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Physical Education and School Sport of the German Minority in Poland in the Interwar Period of the 20th Century
Jurek, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
German minority in Poland
physical education of national minorities
school sport
In the interwar period of the 20th century, 30% of the total population of Poland was comprised of national minorities. Among them, the German minority of 740 thousand people played a very prominent role. The Germans lived mainly in the western parts of Poland: Pomeranian, Poznań and Silesian voivodeships, as well as in the district of Lodz. The German community was wealthy and influential thanks to the economic traditions and support provided by the German state. In order to stop the process of polonization, the Germans established and developed numerous forms of economic, cultural and social activity. They were very active in the area of physical culture. Their activities included taking great care of the development of physical education and sport in German schools at both primary and secondary education level. Physical education classes were taught and school sports competitions were organized. Physical education was one of the most popular school subjects and was intended to preserve the “German spirit” among pupils. The majority of German schools had a curriculum in place that included two hours of physical education per week and some of them even four hours of PE classes per week. The best teaching staff and sports facilities were to be found in private schools, especially secondary schools, where physical education and school sports enjoyed a very prominent status.
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine; 2020, 30, 2; 25-31
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mabuse – Żyd czy nazista?
Mabuse – a Jew or a Nazi?
Kłys, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Fritz Lang
dr Mabuse
the German cinema
kino niemieckie
Ostatni weimarski film Fritza Langa, Testament doktora Mabuse (Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse / Le Testament du Dr. Mabuse, 1933), dość powszechnie uchodzi za film antynazistowski. Ta renoma jest rezultatem niedopuszczenia filmu na niemieckie ekrany przez cenzurę Trzeciej Rzeszy oraz wielokrotnie przytaczanej w rozmaitych wariantach opowieści reżysera o jego jakoby natychmiastowej ucieczce z Niemiec w kwietniu 1933 roku po rzekomym spotkaniu z ministrem propagandy, Goebbelsem. W świetle dostępnych po śmierci reżysera dokumentów i znanych dziś faktów wiadomo już, że historia ta jest wymysłem Langa, jego „wyobrażonym filmem”. Na emigracji w USA Lang wzmocnił przekonanie opinii publicznej o antynazistowskim charakterze swego filmu poprzez manipulacje przekładem napisów przy okazji amerykańskiej premieryfrancuskojęzycznej wersji Testamentu doktora Mabuse w roku 1943. Jeszcze większych manipulacji na oryginalnym materiale filmowym reżyser dokonał, gdy na ekrany amerykańskie, pod tytułem The Crimes of Dr. Mabuse, wchodziła w roku 1952niemiecka wersja filmu: antynazistowską wymowę sugerowały bynajmniej nieliteralny przekład niemieckich dialogów w angielskim dubbingu i dokrętka expressis verbis objaśniająca, że akcja filmu toczy się między rokiem 1932 a 1939, gdy Niemcami rządzili „hitlerowscy przestępcy”. To właśnie tych ostatnich, wedle tej interpretacji, uosabia gang Mabusego/Bauma. Wprost przeciwną wymowę sugerowała wersja filmu na krótko dopuszczona przez Goebbelsa na ekrany Trzeciej Rzeszy – dokrętka o charakterze ramy narracyjnej (Rahmenhandlung) sugerowała osadzenie akcji w niedawnych, „mrocznych”czasach Republiki Weimarskiej, gdy krajem rządzili Żydzi…Analiza oryginalnej, pozbawionej manipulacyjnych zabiegów, wersji filmu dowodzi, że Mabuse to „puste miejsce”, które można „wypełnić” odmiennymi politycznymi i kulturowymi sensami, zawsze jednak związanymi z władzą, przemocą, zbrodnią, finansowymi matactwami i zakulisową manipulacją. Może jednak zamiast na siłę znajdować polityczną wymowę filmu, lepiej przyjrzeć się jego afiliacjom estetycznym: fabułą Testament doktora Mabuse dość zastanawiająco przypomina słynny film Roberta Wiene Gabinet doktora Caligari (Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari, 1919), a próg i kres kina weimarskiego wyznaczają zatem dwa filmy o zbrodniczych psychiatrach, którzy sami popadają w szaleństwo i ostatecznie zostają pacjentami kierowanych przez siebie „domów wariatów”.
