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Wystawa "Ochrona zabytków miasta Poznania w Polsce Ludowej"
Krzyżanowski, Lech
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
„Ochrona zabytków miasta Poznania w Polsce Ludowej”
osiągnięcia konserwatorskie na terenie Poznania
wystawa konserwatorska
Ochrona Zabytków; 1971, 2; 144-145
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Społeczne wartościowanie przestrzeni miast historycznych jako element budowania sysytemu ochrony dziedzictwa miast w planie zagospodarowania przestrzennego
The Social Evaluation of the Space of Historical Towns as an Element of Constructing a System for the Protection of Urban Heritage in Spatial Development Plans
Kłosek-Kozłowska, Danuta
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
przestrzeń miast historycznych
ochrona dziedzictwa miast
dziedzictwo miast
waloryzacja przestrzeni miejskiej
obszar miast historycznych
ochrona miast historycznych
wartości kulturowe miasta historycznego
ochrona historycznej struktury miasta
Międzynarodowa Karta Ochrony Miast Historycznych
Numerous useful and essential motifs have been disclosed by the development of the social sciences in research concerned with the spatial structure of historical towns as well as their protection. A significant albeit apparently still insufficiently appreciated role has been played by the progress of social ecology — a young, interdisciplinary field of science, whose studies on the natural environment of human life, including urban space, make use of the assorted outcome of investigations pursued by geography, psychology and sociology. In Poland, the growth of the discipline in question and the results of its research have assumed particular importance at the beginning of the 1990s, the moment towns regained their sovereignty and self-government. Moreover, social ecology introduces a prominent although still ignored domain of scientific investigations into the interdisciplinary protection of historical towns and the global perception of the city. One of such trends is the social evaluation of municipal space, which deals with the identification of their cultural values from the viewpoint of local communities — inhabitants There are at least two reasons for the necessity of an identification of socially expressed cultural values. The process in question is becoming indispensable since we are witnessing worldwide growing social recognition of the values of the past as well as strong social identification with it; the second reason lies in the internally competing free market, which has become the scene of a selection of social values: “the winner is the one with less scruples” (G. Soros). Socially important values perish. The insufficient appreciation of social values and the tendency to heed exclusively financial values are the reasons why administration, so important in democratic societies, is becoming less efficient and outright weakens the democratic system. Economic conclusions demonstrate a marked need for protecting and reinforcing the cultural identity of people and places. Those tasks are to be served by an examination of socially expressed values, which must find a permanent place in the programme for the protection of the cultural values of historical town structures, inscribed into legally binding resolutions of spatial development plans and the self-government strategy of administering towns, conceived as their indispensable component.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2001, 2; 127-132
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konwencja Haska z 1954 r. a konflikt na Bliskim Wschodzie
Sieroszewski, Władysław
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Konwencja Haska
ratyfikowanie Konwencji Haskiej
„wojna sześciodniowa”
ochrona zespołu Starego Miasta Jerozolimy
zwoje papirusowe znad Morza Martwego
ołtarz z Banyas
The first practical application of the Hague Convention of 1954 during hostilities in the Middle East is analysed by the author who at the same time reminds that there were no possibilities for intervention by UNESCO for the sake of cultural property protection during the earlier armed conflicts as the Vietnam War or the Suez conflict of 1958. At the end of 1967 and in the beginnings of 1968 on initiative of Director General of UNESCO and in agreement with the parties interested the Commissioner Generals have been appointed to the Government of Israel and to Governments of the four Arab countries, i.e. Egypt, the Kingdom of Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. At the same time during six years of hostilities the Executive Council and the Conference General of UNESCO were several times dealing with claims submitted by Jordan and the other countries with respect to behaviour of authorities of Israel with regard to cultural property in territories under occupation. The above claims concerned the illegal demolitions, archaeological excavations, transfers of historic monuments