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Competition Law Enforcement in Times of Crisis: the Case of Serbia
Popovic, Dusan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
competition advocacy
competition law enforcement
control of state aid
economic crisis
The development of Serbian competition law started in 2005 with the adoption of its first modern Competition Act. National competition rules are generally harmonized with European Union law, especially following the adoption of the current Competition Act of 2009. However, several problems in competition law enforcement can be identified still, the importance of which increases as the effects of the current economic crisis spread. The paper focuses mainly on three problems specific to competition law enforcement in Serbia, a country with a weak economy. The first problem identified is that of a possibly privileged treatment of state-owned companies. The Competition Authority commenced so far only two proceedings against undertakings with state-owned capital. Furthermore, the Authority seems to accord insufficient attention to some industry sectors that are of special public interest, such as the production and trade of gas or oil, dominated by undertakings with state-owned capital. Sector-specific analyses undertaken by the Competition Authority did not result in any proceedings being initiated ex officio. The second problem identified in this paper is the reluctance of the Serbian Competition Authority to enforce competition rules in certain 'sensitive' situations. Instead of taking a pro-active approach, it sometimes seems that the Authority chooses to act as an 'advisor' of undertakings rather than an enforcer of competition law. Finally, the paper analyzes the activities of the Commission for State Aid Control, notorious for its perpetually positive approach towards institutions granting state aid.
Le développement du droit serbe de la concurrence a commencé en 2005, avec l’adoption de la première loi moderne relative à la protection de la concurrence. Les règles nationales de la concurrence sont généralement harmonisées avec le droit de l’Union européenne, en particulier suite à l’adoption de la loi relative à la protection de la concurrence en 2009. Pourtant, l’auteur identifie plusieurs problèmes relatifs à la mise en œuvre des règles de concurrence, dont l’importance a augmenté pendant la crise économique actuelle. L’article se concentre en particulier sur trois problèmes relatifs à la mise en ouvre des règles de concurrence en Serbie, un pays à difficultés économiques. Le premier problème identifié par l’auteur est relatif à un possible traitement préférentiel des entreprises publiques. Jusqu’à présent, l’Autorité de la concurrence n’a initié que deux procédures contre les entreprises publiques. De plus, il paraît que l’Autorité de la concurrence n’accorde pas suffisamment d’attention aux secteurs d’intérêt général, comme celui de la production et distribution de gaz, qui sont dominés par d’entreprises publiques. Les enquêtes sectorielles entreprises par l’Autorité de la concurrence dans ces secteurs n’ont abouti à aucune procédure initiée ex officio. Le deuxième problème identifié par l’auteur est celui de la réticence de l’Autorité de la concurrence d’initier des procédures dans certaines situations « sensibles ». Au lieu d’approche proactive, l’Autorité a choisi de jouer le rôle de « conseiller » d’entreprises dans certains cas. Finalement, l’auteur analyse les activités de la Commission pour le contrôle d’aides d’Etat, fameux pour la totalité de décisions déclarant l’aide compatible avec la loi.
