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Commodification of Labour in the Post-Socialist State. Liberal-Democratic versus Centralised-Autocratic Model of Society in Social Awareness
Herudziński, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
systemic transformation
labour market
welfare state
The article describes the commodification process, focusing on the sphere of labour. The specificity of the approach consists of treating labour as a component of the systemic transformation of the Polish society. The Polish people, on their way from real socialism to market democracy, are undergoing a particularly intense commodification process. This process has been intensified by Poland’s accession to the European Union and by globalisation, due to participation in supranational market systems at the regional (European) and global levels. Empirically, the commodification process has been analysed using awareness studies. Subjects were young inhabitants of Warsaw with higher education, and the study results were additionally related to nationallevel research. The labour sphere is seen here as a key element of the wider social reality and it is studied empirically in terms of individual orientations which the subjects exhibit towards normative social models. The processes of commodification and de-commodification are seen in the context of the systemic transformation from centralised-autocratic to the market-democratic models of society. Attention has also been paid to the role of the welfare state, whose key function is to protect citizens from major risks, including the risk of being unemployed. The empirical study clearly shows the specificity of labour in commodification processes. Labour was shown to be an element that stands out from the other elements of the social system.
Kultura i Edukacja; 2014, 6(106); 159-172
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
State Policy towards Labour Market Changes Caused by COVID-19
Polityka państwa wobec zmian na rynku pracy spowodowanych COVID-19
Mikołajczyk, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
labour market
employment policy
labour market policy instruments
rynek pracy
polityka zatrudnienia
instrumenty polityki rynku pracy
The aim of the paper is to present strategies for minimising negative effects of the crisis caused by COVID-19 by state authorities of non-European countries in the first months after the announcement of the pandemic. The focus is on employment and labour market policy instruments. The research is comparative in its nature and was conducted using the desk research and discourse analysis methods. The source/unit in the analysis were the rapid assessments of the employment impacts of COVID-19 submitted to the International Labour Organisation. The study did not cover European Union Member States. Among the instruments and countermeasures typical of employment and labour market policies, few innovative solutions were identified, tailored to local specifics and taking into account the effects of the pandemic – the ecological crisis and the emergence of technological unemployment. The results achieved implicate a number of further questions relevant for public policy research. Research shows that COVID-19 contributes to deepening of the polarisation of society and existing labour market policy instruments in countries will not be sufficient to stop social exclusion due to unemployment especially in countries with a predominantly informal economy. Meanwhile, a category of people has emerged, due to the suspension of business activities and internal migration, whose status is also “suspended” (liminal) between work and unemployment.
Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie strategii minimalizowania negatywnych skutków kryzysu spowodowanych przez COVID-19 przez władze państwowe w pierwszych miesiącach od ogłoszenia pandemii. Koncentrowano uwagę na instrumentach polityki zatrudnienia i rynku pracy. Badania miały charakter porównawczy, prowadzone były metodami desk research oraz analizy dyskursu. Źródłem/jednostką w badaniu były bieżące analizy wpływu COVID-19 na zatrudnienie składane w Międzynarodowej Organizacji Pracy. Nie objęto badaniem państw należących do Unii Europejskiej. Wśród instrumentów i środków zaradczych typowych dla polityki zatrudnienia i polityki rynku pracy wykazano nieliczne rozwiązania innowacyjne, dostosowane do specyfiki lokalnej oraz uwzględniające skutki problemów nieunieważnionych przez pandemię – kryzysu ekologicznego oraz kwestii związanej z pojawianiem się bezrobocia technologicznego. Osiągnięte rezultaty rzutują na szereg dalszych pytań właściwych do postawienia w badaniach polityki publicznej. Badania pokazują, że COVID-19 przyczynia się do pogłębiania polaryzacji społeczeństwa, a istniejące w poszczególnych krajach instrumenty polityki rynku pracy nie wystarczą, by powstrzymać wykluczenie społeczne z powodu bezrobocia, zwłaszcza w krajach o dominującej gospodarce nieformalnej. Tymczasem ze względu na zawieszanie działalności gospodarczej i brak możliwości reemigracji pojawiła się nowa kategoria osób, których status liminalny oznacza „zawieszenie” między pracą a bezrobociem.
