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Problem planowania i kontroli w zakresie konserwacji tzw. zabytków ruchomych
Pieńkowska, Hanna
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
konserwacja zabytków ruchomych
klasyfikacja zabytków
potrzeba i granice specjalizacji
kontrola prac konserwatorskich
Le phénomène défavorable de la dégradation secondaire se manifestant dans les objectifs déjà conservés résulte soit d ’un manque de contrôle soit de l ’emploi erronné des fonds disponibles pour la conservation. Afin d ’éviter cet état de choses, il fau d ra it soumettre ce genre de trav a il à la planification et ceci dans une mesure aussi large que possible. Les éléments de base de cette planification consisteraient à choisir l ’objectif d’après une classification convenablement établie et à fixer la portée et le programme des travaux ainsi que leur devis approximatif. La planification doit se baser su r deux principes — celui de l’échelonnement et du trava il réparti en étapes. - Afin que leur éxecution soit convenable, lesdits tr a vaux doivent être confiés à des groupes de spécialistes, experts dans les disciplines envisagées. Une fois les trav au x terminés, un contrôle périodique de l ’é ta t de conservation, une documentation soigneusement r é digée et enfin la publication des m a té riau x ainsi que des discussions su r leur contenu p erme ttraient de tire r des conclusions profitables pour l ’avenir. Evidemment, les recherches visant les problèmes précités constitueraient l ’élément indispensable pour le développement de la science historique et technique.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1969, 2; 131-134
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zasoby, wartości i stan zachowania zabytków ruchomych Krakowa
Samek, Jan
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zabytki ruchome na terenie Krakowa
własność zabytków ruchomych Krakowa
krakowskie kościoły zabytkowe
wyposażenie krakowskich kamienic
inwentaryzacja zabytków Krakowa
konserwacja zabytków ruchomych
U n d e rta k in g his co n sid e ra tio n s on th e “mo v ab le cu ltu r a l p ro p e r ty ” p re s e n t in th e a re a of th e tow n of C ra cow th e a u th o r ex p la in s th e m e an in g of th is term. In th is co u n try th e p ro te c ted h is to ric a l m o n um en ts an d c u ltu ra l p ro p e r ty a re div id ed in to two categories, n am e ly th e s e immovable, as e.g. th e w o rk s of a rc h ite c tu re o r tow n p lan n in g an d th o se movable as, fo r in s ta n c e , th e a r c h ite c tu ra l d e ta ils, m u ra l p a in ting s, e a se l p a in tin g s , g rap h ic a rt, s c u lp tu re an d th e pieces of a rtis tic h a n d ic r a ft lik e th e g o ld sm ith ’s work, th a t of wood c a rv e r ’s, o r b la ck sm ith and s.o. As m ay be seen from th e above th e scope of th is d e fin itio n is one v e ry w id e and, fo r ex am p le , w ith in a n im m o v ab le o b je c t fo rmin g a s e p a ra te b u ild in g th e r e m ay be fou n d a n um b e r of mo v ab le objects, lik e doorways, window mouldings, th e stucco d e co ra tio n s a n d th e o th e rs. While s ta rtin g th e ir w o rk th e g ro u p of a r t h is to rian s h ad to d e te rm in e w h a t sets of mo v ab le m o n um en ts h a v e b e e n p re s e rv e d w ith in th e a re a of th e tow n of Cracow, fu r th e r to d e fin e th e ir resource, h is to ric a l or a r tis tic v a lu e , th e s ta te of p re s e rv a tio n , th e possibility of th e ir sa fe g u a rd in g an d mak in g th em accessible to th e public. T h e m a jo r p a r t of c u ltu ra l p ro p e rty was p re s e rv ed in s itu w ith in th e m o n a s te rie s an d ch u rch e s fo r whom th e y w e re fo u n d ed or designed. A c co rd in g to p re lim in a ry e stim a tio n s some 20,000 item s h a v e b e en p re s e rv e d among w hom a n um b e r of those counting to th e firs t and second class; only in th e Our Lad y C h u rch 1,823 o bjects we re p re se rv ed . S ev e ra l “movable m o n um en ts” a re p re s e rv ed a t b u rg h e rs ’ homes an d o th e r tow n houses w ith th e ir n um b e r am o u n tin g as high as to 6,000 objects. U n fo rtu n a te ly , u p to th e p re s e n t day th e o rie n ta tio n is la ck in g as to th e n um b e r of objects which a re still n o t covered w ith in v en to rie s or o th e r w ritte n reco rd s as th e y a re p re s e rv ed in g o v e rn am e n ta l agencies o r u n d e r th e g u a rd of v a rio u s societies an d associations. No in fo rm a tio n a t a ll is av a ilab le w ith re sp e c t to p riv a te collections. Only some 80 of th em h av e been reg iste red , h owever, it is a well known fa c t th a t th e r e e x is t a few h u n d re d of m a jo r or m in o r collections of p a in tin g s or h a n d ic ra ft w o rk s (weapons, numismatics, g la s sw a re etc.) of co n sid e rab le value. All th e a fo re - m en tio n ed w o rk was u n d e rta k e n in connection w ith p re p a ra tio n s to p u b lish th e “C atalogue of C u ltu ra l P ro p e rty in th e Town of C ra cow ”. This in tend ed m u lti-v o lum e , illu s tra te d p u b lic a tio n will be p rin te d u n til 1976. A n um b e r of co n se rv a tio n cards w e re p re p a re d conta in in g th e basic d a ta re la tin g to a given movable o b je c t th a t comprise th e d e te rm in a tio n of style, dating, a sh o rt d e sc rip tio n (m a te ria l, dimensions, re fe ren c e s, illu s tra tiv e sources) an d also th e a ssessm en t of ac tu a l s ta te of p re s e rv a tio n . The w orks connected w ith p re p a ra tio n of “movable m o n um e n ts” a re designed fo r a couple of y e a rs an d d a ta h av e a lre a d y been collected w ith concern to a b o u t 80 p e r c en t of th e re so u rc e a t hand.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1972, 3; 183-189
