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Krajobraz przedurbanizacyjny w przestrzeni współczesnego miasta. Uwagi o metodyce badawczej i praktyce planistycznej na przykładzie Wrocławia
Pre-urbanisation cityscape in the space of a modern city. Comments on research methodology and planning practice on the example of Wrocław
Kwaśniewski, A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
ochrona krajobrazu kulturowego
planowanie przestrzenne
cultural landscape protection
spatial planning
Kluczowym problemem omawianym w artykule jest ochrona pozostałości przedurbanizacyjnego krajobrazu kulturowego na terenach miast. Autor zwraca uwagę na wartość struktur i elementów dawnych podmiejskich wsi w przestrzeni współczesnych miast. Stawia tezę, że kluczowe komponenty dawnego rozplanowania nie są ani należycie identyfikowane, ani waloryzowane – skutkiem czego ich ochrona jako obiektów dziedzictwa jest wybiórcza i powierzchowna. Postuluje konieczność skorygowania dotychczasowej teorii i praktyki postępowania zarówno w badaniach krajobrazu historycznego, jak też w praktyce ochrony zabytków i planowania przestrzennego. Tezy artykułu zostały zilustrowane przykładami z terenu Wrocławia.
The key problem discussed in this paper is the protection of the relic of pre-urbanized culturallandscape in urban areas. The author draws attention to the value of structures and elements of suburban villages in contemporary urban spaces. He argues that the key components of the former layout are neither well-identified nor valued – for this reason their protection is selective and superficial. The author believes that it is necessary to correct both the methodology of historical landscape research and the practice of cultural landscape, in particular the practice of spatial planning protection. The theses are illustrated by examples from the area of Wrocław.
Architectus; 2017, 2 (50); 73-86
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rewitalizacja a krajobraz kulturowy Krakowa
Revitalisation of Cracow and its cultural landscape
Swierczewska-Pietras, K.
Data publikacji:
Polska Asocjacja Ekologii Krajobrazu
krajobraz kulturowy
ochrona krajobrazu kulturowego
tereny zdegradowane
Lokalne Programy Rewitalizacji
Problemy Ekologii Krajobrazu; 2012, 34
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Ekologii Krajobrazu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ochrona i zachowanie krajobrazów kulturowych zboczy górskich zagrożonych erozją wodną
Protection and preservation of the mountainsides cultural landscapes threatened with water erosion
Hernik, J.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
erozja wodna
krajobraz kulturowy
ochrona krajobrazu kulturowego
ograniczanie erozji
zagrozenie erozja
zbocza gorskie
Valuable cultural landscapes have developed on mountainsides as a result of existing cultivation. Their survival was ensured by a traditional way of soil use. Due to a current lack of the traditional use of the mountainsides, their valuable cultural landscapes are threatened, they are even to face a complete extinction. Moreover, in some cases the lack of the traditional use of mountainsides also strengthens the threat of soil erosion on these terrains. One of the methods of the protection of the agriculturally used mountainsides against water erosion is the protection of the cultural landscapes of these mountainsides. Detailed studies were carried out in the area of Węglówka village, which is located in the southern part of Wiśniowa district, Małopolska voiovodeship. There were pointed out methods limiting the water erosion of mountainsides also by the protection and preservation of their cultural landscape, which can occur in a landscape plan. Such a plan covers the thorough development of mountainsides. From the carried out preliminary studies of the use of USLE equation to draw up a correct development plan of mountainsides agriculturally used, it appears that there should be created a thorough model of the lie of the land to calculate the factor of length and slope gradient precisely. In order to do it a tachometric measurement of the lie of the land of the chosen slopes can be useful.
Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences; 2008, 17, 2[40]
Pojawia się w:
Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ochrona przyrody i zabytków w rezerwacie Las Natoliński w Warszawie
Protection of environment and monuments in Las Natolinski in Warsaw
Orzechowski, M.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Leśny Zakład Doświadczalny. Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej w Rogowie
rezerwaty przyrody
rezerwat Las Natolinski
walory przyrodnicze
ekosystemy lesne
zbiorowiska roslinne
walory kulturowe
walory krajobrazowe
ochrona krajobrazu kulturowego
ochrona przyrody
Rezerwat Las Natoliński jest obiektem wyjątkowym wśród chronionych obszarów leśnych w miastach. Ochrona rezerwatowa sprawowana od 1991 roku nałożyła się tu na ochronę obiektu parkowo-pałacowego ustanowioną już w 1965 roku. Ochroną konserwatora zabytków objęte są zarówno budynki i budowle zabytkowe Parku Natolińskiego, jak i sam układ parku zgodny ze stanem pełnego rozkwitu w pierwszej połowie XIX wieku. Dzisiejszy obraz Lasu Natolińskiego zdominowany jest przez zbiorowiska grądów niskich podlegających zaawansowanej regeneracji i przypominających puszczańskie ostępy strukturą, składem gatunkowym i bogactwem fauny. Znaczna ilość martwego drewna pozwala rozwijać się rzadkim gatunkom owadów saproksylicznych i owadożernych ptaków gniazdujących w dziuplach. Powstały plan ochrony, którego założenia przedstawia niniejsze opracowanie podejmuje próbę respektowania potrzeb obu chronionych elementów krajobrazu: przyrodniczego i kulturowego. Na ile skuteczna może być ochrona w rezerwacie miejskim, w sytuacji silnej presji inwestycji budowlanych? Czym kierować się przy precyzowaniu zaleceń ochronnych dla tak specyficznych obiektów?
Las Natoliński reserve is the exceptional object among protected forests in the cities. Reserve protection held from 1991 overlapped the protection of park and palace premises which was constituted already in 1965. Heritage conservator’s protection is extended to monument buildings of Natolinski Park and park layout according to most blooming period from the first half of XIX century. Nowadays, Las Natolinski is dominated by low oak-lime-hornbeam forest undergoing advance regeneration and resembling natural forest by structure, species composition and fauna richness. Large quantity of dead wood allows growth of rare species of saproxylic insects and insectivorous birds nesting in hollows. Existing plan of protection, which aims are presented by the paper, accepts the challenge to respect the needs of both protected landscape elements – environmental and cultural. How effective can be the protection held in city reserve in situation of strong impact from costruction sites? What should be the directive for specification of protection recommendation for such peculiar objects?
Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej; 2007, 09, 2-3[16] cz.1
Pojawia się w:
Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Godne prawnej ochrony aleje przydrożne na Pomorzu Zachodnim, część 2
Roadside tree avenues in Western Pomerania worth legal protection, part 2
Kubus, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Dendrologiczne
inwentaryzacja przyrodnicza
kondycja drzew
konserwacja drzew
Pomorze Zachodnie
aleje drzew
aleje przydrozne
ochrona krajobrazu kulturowego
ochrona prawna
stan zachowania
stan zdrowotny drzew
waloryzacja przyrodnicza
The roadside avenues in the open landscape of the Western Pomerania are a very characteristic element, deciding about its identity. Unfortunately in recent years due to the road modernization there has been lasting uncontrolled, simply mass cutting out of the roadside avenues. The grounds of taking action for the preservation of historical avenues is their valorization, based on standardized, synthetic methodology followed by the devising of the roadside avenues conservation programme. Methodology is based on an equivalent and comprehensive evaluation of the dendrological, ecological, landscape, composition and historical values of the avenues. In this paper the results of the valorization of eight roadside avenues were presented. Seven avenues in the whole and most valuable section of the avenue Maszewo-Jenikowo, were recommended for the conservatory protection, as work of the garden art with high cultural and landscape advantages. The effective mechanism allowing the protection of the most valuable westpomeranian avenues is getting started the procedure for putting them on the list of monuments. It is necessary to take an urgent valorization of all roadside avenues on the area of the Western Pomerania and the most valuable one should be taken under the conservatory protection, as a precious, natural or cultural objects.
Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Dendrologicznego; 2010, 58
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Dendrologicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Krajobrazowe konsekwencje rozwoju turystycznej bazy noclegowej w obszarze Krainy Wielkich Jezior Mazurskich
Landscape consequences of the development of accomodation facilities for tourists in the area of the Great Masurian Lakes
Gadomska, W.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydział Biologiczno-Rolniczy
turystyczna baza noclegowa
ochrona krajobrazu kulturowego
kształtowanie krajobrazu kulturowego
Kraina Wielkich Jezior Mazurskich
accommodation facilities for tourists
protection of cultural landscape
development of cultural landscape
Great Masurian Lakes
Województwo warmińsko-mazurskie jest jednym z najatrakcyjniejszych regionów turystycznych kraju. Jego potencjał tworzą unikatowe walory krajobrazowe wynikające z wysokiej lesistość, jeziorności oraz zróżnicowanego ukształtowania terenu. Za swoisty fenomen, wykraczający poza skalę województwa i kraju należy uznać Krainę Wielkich Jezior Mazurskich. Celem pracy jest wykazanie powiązań między rozwojem turystyki a kształtowaniem krajobrazu kulturowego regionu, określenie skali zagadnienia, wskazanie obszarów problemowych w prowadzonej polityce przestrzennej gmin regionu oraz poszukiwanie racjonalnych alternatyw rozwoju bazy noclegowej. Badania wskazują na niedostrzeganie kontekstu krajobrazowego w procesach inwestycyjnych. Rozwój turystycznej bazy noclegowej w obszarze Krainy Wielkich Jezior Mazurskich jest czynnikiem silnej antropopresji oddziaływującej na cenny krajobraz kulturowy regionu.
The Warmia and Mazury Province is one of the most attractive tourist regions in the country. Its potential consists of unique landscape assets resulting from the high rate of forestation, the great number of lakes, and the diversified lie of the land. The Land of the Great Masurian Lakes is a unique phenomenon which exceeds the scale of the province and the country. The objective of the thesis is to show connections between the promotion of tourism and the development of the cultural landscape of the region, to determine the scale of the issue, and to indicate problematic areas in the spatial policy pursued by the communes in the region, as well as to search for rational alternatives for the development of accommodation facilities for tourists. Studies indicate that the landscape context is overlooked in investment processes. The development of accommodation facilities for tourists in the Land of the Great Masurian Lakes is a factor of strong anthropopressure exerting an impact on the valuable cultural landscape of the region.
Topiarius. Studia krajobrazowe; 2016, T. 1; 193-204
Pojawia się w:
Topiarius. Studia krajobrazowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Alienacja ochrony środowiska kulturowego : konieczność ochrony pozamiejskich nieruchomości zabytkowych
Wycichowska, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
środowisko kulturowe
ochrona środowiska kulturowego
ochrona krajobrazu kulturowego
ochrona zabytków
ogólnospołeczna edukacja kulturowa
regulacje prawne ochrony zabytków
wspomaganie prywatnych inwestorów obiektów kulturowych.
