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The structure and differentiation of the synanthropic flora of the botanical gardens in Poland
Galera, H
Sudnik-Wojcikowska, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
synanthropic flora
urban area
botanical garden
Floristic studies were carried out in eight botanical gardens in Poland in the years 1992-1999. It was demonstrated that the spontaneous synanthropic flora of the gardens consisted of 1092 taxa in the rank of a genus or lower, among which alien species constituted 55% of the flora studied. Ergasiophygophytes, of which the introduction is closely associated with the activities of the botanical gardens, dominated in the latter group of species. It appeared that the flora of the studied botanical gardens was rather similar. However, the structure of the flora of different spatial units (six types of microhabitats) distinguished in the particular gardens varied, which was associated with the various management practices. The flora of microhabitats identified in the gardens differed with respect to the number of taxa and spectra of geographical-historical groups of species and life forms. Ruderal sites, arable lands and roadsides supported the highest number of taxa (the flora of the above spatial units was represented by 646, 645 and 597 taxa, respectively). Moreover, they were characterized by a high proportion of annual plants in the flora (43, 38 and 34%, respectively) and by a relatively small representation of apophytes (39% in all the three types of microhabitats). The flora of wet areas and parks was, however, poor in species (154 and 403 species, respectively), but relatively rich in apophytes (72 and 55% of the flora, respectively) and with a low contribution of therophytes (19 and 20%, respectively). The present data were compared with the findings of other authors who investigated the synanthropic flora of cities in which the botanical gardens were located. The comparative analysis of the flora of Poznań and Łódź showed a great richness of species (in relation to size of the area studied) and a high incidence of aliens (especially those, which had not become established permanently) in the botanical gardens. However comparative studies of the flora of Warsaw and that of the two botanical gardens established in the city revealed that the proportion of alien species was lower in case of these gardens. In Warsaw the flora of areas, which had been managed in the same way as those of the botanical gardens, was also investigated. It was found that the botanical gardens in Warsaw were more similar to cemeteries with respect to the structure of flora than they were to the allotments. The present study showed that the high variability of flora within the particular gardens is attributed to the different ways the area is utilized.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2004, 73, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The floristic differentiation of microhabitats within kurgans in the desert steppe zone of Southern Ukraine
Sudnik-Wojcikowska, B
Moysiyenko, I.I.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
kurgan flora
plant ecology
floristic diversity
Kherson Region
barrow flora
Pontic desert steppe zone
Results of the studies on the floristic biodiversity of the kurgans in the Pontic desert steppe of the Black Sea Lowland (Kherson Region) are presented. Twenty-six of about 130 kurgans higher than 3 m, distributed over an area of approx. 1500 km2, were surveyed and the flora of 5 microhabitats within every kurgan (top, southern and northern slope, southern and northern foot) was examined. The richness of the kurgan flora is estimated at 305 species. Species of alien origin constituted 23% of the total flora, which indicates limited anthropogenic influence. Species of two classes, Festuco-Brometea and Stellarietea mediae were predominant, which also confirmed the semi-natural character of the kurgan flora. The lowest number of species was recorded on top, which was relatively rich in synanthropes, particularly therophytes (Stellarietea mediae). The north side was richer in species than the south side of the kurgans. Steppe species were the most stable and important component of the flora of the slopes (45-47% of the species represented the class Festuco-Brometea). The total flora of the foot contained more species and was more diversified than the flora of the slopes (although the mean number of species was similar in both habitats), but each species occurred at low frequency. There was a higher proportion of species which were introduced from the area surrounding the kurgans, e.g. weeds, halophytes, meadow species, as well as trees which are rarely found in the desert steppe zone. In spite of the small size of the kurgans, significant differences between the floristic composition of the various microhabitats were detected.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2008, 77, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Vascular flora of drainage ditches in forest areas of the Polesie National Park
Flora naczyniowa rowów melioracyjnych na terenach leśnych Poleskiego Parku Narodowego
Banach, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
vascular flora
drainage ditch
forest area
Polesie National Park
species diversity
This paper presents the results of floristic studies conducted in the years 2003 – 2005 within the area of the Polesie National Park. The aim of the research was to compare the flora of initial succession stages in drainage ditches with the flora of neighbouring forest areas undergoing transformation as a result of drainage. Floristic lists were made in four designated study areas as well as in forest phytocoenoses. The results of field investigations were subjected to analysis with regard to the systematic affinity of the flora and proportions of plant life-forms as well as of historical-geographical groups and range groups. In the species composition of the studied drainage ditches hemicryptophytes were the dominant group of plant higher life-forms, whereas in the neighbouring communities the flora was represented by both hemicryptophytes and megaphanerophytes. In historical and geographical terms, the flora of drainage ditches and neighbouring communities represents definitely the group of spontaneophytes. Anthropogenic habitats, which developed within the drainage ditches, were colonised by native flora species characteristic for the Polesie National Park area.
