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Światowe dziedzictwo UNESCO z perspektywy 40 lat
Szmygin, Bogusław
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Lista światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO
ochrona dziedzictwa materialnego
Konwencja o ochronie światowego dziedzictwa kultury i natury została uchwalona przez Konferencję Generalną UNESCO podczas 17. sesji w Paryżu w październiku 1972 r. Obchodzona w 2012 r. 40. rocznica uchwalenia Konwencji była podstawą do podsumowania jej dorobku, dokonania analizy sytuacji oraz dyskusji o przyszłości ruchu światowego dziedzictwa. Polska od początku aktywnie uczestniczy w tym ruchu, będąc w grupie krajów, które jako pierwsze ratyfikowały Konwencję i które jako pierwsze nominowały obiekty na Listę UNESCO. Wyrazem uznania dla tej aktywności było wybranie w listopadzie 2013 r. Polski do grona 21 krajów, które tworzą Komitet Światowego Dziedzictwa. Znaczenie światowego dziedzictwa jako najbardziej udanego międzynarodowego przedsięwzięcia w zakresie ochrony dziedzictwa oraz nowa pozycja naszego kraju w tym ruchu są ważnym powodem, by dokonać całościowej oceny sytuacji. W artykule przedstawiono dwa zagadnienia, które charakteryzują obecną sytuację Listy światowego dziedzictwa. W części pierwszej zawarte zostało generalne podsumowanie dorobku Listy. Został on przedstawiony w postaci ośmiu aspektów, które składają się na dokonania Listy postrzegane z perspektywy minionych 40 lat. W części drugiej podjęto próbę charakterystyki głównych problemów i wyzwań stojących przed światowym dziedzictwem. Problemy te zostały ujęte w postaci czterech głównych zagadnień. Polski udział i problemy związane z funkcjonowaniem Listy UNESCO zostaną przedstawione w odrębnym artykule, który ukaże się w „Ochronie Zabytków” w 2014 r.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2013, 1-4; 167-177
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Piotrowska-Nosek, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
33 sesja Komitetu Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO
Lista Światowego Dziedzictwa
The 33rd Session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee held on 22-30 June 2009 in Seville added 13 new entries to the World Heritage List. The main event, which dominated the session, was the deletion from the List of the Dresden Elbe valley, included in 2004 as a cultural landscape. The decision was motivated by the construction of a four-lane bridge in the very heart of the valley. At present, after this year’s session, the World Heritage List contains 890 entries.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2008, 3; 7-8
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poland for World Heritage/La Pologne pour le patrimoine mondial, Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa, Warszawa 2013
Olbryś, Mirosław
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
konserwacja zabytków
Lista światowego dziedzictwa kulturalnego i naturalnego UNESCO
Ochrona Zabytków; 2015, 2; 245-250
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Piotrowska-Nosek, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Konferencja Generalna UNESCO
Fundusz Światowego Dziedzictwa
Komitet Światowego Dziedzictwa
Zgromadzenie Ogólne
Lista Światowego Dziedzictwa
A General Assembly of the States Parties to the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage took place at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris on 23-28 October. Its participants meet every two years at a UNESCO General Assembly to make decisions concerning the dues for the World Heritage Fund and to elect new members of the World Heritage Committee. The General Assembly passed a resolution introducing changes into the Committee voting system. This year’ s election was held in accordance with the newly accepted principles. The Committee is now composed of 12 new countries: the United Arab Emirates, the Russian Federation, Switzerland, France, Cambodia, the Republic of South Africa, Thailand, Estonia, Ethiopia, Iraq, Mali and Mexico. For the duration of a mandate, which lasts for a maximum of six years, the Committee members, cooperating with advisory organisations and the World Heritage Centre, monitor the state of sites on the World Heritage List and decide about new entries. The General Assembly also discussed the future of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention in connection with its coming 40th anniversary and the challenges stemming from its global character. It is worth stressing that for the first time in the history of the Convention the debate about its future involved all the states which had signed it and which wish to have impact upon its progress.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2008, 4; 14
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Szanowni Państwo, drodzy Czytelnicy, Autorzy i Recenzenci „Ochrony Zabytków”!
