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Ocena trofizmu gleb Obszaru Ochrony Ścisłej "Rybitew" w Kampinoskim Parku Narodowym na podstawie siedliskowego indeksu glebowego
Evaluation of the trophism of soils in the ‘Rybitew strict protection area in the Kampinos National Park based on the soil trophic index
Chojnicki, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
soil trophic index
forest site types
Kampinos National Park
The aim of the study was to assess the trophism of soils in the strict nature protection area using the soil trophic index (SIG). The ‘Rybitew’ strict protection area (224.2 ha, created in 1965), is located in the north−eastern part of the Kampinos National Park (central Poland). The results of field and laboratory studies of the physicochemical and chemical properties of soils made it possible to determine their trophism by the SIG index. In the ‘Rybitew’ strict protection area, significant typological diversity of soils (10 subtypes) was found. The soils belong to the following trophic groups determined by the SIG: mixed coniferous forests (BM), mixed broadleaved forests (LM), alder forest (swamp broadleaved forest site) (Ol) and soil developed from low and transitional peatlands. The average value and range of SIG for particular trophic groups was: 19 (15−23) for BM, 26 (25−28) for LM, 34 for Ol was well as 23 for organic soil developed from low peatland and 21 for organic soil made from transitional peatland. Most of the ‘Rybitew’ area is covered by Podzols, Brunic Arenosols and Luvisol occurring in the trophic group of BM and LM. A lot of the soils undergo acidification process, which leads to a reduction in their trophism due to the excessive share of pine in the stand. This causes the podzolization process of Luvisols and significant acidification of the upper horizons, high C:N value and the moder type ectohumus formation, especially in Haplic Gleysols and Haplic Phaeozems. The large typological and trophic diversity of soils and the vegetation covering them in the ‘Rybitew’ strict protection area confirm the rightness of its creation.
Sylwan; 2020, 164, 09; 758-766
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Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ odnowienia lasu zrębem zupełnym na trofizm gleb rdzawych na przykładzie Nadleśnictwa Spała
Trophic soil index of the rusty soils affected by clear-cutting in the Spala Forest District
Jamroz, E.
Weber, J.
Dębicka, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Nadlesnictwo Spala
zrab zupelny
gleby lesne
gleby rdzawe
trofizm gleb
indeks troficzny gleb
forest soils
trophic soil index
forest soil quality
soil organic carbon
The paper describes the influence of clear−cutting on the fertility of rusty soils expressed by trophic soil index. Soils in the Spała Forest District (central Poland) were covered by coniferous or mixed coniferous forests. Clear−cutting in acidic and oligotrophic mixed coniferous forests decreased soil fertility and affected an increase of hydrolitic acidity, particularly in Oh and Bv horizons. This type of timber harvest influenced also decrease of organic carbon in the first year after cutting.
Sylwan; 2014, 158, 09; 669-674
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Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ wybranych właściwości gleby na bonitację drzewostanów dębowych w Nadleśnictwie Międzyrzec
Effect of selected soil properties on site index of oak stands in the Miedzyrzec Forest District
Sacewicz, W.A.
Bijak, S.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
siedliska lesne
bonitacja siedliska
gleby lesne
wlasciwosci chemiczne
indeks troficzny gleb
drzewostany debowe
Nadlesnictwo Miedzyrzec
site index
soil trophic index (sig)
soil properties
quercus sp.
The objective of the study was to determine the impact of selected soil properties on site index of oak (Quercus sp.) stands in the Międzyrzec Forest District (eastern Poland). We utilised data from the soil−habitat survey, which provided information about physical and chemical properties of soils and stand descriptions for 21 oak stands (tab. 1). The collected data served to determine site index (SI), defined as the stand top−height at the age of 100, and soil trophic index (SIG) that is a synthetic measure of the soil fertility. For SI and SIG distributions met the criteria of the normal distribution (Shapiro−Wilk test p−values equalled 0.118 and 0.297, respectively), we applied one−way analysis of variance, t−test and correlation analysis to determine the influence of the forest habitat type and moisture as well as soil properties and fertility measures on the site index of analysed oaks. The SI of investigated oaks ranged from 23.2 to 29.3 m, 26.5 m on average (tab. 2). It was significantly dependent on the site type (F=6.913, p=0.006) with the lowest values on oligotrophic habitat and the highest – on eutrophic one. No effect of habitat moisture content and soil type was found (t=–0.408, p=0.688 and F=2.599, p=0.076, respectively). The SIG values ranged from 20 to 36, with the average of 29.5 (tab. 2). Similarly to the site index, we found significant impact of the forest habitat type (F=5.384, p=0.015) on SIG values. Soil fertility and physical properties significantly influenced site index of the analysed oaks (fig.). We found positive correlation between SI and SIG values (r=0.566, p=0.007) as well as between SI and clay content (r=0.454, p=0.037). Chemical properties of the soils under studied stands seem to have less profound effect on site index of oak. The highest, but insignificant, correlations were found for recalculated acidity (r=–0.420, p=0.056) and magnesium content (r=0.400, p=0.071).