Praca przedstawia wyniki badań florystycznych prowadzonych w latach 2003–2005 na terenie Poleskiego Parku Narodowego. Celem niniejszej pracy było porównanie flory inicjalnych stadiów sukcesyjnych w rowach melioracyjnych, z florą przekształcających się wskutek odwodnienia, sąsiadujących terenów leśnymi. Na czterech wyznaczonych powierzchniach badań, a także w fitocenozach leśnych sporządzono spisy florystyczne. Wyniki badań terenowych poddano analizie kameralnej pod kątem przynależności systematycznej flory, udziału form życiowych roślin, a także grup historyczno-geograficznych i grup zasięgowych. W składzie gatunkowym, badanych rowów melioracyjnych dominującą grupą form życiowych roślin wyższych są hemikryptofity, podczas gdy w zbiorowiskach sąsiadujących z nimi florę reprezentują zarówno hemikryptofity jak i megafanerofity. Pod względem historyczno-geograficznym flora rowów melioracyjnych, jak i zbiorowisk sąsiadujących, reprezentuje zdecydowanie grupę spontaneofitów. Antropogeniczne siedliska, jakie wykształciły się w obrębie rowów melioracyjnych zasiedlone zostały przez gatunki flory rodzimej charakterystyczne dla terenu Poleskiego Parku Narodowego.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2009, 62, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Flora in abandoned fields and adjacent crop fields on rendzina soils in the Zamosc region
Flora odłogów i sąsiadujących z nimi pól uprawnych na glebach rędzinowych Zamojszczyzny
Zieminska-Smyk, M.
Wylupek, T.G.
Skwarylo-Bednarz, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
segetal flora
segetal weed
abandoned field
crop field
rendzina soil
Zamosc region
A floristic inventory of segetal flora was carried out in abandoned fields and adjacent crop fields on rendzina soils in the Zamość region in the year 2010. This study found a total of 130 weed species belonging to 30 botanical families. The following families were represented most frequently: Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Poaceae, Lamiaceae, Scrophulariaceae, and Brassicaceae. In the segetal flora, apophytes are dominant (55% of the total flora), with the highest number of meadow and xerothermic grassland species among them. Archeophytes (38%) predominate in the group of anthropophytes. The species characterized by the highest constancy classes and reaching the highest cover indices posed the greatest threat to crops in the study area. The following weeds are most frequently found in fallow fields: Consolida regalis, Cichorium intybus, and Sinapis arvensis, while Papaver rhoeas is the greatest threat to cereal crops grown on rendzina soils.
We florze segetalnej gleb rędzinowych Zamojszczyzny zanotowano łącznie 130 gatunków chwastów, należących do 30 rodzin botanicznych. Do najczęściej reprezentowanych rodzin należały: Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Poaceae, Lamiaceae, Scrophulariaceae i Brassicaceae. We florze segetalnej przeważają apofity (55% ogółu flory), wśród których najwięcej jest gatunków łąkowych i muraw kserotermicznych. W grupie antropofitów dominują archeofity (38%). Największe zagrożenie dla upraw badanego terenu stanowiły gatunki charakteryzujące się najwyższymi stopniami stałości i osiągające najwyższe współczynniki pokrycia. Najczęściej występującymi chwastami na odłogach są Taraxacum officinale, Daucus carota, Melilotus officinalis, Elymus repens, Campanula rapunculoides, Papaver rhoeas, Consolida regalis, Medicago lupulina, Matricaria maritima subsp. inodora. Uprawom zbóż na rędzinach najbardziej zagrażały: Papaver rhoeas, Consolida regalis, Convolvulus arvensis, Galium aparine. Zarówno w uprawach zbóż jak i na odłogach najczęściej występuje Papaver rhoeas.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2015, 68, 3
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The anthropogenic refuge areas for bee flora in agricultural landscape
Miedze i zadrzewienia srodpolne jako refugia roslin pozytkowych w krajobrazie rolniczym
Denisow, B
Wrzesien, M
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
nectariferous species
landscape pollution
refuge area
polleniferous species
agricultural landscape
bee flora
The investigations were carried out in 2002-2006 in two municipalities of Konopnica and Jastków close to the western part of Lublin, Poland. The aim of the study was to identify the condition of bee flora and determine the floristic richness depending on the biotops in agricultural landscape. Flora of the anthropogenic refuge areas consists of 214 species, among them 80% were flow taxons. Apophytes (162 species - 78%) predominated on all types of biotops under consideration. Perennials predominated in flora of boundary strips and bush communities. Mainly annual (40%) and biennial (15%) species comprise the flora of fallows. A great number of bee taxons represent meadow, segetal or ruderal communities. Most of flow plants compose loose patches, but their successive blooming ensures a source of food for Apoidea from early spring till the end of summer. The flora of boundary strips, bush communities and fallows significantly increases the biodiversity in agricultural landscape. The treatments including sowing, mainly on fallows with nectariferous and polleniferous species, would enrich generally weak flows in highly agricultural landscape.
