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The Challenges of Ukrainian Refugee Educators Abroad: Survey Results Based on the Example of Poland
Lukianova, Larysa
Ovcharuk, Oksana
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
refugee educators
adult education
Abstract The study presents the results of the online case study of Ukrainian refugee educators who were forced to move to Poland. The study aimed to investigate problems encountered by refugee educators and find possible options for supporting them and their professional activities per the interests expressed during the survey in the context of lifelong learning. The conceptual background of the research problem was based on the theory of adult education and the recent international strategies. The research sample consisted of 124 refugee educators aged 35–55+ years who have the potential to work by the obtained speciality. Data were collected using a Google Forms questionnaire; qualitative research methods were used. The results allowed for formulating conclusions and perspectives on the educators’ professional development and support.
The New Educational Review; 2023, 73; 134-146
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Adult Educators’ Approaches to the Educational Process and the Expected Results. Introspection Reconstructed in the Phenomenographic Research
Dobrzyniak, Marta
Plyska, Yuriy
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
educators’ approaches
adult education
learning outcomes
The paper’s topic refers to phenomenographic research with the participation of adult educators. The paper reflects educators’ concepts regarding expected learning outcomes or the learning process. These individual concepts were identified based on reconstructions of adult educators’ experiences. The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the variety of approaches which educators apply in the educational process and the learning outcomes that adult learners are expected to achieve – according to the educators’ assumptions. Reference to selected theoretical models included in the paper allows looking at the theoretical context.
The New Educational Review; 2023, 73; 149-161
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Social Media as a Tool for the Formation of Media Literacy
Kyrpa, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
social network
information environment
Transformation and informatisation of society contribute to introducing social media and information and communication technologies (ICT) as an integral part of society. The article is devoted to studying forming such a key competence of modern personality as media literacy through social media. The analysis of recent research and publications shows that the use of social media is controversial and has already been studied by scholars in various aspects. The use of social media today can be perceived as a pedagogical tool and a lever of information and political influence on society. Taking into consideration the imposition of martial law in Ukraine, we experience a special need to create own platforms of proven and quality information presented to the audience on social media as well as experts and influencers that will support the image and spirit of the country and ensure the dissemination of verified and reliable information. Education is considered the main counteraction to propaganda, manipulation and bias, and educators have been the headliners of the educational process. When conducting the research, the following tasks were set: 1) to find out the peculiarities of social media functioning (especially in martial law); 2) to test the feasibility of using social media as a tool for forming media literacy (based on findings of the educators in Dnipropetrovsk region). To conduct a comprehensive study of the use of social media as a tool for forming media literacy, we used a mixed research design based on quantitative and qualitative methods. The information overload that occurred at the beginning of the Russian military aggression against Ukraine negatively affected Ukrainian citizens’ ability to perceive information critically. However, by adapting to life in new conditions and restoring the ability to think critically, citizens continued their professional activities at a qualitatively new level. Exploring the potential of using social media for political manipulation and propaganda requires further in-depth study and analysis and can serve as a basis for political or psychological research in modern society.
Viae Educationis; 2022, 4; 22-29
Pojawia się w:
Viae Educationis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Intercultural education in the Czech Republic in the work of social educationalists Přemysl Pitter and Miroslav Dĕdič
Balvín, Jaroslav
Farkašová, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
historie życia pedagogów
edukacja międzykulturowa
czescy pedagodzy społeczni
Přemysl Pitter
Miroslav Dědič
life stories of educators
intercultural education
personalities of social pedagogy
Czech social educators
Autorzy artykułu przedstawiają wyniki badania opinii czeskich studentów na temat znaczenia filozofii czeskich pedagogów społecznych i andragogów dla ich przyszłej pracy zawodowej. Wskazują na to, że w dziedzinie edukacji międzykulturowej w Czechach wyróżniały się dwie osobistości: Přemysl Pitter (1895-1976) i Miroslav Dědič (1925). Přemysl Pitter koncentrował się na edukacji dzieci czeskich, żydowskich i niemieckich, Miroslav Dědič na edukacji dzieci czeskich, niemieckich, słowackich, a zwłaszcza romskich. Badania pokazują dość pozytywny związek studentów z wielokulturowym wymiarem filozofii wychowania i etyki wychowania obu pedagogów w stosunku do dzieci różnych narodowości. Autorzy postulują rozwój edukacji międzykulturowej zarówno w Czechach, jak i w Europie i na świecie w oparciu o myśli pedagogów nie tylko tych przywoływanych w tekście, ale i innych, np. Janusza Korczaka.
