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Preliminary Notes on the Physician Krateuas (2nd–1st Century BC). A New Collection of his T and F
Squillace, Giuseppe
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
ancient physicians
ancient medicine
The physician Krateuas lived in the first part of the 1st century BC, worked at the court of Mithridates and wrote a Rhizotomikon (Herbal) of which only a few fragments remain. More than a century ago, Max Wellmann studied this physician (1897; 1898) and collected his Testimonies (T) and Fragments (F) as an appendix of his edition of Dioscorides De materia medica (1914). After Wellmann, only short studies (mostly encyclopedia entries) have been carried on Krateuas, whose work influenced Dioscorides. This paper is a first step towards a monograph on this physician and a new edition of T and F with translation and historical commentary.
Studia Ceranea; 2021, 11; 427-442
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ceranea
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A peach (Prunus persica [L.] Batsch.) in Ancient and Early Byzantine Medicine According to Selected Sources (1st – 7th c. AD.)
Brzoskwinia (Prunus persica [L.] Batsch) w antycznym i wczesnobizantyńskim lecznictwie według wybranych źródeł [I–VII w. n.e.]
Jagusiak, Krzysztof
Kokoszko, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
ancient medicine
Byzantine medicine
The peach (Prunus persica [L.] Batsch) is a tree native to the region known today as Northwest China, where its fruits were known around 2000 BC. Inhabitants of the Mediterranean Area came into contact with the peach probably between the 6th and 4th century BC thanks to the contacts with Persian Empire. In the western part of the Mediterranean Region the peach appeared later (ca. 1st c. AD). In the period under study there were many varieties of the peach, and they were eaten in many different ways – e.g. raw, dried, boiled etc. They could be consumed without any other ingredients, or as an element of more complicated dishes. Ancient and early Byzantine authors, who wrote their treatises between the 1st and 7th c. AD, and dealt with medicine (Dioscorides, Pliny the Elder, Galen, Oribasius, Aetius of Amida, Paul of Aegina, Athimus and others), described dietetic properties of a peach with details. Moreover, they left some information about a medical use of this fruit. This aspect of their works is an element of a wider and well-known phenomenon, i.e. an important role of all groups of aliments in the ancient art of healing.
Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae; 2018, 28, 2; 27-41
Pojawia się w:
Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Barley flour (áleuron kríthinon) in ancient and early Byzantine medicine (I – VII c. AD)
Mąka jęczmienna [áleuron kríthinon] w medycynie antycznej i wczesnobizantyńskiej [I – VII w. n.e.]
Jagusiak, Krzysztof
Kokoszko, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
ancient medicine
Byzantine medicine
common barley
The following article attempts to address two issues. The first one concerns dietetic characteristic of barley flour, which was a very popular product used both in Graeco-Roman and Byzantine culinary art and medicine. The second one deals with the therapeutic role of this product: different forms of remedies made from it, its effects on the human body, and various health problems cured by an application of medicines containing aleuron krithinon. To address these questions we study ancient and Byzantine Greek medical sources written between the 1st and 7th century AD by Dioscurides, Galen, Oribasius, Aetius of Amida, Alexander of Tralles, Paul of Aegina, and the anonymous author of the treatise entitled De cibis.
Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae; 2017, 27, 1; 41-51
Pojawia się w:
Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Supady, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Tarnowie
medycyna antyczna
antyczne szkoły medyczne
cesarstwo rzymskie
ancient medicine
ancient medical schools
the Roman Empire
After Hippocrates, Galen was one of the most outstanding physicians of the ancient world. He was born in Pergamon in c. 131 AD, but soon upon completion of his medical studies he went to become physician-in-ordinary to the Roman Emperors. Being devoted to his studies, he made a lot of discoveries in the field of anatomy and physiology. In pathology, he based his ideas on Hippocrates teaching. In diagnostics, he examined pulse and urine. He wrote about 500 treatises of which only 117 writings have survives to this day. Galen’s scientific achievements have contributed enormously to the development and progress of medical sciences. His authority was unquestionable in Europe for over 15 centuries. Galen died in Rome in c. 201 AD.