Badania prowadzono w latach 2002-2006 na terenie gmin Jastków i Konopica położonych w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie miasta Lublina. Dokonano inwentaryzacji roślinności w obrębie miedz, gruntów odłogowanych oraz zadrzewień śródpolnych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem roślinności dostarczającej pożytku nektarowego i pyłkowego. Ogółem w obrębie obserwowanych biotopów zanotowano 214 gatunków roślin, w tym 80% stanowiły taksony pożytkowe. W analizowanej florze przeważały apofity - 78% nad gatunkami obcymi (kenofitami). We florze miedz i zadrzewień śródpolnych przewagę stanowiły gatunki wieloletnie. Taksony krótkotrwałe (40% - jednoroczne i 15% dwuletnie) dominowały na gruntach odłogowanych. Zdecydowana większość gatunków pożytkowych reprezentuje zbiorowiska łąkowe, segetalne i ruderalne. Większość z nich występuje w luźnych skupiskach, ale ich sukcesywne kwitnienie zapewnia, na badanym terenie, ciągłość taśmy pokarmowej od wczesnej wiosny do późnego lata. Miedze, zadrzewienia śródpolne oraz odłogi, stanowią ważne w krajobrazie rolniczym ostoje roślinności pożytkowej jednocześnie zwiększają walor bioróżnorodności flory stycznej tych terenów. Wydaje się, że ten typ siedlisk można wykorzystywać do podsiewania gatunków nektarodajnych i pyłkodajnych w celu wzbogacania generalnie słabych pożytków na terenach rolniczych.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2007, 60, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rare and protected species in the drainage ditches and adjacent phytocoenoses in the Polesie National Park
Gatunki rzadkie i chronione w rowach melioracyjnych i w fitocenozach z nimi sąsiadujących na terenie Poleskiego Parku Narodowego
Banach, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
rare species
protected species
plant species
drainage ditch
Polesie National Park
vascular flora
This paper presents the results of a fl oristic study conducted in the years 2003 – 2005 within the area of the Polesie National Park and its protective zone. Floristic inventories were carried out in twelve 100-metre-long sections of the drainage ditches and adjacent phytocoenoses and based on them offi ce analyses of the fl ora were performed. The aim of the study was to determine the share of species with special natural values in the drainage ditches, taking into account the occurrence of legally protected, rare and endangered taxa at the regional level, in Poland and in Europe. The share of these species was also compared with the richness of special concern plants noted in the phytocoenoses adjacent to the investigated ditches. Based on the fl oristic composition, an analysis was made of the occurrence of taxa whose number of stands shows a declining trend compared to the Polish fl ora. The number of vascular plant species found in the ditches and in their vicinity was similar, but the low values of the similarity index suggest differences in the species composition of these habitats, which results in greater species diversity. The presence of special concern plants in the drainage ditches suggests that they are valuable habitats for the Polesie National Park. They create niches for rare, protected and endangered species.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań fl orystycznych prowadzonych w latach 2003–2005 na obszarze Poleskiego Parku Narodowego i jego otuliny. Na dwunastu 100-metrowych odcinkach rowów melioracyjnych oraz w fi tocenozach sąsiadujących wykonano spisy fl orystyczne, na podstawie których dokonano analiz kameralnych fl ory. Celem badań było określenie udziału gatunków o szczególnych wartościach przyrodniczych w rowach melioracyjnych, z uwzględnieniem występowania taksonów prawnie chronionych, rzadkich i zagrożonych w skali regionu, Polski i Europy. Porównano także udział tych gatunków z bogactwem roślin „szczególnej troski” notowanych w fi tocenozach sąsiadujących z badanymi rowami. Na podstawie składu fl orystycznego przeanalizowano występowanie taksonów, których liczba stanowisk na tle fl ory Polski wykazuje tendencje spadkowe. Liczba gatunków roślin naczyniowych stwierdzona w rowach i ich sąsiedztwie była zbliżona, jednak niskie wartości współczynnika podobieństwa sugerują rozbieżności w składzie gatunkowym tych siedlisk, co wpływa na ich większą różnorodność gatunkową. Obecność w rowach melioracyjnych gatunków „specjalnej troski” wskazuje, że są one siedliskami cennymi dla PPN. Stwarzają one nisze dla gatunków rzadkich, chronionych i zagrożonych.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2008, 61, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The species richness of the flora of selected sections of the Mietiułka River in the Polesie National Park
