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Impact of Microphytobenthos Photosynthesis on the Characteristics of the Echo Signal from Baltic Sandy Sediments
Gorska, N.
Kowalska-Duda, E.
Marszal, J.
Schmidt, J.
Klusek, Z.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
microphytobenthos photosynthesis
Baltic Sea
The understanding the influence of biological processes on the characteristics of the signals backscattered by the sea floor is crucial in the development of the hydroacoustical benthic habitat classification techniques. The impact of the microphytobenthos photosynthesis on the acoustical backscattering properties of the Atlantic sandy sediments was previously demonstrated by Holliday et al. (2004) and Wildman and Huettel (2012). To account for the sensitivity of the hydroacoustical classification techniques to the backscattering properties of local marine sediments, it is important to understand the microphytobenthos photosynthesis impact for the Baltic Sea where the techniques are being actively developed now. This is the main motivation of the paper. In the paper the influence of the microphytobenthos photosynthesis on the characteristics of the echo signals reflected by sandy sediments in the typical Baltic temperature and the salinity conditions is discussed. The interdisciplinary multiday laboratory experiment was conducted to study the impact of benthic microalgal photosynthesis on the characteristics of the echo signal reflected by sandy sediments. Hydroacoustical data were collected under controlled constant light, temperature and salinity conditions. The oxygen content at different levels of the water column was simultaneously monitored.
Archives of Acoustics; 2015, 40, 3; 395-405
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Acoustics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Parasite community structure of cod from Bear Island (Barents Sea) and Pomeranian Bay (Baltic Sea)
Sobecka, Ewa
Łuczak, Ewa
Więcaszek, Beata
Antoszek, Artur
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Bear Island
Baltic Sea
Gadus morhua
parasite diversity
Polish Polar Research; 2011, 3; 253-262
Pojawia się w:
Polish Polar Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Diatomological and geochemical evidence of littorina transgression in Pomeranian Bay, Southern Baltic Sea
Kostecki, Robert
Janczak-Kostecka, Beata
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Littorina transgression
Pomeranian Bay
southern Baltic Sea
This ar ti cle pres ents re sults of the anal y sis of 3 sed i ment cores taken from the bot tom of Pom er a nian Bay, south ern Bal tic Sea. These re sults are part of a larger pro ject that aims to de ter mine the char ac ter is tics and rate of the At lan tic ma rine ingression in the Pom er a nian Bay area. The main geo chem i cal el e ments and di a tom as sem blages from the cores were iden ti fied, re veal ing lac us trine sed i ments de pos ited dur ing the time of Ancylus Lake and ma rine sed i ments de pos ited dur ing the Littorina trans gres sion. Dis tinct changes in the geo chem i cal com po si tion and di a tom as sem - blages sug gest that the Littorina trans gres sion had a very large im pact on the en vi ron ment of Pom er a nian Bay.
Studia Quaternaria; 2010, 27; 27-33
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nonlinear Properties of the Gotland Deep : Baltic Sea
Grelowska, G.
Kozaczka, E.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
nonlinear parameter of low saline seawater
properties of Baltic Sea
The properties of the nonlinear phenomenon in water, including sea water, have been well known for many decades. The feature of the non homogeneous distribution of the speed of sound along the depth of the sea is very interesting from the physical and technical point of view. It is important especially in the observation of underwater area by means of acoustical method (Grelowska et al., 2013; 2014). The observation of the underwater space has been carried out for more than hundred years. In the second half of the twentieth century we observed very intense trend of development of the measuring methods of underwater sound speed. It was done mainly in the linear sound propagation aspect. At the end of 20th century nonlinear devices were invented. Thus, from this point of view, knowledge on the nonlinear properties of the sea water is the matter of interest. The phenomenon of nonlinear distortion of elastic waves, and the same the efficiency of nonlinear transfer of energy from the primary wave to the higher harmonic components depend on properties of the medium, especially on the material constant known as the nonlinearity parameter B/A. The Baltic Sea is a specific reservoir with untypically low salinity and low depth (Grelowska, 2000). In the paper results of investigation of nonlinear properties of the South and the Central Baltic by means of thermodynamic method are presented.