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
KRONIKA. Województwo kieleckie (1954-1956)
Morawski, P.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
konserwacja zespołów miejskich woj. kieleckiego 1954-1956
konserwacja budownictwa miejskiego woj. kieleckiego 1954-1956
konserwacja zabytkowych zespołów użyteczności publicznej woj. kieleckiego
konserwacja architektury sakralnej woj. kieleckiego 1954-1956
konserwacja zabytków ruchomych woj. kieleckiego 1954-1956
Ochrona Zabytków; 1957, 1; 51-54
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
KRONIKA. Miasto stołeczne Warszawa (1954-1956)
Kaczyńska, B.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
konserwacja zespołów urbanistycznych Warszawy 1954-1956
konserwacja budownictwa reprezentacyjnego Warszawy 1954-1956
konserwacja architektury sakralnej Warszawy 1954-1956
konserwacja założeń ogrodowych Warszawy 1954-1956
konserwacja zabytków ruchomych Warszawy 1954-1956
konserwacja budownictwa drewnianego Warszawy 1954-1956
Ochrona Zabytków; 1957, 1; 55-62
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O potrzebie rozbudowy studiów konserwacji zabytków ruchomych
Krzyżanowski, Lech
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
studia konserwacji zabytków ruchomych
kształcenie konserwatorów
Sekcja Konserwacji ZPAP
konserwacja w muzeach
Pracownie Konserwacji Zabytków
The author has subjected to a detailed analysis the entitled persons being members of Conservation Sedemand for conservators of mobile monuments in ctipn within the Union of Polish Artists and those museums and in the State Enterprise for Conserv- granted with an offkral permission in exception to ation of Art (PKZ). According to regulations in general rules but at the same time accepted by the force in this country to do the conservator’s job are Conservation Section. The membership of this Section at present amounts to 296, however, according to data gathered by the author some of them are not permanently working in this line, as e.g. a certain number of retired a r tists, those disabled by illness or women burdened with their household duties. In addition to about one hundred conservators working under contract in the S tate Enterprise for Conservation of Art (PKZ) and some forty others in museums as much as about hundred artists are working as free lancing ones. It is the au th o r’s opinion th a t the lasting demand for conservator’s services will prevent these free lancing conservators from coming to work under contract in the state-owned ateliers and conservation departments. A considerable growth planned in the State Enterprise for Conservât’on of Art (PKZ) for the next years, the need to have the newly employed staff in existing ateliers and also the growth of conservation departments in museums will necessitate by 1975 employing some 160 conservators. At the a rtistic schools with studies of the conservation art included in their curricula s,ome 24 persons are graduated each year, among them a certain number of students from abroad who then are leaving for their native countries. The author advances a proposal that the artistic schools increase the admission rate for those willing to study the a rt of conservation. This, however, is connected with serious troubles, as, for example, the Copernicus University, Toruń has no more free p la ces available for students in laboratories and exercise rooms. Such possibilities exist, however, at the High Schools of Arts in Cracow and in Warsaw. No less important seems tp be the question of extending the range in some fields of specialization (e.g. the conservation of paper) and also th a t of in tro ducing of some new as, for instance, the conservation of metals, fabrics, ethnographic pieces, glass and s.o. The introduction of specialization in the field of conservation of the stone sculpture which has r e cently been included in curricula gives every reason to hope that about 1975 the situation in this respect will Improve to some extent. T h e fact alone shows, however, that it requires a long time to see results of decisions adopted. Thus, the author proposes to ventilate in detail the whole problem, to draw serious conclusions and to take a number of long-range decisions if the tasks coming with the next years are to be fulfilled properly. The recent decision concerning the reconstruction of totally demolished Royal Castle in Warsaw will cause the need to* organize in the next 2—3 years a large atelier where the preserved elements of its fittings will undergo conservation treatments and in turn to sta rt the necessary reconstructional works in some of its interiors. This task, no doubt, will considerably increase the demand for a trained staff.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1971, 2; 101-105
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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