Dear Sirs and Madams, dear Readers, Authors and Reviewers of the “Ochrona Zabytków”!
Serafinowicz, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Ochrona Zabytków
konwencja UNESCO
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
dziedzictwo niematerialne
Lista światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO
We present to you another fascicle of jointly created periodical (in the current six-monthly form) – a collective work, which can be, without exaggeration, described as: joint effort. If I were to title it separately, the title would be: Between tangible and intangible heritage – the idea of comprehensive protection of the world’s cultural and natural heritage. It sounds elevated, maybe even pompous, however – as we know well – in the global perspective, there are diverse situations, a current example might be the devastated Aleppo, which is, after all, not the only site of crime against cultural heritage. The threads of intangible heritage, in this volume, both from the perspective of up-to-date UNESCO documents and conventions, and from the perspective of “archaeology of notions” and research on intangible heritage of the Polish rural areas, as well as the narratives of collective memory, constitute the first part of the volume. The second part, on the other hand, for a kind of a counterweight, is devoted only to tangible heritage, focusing on the issues of wooden architecture, and strictly speaking, on wooden sacral construction, on both sides of the Polish-Ukrainian border in which we see a tremendous potential for further common research and academic cooperation. The second part of the volume is concluded by an interesting article devoted to framework architecture of Uhlans’ barracks in Toruń. In the third, final part, we present articles of diverse subject matter, a considerable substantive significance, discussing, among others, Polish successes related to entries on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List to which the National Heritage Board of Poland contributed greatly, but also presenting hazards concerning possible further entries, which should not be forgotten, just like we should not forget about people of exceptional merits, whose profiles we recall. Let us return, however, to our reality and our questions about intangible heritage. What is it for an ordinary inhabitant of the country between the Odra River and the Bug River, how does our ordinary compatriot understand them and does he or she have keys to it, or has someone hidden it, to use a euphemism..? It seems there is a long march ahead of us. If today someone asked me about what I believe to be the most important throughout our entire spectrum of the intangible heritage, I would certainly reply: my homeland and my faith. And if I was asked what I would most gladly enter to the intangible heritage list, I would say: all Polish “żurawiejka” poems, even though they might be obscene, including my favourite, which I would not dare to quote. Not so long ago, on the occasion of a full, six-hundredth anniversary of concluding the Horodło Union, Kazimierz Wóycicki from the Eastern Europe Study Centre of the Warsaw University wrote: „We live in the 21st century, and we still think in categories of the 19th century. This happens because great narrations determining the sense of modern nations were created exactly in the 19th century, when the most important thing was defending identity against external impacts. Historiography of remembrance, dealing with social representations of the past, enables gaining a distance to those tales shaped in the 19th century, through a dialogue of narratives” and, at the same time, enables expansion of the methodological scope of research on phenomena related to intangible heritage. Dear Sirs and Madams, to conclude, I would like to give my regards to the entire editorial team, who for a few recent years, working with devotion, perfection and energy, have done truly a lot in the Kraków office – it can be said without a shade of exaggeration that they re-formatted and modernized the way of thinking about our periodical. I would like to thank wholeheartedly, not only on my own behalf, the editor Ms. Olga Dyba, the editorial secretary – Mr. Andrzej Siwek and the editor Mr. Tomasz Woźniak. Dear friends – you are real professionals, and a hard act to follow... Yours respectfully Jacek Serafinowicz Editor-in-Chief
Ochrona Zabytków; 2014, 1; 3-5
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dziesięć lat Drewnianych Kościołów Południowej Małopolski na Liście światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO
Ten years of the Wooden Churches of Southern Małopolska on the UNESCO World Heritage List
Fortuna-Marek, Anna
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
architektura drewniana
architektura sakralna
Lista światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO
kościoły drewniane