The Czech Republic lies in the middle of Europe. This has resulted in contact with a number of neighboring countries and Czech teachers had to teach not only Czech childrenIntercultural education in the Czech Republic in the work of social educationalists Přemysl Pitter and Miroslav Dĕdič. In the field of intercultural education, two personalities excelled in the Czech Republic: Přemysl Pitter (1895-1976) and Miroslav Dědič (1925). Přemysl Pitter focused on Czech, Jewish and German children, Miroslav Dědič on Czech, German, Slovak and especially Romany children. In our text we present research of Czech students’ opinions on both personalities and the content and meaning of their intercultural education.
Edukacja Międzykulturowa; 2020, 12, 1; 123-135
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Międzykulturowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Validation of the inclusive competences scale for educators (InComSEdu)
Štemberger, Tina
Kiswarday, Vanja Riccarda
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
preschool educators
inclusive competences
factor analysis
internal consistency
The study aimed to construct and validate the Inclusive Competences Scale for educators (InComSedu). The basis for item generation was the “Profile of Inclusive Teachers”, a document developed by the european Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive education. Items were measured on a 5-point Likert scale. In order to test the validity and internal consistency of the scale, item analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach’s α were used. on a sample of Slovenian educators factor analyses proved the InComSedu had seven subscales: Team working and cooperation with others, Implementing knowledge about inclusive education and support, reflecting on and learning from inclusive practice, optimising challenges and approaching interdisciplinary, Accepting professional responsibility for each child’s development, Promoting resilience and professionality, and empowering children’s life skills. results indicate that InComSedu is a valid and reliable instrument for the evaluation of inclusive competences among educators.
The New Educational Review; 2016, 44; 243-254
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Creativity Development in the Process Professional Training of Higher Education Graduates of the „Pre-School Education” Bachelor’s Level
Kurchatova, Anzhelika
Shapochkа, Kateryna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
future educators of preschool children
higher education institution
creative thinking
pedagogical conditions
professional training
The article considers the problems of creativity development of higher education students at a bachelor’s level in „Preschool Education” in professional training. Creativity is defined as an integrated quality of the future educator of preschool children in kindergarten, and the importance of creative thinking development during the assimilation of educational components of the professional direction is determined. Modern approaches to the problem of creativity and the selection of different types, factors and criteria suggest that this category has a multidimensional nature, and creativity itself is considered today a necessity in the life of modern man. The essence of the concept of „pedagogical conditions” is revealed. The pedagogical conditions for the effective development of creative thinking of future educators of preschool children that improve the quality of professional training in higher education are considered. Three conditions of creative thinking development of higher education students of the preschool profile are substantiated. They are the use of innovative pedagogical technologies, forms, methods and techniques for activating the creative potential of higher education students of „Preschool Education” speciality in the educational process of higher education institutions; ensuring the problematic nature of the educational process of future educators of preschool children; active practice-oriented activities of future educators of preschool children. Innovative pedagogical technologies and leading methods of work with future educators of preschool children are projects, quests, training sessions, and classes based on certain methods of the theory of inventive problems (MTIP). They allow teachers to guide students of higher education to self-improvement and self-realisation, creative activity, and future professionals to master their knowledge, skills, and abilities to solve specific educational problems in preschool, apply creative approaches, and develop communication and organisational skills. Modern approaches to the problem of creativity, the selection of different types, factors and criteria suggest that this category has a multidimensional nature, and creativity itself is considered today a necessity in the life of modern man.