Sylwan; 2018, 162, 01; 3-11
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Biblioteka Nauki
Wykorzystanie indeksu trofizmu gleb leśnych do oceny jakościowej wybranych gleb leśnych Gór Bialskich i Złotych
Application of the forest soil trophism index for determination of the quality of selected forest soils in the Bialskie and Zlote Mountains
Jamroz, E.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Indeks Trofizmu Gleb Lesnych
gleby lesne
Gory Zlote
Gory Bialskie
zyznosc gleb
forest site
forest soil trophism index
fertility index
mountain soils
Fertility of forest soils in the Bialskie and Złote Mountains is presented in the paper. Forest soil trophism indexes were calculated for mountain coniferous forest (BG), mountain mixed coniferous forest (BMG) and mountain mixed broadleaved forest (LMG). Modification because of the mountain conditions was applied to standard calculation of the index. Analyzed soils from BG sites represented oligotrophic group of soils, soils from BMG were classified as lower mesotrophic and from LMG as medium mesotrophic soils.
Sylwan; 2009, 153, 10; 684-688
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Biblioteka Nauki
Siedliskotwórcze właściwości gleb brunatnych kwaśnych wytworzonych z granitoidów w Górach Stołowych
Forest habitats on dystric Cambisols developed from granite in the Stolowe Mountains
Gałka, B.
Podlaska, M.
Kabała, C.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Gory Stolowe
gleby lesne
gleby brunatne kwasne
morfologia gleb
wlasciwosci fizykochemiczne
zasobnosc gleb
wlasciwosci siedliskotworcze
Siedliskowy Indeks Glebowy
dystric cambisols
forest habitat
trophic soil index
Deep dystric Cambisols developed on the homogenous regoliths of granite in the Stołowe Mountains National Park (SW Poland). In general, the soils have a texture of gravelly sandy loam, apparently silty, the strong acid reaction and the base saturation below 30% throughout the profile (oligotrophic variant). Only the soils developed in lower parts of slopes have a base saturation up to 40−50% or more (oligo−mesotrophic and mesotrophic variants respectively). These soils rich in humus and biologically active create in the low mountain zone the habitats suitable for the mixed mountain forests and, in a less acid variant, for the broadleaf mountain forests. Combined trophic soil index reached the values from 29 to 33 that confirmed mesotrophic type of the forest habitats. Most Cambisols developed from granite in the Stołowe Mountains are currently covered with spruce stands of artificial origin. However, a phytosociological analyses of vegetation carried out in preserved beech stands documented the presence of Luzulo luzuloidis−Fagetum community of poor beech forest that should be considered a potentially natural forest community on these soils and the strategic goal of the forest reconstruction in the national park.
Sylwan; 2013, 157, 05; 385-394
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Biblioteka Nauki
Zastosowanie ITGL w ocenie gleb porolnych z naturalnym odnowieniem brzozy
Application of ITGL in the assessment of post-agricultural soils with natural regeneration of silver birch
Gawęda, T.
Błońska, E.
Małek, S.
Bijak, S.