Bogactwo gatunkowe flory wybranych fragmentów rzeki Mietiułki w Poleskim Parku Narodowym
Pogorzelec, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
vascular flora
species richness
Mietiulka River
Polesie National Park
species composition
species list
The aim of the study was to conduct an environmental evaluation of 6 selected sections of the improved Mietiułka River, which included an inventory and analysis of the vascular flora associated directly with this watercourse. The results of the study have shown that the flora of the study area is diverse in taxonomic, syntaxonomic and ecological terms, and that it comprises both typical aquatic plants and species characteristic of the habitats surrounding the river. In the flora found in the study sectors, a total of 114 vascular plant species was identified, which come from 42 botanical families, 15 syntaxonomic classes and belong to different ecological groups. Hemicryptophytes, spontaneophytes, species neutral to continentality as well as species included in the phytochorion with boreal elements: Euro-Siberian subelement, were clearly predominant in the species composition of the flora of all the study sectors. The macrophytes commonly found in Poland had the largest proportion. One species with a small number of stands in the country – water dropwort (Oenanthe fistulosa) – as well as two species threatened with extinction, Sagittaria sagittifolia and Hypochoeris glabra, were recorded.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2010, 63, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
New localities of Taraxacum species from S Poland [with nine new species to Polish flora]
Travnicek, B
Marciniuk, J.
Zila, V.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
new species
A study of the very complex, from the taxonomic point of view, Taraxacum genus was undertaken in the area between the towns of Cieszyn and Bielsko-Biała (S Poland). Taraxacum species belonging to three sections: sect. Hamata H. Øllg. (three species), sect. Palustria (H. Lindb.) Dahlst. (one unidentified taxon), and sect. Ruderalia Kirschner, H. Øllg. et Štěpánek (61 species) were recorded. Nine species new to Poland were found: T. acutifrons Markl., T. ancistratum H. Øllg., T. bellum H. Øllg., T. chrysophaenum Railons., T. deltoidifrons H. Øllg., T. horridifrons Railons., T. pronilobum H. Øllg., T. rhamphodes Hagl., T. violaceifrons Trávníček. Presence of three other species, whose localities hitherto have not been exactly given, was confirmed: T. aberrans Hagendijk, van Soest et Zevenbergen, T. fasciatum Dahlst. and T. gibberum Markl. (all they belong to the section Ruderalia). For most species, the details of their occurrence in Poland were also reported. The species new in Poland are briefly described and illustrated with photographs of herbarium specimens.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2007, 76, 3
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Flora and habitat of potato pits on kame hills in North-Eastern Poland
Kwiatkowska-Falinska, A J
Falinski, J.B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
ruderal flora
kame hill
potato pit
Hacki village
Bielska Plain
kame area
colonization history