Ten years, which passed since the Wooden Churches of Southern Małopolska have been inscribed into the UNESCO World Heritage List, pose a great opportunity to present the activities and successes in the area of preservation and widely understood protection of these unique sites. The main purpose behind the UNESCO List is ensuring relevant protection to the most valuable cultural goods to preserve them in possibly unchanged form for the future generations. Therefore, the issue, whether current guardianship and protection of the Małopolska churches are sufficient for maintaining their unique and universal value, authenticity and integrity, is worth discussing. The Wooden Churches of Southern Małopolska are a serial inscription covering six Gothic churches built using the horizontal log technique and located in the following localities: Blizne, Binarowa, Dębno Podhalańskie, Haczów, Lipnica Murowana and Sękowa. The churches have been subject to numerous important conservation and renovation works throughout the last ten years. Their scope varied depending on the church, its needs and requirements. Apart from the conservation and renovation works necessary to preserve the sites of world heritage in due manner, the actions aiming at delivery of the tasks under the UNESCO World Heritage Convention have been taken. To ensure possibly highest protection standards of the UNESCO List sites in Poland, including wooden churches of Małopolska, the actions targeted on their monitoring and assessment of preservation, scientific research and works aiming at proper site management have been performed. These works were carried out for the most under the statutory tasks of the National Heritage Board of Poland. Two separate Polish and Norwegian projects aiming at improving the system of world heritage protection in Poland and Norway and working-out better and more effective methods for managing the sites inscribed into the UNESCO List were delivered within the scientific works. Research performed under both these projects covered also the wooden churches of southern Małopolska.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2014, 2; 139-153
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Marconi-Betka, Anna
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
światowe dziedzictwo UNESCO
konwencja UNESCO
Raport Okresowy dla Europy
Lista Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO
Ameeting of experts dealing with the UNESCO World Heritage, attended by 37 participants from 13 countries, was held in Wroclaw on 14-15 September 2007. The session was organised by the National Heritage Board of Poland in the name of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and the Minister of Culture and National Heritage. The states-signatories of the UNESCO convention on the protection of the world cultural and natural heritage are obligated to present reports on the realisation of the convention’s resolutions. The first series of the European Regular Report was conducted in 2003-2006. The Wroclaw conference was the first meeting of the representatives of Central and East European countries, dedicated to continuing undertakings stemming from the Regular Report. Subsequently, it became a forum for an exchange of experiences and joint conclusions. In view of the fact that the Report encompasses the earliest entries on the UNESCO World Heritage List, the participants of the meeting asserted the necessity of supplements which, in the first stage, are to explain the limits of the included site and its protective sphere and then discuss the criteria according to which it had been originally placed on the List. Subsequent tasks entail defining the exceptional merits of a given site. The meeting also considered plans for a system of administering the world heritage sites. The participants stressed unanimously that a suitable pronouncement of the significance of a site and its exceptional value forms a basis for effective administration. The conference included a tour of the Centennial Hall in Wrocław, together with the adjoining exposition area – the most recent Polsh site to be included onto the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2007, 1; 13-15
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Piotrowska-Nosek, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Komitet Światowego Dziedzictwa
Konwencja UNESCO
miejsca wpisane na Listę UNESCO
Lista Światowego Dziedzictwa w Zagrożeniu
realizacja Konwencji UNESCO