dofinansowanie działań rewitalizacyjnych
adaptacja obiektów kulturowych
ochrona nieruchomości kulturowych
The neglect of the cultural environment by sciences dealing with the environment generates a low cultural level of society, a lack of interest in procultural activity and, as a consequence, an alienation of the protection of cultural environment. The cultural environment remains the object of the interest and activity pursued by only a small group of professionals and enthusiasts, who are isolated both socially and in the mass media, and act within their own associations or individually. Binding legal regulations do not create an atmosphere conducive for the active protection of historical monuments. Potential investors are deterred by lengthy lists of obligations and burdens imposed upon the owners of historical monuments as well as non-acceptance by the local community and even communal authorities. Only effective activity in the domains of legislation and education, and the assistance rendered to the protection of historical monuments by communal self-governments and the local community can enhance the effectiveness of salvaging historical monuments. In the perspective of joining the European Union, the protection of non-urban historical monuments assumes particular importance for rendering indelible examples of Polish national identity in the rural landscape, which will testify to the varied cultural accomplishments of the nations of a united Europe.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2002, 3-4; 378-382
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy pejzażu kulturowego wsi
Kornecki, Marian
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
problemy pejzażu kulturowego wsi
pejzaż kulturowy wsi
bogactwo panoramy kulturowej
ochrona panoramy kulturowej
ochrona krajobrazu kulturowego
zagrożenia dla przestrzeni kulturowych
dewastacja wartości kulturowych
kierunki ochrony zabytków wsi
problemy rewaloryzacji wsi
ochrona wartości kulturowych wsi
ratowanie kultury duchowej
The subject-matter of the article is the appraisal of the problem of cultural identity of the countryside in the process of historic conditionings as a synthesis of interdependencies of natural and man-made factors on a specific area. Considerations comprise a modern process of impendencies threatening the cultural panorama, a brief discussion on hitherto forms of protection and finally proposals concerning integrated protection covering all fields that make cultural values as well as some methodological comments. And here are the most important statements. A cultural picture of the countryside is the history recorded in a concrete landscape; its shape and identification have been affected by a number of factors both original nature-derived as well as secondary man-made ones. A similarity of factors and historical unity of vast areas decided of the formation of features that were common and determinant for each country and region, the sum of which represents the richness of the cultural panorama and human attainments. Next to its properties recorded on the scene of the outside world, the cultural panorama has also its non-material dimensions without which external forms could not get crystallized. The field of spiritual culture seems to drift us away from a traditional scope of activities dictated by professional limits; it must however be always kept in mind, as its contribution conditions the behaviour of the content inherent in the material substance and form. The cultural panorama is not invariable. It is subject to evolutions and transformations; it may be either enriched or reduced. Its behaviour during transformation is of essential importance, just as it represents roots of the social link, awareness and self-determination of regional communities and nations, capable of deciding of their lives and persistence in face of an inevitable passing away of individuals by the law of nature. In a historical process a picture of the countryside developed harmonously when works of men remained in a logical relation to a specific area, of whom they were an integral part. A menance to the cultural landscape appeared when the balance of the functioning of the ecosystem and component of both material and non-material nature specific for the function and identity of the rural body got disturbed. The present day brings with it transformations on an unprecedented scale and at a very rapid pace. Without going into the appraisal of the situation as a whole it can easily be seen that the present pace of urbanization results not only in devastation of the ecosystem but also in destruction of the entire cultural areas. This can be noticed in: — degradation of the natural environment due to an excessive depletion of its resources, — decline and disintegration of social links as well as disappearance of characteristics individualizing rural bodies as a result of an accelerated process of the integration of rural and town communities, — devastation of rural structures as a result of investments that did not fit into their historical space arrangements, — disappearance of traditional functions of rural bodies as a result of transformations that were against their nature. Devastation and disappearance of the traditional building is only one of a vast number of phenomena. They were sped up by a bad technical condition of resources and low utility standard. Still, the worst factor was a psychical pressure that regarded old or traditional buildings as an expression of backwardness. Apart from that, building, fire-protection and insurance regulations as well as the so-called orderly campaigns permitted further devastation of wooden constructions. A departure of the wooden village into the past became a real fact. Unfortunately, the old