with victims of burglary and on information obtained from the police (the questionnaire was developed by the designer and head of the project, Prof. R.I. Mawby and contained some questions from the British Crime Survey Questionnaire of 1984, 1988, and l992). Sampled in each city selected for the project were 400 reported cases of burglary; interviews were conducted in a half of those cases (200 burglaries) on two occassions, that is at least 6 to 8 weeks and 16 to 18 weeks after the date burglary was reported. As was shown by comparison of data on the socio-demographic situation of victims of burglary in different countries, variables such as age, structure of family, or material or housing situation significantly differentiate individual national samples (e.g. persons living alone were much fewer in Poland as compared to Hungary and the United Kingdom). The circumstances of burglary, losses suffered and anti-burglary protection measures shape differently in different countries. In the United Kingdom, the number of burglaries committed during the night while the victims were at home and asleep was twice as big as in Poland and Germany. On some points, however, no differences were found. About a half of respondents in all countries said that some of the objects stolen during the burglary were to them of sentimental value. Besides, property stolen most often throughout the sample was electronic equipment. Polish respondents were below the average as regards special protective measures. For example, a slight proportion only had alarm devices installed, and a mere one-third had taken out an insuranie policy. Due to high costs of insurance in Poland, the insurance sum was low as a rule and seldom corresponded with the actual value of equipment. As a result, Polish respondents could not get compensation from the insurance company; when compensation was paid, the loss actually suffered was hardly made up for. Interestingly, though, the taking out of insurance was related neither to respondent's level of education nor to his self-appraised material situation. Polish respondents' attitude to the police and opinion on police work tended to be more critical compared to the rest of the sample. Criticized were many aspects of police work in cases of burglary. Polish respondents stated more often that the police had arrived too late, ignored their suggestions as to possibly identity of the burglars, and failed to interrogate persons they indicated. A vast majority of Polish respondents believe that the police failed to inform them properly about the state of investigation. Fewer Polish victims of burglary are also satisfied with the way in which the police conducted the investigation in their case (about 20% compared to about 75% of British and Hungarian respondents). Policemen enjoy a lower prestige among Polish victims. Social perception of the police depends on their treatment of the victim but also on the national tradition, previous experiences with police forces being used by the authorities to perform political tasks, the image of the force created by the media etc. In view of the more critical opinion on the police found among Polish respondents, it is inieresting to find out whether such opinion has any objective grounds, that is whether the proportion of offenders detected in Polish cases was lower compared to the rest of the sample. The answer is no. In cases of burglary, detectability rate was low throughout the sample and Poland was by no means inferior in this respect. Polish victims' tendency to be the most critical of all towards police work may have a number of reasons. It may be related to actually greater shortages of the force (e.g. inferior equipment); to a greater pain involved in losses suffered by Polish victims; or to society’s critical attitude towards the police fixed under the past regime. On the grounds of our data, it would be difficult to select any of the above three explanations. Considering the reasons of Polish respondents' critical attitude towards the police, one can hardly ignore the fact that with a growth in both crime and thę social sense of threat in the country, also society's expectations and demands of the police have gone up. As we know, burglary causes not only material losses but also psychological effects which tend to persist for a long time in many victims. Inquired about in the survey were respondents' first reactions to burglary; the persistence of those reactions; reactions of their family members; and the aspect the victims considered the worst of all in their experience of burglary. As follows from the findings, the psychological effects of burglary suffered by the victims are similar in all countries in the sample. Most respondents felt depressed, and this frame of mind persisted in onefourth of the sample. The worst experience mentioned most often was material loss (which frequently amounted a loss of possessions that had taken a person's lifetime to amass); worsening of the living conditions; and in many cases the accompanying sense of harm and injustice. Another worst experience mentioned was invasion of privacy, a loss of trust in one's fellow men, and helplessness. Persons who consider themselves the most ,,affected” by burglary among Polish respondents are those calling themselves not too well-off, the not insured, and women rather than