The last Weimar film by Fritz Lang, Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse / Le Testament du Dr. Mabuse (1933), is commonly regarded as anti-Nazi. Such an opinion results, inter alia, from the fact that the film was not authorised to go on general release in the Third Reich and from the story according to which the director must have escaped from Germany in April 1933 after an alleged meeting with Goebbels, minister of propaganda. In the light of the documents revealed after the death of the director and the facts commonly known now it has turned out that the whole story had been Lang’s fabrication, it is a ‘conjured-up film’. Being an expatriate in the USA Lang strengthened the widespread conviction of the anti-Nazi character of his film by manipulating the translation of the subtitles while the French version of his film was being released in the USA in 1943. The director made further manipulations on the original material of the film when its German version was being released in the USA in 1952 under the title of The Crimes of Dr Mabuse; its anti-Nazi character was suggested by the dialogues in the English-language dubbingtranslated from the German language; the translation was not literal (word-for-word) in the least. Some additional fragments of the film were shot later in order to explain that the plot took place between 1932 and 1939 when Germany was ruled by ‘Hitler’s criminal gang’. It was just ‘Hilter’s criminal gang’ – according to this interpretation – that is synonymous with the gang of Mabuse/Baum. Just the reverse interpretation was suggested by the version of the film released by Goebbels in the Third Reich – some extra scenes (Rahmenhandlung) shot then suggested placing the action in the ‘gloomy’ times of the Weimar Republic ruled by the Jews.The analysis of the original, devoid of any manipulations, version of the film proves that Mabuse is an ‘empty space’ that may be ‘filled’ with various political and cultural meanings, but always connected with the authorities, with violence, crime, financial chicaneryand behind-the-scenes manipulation.Yet, instead of looking for a political interpretation of the film, it might be interesting to have a look at its aesthetic affiliations: the plot of The Last Will of Dr Mabuse surprisingly resembles the famous film by Robert Wiene Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari(1919), the last production of the Weimar Cinema. The two films describe criminal psychiatrists that became mad and eventually were locked in a mental hospital, which had been headed by them before.
Przegląd Zachodniopomorski; 2015, 3; 43-58
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Zachodniopomorski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polish Physical Culture in Germany and the German Minoritys Physical Culture in Poland until 1939 – A Comparative Study
Jurek, Tomasz
Urban, Renata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Deutsche Turnerschaft in Polen
Polish physical culture
German minority
The article represents the first attempt to depict the similarities and differences in the development of Polish physical culture in Germany and German physical culture in Poland during the interwar period of the 20th century. In both Poland and Germany, up until 1939, national minorities, notably the Germans in Poland and the Polish in Germany, played a significant role in fostering the development of physical culture. Drawing upon scholarly research and archival sources, commonalities between Polish physical culture in Germany and German physical culture in Poland can be discerned. They included: significant politicization, utilization for shaping patriotic attitudes and national integration, activity in the field of physical education, sports, and tourism, similar forms of activity of the Sokół Gymnastic Society in Germany and the German Turner Association in Poland, concern for the development of physical education among children and youth, and support from the respective home countries. However, notable disparities exist, including the longer-standing traditions of German physical culture on Polish soil, the considerably smaller scale of material support from Polish authorities for minorities in Germany, and the involvement of Deutsche Turnerschaft in Poland in a revisionist campaign against Poland in 1939.