Galen był obok Hipokratesa najznakomitszym lekarzem starożytności. Urodził się w 131 r. w Pergamonie, ale po odbyciu studiów lekarskich przeniósł się do Rzymu, gdzie zyskał wielki rozgłos. Był lekarzem przybocznym cesarzy. Oddając się badaniom, dokonał wielu okryć w dziedzinie anatomii i fizjologii. W dziedzinie patologii opierał się na nauce Hipokratesa. W diagnostyce stosował badanie pulsu i moczu. Napisał ok. 500 dzieł, z których do naszych czasów przetrwało 117. Osiągnięcia naukowe Galena stanowiły ogromny postęp w zakresie nauk lekarskich. Jego niepodważalny autorytet w Europie trwał ponad 15 wieków. Zmarł Galen w Rzymie w 201 r.
Health Promotion & Physical Activity; 2020, 12, 3; 12-15
Pojawia się w:
Health Promotion & Physical Activity
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pseudo-Dioskoridesa wiedza o roślinach
Las noticias de Pseudo Dioscórides sobre las plantas
Krynicka, Tatiana
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
starożytna medycyna
starożytna botanika
ancient medicine
ancient botany
El artículo examina las noticias sobre las plantas incluidas en el De herbis femininis, uno de los herbarios más populares de la alta edad media. Transmitiendo a su lector informaciones necesarias a que halle e identifique plantas medicinales y sepa usarlas para curar numerosas enfermedades de distintos órganos, el desconocido autor del tratado, al que se suele llamar Pseudo Dioscórides, no sólo se ocupa de sus numerosas virtudes medicinales, sino también describe su constitución, hábitat, señala distintas especies, menciona sus nombres sinonímicos y a veces incluso trata de establecer su etimología. Con lo qual parece evidente que el analizado herbario proporciona datos de carácter farmacológico y botánico a la vez.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2007, 54-55, 3; 225-240
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nauka o mleku zawarta w twórczości Dioskuridesa. Studium źródłowe
The doctrine of Dioscurides with regard to milk: a source study
Kokoszko, Maciej
Jagusiak, Krzysztof
Dybała, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
medycyna antyczna
medycyna bizantyńska
antyczna technologia spożywcza
ancient medicine
Byzantine medicine
ancient food processing technology
Pedanius Dioscurides of Anazarbos, a physician working for the Roman army living in the first century AD, secured his place in history of medicine as the author of two works, namely De materia medica, and Euporista vel de simplicibus medicinis. Among the substances referred to by the doctor of Anazarbos we find numerous animal-based products, including milk (gála; γάλα), whey (órros; ὄρρος), cheese (týros; τύρος) and butter(boútyron; βούτυρον). Dioscurides’ treatises belong to the group of the oldest surviving examples of highly developed medical theory of milk. The subject in question was considered to be important as regards therapy, and therefore interesting to both doctors and the wider public keen on acquiring knowledge (such was the intended readership of Pliny). As for the theory, it was sufficiently developed to be seen as a separate branch of dietetics and pharmacology. The data discussed in the present study indicate that this medical doctrine had developed before the first century AD, prior to being formulated in the form observable in De materia medica and in Euporista vel de simplicibus medicinis. The similarities between the accounts of Dioscurides on the one hand and Celsus and Pliny on the other suggest that all these doctors made use of established and widely adopted standards. The surviving evidence confirms that the doctrine on milk was not modified after the first century AD. Galen, writing in the second century, did not introduce any major changes with regard to its theory. Dioscurides’s treatises and other medical texts which contained discussions on the doctrine concerning milk can not only be useful as sources for history of medicine sensu stricto, but also for the study of ancient and early Byzantine economy, particularly as regards the breeding of milk animals. In addition to that, by discussing the technology of production of individual substances, the texts in question illustrate the popular methods used in contemporary cuisine. Moreover, they shed light on the patterns of consumption of various foodstuffs, and in consequence impart information on the contemporary society. Thus, the works of the doctor of Anazarbos can rightly seem to provide excellent reference material, in particular for the study of the daily life of most social classes, and as such they should be seen as a vital historical source, useful not only for historians of medicine.