men. Compared to the rest of the sample, British respondents feel less affected by burglary; however, burglary was found to affect victims in a similar way irrespective of the country. Interestingly, the frequency of victims' psychological reactions followed the same pattern throughout the sample. Anger ranked first, followed by shock, anxiety, sleep disorders, and crying. Burglaries examined within the Polish sample affected a greater number of persons compared to those committed in the remaining countries: Polish households that were burgled were bigger. We also strove to find out whether respondents felt threatened with crime. Such sense of threat was more intense in Polish compared to Hungarian and British respondents. The system of assistance to victims was the best in terms of organization and functioning in United Kingdom followed by Germany, Hungary and Poland. The situation of Polish victims of burglary proved the most unfavorable as regards the possibility of getting both compensation for material losses and assistance from competent institutions. As opposed to the rest of the sample, Polish respondents were less often satisfied with the way in which the police handled their case and much more critical towards police work. The findings show that, in Poland in particular, the insurance system has to be reconsidered and differently regulated, and there is an urgent need for a systemic and coordinated program of comprehensive assistance to victims. The more critical opinion on police work found in Polish respondents also suggests that the treatment of victims by the police in Poland requires a thorough analysis.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1998, XXIII-XXIV; 75-113
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tożsamość i agresja wśród adolescentów
Identity and aggression among adolescents
Hanna, Liberska
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
Współcześnie prowadzi się wiele badań nad dwoma problemami, z których jeden dotyczy kształtowania się tożsamości w okresie adolescencji, a drugi – agresji wśród młodych ludzi. Badacze poszukują uwarunkowań obu fenomenów wśród cech temperamentu, osobowości, specyfiki środowiska rodzinnego, szkolnego bądź rówieśniczego. W badaniach własnych uwagę skoncentrowano na związku pomiędzy procesami tożsamościowymi i wchodzeniem w rolę sprawcy i ofiary agresji. W grupie badanej było 167 adolescentów w wieku 16–17 lat. W badaniach wykorzystano dwa narzędzia: Mini-DIA (The Mini Direct Indirect Aggression Inventory, Österman, Björkqvist, 2008) oraz Skalę Rozwoju Wymiarów Tożsamości DIDS (The Dimensions of Identity Development Scale, Luyckx i in., 2008). Rezultaty badań wskazują na podobieństwo w przebiegu procesów tożsamościowych u dziewcząt i chłopców oraz na różnicującą rolę czynnika płci w podejmowaniu roli sprawcy i ofiary. Ponadto rozpoznano istotne związki między nasileniem procesów tożsamościowych a doświadczeniami sprawcy i ofiary agresji.
Nowadays, there is a lot of research regarding two problems. One of them concerns a shaping of an identity in a period of adolescence and another one refers to aggression among young people. Researchers look for conditions of both phenomena in temperamental traits, personality, family, school, and peer environment specification. In the current research, attention was focused on a relationship between identity processes and entering a role of a perpetrator and a victim of aggression. An experimental group consisted of 167 adolescents aged between 16 and 17 years old. The following measurement scales were used: Mini-DIA (The Mini Direct Indirect Aggression Inventory, Österman, Björkqvist, 2008) and DIDS (The Dimensions of Identity Development Scale, Luyckx et al., 2008). The study’s results suggest a similarity in identity processes among girls and boys and a differentiating gender role in entering a role of a perpetrator and a victim. Moreover, there were identified significant relationships between an intensity of identity processes and experiences of a perpetrator and a victim.
Psychologia Wychowawcza; 2018, 56(14); 27-41
Pojawia się w:
Psychologia Wychowawcza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mowa nienawiści wśród dzieci i młodzieży
Hate Speech among Children and Young People
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
W artykule podjęto problem mowy nienawiści, w tym internetowego hejtu, wśród dzieci i młodzieży. Po zdefiniowaniu tego, czym jest mowa nienawiści oraz hejt, zostały przytoczone dane pokazujące skalę omawianego problemu wśród młodych ludzi. W dalszej kolejności przedstawiono sposoby walki z mową nienawiści podejmowane przez wybrane instytucje rządowe oraz pozarządowe, a także podkreślono konsekwencje, jakie może nieść brak działań zmierzających do uświadomienia dzieci oraz ich opiekunów w tej kwestii.
The article deals with the problem of hate speech, including online hate, among children and adolescents. After defining what hate speech and hate are, the data that shows the scale of this problem among young people has been cited. Next, the methods of fighting down the hate speech that were undertaken by selected governmental and non-governmental institutions are presented, moreover the consequences of deficiency of actions which are aimed at making children and their guardians aware of this issue, have been emphasized.
Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka; 2019, 10, 3; 158-163
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przemoc jako zagrożenie bezpieczeństwa współczesnej rodziny na przykładzie powiatu przemyskiego w latach 2015–2018
Violence as a Threat of Safety of the Contemporary Family on the Example of Przemyski District in 2015–2018
Żołyniak, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego i Indywidualnego Apeiron w Krakowie
We współczesnym świecie obserwujemy coraz to nowsze zagrożenia dla właściwego funkcjonowania rodziny. Jednemu z nich, które nie jest nowe, ale ulegające intensyfikacji i coraz bardziej dostrzegane w przestrzeni społecznej, poświęcony jest niniejszy artykuł. Przemoc domowa jest niewątpliwie najgorszym i najbardziej szkodliwym rodzajem przemocy, bowiem doświadczana jest ze strony najbliższych osób, od których powinno się dostawać miłość, dobro i zrozumienie. Artykuł przedstawia złożoność problematyki dotyczącej przemocy wewnątrzrodzinnej. Omówiono w nim pojęcie przemocy, formy krzywdzenia ofiar oraz wpływ takich zachowań na funkcjonowanie rodziny. Wskazano zagadnienia związane z procesem przeciwdziałania przemocy w rodzinie, zaakcentowano formy niesienia pomocy ofiarom przez organizacje społeczne i ośrodki terapeutyczne oraz przedstawiono możliwe działania wobec sprawców. Ukazano również skalę występowania problemu przemocy domowej oraz dokonano analizy działalności pomocowej w latach 2015–2018 w powiecie przemyskim na podstawie sprawozdań instytucji pomagających ofiarom i sprawcom przemocy w rodzinie. Autor wskazuje, że należy się zastanowić, co trzeba zmienić, aby skuteczniej chronić rodziny przed przemocą oraz zmniejszyć jej skalę. Przemoc domowa jest dużym problemem i zagrożeniem dla prawidłowego funkcjonowania rodziny, więc potrzebne są spójne działania różnych instytucji, aby osiągnąć zamierzony cel.
In the modern world we are observing more and more new threats to the proper functioning of the family. One of them, which is not new, but rather intensified and more and more perceived in the social space, is devoted to this article. Domestic violence, because this is the case, is undoubtedly the worst type of violence and the most harmful, because it is experienced from the closest people who we should receive love, goodness and understanding. The article presents the complexity of the problem of intra-family violence. It presents the concept of violence, the form of harm and its influence on the functioning of the family. The issues are related to the process of counteracting domestic violence are pointed out, the forms of helping victims of violence by social organizations and therapeutic centers, as well as actions against perpetrators of domestic violence are emphasized. It also shows the scale of domestic violence which occurs, and an analysis of the assistance activity provided in 2015–2018 in Przemyśl district, which was based on reports of institutions helping victims and perpetrators of domestic violence. We should consider what needs to be changed to better protect families against violence and reduce its scale. Domestic violence is a big problem and a threat to the proper functioning of the family, so coherent actions of different institutions are needed to achieve the intended goal.
Kultura Bezpieczeństwa. Nauka – Praktyka – Refleksje; 2019, 35; 124-148
Pojawia się w:
Kultura Bezpieczeństwa. Nauka – Praktyka – Refleksje
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Opiekunki i pielęgniarki w wybranych utworach Stefana Żeromskiego
Nurses in selected works by Stefan Żeromski
Kochanowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Artykuł przedstawia obraz pielęgniarki w wybranych utworach Stefana Żeromskiego oraz mężczyzn, którzy w momentach kryzysu stają się zależni od kobiety. W opisywanych relacjach kobiety są obiektami miłości mężczyzn, będących pod ich opieką. W Dziejach grzechu pobyt z chorym Łukaszem jest częścią wielu inicjacji Ewy. W Promieniu choroba łączy śmiercią pielęgniarkę i ofiarę, w Wiernej rzece bohaterka zostaje wykorzystana przez Odrowąża i pozostawiona. W analizowanych tekstach mamy do czynienia z odwróceniem losu, początkowo to mężczyźni są uzależnieni od swoich opiekunek. Z czasem angażują się w te relację (czy wręcz je reżyserują) i przejmują nad nią kontrole.