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies; 2013, 6(8); 35-51
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Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Influence of Economic Theories and Schools on Competition Law in terms of Vertical Agreements
Jurczyk, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
economization of competition law
vertical agreements
economic efficiency
competition policy models and schools
The paper aims at showing the influence and the views espoused by economic theories and schools of economics on competition policy embedded in antitrust law and conducted by competition authorities in the field of vertical agreements. The scope of the paper demonstrates how substantially the economization of antitrust law has changed the assessment as to the harmfulness of vertical agreements. The analysis of economic aspects of vertical agreements in antitrust analysis allows one to reveal their pro-competitive effects and benefits, with the consumer being their beneficiary. The basic instrument of the said economization is that antitrust bodies draw on specific economic models and theories that can be employed in their practice. Within the scope of the paper, the author synthesizes the role and influence of those models and schools of economics on the application of competition law in the context of vertical agreements. In presenting, one after another, the theories and schools of economics which used to, or are still dealing with competition policy the author emphasises that in its nature this impact was more or less direct. Some of them remain at the level of general principals and axiology of competition policy, while others, in contrast, delineate concrete evaluation criteria and show how the application of those criteria changes the picture of anti-competitive practices; in other words, why vertical agreements, which in the past used to be considered to restrain competition, are no longer perceived as such. The paper presents the models and recommendations of neoclassical economics, the Harvard School, the Chicago and Post-Chicago School, the ordoliberal school, the Austrian and neo-Austrian school as well as the transaction cost theory
L’article vise à montrer l’influence et les vues véhiculées par les théories économiques et les écoles d’économie sur la politique de la concurrence inscrite dans le droit de la concurrence et menée par les autorités de la concurrence dans le domaine des accords verticaux. La portée de l’article montre que l’économie du droit de la concurrence a considérablement modifié l’évaluation de la nocivité des accords verticaux. L’analyse des aspects économiques des accords verticaux dans l’analyse antitrust permet de révéler leurs effets et avantages pro concurrentiels, ayant le consommateur comme leur bénéficiaire. L’instrument de base de ladite économisation est que les organismes antitrust font appel à des modèles économiques spécifiques et des théories qui peuvent être utilisés dans leur pratique. Dans le cadre de cet article, l’auteur résume le rôle et l’influence de ces modèles et de ces écoles d’économie sur l’application du droit de la concurrence dans le contexte d’accords verticaux. En présentant, l’un après l’autre, les théories et les écoles de l’économie qui étaient ou sont encore aux prises avec la politique de la concurrence, l’auteur souligne que cet impact était plus ou moins directe. Certains d’entre eux restent au niveau des principes généraux et de l’axiologie de la politique de concurrence, tandis que d’autres, au contraire, définissent des critères d’évaluation concrets et montrent comment leur application modifie le tableau des pratiques anticoncurrentielles; en d’autres termes, l’article évalue pourquoi les accords verticaux, qui dans le passé étaient considérées restreindre la concurrence, ne sont plus perçus comme tels. L’article présente les modèles et les recommandations de l’économie néoclassique, de la Harvard School, de la Chicago and Post-Chicago School, de l’école ordinaire, de l’école autrichienne et néo-autrichienne, ainsi que de la théorie des coûts de transaction.
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies; 2018, 11(18); 153-180
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Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Non-Economic Activities with Economic Features: the Speciality of ‘Hybrid’ Social Security systems. Case Comment to the Judgment of the EU Court of Justice of 11 June 2020 European Commission and Slovak Republic v Dôvera zdravotná poist’ovňa (Joined cases C-262/18P and C-271/18P)
Aldescu, Elena
Neves, Inês
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
competition law
State aid
economic activity
Following two appeals against a judgment of the General Court regarding the qualification of a series of measures of financial support as State aid(s), the Court of Justice clarifies that secondary and ancillary competitive elements within a social security system, and the presence of for-profit operators, are not such as to override the non-economic nature of the activities concerned. Therefore, should the characteristics derived from the principle of solidarity prevail, the recipient of the measures will not qualify as an ‘undertaking’, for the purposes of State aid rules.
À la suite de deux recours d’un arrêt du Tribunal concernant la qualification d’une série de mesures de soutien financier comme aide(s) d’État, la Cour de justice précise que ni les éléments concurrentiels secondaires et accessoires au sein d’un système de sécurité sociale ni la présence d’opérateurs à but lucratif sont de nature à l’emporter sur la nature non économique des activités concernées. Par conséquent, si les caractéristiques découlant du principe de solidarité prévalent, le bénéficiaire des mesures ne sera pas qualifié d’entreprise, aux fins des règles relatives aux aides d’État.
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies; 2021, 14, 23; 141-152
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Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Controlled Chaos with Consumer Welfare as the Winner – a Study of the Goals of Polish Antitrust Law
Miąsik, Dawid
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
public interest
consumer protection
consumer welfare
economic freedom
restriction of competition
This article presents the main issues relating to the goals of modern Polish competition law. It examines the relationship between the subject-matter of competition law, its function and its goals. It identifies various goals of competition law as well as their acceptance in the legal doctrine and jurisprudence. The study shows that the goals of Polish competition law have always been limited to enhancing efficiency and consumer welfare, with this latter term being understood in a post-Chicago-school fashions, rather than accordingly to its Chicago-school origin. This article shows how an 18-years competition law system, rather accidentally than deliberately, took the best ideas from both the American and the European legal tradition and mix them up into an incoherent, yet workable system of competition protection which is favourable towards efficient operations and, at the same time, safeguards consumers against exploitation and diminished choice.