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne; 2021, 71; 63-76
Pojawia się w:
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Petrol and Natural Gas Market of the Visegrád Group Countries 1993–2016: Current State and Prospects
Kłaczyński, Robert
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
energy policy
natural gas
crude oil
The paper addresses problems related to energy policies pursued by Central European countries. It identifies the amounts of energy resources in individual countries in the Visegrád Group as well as the transmission infrastructures they use for natural gas and crude oil. The author discusses projects aimed at diversifying energy supplies which are of key importance to V4 countries. The article also presents relations between those countries in both within the group and bilaterally. When outlining prospects of a V4 energy strategy, the account is taken of such vital aspects as relations with the Russian Federation and the contribution made by Visegrád countries to EU actions designed to develop a single energy market.
Polish Political Science Yearbook; 2018, 1 (47); 7-19
Pojawia się w:
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Granice udziału spółek Skarbu Państwa w społecznej gospodarce rynkowej w świetle art. 20 Konstytucji
Limits of Participation of State-owned Companies in the Social Market Economy in the Context of Art. 20 of the Constitution
Oliński, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
społeczna gospodarka rynkowa
spółki Skarbu Państwa
prawo konkurencji
regulacje sektorowe
konstytucja gospodarcza
social market economy
economic constitution
state-owned companies
competition law
sector regulation
The article is an attempt to determine the constitutionally permissible limit of the participation of SOEs in the economy in light of Art. 20 of the Constitution. It begins with an introduction, summarizing current research in economic and legal sciences on the issue of the growing participation of SOEs in the economy and discussing the legal problems that this phenomenon raises. This is followed by a discussion of the relationship of the state to state and private property in light of the social market economy model. The considerations are supported by references to the doctrine of ordoliberalism and the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court. Possible measures for determining the excessive participation of state-owned companies in the economy in light of Article 20 of the Constitution are then considered. The article is concluded with conclusions for public administration bodies and the doctrine of public law.
Artykuł stanowi próbę określenia konstytucyjnie dopuszczalnej granicy udziału spółek Skarbu Państwa w gospodarce w świetle art. 20 Konstytucji. Zaczyna się wprowadzeniem, stanowiącym podsumowanie aktualnych badań z zakresu nauk ekonomicznych i prawnych nad problematyką rosnącego udziału SSP w gospodarce oraz omówieniem problemów prawnych jakie owe zjawisko rodzi. Następnie omówiony zostaje stosunek państwa do własności państwowej i prywatnej w świetle modelu społecznej gospodarki rynkowej. Rozważania podparte są odwołaniami do doktryny ordoliberalizmu oraz orzecznictwa Trybunału Konstytucyjnego. Następnie rozważane są możliwe miary pozwalające na stwierdzenie nadmiernego udziału spółek Skarbu Państwa w gospodarce w świetle art. 20 Konstytucji. Artykuł jest konkludowany wnioskami dla organów administracji publicznej i doktryny prawa publicznego.
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego; 2024, 1(77); 183-194
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Digital society and the information age: challenges and threats for man, business and the state
Reshetnikova, Natalia
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
digital society
digital economy
information age
digital transformation
financial market
national and global security
challenges and threats
The scientific article covers the problem of the digital transformation impact on the state, individuals, business and society in Russia and the world. An overview of the concept of «digital economy» by leading world experts is given. The authors concluded that, despite all the positive aspects of the transition to the digital economy, the market faces many risks. All of this affects national and global security.
