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Gender w prawodawstwie Unii Europejskiej – szansa czy zagrożenie?
Gender in Lawmaking of European Union – the Chance or the Threat?
Świerzyński, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Centrum Europejskie
Gender studies
Gender identity
The author of this publication has considered the question of presence so called gender in the law of European Union and its chances and risks which could be the consequences of gender’s ideology. Firstly, author has made the analysis of equivocal notion of gender and has indicated the difference between gender studies, which is the academic discipline, which the subject are the means of demonstration of genders in different cultures and societies and gender mainstreaming which is the political strategy extracting the part of achievements above discipline. Subsequently there have been mentioned numerous regulations and documents of EU law, which regulate the gender equality. Finally, the author has evaluated, if gender pose a threat or a chance for society. Consequently this elaboration is the voice getting into a discussion to the point of gender and its potential consequences.
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs; 2016, 1; 35-53
Pojawia się w:
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gender-Based Stereotypes in Interpersonal Communication
Ünlü, Derya Gül
Data publikacji:
Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda. Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie
Interpersonal communication
Gender Identity
Gender Stereotypes
With participation in social life, all the interpersonal and intergroup relations an individual establishes takes places in accordance with his/her gender roles and gender identity attributed by society. In this respect, it can be suggested that all forms of relationships individuals establish with others are shaped in parallel with his/ her gender identity. Therefore, it would not be wrong to argue that the gender identity an individual possesses in interpersonal relationships has a significant effect on the formation of the relationship established. One of the most important communication barriers confronted in the interpersonal communication process is stereotypes related to gender identity. Gender identity stereotypes emerge according to gender roles taught to each individual who joins society. The presence of these stereotypes turns into interpersonal communication barriers, which, in many cases, show their effects even before communication starts. In this regard, it is considered that addressing the content of stereotypes about the gender identity of the source and recipient as communication barriers in the communication process, is important. For this purpose, emphasis was laid primarily on the guiding effect of stereotypes in interpersonal processes within the scope of the study. Afterwards gender stereotypes were evaluated based on the findings of research conducted in this field, and with reference to characteristics of gender stereotypes.
Media Literacy and Academic Research; 2018, 1, 2; 60-73
Pojawia się w:
Media Literacy and Academic Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Transsexualität: Identitätsfindungsprozess im Spannungsfeld von Natur, Kultur und persönlicher Reifung. Eine theologisch-ethische Auseinandersetzung
Transsexualism: the process of searching for identity in the field of tension between nature, culture and personal maturation. The theological and ethical dispute
Transseksualizm: proces poszukiwania tożsamości w polu napięcia między naturą, kulturą i dojrzewaniem osobowym. Spór teologiczno-etyczny
Lintner, Martin M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego
sexuelle Identität
sexuelle Selbstbestimmung
Verhältnis Natur-Norm
sexual identity
sexual self-determination
nature – standard relation
tożsamość seksualna
seksualne samostanowienie
relacja natura – norma
Bei der Transsexualität handelt es sich um eine Form vorgefundener, also nicht frei gewählter sexueller Identität, die dadurch gekennzeichnet ist, dass das biologische Geschlecht vom psychologischen abweicht. Jemand hat das subjektive Gefühl, „im falschen Körper zu leben“, weil er sich als Frau erlebt, obwohl er einen männlichen Körper hat, oder umgekehrt. Diese Dysphorie kann im Letzten nicht überwunden werden, da das biologische (besser: das genetische) Geschlecht trotz der Möglichkeit, durch hormonelle Therapien oder chirurgische Eingriffe den Körper phänotypisch dem psychologischen Geschlecht anzupassen, nicht verändert werden kann. Es bleibt also eine Dissoziation zwischen den biologischen Grundlagen und dem sexuellen Selbstkonzept bestehen. Für transsexuelle Menschen kann daher die Aufgabe, ihre Geschlechtlichkeit anzuerkennen und anzunehmen, schwierig sein. Sie benötigen deshalb von ihrem sozialen Umfeld nicht nur die Vermeidung jeglicher Diskriminierung, sondern auch Unterstützung im Prozess, sich in ihrer Leib-Seele-Einheit als eine integrale Persönlichkeit zu entfalten, damit sie ihre Identität finden und entwickeln können. Die Problematik ordnet sich ein in die grundsätzliche Diskussion um das Verhältnis zwischen biologischer, sozio-kultureller und psychologischer Geschlechtsidentität. Diese unterschiedlichen Aspekte der sexuellen Identität können zwar nicht voneinander getrennt werden, sind aber zu differenzieren. Beim Recht auf sexuelle Selbstbestimmung innerhalb der Gender-Debatte geht es nicht darum, dass jemand seine sexuelle Identität nach Belieben wählen und wechseln kann, sondern dass ihm das Recht zugestanden wird, die ihm vorgegebene und durch unterschiedliche biologische, sozio-kulturelle etc. Faktoren mitbedingte Geschlechtsidentität zu erkennen, anzunehmen und zu gestalten.