The research was carried out in north-eastern Poland in the vicinity of the village of Haćki (52°50’00’’N; 23°11’20’’E). This area is distinguished by an exceptionally numerous agglomeration of kames (10). Previous archaeological and soil research showed that kames have been inhabited by man from the iron age, and that the following stages of colonization are reflected in three levels of fossil soils. In modern times local people use the base of kames for the storage of potatoes over the winter. The potato pits are a cultural curiosity found only in this area. They are dug out in the cohesive, fine-grained substratum, which is the building material of kames, down to 1.5-2 m deep. Research plots (16) with a surface area of about 2-5 m2 were established in the potato pits in 1990. In the summer of the same year 16 phytosociological surveys were performed and soil samples taken. The investigated habitats are characterized by very low humidity. The concentration of carbon in the samples from potato pits dug out at the foot of a kame hill (the site of a settlement in the past) results probably from the occurrence of soil from the Roman period. At the present time the pits are covered by poor ruderal flora (approx. 10 species in one phytosociological survey). It is distinguished from other communities of such type by a low participation of species occurring in the xerothermic grasslands.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2008, 77, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Invasive flora within urban railway areas: a case study from Lublin (Poland) and Lviv (Ukraine)
Flora inwazyjna terenów kolejowych w obrębie miast – Lublina (Polska) i Lwowa (Ukraina)
Denisow, Bożena
Wrzesień, Małgorzata
Mamchur, Zvenyslava
Chuba, Maria
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
vascular flora
native species
invasive species
biological traits
Heterogeneous and disturbed habitats within railway areas create an ideal environment for establishment of invasive plant species. In this study, we compared the invasive species composition and abundance within railway areas of two cities, Lublin, SE Poland and Lviv, W Ukraine. In total, 70 invasive species were recorded. The invasive species list was similar for the two cities, with the most invasive species occurring at both (81.4%), 8.5% occurring only in Lublin and 10% only in Lviv. The proportion of invasive species in the total flora was almost 1.5-fold higher at Lviv compared to Lublin. Invasive species have originated mainly from continental America (45.7%), followed by Asia and Eurasia. The participation of invasive plants derived from Asia and Eurasia at Lviv is higher than at Lublin. The invasive flora includes a wide range of taxonomic groups, with a predominance of Asteraceae and Poaceae. The ecological attributes of invasive species on railway areas are: mainly annual therophytes, mostly wind- and insect pollination modes, a predominance of generative reproduction, anthropochorous and anemochorous dispersal and short-term persistent, long-term persistent or transient seed banks.
Zróżnicowane i zaburzone siedliska w obrębie terenów kolejowych tworzą środowisko do zadomowienia obcych gatunków roślin. W pracy porównano skład oraz bogactwo gatunkowe gatunków inwazyjnych notowanych w obrębie terenów kolejowych Lublina (południowo-wschodnia Polska) oraz Lwowa (zachodnia Ukraina). Zanotowano 70 gatunków inwazyjnych. Skład gatunkowy flory inwazyjnej był w obu miastach podobny; 81.4% gatunków inwazyjnych notowano w obu miastach, 8.5% tylko w Lublinie, a 10% tylko we Lwowie. Udział gatunków inwazyjnych we florze Lwowa był wyższy w porównaniu z florą Lublina. Gatunki inwazyjne pochodziły głównie z Ameryki (45.7% gatunków), Azji i Eurazji. Udział gatunków inwazyjnych przybyłych z Azji i Eurazji był wyższy we Lwowie niż w Lublinie. Gatunki należące do rodziny Asteraceae i Poaceae dominowały wśród gatunków inwazyjnych. Analiza cech ekologicznych gatunków inwazyjnych zasiedlających tereny kolejowe wykazała, że są to głównie rośliny jednoroczne, wiatro- lub owadopylne, rozmnażające się generatywnie, o nasionach rozsiewających się antropochorycznie lub anemochorycznie, tworzące krótkotrwały lub długotrwały bank nasion.
Acta Agrobotanica; 2017, 70, 4
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrobotanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analysis and distributional patterns of the invasive flora in a protected mountain area - a case study of Medvednica Nature Park (Croatia)
Vukovic, N.
Bernardic, A.
Nikolic, T.
Hrsak, V.
Plazibat, M.