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the image of a nurse and caregiver in selected works by Stefan Żeromski, as well as the image of men, dependent on women in the time of crisis. In relations analyzed here women are objects of love of men they care. In Dzieje grzechu staying with Lukasz in his illnessis the source of initiation for Ewa. In Promień the sickness and deathlinks the nurse with the victim, in Wierna rzeka Odrowąż lefts his care giver alone after beinghealed. In the analyzed texts we are dealing with the reversal of the fate, initially the men are addicted to their caregivers, then they engage in this relationship (or even direct it) and take control over it.
Zeszyty Naukowe KUL; 2018, 61, 2; 87-99
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Recuperation of Sacrifice
Przywrócenie znaczenia ofiary
Fagerberg, David W.
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Msza święta
Ofiarniczy wymiar Mszy świętej mógłby być lepiej zrozumiany, jeśli na nowo przywrócilibyśmy pojęcie „ofiary”. Powszechne, świeckie rozumienie ofiary ujmuje ją w kategoriach straty, smutku i rezygnacji z czegoś, podczas gdy biblijne, teologiczne rozumienie widziane jest w kategoriach daru, radości i dawania Bogu. Dlatego w artykule poddano analizie ofiarę w trzech kontekstach, w których się ona dokunuje: niewinności, grzechu i Osoby Chrystusa. Pierwszy z nich to kosmiczna liturgia homo adorans, sprawowana w stanie pierwotnej sprawiedliwości. Drugi to skażona po grzechu forma ofiary oczekującej na odkupienie. Trzecia to ofiara krzyża, w której łaska udoskonala naturę, a pierwotne znaczenie ofiary zostaje przywrócone. Ofiarny Chrystus – kapłan i ofiara – oddaje się członkom swojego mistycznego ciała, aby formować ich do prawdziwej ofiary.
We could better understand the sacrifice of the mass if we could recuperate the word “sacrifice.” The common, secular understanding of sacrifice speaks in terms of loss, sadness, and giving something up, whereas the biblical, theological understanding speaks in terms of gift, joy, and giving to God. This article therefore considers sacrifice in the three environments in which it occurs: innocence, sin, and Christ. The first is the cosmic liturgy of homo adorans, done in the state of original justice. The second recognizes a corrupted form of sacrifice, waiting redemption. The third is the sacrifice of the cross wherein grace perfects nature, and sacrifice is recuperated. The sacrificial Christ – priest and victim – gives himself to members of his mystical body to train them in true sacrifice.
Roczniki Teologiczne; 2021, 68, 8; 29-41
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kobieta – ofiara gwałtu
Woman – a victim of rape
Białdyga, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Raciborzu
przemoc seksualna
sexual violence
Gwałt jako przestępstwo z kategorii przestępstw przeciwko wolności seksualnej i obyczajności w większości kojarzony jest z motywem seksualnym. Problem okazuje się bardziej złożony. Przemoc i intymność, które składają się na gwałt, sprawiają, że jest równie medialny co niewidoczny. W większości przypadków to mężczyzna jest sprawcą gwałtu na kobiecie. Nasuwa się pytanie, dlaczego ten podział ról sprawcy i ofiary jest tak powszechny, oczywisty. Ponadto ciekawi opinia społeczna, która winy popełnienia czynu doszukuje się również w ofierze. Zestawiono tu ze sobą stanowisko prawne, opinię społeczeństwa, statystyki oraz historie kobiet skrzywdzonych.
Rape as a crime from the category of crimes against sexual freedom and decency is mostly associated with a sexual motive. The problem turns out to be more complex and not simply linear. The violence and intimacy that make up rape make it as medial alike invisible. In most cases, it is the man who rapes the woman. The question arises why this division of the roles of the perpetrator and the victim is so common and obvious. In addition, the social opinion is interesting, which sees the guilt of committing the act also in the victim. The legal position, public opinion, statistics and stories of abused women are compiled here.