Transsexualism concerns the form of found, not freely chosen sexual identity, which is characterized by the fact that biological sex is different from the psychological one. Somebody may have a subjective feeling of „living in a unsuitable body“, because he experiences himself as a woman, despite having a male body, and conversely. This gender dysphoria cannot be ultimately overcome, because a biological (i.e. genetical) sex cannot be changed, despite the possibility of matching the body phenotypically to psychological gender by hormone therapy or surgery. What remains is a dissociation between the biological foundations and sexual self-perception. Therefore, the task of recognition and acceptance of their sexuality can be difficult for transsexuals. So, they need not only prevention of discrimination from their social environment, but they also need support in the process of developing themselves in the corporeal and spiritual unity, so that they could find and develop their identity. This puts the issue in a fundamental debate on the relationship between biological, socio-cultural and psychological gender identity. These different aspects of sexual identity cannot be separated from each other, but they must be distinguished. Within the right to sexual self-determination, the gender debate does not mean that anyone can freely choose and change their sexual identity, but that their right to recognize, accept and shape their gender identity given to them and conditioned by biological, socio-cultural factors is acknowledged.
W przypadku transseksualizmu chodzi o formę znalezionej, więc nie w sposób wolny wybranej tożsamości seksualnej, która charakteryzuje się tym, że płeć biologiczna różni się od psychologicznej. Ktoś ma subiektywne odczucie „życia w niewłaściwym ciele”, ponieważ doświadcza siebie jako kobietę, mimo iż ma męskie ciało, lub na odwrót. Ta dysforia płciowa nie może być ostatecznie przezwyciężona, ponieważ płeć biologiczna (lepiej: genetyczna) nie może zostać zmieniona, mimo możliwości dopasowania ciała fenotypowo na drodze terapii hormonalnej lub zabiegu chirurgicznego do płci psychologicznej. Pozostaje więc dysocjacja pomiędzy fundamentami biologicznymi i seksualnym postrzeganiem siebie. Dlatego dla transseksualistów zadanie rozpoznania i zaakceptowania swojej seksualności może być trudne. Potrzebują oni zatem od swojego środowiska społecznego nie tylko zapobiegania jakiejkolwiek dyskryminacji, lecz także wsparcia w procesie rozwijania siebie w jedności cielesno-duchowej jako zintegrowana osobowość, aby mogli odnaleźć i rozwijać swoją tożsamość. Ta problematyka plasuje się w fundamentalnej debacie na temat relacji między biologiczną, społeczno-kulturową i psychologiczną tożsamością płciową. Te różne aspekty tożsamości seksualnej nie mogą być, co prawda, od siebie oddzielone, ale należy je rozróżniać. W ramach prawa do samostanowienia seksualnego w gender-debacie nie idzie o to, że ktoś może dowolnie wybierać i zmieniać swoją tożsamość seksualną, lecz że uznane jest jego prawo do rozpoznania, przyjęcia i kształtowania tożsamości płciowej, danej mu i współwarunkowanej przez różne czynniki biologiczne, społeczno-kulturowe itp.
Family Forum; 2016, 6; 97-112
Pojawia się w:
Family Forum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Edukacja seksualna – czy rzeczywiście ślepa na płeć?
Sex education – whether really blind to gender?
Bortkiewicz, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Artykuł dotyczy aspektu moralno-pedagogicznego w ideologii gender. Teoria płci kulturowej promuje się jako nauka opisowa dotycząca kulturowych ról płci, a zarazem jako projekt edukacji równościowej. W związku z tym dokonuje radykalnej krytyki aktualnych propozycji edukacyjnych, wskazując na ich charakter treningu uległości. Artykuł w znacznej części polemizuje z tą krytyką, wskazując na istotne elementy propozycji edukacji genderowej, Jej sednem jest propozycja równości, która dokonuje się kosztem totalnego zakwestionowania i zanegowania tożsamości. Na tym tle przypomniany zostaje - w zarysie - walor równości i tożsamości proponowany w chrześcijańskiej antropologii.