and the like Both Executive Council and Conference General during these years took several resolution’s disapproving the measures taken by Israel and demanding the cease of such practice which unfortunately have proved unsuccessful. More successful proved to be activities of Commissioner Generals in their respective places of action. Due to their e ffective work and authority they gained as a result of their activities it was possible to settle or at least to clear a number of disputable cases and to incline the occupational authorities to resign of some measures intended for changing the character and townscape of Jerusalem. From among such cases should, above all, be mentioned here that of the so-called Dead Sea Scrolls which originally were transferred from the Rockefeller Museum to the Museum of Israel and later, after conservation, have been almost completely returned. In quite similar way was settled the case of an altar taken from Banyas, Syria that after some time has been sent back to its proper place. Much effort was devoted to clear the matter of a fire of a widely known Al-Aksa mosque which, as has been later stated, was burnt out not as a result of intended setting on fire but as a result of failure of electrical installation. The above mosque is now rebuilt by WAKF, a Moslem Religious Foundation acting in agreement with the Corporation of Jerusalem. Less successful proved the endeavours aimed at inclining the Israel archaeologists to resign of excavations in the area of Jerusalem’s Old Town and of demolition of some objects in the same area which might lead to disturbances in the traditional landscape of the Old Town Quarter. Summing up his considerations the author comes to a conclusion that the Hague Convention, though not entirely free of certain lacks and obscurities and unable to ensure the full protection to cultural property during the hostilities, can palliate some their results that as a final result may be of importance both for cultural heritage of countries involved in a war conflict and the whole mankind as well.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1973, 3; 170-175
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ewidencja miast zabytkowych
Witwicki, Michał
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
ewidencja miast zabytkowych
miasta historyczne
studia urbanistyczno-historyczne
ochrona miast zabytkowych
Au cours des années 1962—1963, sur la commande et sous la direction du Centre de Documentation des Monuments Historiques, un groupe d’historiens de l’urbanisme a procédé au recensement des „centres historiques urbains”. Cet inventaire contient les principales informations concernant l’urbanisme et la conservation des monuments historiques; il se compose de dossiers particuliers contenant: 1. des informations d’ordre administratif, 2. des informations historiques telles que: les premières mentions, la date des franchises urbaines, la caractéristique succinte du développement de la ville au cours de l’histoire, de son agrandissement, des pertes subies, des principales réalisations architectoniques sur son terrain, les données démographiques, 3 . une liste de monuments historiques avec des caractéristiques concises de chaque monument mentionné, 4. la caractéristique de l’aménagement spatial de la ville à l’heure actuelle faisant ressortir ses éléments historiques (notamment le plan, les aspects dominant au cours de l’histoire, le lotissement du terrain, le site), 5. Le matériel iconographique: plan actuel à l’échelle 1:5000, reconstitution des plans et des vues historiques de la ville. Le schéma de ces informations a été établi à base des expériences antérieures d’une étude analogue, réalisée par plusieurs conservateurs des voïevodies, en premier lieu par le conservateur de la voïevodie de Wrocław. L’inventaire concerne au total 1200 villes et constitue un matériel utilisé pour la connaissance générale de l’état de conservation dans lequel se trouvent actuellement les centres urbains historiques en Pologne. En premier lieu, le recensement a permis d’établir les buts du service de conservation dans le domaine de la récherche scientifique concernant les villes historiques qui méritent une étude monographique particulière. D’autre part, l’„Inventaire” constitue sans conteste, un matériel accessoire de grande valeur pour l’ensemble de la politique de protection et de sauvegarde des sites urbains pourvus d’une valeur historique.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1966, 4; 33-38
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kontynuacja - aspekt oceny prawidłowości zamierzeń architektonicznych w zabytkowych układach przestrzennych
Continuation — an Aspect of the Assessment of the Regularities of Architectonic Intentions in Historical Spatial Configurations
Misiorowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zabytkowe układy przestrzenne
założenia przestrzenne
kompozycja urbanistyczna
kompozycja architektoniczna
rozwój terytorialny miast