Archives of Acoustics; 2015, 40, 4; 595-600
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Acoustics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stakeholder Participation in the Polish Baltic Sea Commercial Fishing Fleet
Figus, Elizabeth
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Common Fisheries Policy
Commercial Fisheries
Stakeholder Participation
Baltic Sea
This article explores shifts in participation by artisanal Polish fishermen in management of the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) fishery since accession to the European Union. The European Union works to promote the long-term presence and influence of artisanal fishermen throughout Europe, and entering into the European Union system included an enhanced focus on stakeholder participation in Polish fisheries. However, impacts of this on artisanal fishermen have not been clear. For this project, shifts in participation by Polish artisanal fishermen in existing stakeholder forums were explored. A list of stakeholder groups in the Polish fishery was formulated, and stakeholders from multiple groups were interviewed about the fisheries management process. Participation by artisanal fishermen over time was qualitatively analyzed using inductive content analysis. Interview responses did not suggest that artisanal fishermen have experienced a marked increase in participation in the EU CFP system since accession in 2004. Although an increased number of potential spaces for them to participate exist, project participants did not identify artisanal fishermen as consistently or effectively active within them. This research is timely and important, because it addresses potential impacts of EU accession on artisanal fishermen in Poland. At the same time, descriptions of participation outlined in this paper are preliminary, and are meant to guide further inquiry into stakeholder participation in Polish fisheries management.
Roczniki Socjologii Morskiej; 2015, 24; 21-34
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Socjologii Morskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Climate change and human impact in the southern Baltic during the last millennium reconstructed from an ombrotrophic bog archive
Lamentowicz, Mariusz
Gałka, Mariusz
Pawlyta, Jacek
Lamentowicz, Łukasz
Goslar, Tomasz
Miotk-Szpiganowicz, Grażyna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Baltic bog
last millennium
raised bog
We pres ent the last mil len nium of his tory of a peatland lo cated in north ern Po land. Our re sults are based on two rep li - cate mono liths taken from a Bal tic raised bog. We ap plied a high-res o lu tion ap proach and ra dio car bon dat ing to the peat ma te rial to ob tain a de tailed palaeoenvironmental re con struc tion. To re con struct past peatland mois ture, we used three prox ies: tes tate amoe bae, plant macrofossils and pol len. De spite dif fer ent peat ac cu mu la tion and ex ten sive hi a tus in the for merly stud ied core, both mono liths show a sim i lar pat tern of changes. How ever, the core from this study pro - vides us with more de tailed data on S. fuscum dis ap pear ance which cor re lates well with the data from the other Bal tic bog, S³owiñskie B³oto. Our re search shows that pris tine Bal tic bogs can be dated to AD 1350. S³owiñskie B³oto palaeohydrology con firms AD 1300 as the be gin ning of the hy dro log i cal dis tur bance. In the case of the St¹¿ki and S³owiñskie B³oto bogs, the Lit tle Ice Age (LIA) is re corded be tween AD 1500 and AD 1800. How ever, this cli ma tic change might have been blurred by hu man im pact. In the case of the Bal tic bogs, their ref er ence vir gin state can be dated to AD 1200. Af ter this date, we ob served in creas ing hu man im pact and cli ma tic in sta bil ity con nected with the LIA. How ever, be tween AD 1800 and 1900, bogs were wet, most pos si bly due to cli ma tic forc ing. This fact sug gests that de spite hu man im pact, re cent peat de pos its can still re flect cli mate. Our re search pro vided in for ma tion re lated to the time of ex is tence, lo ca tion and char ac ter is tics of the nat u ral/pris tine state. High-res o lu tion peatland palaeo ec ol ogy is cru cial for res to ra tion ac tiv i ties, e.g., rewetting and en vi ron men tal man age ment. The palaeohydrological con text (sup ported by other prox ies) of the last 1000 years pro vides a re li able an swer to the ques tion: ‘To rewet or not to rewet?’
Studia Quaternaria; 2011, 28; 3-16
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stages of the formation of the Łeba barrier-lagoon system on the basis of the geological cross-section near Rąbka (Southern Baltic Coast, Poland)
Rotnicki, Karol
Alexandrowicz, Stefan W.