The article concerns the moral and pedagogical aspect of the ideology of gender. The theory of gender promotes itself as a descriptive study on the cultural gender roles, and also as a project of education equality. Therefore it is making a radical criticism of current educational proposals, pointing to their character of the training of the submissiveness. The article in the considerable part is polemisizing with, pointing to the essential elements of the proposal for gender education. Its crux is the proposition of equality, which is done at the expense of total questioning and denying the identity. Against this background it is recalled – in the outline - value of equality and identity proposed in Christian anthropology.
Teologia i moralność; 2014, 9, 2(16); 133-146
Pojawia się w:
Teologia i moralność
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Experiencing a Call to Ministry: Changing Trajectories, Re-Structuring Life Stories
Steeves, Kathleen
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Narrative Work
Turning Points
Christian Ministry
This paper presents a qualitative analysis of women’s experiences of call to Christian pastoral ministry as a second career—a mid-life turning point. Drawing on 44 semi-structured interviews with pastors of different denominations, I look at women’s stories of call through the lens of interpretive theory to analyze how women create meanings around this life altering event, and how they construct past experiences in light of these decisions. I employ George Herbert Mead’s theory of time to analyze how women afford prior secular work experiences sacred meaning in light of their subsequent “pastoral call” experience. This paper attempts to arrive at a better understanding of women’s experience of entering pastoral ministry, as well as their past and future life trajectories.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2017, 13, 4; 48-68
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Understanding identity, conflict, and trauma through literary texts of selected women writers of North-East India
Choudhury, Sanghamitra
Kumar, Shailendra
Tamuly, Jayanta Madhab
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Literary texts
Northeast India
Peace and Trauma
Literature is a consequential medium that reflects human phenomena through artistic mode. It helps in recalling past traumatic experiences though more often in a masked form. The memories of the bellicose conflicts are recounted by the victims long after the harrowing events get safely buried in history and no longer accessible to the present. People conventionally forget the source of the trauma yet they recollect it through literary betokens like poems, musical compositions, plays, novels, stories, etc. The literary texts play a vital role in recalling and understanding a particular conflict through the wounded psyche which no historical or any other narratives can reach as efficaciously. This is one of the main reasons why literary discourses rather than historical narratives are comparatively more efficacious in portraying conflicts. This manuscript highlights what literature tells us about a particular conflict that social science literature has missed on. It additionally accentuates how literary discourses of select women writers from Northeast India proved to be more reliable representations of conflicts because they endeavor to capture the unknowable and inexpressible far more efficaciously through tropes and images. The manuscript is unique in the sense that it attempts to establish a periscopic understanding of identity, conflict, and trauma within literary prisms and for this, the manuscript utilizes the inditements of six women writers from northeast India like Arupa Patangia Kalita, Ratna Bharali Talukdar (State of Assam), Temsula Ao, Easterine Iralu (State of Nagaland), Irom Sharmila, and Ningombam Sunita (State of Manipur).
Reality of Politics; 2021, 17; 13-41
Pojawia się w:
Reality of Politics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pain "Is" the Club: Identity and Membership in the Natural Childbirth Community
Rafalovich, Adam
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
United States
Natural Childbirth
Club Membership
Based upon interview data collected from 50 respondents, this study examines how expectant mothers navigate the divide between natural and non-natural childbirth when faced with the dilemma of using chemical pain management. The vast majority of participants in this study had strong intentions of delivering without any type of chemical pain management, but when faced with intense physical pain and/or coaxing from medical authorities, made the decision to use an epidural. Respondent accounts illustrate that the decision to use an epidural effectively removed them from membership in the “natural childbirth club.” In order to better understand this process of group inclusion/exclusion, I draw upon the symbolic interaction frameworks of George Herbert Mead (1934) and Norbert Wiley (1995), paying special attention to their theories of the self. This study concludes that the decision to use chemical pain management in the childbirth process is often done so at the expense of changes in identity with respect to the Generalized Other of the “natural childbirth” community.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2016, 12, 3; 100-116
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“Turning Points” For Aging Genealogists: Claiming Identities And Histories In Time
Hackstaff, Karla B.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Family history
Turning point
Baby boomers
Based on qualitative in-depth interviews, I examine the use of genealogy with regard to the current historical moment for identities rooted in kin, race, class, gender, nation—and age. Drawing on the concept of “turning points” coined by Anselm Strauss, I explore moments that motivate the doing of family genealogy. First, I suggest that Strauss’s turning points may occur simultaneously and converge like vectors across time. Second, I argue that late middle-age lends itself to “identity extensions”, which I define as a reevaluation of self that acknowledges one or more of the following: the significance of extended kin to one’s identity; reverence for ancestors; a social responsibility to the future. Finally, I analyze how the current era informs a particular generation’s genealogical endeavors. I conceive of U.S. baby boomers’ genealogical projects as an expression of longing for connections in family lives and for a place in social history across the generations.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2009, 5, 1; 130-151
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Constructing the Boundaries of Retirement for Baby-Boomer Women: Like Turning Off the Tap, or Is It?