rozwój miasta
proces kształtowania i rozwoju miasta
walory historyczne kompozycji przestrzennej
ochrona wartości zabytkowych
kształtowanie miasta
In the course of its history each town underwent assorted changes and, as a rule, developed and transformed its architecture. The process of such changes comprised the outcome of political and economic events, as well as of altering demands and aesthetic taste. Today, we observe strong investment pressure upon an intensive exploitation of the municipal area of Warsaw. This trend led to filling historically moulded fragments by means of new development, partially replacing the existing one, conceived as substandard. At the same time, the façades of totally damaged historical buildings, once characteristic for the centre of Warsaw, are being fragmentarily reconstructed. In accordance with the requirements of law, architectonic transformations in the preserved, prewar ( albeit not only) development are obligated to win conservation acceptance. Special emphasis must be placed on the concurrence of new architecture and historically shaped spatial expression as well as the continuation of the development of the given part of town. Drastic contrasts or salvage, at all cost, of prewar slums and worthless sheds should n o t take place. Despite a rath er favourable acceptance by part of local society attempts at restoring the architectonic image of Warsaw (or rather its fragments) by means of the reconstruction of the façades of demolished buildings appear to be out of place and constitute substitute activity, disclosing the workshop faults of the architects — authors o f the projects. A comprehension of architectural-town planning continuation and subjugation to its demands should improve the utilitarian and aesthetic assets of the town.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2001, 3; 272-275
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przemiany funkcjonalno-przestrzenne ośrodków zabytkowych w strukturze miast Legnicko-Głogowskiego Okręgu Miedziowego w latach 1961-1970
Przyłęcki, Mirosław
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
ochrona zabytkowych zespołów miejskich
Legnicko-Głogowskie Zagłębie Miedziowe
zmiana funkcji gospodarczej miasta
zmiana pierwotnych funkcji zabytków
The L owe r Silesian region m ay be re g a rd e d as one where, if th e q u e stio n is to be con sid e red on th e “a ll- c o u n try sc a le ”, th e g re a te s t n um b e r of tow n s can be fou n d w ith th e ir v a lu ab le m o n um en ts of a rc h ite c tu re and in te re s tin g tow n p lan n in g lay o u ts su rv iv ed. The w a r damage s, te ch n ic a l d ep re c ia tio n , obsolescence of fu n c tio n a l p a tte rn s an d th e changes in sy stems of cons tru c tio n a re c re a tin g re a lly se rio u s d ifficu ltie s in p ro g ram m in g th e p ro te c tio n , co n se rv a tio n an d th e uses fo r th e histo ric u rb a n centres. In th e p re s e n t a rtic le th e a u th o r deals w ith changes o ccu rin g in fu n c tio n al and sp a tia l p a tte rn s of h isto ric towns s itu a te d w ith in th e mo re and more in d iv id u a liz in g L egnica-Głogów Copper Mining District. He p re s e n ts a h a n d fu l o f o b s e rv a tio n s collected on th e b a ck g ro u n d of a su rv ey p re p a re d by th e Wroclaw B ran ch of th e In s titu te of T ow n p lan n in g and A rc h ite c tu re in th e p e rio d 1960— —1970. The in d u s tria l d ev e lo pm en t of th is D istric t b a sin g on mining an d processing of copper ores h a s led to a p p a re n t changes both in s tru c tu r e of emp lo ym en t and p o p u la tio n figures. Th e above changes p e rta in m a in ly to h isto ric — towns as, fo r in stan c e , Chobienia, Chocianów, Głogów, Legnica, Lu b in , Polkowice, Prochowice, Ru d n a an d Ścinawa. U n til 1970 th e d ev e lo pm en t of in d u s try in th is a re a caused a co n sid e rab le e x ten s io n or sp e ed in g -u p of re b u ild in g of th e fiv e towns u n d e r in v e stig a tio n , namely Polkowice, Lubin, Głogów, Legnica and Chocianów. In c re a sed b u ild in g a c tiv itie s could also be observed in R u d n a an d Ścinawa. Such tow n s as Legnica, Lu b in , Głogów an d Polkowice h av e grown to th e m a in in d u s tria l an d a dm in is tra tiv e an d service c en tre s w ith in th e e x p an d in g Copper Mining D istrict, a t th e same time becoming to u rin g cen tre s on th e so u th e rn reg io n a l ro u te , owing to th e e x isting mo n umen ts, mo d e rn in d u s tria l p la n ts and c u ltu ra l centres. In fiv e from among th e towns u n d e r discussion it was possible to observe th e above de sc rib ed changes of civic fu n c tio n s wh en comp ared w ith th e sta te from 1960 b u t only in fo u r of th em th e s e changes a ffected th e ir h is to ric centres. As one of th e fe a tu re s of changes in fu n c tio n a l p a tte rn of u rb a n c en tre s m ay be reg a rd ed co n sid e rab le in c re a se of