Zasada, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
gleby porolne
metody oceny
Indeks Trofizmu Gleb Lesnych
odnowienia naturalne
brzoza brodawkowata
Betula pendula
soil properties
forest soil trophic index
betula pendula
The aim of the study was to apply the forest soil trophic index (ITGL) in the assessment of post−agricultural soil under naturally regenerated silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) stands. The study was conducted in Mazowieckie region (central Poland) in 10 locations (tab. 1). In each location we established 4 study plots with naturally regenerated silver birch of different age. The age of the investigated stands ranged from 2 to 17 years. On each study plot samples from three upper soil horizons (0−5 cm, 5−15 cm and 15−50 cm) were collected for laboratory analysis. The following characteristics were determined in the soil samples: pH, organic carbon (C) and total nitrogen (N) content, particle size and the content of exchangeable base cations (Ca, Mg, Na and K). These soil characteristics were on used for ITGL calculation. Chemical properties of soils under silver birch regeneration varied with regard to trees age, whereas physical attributes turned to be rather stabile over the time (tab. 2). According to ITGL value investigated soils were classified as eutrophic. It is probably the effect of high base cations content, which is a result of systematic fertilization during the long term agricultural use. The insignificantly different ITGL values for the studied soils (tab. 3) indicated their similarity in terms of site productivity potential and soil−geological characteristics. The soil properties, especially the quality of soil organic matter described with C/N ratio, improved several years after the cessation of agricultural activity and spontaneous afforestation. The obtained results indicate that silver birch can be used in the stand composition on post−agricultural areas.
Sylwan; 2018, 162, 05; 396-402
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Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ drzewostanów o zróżnicowanym udziale świerka na gleby różnych typów siedliskowych lasu w Górach Stołowych
Influence of stands with diversed share of Norway spruce in species structure on soils of various forest habitats in the Stolowe Mountains
Gałka, B.
Kabała, C.
Łabaz, B.
Bogacz, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Gory Stolowe
lasy gorskie
drzewostany swierkowe
typy siedliskowe lasu
gleby lesne
wlasciwosci fizykochemiczne
indeks troficzny gleb
odczyn gleby
wegiel organiczny
zawartosc glinu
Siedliskowy Indeks Glebowy
organic carbon
soil fertility
forest habitat type
trophic soil index
Chemical properties and fertility of soils were compared under spruce, mixed and beech stands in four types of forest habitat (mountain broadleaf forest, mountain mixed broadleaf forest, mountain mixed coniferous forest and mountain coniferous forest) in 373 sites of forest monitoring in the Stołowe Mountains National Park, SW Poland. Soils under the spruce stands had higher organic carbon pools in their upper horizons, but lower pH, increased activity of exchangeable aluminum, lower contents of exchangeable base cations, available potassium and magnesium, resulting finally in lower values of the soil trophic index (SIG). The negative impact of spruce monocultures on the physicochemical soil properties was much stronger in the eutrophic habitats (dedicated to broadleaf forest) than in dystrophic ones. Weak positive effect of the beech introduction on soils in the dystrophic habitats indicated that the conversion of the coniferous into mixed or deciduous stands would not cause a rapid improvement in the physicochemical properties deformed previously under spruce monocultures.
Sylwan; 2014, 158, 09; 684-694
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Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy diagnozy troficzności siedlisk leśnych na porolnych glebach aluwialnych
Problems of trophic status diagnosis in the forest habitats on former arable alluvial soils
Łabaz, B.
Kabała, C.
Bogacz, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
gleby porolne
doliny rzeczne
dolina Baryczy
gleby aluwialne
siedliska lesne
trofizm gleb
indeks troficzny gleb
forest site type
soil trophic index
alluvial soils
The morphology and properties of the post−arable soils that influence the trophic status of forest habitats on the Barycz river terraces (south−western Poland) were analyzed. The fieldwork included the characterization of the soil, tree layer, and the vegetation of the forest floor, as required for the forest habitat evaluation. In the collected soil samples, a set of physico−chemical analysis was carried out, that included: soil texture, bulk density, pH in KCl and water, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, hydrolytic acidity, base cations, and the content of plant−available phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium. Sandy post−arable soils in the Barycz valley have a thick, double− or triple−layered ploughed humus horizon, and the high stock of humified organic matter, nitrogen, and phosphorus, that emphasizes anthropogenic transformation of soils and differentiates them from the natural soils of river valleys. The diagnosis based on the soil trophic index (SIG) indicates generally lower trophic status (mesotrophic) as compared to the diagnoses based on forest floor vegetation and tree−stand (eutrophic status). The SIG model for the post−agrar moist valley habitats should be supplemented with the factors, which improve the apparent trophic status of sandy soils, including the thick humus horizon (post−ploughing) and shallow table of eutrophic ground water.