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies; 2008, 1(1); 33-57
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Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Role of Economic Efficiency in Competition Law
Jurczyk, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
dynamic efficiency
economic efficiency
efficient competition
static efficiency
The main focus of the paper is the function of economics in the current application of competition law. While advocating further economization of the law, it is seen as necessary to widen the extent to which aspects of economic efficiency encompassing static and dynamic efficiency are taken into consideration in an antitrust analysis. Much attention is devoted to these issues, while clarifying what is meant by them, how they are to be understood and implemented in the practice of antitrust authorities, as well as discussing their importance for the promotion of innovation. It is noted that accounting for the economic efficiency aspects differently in the light of competition law allows for the assessment of the market behavior of dominant companies, which traditionally has been seen as anticompetitive. This main issue of the paper is analyzed extensively and explained using the case of Microsoft, a company accused by the US and EU antitrust authorities of abusing its dominant position on the market of operating systems in that it integrated the sale of its base product Windows OS exclusively with other applications (Media Player and Internet Explorer). The differences presented in the research part of the paper as to the way Microsoft was treated by these authorities originated in their different methodology of analysis and assessment of the effects of the sales model launched by Microsoft for products offered to the PC manufacturers and their users, in spite of the US and EU antitrust authorities adopting the same evaluation standard – consumer welfare. Aspects of dynamic efficiency adequate in the assessment of the behavior of innovative firms holding a dominant position proved to be deciding. On the other side of the Atlantic, taking into account the aspects of dynamic efficiency was crucial in coming up with a lighter assessment of Microsoft’s tying compared to the European authorities’ assessment which was based largely on the structural analysis, where the benefits arising from dynamic efficiency are not visible. It is clear from the decisions made by the Commission that it favours regulation over effects generated by competition forces at a later time.
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies; 2017, 10(16); 107-126
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Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Overview of Kazakhstani New Anti-monopoly Regulation
Korobeinikov, Alexander
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
antitrust law
Entrepreneurial Code
economic concentration
restrictive agreements
dominant market
unfair competition
violating competition laws
The main statute governing competition in Kazakhstan is the Entrepreneurial Code, first adopted in October 2015. Section 4 of the Code in particular is aimed at the protection of competition in Kazakhstan. It primarily deals with anti-competitive agreements and conduct, provides for a control system over economic concentrations, and regulates anti-monopoly investigations. The anti-monopoly provisions of the Code are enforced by the Committee on the Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of Competition within the Ministry of the National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its regional departments located in each Kazakhstani region and its two main cities (Almaty and Astana). The Committee has a broad range of powers and duties ranging from investigating anti-competitive conduct and imposing administrative sanctions to regulating natural monopolies. The Code generally prohibits horizontal and vertical agreements and concerted actions that lead (or can lead) to restriction of competition, albeit it also provides certain exemptions. The Code includes an exhaustive list of conduct which is prohibited for dominant entities. The Anti-monopoly Committee exercises control over economic concentrations by overseeing mergers, consolidations, acquisitions and certain other transactions.
La loi principale régissant la concurrence au Kazakhstan est le Code de l'entreprise, adoptée en octobre 2015. Notamment la section 4 du Code de l'entreprise vise à protéger la concurrence au Kazakhstan. Elle stipule des dispositions concernant des ententes anticoncurrentiels et des pratiques concertées, elle prévoit un système de contrôle des concentrations et réglemente des enquêtes concernant les violations du droit de la concurrence. Les dispositions du Code de l'entreprise concernant la concurrence sont appliquées par le Comité sur la réglementation des monopoles et la protection de la concurrence, au sein du Ministère de l'économie nationale de la République du Kazakhstan et dans ses départements régionaux situés dans chaque région du Kazakhstan et dans ses deux principales villes (Almaty et Astana). Le Comité possède de multiples prérogatives et de fonctions allant de l'examen de comportement anticoncurrentielle et l'imposition de sanctions administratives à la réglementation des monopoles naturels. Le Code interdit généralement les accords horizontaux et verticaux ou les actions concertées qui conduisent (ou peuvent conduire) à la restriction de la concurrence, mais il prévoit aussi certaines exemptions. Le Code contient une liste exhaustive de comportements interdits aux entités dominantes. Le contrôle de concentrations est exercé par le Comité anti monopole et il s'agit de contrôle des fusions, des regroupements, des acquisitions et des certaines autres transactions.