liv in g spaces, those occupied by tra d e , r e s ta u r a n ts an d adm in is tra tio n . Within a decade u n d e r discussion no in c re a se s have b een o b serv ed in spaces d esigned fo r in d u s try w ith in th e histo ric c en tre s which th e fa c t may also be re g a rd ed as a p o sitiv e fe a tu re . Both in d u s try and sto rag e a re being removed from h is to ric centres. However, w ith in th e h is to ric c en tre s an o th e r, th is time neg ativ e, fe a tu re was ob se rv ed , i.e. e re c tio n of m o d e rn re s id e n tia l bu ild in g s which, as a ru le , a re in conflict w ith th e ir su rro u n d in g s . F o r ex amp le , in L e gnica th e city a re a is being fo rm ed of m u lti-s to re y , aggressive re s id e n tia l houses th a t a re e n tire ly u n a d a p ta b le to o th e r ex is tin g build in g s. The p re s e rv ed h isto ric ob je c ts though, in p rin c ip le , still d omin a tin g sp a tia lly a re fre q u e n tly enough chan g in g th e ir o rig in a l fu n c tio n s which th e o c cu rren c e is v isib le in p a rtic u la r in housing. This h ig h ly n eg a tiv e fe a tu re was conn ected w ith a tre n d tow a rd m o d e rn iz a tio n of h is to ric c entres. By doing so w e re neg lec ted all compositional, a e sth e tic a l an d co n se rv a tio n p ro b lem s th a t h a v e been moved to more rem o te plans. The a rtic le is ending w ith conclusions proposing to re v iew th e h is to ric a l an d sp a tia l v a lu e s p re s e n t in a re a s of h isto ric tow n s w ith in Legnica—Głogów Copp e r Mining D istric t an d to in tro d u c e th e n e c e ssa ry a lte ra tio n s which could improve th e e ffe c ts in u rb a n p lan n in g achieved in th e p a s t y e a rs also in compositio n a l respect. At th e same time th e need h a s been emphasized to s ta r t th e stu d ie s on th e fo rms of modern b u ild in g in tro d u c ed to h is to ric u rb a n c en tre s.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1973, 1; 39-46
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ochrona zabytków w Jugosławii
Molé, Vojeslav
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
ochrona zabytków w Jugosławii
zabytki Jugosławii
Instytut Ochrony Zabytków Kultury
nekropolia w Sempeter
problematyka konserwatorska miasta Piran
Ochrona Zabytków; 1961, 1-2; 118-125
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Szmygin, Bogusław
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Kazimierz Dolny nad Wisłą
miasto historyczne
ochrona miast historycznych
kreacja konserwatorska
odbudowa Kazimierza
koncepcja ochrony miasta
Jerzy Żurawski
The protection of historical towns has always constituted one of the most difficult conservation tasks. At the time of the People’s Republic of Poland the prevailing systemic conditions led to a growing neglect of the majority of historical towns. In some cases, however, the central administration and financing system, combined with limited ownership rights, permitted an effective realisation of conservation programmes. One of such towns was Kazimierz Dolny, which has enjoyed conservation protection since the 1920s. Thanks to a consistent realisation of the complex conservation programme during the 1970s and 1980s the historical merits of the town were preserved and even enhanced. In the wake of the systemic transformation in Poland it became impossible to continue former forms of conservation protection. The rank of the conservator changed, state subsidies ceased, and the right to decide about private property was restored to the owners of historical monuments. Only the owners are held responsible for the state of the objects, while activity conducted on a town scale is the domain of the self-government. As a result, new investments and intensive exploitation are transforming the historical nature of the locality, a process which remains uncontrolled. The example of Kazimierz Dolny demonstrates that a new model of an effective protection of historical towns has still not been devised in the new conditions.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2004, 3-4; 7-28
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Podstawowe tendencje rewaloryzacji miast-rezerwatów w Czeskiej Republice Socjalistycznej
Vošahlik, Aleš
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
ochrona zabytków w Czechosłowacji
historyczne centra zespołów miejskich
miasta-rezerwaty w Czechosłowacji
rekonstrukcja Chebu
planowanie przestrzenne w Czechosłowacji