Sylwan; 2016, 160, 08; 684-695
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Biblioteka Nauki
Struktura gleb w wybranych lasach miejskich Wrocławia
Structure of soils in selected urban forests of Wroclaw
Wacławowicz, R.
Babelewski, P.
Pancerz, M.
Tendziagolska, E.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
lasy miejskie
Las Osobowicki
Las Redzinski
Las Mokrzanski
dab szypulkowy
Quercus robur
buk zwyczajny
Fagus sylvatica
grab pospolity
Carpinus betulus
gleby lesne
struktura gleb
wskaznik rozpylenia gleby
wskaznik zbrylenia gleby
wskaznik struktury gleby
srednia wazona srednica agregatow
wlasciwosci chemiczne
soil structure index
chemical properties of soil
The objective of the research was to assess the soil structure parameters (the index of cloddiness, of pulverization, of soil structure and the mean weighted diameter of soil aggregates – MWDa), as well as the selected chemical soil properties (pH, the content of organic carbon, total nitrogen and available potassium and phosphorus) in the three urban forests in Wrocław (SW Poland) depending on the occurrence of tree species (Quercus robur, Fagus sylvatica, Carpinus betulus). Soil samples were collected under the crown of each tested tree taxons, from three different sites, in three replications, separately in every forest. The soil was taken from two layers: 0−20 cm and 20−40 cm. The structure and weight of mechanically solid soil aggregates were determined using dry separation method. The content of total nitrogen was determined with Kjeldahl method, while phosphorus and potassium – with Egner−Riehm method. Organic carbon was determined with the use of elementary carbon analyser Behr C−50 IRF. The pH was determined by poten− tiometric method in 1M solution of KCl. The results were statistically analysed using the ANOVA. The correlation coefficient between the mean weighted diameter of soil aggregates and the content of organic carbon in the soil was calculated. The tree species occurring in the urban forests of Wrocław affected the soil structure parameters as well as changed the chemical properties of the soil. In both Mokrzański and Rędziński Forests the significantly higher index of soil cloddiness was observed under hornbeam crowns than in the oak and beech surroundings. In the Osobowicki Forest the highest index of cloddiness was determined on the soil with the oak. In general, higher values of index of soil structure and the mean weighted diameter of soil aggregates were noticed for the hornbeam sites than the oak and the beech ones. There was a significant positive corre− lation between the MWDa and the content of soil organic matter (r=0.711, Y=0.4569·x+1.6523). The differences in the content of organic carbon depending on tree species were observed in the Rędziński Forest, while in content of total nitrogen also in the Mokrzański Forest. The highest content of organic carbon and nitrogen was noticed in the soil under the hornbeam. The species of trees affected the content of phosphorus and potassium in the soil, but there was no unambiguous direction of changes.
Sylwan; 2017, 161, 07; 592-599
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Biblioteka Nauki
Liczbowa wycena "jakości" gleb - narzędzie w diagnozowaniu siedlisk leśnych
Soil quality numerical valorisation - a tool in forest site diagnosis
Brożek, S.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
siedliska lesne
gleby lesne
indeks jakosci gleby
siedliskoznawstwo lesne
numerical valorisation of soils
soil valorisation
site valorisation
The numerical valorisation of soil quality is based on the determination of a set of soil properties adjusted to a given soil function in the ecosystem. The obtaining of an index is based on: determination of soil properties, their conversion into abstract numbers called indicators, index calculation and its practical application. The first proposal of a forest soil quality index was the Forest Soil Trophism Index – ITGL calculated for the soils presented in the Atlas of forest soils in Poland. The calculation of the ITGL was based on the following soil properties: percentage share of very fine sand and coarse silt fraction (Ø 0.1−0.02 mm) and silt and clay particles (Ø <0.02mm), reaction, sum of exchangeable bases and organic matter decomposition degree, content of skeletal parts. Its variability in the forest soils of Poland oscillates between 6.0 and 43.0 and its application in the valorisation of forest sites is multidirectional.