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies; 2016, 9(14); 195-202
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Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problems Related to Determining of a Single Economic Entity under Competition Law
Moisejevas, Raimundas
Urbonas, Danielius
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
competition law
concept of the control
decisive influence
one economic unit
parent company
single economic entity
The article explores the problems related to the determination of a single economic unit under competition law. The first part of the article addresses the concept of a single economic entity. It is presumed that companies belonging to a group are separate undertakings, but under certain circumstances the group might constitute a single economic entity. The second part refers to the analysis of the concept of ‘control’, which is the main criterion describing the relationship inside a group of companies. The third part refers to the analysis of the cases when de jure separate undertakings are recognized as a single economic entity. When a company exercises decisive influence over another company, they form a single economic entity and, hence, are part of the same undertaking. Decisive influence is the most important criterion for recognizing that de jure separate undertakings constitute a single economic unit. Finally, the fourth part refers to problems concerning the presumption of the decisive influence. It is presumed that a parent company exercises a decisive influence over a subsidiary where it holds 100 percent of capital. Thus, separate companies are recognized as a single economic unit, if 100 percent of a company’s capital is owned by the controlling entity.
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies; 2017, 10(16); 107-126
Pojawia się w:
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Digital Markets Act between the EU Economic Constitutionalism and the EU Competition Policy
Massa, Claudia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
Digital Markets Act
EU Economic constitutionalism
EU competition
Big Tech
EU Law
Given that a lot has already been written by legal scholars on the practical implications that the entry into force of the Digital Markets Act will have, the present article intends to bring the discussion back to the theoretical level, trying to find out where the roots of this proposed regulation lie, with an analysis of the context in which it falls, the EU principles and values upon which it is based, the objectives it intends to pursue, and the legal-economic theories behind it.
La doctrine a déjà beaucoup écrit sur les implications pratiques de l’entrée en vigueur du Digital Markets Act, c’est pourquoi le présent article vise à ramener la discussion au niveau théorique, en essayant d’identifier les racines de cette proposition de règlement, a travers une analyse du contexte dans lequel il s’inscrit, des principes et valeurs de l’UE sur lesquels il repose, des objectifs qu’il entend poursuivre et des théories juridico-économiques qui le sous-tendent.
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies; 2022, 15, 26; 103-130
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Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
State-Controlled Entities in the EU Merger Control: the Case of PKN Orlen and Lotos Group
Svetlicinii, Alexandr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
state owned enterprise
merger control
single economic unit
competitive neutrality
national competition authority
The economic downturn caused by the coronavirus pandemics is expected to result in the increased participation of the state in the functioning of markets. One of the forms of this participation is the recapitalization and state shareholding in commercial enterprises, which could lead to anti-competitive effects to the detriment of competitors and consumers. In this regard, the effective enforcement of merger control rules at the EU and national levels gains in importance. The present paper questions the adequacy of the available merger control standards and assessment tools for taking into account potential anti-competitive effects stemming from ownership and non-ownership forms of state control over undertakings. The analysis is focused on the experiences of Polish state owned enterprises under the EU and national merger control assessment. It was prompted by the notification of the PKN Orlen/Lotos merger that received conditional clearance from the EU Commission.
Le ralentissement économique provoqué par la pandémie de coronavirus est suppose se traduire par une participation accrue de l’État au fonctionnement des marchés. L’une des formes de cette participation est la recapitalisation et la participation de l’État dans les entreprises commerciales, ce qui pourrait produire des effets anticoncurrentiels au détriment des concurrents et des consommateurs. À cet égard, l’application effective des règles de contrôle des concentrations au niveau de l’UE et national gagne en importance. Le présent article s’interroge sur l’adéquation des normes de contrôle des concentrations et des moyens d’évaluation disponibles pour tenir en compte les effets anticoncurrentiels potentiels découlant des formes de contrôle public sur les entreprises. L’analyse se concentre sur les expériences des entreprises publiques polonaises dans le cadre de l’évaluation du contrôle des concentrations au niveau de l’UE et national. Cette analyse est le résultat de la notification de la fusion PKN Orlen/Lotos qui a reçu l’autorisation conditionnelle de la Commission européenne.