Eunomia – Rozwój Zrównoważony – Sustainable Development; 2023, 1(104); 49-56
Pojawia się w:
Eunomia – Rozwój Zrównoważony – Sustainable Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konsumpcja a przestępczość nieletnich
Consumption and juvenile delinquency
Szafrańska, Elżbieta
Szafrański, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
Juvenile delinquency is a serious social problem. For a long time experts in diff erent areas (law, criminology, sociology, psychology, medicine) have been trying to fi nd solutions that would reduce juveniles’ involvement in criminal activity and various social pathologies which accompany crime. Unfortunately, they have been rarely successful. Th is publication is a criminological and victim logical discussion of juvenile delinquency in the context of satisfying needs, both material and non-material ones. A situation where a person’s needs have not been satisfi ed as desired poses a considerable threat to the individual. Human organism may develop various psychosomatic health disorders which lead to very serious diseases or even death. Being unable to satisfy their needs, particularly material ones, in a legal way, juveniles turn to crime. Research shows that juveniles’ eff orts to fulfi ll their needs may result in their victimization by both young and adult off enders.
Zjawisko przestępczości wśród nieletnich jest poważnym problemem społecznym od wielu lat. Naukowcy różnych dziedzin (prawa, kryminologii, socjologii, psychologii, medycyny) próbują znaleźć rozwiązania, które spowodują ograniczenie udziału nieletnich w zachowaniach przestępczych oraz związanych z nimi innymi zjawiskami patologicznymi. Niestety, udaje im się to tylko w niewielkim stopniu. W niniejszej publikacji, autorzy podjęli rozważania kryminologiczne i wiktymologiczne, dotyczące zjawiska przestępczości nieletnich w kontekście zaspokajania potrzeb zarówno materialnych, jaki niematerialnych. Sytuacja, w której potrzeby jednostki nie zostaną zaspokojone zgodnie z jej wymaganiami, rodzi dla niej poważne zagrożenia. Organizm ludzki narażony jest na zaburzenia psychosomatyczne, prowadzące do bardzo poważnych chorób, a nawet śmierci. Nieletni, często nie mając możliwości zaspokajania potrzeb w sposób legalny, w szczególności potrzeb materialnych, wchodzą na drogę przestępczą. Badania naukowe dowodzą, że działania podejmowane przez nieletnich w celu zaspokajania potrzeb powodują, że mogą stać się ofi arą przestępstwa, zarówno ze strony rówieśników, jak i dorosłych.
Journal of Modern Science; 2015, 25, 2; 11-31
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Modern Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Agresja w szkole – częstotliwość, dotkliwość, wykrywalność, motywy sprawców
Aggression at school – frequency, severity, detectability, aggressors’ motives
Orłowski, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Raciborzu
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki prowadzonych w lutym 2020 roku badań ankietowych poświęconych agresji rówieśniczej. Badania przeprowadzono na grupie uczniów i nauczycieli dwóch szkół podstawowych i liceum ogólnokształcącego. Najpowszechniejszymi rodzajami agresji okazała się agresja relacyjna, werbalna i psychiczna. Niemal połowa uczniów badanych szkół podstawowych doświadczała agresji czasami i często oraz określała ją jako przykrą i nie do zniesienia, jedna piąta była dręczona. Dziewczęta uważały agresję za bardziej dotkliwą niż chłopcy. Chłopcy częściej padali ofiarami agresji werbalnej i psychicznej, a dziewczęta relacyjnej. Prawie połowa sprawców nie potrafiła, bądź nie chciała, wyjaśnić przyczyn swojego zachowania. Ponad jedna czwarta była agresywna w reakcji na zachowanie rówieśnika, próbując mu odpłacić. Dziewczęta częściej niż chłopcy tłumaczyły się odczuwanymi emocjami, a chłopcy żartami i zabawą. Głównym źródłem wiedzy nauczycieli na temat wrogich zachowań wśród uczniów były informacje dostarczane bezpośrednio przez dzieci i ich rodziców. Nauczyciele nie dostrzegli w swoich klasach przejawów agresji materialnej, fizycznej i intymnej.