The UNESCO World Heritage Committee, representing 185 signatories of the UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage, took place on 2-10 July 2008 in Quebec City (Canada). The Committee session made several decisions concerning sites from the UNESCO World Heritage List located in Poland. One of the sites that the Committee has been discussing for several years is the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi concentration and death camp (1940-1945) and the state of its vicinity. This time was no such debate was held, but the government of the Republic of Poland was requested to provide information about the preparation and realisation of an administration plan relating to the site and its immediate surrounding. Other issues included the delineation of the boundaries of historical city centres in Warsaw and Cracow, the medieval town of Toruń, the Old Town in Zamość and the Castle of the Teutonic Order in Malbork. In the case of the Białowieska Forest the Committee obligated the Polish and Belarusian sides to organise a mission of experts for the purpose of explaining the boundaries and principles of the protection of this particular site. Information about World Heritage as well as the sessions and decisions of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee is available on: and the website of the National Heritage Board of Poland:
Ochrona Zabytków; 2008, 1; 5-6
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy i tendencje ochrony zabytków sakralnych na Ukrainie
Issues and tendencies of protecting historic religious buildings in Ukraine
Gerycz, Włodzimierz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zabytki sakralne
architektura sakralna
architektura drewniana
Lista Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO
Since time immemorial Ukraine has been the center of Eastern Christianity. Many temples were built in Kiev and towns nearby. The ones which survived until this day are treated as the most valuable national historic objects. In the whole country, despite the fact that religious life was being ruined in various periods, especially in the east during Soviet times, many religious historic objects exist. After Ukraine regained independence, the number of voices favoring the protection of cultural heritage began increasing. An appropriate legislation system was created, the state and individual regions readily started joining in to protect and restore historic objects, believers commenced helping with the work related with religious objects. Many good examples of church, orthodox church, monastery and wooden religious architecture restoration can be given. However, the consciousness of congregations and the representatives of the clergy is not always at theappropriate standard. Frequently, the urge to make a profit, the use of wrong technology, or the dishonesty of contractors lead historic objects – the witnesses of our history – to destruction. To improve the level of protection of historic religious objects, the dialogue between society and the clergy has to be broadened, specialists’ activity in the field must be supported, and legalregulations need to be refined.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2010, 1-4; 7-15
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jasina – cerkiew Strukowska z Listy UNESCO na tle innych świątyń huculskich
Yasinia – the Strukivska tserkva from the UNESCO World Heritage List compared to other Hutsul temples
Witkowski, Włodzimierz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
cerkiew huculska
cerkiew drewniana
architektura drewniana
Lista światowego dziedzictwa
Hutsul tserkva
wooden tserkva
wooden architecture
the Hutsul Land
UNESCO World Heritage List
In 2013, the tserkva dedicated to the Ascension, and traditionally called the Strukivska tserkva, in Yasinia, in the district of Rakhiv, in the Transcarpathian area, in the Hutsul Lands, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, together with fifteen other wooden tserkvas in Polish and Ukrainian Carpathian region. Due to his long-lasting supervision over inventory measurements of the Hutsul folk architecture and wooden sacred architecture in the Hutsul Lands and in the Pokuttya region, the author makes a detailed presentation of this temple, which is known in Poland mainly in tourist and sightseeing circles, and compares it with other Hutsul tserkvas with similar plan characteristics. The article contains presentation of the history of this tserkva, which was built in 1824. Its traditional name is supposed to originate from the surname of a Hutsul shepherd, Ivan Struk, who probably founded it as a votive offering for a miraculous rescue of a flock of sheep in winter, which is a theme of a legend that is popular in this part of the Hutsul Lands. On the basis of the field studies that – among others – resulted in making measurement documentation by architecture students from the Lodz University of Technology, under the supervision of the author, there are discussed characteristics of the log construction, with consideration given to the use of squared timber, corners with dovetail joints and cut endings of logs, which is common among others in wooden sacred architecture in the Transcarpathian area, but more seldom in the Galician Hutsul Lands. The temple has no choir gallery over the vestibule for women, which is atypical in Hutsul tserkvas, yet here it is a result of very small sizes of the object. In the tserkva there has been preserved a valuable baroque iconostasis, unfortunately with icons that have been painted on the former paintings recently. A high artistic value is represented by a few other elements