Viae Educationis; 2022, 1; 33-40
Pojawia się w:
Viae Educationis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wzmożona obecność języka wykluczającego w polskiej przestrzeni publicznej - alert dla pedagogów
Górnikowska-Zwolak, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
przestrzeń publiczna
język wykluczający
alert dla pedagogów
public  space
excluding  language
historical space
alert for educators
Kultura jest nierozerwalnie związana z językiem; język jest rodzajem przewodnika kulturowego, ułatwia jej zrozumienie. Język jest zarówno spoiwem społeczeństwa, jak i narzędziem ekspresji, a dla jednostki potężnym czynnikiem rozwoju indywidualności. Stąd konieczność zainteresowania się przez pedagogów językiem - niewidzialnym środowiskiem edukacyjnym. Przestrzeń edukacji, analizowana tu przez pryzmat języka, pozostaje w ścisłym związku z przestrzenią publiczną, dlatego wgląd w sferę publiczną i dyskurs publiczny wydają się niezbędne. Transformacja polskiego społeczeństwa w latach 90. XX wieku ujawniła jego wewnętrzną różnorodność i co się z tym wiąże - potrzebę znalezienia języka, który pozwoliłby na komunikację i opis nowej rzeczywistości bez ranienia kogokolwiek. Jednak zjawisko poprawności politycznej nie zyskało w Polsce akceptacji. Co więcej, szerzy się mowa nienawiści, język wykluczający różne kategorie społeczne. Jest to sygnał, który zachęca nas, Wzmożona obecność języka wykluczającego w polskiej przestrzeni publicznej 127 pedagogów, do zainteresowania się przestrzenią historyczną, odniesieniem do czasu, w którym żyjemy, do zjawisk zachodzących w przeszłości i określających przyszłość. Jest to również sygnał alarmowy dla pedagogów i nauczycieli. Należy postawić pytanie o rolę edukatorów, ich zaangażowanie w ulepszanie świata. Jest to także pytanie o samoidentyfikację pedagogów - nauczycieli akademickich.
Culture is inseparable from language; language is a kind of cultural guide, it facilitates its understanding. Language is both a social bond for society and a tool of expression, and for the individual a powerful factor in the development of individuality. Hence the necessity to become interested in the language - invisible educational environment - by pedagogues. The space of education, considered here through the prism of language, remains in close connection with public space. Hence the need for insight into the public sphere and public discourse. The transformation of Polish society in the 1990s revealed its internal diversity and what is connected with it - the need to find a language that would allow communication and description of a new reality without hurting anyone. However, the phenomenon of political correctness has not been approved in Poland. What’s more, hate speech is increasing, language that excludes other social categories. This is a signal that encourages us to be interested in the historical space, reference to the time in which we live, to phenomena occurring in the past and defining the future. It is also an alarm signal for pedagogues and teachers. A question should be asked about the role of educators, their commitment to improving the world. It is also a question about self-identification of pedagogues-academic teachers.
Kultura i Edukacja; 2019, 1(123); 126-141
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wsparcie instytucjonalne uczniów pochodzenia romskiego w kontekście podtrzymywania tożsamości etnicznej
Institutional support for learners of Roma origin in the context of maintaining the ethnic identity
Kwadrans, Łukasz
Matkowska, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
wsparcie instytucjonalne dzieci romskich
edukacja dzieci romskich
podtrzymywanie tożsamości etnicznej
asystenci edukacji
nauczyciele wspomagający
institutional support for Roma children
Roma children’s education
actively sustained ethnic identity
auxiliary educators
supporting teachers
Artykuł poświęcony jest realizowanym formom wsparcia instytucjonalnego uczniów pochodzenia romskiego w polskim systemie oświaty. Romowie są grupą zagrożoną wykluczeniem społecznym, dlatego bardzo istotne jest systemowe wsparcie rodzin, a szczególnie uczniów w środowisku. Aktualnie proponowane formy pomocy koncentrują się na realizowaniu zadań edukacyjnych, mających na celu podtrzymywanie tożsamości etnicznej i językowej oraz integracji uczniów pochodzenia romskiego ze społeczeństwem. Jednak warto zastanowić się, w jakim stopniu wsparcie instytucjonalne ma znaczenie dla podtrzymywania tożsamości etnicznej uczniów pochodzenia romskiego i czy nie skutkuje zjawiskiem zatracania przez dzieci tradycji lub odizolowania się od własnej grupy, co w konsekwencji doprowadzić może do zanikania obyczajów i kultury romskiej.
The article concerns implementing the forms of institutional support for Roma children in the Polish educational system. The Roma are a group of people at the risk of social exclusion, hence it is very important for the system to support learners, especially at the family and the community level. Currently, the proposed forms of assistance to students focus on the implementation of educational tasks aimed at maintaining ethnic and linguistic identity and the integration of Roma children into the society. However, what is worth considering is the extent to which institutional support is important in maintaining the ethnic identity of school learners of Roma origin and whether it results in the phenomenon of children’s losing their tradition or isolating themselves from their own group, which in turn can lead to the disappearance of customs and culture of the Roma people.
Edukacja Międzykulturowa; 2017, 7, 2; 155-164
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Międzykulturowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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