Reality of Politics; 2021, 17; 145-154
Pojawia się w:
Reality of Politics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rynek turystyczny w Kazachstanie – wybrane zagadnienia
Tourist market in Kazakhstan – selected issues
Туристический рынок в Казахстане – избранные вопросы
Gburzyńska, Natalia
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
the image of the state
Central Asia
государственный имидж
Центральная Азия
This article concerns the modern tourist market in Kazakhstan. I focused to a large extent on the indications of the tourist industry’s characteristics in this country as well as the potential chances and threats that may be encountered in this area of the economy. The conclusions contained in the publication were based not only on source materials, but also on the author’s personal observations and memories of friends of the traveler. The aim of the article was to draw attention to the unusual tourism richness that can be observed by traveling through this country of Central Asia, as well as changing the stereotypical view of Kazakhstan.
Данная статья касается современного туристического рынка Казахстана. Я сосре- доточилась в основном на показателях туристической индустрии в этой стране, а также на потенциальных шансах и угрозах, которые могут встретиться в этой области экономики. Выводы, содержащиеся в публикации, основывались не только на исходных материалах, но и на личных наблюдениях автора и воспоминаниях друзей. Целью статьи было привлечь внимание к необычному туристическому богатству, которое можно наблюдать, путешествуя по этой стране Центральной Азии, а также изменить стереотипный взгляд на Казахстан.
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia; 2019, 1(20); 159-176
Pojawia się w:
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessing State Support for the Development of International Economic Cooperation: a Case of Polish Trade Support Institutions’ Export Recommendations for Turkey
Chmiel, Oskar J.
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
trade support institutions
foreign market information
international entrepreneurship
international competitiveness
institutional coherence
In times of increasing significance for national policies which support international economic cooperation, a special role is played by state trade support institutions (TSIs). This paper investigates whether such TSIs can be said to operate effectively, through an analysis of one essential element of the support provided to domestic entrepreneurs, namely export recommendations. The recommendations provided by Polish TSIs in respect of Turkey is employed as a case study. The theory of comparative advantage along with a neo-institutional perspective provide the conceptual framing for this analysis, in conjunction with both desk research, document analysis, and selected economic indices. Factors such as trade potential, comparative advantages, and the competitiveness of selected product groups exported by Polish firms to Turkey were also taken into account. The findings largely indicate that TSI export recommendations are adequate, and the majority of the recommended industries demonstrated considerable sales opportunities. Nevertheless, some discrepancies were also noted, which should be an issue for further investigation by both researchers and TSI analysts. Furthermore, the case study in this paper demonstrates that the choices within economic promotion policy – despite its partition between variously-oriented TSIs - were made on the basis of economic rationality.
Polish Political Science Yearbook; 2018, 1 (47); 39-53
Pojawia się w:
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konstytucyjna wolność przedsiębiorczości i prymat własności prywatnej a tak zwana złota akcja Skarbu Państwa
The Constitutional Freedom of Economic Enterprise and the Protection of the Primate of the Private Property in the Context of the so-called States’s Golden Share
Ciapała, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
społeczna gospodarka rynkowa
ograniczenia wolności przedsiębiorczości i prymatu własności prywatnej
uprzywilejowanie państwa w spółkach kapitałowych
złota akcja Skarbu Państwa
odstąpienie od prywatyzacji
patologie polityki gospodarczej
social market economy
restrictions on the freedom of entrepreneurship and the primacy of private property
state privilege in capital companies
gold share of the State Treasury
withdrawal from privatization
pathologies of economic policy
Przedmiotem opracowania jest szczególne uprzywilejowanie państwa w spółkach, w których – mając mniejszość akcji – dysponują tzw. złotą akcją, a zatem możliwością władczego oddziaływania na istotne decyzje spółki, wykraczając poza pozycję kapitałową państwa. Oznacza to ograniczenie wolności oraz prymatu własności prywatnej. Golden share może być pojmowana jako próba pogodzenia interesów prywatnych właścicieli z ważnym interesem publicznym w niektórych sektorach gospodarki, w których interes państwa staje się szczególnie doniosły. Ponieważ stanowi wyjątek od równej pozycji akcjonariuszy, jej wykorzystanie w polityce gospodarczej powinno być nader rzadkie. Autor krytykuje fakt, że Polsce po 2015 r. mamy do czynienia z odstępowaniem od prywatyzacji na rzecz zwiększonego udziału kapitału państwowego, a także z patologicznym zjawiskiem nadreprezentacji polityków we władzach przedsiębiorców, zarówno państwowych, jak i prywatnych. Wymaga to reorientacji polityki gospodarczej oraz personalnej.