of the decor: single icons, processional crosses and banners. Another interesting element is a severe decoration of wooden construction arches at the junction of nave square and side arms, with the characteristic wooden volutes, which is unique for the Hutsul Lands but known for example in the Podhale region. It is one of the two tserkvas of the Hutsul type situated on the South of the Carpathian arch. Other wooden tserkvas in this area belong to totally different types of spatial forms, which are not related to the Hutsul Lands. Due to its plan and shape the one-dome Strukivska tserkva may be classified to the group of a dozen or so recognised wooden temples mainly from the Galician Hutsul Lands and the Pokuttya region that are based on a spatial pattern of a central building on the Greek cross plan, which is composed of five squares, with the middle one being bigger than the remaining ones. This group may comprise both elder (the end of the 18th c. – the beginning of the 19th c.) traditional one-dome Hutsul tserkvas, such as: Deliatyn (1785, extended in 1894, 1902, 1911- -1912), Velyka Kam’yanka (1794), Zelena, the district of Nadvirna (1796, later extended), Zhabye Slupeyka (about 1800, extended in 1850, does not exist), Dora (1823, extended in 1844), Lojeva (1835), Bili Oslavy (called the lower one, 1835), and fivedome objects from the 2nd half of the 19th c.: Tlumachyk (1852, does not exist), Knyazhdvir (1864, does not exist), and Havrylivka (1862, not examined by the author yet), and also the threedome tserkva in Hvizdets (1855), in which the side arms are narrower (rectangular, not square). Whereas, three temples from the parish of Mykulychyn, designed by professionals: Mykulychyn (1868, designed by the architect J. Czajkowski), Tatariv (1912, designed by the architect Franciszek Mączyński from Cracow, polychromes made by the painter Karol Maszkowski, also from Cracow) and Polyanytsya Popovichivska (1912, does not exist), the so called new tserkva in Vorokhta (the 30s of the 20th c.), the tserkva in Zarichchya (1943, designed by the architect Lev Levyns’kyi), are creative interpretations of the original pattern. The two latter ones may be classified simultaneously to a large group of tserkvas in the national Ukrainian style. Similar characteristics are probably to be found in the tserkva in Tysmyenichany (1865), not examined by the author yet. A few tserkvas were extended from the classic three-part plan to the ‘cross’ plan with an enlarged nave square by means of adding side arms; for example: Krasne, the district of Rozhniativ, earlier the county of Kalush (about 1840, extended, 1899 rebuilt) and Chornyi Potik, (the 19th c?). The Strukivska tserkva is decidedly the smallest one in the discussed group (side of the nave log construction is about 5 metres long), which may be explained by the fact that it was a private, peasant foundation. Tserkvas that belong to the pattern described above are situated in a quite compact group in a relatively small geographical area, which may be basically associated mainly with the upper Pruth valley from Vorokhta to Zabolotiv. Some of them are located by roadsides that lead to major tracts or to the Pruth valley. The river and trade routes at its banks contributed to spreading of the pattern, yet it did not spread beyond these tracts. Maybe, in the course of some further studies in the areas of Pokuttya, at the North of the Pruth river, which have been less explored yet, it will happen to find some other examples of objects with the same original plan. The pattern of the tserkva at the Greek cross plan with enlarged nave square was present (though very rare) not only in other regions of former Galicia, but also in Northern, middle, and Eastern lands of Ukraine. However, tserkvas of this type did not exist in a compact group in such a small area as in the discussed region of the Hutsul Lands and Pokuttya. Due to its morphology the group described as the cruciform tserkvas with enlarged nave square presents a set that may be distinguished from the remaining types of wooden temples in the Hutsul Lands and Pokuttya, and may be referred to as Western or – to be more precise – North-Western type the Hutsul wooden tserkva with two variants and older and younger variations. It is not only the fact of identical scheme of groundfloor plan and similar sizes that is significant here, but also the time when the temples were built (the end of the 18th c. – the beginning of the 2nd half of the 19th c.). An additional fact that in this area there were built a few other tserkvas the forms of which present an interpretation of the original pattern indicates that the pattern was so marked in the described area that it was also observed by professionals, who as early as in the 2nd half of the 19th c. and the beginning of the 20th c. wanted to respect consciously the local building traditions, which presented an inspiration for them. The Strukivska tserkva in Yasinia constitutes a very important element in this interesting