Sylwan; 2007, 151, 02; 35-42
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Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ właściwości gleb piaszczystych na bonitację drzewostanów sosnowych w południowo-zachodniej Polsce. II. Wybrane właściwości chemiczne
Impact of soil properties on site index class of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands in south-western Poland. II. Some chemical properties
Sewerniak, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
drzewostany sosnowe
gleby lesne
gleby piaszczyste
wlasciwosci chemiczne
zawartosc wegla organicznego
zawartosc azotu
stosunek wegla do azotu
kationy wymienne
kompleks sorpcyjny
kationy zasadowe
wysycenie kationami
pinus sylvestris
site index
tree growth
chemical soil properties
Impact of some chemical soil properties (OC and Nt content as well as C:N ratio in humus horizon; exchangeable cation stocks and base saturation) on site index class of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) was analyzed. The study was conducted in 67 plots, separately on sandy soils of different moisture – non−gleyic (51 plots) and gleyic soils (16). For every soil pit, stocks of particular cations were calculated to the five depths: 25, 50, 100, 150 and 200 cm. The distinct positive impact of N, K and Mg on the pine site index was stated. The strong influence of K was assumed to be caused by the strong effect of potassium on water economy of trees. The positive relation between Ca soil stocks and pine growth was also stated, however, the relation was described to be an indirect one. Probably it reflected the stated clear intercorrelation of Ca with K and Mg content. The only element that was determined as negative correlated to the site index was Na, that was especially distinct when topsoil Na stocks were concerned. The negative correlation was presumed to reflect sodium adverse effect on soil structure, that resulted in decreasing water sorption in topsoil and thus caused less favourable site moisture conditions for pine growth. The results showed that when refer to the soil depth, the strength of the correlation between stocks of particular cations and the pine site index was strictly dependent on soil moisture: on non−gleyic soils, on the contrary to gleyic, the correlation strength was directly proportional to soil thickness taking into consideration in statistical analysis.
Sylwan; 2012, 156, 07; 518-525
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Biblioteka Nauki
Bonitacja drzewostanów sosnowych w południowo-zachodniej Polsce w odniesieniu do typów siedliskowych lasu i taksonów gleb
Site index of Scots pine stands in south-western Poland in relation to forest site types and soil units
Sewerniak, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
drzewostany sosnowe
siedliska lesne
bonitacja drzewostanow
typy siedliskowe lasu
gleby lesne
warunki wilgotnosciowe
trofizm gleb
Polska Poludniowo-Zachodnia
site index
pinus sylvestris
tree growth
forest site
Forming of site index class of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands in relation to forest site types (including their moisture variants) and soil units (type/subtype and also – in minor extent – geological genesis of soil parent material) was investigated. The research was conducted in the Bolesławiec, Głogów and Oława forest districts (SW Poland) in 348 Scots pine stands. The values of the pine site index got higher with increasing fertility of soil units and better forest site type, but only when plots of sandy soils where concerned. Site index was found to differ significantly between fresh than moisture forest sites and soil units. The study results demonstrated that on fresh soils of sandy texture site index of Scots pine was distinctly related even to minor differences of site properties that concerned both its moisture and fertility. Scots pine, by height growth, does not fully utilize the great nutrient retention of fine textured soils that concerned both fresh and moisture pedons. Fine textured soils should be designed for eutrophic broadleaved tree species planting only, which would enable to fully utilize the trophic potential of such soils. The relation between the site index and geological genesis of sand forming parent material of soils was found. The differences in pine growth on sands of other genesis were assumed to be a result of different sorting and mineral composition of these materials.