The subject of the study is the special privilege of the state in companies in which – having a minority of shares – they have golden share, and therefore the ability to exert an authoritative influence on significant decisions of the company, going beyond the capital position. This means limiting the freedom of enterprise and the primacy of private property. Golden share can be understood as an attempt to reconcile the interests of private owners with an important public interest in certain sectors of the economy where the interest of the state becomes particularly important. Since it is an exception to the equal position of shareholders, its use in economic policy should be extremely rare.
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego; 2023, 3(73); 49-61
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Thoughts on the Theoretical Problems in the Book of Xi Jinping , Zarządzanie Chinami I [The Governance of China I], Wydawnictwo (Publishing House) Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2019, pp. 572
Wiktor, Zbigniew
Xiao, (Jia) Wei
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
governance of China
Chinese way
building socialism
scientifi c socialism
transition period
class struggle
class contradictions
Deng Xiaoping theory
socialist market economy
Xi Jinping reform
state-owned economic reform
historical materialism
The article includes five parts: 1. Introduction – information about the book promotion event held in Warsaw on December 19, 2019 on the Polish edition of Xi Jinping’s Governance of China vol. I. The book launch was great not only because of the editing and the contents of the book, but also because it was a political, economic, cultural and international event, since the author is the number one politician not only in China but also in the contemporary world. The introduction includes information about the book content and demonstrates its importance for the theoretical generalizations and recognition of the main problems of contemporary China. 2. According to the authors of the paper, problems mentioned in the book are especially important. The original Chinese way of building socialism and the early stages of Chinese revolution were national, anti-feudal, anti-capitalist, democratic and socialist. Mao Zedong established class-based Maoism as a Marxism-Leninism in the Chinese version, while Deng Xiaoping and his successors established and developed the socialist market economy, which is the continuation of Maoism in the new era and they created the Chinese path to the anti-capitalist revolution and the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The perspective of the development of China till 2021 and 2049 (as a modern and developed socialism) and its influence on the national rejuvenation is not only Chinese but also an international issue. 3. Third part of the paper is devoted to the problems of building socialism in China, the analysis of the theory of Xi Jinping, the leading role of the CPC, the economic role of the owner and foreign capital in economy and policy, and the socio-economic contradictions in the contemporary PRC. 4. Forth part concerns Confucianism and Marxism as theoretical and practical problems in China; the original Chinese culture and civilization; the continuation and discontinuation of the historical development in contemporary epoch; the original development; the policy of opening- -up; the necessity of considering human contents of Confucianism in building and developing of socialism in China. 5. Fifth part of the paper is on the future status of the Communist Party of China’s Economy. Since the emergence of state-owned economy, it has played a huge role in the economic development of all countries. However, under the way of neoliberalism, state-owned economy has gradually been associated with backwardness and inefficiency. On the forum of state-owned economy enterprise reform in China, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave out important instructions. State-owned enterprises are an important force for strengthening the comprehensive power of the country and safeguarding the common interests of the people. State-owned enterprises must be made stronger, better and bigger. Academia has had a huge disagreement on this, and some scholars believe that this is an act of favoritism toward state-owned enterprises. This paper analyzes China’s state-owned economy from the perspective of total factor productivity (TFP), Marx’s historical materialism, national productivity, and social development, clarifying that state-owned economic reform is diff erent from the system of “profit based demands” rooted in the private economic market, but a system based on national productivity and the “needs” of the people. Making state-owned enterprises “stronger, better, and bigger” is in line with the historical development of socialism and material productivity, resolving doubts on the direction of state-owned economic reform.
Reality of Politics; 2019, 10; 189-224
Pojawia się w:
Reality of Politics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-9 z 9

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