group of temples. It is an ‘import’ of the pattern of ‘cruciform’ tserkva from the Galician Hutsul Lands to the Transcarpathians. It was built at the same time when the model of ‘cruciform’ tserkvas with enlarged nave square was spreading to the North from the main Carpathian arch. It represents a high level of building technique, with some distinct features that were characteristic of the area. It has been preserved in a relatively pure form, not ‘spoiled’ (as some other Hutsul tserkvas) with extending, rebuilding, or changing materials for covering walls and roofs. At present, it does not demand any important conservatory works. The inscription of this tserkva on the UNESCO World Heritage List seems thoroughly justified. In the group of eight Ukrainian wooden tserkvas that are inscribed on the List, as many as two come from the Hutsul Lands and Pokuttya, which is a clear evidence for the role of this region for the Ukrainian culture. Translated by Joanna Witkowska
Ochrona Zabytków; 2015, 2; 7-39
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Piotrowska-Nosek, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Lista Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO
Auschwitz Birkenau - niemiecki nazistowski obóz koncentracyjny i zagłady (1940-1945)
deklaracja budapeszteńska
Raport Okresowy UNESCO
Auschwitz Birkenau - German Nazi concentration and death camp (1940-1945)
Already 851 sites representing exceptional universal merits have found themselves on the UNESCO World Heritage List, created upon the basis of the 1972 UNESCO convention on the protection of the world cultural and natural heritage. The decision-making body within the convention is the Committee. The 31st session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee was held on 23 June-2 July 2007 in Christchurch (New Zealand). More than 800 representatives of 184 convention member states, state institutions and NGOs attended the meeting. The Committee decided to add to the UNESCO World Heritage List 22 new sites. It also made an unprecedented decision to strike from the list the Arabian Oryx Sanctuary in Oman, due to a reduction of the terrain and the falling number of the antelopes. The most important decision concerning world heritage sites in Poland pertained to the changed name of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp. According to the proposal made by the Committee the new name is now composed of two parts, the main component being: “Auschwitz Birkenau”, followed by a description: ”German Nazi concentration and death camp (1940-1945)”. The Committee also accepted a pronouncement of the site’s significance – a document describing the site and justifying its inclusion on the List within the context of selected criteria. All the sites are obligated to prepare a pronouncement defining their exceptional and universal merits. The purpose of this duty and the explanation of the limits of the entry are to introduce order into the UNESCO World Heritage List and to draw attention to the state of the preservation of particular sites. Those activities were inaugurated within the framework of the Regular Report in 2003-2006. The 32nd session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee will take place in Quebec (Canada) on 2-10 July 2008.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2007, 1; 19-21
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola Działu Analiz Konserwatorskich w realizacji zadań statutowych Narodowego Instytutu Dziedzictwa
The role of the Conservation Analyses Department in the performance of statutory tasks of the National Heritage Board of Poland
Jagielska, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Dział Analiz Konserwatorskich
Krajowy Ośrodek Badań i Dokumentacji Zabytków
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
ekspertyzy konserwatorskie
skreślenie z rejestru zabytków
adaptacja zabytku
rejestr zabytków
standard dokumentacji
pomnik historii
Lista Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO
Akademia Nieświeska
The Conservation Analyses Department was established by the order of the Director of the National Centre for Research and Documentation of Monuments dated 6 June 2010. The Department comprised the Team of Experts and the Conservation Policy Formation Workshop. The Department co-ordinates and supervises work connected with the preparation of opinions and expertises regarding the protection of non-movable and movable monuments for public administration authorities – the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Voivodeship Offices for Monument Protection and their branches and local government conservators. It carries out its tasks with the help of local divisions representing the National Heritage Board of Poland. The definite majority of issued opinions concerns the evaluation of the level of preservation of the value of historic objects or areas during administrative procedures being conducted by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage with regard