van den Hoonaard, Deborah K.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Baby-Boomer Generation
We are at a unique point in history when an unprecedented number of women are beginning to retire. Earlier work has suggested that women have few identity concerns in retirement because they had less attachment to the labor force. In contrast, women of the baby-boomer generation are the first cohorts to have participated in significant numbers in the paid work force since the institutionalization of retirement. Using in-depth, semi-structured interviews, this article explores baby-boomer women’s process of leaving the paid work force and queries what retirement means to them. It focuses on the eroding boundary between work and retirement and issues of personal and social identity for the research participants. When women retire, they navigate a number of key boundaries between full-time, paid and other work and between their own transitions and the transitions of others in their lives. The women’s social identity reflects their experience of the intersection of retirement, aging, and gender. The themes that permeate the interviews include the loss of a primary identity without having a new positive identity to claim, being retired as a conversation stopper, and experiencing the invisibility that often comes with aging. Developing a unique identity and finding new meaning as a retiree is a challenging process for baby-boomer women as they negotiate “lingering identities” to avoid crossing the identity boundary from professional to retired. The article uses the words of the research participants to explore how they construct boundaries between work and retirement, the extent of their permeability, and the impact of women’s relationships and identity on those boundaries.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2015, 11, 3; 40-58
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A identidade “quebradeira de coco” como símbolo de pertencimento na territorialização dos babaçuais
The “babassu-nut breaker” identity as a symbol of belonging within palmland territorialization
Vaz Costa, Danillo
Porro, Roberto
Porro, Noemi Sakiara Miyasaka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Ośrodek Studiów Amerykańskich
Médio Mearim
Babaçu Livre
Mulheres Rurais
Rural women
Gênero e território se entrelaçam no debate sobre relações sociais de poder, sendo con- ceitos fundamentais para a compreensão da realidade do campesinato brasileiro. O artigo reflete sobre os processos de territorialização das organizações das mulheres quebradeiras de coco a partir de suas práticas e acordos para acesso, uso e gestão do babaçu, no território do Médio Mearim, Maranhão. Evidencia a conexão entre estudos de gênero e campesinato a partir da realidade do trabalho das quebradeiras de coco babaçu, assim como discute desdobramentos na aplicação da Lei do Babaçu Livre na territorialidade da mulher quebradeira de coco e sua luta pela valorização da coleta e quebra do babaçu. O estudo concluiu que as práticas e acordos de acesso e uso no contexto relacionado ao manejo do babaçu resultam na construção do território em que a territorialidade é marcada pelas relações de poder. Além disso, o estudo concluiu que a trajetória das quebradeiras de coco babaçu indica que reterritorializar campos desiguais a partir da perspectiva de gênero é o passo mais importante para construir políticas públicas mais efetivas, pois a desigualdade social no campo somente será superada se houver também combate à desigualdade de gênero.
Gender and territory are intertwined in the debate on social power relations, being fun- damental concepts for understanding the reality of the Brazilian peasantry. This article reflects on the processes of territorialization of women's organizations of babassu-nut breakers based on their practices and agreements for access, use and management of babassu palms in the Médio Mearim territory, Maranhão state. The article highlights the connection between studies of gender and the peasantry based on the reality of the work of babassu-nut breakers, as well as discusses developments in the application of the Free Babassu Law in the territoriality of women and their struggle for enhancing the value of gathering and breaking babassu. The study concluded that practices and access and use agreements in the context related to babassu management result in the construction of a territory in which territoriality is marked by power relations. In addition, the study concluded that the trajectory of babassu-nut breakers indicates that reterritorializing unequal fields from a gender perspective is the most important step to build more effective public policies, since social inequality in the countryside will only be overcome if gender inequality is subdued.
Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review; 2023, 32; 82-102
Pojawia się w:
Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 10

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