Pazdur, Anna
Goslar, Tomasz
Borówka, Ryszard K.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
sand barriers
Holocene barrier- lagoon system
southern Baltic coast
The ar ti cle pres ents the re sults of a de tailed study of the geo log i cal struc ture of the £eba Bar rier in the R¹bka crosssec tion (South ern Bal tic, Po land). The bar rier sep a rates Lake £ebsko from the Bal tic. Five sed i men tary com plexes were dis tin guished there (M2–M6). The spa tial vari abil ity of the grain-size dis tri bu tion was ex am ined and suc ces sion stages of the mol lusc fauna oc cur ring in the in di vid ual sed i men tary com plexes were dis tin guished. Ra dio car bon dating was used to es tab lish the age of the most im por tant events dur ing the pro cess of for ma tion of the bar rier, which took place in the course of sev eral rel a tive sea-level changes. The first sed i men tary com plex (M2) at R¹bka is connected with the sec ond ingression (i2) of the Bal tic Sea (ca. 6,700–6,000 14C years BP), sea-level sta bi li za tion (6,000–5,500 14C years BP), and at last sea-level low er ing (5,500–5,000 14C years BP) in the re gion of the Gardno-£eba Coastal Plain. The sed i men tary com plex M3 de vel oped in a la goonal en vi ron ment when the bar rier was sit u ated north of its pres ent po si tion (5,000–3,000 14C BP). The next low er ing of the sea-level made the la goon shal lower and caused the emer gence of small but al ready subaerial stretches of bar rier land with a fresh wa ter fauna in the north (4,880±40 14C BP). With the next ingression stage (i3), which took place be tween 4,500 and 3,000 BP, the bar rier shifted to its pres ent-day po si tion and the la goon changed into a fresh wa ter lake. From 3,000 to 1,700 14C BP fos sil soil and peats de vel oped on the bar rier sur face as a re sult of an other sea-level low er ing. The last ingression stages (i4 and i5), youn - ger than 1,700 BP, built up the bar rier, prac ti cally in its to day’s lo ca tion (sed i men tary com plexes M4 and M5). The youn gest sed i men tary com plex (M-6) is rep re sented by pres ent-day beach sands.
Studia Quaternaria; 2009, 26; 3-24
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Middle Devonian acanthodians from Belarus - new data and interregional biostratigraphy
Plax, Dmitry P.
Newman, Michael
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
The Lower Devonian (Emsian) and Middle Devonian of Belarus contain assemblages of biostratigraphically useful faunal and floral microremains. Surface deposits are few, with most material being derived from borehole cores. Acanthodian scales are particularly numerous and comparison with scales from other regions of the Old Red Sandstone continent (Laurussia), specifically the Orcadian Basin of Scotland, the Baltic Region, Spitsbergen, and Severnaya Zemlya have demonstrated a lot of synonymy of acanthodian species between these areas. This is especially the case between Belarus, the Orcadian Basin and the Baltic Region, which has allowed us to produce an interregional biostratigraphic scheme, as well as to postulate marine connection routes between these areas. The acanthodian biostratigraphy of Belarus is particularly important as it is associated with spores and marine invertebrates, so giving the potential of more detailed correlations across not only the Old Red Sandstone continent, but elsewhere in the Devonian world. We also demonstrate that differences in preservation (e.g., wear and how articulated a specimen is) is one of the main reasons for synonymy.
Acta Geologica Polonica; 2021, 71, 4; 393--414
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Litter sources on the Polish Baltic shore – effect of increased anthropogenic pollution
Łabuz, Tomasz Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Polish Baltic coast
litter source
beach litter
litter material
post-storm debris
The article summarises results of studies on litter concentrations on the Polish sea shore. Origin, mechanism of transport and source of litter are discussed. The main part of the data has been based on litter quality and quantity investigation in post-storm marine sediments. Data were collected in surface sediments since 2001 and in fossil washover fans dated 1988–2000 in different locations on the coast. Litter has been divided according to the material, use, size and origin. Analysis of litter quantity on beaches after storm surges showed an annual increase. The heavier surge, the more debris and mixed litter appear on the coast. A large increase in the amount of litter has been observed after the storm in 2009. The average amount of litter per 1 m2 has increased from 1.5 in 2001 to 17.5 in 2020. Among litter there is still a similar share of fishery and ship waste. The biggest growth was observed in waste of consumable origin. Plastic litter, including anthropogenic waste left on beaches, has increased to 80% in recent years. Most waste occurred on the coast adjacent to the Vistula River mouth.