to deletions from the register of monuments. The Conservation Analyses Department co-ordinates the implementation of the procedure for acknowledgement of a historic object as a history monument and participates in work regarding the creation and dissemination of standards of documentation, research and conservation of historic objects. The activity of the Department in the field of protection of historic parks and gardens is particularly worth mentioning. It includes, among others, study and design works carried out in Branicki’s Garden in Białystok from 2006 till 2009 and the preparation of conservation requests and the resulting projects of regeneration of the palace park in Białowieża and the park in Trzebiny. The palace & park layout in Trzebiny is currently administered by the National Heritage Board of Poland – the Local Workshop in Trzebiny. An important task ordered by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage is the management of the regeneration of Muskau Park. Over 20 years’ period of regeneration works is a significant yet still fragmentary process of restoration of the full historical value of the park. The Institute is also responsible for the creation and putting into common use of standards of documentation, elaborations and manuals regarding the protection of cultural heritage that are addressed to a wide group of recipients, an example of which is the Methodological guide to the elaboration of communal monument care programmes. The international co-operation with Eastern states has been carried out by NHBP and its predecessors for many years, including the „Nieśwież Academy” Postgraduate Summer School and cooperation with the Trakai Historical National Park in Lithuania. All activities being handled by the Conservation Analyses Department of the National Heritage Board of Poland are subject and may become subject to modifications, depending on the orders of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the needs of voivodeship monument conservators and other institutions and the emerging topics that must be solved urgently. Currently the Conservation Analyses Department employs 14 persons. They build an interdisciplinary team consisting of a group of historians of art, monument experts – conservators, landscape architects, an architect and a lawyer – persons with a large professional experience and significant achievements.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2012, 1-2; 101-110
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Historyczne parki i ogrody na Liście światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO
Historical parks and gardens on the UNESCO World Heritage List
Furmanik, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
historyczne parki i ogrody
światowe dziedzictwo
Lista światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO
Konwencja światowego dziedzictwa
kryteria wpisu
wyjątkowa uniwersalna wartość
historic parks and gardens
world heritage
UNESCO World Heritage List
World Heritage Convention
criteria for the inscription
Outstanding Universal Value
Na Liście światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO znajduje się obecnie 77 historycznych parków i ogrodów, które społeczność międzynarodowa uznała za dziedzictwo kulturowe o znaczeniu światowym. Ich analiza wykazała, że reprezentują kilka głównych cech, które kwalifikują je jako światowe dziedzictwo: są wybitnymi przykładami różnych stylów sztuki ogrodowej, a ich kompozycja i elementy wskazują cechy charakterystyczne dla danego stylu; ich właścicielami i twórcami są często znane osobistości, które zasłużyły się w historii świata, wybitni artyści, planiści, projektanci ogrodów, architekci; często cechuje je pionierskie podejście do sztuki ogrodowej, a także planowania przestrzennego, dzięki czemu były inspiracją dla kolejnych miejsc, projektantów i właścicieli ogrodów na całym świecie; niektóre niosą ze sobą wartości niematerialne: religijne, duchowe, są inspiracją dla poezji czy innego wymiaru sztuki (np. malarstwa, muzyki, architektury, produkcji tkanin i dywanów).
The UNESCO World Heritage List consists of 77 historic parks and gardens, which the international community recognized as the cultural heritage of world importance. Analysis of these properties showed that they present some of the characteristic attributes that qualify them as a world heritage: they are outstanding examples of different styles of garden art, and their composition and elements indicate the characteristics of the style; the owners and creators are often famous in the history of the world, or were outstanding artists, planners, designers of gardens, architects; they were often places of pioneering approach to the art of gardening, as well as spatial planning, which were the inspiration for other properties, designers and garden owners worldwide; some of them carry intangible values: religious, spiritual, inspire poetry, or another forms of art (e.g. painting, music, architecture, production of fabrics and carpets).