architecture has been replaced by the one that was far from being perfect and by unplanned chaotic location on undeveloped areas. The features of regional identity flowing from tradition, logics of function and place have disappeared. Should the countryside become an area of subculture or, at the best case, a smaller town? When watching the development of the protection of architectural monuments and material rural culture one can notice the evolution of doctrines and practice assosiated with broadly understood notion of “historic monuments”, which in turn leads to comprising both individual structures, their complexes and structural arrangements. Still, this development is not free from controversies, negligence (e.g. in the field of the so-called serial buildings or industrial plants), conflicts or “competence void”. One should also notice that open-air museums represent only a partial solution on an limited museological scale. Attempts have been made to set up “rural reserves” displaying clashes of the countryside with life problems. In this context, the need for a regular development of the countryside with a simultaneous preservance of cultural identity and continuity prompts us to consider the problem of the reinstatement of the countryside as the task, which would mean actions aimed at protecting the cultural landscape in the process of development. This is combined with the integration of the protection of all elements that make up the cultural identity, namely: — factual natural landscape, — settlement structure fixed in the hamlet plan, road network and field expanses, — resources of building substance, greenery and water arrangements, — certain non-material elements affecting characteristics of the cultural picture. Only the countryside seen in that way, in its entire territory, should become a field for the revival, which may be achieved by: — full recording of cultural resources, — their scientific analysis and estimation, — designation of protection zones, — drawing of guidelines for the protection, and — their introduction, as an obligatory element, into plans of spatial development. Hitherto experiences have revealed a need for cooperation between various scientific disciplines, specialists of which are represented in the cultural picture. Prospects for the cooperation of the scientific profession have been opened wide. A separate problem the discussion of which goes beyond the framework of the present report is the saving of spiritual culture, which, from the very beginning, was formed in the sphere of the principles of ideal nature specific for the Polish nation and manifested itself in numerous traits that combine spiritual wefts with a vision of the outside world. Its behaviour should take place not only in the form of popularizing superficial folk forms but also in the shaping of awareness in the educational process and social life.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1982, 3-4; 143-155
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Utracone piękno. O zniszczeniach zabytkowej architektury Zakopanego
Rupiewicz, Romana
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Stanisław Witkiewicz
styl zakopiański
ochrona zabytków
ochrona krajobrazu kulturowego
miejscowe plany zagospodarowania przestrzennego
drewniana architektura świecka
Zakopane style
regional style
national style
preservation of historic buildings
preservation of cultural landscape
conservation science
local plans of spatial development
secular timber architecture
urban planning
Na terenie Zakopanego znajduje się ok. 1361 obiektów zabytkowych, z których 1180 to drewniane wille, reprezentujące styl zakopiański, powstałe w okresie od końca XIX w. do 20-lecia międzywojennego. Tak intensywne nagromadzenie drewnianych brył zakopiańskich willi ukształtowało tożsamość miejsca opartą o ład przestrzenny, stosowną skalę i proporcję. Wille stanowią wartość ze względu na historię i tradycję. Niestety, zabudowa ta jest obecnie wypierana przez inwestycje deweloperskie, które niszczą krajobraz miasta. Takie działania ułatwiają niekorzystne zapisy w miejscowych planach przestrzennych, uchwalone w latach 2009–2012. Często dochodzi do celowych podpaleń zabytków w celu pozyskania nowych gruntów inwestycyjnych. W artykule omówiono zabytkowe wille, które w ostatnich latach zostały zdewastowane lub zburzone, ukazano uwarunkowania formalno-prawne oraz mechanizmy działania. Wskazano rozwiązania, które mogą przyczynić się do lepszej ochrony konserwatorskiej zabytkowych obiektów architektury świeckiej.
There are around 1,361 historic buildings in Zakopane, of which 1,180 are timber mountain houses of Zakopane style built from the end of the 19th century to the times of the Second Polish Republic (1918–1939). Such an accumulation of timber buildings in the local style formed an identity to the area based on spatial organization, scale and proportions. The mountain houses are valuable due to their history and tradition. Unfortunately, these structures are now superseded by investments in new developments which destroy the townscape. Such activities are facilitated by unfavorable provisions in local spatial development plans adopted during the years 2009–2012. Quite often historical buildings are deliberately set on fire in order to secure new land for investments. The article describes historic mountain houses which have been devastated or demolished in recent years. It presents the formal and legal conditions that allowed for this and the mechanisms of action. It also presents solutions which can help develop better preservation and protection of historic secular buildings.
Artifex Novus; 2021, 5; 148-173
Pojawia się w:
Artifex Novus
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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