Poniższy tekst dotyczy przede wszystkim zastosowania mleka i uzyskiwanych z niego produktów, tj. serwatki, sera i masła, w medycynie okresu wczesnego Cesarstwa Rzymskiego ukazanej przez pryzmat dwóch greckich dzieł (obu prawdopodobnie) autorstwa Dioskuridesa znanych pod łacińskimi tytułami De materia medica i Euporista vel de simplicibus medicinis. Ważną jego część stanowią jednak również analizy tych fragmentów obu wymienionych traktatów, które mają charakter pozamedyczny i dotyczą kwestii związanych z technologią spożywczą, kwantyfikacją rodzajów mleka czy metodami hodowli zwierząt mlecznych. Obok zatem informacji dotyczących terapeutycznych właściwości opisywanych produktów i szeregu przykładów ich praktycznych zastosowań w lecznictwie uprawianym przez Dioskuridesa, czy szerzej: medyków w początkach naszej ery, omawiamy znajdujące się u tego autora zalecenia dotyczące technologii gotowania mleka, uwagi dotyczące wpływu paszy na jakość udojonego płynu czy metody produkcji stosowane w ówczesnym serowarstwie. Zaczerpnięte z Dioskuridesowej spuścizny dane (zamieszczone przezeń niejako na marginesie jego głównego wywodu dotyczącego sztuki medycznej) uzupełnione wiadomościami pochodzącymi z traktatów innych autorów tej epoki, jak Celsus, Pliniusz Starszy i Galen, dają także asumpt do snucia opartych na takim materiale źródłowym i podpartych ustaleniami współczesnej nauki rozważań na temat popularności poszczególnych produktów mlecznych w społeczeństwie grecko-rzymskim okresu wczesnego Cesarstwa czy przyczyn stojących za kształtowaniem się śródziemnomorskiej tradycji kulinarnej (jak np. różnice w konsumpcji nabiału między Grekami i Rzymianami a tzw. barbarzyńcami i ich powody). Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań wnioskować można, że wszyscy znani autorzy z I w. n.e. i późniejszych stuleci (w tym Dioskurides), zajmujący się omówioną w artykule tematyką, byli reprezentantami tej samej, już wówczas ukształtowanej, tradycji, której twórców nie znamy. Stąd duża zbieżność poglądów postaci takich jak Celsus czy Galen, a później Orybazjusz i kolejni bizantyńscy lekarze na temat właściwości nabiału i jego możliwych zastosowań terapeutycznych. Uogólniając, zarówno mleko, jak i wytwarzane z niego produkty były w medycynie stosowane zarówno zewnętrznie, jak i wewnętrznie w różnych formach (jako lekarstwa proste i złożone) i przy różnych dolegliwościach, takich jak dyzenteria, dna moczanowa, choroby o charakterze stomatologicznym, oftalmologicznym, otorynolaryngologicznym, urologicznym i innym.
Przegląd Nauk Historycznych; 2017, 16, 1
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Nauk Historycznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Medici del corpo contro terapeuti della parola: una riflessione su medicina e sofistica
Physicians of the Body Versus Therapists of the Word: Reflections On Medicine and Sophistry
Ioli, Roberta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
ancient medicine
The aim of the present paper is to investigate the connection between ancient medicine and sophistry at the end of 5th century B.C. Beginning with analyses of some passages from the De vetere medicina (VM), De natura hominis (NH) and De arte, the article identifies many similarities between these treatises, on the one hand, and the sophistic doctrines, on the other: these concern primarily perceptual/intellectual knowledge and the interaction between reality, knowledge and language. Among the Sophists, Gorgias was particularly followed and imitated, as he was admired not only for his tremendous rhetorical skills, but also for his philosophically significant work On not being, which probably influenced various discussions in the Hippocratic treatises. However, if Gorgias argues in favor of language as dynastēs megas, the authors of VM, NH and De arte consider knowledge to be far more relevant and reliable than logos. These Hippocratic treatises criticize the philosophical thesis and the resulting kind of reductionism. Above all they defend the supremacy of medicine over any other art. By using the same argumentative and rhetorical strategies that were employed by Gorgias, these treatises reverse the thought of those Sophists who exalted only the technē tōn logōn.