Jelaska, S.D.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
distribution pattern
invasive flora
protected area
mountain area
Medvednica Nature Park
invasive plant
alien plant
dispersal strategy
In this paper we have analysed invasive flora of Medvednica Nature Park, Croatia with respect to their origins, life forms, systematic positions, types of seed dispersal, Ellenberg indicator values and spatial distributions using MTB 1/64 grid units for analyses. A total of 27 invasive plant species, belonging to 14 families, were recorded with Asteraceae being the most frequently occurring family. Therophytes were the most common life form, as is generally true of Croatian invasive plants; however, hemicryptophytes and geophytes were more frequent in Medvednica. Here, invasive plants originated mainly from both Americas with slightly lower portion in comparison to all Croatian invasive plants, while contrary was the case when comparing those originated from Asia. The most widespread species was Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers., and the species with the lowest occurrence were Chamomilla suaveolens (Pursh.) Rydb and Datura innoxia Mill. A multiple regression model explains 44% of the spatial variability in the invasive plants data per MTB 1/64 unit, using the number of all recorded plant species, the average elevation and the lengths of paths and roads as estimators. The latter two variables also had the most influence on the ordination axes in analyses of the spatial distribution of seed dispersal types present in each MTB 1/64 unit. Anemochory was the most frequent type of seed dispersal.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2010, 79, 4
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Allium olivieri Boiss. (Alliaceae), a new taxon to Turkey, with contributions to its taxonomy
Eker, I.
Koyuncu, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
Allium olivieri
new taxon
Allium olivieri Boiss. (Alliaceae) is reported as a new record for Turkish flora. It was identified using the collected specimens and Flora orientalis, Flora of Iraq and Flora Iranica. The detailed description, illustrations, geographical distribution, habitat, status of IUCN extinction risk and some comments and discussions on the taxonomy of the species are given.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2011, 80, 4
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Human traces in the bryophyte flora of the summit region of Karkonosze Mts [Polish side]
Fudali, E
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
human trace
summit region
Karkonosze Mountains
Based on results of the bryofloristic investigations carried out in 2006 along tourist roads and around mountain chalets the problem of bryophyte response to the tourist utilization of the summit region of Karkonosze Mts is discussed here. The hypothesis that introduction of cement as building material might have caused the income and spread of subneutral or basiphilous ruderal species in that naturally acidic region was formulated and tested. In result 45 species were found, of which the majority do not occur in natural sites in the Karkonosze Mts. Among them 20 species are convinced to be highly hemerophilous. Most of the found species were eurytopic, only 14 prefered subneutral or basic substrata. Many of them produced sporogonia, what indicates high reproduction potential. It seems that the phenomenon of synanthropisation is limited mainly to places in which cement (as mortar or concrete) has been used. The list of bryophytes found around all the anthropogenic sites and along the tourist roads in the summit region of Polish part of the massif with brief characteristics of their ecological preferences has been included.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2007, 76, 4; 345-349
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Potamogeton pusillus agg. in Tajikistan (Middle Asia)
Nobis, M.
Nowak, A.
Zalewska-Galosz, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
Potamogeton pusillus
Potamogeton berchtoldii
new species
Middle Asia
The locality of Potamogeton berchtoldii Fieber, the new species to the flora of Tajikistan (Middle Asia), together with its ecological conditions are presented. Additionally, the list of herbarium specimens of P. pusillus L. s. stricto gathered in Tajikistan and few specimens of P. berchtoldii collected from the area of adjacent countries are also provided. Taxonomical position of the species within the Potamogeton pusillus aggregation, the main morphological features of both taxa and possibility of finding other localities are discussed.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2010, 79, 3
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bryogeographical elements of moss flora in glacial cirques Sniezne Kotly [Karkonosze Mts.] and their threat
Fudali, E
Kucera, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
threatened bryophyte
moss flora
Karkonosze Mountains
glacial relict
Sudetes Mountains
Based on geographical and ecological analysis of the present moss flora occurring in two contiguous glacial cirques Śnieżne Kotły (Western Karkonosze Mts.), the occurrence of 20 species representing arctic-alpine and subarctic-subalpine elements is discussed. The majority of (sub)arctic- (sub)alpine elements (70%) occurred sporadically or very rarely (no more than 5 records), which indicates their general threat. Nine historically recorded species of these geographic elements could not be retrieved during the recent survey, however four of the recently found species have not been found during the systematic survey of historical sites on the Czech, southern, side of Karkonosze Mts. This proves that the northern localization of Śnieżne Kotły cirques favours the survival of relict species. The question of relictness with respect to the Düll's phytogeographical characterization is discussed; only in ten of the (sub)arctic- (sub)alpine species the relict character could be considered as granted due to their present distribution range. The full list of the Śnieżne Kotły present moss flora with the brief characteristics of their ecological distribution has been included, first such attempt since 1930.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2003, 72, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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