Studia Quaternaria; 2021, 38, 2; 85-100
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geochemistry of surface sediments of a coastal Lake Sarbsko (northern Poland)
Woszczyk, Michał
Cieśliński, Roman
Spychalski, Waldemar
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
coastal lake
lake sediment geochemistry
Gardno-Łeba Coastal Plain
southern Baltic
The main goal of the pre sented re search was to in ves ti gate spa tial dis tri bu tion of sur face sed i ments and to rec og nize re la tion ships be tween chem i cal com po si tion of wa ter and sed i ments in a coastal Lake Sarbsko (north ern Po land). The Lake Sarbsko is a fresh wa ter ba sin. The wa ter col umn is well ox y gen ated and wa ters ex hibit only mi nor spa tial vari - abil ity of chem i cal com po si tion in di cat ing rapid and good mix ing. Sur face sed i ments of Lake Sarbsko are strongly di - ver si fied with re spect to chem i cal com po si tion. The sed i ments of Lake Sarbsko are char ac ter ized by el e vated con tent of terrigenous sil ica in di cat ing en hanced in put of clastic ma te rial from the wa ter shed and/or in creased dy nam ics of the lake wa ters. More over, SiO2ter is strongly neg a - tively cor re lated with SiO2biog, or ganic mat ter and el e ment con tents, which ar gues for di lut ing ef fect of the for mer to - wards authigenic com po nents of sed i ments. Ba si cally, terrigenous sil ica (quartz) con tent is high est in the lake shores and de clines to wards the lake cen ter. Biogenic sil ica, or ganic mat ter and most of el e ments dis play re versed ten dency. CaCO3 was en coun tered in three iso lated ar eas, where it co-oc curs with FeS. It is an tic i pated that pre cip i ta tion of cal - cite in Lake Sarbsko re sulted from postdepositional pro cesses. Spa tial dis tri bu tion of Fe, Mn, Ca, Mg, Na and K in Lake Sarbsko is also gov erned by their geo chem i cal af fin i ties to or ganic mat ter (Fe), Fe/Mn ox ides (Fe, Mn), sulphides (Fe), clay min er als (Na, K, Mg, Mn) and car bon ates (Ca, Mn).
Studia Quaternaria; 2009, 26; 41-53
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Application of satellite remote sensing in investigation of environment in Poland
Ciołkosz, Andrzej
Białousz, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Remote Sensing Centre
land use
image maps
yield forecast
monitoring of Baltic
The Remote Sensing Centre has been set up within the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography shortly after launching the first environmental satellite. The main task of the Centre was to use satellite images in research of environment. The Landsat images have been used by the Centre to elaborate the first maps of land use in Poland. Satellite images have also been used to assess the forest damage in Sudety Mountains, elaboration of the satellite maps, assess of the air pollution in the country and elaboration of the soil data bases for Poland. Satellite images acquired in microwaves have been used to map a flood extent in Odra River Valley and to estimate damage caused by the flood. The most diverse application satellite images found in agriculture. They were used for assessment of the stage of crop development, crop yield and production of the cereals in Poland. Several other scientific institutes have also used satellite images in their investigation. One of them was the Institute of Oceanology. It has used satellite images for the Baltic ecosystem monitoring.
Nauka; 2008, 3
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chosen properties of oak wood immersed for 6 months in the Baltic Sea
Fojutowski, A.
Wroblewska, H.
Kropacz, A.
Komorowicz, M.
Noskowiak, A.
Pomian, I.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
chosen property
oak wood
Baltic Sea
chemical composition
archaeological wood
Changes of physical and chemical properties, mass loss and susceptibility of oak wood to decay caused by Basidiomycetes fungi were assessed after wood samples had been taken out of the sea within the framework of MACHU project. Test samples of oak wood of the dimensions of 250 × 10 × 10 mm were placed in coastal waters of the Baltic Sea at the area of medieval seaport in Puck and in waters of the Gdansk Bay at the same longitude as Orłowo (near the wreck of Swedish warship Solen). The samples taken out of the sea were examined visually and described. Changes in mass of the samples, their bending strength and modulus of elasticity, compression strength along the grain, ability to decay caused by Trametes versicolor fungus, content of mineral substances and substances soluble in water, ethanol-benzene mixture and in 1-percent aqueous solution of NaOH, content of cellulose, lignin and pentosanes as well as pH of the wood were investigated. The properties of samples taken out of the sea after 6 months of immersion were compared with the properties of control twin samples of oak wood which had not been immersed. The results obtained so far indicate that noticeable, measurable changes in oak wood immersed in sea occur already in half a year since immersion, so observation of them may be useful for protection and monitoring of underwater archaeological objects.
Folia Forestalia Polonica. Series B - Drzewnictwo; 2011, 42
Pojawia się w:
Folia Forestalia Polonica. Series B - Drzewnictwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Ecological Security of the Baltic Sea from the Polish Perspective
Bezpieczeństwo ekologiczne Morza Bałtyckiego z polskiej perspektywy
Ciechanowicz-McLean, Janina
Bielawska-Srock, Paulina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
the Baltic Sea
ecological security
sustainable development
Baltic 21
Water Framework Directive (WFD)
Morze Bałtyckie
bezpieczeństwo ekologiczne
zrównoważony rozwój
Agenda 21
Ramowa Dyrektywa Wodna (RDW)
Nauki Humanistyczne i Społeczne
The article presents the issues related to ecological security of the Baltic Sea. The issue was taken from the perspective of Poland as one of the Baltic States, and also as a Member State of the European Union. The authors discussed the mechanisms and legal instruments which are crucial for the ecological security of the Baltic Sea (i.e. Helsinki Convention of 1974, or Agenda 21 for the Baltic Sea Region “Baltic 21”). The importance of cross-border cooperation has also been emphasized as an essential element of the security policy in the Baltic Sea area. The article also indicated threats to the protection of Baltic waters, among others, eutrophication.