Peitho. Examina Antiqua; 2013, 4, 1; 189-210
Pojawia się w:
Peitho. Examina Antiqua
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wine and Myrrh as Medicaments or a Commentary on Some Aspects of Ancient and Byzantine Mediterranean Society
Rzeźnicka, Zofia
Kokoszko, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
history of medicine
history of medical literature in antiquity and Byzantium
ancient medicine
Byzantine medicine
history of wine
wine in ancient and Byzantine medicine
myrrh in ancient and Byzantine medicine
hellebore in ancient and Byzantine medicine
women in antiquity
abortifacient wines
abortifacient medicaments
Sextius Niger
Pliny the Elder
The present study has resulted from a close reading of prescriptions for therapeutic wines inserted in book V of De materia medica by Pedanius Dioscorides, the eminent expert in materia medica of the 1st century A.D. The authors emphasise the role of wine varieties and selected flavourings (and especially of myrrh) in order to determine the social status of those to whom the formulas were addressed. This perspective gives the researchers ample opportunity for elaborating not only on the significance of wine in medical procedures but also for underscoring the importance of a number of aromatics in pharmacopoeia of antiquity and Byzantium. The analysis of seven selected formulas turns out to provide a fairly in-depth insight into Mediterranean society over a prolonged period of time, and leads the authors to draw the following conclusions. First, they suggest that medical doctors were social-inequality-conscious and that Dioscorides and his followers felt the obligation to treat both the poor and the rich. Second, they prove physicians’ expertise in materia medica, exemplifying how they were capable of adjusting market value of components used in their prescriptions to financial capacities of the patients. Third, the researchers circumstantiate the place of medical knowledge in ancient, and later on in Byzantine society. Last but not least, they demonstrate that medical treatises are an important source of knowledge, and therefore should be more often made use of by historians dealing with economic and social history of antiquity and Byzantium.
Studia Ceranea; 2019, 9; 615-655
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ceranea
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O medycznych właściwościach i zastosowaniu miodu w De medicina libri VIII Aulusa Korneliusza Celsusa
Medical properties and applications of honey in Aulus Cornelius Celsus’ De medicina libri VIII
Bartnik, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych. Instytut Historyczny
ancient medicine
skin diseases
Roman medicine
The medical application of honey has a long tradition. In antiquity it was used as a potent substance with dietary and medicinal attributes. Based on Celsus’ texts we know that the ancient Romans used honey primarily in treating skin conditions, including inflammations such as Erysipelas, wounds, all types of ulcers and eye diseases. Celsus mentioned honey in numerous formulas, but he did not distinguish between its types or the ways in which it was obtained. More attention was paid to such matters in the following centuries. This can be observed by analysing the formulas included in the works of younger authors.
Studia Antiquitatis et Medii Aevi Incohantis; 2020, 5; 88-127
Pojawia się w:
Studia Antiquitatis et Medii Aevi Incohantis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aconite – a Poison, or a Medicine? Ancient and Early Byzantine Testimonies
Jagusiak, Krzysztof
Tadajczyk, Konrad Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
ancient medicine
Byzantine medicine
Roman law
Byzantine law
Aconite (Aconitum napellus) was one of the most notorious, poisonous plants in the ancient world. Its dangerous, lethal power – present in leaves, roots, stem, and tuber – was well known to the Greeks and the Romans from the earliest times. Evidence of this phenomenon is not only present in archaeological findings, but also in many writings – biographies, poems, legal codes, etc. However, the most precise and detailed accounts come from treatises written by botanists, physicians and encyclopaedists, like Theophrastus, Nicander, Pliny the Elder, Dioscorides, or Galen, and by early Byzantine authors, Oribasius, Aetius of Amida, and Paul of Aegina. In their testimonies, one can find descriptions of aconite, its influence on the human body (and animals), and remedies for affected people. In contrast, there are few passages from these sources that inform the readers about the healing properties of aconite. According to these fragments, carefully administered, aconite could be helpful in some therapies, but its use was extremely hazardous, as even a small part of the plant could kill a man.