The article presents results of a survey on peer aggression conducted in February 2020. The survey was carried out on a group of students and teachers from two primary schools and a secondary school. The most common aggression types turned out to be relational, verbal and psychological. Almost 50 per cent of students from the examined primary schools declared experiencing aggression sometimes or often and assessed it as upsetting or unbearable, the one-fifth of students admitted to being bullied. Girls perceived agression as more upsetting than boys did. Boys were more likely to fall victim to verbal and psychological aggression, girls – to relational aggression. Almost half of aggressors were not able to, or refused to explain reasons for their behaviour. More than a quarter of surveyed students acted aggressively in reaction to peers’ behaviour, trying to get even. Girls more frequently than boys tended to explain their aggression referring to their emotions, boys – were apt to justify aggression viewing it as jokes and justified humorousness. The main source of teachers’ knowledge of hostile behaviours among students was information provided directly by pupils and their parents. Teachers claimed not to notice any forms of material, physical and intimate aggression in their classes.
Eunomia – Rozwój Zrównoważony – Sustainable Development; 2022, 2(103); 149-162
Pojawia się w:
Eunomia – Rozwój Zrównoważony – Sustainable Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola psychoterapeuty w pracy z ofiarami i sprawcami przemocy szkolnej
The role of the psychotherapist in working with victims and perpetrators of school violence
Świątek, Włodzimierz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
Trójkąt Dramatyczny
drama triangle
In the article the author attempts to describe the role of the psychotherapist within the context of therapy with victims and perpetrators of school violence. Basing his argumentation on two characteristic case studies regarding the behaviour of victims and perpetrators of this kind of violence, the author provides examples of various behaviours, emotions, feelings and reactions experienced by them. Particular attention is given to the analysis of the abuse-related trauma and conflicts and the search for effective copying or preventive strategies. Two case studies are an important part of the article, as they offer a practical illustration of how a therapist can help and support the clients who want to cope with the abuse-related trauma. The analysis of the case studies allows the reader to investigate practical aspects of the search for effective solutions which may help both victims and abusers. The premises examined in the article are well-documented in light of cited research, where detailed descriptions may be found in the extensive overview of relevant subject literature.
Edukacyjna Analiza Transakcyjna; 2016, 5; 47-72
Pojawia się w:
Edukacyjna Analiza Transakcyjna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Socio-psychological peculiarities of victimization of personality of a woman in childhood
Społeczno-psychologiczne właściwości wiktymizacji osobowości kobiety w dzieciństwie
Svidenskaya, Halyna
Deinychenko, Larysa
Wierzbik-Strońska, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Techniczna w Katowicach
suicidal risk
ryzyko samobójstwa
The article analyzes the mechanisms of victimization of women-victims of domestic violence. The determination of the factors of learned helplessness in childhood and the factors derived from the adult experience of beating is theoretically substantiated. The examples of negative emotional experience known by women during an act of domestic violence are given.
Artykuł analizuje mechanizmy wiktymizacji kobiet-ofiar przemocy domowej. Określenie czynników wyuczonej bezradności w dzieciństwie oraz czynników wywodzących się z doświadczenia bicia dorosłych jest uzasadnione teoretycznie. Podano przykłady negatywnych przeżyć emocjonalnych znanych kobietom podczas aktu przemocy w rodzinie.
Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Technicznej w Katowicach; 2020, 12; 133-139
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Technicznej w Katowicach
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lider w niewoli Trójkąta Dramatycznego
The leader captured in the drama triangle
Świątek, Włodzimierz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
Trójkąt Dramatyczny
Drama Triangle
The author of the article attempts to describe the role of the leader within the context of being captured in the Drama Triangle. Basing his argumentation on the two characteristic case studies regarding leaders' behaviour, the author describes various behaviours, emotions, feelings and reactions experienced by leaders. Particular attention is given to the analysis of interpersonal conflicts and their possible solutions. The two case studies are an important part of the article as they present a practical illustration of how leaders act and experience the following roles: Victim, Prosecutor, Rescuer and Avenger. The analysis of the case studies allows the reader to investigate practical aspects of the search for effective solutions, which may help both leaders and their subordinates. The premises examined in the article are well-documented in research, and their detailed descriptions can be found in the rich review of subject literature.
Edukacyjna Analiza Transakcyjna; 2015, 4; 13-33
Pojawia się w:
Edukacyjna Analiza Transakcyjna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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