W niniejszym opracowaniu przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z bezpieczeństwem ekologicznym Morza Bałtyckiego. Problematyka ta została ujęta z perspektywy Polski, jako jednego z państw nadbałtyckich, a także państwa członkowskiego unii europejskiej. Omówione zostały mechanizmy i instrumenty prawne mające kluczowe znaczenie dla bezpieczeństwa ekologicznego Bałtyku ( konwencja helsińska z 1974 r., czy też agenda 21 dla regionu Morza Bałtyckiego „Bałtyk 21”). Podkreślono również istotę współpracy transgranicznej, jako niezbędnego elementu polityki bezpieczeństwa na obszarze Morza Bałtyckiego. w opracowaniu wskazano również na zagrożenia w ochronie wód bałtyckich na eutrofizację.
Prawo Morskie; 2017, XXXIII; 9-23
Pojawia się w:
Prawo Morskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Microbial and chemical quality assessment of the small rivers entering the South Baltic. Part 1, Case study on the watercourses in the Baltic Sea catchment area
Bączkowska, Emilia
Kalinowska, Agnieszka
Ronda, Oskar
Jankowska, Katarzyna
Bray, Rafał
Płóciennik, Bartosz
Polkowska, Żaneta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Baltic Sea
environmental pollution
fecal coliforms
coastal rivers
microbiological quality
chemical quality
Coastal Landscape Park
The area of the Coastal Landscape Park (CLP) due to its location is extremely attractive touristic area. In the summer season, a significant increase in population density is observed, which influences surface water quality. Large numbers of tourists generate an increased amount of municipal wastewater, being treated in local treatment plants and discharged into rivers and streams. The paper presents preliminary research from summer 2016 on three watercourses ending in the Baltic Sea: Piaśnica, Karwianka and Czarna Wda rivers. It is a part of a long-term project conducted in CLP to assess surface waters quality. The scope of research included measurements of in situ parameters (temperature, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen). Chemical Oxygen Demand was determined using a spectrophotometer. Ion chromatography was used to determine ions concentrations (including biogenic compounds). Sanitary state of watercourses was assessed based on fecal coliforms abundance, which number was determined by the cultivation method. The determination of microbiological parameters such as: prokaryotic cell abundance expressed as total cells number (TCN), prokaryotic cell biovolume expressed as average cell volume (ACV), the prokaryotic biomass (PB) and prokaryotic cell morphotype diversity was determined using epifluorescence microscopy method. Results showed that water quality of Piaśnica and Czarna Wda rivers were affected by discharged treated wastewater. In the case of Karwianka River, the main pollution source could be surface runoff from fields and unregulated sewage management in this area. The conducted research confirmed the urgent need for better protection of this area to conserve both its ecosystem and value for tourism.
Archives of Environmental Protection; 2021, 47, 4; 55--73
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Environmental Protection
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The use of X-ray computed microtomography for graptolite detection in rock based on core internal structure visualization
Kaczmarek, Ł.
Kozłowska, A.
Maksimczuk, M.
Wejrzanowski, T.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
computed microtomography
Baltic Basin shale
mikrotomografia komputerowa
łupki basenu bałtyckiego
This paper presents for the first time X-ray computed microtomography (μCT) analysis as a technique for Silurian graptolite detection in rocks. The samples come from the Jantar Bituminous Claystones Member of the Opalino core, Baltic Basin, northern Poland. Images were obtained with spatial resolution of 25 μm, which enabled the authors to create a 3-D visualization and to calculate the ratio of fissure and graptolite volume to the total sample volume. A set of μCT slices was used to create a 3-D reconstruction of graptolite geometry. These μCT slices were processed to obtain a clearly visible image and the volume ratio. A copper X-ray source filter was used during exposure to reduce radiograph artifacts. Visualization of graptolite tubaria (rhabdosomes) enabled Demirastrites simulans to be identified. Numerical models of graptolites reveal promising applications for paleontological research and thus for the recognition and characterization of reservoir rocks.
Acta Geologica Polonica; 2017, 67, 2; 299-306
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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