Sylwan; 2013, 157, 07; 516-525
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Biblioteka Nauki
Zróżnicowanie bonitacji wzrostowej drzewostanów daglezjowych w Polsce
Variability of the site index of Douglas fir stands in Poland
Bijak, S.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
drzewa lesne
daglezja zielona
Pseudotsuga menziesii
drzewostany daglezjowe
wzrost drzewostanu
bonitacja wzrostowa
siedliska lesne
bonitacja siedliska
gleby lesne
rzezba terenu
site index
soil type
forest site type
relief features
pseudotsuga menziesii
The objective of the study was to analyse the site index (SI) of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) stands in relation to the forest habitat type, soil type and relief characteristics. We utilised infor− mation available in the Information System of the State Forests in Poland that included selected parameters describing habitat conditions and dendrometric characteristics of Douglas fir stands. In total, processed data referred to 863 stands with a total area of 1,644.45 ha. As the SI distribution was not consistent with the normal one (Shapiro−Wilk test, p <0.0001) we applied Kruskal−Wallis or Mann−Whitney tests to assess the significance of observed differences. Site index of surveyed stands ranged from 19.9 to 47.8 m, 32.6 m on average (standard deviation of 3.3 m). Douglas fir in northern and southern Poland characterized by higher SI than in western and south−western part of the country (HK−W=83.5; p<<0.001; fig. 2). Forest habitat type significantly distinguished analysed stands (HK−W=30.1; p<<0.001). The highest SI values were observed for mixed deciduous habitats (fig. 3). For more fertile fresh deciduous habitats Douglas fir achieved slightly lower site index, while the least fertile mixed coniferous habitats are characterized by significantly lower SI. Habitat moisture variant had no significant effect on the average SI values (HK−W=2.6; p=0.269). The highest values were found in strongly fresh habitats (32.8 ±4.1 m), while the lowest in the humid variant (31.7 ±3.4 m). We found significant influence of soil type (HK−W=23.2, p<0.001) even though the average SI values for each category were relatively similar (fig. 4). The highest values were observed for Cambisols (33.3 ±3.7 m), while the lowest for Arenosols (32.1 ±3.0 m). Particle size distribution is an important factor for Douglas fir site index (tab.). We found that the heavier material (the higher the content of silt and clay), the significantly higher SI values (HK−W=16.9; p=0.001). Mean SI for stands growing on former farmlands (32.0 ±3.3 m) and on forest areas (32.7 ±3.3 m) were not significantly different (ZM−W=1.73; p=0.084). There was no significant effect of the relief forms on site index surveyed Douglas fir stands apart from the fact that stands growing on slopes are characterized by significantly higher SI (ZM−W=1.99; p=0.047).
Sylwan; 2017, 161, 03; 208-217
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Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ wzniesienia nad poziom morza i podłoża geologicznego na produkcyjność siedlisk Beskidu Żywieckiego dla buka
Effect of elevation above sea level and geology on the site productivity for European beech in the Beskid Zywiecki Mountains
Socha, J.
Ochał, W.
Maj, M.
Grabczyński, S.
Lach, J.
Gruba, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
drzewa lesne
buk zwyczajny
Fagus sylvatica
wymagania siedliskowe
Beskid Zywiecki
siedliska lesne
wysokosc nad poziomem morza
nachylenie stoku
bonitacja siedliska
podloze geologiczne
fagus silvatica
site index
parent rock
soil nutrient regime
site productivity
The aim of the study was to determine the effect of topography and parent rock as well as selected characteristics of the soils on the site productivity for European beech in the Beskid Żywiecki Mountains (S Poland). The research material consisted of measurements performed on sample plots ranging in size from 0.01 to 0.10 ha located in 50 beech stands aged 40−140 years. Productivity of beech stands was to the greatest extent determined by the elevation above sea level. The site index of beech stands is significantly affected by the type of geological substrate, whereas there was no relationship between productivity and analyzed soil characteristics.
Sylwan; 2014, 158, 11; 850-859
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Biblioteka Nauki
Genetyczna reaktywność buka zwyczajnego na warunki glebowe
Genetic response of European beech to soil conditions
Sabor, J.
Stanuch, H.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
adaptacja roslin
zawartosc wapnia
wlasciwosci chemiczne
gleby lesne
Regionalny Bank Genow Buka RDLP Katowice
buk zwyczajny
wzrost roslin
czynniki siedliska
RDLP Katowice
Fagus sylvatica
drzewa lesne
adaptation traits
regional bank of genes
selection index
The paper presents the results of the assessment of the genotype−soil interaction effect on adaptive traits in beech provenances in gene conservation areas of the Regional Bank of Genes (RBG) in the territory administered by the Katowice Regional Directorate of the State Forests. The level of Ca concentrations had no significant effect on survival and growth of beech in the juvenile phase. The interaction effect significantly increased with tree age, while the genotypic effect was less significant. The research confirmed the ecotypic nature of genetic variation in beech.
Sylwan; 2009, 153, 08; 507-518
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Biblioteka Nauki

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