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies; 2020, 13, 22; 189-210
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Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Compensation liability for antitrust damages caused by related companies – development of the concept of a single economic unit. Case comment to the CJEU judgment of 6 October 2021 in case C-882/19 Sumal SL v Mercedes Benz Trucks España SL
Mackiewicz, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
private enforcement
single economic unit
determining the entities responsible for repairing the damage
infringement of competition law
The subject of this case comment is the analysis and assessment of the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued on 6 October 2021 in case C-882/19, brought by Sumal SL v Mercedes Benz Trucks España SL. The Sumal judgment concerns an important issue in the area of competition law, both public and private (private enforcement) – determining the group of entities responsible for infringements of competition law operating within one economic body. Earlier CJEU case law in this regard focused primarily on determining the liability of the parent company within a group of companies. In the Sumal judgment, however, the CJEU raised the issue of the liability of subsidiaries in the event of a breach of competition law by the parent company. The CJEU has by no means crossed out its earlier case law on the single economic unit, but looked at the issue from the opposite direction and specified the liability conditions of subsidiaries. Such clarification was undoubtedly desirable. However, it calls into question the principle of liability of subsidiaries in a situation where they were not directly involved in the infringement, rather than only indirectly or informally.
internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny; 2023, 12, 5; 124-131
Pojawia się w:
internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Escalators’ Series. Season: Private Enforcement. Episode: About the One that was not an Undertaking on the Relevant Market. Case Comment to Judgment of the Court of Justice of 12 December 2019, Case C-435/18
Dobosz, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
private enforcement
Article 101 TFEU
preliminary ruling
competition law
national civil law
principle of effectiveness
more economic
This case-note offers comments to the judgement of the Court of Justice in another escalators’ case and its potential implications. Given that the preliminary questions rather entail obvious response, the ruling goes beyond expectations. Its reasoning is not based on the necessity to cope with specific national obstacles that was predominantly utilized in face of private enforcement cases. Instead the Court of Justice held that genuinely Article 101 TFEU implies that, probably, any injured party will be entitled to act as a claimant in damages litigation. No room for national legal specificities was left then. Furthermore, the case comment argues that its side back is more economic approach return to the mainstream debate. Aside these and other insights, some misgivings are presented in a context of a certain noticeable tendency in terms of the fashion in which the Court of Justice in genere handles with the cases.
Ce commentaire analyse l’arrêt de la Cour de justice dans la « Escalators’ Series » et ses implications potentielles. Comme les questions préjudicielles comportment plutôt des réponses claires, l’arrêt va au-delà des attentes. Son raisonnement n’est pas basé sur la nécessité de faire face à des obstacles nationaux spécifiques qui ont été principalement utilisés dans des affaires privée. Au contraire, la Cour de justice a estimé que l’article 101 du TFUE implique véritablement que toute partie endommagée sera en droit d’agir en tant que demandeur dans un litige de dommages et intérêts. Il n’y avait pas de place pour les spécificités juridiques nationales. En outre, le commentaire de l’affaire fait valoir que cette decision implique un retour à une approche plus économique dans le débat général. Ertaines réserves sont présentées dans le contexte d’une certaine tendance perceptible en ce qui concerne la manière dont la Cour de justice traite généralement les affaires. En outre, le commentaire de l’affaire fait valoir qu’il implique un retour au débat général avec une approche plus économique. Par ailleurs, certaines réserves sont présentées dans le cadre d’une certaine tendance perceptible en ce qui concerne la manière dont la Cour de justice traite en général les affaires.
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies; 2020, 13, 22; 255-270
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Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fluktuacja sprzedawców przyczyny i konsekwencje
Seller fluctuation – causes and consequences
Cybulski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
fluktuacja sprzedawców
konkurencja rynkowa
mobilność społeczna
i ekonomiczna
rozwój społeczny i ekonomiczny
klasyczna teoria ekonomii
teoria produktywności
seller fluctuation
market competition
social and economic mobility
and economic development
classical economic theory
marginal theory of productivity
Celem niniejszego tekstu jest analiza przyczyn i konsekwencji fluktuacji pracowników sprzedaży rozpatrywana z punktu widzenia wybranych zmiennych rynkowych. Przedstawiono uwarunkowania wpływające na decyzje o zmianie miejsca pracy samych sprzedawców oraz obszary, na które fluktuacja ma największy wpływ.