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine; 2024, 46; 5-16
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Między Szczecinem a Gryfią – główne wątki historiograficznej współpracy polsko-niemieckiej w drugiej połowie XX wieku
Between Szczecin and Greifswald, the main threads in the historical cooperation between Poland and Germany in the second half of the 20th century
Zwischen Stettin und Greifswald – Hauptmotive der historiographischen deutsch- -polnischen Zusammenarbeit in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts
Ślepowroński, Tomasz
Osiewicz-Maternowska, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
history of historiography
German-Polish and Polish-German relationships
history of West Pomerania
The cooperation of the Polish and German historians from Greifswald and Szczecin was developed in the second half of the 20th century in different periods: in the times of German Democratic Republic and Polish People’s Republic and also after 1990, as the two states mentioned no more existed or rather when the social-political system in these states ceased to be. Idependently of the caesura 1990 the contacts of Polish and German historians still remained in the shadow of experiences of the 2nd W W a nd i ts e ffects. In the first phase the cooperation can be judged partially positive, in spite of its burden with a big political involvement and ideological servitutes, as the first move against the prevalent hostility between both nations till the middle of the 20th century. These contacts were not fully frank and spontaneous and inspired (especially on the East German side) through party and state factors which caused them being not very original. The both parties possessed a list of issues not to be discussed which allowed to minimize the possibility of starting a historiographic dispute. In the times of open wounds this procedure might be evaluated being positive. The output of this cooperation period seems to be rather limited and sometimes even embarrassing. This can be understood as the necessary way for both parties to achieve the access to archives or to get trust of authorities for realization other fields of research. After 1990, as the political and ideological restrictions no more existed, the mutual German-Polish investigations of the Pomeranian past could experience their development in full bloom, which can be estimated upon a rich amount of publications. In that time, one was not able to create a durable base for the cooperation which could allow the new generation of Pomerania researchers to abandon looking for new ways of communication and seldom used paths of mutual contacts.
Studia Maritima; 2014, 27, 2; 57-92
Pojawia się w:
Studia Maritima
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Praca przymusowa Polakowi w III Rzeszy w świetle najnowszej polsko-niemieckiej publikacji o „Utraconej młodości”
The forced labour of Poles in the Third Reich in the light of the latest Polish-German publication on Lost youth
Stępiński, Włodzimierz
Ślepowroński, Tomasz
Wichert, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
contemporary history
Polish-German relations
forced labour in the Second World War period
West Pomerania
the history of historiography
historia najnowsza
stosunki polsko-niemieckie
praca przymusowa w okresie II wojny światowej
Pomorze Zachodnie
historia historiografii
Zjawisko pracy przymusowej Polaków w okresie II wojny światowej na obszarze Pomorza doczekało się już wielu opracowań historycznych. Autorzy artykułu omawiają nową publikację, powstałą we współpracy polskiej i niemieckiej, pt. Miejsca pracy przymusowej Polaków w Stralsundzie i Stargardzie, ukazując ją na tle dotychczasowej literatury przedmiotu. Omówiono treść niniejszej publikacji oraz uwypuklono jej przełomowy charakter, polegający na – nieznanym dotychczas w historiografii polskiej – ukazaniu dokładnego topograficznie obrazu mikroświata pracy przymusowej i łączeniu, jak nigdy dotąd, wątków historii, socjologii, psychologii i antropologii kulturowej. Książkę cechuje wielka siła wyrazu i sugestywna narracja, która wraz z odpowiednim doborem ikonografii pozwala czytelnikowi wraz z autorami wędrować trasą losu obcokrajowców-robotników przymusowych.
The phenomenon of forced labour of Poles in the period of the Second World War in the area of West Pomerania already has some historiography. The authors attempt to present a new publication created in Polish and German cooperation, Miejsca pracy przymusowej Polaków w Stralsrundzie i Stargardzie (The areas of forced labour of Poles in Stralsrund and Stargard) in the context of the existing literature on the subject. The paper discusses the contents of the publication, and accentuates on its ground-breaking character through, hitherto unknown to the Polish historiography, a topographically precise image of the micro-world of forced labour, combining like never before the topics of history, sociology, psychology and cultural anthropology. The book is characterised by its powerful imagery and equally suggestive narration which, along with the apt choice of iconography, allows the reader to follow the authors along the path of foreigners subjected to forced labour.
Przegląd Zachodniopomorski; 2017, 4; 131-152
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Zachodniopomorski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-5 z 5

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