Ochrona Zabytków; 2016, 1; 259-301
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Niematerialne dziedzictwo kulturowe w świetle ochrony i promowania różnorodności form wyrazu kulturowego
Intangible cultural heritage in the light of protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions
Ratajski, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
niematerialne dziedzictwo kulturowe
Konwencja w sprawie ochrony niematerialnego dziedzictwa kulturowego z 2003 roku
Konwencja w sprawie ochrony i promowania różnorodności form wyrazu kulturowego z 2005 roku
Konwencja w sprawie ochrony dziedzictwa kulturalnego i naturalnego z 1972 roku
Program UNESCO Pamięć Świata
społeczność lokalna
dziedzictwo materialne
zrównoważony rozwój
dialog pokoju
dialog kultur
różnorodność wyrazu kulturowego
lista reprezentatywna niematerialnego dziedzictwa kulturowego ludzkości
lista światowego dziedzictwa
polityka kulturalna
polityka rozwojowa
kultura narodowa
kultura lokalna
dobra kultury
przemysły kultury
Milenijne Cele Rozwoju ONZ
prawa człowieka
The article refers to two UNESCO conventions adopted by Poland in recent years: The Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of 2003 and the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions of 2005. On one hand, comparing the content of these documents allows better understanding of the keynote of the concept of safeguarding intangible national heritage applied by UNESCO, and, on the other hand, this guiding principle shows the long distance covered while shaping the vision of cultural heritage over forty years from the establishment of the Convention on Safeguarding the Cultural and Natural Heritage in 1972. To complete the picture, UNESCO’s “Memory of the World” Programme of 1992, concerning safeguarding the documentary heritage, including the digital heritage, must be mentioned. These documents capture the diverse landscape of human cultural heritage, being complementary to each other. They are permeated by the principles of the protection and promotion of the heritage to varying degrees: equality, diversity, equivalency, share in the sustainable development, importance of an individual creator, and also an important role of the local community in this process. They indicate the evolution of the development conditions based on the cultural awareness, sense of identity, formed in the process of gradual identification of one’s own tangible and intangible heritage. They emphasize the possibility of a significant participation of culture in development. The Preamble to the Convention from 2005 contains provisions which formulate principles in a clear way, and also shed light on understanding other UNESCO conventions and programmes, especially on the particularly important Convention from 2003. The principle of non-evaluation, which applies to making new entries on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, so difficult to understand in the light of the experience related to the application of the criteria for making new entries on the World Heritage List, in accordance with the Convention on Protection of the Cultural and Natural Heritage from 1972, gains importance in the perspective of “cultural diversity forming a common heritage of humanity” and being “a mainspring for sustainable development for communities, peoples and nations”. The Convention emphasizes the importance of culture for social cohesion; developmental role of exchanges and interactions between cultures based on freedom of thought, expression and information, as well as diversity of media; the importance of linguistic diversity; the importance of vitality of cultures, including for persons who belong to minorities and indigenous people, as “manifested in their freedom to create, disseminate and distribute their traditional, cultural expressions and to have access thereto, so as to benefit them for their own development”. These statements give special meaning to the main thoughts of the Convention of 2003, which indicates the fundamental importance of the local community and individual carriers in ensuring vitality of the intangible heritage as a basic condition for its protection. Hence the differences in determination of goods added to the lists established on the basis of the Convention of 1972 and of 2003. In the first case, the dominating principle is the principle of selection of the most outstanding works in a given field, based on the methodology determined by specialists using the criteria of European historical and aesthetic tradition. In the case of the Convention of 2003, there was a clear evolution towards the recognition of the values of cultural phenomena rooted in the local context, proving, first of all, the diversity and authenticity of these phenomena, with their significance in creating the culture for the local community and as a manifestation of their identity, and, with the use of tools for the protection of these phenomena/ elements, may participate in the dialogue of cultures on the national and global scale. The process of the implementation of the Convention gives a huge chance to prepare a methodology consistent with the assumptions of the Convention of 2003, by means of activities that aim at creating the national register of the intangible heritage, and thus recognize, disseminate and maintain the richness of intangible culture in Poland which, as a result of a well conducted cultural policy consistent with the principles of the Convention of 2005, should be present in the developmental processes of our country in a creative manner.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2014, 1; 5-18
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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