In 1950 historical centres of 40 towns in Czechoslovakia came under protection. At the first stage of restoration works (1950—1958) close investigations of separate buildings in town-reservations were carried out, which allowed to state th a t the majority of buildings dated from the Middle Ages. Besides, almost immediately they proceeded to restoration works aimed at unification of streets and squares and creation of proper living conditions for the people living in ancient dwelling-houses. Entering upon restoration of the town-reservation of Cheb is considered to be the greatest achievement of this period. The second stage of restoration works (1958— 1965) was sta rted by enacting of the Law concerning cultural property. The Law made it possible, among others, to introduce legal changes in acknowledgment of a town as a reservation and to work out development plans for town-reservations in connection with development plans of the whole towns. At the third stage, not finished yet, the functional value of a historical centre has become decisive as to whether it should be secured or not. While designing town-reservations today the town- planning principles must be taken into account and town-reservations must be divided according to their historical value. What is more, this must be subjected to economic development of the town. Since 1975 historical monuments protection is included in one y e a r’s plans for economic development of towns. There has been prepared a plan for reconstruction of historical objects existing at the area of 35 town- -reservations. Their list with the area and the number of historical objects given is annexed at the end.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1976, 3; 157-164
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Archeologia w rewaloryzacji Starego Miasta w Lublinie - sympozjum w Lublinie
Gromnicki, Jan
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Archeologia w rewaloryzacji Starego Miasta w Lublinie
sympozjum w Lublinie
udział i metody archeologii w badaniach lubelskiego Starego Miasta
lubelskie Stare Miasto
ochrona zabytków archeologicznych i środowiska archeologicznego Lubelszczyzny
rola archeologii w badaniach miast
Ochrona Zabytków; 1981, 1-2; 112-113
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zespoły staromiejskie w teorii i praktyce studialno-projektowej oraz realizacji
Kalinowski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
miasta historyczne
dekapitalizacja zabudowy miast historycznych
studia historyczno-urbanistyczne miast
ochrona zespołów historycznych
plany rewaloryzacji miast historycznych
plany zagospodarowania przestrzennego miejskich zespołów zabytkowych
Having its genesis still in the inter-war period housing policy has brought about such a big reduction of rents paid in old houses that it excluded the possibility of their repair from the financial means obtained in this way by both private and municipal owners. Together with destruction and negligence' of the 2nd World War it resulted in a catastrophic state of old housing and forced many European countries to take up broad campaigns aimed at the renewal of historic towns. Poland also faces serious difficulties connected with the restoration of utilitarian and historic values of old buildings. They involve not only high costs of the renewal of historic towns, which have to be borne by local and cultural administrative authorities but also shortages of material as well as performance difficulties including a translocation of inhabitants for the time of repair. This can clearly be seen on the example of works carried out in Cracow, Toruń or in other old towns. Only there where it was possible to concentrate both means and executional potential (e.g. Zamość, Sandomierz) certain concrete effects could be attained. Under the present economic situation in Poland it is not possible for costs of the renewal of historic town buildings to weigh down entirely upon the state budget. One should look for other ways of engaging population’s resources and enabling the people to get a comfortable flat in a relatively short time. This solution requires a number of organizational and economic measures that would facilitate repairs (bank credits, material supplies, et.c.) as well as broad campaigns aimed at the release of people’s own initiative.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1982, 3-4; 155-159
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
KRONIKA. Województwo szczecińskie (1953-1955)
Dziurla, H.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
prace konserwatorskie w woj. szczecińskim 1953-1955
ochrona zabytków urbanistycznych Pomorza Zachodniego
odbudowa Starego Miasta w Stargardzie
adaptacja Zamku Szczecińskiego
kamienica Loitzów w Szczecinie
XIII-wieczny kościół w Brzesku
Ochrona Zabytków; 1955, 4; 276-279
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Miasta Pomorza i zagadnienie zabytków urbanistycznych na Pomorzu
Dziewoński, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zabytki urbanistyczne
układ przestrzenny
ochrona zabytków urbanistycznych
urbanistyka zabytkowa Pomorza
militarne funkcje miast
układ ośrodków miejskich
układ przestrzenny Gdańska i Szczecina
zespół miasta średniowiecznego w Malborku
zniszczenia wojenne miast Pomorza
odbudowa zabytków urbanistycznych
Ochrona Zabytków; 1954, 4; 221-235
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-15 z 15

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