The purpose of this text is to analyze the causes and consequences of sales employees’ fluctuations, considered from the point of view of selected market variables. The conditions influencing the decision to change the workplace of the sellers themselves and the areas on which fluctuations have the greatest impact are presented.
Studia i Materiały; 2019, 2(31); 59-66
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Studia i Materiały
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Extending the Principle of Economic Continuity to Private Enforcement of Competition Law. What Lies Ahead for Corporate Restructuring and Civil Damages Proceedings after Skanska? Case Comment to the Judgement of the Court of Justice of 14 March 2019 Skanska Industrial Solutions and others (Case C-724/17)
Fasoula, Vasiliki
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
actions for damages
determination of the entities liable to provide
principle of economic continuity
autonomous concept of
effectiveness of EU competition law
In the tradition of civil law Member States, civil liability issues are linked to the legal entity that caused a damage, with the exception of lifting the corporate veil. The Finnish competition authority imposed fines to Finnish companies that participated in an asphalt cartel. Following that decision, an action for damages was lodged for infringement of Article 101 TFEU that ultimately led to the Skanska ruling. The European judge completes and specifies some ambiguities of the Damages Directive. From a holistic point of view of the objective pursued by both public and private enforcement of European competition law rules, the economic entity of an ‘undertaking’, as it is defined by European law rather than the legal entity as it is defined by national law, must be a substantive criterion, and not a procedural one, in civil liability procedures before national courts awarding damages for European law infringements. Introducing the principle of economic continuity to national civil liability procedures is a creeping harmonisation of national civil law in order to serve the effectiveness of European competition law. The scope of Skanska could also extent to Article 102 TFEU infringements. Corporate restructuring must follow from now on a lengthy and complex due diligence as the acquirers could be liable for their predecessors’ infringements in any Member State.
Dans la tradition des États membres de droit civil, les questions de responsabilité civile sont liées à la personne morale qui a causé un dommage, à l’exception du voile corporatif. L’autorité finlandaise de la concurrence a infligé des amendes aux entreprises finlandaises qui ont participé à une entente sur l’asphalte. Depuis cette décision, une action en dommages-intérêts a été introduite pour violation de l’article 101 du TFUE, qui a finalement abouti à l’arrêt Skanska. Le juge européen complète et précise certaines ambiguïtés de la directive Dommages et intérêts. D’un point de vue global de l’objectif poursuivi par l’application publique et privée des règles du droit européen de la concurrence, l’entité économique de l’ «entreprise» telle qu’elle est définie par le droit européen, et non l’entité juridique telle qu’elle est définie par le droit national, doit être un critère de fond, et non de procédure, dans les procédures en responsabilité civile devant les juridictions nationales qui accordent des indemnités pour violation du droit européen. L’introduction du principe de continuité économique dans les procedures nationales de responsabilité civile est une harmonisation progressive du droit civil national afin de servir l’efficacité du droit européen de la concurrence. Le champ d’application de Skanska pourrait également s’étendre aux infractions à l’article 102 du TFUE. La restructuration des entreprises doit dorénavant faire l’objet d’un contrôle préalable long et complexe, car les acquéreurs pourraient être fiables pour les infractions commises par leurs prédécesseurs dans tous les États membres.