Studia Ceranea; 2022, 12; 119-134
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ceranea
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Food for Life: Galen’s "On Health" ("De sanitate tuenda")
Wilkins, John
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
ancient medicine
Greek medicine
'De Sanitate Tuenda'
In Galen’s view, health was a natural state and disease unnatural. If a body became unwell, balance was best restored by adjustments to daily life, in particular to the environment, food and drink, exercise, sleep, physiological balance and mental health. If none of these worked, only then should drugs or more drastic treatments be considered. Galen sets out in On Health how the natural state is best preserved, starting from birth, through childhood, to adulthood and old age. There are several features to be noted, not least the relentlessly male focus (with childbirth the major area of consideration for women specifically) and the use of the idealised young man as the canon against which to measure all bodies. This latter feature has led commentators to suppose that Galen only has the leisured rich class in mind, wrongly I believe. Two recent translations in the Loeb series (Johnston) and in the CUP Galen series (Singer forthcoming) have made the text readily available to all, and further discussion is timely. In my paper I will focus on Galen’s use of diet and massage to keep the body healthy. I shall also consider the unhealthy body which takes up the last three of the six books, as the life span nears later age and greater fragility. Even here, Galen prefers food and gentle remedies to bloodletting and drugs (which are in effect often stronger versions of food plants). Galen claims that this regime has kept him healthy for 50 years, despite his less than perfect constitution and lifestyle. He is thus a doctor who experiments on himself to promote a lifestyle which, he claims, should, after an initial assessment, maintain the patient without need of a doctor for life.
Studia Ceranea; 2023, 13; 153-164
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ceranea
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lekarz Hermiasz z Kos w świetle źródeł epigraficznych
Hermias of Kos, the physician, in the light of epigraphic sources
Kaczyńska, Elwira
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Greek epigraphy
honorary inscriptions
ancient medicine
the Hippocratic school
Lyttian war
The aim of my article is to discuss six Hellenistic inscriptions which mention Hermias, son of Emmenidas, a distinguished physician from Kos. Two longer honorary inscriptions are connected with Hermias’ five-year stay on the island of Crete as a public doctor. The epigraphic sources in question will be carefully reviewed, translated into Polish and commented on the article.
Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae; 2022, 32, 1; 7-39
Pojawia się w:
Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nazewnictwo narzędzi medycznych w czwartej księdze Onomastikonu Polydeukesa
Nomenclature of medical tools in book four of Onomasticon by Julius Pollux
Szula, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Julius Pollux
medical tools
ancient medicine
Juliusz Polydeukes
narzędzia medyczne
medycyna starożytna
This article aims to discuss the nomenclature of medical tools in Book Four of Onomasticon by Julius Pollux and to assess the usefulness of this work as a source of knowledge in research on the history of medicine. The article contains an original translation that allows for a detailed analysis of the given passage. Onomasticon is an ancient lexicon and the only surviving work by Pollux who lived in the 2nd century CE and represented the Second Sophistic. In Onomasticon, he compiled ancient Greek vocabulary on various topics, including terminology relating to medical tools. The layout of the chapter is not accidental. The author divides the terms into several groups: cutting and mechanical tools, dressings, bloodletting devices and physician’s office equipment. Sometimes he indicates the authors - mainly comedy playwrights - from whom he resourced the chosen vocabulary. The terminology was also drawn from lexicons. The vast majority of phrases mentioned by Pollux was used in a medical context in other literary sources and medical treatises, for example by Hippocrates and Galen. Words that appear in a medical context only in Onomasticon may result from the author’s error or can be new evidence for the studies on ancient medicine.
Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki; 2021, 66, 2; 55--67
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przybory higieniczne używane na ziemiach polskich w pradziejach
Polish Prehistorie Toiletries
Cybulska, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Historii Filozofii i Medycyny
historia medycyny
medycyna w pradawna
historia higieny
history of medicine
ancient medicine
history of hygiene
Zabytki znajdowane przez archeologów podczas prac wykopaliskowych pozwalają rzucić trochę światła na zabiegi higieniczne w pradziejach, w epoce brązu i żelaza. Do przyborów higieny osobistej należą: grzebienie, brzytwy, pęsetki, nożyce, zwierciadła. Są one świadectwem, że ludność terenów Polski stosowała wiele zabiegów higienicznych, zapewne z chęci osiągnięcia lepszego wyglądu i ze względów zdrowotnych. Z monografii, materiałów i sprawozdań archeologicznych dowiadujemy się o chronologii, typologii i funkcji tych przedmiotów. Przyjmuje się, że przybory toaletowe znajdowane w grobach na cmentarzyskach wczesno dziej owych odzwierciedlają status zmarłego w danej społeczności i jego stan posiadania. Przybory higieniczne obok funkcji użytkowej były wykorzystywane w obrzędach i praktykach magicznych, służyły także za amulety.
Relics found by archaeologists during excavations shed some light on hygienic procedures in prehistoric times, in the Bronze and Iron Age. Personal hygiene accessories include: combs, razors, tweezers, scissors and mirrors. It can be concluded that the people inhabiting the Polish territory used a number of hygienic procedures with the view to improve health and appearance. Monographs, archaeological materials and reports reveal chronology, typology and functions o f such toiletries. The objects found in graves in cemeteries from early historical period may reflect the status of the deceased in a given community and their wealth. Hygienic accessories, besides their practical function, were also used during various ceremonies, magical practices and served as amulets.
Archiwum Historii i Filozofii Medycyny; 2010, 73; 13-18
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Historii i Filozofii Medycyny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Greccy lekarze w oczach rzymskiej elity (od Republiki po I w. n.e.)
Ángeles Alonso, María
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
ancient medicine
Greek physicians
Roman aristocracy
Roman gravitas
starożytna medycyna
greccy lekarze
rzymska arystokracja
rzymska gravitas
In the 3rd century BC, Greek doctors brought scientific medicine to Rome. The arrival of new therapeutic practices, which were the inheritance of a different mental and cultural framework, provoked a double reaction at Rome. On the one hand, philhellenic circles promoted the presence of physicians in the city and in aristocratic households. On the other hand, the part of the elite that defended the safeguarding of the Roman gravitas condemned both the new medicine and the physicians. The assimilation of Greek medicine in Rome was accomplished in the 1st century BC. However, the attitude of Roman elite towards doctors continued to be ambiguous, since these doctors came usually from the East and practiced a foreign medicine. The aim of this paper is to analyze the attitude of the Roman elite towards those who had to take care of their health. With the help of literary sources like Cato the Elder, Cicero or Pliny, we will evaluate to what extent these physicians who interacted in the life of the aristocracy were perceived as carnifici who killed or amici who healed.
W III w. p.n.e. greccy lekarze przywieźli medycynę naukową do Rzymu. Pojawienie się nowych praktyk terapeutycznych, będących dziedzictwem odmiennych ram mentalnych i kulturowych, wywołało podwójną reakcję w Rzymie. Z jednej strony kręgi filhellenistyczne promowały obecność lekarzy w mieście i domach arystokratycznych, z drugiej zaś część elity, która broniła grawitacji rzymskiej, potępiła zarówno nową medycynę, jak i lekarzy. Asymilacja medycyny greckiej w Rzymie została dokonana w I w. p.n.e., jednak postawa elity rzymskiej wobec lekarzy była nadal niejednoznaczna, ponieważ lekarze ci przychodzili zwykle ze Wschodu i praktykowali lekarstwo obce. Celem artykułu była analiza postawy elity rzymskiej wobec tych, którzy musieli zadbać o swoje zdrowie. Za pomocą źródeł literackich autorstwa Kato Starszego, Cycerona czy Pliniusza, oceniono, do jakiego stopnia ci lekarze, którzy oddziaływali na życie arystokracji, byli postrzegani jako carnifici, którzy zabijali, lub amici, którzy uzdrawiali.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio F – Historia; 2018, 73
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio F – Historia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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