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies; 2019, 12, 20; 259-268
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Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Porozumienia zakazane ze względu na cel lub skutek w aktualnej polskiej praktyce orzeczniczej
Restrictions of competition by object or by effect in recent Polish case law
Bolecki, Antoni
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
porozumienia ograniczające konkurencję
cel porozumienia
skutek porozumienia
podejście formalistyczne
podejście ekonomiczne
ancillary restraints
obiektywne uzasadnienie
competition restricting agreements
object of agreements
effect of agreements
formalistic approach
economic approach
objective justification
Przedmiotem artykułu jest zbadanie aktualnej praktyki orzeczniczej Prezesa UOKiK dotyczącej porozumień zakazanych ze względu na cel lub skutek. W artykule wyszczególniono trzy obszary badawcze: a) dotyczący sposobu pojmowania i wykorzystywania przez Prezesa UOKiK instytucji antykonkurencyjnego skutku porozumienia; b) dotyczący zakresu uwzględniania przez Prezesa UOKiK szeroko pojętego otoczenia gospodarczego, w którym funkcjonuje kwestionowane przez niego porozumienie; c) dotyczący stosowania przez Prezesa UOKiK metod mających na celu racjonalizację zakazu zawierania porozumień ograniczających konkurencję (ancillary restraints; obiektywne uzasadnienie dla ograniczeń konkurencji). Przeprowadzona analiza orzecznictwa doprowadziła do następujących wniosków: a) organ antymonopolowy wykazuje tendencję do dowodzenia zaistnienia antykonkurencyjnych skutków, mimo że z uwagi na dostateczne wykazanie antykonkurencyjnego celu nie jest to formalnie wymagane. Antykonkurencyjny skutek postrzegany jest przez Prezesa UOKiK często w sposób uproszczony; bardziej zbliżony do punktowego zdeformowania wąskiego wycinka działalności gospodarczej, niż do realnego ograniczenia mechanizmów konkurencji; b) szeroko pojęte otoczenie gospodarcze, w którym funkcjonują badane przez Prezesa UOKiK porozumienia, jest uwzględniane tylko w części spraw, dominuje raczej podejście formalistyczne; c) nie widać prób poszukiwania nowych sposobów racjonalizacji oceny porozumień na wzór ancillary restraints, czy obiektywnego uzasadnienia dla ograniczeń konkurencji.
The article analyses recent decisions of the Polish competition authority which concern prohibitions on the grounds of an anticompetitive object or effect on an agreement. Three areas are taken into account in this context: (a) the authority’s understanding and use of the concept of “effect of anticompetitive agreement”; (b) the extent to which the authority considers the overall economic environment of the scrutinised agreements and; (c) the use by the authority of methods rationalising the prohibition of competition restricting agreements (i.e. ancillary restraints and objective justifi cations of a competition restriction). The following conclusions are drawn from this analysis: (a) the Polish competition authority endeavours to prove the occurrence of anticompetitive effects even though this is not formally required if an anticompetitive object is suffi ciently proven. The authority tends to apply a simplifi ed view of anticompetitive effects – it sees them more as a spot deformation of a narrow section of business activities rather than an actual restriction of competition mechanisms; (b) the authority takes into account the overall economic context of the scrutinised agreements only in some cases – it most often follows a formalistic approach; (c) there is no evidence of the authority trying to fi nd new methods of rationalising its assessment by considering, for example, ancillary restraints or an objective justifi cation of competition restrictions.
internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny; 2012, 1, 1; 16-32
Pojawia się w:
internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Porozumienia zakazane ze względu na cel lub skutek – aktualne tendencje orzecznicze w Unii Europejskiej
Agreements by object or effect – current trends in EU case law
Bolecki, Antoni
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
porozumienia ograniczające konkurencję
cel porozumienia
skutek porozumienia
podejście ekonomiczne
aktualne orzecznictwo unijne dotyczące porozumień
agreements restricting competition
agreements by object
agreements by effect
economic approach
current EU jurisprudence concerning agreements
Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu są aktualne tendencje w orzecznictwie unijnym oraz w literaturze dotyczące rozróżnienia między porozumieniami zakazanymi co do celu a porozumieniami zakazanymi co do skutku. W zakresie tym bowiem następują ostatnio istotne zmiany. Wyrażają się one w szczególności w ciągłym poszerzaniu otwartego katalogu porozumień zakazanych co do celu, przy jednoczesnym braku eksploatacji instytucji porozumień zakazanych wyłącznie ze względu na antykonkurencyjny skutek, który mogą wywoływać. Towarzyszą temu rosnące wymagania dotyczące uwzględniania na etapie analizy celów porozumienia jego szeroko pojętego otoczenia ekonomicznego.
The article presents current trends in EU case law and publications concerning the distinction between agreements which are prohibited due to their object and those which are prohibited on grounds of their effect in light of the significant changes that have recently occurred in this field. These changes are manifested particularly by the continuous expansion of the open list of agreements which are prohibited by object, meanwhile in the absence of the application of agreements which are prohibited solely because of the anti-competitive effect they may cause. This trend is accompanied by increasing demand for the consideration of the wider economic environment already at the stage of analyzing the objects of an agreement.
internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny; 2012, 1, 3; 5-25
Pojawia się w:
internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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